Concert Season 2013/14

Post on 20-Mar-2016

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Discover the 2013/14 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra season, including The Art of Bryn Terfel, a celebration of two of the 20th century's greatest composers with Strauss Edition and Britten Centenary concerts, Artists in Residence including Bryn Terfel, Christian Lindberg, Andrew Manze and Simon Trpčeski, and much more.


Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonicOrchestraSeptember 2013-June 2014

Vasily Petrenko Chief Conductor–Box Office 0151 709

The Amelia Chadwick Trust | Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation | The Claude Ballard SouthallMemorial Charity | The Coutts Charitable Trust | Sir Donald and Lady Edna Wilson Charitable Trust |Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund | The Earl of Derby’s Charitable Trust | The Eric and Dorothy LeachCharitable Trust | The Kinder Trust Award | The Foundation for Sport and the Arts | The GranadaFoundation | The Guido Charitable Trust | The Hemby Charitable Trust | The Hetherington Fund |The Hilda Black Charitable Trust | The J A Shone Memorial Trust | John Fairclough Charitable Trust |The John Thaw Foundation | Joseph Rowntree Foundation | The Leslie Bibby Fund | The Molly ForsterCharitable Trust | Pilkington General Charity | PRS for Music Foundation | The Ravensdale Trust |The Robert and Evelyn Maud Hall Charitable Trust | The RVW Trust | Sir Alastair Pilkington’s Trust |The Skelton Bounty | The Solomon and Isabel Blankstone Charitable Trust | The Standfield CharitableTrust | The Steel Charitable Trust | The Tavener Charitable Trust | The Wethered Bequest | Youth Music

Principal Funders In-Kind Sponsors

In Harmony Liverpool

Travel Partner Hotel Partner Higher Education Partner

Trusts and FoundationsCorporate Members

Principal Partners Media Partner

Other Public Funders


Thanks to the Cityof Liverpool for itsfinancial support

Liverpool Philharmonic is grateful to the following supporters

19-EIGHTY-2 | Alec Finch Group Ltd | Andrew Collinge | Essar Oil (UK) | O Liverpool John Lennon Airport | MgMaStudio/architecture | Pierhead HousingAssociation | Profile Education | R S Clare & Co. Ltd | Stack IT Group

2 Liverpool Philharmonic is particularly grateful for the support of The Kenneth Stern Trust.

And thank you to everyone who supports Liverpool Philharmonic through membership, patronage ordonations, or by donating their time.

The Kinder Trust Award | The Granada Foundation | Faith Primary School | The Rayne FoundationWest Lancashire Freemasons Charity | anonymous donors


Welcome from Vasily Petrenko Chief Conductor

are including, in an all-Brittenprogramme in November, The YoungPerson’s Guide to the Orchestra, whichwas given its world premiere concertperformance by this Orchestra on 15October 1946. We are also performingworks by composers who influencedBritten, including Mozart, Schumann,Schubert, and Mahler, whose music wehave explored through our MahlerEdition.

2014 is the 150th anniversary of thebirth of Richard Strauss. The prolificGerman composer wrote his firstcomposition aged six! Strauss Editionwill reflect the music of a composerwhose career spanned more than eightdecades. We will perform music bysome of the great Russian composersincluding Stravinsky, Shostakovich,Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninovand Rimsky-Korsakov; alongsidecomposers whose music is alsoamongst the cornerstones of music -Brahms, Bach, Haydn, Elgar andSibelius; and there is music that youmay not yet have discovered, someenjoyable surprises!

It’s a great pleasure for me to have theopportunity to stay in Liverpool as partof the Liverpool Philharmonic family.I am looking forward very much tocontinuing my relationship with ourgreat Orchestra, and with ourwonderful audiences.

The 2013/14 season sees some of ourmusical ideas of recent seasonsevolving, and we are introducing newones too. Four great internationalmusicians, Bryn Terfel, Simon Trpčeski,Christian Lindberg and Andrew Manzeare our Artists in Residence and theywill be involved in all aspects of ourmusic-making with the Orchestra, andthrough our learning programme.Their concert performances will featurerepertoire for which they have achievedworld-wide acclaim and which alsoreflects their personal musicalinfluences and interests. We lookforward to enjoying and learning fromtheir love and knowledge of music.

We are continuing our contribution tothe national celebrations marking thecentenary in 2013 of the birth ofBenjamin Britten. Our concerts willshowcase his astonishing range and we

Continuing our commitment to newmusic, we will give the world premiereperformance of Percussion Concerto byStewart Copeland, the former drummerof The Police and there are Liverpooldebuts by soloists and conductors, aswell as the return of familiar friends.The Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicChoir and some of our great principalplayers are in the spotlight in a seasonthat also includes our popular Pops andCoffee Concerts, festive season andFamily concerts, Chamber Music, newmusic with Ensemble 10/10 andopportunities to hear our youthensembles.

Find out more about the music throughour learning programme which includespre and post-concert, lunchtime andSaturday morning talks with guestspeakers, and opportunities to sit in onrehearsals and watch the Orchestraprepare for a concert performance.

I hope you will join us to enjoy moregreat music in Liverpool.


Critical Acclaim

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Information and Booking

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Critical Acclaim


Hugh Canning reviewsShostakovich Symphony No.10at the BBC Proms, August 2012

‘This was a world-classperformance of one ofShostakovich’s most personaland disturbing symphonies ... acry of rage and pain againsttotalitarianism, and Petrenkoand his players left us in nodoubt of this, the strings tearinginto their lower strings, thewoodwinds squealing, the brassblaring in anguish. I have rarelybeen more moved … Theinexorable allegro of the finalecrowned a sensationalperformance that brought theseated audience to their feet.’

Kimon Daltas reviews the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic Orchestraand Vasily Petrenko at the BBCProms, August 2012

‘One of the unique values of theProms is the opportunity tomeasure up so many differentorchestras in the same venue,and on this evening’s showing itwould be hard to name a singlereason that Liverpudlianconcertgoers should feelenvious of the capital’s riches.’

★★★★★ Tim Ashley reviewsShostakovich Symphony No.4February 2013

‘Petrenko’s performance ofShostakovich's mostcontroversial symphony,meanwhile, ranks among hisfinest and most uncompromisingachievements. Refusing to findso much as a hint of consolationin the work, his brutalinterpretation, less overtlyMahlerian than most, swivelledbetween unspeakable violenceand sullen despair. The RLPOplayed as if their lives dependedon it, and the sheer sonic weightof it all was at timesoverwhelming. Outstanding.’

Richard Morrison reviewsShostakovich Symphony No.4February 2013

‘…Under Vasily Petrenko, theRoyal Liverpool Philharmonic isin such punchy form that evenits forays into gloom and doomquicken the pulse ... it wasPetrenko’s steel-edged, hair-raising drive through theShostakovich that will stay inmy memory. ... the cumulativeeffect was like surveying thedebris of a catastrophe:shocking, tragic, numbing. Goodnews that these performers arenow recording the work.’

For the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra’sConcerts and Recordings


The Sunday Times 100 BestRecords of the Year;Rachmaninov Symphony No.2et al; Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra,Vasily Petrenko conductor(EMI Classics)

‘A wonderful cycle ofRachmaninov’s orchestralworks is emerging fromLiverpool under theevangelical aegis of thecharismatic young Russian.’

Catherine Jones reviews theperformance of Stravinsky’sThe Firebird, September 2012

‘There was a vividness and ashimmering intensity to theorchestra’s reading ofStravinsky’s inaugural workfor the Ballet Russes; arumbling, sotto voce openingwith the basses playinggrandmother’s footsteps, anda weightlessness to theswooping flight of massedstrings – replicated byPetrenko’s balleticmovements on the box.’

Classic FM ★★★★★ reviewsRachmaninov SymphonicDances, The Rock et al;Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra,Vasily Petrenkoconductor (AVIE)

‘A richly intelligentperformance ofRachmaninov works in anemotional, intense andfantastic recording. Puton the headphones, shutout the world and rewardyourself with an hour ofterrific musical intensity.’

Thank you!Thanks to the extraordinarygenerosity of hundreds ofmusic lovers, LiverpoolPhilharmonic raised morethan £300,000 in donationsfrom our supporters last year.Along with the investment wereceive from corporatepartners and grant-makingtrusts, this has helped tobridge the gap betweendiminishing levels of publicfunding and the running costsof a world-class symphonyorchestra and concert hall.

Your support this season willbe vital to our efforts to buildon the current success of theOrchestra and to protect theRoyal Liverpool Philharmonicfor the future.

‘Every year I am humbledby the amazing generosityof those people who feel aspassionately as I do thatLiverpool Philharmonic is avery special place in whichto make music. The wholeOrchestra and I are verygrateful for their belief inwhat we are trying toachieve.’ Vasily Petrenko, Chief Conductor

If you love music, theeasiest way to make adonation is to become amember of the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic.

