communication skills

Post on 27-May-2015

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presented by Dr.Prudhvi Raj, English & Foreign Languages university, Hyderabad


The Art of Communication

We Cannot not Communicate

Communication has a profound impact on our daily lives and relationships

The quality of our daily lives and relationships, and the nature and the quality of results we produce depends on communication

Communication BasicsEverything we do is

CommunicationThe way we begin

our message often determines the outcome of the communication

The way message is delivered always affects the way message is received

The real communication is the message received, not the message intended

The communication is two way street – we have to give as well as gather

Communication is a dance

Types of CommunicationPersonal or Intra-personal

CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationOrganizational CommunicationMass CommunicationSocial CommunicationTransformational CommunicationCorporate CommunicationGroup Communication

Basic DistinctionVerbal Communication

Non Verbal Communication

Verbal CommunicationWe may often think that, having good communication skills is all about the ability to speak well…..

Or all about “SPEAKING.”

We are right……But only 50% right. Because…. Verbal Communication has another very

important part…… “LISTENING”. “Speaking” + “Listening” = “Verbal


“LISTENING.”Most of the successful people I've known

are the ones who do more listening than talking. Bernard M. Baruch

“To listen well, is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well, and is as essential to all true conversation”  Chinese Proverbs

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus quotes

“Speaking.”‘To speak’ and ‘to speak well’ are two things. 

A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.  ~Ben Johnson

It is better to keep one's mouth shut, and be thought a fool, than to open it and resolve all doubt.   ~Abraham Lincoln

The words you choose to say something are just as important as the decision to speak.  ~Author Unknown

Speaking consists of two parts… 1) “What to Speak.” and 2) “How to Speak.”

1) “What to Speak.” Content development:*The first step is Brainstorming.*Second is Preparing*The next step is to choose a Presentation Format/ Storage System.

*The Final step is the Presentation itself.

Now let’s move to the next part of Speaking…. “How to Speak.”

“Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall.” Oliver Wendell Holmes.

How to speak guidelinesProjectionArticulationModulationPronunciationEnunciationRepetitionSpeed

ProjectionA loud voice can be misunderstood, as ‘anger or ‘rudeness’

ArticulationIncorrect articulation occurs because of carelessness on the part of the speaker

ModulationIf you do not vary the pitch, you will risk being labelled as a monotonous speaker

PronunciationOne has to take the trouble of finding out the phonetic sounds of words

EnunciationThe Indian tongue is not accustomed to the glides

RepetitionThe key phrases are used with different vocal emphasis for creating an impact on listeners

SpeedIf we speak very fast, we tend to slur and this amounts to loss of information

Non Verbal CommunicationHuman Body – The Medium of Message

Meaning of NVNon -Verbal Communication is the

message or response not expressed or sent in words -hints, suggestions, indications.

Actions speak louder than words.There is a distinction between the

meanings we ‘give’ in words and the meanings we ‘give –off ’ in NV signals.

Non Verbal formsEye ContactFacial ExpressionGesturesPosture and Body Movements

Eye ContactEyes are the windows of the soul

Facial expressionFace is index of the mind - Shakespear

GesturesGestures may reveal the mindset of the communicator and convey thoughts through voluntary or involuntary physical movements.

Posture and Body MovementsYour posture and your Body movements give important signals about your personality.

Impact of human message occurs

words spoken

Facial expression

Tone of Voice

THE ENDPrudhvi Raju. D, Ph.D (ELE)EFL University, Hyderabad

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