To support the work of the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic Orchestra,whether on stage at LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall or in ourcommunities, working with thousandsof people of all ages including morethan 22,000 local children and youngpeople annually, simply choose yourlevel of support from the pageopposite.

We are grateful for yoursupport at any level and aredelighted to offer you thefollowing benefits inrecognition of your gift:

This year, as we ask you once again togive as much as you can afford, we havebeen successful in securing a majorgrant from Arts Council England thatwill allow us to match, pound forpound, every gift from a new donor, orany additional gift from an existingdonor. This means that if you are a newdonor, a £100 donation will be worth£200 to us. If, as an existing donor, youare able to increase your annualdonation from £100 to £200, it will beworth a total of £300 to us.

As we move ever closer to our 175thanniversary in 2015, you can help us tocherish this wonderful organisation andsecure its future at the heart ofLiverpool’s cultural life. We won’t beable to do it without you. Thank You.

To make a gift, become amember, or to find out more,contact our fundraising teamon 0151 210 2921 or


Bronze from£32.50





Bronze Membershipbenefits+Invitations toOpen Rehearsals+Membership of thePrivate Patrons Bar+Invitations toexclusive events+No booking fees andfree ticket exchange*

£120 opportunity todedicate a seat in theauditorium

£200 opportunity toadopt a Player in theOrchestra

*fees will apply to online ordersand groups (10 people +)

Priority bookingprivileges+Subscription toEncore magazine+Invitations to theAnnual GeneralMeeting

Silver Membershipbenefits+Invitation to our annualdinner with the ChiefConductor, musiciansand seniormanagement ofLiverpool Philharmonic+Opportunities to attendlearning workshopsand schools’ concerts+Advance notificationvia email when non-orchestral events go onsale and prioritybooking+Opportunity to adopt aSection Leader in theOrchestra

Gold+ Membershipbenefits+A dedicated member ofthe fundraising team tomanage your ticketrequests+Highest prioritybooking+Ability to book a spacein our Caledonia Streetcar park on concertnights+Opportunity to adopt aguest conductor of theOrchestra

Silver Membershipbenefits+Invitations toexclusive VIP eventsand launches+Invitation to annualChristmas Supporters’event+Opportunity to adopt aPrincipal Player in theOrchestra


All donations are recognisedusing these levels – for examplea gift of £100 to our BrightFutures Through Musiccampaign would automaticallygive you the same benefits asSilver Membership.


Subscriber BenefitsBuy ticketsfor 4 or moreconcerts andsave money!If you purchase tickets for4 or more concerts, youbecome a Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic subscriber.

Benefits include:

Better SeatsAs a subscriber you canorder tickets prior to themgoing on sale to the generalpublic. The earlier you book,the wider selection of seatsyou’ll have.

If you want the same seatsfor each concert, book afixed series (Henry ERensburg, Liverpool JohnMoores University, ClassicFM, Chamber Music, Familyor Marathon).

Discounted TicketsSave 10-30% depending onthe number of concerts youbook. (See page 76 fordetails).

Discounted Booking FeesSubscribers pay a flat chargeof £5 per order comparedwith £1.50 per ticketotherwise (credit/debit cardsales).

Exchange PrivilegesFind you can’t make aconcert? No problem. Justreturn your tickets to us atleast 24 hours in advance ofthe concert and we’ll giveyou a credit for anotherperformance within thesame season.

FREE TicketsBook tickets to 7 or moreconcerts and you’ll receive afree ticket to a LiverpoolPhilharmonic YouthOrchestra Concert (page 71)or a Discover the Classicssession (page 54).

Please note there is limitedavailability on Discover the Classics.


New for the 2013/14 season, we have invited fourinternationally acclaimed artists – the multi-award-winningWelsh superstar Bryn Terfel; Swedish composer, conductorand trombone legend Christian Lindberg (dubbed the‘Paganini of the trombone’); Macedonian pianist SimonTrpčeski, a Liverpool favourite whose recording of theRachmaninov Piano Concertos Nos.2 and 3 with theOrchestra won the coveted Diapason d’Or de l’Année inFrance; and Andrew Manze, one of the most stimulating andinspirational conductors of his generation – to become ourArtists in Residence.

These artists will each be residentin Liverpool for a set period, and will beinvolved in multiple concerts, talks,masterclasses and special events. Theywill also be participating in our learningprojects, working with young musiciansfrom our Youth Orchestra and InHarmony Liverpool programme.

We hope that each residency willallow our musicians and audiences tobuild stronger and deeperrelationships with these artists.

Liverpool Philharmonic


Photography Top: Bryn Terfel © Brian Tarr / Bottom L to R: Christian Lindberg © Mats Bäcker, Simon Trpceski © Simon Fowler, Andrew Manze © Felix Broede

Guest Artists


Lise de la Salle piano23 & 24 October

Lise de la Salle is pursuing animpressive international career and isperforming in the major concert halls ofthe world. Her first disc dedicated toRavel and Rachmaninov wasunanimously acclaimed by critics. Fourmore CDs followed all receiving greatreviews. Her 2011 recording of themusic of Liszt was awarded theDiapason d’Or de l’Année, the ARTECD of the month and was GramophoneEditor’s Choice.

‘De la Salle played so well that, formuch of the concert, the audiencehad to remember to breathe ... theexhilaration didn’t let up for a seconduntil her hands came off thekeyboard and everyone could finally

Find out more about someof the fantastic Guest Artistsjoining us in 2013-14.

Vilde Frang violin21 & 24 November

Noted for her superb musicalexpression, Vilde Frang makes herLiverpool debut. She has establishedherself as one of the leading youngviolinists of her generation since shewas engaged by Mariss Jansons at theage of twelve to debut with OsloPhilharmonic Orchestra.

‘The revelation of the evening, though,was the 24 year old violinist VildeFrang...Frang is clearly a new star inthe violin firmament.’ The Guardian

Xavier de Maistre harp13 & 14 November

Xavier de Maistre was appointed soloharpist with the Bavarian RadioSymphony Orchestra in 1995, and in1998 he won the USA InternationalHarp Competition. The year after, atthe age of only 25, he became solo harpof the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra,a position which he gave up in thesummer of 2010 to concentrate fully onhis solo career. His album NotteVeneziana has won great criticalacclaim.

‘Xavier de Maistre is a virtuoso of thehighest order, profoundly musicaland capable of realizing a remarkablerange of nuance.’Gramophone


Michel Camilo piano1 February

Grammy, Latin Grammy and Emmyaward-winner Michel Camilo is acomposer and pianist extraordinaire.A native of Dominican Republic, hebridges the genres of Jazz, Classical,Popular and Roots music and hasperformed with most of the world’sgreat orchestras. A pianist with abrilliant technique, his compositionsare often flavored with Caribbeanrhythms and jazz harmonies.

‘Michel Camilo is one of the top all-around musicians. Every time I seehim play, I feel like I'm witnessing amiracle.’Academy Award-winning filmmakerFernando Trueba, who featured Camilo

Mari & Håkon Samuelsenviolin/cello17, 19, 21, 22 & 23 December

The remarkable rise of Norwegiansiblings Mari (violin) and Håkon (cello)Samuelsen is the result of their artistryand enterprise. ‘A Christmas Concert’from Norway showcases theirmusicianship alongside the five-timeGrammy-nominated Trondheim Soloistsand a host of international talent. Tenyears on, this event is broadcast to over116 million households in the UnitedStates alone on the PBS network.

‘Dazzling in their intelligence, the twoplayed together as a mirror, withperfection, with great brilliance andvirtuosity - a joyful and optimisticperformance of the Brahms concerto.’Grazia Italia

Miloš Karadaglic guitar13 & 14 February

One of the most sought-after guitaristsin classical music makes his debut inLiverpool. Miloš Karadaglic isGramophone Young Artist of the Year,ECHO Klassik Newcomer of the Yearand Classic BRIT Breakthough Artist ofthe Year. In 2012 his recitals atLondon’s Royal Albert Hall, attended by30,000 people were described by TheGuardian as a ‘hypnotic and quiteextraordinary evening’.

Vadim Repin violin27 February & 2 March

Having worked with Vasily Petrenko ona number of occasions, Vadim Repinmakes his long-awaited Liverpooldebut. At 16 he was the youngest everwinner of the most prestigious anddemanding violin competition in theworld, the Concous Reine Elisabeth. In2010 he was awarded the Victoired’Honneur, France’s most prestigiousmusical award, and he also becameChevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres.

‘Mr. Repin was ferocious, fierce, neveronce taking his bow off the strings. Itwas not a robotic cadenza, but a workof personal energy, emotion, vyingwith the large orchestra, explodingwith rhythmic sforzandi. We werebreathless, Mr. Repin seemedperfectly cool.’

12 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts


Bryn Terfel bass-baritone‘A born communicatorwho loves words asmuch as music, he hasreached out toaudiences way beyondthe rarefied temples ofopera house and recitalhall . . .’ The Times

Bryn Terfel returns to LiverpoolPhilharmonic as one of this year’sArtists in Residence following his sold-out recital in 2009 and concertperformance with Vasily Petrenko andthe Orchestra in 2008.

He first performed with the Orchestra in1991 for their recording of Beethoven’sNinth Symphony with Sir CharlesMackerras. The combination of a greatvoice, immaculate diction, commandingstage presence and compelling acting hasmade Bryn Terfel the hottest property inopera throughout the world.

He is a Grammy, Classical Brit andGramophone Award winner. He wasawarded the Queen's Medal for Music in2006, an honour given to musicians whomake a major impact on the musical lifeof Britain. Master of the Queen's Music,composer Sir Peter Maxwell Davies,described him as an ‘inspiring figure’,not only for his performances in thegreat opera houses of the world but alsodue to his popularisation of music to awider audience through his concert andtelevision performances.

Liverpool Philharmonic


The Art of Bryn Terfel

Book now at 13

SpecialA Night at the MusicalsMonday 9 September7.30pm

Join the starry duo of Bryn Terfel andJohn Owen Jones, for a night at themusicals like no other! With songs fromBernstein’s West Side Story (‘I FeelPretty’), Andrew Lloyd Webber’sPhantom of the Opera (‘Music Of theNight’), Schönberg’s Les Misérables,Rogers and Hammerstein’s Carousel(‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’) and SouthPacific (‘Some Enchanted Evening’), andmore, this will be an evening toremember. John Owen Jones is anaward winning and record-breakingWest End and Broadway actor andrecording artist - probably best knownfor his performances as Jean Valjean inLes Misérables and as The Phantom inThe Phantom of the Opera. Bryn Terfel,of course, has won plaudits as a singer of1940s and 1950s Broadway musicals inhis recordings of these works and inmany live performances. –Tickets £30, £35, £40, £50, £65

In this two-week long festival,Bryn Terfel will be performinga wide range of repertoire,from songs from the musicals,to Puccini’s Tosca and Brahms’A German Requiem.

He’s also invited Welsh performersCatrin Finch (harp) and LlyrWilliams (piano) to Liverpool toperform recitals in St George’s HallConcert Room as part of the festival.

We are thrilled to be celebratingone of the biggest stars of theopera world, with a uniqueopportunity to experience hisversatility and incredible artisticgenerosity in the glorious settingof Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.

Please note that no subscription orgroup discounts apply to the concerts atLiverpool Philharmonic Hall in thisseries. Concessions are limited.

Robert Ziegler conductorBryn Terfel vocalistJohn Owen Jones vocalistSpecial Guest to be confirmed

‘Terfel is unique in being able toperform opera, Broadway songs andfolk ballads with total conviction,perhaps because he treats each on itsown terms and refuses to over-analyse. As he told me once before,“I don’t understand people who thinkopera singers shouldn’t sing musicals,because all the same rules apply forevery type of singer.” Daily Telegraph

These events are part of the Liverpool International Music Festival, 23 August - 22 September.During the bank holiday weekend the Orchestra and Vasily Petrenko take to a brand new stage inSefton Park for an evening of live music. For more information visit

Chamber SeriesCatrin Finch harpThursday 12 September7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

They call her the Queen of Harps – andCatrin Finch’s charm, poetry and sheermusicianship made her the naturalchoice to be the first Official Harpist tothe Prince of Wales in over a century.It’s also made her an international star.So it’s no surprise that Bryn Terfel waseager to invite her to feature in hisLiverpool residency; or that she’schosen some of the most enchantingchamber works of the last century, asshe teams up with Orchestra principalplayers in Ravel’s shimmeringIntroduction and Allegro. Frenchmagic – with a Welsh touch!–Tickets £25

Programme to include solo harpitems plus:

Debussy Sonata Trio for harp, fluteand viola

Andre Caplet Conte Fantastique for harp andstring quartet

Ravel Introduction and Allegro forflute, clarinet, string quartetand harp–Catrin Finch harpRoyal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra Principals

14 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

SpecialBach at LunchtimeWednesday 11 September1pm

After the show-stopping thrills of theopening concert of The Art of BrynTerfel, the bass-baritone demonstratesthe opposite extreme of his astonishingrange. Bach’s Cantata No.82 is sacredmusic at its most universal; profoundemotion distilled into pure serenityand it’s one of Bryn’s very favouriteworks. For this one-off lunchtimeperformance, he’s joined by adedicated ensemble of Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra players, andtwo of the Orchestra’s very own starsget to share the limelight in Bach’stimeless Concerto for Two Violins:music that you’re sure to recogniseeven if you don’t think you know it!

Please note this concert will last about an hour

–Tickets £25

Bach Brandenburg Concerto No.3

Bach Concerto for Two Violins

Bach Cantata No 82 ‘Ich habe genug’ –Vasily Petrenko conductorBryn Terfel baritone Thelma Handy and Adi Brettviolins

Book now at 15

Sophie BevanPhotography © Sussie Ahlburg

Liverpool John Moores University SeriesA German RequiemSaturday 14 September7.30pm

Imagine there’s no heaven…whenJohannes Brahms wrote his Requiem,he wasn’t thinking of judgment or theLast Trumpet. He wasn’t thinking of theafterlife at all. Instead, overcome by griefat the death of his mother, he set out toconsole and comfort the living. Theresult was his A German Requiem, oneof the most beautiful, most moving and– yes – most profoundly spiritual choralworks of all time. It’s the deep, calmcentre to The Art of Bryn Terfel; achance for him to show yet another sideof his artistry, and to share the stagewith Vasily Petrenko, the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic Choir and themagnificent young British sopranoSophie Bevan (recipient of The TimesBreakthrough Award at the 2012 SouthBank Sky Arts Awards) in a concert totouch your very soul.–Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40

Post-concert Discussion(Starts 15 minutes after the concert)Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko andsoloists from tonight’s concert answer yourquestions in the Grand Foyer Bar.

Brahms A German Requiem–Vasily Petrenko conductorSophie Bevan sopranoBryn Terfel baritone

Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir–Classic Intro 6.15pmThe Royal Philharmonic Society, which iscelebrating its two-hundredth birthday thisyear, gave the UK premiere of Brahms’A German Requiem. Speakers tonight includesocial historian Dr. Leanne Langley, DarrenHenley, Managing Director of Classic FM andTom Hutchinson from the RPS. They willexplore the concept and role of a‘Philharmonic Society’.

This concert celebrates the RoyalPhilharmonic Society Bicentenary 1813-2013.

–Sponsored by

Please note there will be no interval at thisconcert.

Chamber SeriesLlyr Williams pianoSunday 15 September6.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

Llyr Williamswas born in a villagenear Wrexham and over the pastdecade he’s emerged as one of the mostcommanding, intelligent andconsistently inspiring pianists of hisgeneration. As the winner of the 2012South Bank Sky Arts Award forClassical Music, it’s not hard to see whyBryn Terfel has personally invitedWilliams to participate in his Liverpoolresidency, and he’s chosen a trulyspectacular programme. Williamsopens with Beethoven’s most brilliantpiano sonata before tackling the huge,flamboyant piano transcriptions thatLiszt wrestled out of the grandestoperas of Verdi and Wagner. Greattunes, mountainous grandeur, andpiano playing to take the breath away:a piano recital for aficionados andnewcomers alike.–Tickets £25

Beethoven Piano Sonata Op.14 No.2Piano Sonata in C, Op.53 in C‘Waldstein’

Liszt/Verdi Rigoletto paraphraseIl Trovatore: Miserere

Liszt/Wagner Tannhäuser paraphraseLohengrin paraphraseTristan and Isolde: Liebestod

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic ChoirPhotography © Mark McNulty

16 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

SpecialSunday Afternoon ClassicsPuccini’s Tosca Friday 20 September 7.30pm& Sunday 22 September 2.30pm

Rome, 1800: as Revolution stalks thestreets, two young artists findthemselves fleeing for their lives. Whatprice will they be prepared to pay forfreedom – or for love? With its thrillingplot, unforgettable characters andsoaring passion, Puccini’s Tosca is theultimate romantic opera, and melodieslike Vissi d’arte, Recondita armoniaand E lucevan le stelle have made itone of the world’s best-loved operas forover a century. Bryn Terfel has chosenhis own Tosca and Cavaradossi withother roles coming from the Liverpool-based European Opera Centre. VasilyPetrenko conducts, and Terfel reprisesone of his supreme roles – thedangerously charismatic Baron Scarpia– in this dramatic concert performance.An unmissable climax to the The Art ofBryn Terfel.

Sung in Italian with English subtitles–Tickets £30, £35, £40, £50, £65

Puccini Tosca –Viktoria Yastrebova sopranoToscaVladimir Galouzine tenorCavaradossiBryn Terfel baritone Scarpia

and singers from theEuropean Opera Centre

Vasily Petrenko conductorRoyal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir–This concert is linked to:Discover the ClassicsSee p.54 for more information

The European Opera Centre is funded withsupport from the European Commission.

Henry E Rensburg SeriesPetrenko’s ShostakovichThursday 26 September7.30pm

When Vasily Petrenko and theOrchestra play Russian music,something very special happens:something that makes critics around theworld sit up and take notice.Stravinsky’s colourful ritual of jazz-ageParis rings up the curtain, before thestrings of the orchestra have their say inTchaikovsky’s gloriously romanticSerenade for Strings. And then theOrchestra join forces with the men ofthe Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicChoir and the Huddersfield ChoralSociety to deliver the final instalmentin their internationally-acclaimedShostakovich symphony cycle – thedark and deeply-felt ThirteenthSymphony, a timeless protest againstinhumanity and prejudice. Critics havedescribed Petrenko’s Shostakovichrecordings as ‘profound andpassionate’. Make sure you’re there forthis landmark in Liverpool’s musicalhistory.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Stravinsky Symphonies of Wind Instruments(1947 version)

Tchaikovsky Serenade for Strings

Shostakovich Symphony No.13 ‘Babi Yar’ –Vasily Petrenko conductorAlexander Tsymbalyuk bass

Male voices of the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic ChoirandHuddersfield Choral Society–Sponsored by

Book now at 17

18 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Classic FM SeriesBeethoven’s BestWednesday 2 &Thursday 3 October7.30pm

200 years ago, two giants were born.Giuseppe Verdi made Italian operablaze with an unquenchable fire, andRichard Wagner created whole newuniverses of sound. Tonight the youngBritish conductor Andrew Gourlaytoasts them both – and then unleashesthe daddy of them all: Ludwig vanBeethoven. Two centuries on, no fournotes still sound more electrifying thanthe opening hammerblows ofBeethoven’s stupendous FifthSymphony – but the rest of thesymphony is even more powerful! Hearevery note tonight, and hear a realLiverpool favourite, locally-bornpianist Paul Lewis, as he explores thelight, the shadows and the deep, darkpoetry of Beethoven’s most personalpiano concerto. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Wagner Prelude to ‘Die Meistersinger’

Beethoven Piano Concerto No.3

Verdi Overture, The Sicilian Vespers

Beethoven Symphony No.5 –Andrew Gourlay conductorPaul Lewis piano–Post-concert DiscussionThursday 3 October(Starts 15 minutes after the concert)

Conductor Andrew Gourlay and pianist PaulLewis answer your questions about tonight’sperformance in the Grand Foyer Bar.

–Thursday 3 October sponsored by

Paul LewisPhotography © Josep Molina

Book now at 19

Henning KraggerudPhotography © Robert Romik

Henry E Rensburg SeriesSunday Afternoon ClassicsThe Great RomanticsThursday 10 October 7.30pmSunday 13 October 2.30pm

Mahler’s Fifth Symphony begins in thedarkest depths of the human soul. Bythe end, it’s raising the roof, as a wholeorchestra seems to dance and shout forjoy. It’s an incredible journey, andalong the way you’ll hear deliriouswaltzes, terrifying storms, and thesweetest, most tender love song anycomposer ever wrote: the unforgettableAdagietto. Our guest conductorThomas Dausgaard knows how to setpulses racing – and he’ll do exactly thatwhen he joins the Norwegian violinistHenning Kraggerud in the sweet andsultry first concerto by adoptedLiverpudlian Max Bruch, who wasPrincipal Conductor from 1880 to1883. Maybe, just maybe, the mostromantic violin concerto of all time!–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Bruch Violin Concerto No.1

Mahler Symphony No.5 –Thomas Dausgaard conductorHenning Kraggerud violin –Thursday 10 October sponsored by

PopsWhat the World Needs Now ...The Music of Burt Bacharach Thursday 17 October7.30pm

Burt Bacharach wrote the kind oftunes that you know without evenrealising it. Raindrops Keep Falling OnMy Head, Do You Know The Way toSan Jose?, Alfie, Walk On By … they’rethe super-suave soundtrack to an era:the easiest of easy listening, with anirresistible swing. Tonight theOrchestra and an all-star cast enjoy adifferent kind of classic – and givethem the deluxe treatment. Sit back,pour yourself an imaginary martini andlet the silky strings of our fullsymphony orchestra and the show-stopping voices of top West Endsingers smooth your cares away. –Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40

Programme includes:Magic Moments, Do You KnowThe Way to San Jose?, Trains andBoats and Planes, Close to You,What’s New Pussycat, I’ll NeverFall in Love Again, CasinoRoyale, Alfie, Arthur’s Theme,and What the World Needs Now–Richard Balcombe conductorGraham Bickley vocalistAlison Jiear vocalistMary Carewe vocalistSarah Lark vocalist–Sponsored by

20 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Burt Bacharach

Book now at 21

Classic FM SeriesRomantic RachmaninovWednesday 23 &Thursday 24 October7.30pm

Liverpool prides itself on finding newtalent, and today we’re thrilled towelcome two of the most dynamicyoung artists on the current scene,making their Liverpool debuts in oneexplosive concert. The award-winning26-year-old conductor JoshuaWeilerstein kicks off with Verdi’smelodramatic overture, beforeunleashing all his energy and verve onProkofiev’s heart-rending ballet suite –so much more than just the theme toThe Apprentice! And when thestunning French pianist Lise de laSalle joins him in Rachmaninov’sglittering First Piano Concerto; well,expect the sparks to light up the HopeStreet sky.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Verdi Overture, Nabucco

RachmaninovPiano Concerto No.1

Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet Suite –Joshua Weilerstein conductor Lise de la Salle piano

Lise de la SallePhotography © Gallois


‘As ever, themagnificence of theorchestra at the Philoutshines anythingelse. The conductorand musicians are asight to behold.’Audience Member 2012

Musicians of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra in concert, rehearsal and backstagePhotography © Mark McNulty


24 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

As part of the Britten 100 celebration,the Orchestra will explore the music of aman who spent his life building musicalinstitutions and promoting outreach toencourage a wider audience, particularlychildren, to enjoy music. You can hearThe Young Person’s Guide to theOrchestra in an all-Britten programmeon Thursday 21 November.

The centenary starts with a performanceof the Suite from Death in Venice onFriday 1 November, the month of hisbirth, alongside Symphony No.15 byShostakovich, a great friend of Britten’s.It will culminate in a performance of hisorchestration of the music of Purcell onFriday 6 December as part of AndrewManze’s Residency.

Come along and enjoy themusic of one of the mostinfluential figures in Britishmusical history.

Friday 1 NovemberThursday 14 NovemberThursday 21 NovemberSunday 24 NovemberTuesday 26 NovemberSaturday 30 NovemberThursday 5 DecemberFriday 6 December

The Britten Centenarycelebration continues inthe 2013-2014 season asthe Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic pays tributeto one of England’sgreatest composers.

SpecialThe Rest is Noise:The 1970sFriday 1 November7.30pm

The 1970s: the decade of disco, bigcollars, and the Wallasey Tunnel. Butthree great composers were looking tothe future – and seeing magical newworlds. Britten’s Death in Veniceimagines a haunted city in music ofeerie beauty. His friend Shostakovichheard the beat of time itself amidstthe jokes and puzzles of hisextraordinary last symphony. AndLuciano Berio went back to the futureand customised an 18th-centuryclassic into a technicolor orchestralmystery-tour which was premiered bythe Orchestra in 1971. If you’ve heardVasily Petrenko’s performances ofShostakovich and Britten, you’llalready know to expect somethingvery special. If you haven’t, join us inBritten’s centenary year for adifferent kind of 70s nostalgia.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Berio Ritirata notturna di Madrid(after Boccherini)

Britten Suite from Death in Venice(arr. Steuart Bedford)

ShostakovichSymphony No.15 –Vasily Petrenko conductor

This concert is part of The Rest Is Noisefestival at Southbank Centre, where theconcert will be repeated on 3 November.The Rest is Noise is a series of concerts andevents bringing to life Alex Ross’s popularsurvey of 20th century music, The Rest IsNoise.

Liverpool John Moores University SeriesMozart’s RequiemSaturday 9 November7.30pm

The mysterious commission, themasked stranger, the deathbed struggleto complete the score…if you’ve seenthe stage play or the film Amadeus,you’ll know the stories behind Mozart’sRequiem. But the reality is even moreextraordinary. Hear for yourself,because our brilliant young guestconductor Alexander Shelley hasassembled some of the most vibrantnew voices on the concert scene to joinhim, the Orchestra and the acclaimedRoyal Liverpool Philharmonic Choirfor this performance of Mozart’s lastmasterpiece. First, though, we see twomore of Mozart’s many faces: themajestic choral drama of his rarelyheard Kyrie in D minor, and theglorious sunburst of his last andgreatest symphony. Sunlight, shadow,and melodies to die for.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Mozart Kyrie in D minor

Mozart Symphony No.41 ‘Jupiter’

Mozart Requiem –Alexander Shelley conductor Lydia Teuscher sopranoJennifer Johnstonmezzo-soprano Benjamin Hulett tenor Alexander Knop bass

Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir –Sponsored by

Book now at 25

26 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Classic FM SeriesColours of the SouthWednesday 13& Thursday 14 November7.30pm

So you thought the harp was just forangels? Then prepare for a rethink, aswe welcome the charismatic Xavier deMaistre – the world-famous Frenchharpist who plays like the very devil.Once you’ve heard his interpretation ofRodrigo’s hugely popular Concierto deAranjuez, you’ll never think of BrassedOff again! He’s the perfect partner forthe inspirational French conductorAlexandre Bloch – making hisLiverpool debut in the wake of hisspectacular triumph in the 2012Donatella Flick ConductingCompetition – and it’s the perfectcentrepiece to an evening of Frenchmusic at its most sumptuous, sweepingfrom Debussy’s gorgeousimpressionistic seascape to Ravel’sdelirious salute to old Vienna. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Debussy La Mer

Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez(transcription for harp)

Ravel Alborado del gracioso

Debussy Deux danses for harp and strings

Ravel La Valse–Alexandre Bloch conductorXavier de Maistre harp

‘Bloch belongs to those conductorswho show great dynamism...amagnificent technique, alwaysconnected to the musicians, alwaysfull of energy.’ De Volkskrant (Amsterdam)

Xavier de MaistrePhotography © Felix Broede/Sony Classical

Book now at 27

Henry E Rensburg SeriesGreat Britten Thursday 21 November7.30pm

Fresh, bold, and pulsing with emotion,Benjamin Britten’s music sweptthrough post-war Britain like a blast ofsea air. On the eve of his centenary,Vasily Petrenko, the Orchestra and theChoir present an anniversary tributeranging from the volcanic Sinfonia daRequiem, through the atmospheric SeaInterludes from Peter Grimes, to thejoyous Hymn to St Cecilia. Making herLiverpool debut, Vilde Frang joins thesalute in the brooding wartime ViolinConcerto – and to top it all off, we revelin the energy, colour and sheer joy ofBritten’s exuberant The YoungPerson’s Guide to the Orchestra, whichwas given its concert premiere by theOrchestra in 1946 under MalcolmSargent. Share the fun as we say“Happy Birthday, Ben!”–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Britten Hymn to St Cecilia(Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choirunaccompanied)

Four Sea Interludes Violin ConcertoSinfonia da RequiemThe Young Person’s Guide to theOrchestra–Vasily Petrenko conductorVilde Frang violin Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir–Sponsored by

Sunday Afternoon Classics Britten and MahlerSunday 24 November2.30pm

Vasily Petrenko and the Orchestrapresent an anniversary tribute toBritten with a joyous twist. As a youngman, Britten hugely admired the musicof Mahler. The symphonic poemTotenfeier (funeral rites) later becamethe opening movement of his SecondSymphony. Vilde Frang makes herLiverpool debut in the luscious,deliriously romantic Violin Concertothat Korngold created from hisHollywood film scores. There’s onlyone way to follow that – with theenergy, colour and sheer joy ofBritten’s exuberant The YoungPerson’s Guide to the Orchestra, whichwas given its concert premiere by theOrchestra in 1945 under MalcolmSargent. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Mahler Totenfeier

Korngold Violin Concerto

Britten Four Sea Interludes

Britten The Young Person’s Guide to theOrchestra –Vasily Petrenko conductorVilde Frang violin –Classic Intro 1.15pmDr. Philip Reed, editor of Letters from a Life:The Letters of Benjamin Britten talks aboutthe music of Britten. Dr. Reed wasMusicologist at the Britten-Pears Library,Aldeburgh, for more than a decade, and iscurrently Head of Publications at EnglishNational Opera. He has been co-editor of allfive previous volumes of Letters from a Life,and is now Editor-in-Chief of the series insuccession to Donald Mitchell.

Andrew Manze has rapidly emergedas one of the most stimulating andinspirational conductors of hisgeneration, this year returning toLiverpool Philharmonic as part of ournew Artist in Residence programme.

His extensive and scholarly knowledgeof the repertoire together with his rareskill as a communicator and hisboundless energy mark him out.Manze has recently been appointed thenew Principal Conductor of the NDRRadio Philharmonic Orchestra inHannover and is a fellow of the RoyalAcademy of Music. He also teaches,edits and writes about music, as well asbroadcasting regularly on radio andtelevision.


Photography © Felix Broede

Andrew ManzeconductorSaturday 30 Novemberto Friday 6 December–‘Manze’s rapport with theorchestra is a pleasure towitness and draws some ofthe most concertedorchestral playing you’relikely to hear anywhere.’The Guardian

Liverpool Philharmonic


Book now at 29

Classic FM SeriesBritten and MozartThursday 5 & Friday 6December 7.30pm

The whole musical world is toastingBenjamin Britten’s 100th birthday –so trust Andrew Manze to come upwith a completely original tribute! Inthe second concert during hisResidency, he takes his cue from thecomposers that influenced Britten.Schubert’s delicious little ThirdSymphony raises the curtain, andMozart’s heartbreaking 40th brings itdown; music that’s as vibrant now ason the day it was written. And inbetween, he shares two very differentmoments of pure poetry: Schumann’stender Piano Concerto, played byRonald Brautigam, and a jointtribute to the genius of Purcell,brought up to date by both Brittenand Manze himself. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Schubert Symphony No.3

Schumann Piano Concerto

Purcell orchestrated/edited byBritten and Manze Two pieces: Funeral March forQueen Mary, Chacony in G minor

Mozart Symphony No.40 –Andrew Manze conductorRonald Brautigam piano–This concert is linked to:Discover the ClassicsSee p.54 for more information

Liverpool John Moores University Series Britten’s InspirationsSaturday 30 November7.30pm

Few British conductors can matchAndrew Manze for musicianship andcharisma, and Liverpool audienceshave already taken him to their hearts.So we’re delighted to welcome himback as part of our Artist in Residenceprogramme – as he brings all hisimagination and verve to a very specialBritten tribute concert. Britten’srapturous musical dreamscape LesIlluminations is at the heart of thisevening, sung by Lisa Larsson, asoprano with a voice as pure and asenchanting as Britten’s vision itself.First, though, comes Schumann’simpetuous Faust Overture – one ofBritten’s favourite works – followed byanother of Britten’s inspirations:Mahler’s extraordinary FourthSymphony. It begins with sleigh bellsand ends in the soloist singing aboutheaven. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Schumann Faust Overture

Britten Les Illuminations*

Mahler Symphony No.4*–Andrew Manze conductorLisa Larsson soprano*–Classic Intro 6.15pmConductor Andrew Manze in conversationwith Angela Heslop from BBC RadioMerseyside.

–This concert is linked to:Discover the ClassicsSee p.54 for more information

–Sponsored by


‘Tinsel-trimmed violins,falling snow, stained glassilluminations ... a collectionof some of the prettiestcarols I’ve heard in severalyears – and a sense oflight-hearted fun.’Catherine Jones, Liverpool Echo 2012

Christmas Concerts with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra and ChoirsPhotography © Mark McNulty

32 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

SpecialThe Spirit of ChristmasTuesday 17 / Thursday 19 Saturday 21 / Sunday 22Monday 23 December 7.30pm

A Liverpool Christmas tradition,Liverpool Philharmonic’s glorious feastof Yuletide music old and new, withclassic carols and seasonal readings allpresented by our host – Classic FM’sJohn Suchet, back by popular demand– with a sledge-full of good cheer fromconductor Ian Tracey, our superbchoirs, and two very special guestsfrom Santa’s own snow-decked neck ofthe woods: Norwegian brother-and-sister phenomenon Mari andHåkonSamuelsen. Join us as LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall becomes a winterwonderland, and of course, be readyfor a good old festive singalong!–Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40

Ian Tracey conductorJohn Suchet presenterMari & Håkon Samuelsenviolin & cello

Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir

Liverpool PhilharmonicYouth Choir

Simon Emery LiverpoolPhilharmonic Youth ChoirDirector–‘We have attended for many years.This year's must be one of the best.John Suchet was an engaging andenthusiastic presenter ... The Choirand Youth Choir were excellent. Asalways, the Orchestra and IanTracey were superb. Thedecorations and special lightingeffects all added to a lovelyChristmas atmosphere. We lookforward to next year.’Audience Member 2012

PopsWinter WonderlandSaturday 14 & Friday 20December 7.30pm

When Carl Davis takes the podium,you know to expect one thing:entertainment. Tonight, as we beginthe countdown to Christmas, Carl, theOrchestra, and star vocalists HeatherShipp and Richard Morris crack opentheir musical selection box for aChristmas party like no other. Youalready know the tunes, and whetherit’s all-time family favourites likeWinter Wonderland, White Christmasand Santa Claus is Coming to Town ormodern classics like I Wish it Could BeChristmas Every Day, Carl knowsexactly how to get your Christmas offto a swinging start!–Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40

Programme includes:Winter Wonderland, Santa Clausis Coming to Town, WhiteChristmas, Have Yourself aMerry Little Christmas, SleighRide, Merry ChristmasEverybody, When a Child is Born,Silver Bells, I’ll be Home forChristmas, Little Drummer Boyand Mary’s Boy Child –Carl Davis conductorHeather Shipp vocalistRichard Morris vocalist

32 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Book now at 33

PopsMancini Magic& Hollywood GreatsMonday 30 December7.30pm

Join the Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra for a night of music by oneof America’s greatest film and TVcomposers, Henry Mancini. Take a tripdown Moon River from Breakfast AtTiffany’s, and have Two for the Road.It’s a Crazy World and The PinkPanther with be coming along as well!In a night of pure showbiz glamourwith a glittering hit parade of classictunes from the music of Disney (MaryPoppins and Pinocchio), John Barry’stheme to James Bond, the music ofJohn Williams and Over the Rainbowfrom The Wizard of Oz, amongstothers. Grammy award winner –Richard Kaufman, a Hollywoodveteran and Music Coordinator ofMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios fornearly 20 years will be with us fromsunny California with his daughterWhitney.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Richard Kaufman conductorWhitney Claire Kaufman vocalist

SpecialA Hollywood New Year’s EveTuesday 31 December7.30pm

Celebrate the last night of 2013 withthe Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra and Audrey Hepburn, HenryMancini, James Bond, Superman,Mary Poppins, John Williams andmore! It will be a night of pure showbizglamour, a glittering hit parade ofclassic tunes from the music of Disney(Mary Poppins and Pinocchio),Mancini’s Moon River, Strauss’ DieFledermaus overture, John Barry’stheme to James Bond, the music ofJohn Williams and Over the Rainbowfrom The Wizard of Oz , amongstothers. Grammy award winner,Richard Kaufman, a Hollywoodveteran and Music Coordinator ofMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios fornearly 20 years, joins us from sunnyCalifornia with his daughter Whitney.

Always a sell out – book early!–Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40

Richard Kaufman conductorWhitney Claire Kaufman vocalist

Whitney Claire KaufmanPhotography © Kevin McIntyre

PopsPirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black PearlFilm with Live OrchestraFriday 3 January 7.30pmSaturday 4 January 2.30pm

Shiver me timbers! Pirates of theCaribbean is one of the most enjoyableadventure movies of recent years – afabulous, rip-roaring yarn of daringand devilry on the high seas, starringKeira Knightley, Orlando Bloom and ofcourse Johnny Depp as theirrepressible Jack Sparrow. But we’llbet you’ve never seen it like this, asCap’n Jack and the crew of the BlackPearl set sail to the sound of HansZimmer’s and Klaus Badelt’sswashbuckling score, played live by afull symphony orchestra. All the action,all the fun…and all accompanied liveby the 80 musicians of the Orchestra.No cinema sound-system in the worldcomes close to the thrill of live music –so climb aboard. You won’t believeyour ears! –Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40(£7 children)

Richard Kaufman conductor

Pirate Voices from the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic ChoirTenors and Basses

Contains moderate horror and action violence

34 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Pirates of the CaribbeanPhotography © Walt Disney Pictures


SpecialMessiahSaturday 11 January7pm (please note start time)

‘I did see all of heaven open before meand the great God Himself’. Handelwasn’t exactly modest about hisMessiah – but since he’d just writtenthe best-loved choral masterpiece in allwestern music, you can’t really blamehim! Messiah is one of those piecesthat belongs to us all; it simply nevergets any less fresh, less beautiful, orless stirring. And no-one knows how tomake it dance like conductor OttavioDantone, the charismatic Italianbaroque music expert who caused sucha stir in Liverpool last season. Add theChoir, plus some of the liveliest soloistson the current scene, and this supremeclassic should spring to life like neverbefore. Hallelujah!–Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40

Handel Messiah–Ottavio Dantone conductorLucy Crowe soprano Patrick Van Goethem countertenor Daniel Johannsen tenor Matthew Rose bass

Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir

Henry E Rensburg SeriesBeethoven’s EmperorThursday 16 January7.30pm

‘Free but happy’ is the motto ofBrahms’s Third Symphony, and itbegins with all the exhilaration of asummer downpour. What comes next isone of the loveliest journeys inRomantic music, a world of rollingclouds, tender lullabies, and – at theend – a radiant sunset. Vasily Petrenkoadores this music, and the Orchestrahas been playing it since Brahms’s ownlifetime. Let them weave its spell again,and enjoy a real Petrenko rediscovery:Hindemith’s bold and brassy ConcertMusic, is a real showstopper from theArt Deco era. And the connection? Amasterpiece that both Hindemith andBrahms knew and loved, Beethoven’sstirring ‘Emperor’ Concerto played bythe spirited winner of the 2012 LeedsPiano Competition, Federico Colli.

‘Federico Colli, flamboyant in ascarlet cravat and cummerbund,aspired to high drama, launching theconcerto with a thrilling majesty thatnever let up…’ The Guardian–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Hindemith Concert Music for Strings andBrass Op.50

Beethoven Piano Concerto No.5 ‘Emperor’

Brahms Symphony No.3 –Vasily Petrenko conductorFederico Colli piano–Classic Intro 6.15pmStephen Johnson talks about tonight’sprogramme. Stephen broadcasts frequentlyfor BBC Radio 3, 4 and World Service and isthe author of Bruckner Remembered andstudies of Mahler and Wagner. He alsopresents BBC Radio 3’s Discovering Musicand is a regular contributor to BBC MusicMagazine.

–Sponsored by

Book now at 35

Sunday Afternoon ClassicsConcert MusicSunday 19 January2.30pm

‘Free but happy’ is the motto ofJohannes Brahms’ Third Symphony,and it begins with all the exhilarationof a summer downpour. What comesnext is one of the loveliest journeys inRomantic music, a world of rollingclouds, tender lullabies, and – at theend – a radiant sunset. VasilyPetrenko adores this music, and theOrchestra has been playing it sinceBrahms’ own lifetime. Let them weaveits spell again, and enjoy a realPetrenko rediscovery: Hindemith’sbold ‘n’ brassy Concert Music, a realshowstopper from the Art Deco era.And the connection? A masterpiecethat both Hindemith and Brahms knewand loved, Mozart’s majestic 22ndpiano concerto, played tonight by apianist with a lifetime of experience. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Hindemith Concert Music for Strings andBrass Op.50

Mozart Piano Concerto No.22 in E Flat,K482

Brahms Symphony No.3 –Vasily Petrenko conductorNelly Akopian-Tamarina piano

36 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Book now at 37

Classic FM SeriesA Hero’s LifeWednesday 22 &Thursday 23 January7.30pm

What’s your idea of a hero? A greatartist, vanquishing his critics andreaching for the stars? A bad boyheartthrob with a dangerous glint inhis eye? Or just next-door’s petbulldog? We’ve got them all intonight’s concert, from Mozart’sdashing seducer to Elgar’s “friendspictured within” (including the four-legged variety). Vasily Petrenko bringsa wonderful new energy to the EnigmaVariations, before a super-sizedOrchestra launches itself headfirst atRichard Strauss’s barnstorming EinHeldenleben – in which the hero is(you guessed it) the composer himself.And he didn’t hold back: titanic battles,roof-raising triumphs and a steamylove-scene mean that this should beone of the undisputed climaxes of ourStrauss Edition.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Mozart Overture, Don Giovanni

Elgar Enigma Variations

Strauss Ein Heldenleben–Vasily Petrenko conductorJames Clark violin –Post-concert DiscussionThursday 23 January(Starts 15 minutes after the concert)

Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko and theOrchestra’s Joint Leader James Clarkanswer your questions about tonight’sperformance in the Grand Foyer Bar.

–This concert is linked to:Discover the ClassicsSee p.54 for more information

–Sponsored by



No orchestral repertoire wouldbe complete without hismagnificent tone poems and ourStrauss Edition series startingon Wednesday 22 January willinclude Ein Heldenleben,moving on to the Horn ConcertoNo.2 and also including anothertwo tone poems Don Quixoteand Don Juan. These concertswill be completed with works byother composers who eitherinspired his music, or wereinfluenced by him.

Wednesday 22 JanuaryThursday 23 JanuaryThursday 27 February Sunday 2 MarchWednesday 5 MarchThursday 6 MarchThursday 1 May

During 2014 the Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra will becelebrating the 150th anniversaryof the birth of one of the mostimportant and prolific Germancomposers, Richard Strauss.Having written his firstcomposition aged just six, hiscareer spanned over eightdecades and produced works inalmost every musical genre fromopera to lieder and concertos tosymphonies.

Liverpool John Moores University SeriesRhapsody in BlueSaturday 1 February7.30pm

Tonight meet Michel Camilo in a rareUK appearance. Dominican-borncomposer, pianist and all-round genre-crossing phenomenon, equallyentertaining in jazz, classical or Latinmusic, Camilo gives the first UKperformance of his riotously tunefulTenerife concerto – before showing allhis sensational keyboard skills in thework that won him a Latin Grammy,Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue. ClarkRundell gets the party started with ashot of neat musical tequila: Copland’sEl Salón México. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Copland El Salón México

Camilo Piano Concerto No.2 ‘Tenerife’UK premiere

Ginastera Four Dance Episodes fromEstancia

Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue–Clark Rundell conductorMichel Camilo piano–Sponsored by

38 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Michel Camilo

Book now at 39

Henry E Rensburg SeriesRachmaninov’sSecond Piano ConcertoThursday 6 February7.30pm

There’s a good reason whyRachmaninov’s Second is Britain’sfavourite piano concerto – and you’llget far more than a brief encountertonight! Pianist Denis Kozhukhin,who wowed audiences last season,comes from the same Russian traditionas Rachmaninov himself, and there’sno-one right now who’s betterequipped to unleash the concerto’s fire– and feeling. He’ll be an inspirationalpartner for the Norwegian conductorEivind Gullberg Jensen, who makeshis Liverpool debut with Stravinsky’sflamboyant oriental fairytale beforeshowing his own romantic credentialsin Brahms’ expansive SecondSymphony. Brahms never wroteanything lovelier than his Second: big,tuneful, and glowing with summersunshine, it’s the perfect escape from aFebruary night in Liverpool.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Stravinsky The Song of the Nightingale

Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2

Brahms Symphony No.2 –Eivind Gullberg Jensen conductorDenis Kozhukhin piano–‘Ideally buoyant, rhythmically alert,liberated conducting...a sensationalhouse debut for the young Norwegian’Financial Timeson Eivind Gullberg Jensen–Sponsored by

PopsGreat Movie ThemesSaturday 8 February7.30pm

The name’s Barry… John Barry. Butthis legendary British film composerwas much more than just the man whogave a generation of James Bondthemes style, swing and sex-appeal.From the wide open spaces of Out ofAfrica to the soaring emotions of BornFree and Dances with Wolves, tonightwe celebrate some of the greatestmovie music ever written – and savouragain the sheer thrill of Goldfinger,From Russia With Love, DiamondsAre Forever, You Only Live Twice andmany more. Expect silken strings,sassy brass and tunes that sound like amillion dollars. With Classic FM’sMargherita Taylor as presenter, relaxand enjoy ... we have all the time in theworld! –Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40

Nicholas Dodd conductorMargherita Taylor presenter

40 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Classic FM SeriesValentines Classics Thursday 13 &Friday 14 February7.3opm

This Valentine’s Day, give your specialsomeone a treat they’ll never forget: aromantic break for two, as maestroJaime Martin and the Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra sweep you toSpain. Eyes flash and passions rise; youcan almost feel the warmth of the sunand smell the scent of orange blossom inChabrier’s España and Bizet’s CarmenSuite. Guitarist Miloš Karadaglic–making his first Liverpool appearance –whispers sweet nothings in Rodrigo’stender Fantasía para un Gentilhombre.And then we turn the temperature rightup with Falla’s sultry Three CorneredHat and classical music’s last word inslow-burn seduction: Ravel’s Boléro. Itshould be a spectacular climax to anunforgettable day in the sun – and allwithout leaving Hope Street!

‘Karadaglic found a daring simplicityof delivery… a sleight of hand thatmakes Karadaglic not only a magician,but a serious and accomplishedmusician.’ The Independent–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Chabrier España

Bizet Carmen Suite

Rodrigo Fantasía para un Gentilhombre*

Falla The Three Cornered Hat,Suite No.1

Chabrier Habanera

Ravel Boléro –Jaime Martin conductor Miloš Karadaglic guitar*–14 February sponsored by

Milos KaradaglicPhotography © Margaret Malandruccolo

Liverpool John Moores University SeriesThe CreationSaturday 22 February7.30pm

‘When I think of God, I can only writejoyful music’ said Joseph Haydn. Andmusic simply doesn’t get any morejoyful than Haydn’s Creation. Inspiredby Handel’s Messiah and writtenspecially for British audiences, it’s twohours of sparkling wit, stirringchoruses and bright-as-a-buttonmelodies: complete with tigers,earthworms, hailstorms…and even theBig Bang itself! Operatic maestroRoland Böer makes a welcome returnto Liverpool; he’ll bring out all thedrama and fun, as the Orchestra, theChoir and a spirited team of soloistsperform the only religious masterpieceguaranteed to send you home whistlingthe tunes! –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Haydn The Creation(sung in German)–Roland Böer conductorJacquelyn Wagner sopranoBen Johnson tenorFlorian Plock bass

Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir–Sponsored by

Henry E Rensburg Series Don QuixoteThursday 27 February7.30pm

Richard Strauss claimed that he coulddepict even a knife and fork in music.So when he turned his imagination tothe tale of Don Quixote, the resultswere… well, hear for yourself, as VasilyPetrenko and the Orchestra summonup sorcerers, knights, windmills and awhole flock of bleating sheep! It’s amusical shaggy-dog story with thewarmest of hearts, and a greatshowcase for the Orchestra’s principalcello, Jonathan Aasgaard. First,though, Rimsky-Korsakov pops openthe musical Cava, before we welcome atrue living legend of the violin, asVadim Repin makes his Liverpooldebut in the sparky, songful concertoby the great Polish-turned-Britishcomposer, Andrzej Panufnik, whosecentenary we celebrate. Serious fun –and real passion. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio Espagnol

Panufnik Violin Concerto

Strauss Don Quixote* –Vasily Petrenko conductorVadim Repin violinJonathan Aasgaard cello*–Classic Intro 6.15pmStephen Johnson talks about tonight’sprogramme. Stephen broadcasts frequentlyfor BBC Radio 3, 4 and World Service and isthe author of Bruckner Remembered andstudies of Mahler and Wagner. He alsopresents BBC Radio 3’s Discovering Musicand is a regular contributor to BBC MusicMagazine.

–Sponsored by

Book now at 41


Sunday Afternoon ClassicsFire and IceSunday 2 March2.30pm

Richard Strauss claimed that he coulddepict even a knife and fork in music.So when he turned his imagination tothe tale of Don Quixote, the resultswere…well, hear for yourself, as VasilyPetrenko and the Orchestra summonup sorcerers, knights, windmills and awhole flock of bleating sheep! It’s amusical shaggy-dog story with thewarmest of hearts, and a greatshowcase for the Orchestra’s superbPrincipal Cello, Jonathan Aasgaard.First, though, the star-crossed lovers ofTchaikovsky’s ballet open the concert,before we welcome a true living legendof the violin, as Vadim Repin makes hisLiverpool debut in the ice and fire ofSibelius’ atmospheric concerto. Seriousfun – and real passion. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet,Fantasy Overture

Sibelius Violin Concerto

Strauss Don Quixote*–Vasily Petrenko conductorVadim Repin violinJonathan Aasgaard cello*–Post-concert Discussion(Starts 15 minutes after the concert)

Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko, violinistVadim Repin, and Principal Cello JonathanAasgaard, answer your questions aboutthis afternoon’s performance in the GrandFoyer Bar.

Vadim RepinPhotography © Gela Megrelidze

42 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts


Henry E Rensburg Series From the New WorldThursday 13 March7.30pm

You might have heard that ChristianLindberg is the world’s mostsensational trombonist. But he’s also abrilliantly original composer, aninspiring conductor, and quite simplyone of the most entertaining figures inclassical music today. He’s alwaysexploring new worlds. So what betterway to launch his Residency with theOrchestra than with his gloriouslyrefreshing take on a real Liverpoolfavourite – Dvořák’s New WorldSymphony? First, though, he sends upa volley of musical fireworks inLeonard Bernstein’s thrillingly physicalWest Side Story dances and the riotousfun of his own Peking Twilight. Holdonto your hats: Lindberg’s in town!–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Lindberg Peking Twilight

Bernstein Symphonic Dances fromWest Side Story

Dvořák Symphony No.9 ‘New World’–Christian Lindbergconductor /trombone–Post-concert Discussion(Starts 15 minutes after the concert)

Conductor and Artist in ResidenceChristian Lindberg answers your questionsabout tonight’s performance in the GrandFoyer Bar.

–Sponsored by

Classic FM SeriesPetrenko’s ElgarWednesday 5 &Thursday 6 March7.30pm

‘Rarely, rarely, comest thou, Spirit ofDelight!’ Edward Elgar headed hisSecond Symphony with a line fromShelley – and then launched it in amighty surge of golden sound. Sobegins one of the richest, darkest, andmost heartbreakingly beautifuljourneys in all romantic music. Is thisthe greatest symphony ever written byan Englishman? Vasily Petrenko andthe Orchestra will make a passionatecase, and they set the mood withrarely-heard gems by two of Elgar’sgreatest European admirers – thelovely little interlude that Mahlerdropped from his own First Symphony,and Richard Strauss’s bubbly mock-Mozart tongue-twister of a SecondHorn Concerto. It’s a fabulousshowcase for the Orchestra’s very ownPrincipal Horn player TimothyJackson.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Mahler Blumine

Strauss Horn Concerto No.2

Elgar Symphony No.2 –Vasily Petrenko conductorTimothy Jackson horn–Sponsored by


Book now at 43


‘I just wanted to say what aSTUNNING way to start theseason!! Tonight's concert wasfabulous, the choir were on topform and orchestra were asalways amazing! I left thebuilding feeling I had experiencedsomething very special, thankyou to all who took part!’Audience Member 2012

Musicians of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra in concert, rehearsal and backstagePhotography © Mark McNulty

Christian Lindberg has worked withpractically every major orchestra andconductor in the world today.

For a trombonist to achieve all thisbefore turning 50 is, to say the least,remarkable.

He now combines his position as ChiefConductor of the Arctic SymphonyOrchestra with guest conducting theforemost international orchestras andworking on composition commissionsfrom international orchestras,ensembles and instrumentalists.Following his previous exhilaratingperformances in Liverpool, he returnsthis year as an Artist in Residence.

Christian Lindbergconductor/tromboneThursday 13 March toFriday 21 March–‘Lindberg provided athrilling conclusion toNielsen’s Helios Overture.Only a Scandinavian couldbe so determined to makethe most out of the daylightwhile it lasts.’The Guardian


Liverpool Philharmonic


Photography © Mats Bäcker

SpecialAll Points NorthFriday 21 March7.30pm

When the piano whispers the openingof the 18th Variation of Rachmaninov’sRhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, itmight just be the most romanticmoment in any piano concerto, ever. Inthis grand finale to his LiverpoolResidency, Christian Lindberg teamsup with fellow-Swede Roland Pöntinento offer an unmistakably personal takeon this true romantic classic – butthat’s not even the half of it in a concertthat opens with Stenhammar’s rip-roaring Excelsior! and finishes with thesymphony that Sibelius conceived on asea voyage to England – and dedicatedto New Brighton’s very own GranvilleBantock. We heard last season howLindberg can make Sibelius catch fire;expect some serious voltage tonight asthese two Scandinavian legends wavefarewell – for now…–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Wilhelm Stenhammar Excelsior! Op.13

Rachmaninov Rhapsody on a Theme ofPaganini

Sibelius The Swan of Tuonela

Sibelius Symphony N0.3–Christian Lindberg conductorRoland Pöntinen piano–This concert is linked to:Discover the ClassicsSee p.54 for more information

Sunday Afternoon ClassicsClassical Symphony Sunday 16 March2.30pm

Prokofiev’s Classical Symphony goesoff like a rocket. And that’s exactlywhat you’d expect from ChristianLindberg – Sweden’s most flamboyantconductor, composer, trombonevirtuoso and all-round musical show-stopper. It’s a dazzling start to aconcert that ends with Dvořák’s much-loved New World Symphony. Andeven though we all know that it’s somuch more than the Hovis ad, just waitand see what happens when Lindberg’selectrical energy meets Dvořák’sglorious tunes. First, though – can atrombone really sing flamenco? Whenthe trombonist is Christian Lindbergand the music is Falla’s El Amor Brujo,the answer is a resounding ‘¡Sí!’–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Prokofiev Symphony No.1 ‘Classical’

Falla El Amor Brujo

Dvorák Symphony No.9 ‘New World’–Christian Lindbergconductor /trombone–This concert is linked to:Discover the ClassicsSee p.54 for more information

Book now at 47

Classic FM SeriesAll Points SouthWednesday 2 &Thursday 3 April7.30pm

Ravel sang the blues – and dreamt ofthe hot-blooded rhythms of his nativeBasque Country. Respighi took anenchanted musical tour of his adoptedhome city of Rome, where even thepine trees have a song to sing. AndPuccini imagined what it might be liketo write a symphony rather than anopera – but couldn’t help breaking outinto exactly the sort of tunes you’dexpect from the composer of LaBohème. Vasily Petrenko whisks ussouthwards – and after creating such astir on his last visit, pianist KirillGerstein should make Ravel’s concertosparkle and dance like never before. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Ravel Rapsodie Espagnole

Ravel Piano Concerto in G

Puccini Capriccio Sinfonico

Respighi Pines of Rome–Vasily Petrenko conductorKirill Gerstein piano–Thursday 3 April sponsored by

Kirill GersteinPhotography © Sasha Gusov

48 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Henry E Rensburg SeriesSong of the EarthThursday 10 April7.30pm

Mahler knew that his end was nearwhen he wrote Das Lied von der Erde,and he was savouring every minutethat remained to him. The result wasbeyond beautiful. Das Lied is all aboutthe sweetness and wonder of life,distilled into some of the mostrapturous music Mahler ever wrote.Tragic, yes – depressing, never.Liverpool audiences already know whatan incredible kinship Vasily Petrenkohas with the music of Mahler, and thiswill be his very first Liverpoolperformance of Das Lied. Add a rareperformance of the devastating firstmovement from the symphony Mahlernever lived to complete, and thisshould be one of the unquestionedhighlights of our season. Early bookingrecommended. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Mahler Adagio from Symphony No.10

Mahler Das Lied von der Erde –Vasily Petrenko conductorHelena Rasker altoToby Spence tenor–Classic Intro 6.15pmNorman Lebrecht, one of the most widely-read commentators on music, culture andpolitics, regular presenter on BBC Radio 3and author of Why Mahler? returns toLiverpool after his enthralling talk last year,to discuss Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde.

–Sponsored by

SpecialBach’s St John PassionWednesday 16 April7pm (please note start time)

Filled with emotion, a survivor of greatand terrible events tells his tale. As hesings of his friend’s betrayal andkilling, a great chorus becomes asurging crowd, and even the listenersare drawn into a drama ofoverwhelming emotional power. Formany listeners, Bach’s St John Passionis more like a Shakespearean tragedythan anything you’ll find in a hymnbook. This is music that demands to beheard – and as a great baroque singerin his own right, conductor PaulAgnew understands it from the inside.He’s assembled a team of singers whoshare his insights, and together withthe Choir, they’ll bring to life one of themost spiritual experiences in all music.–Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40

Bach St John Passion–Paul Agnew conductorRachel Redmond sopranoCallum Thorpe bassReinoud Van Mecheleu evangelistRoyal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir

Book now at 49

Classic FM SeriesClassical Music Goesto the Movies!Wednesday 23 &Thursday 24 April 7.30pm

You know that moment at the cinemawhen you realise that you’ve heard thattune before – but you can’t quite putyour finger on it? Well, tonight,legendary Hollywood maestro RichardKaufman reveals all, in the sensational3D sound of the Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra. You mightthink of the music of Elgar, Mozart,Strauss and Howard Hanson as thesoundtracks to Austin Powers, Out ofAfrica, 2001: A Space Odyssey andAlien – but it all sounds just asfabulous when you hear it for real!Featuring music from A.I., Flashdanceand Meet the Parents, and live visuals,this is a night at the pictures with aspectacular difference.–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Strauss’ the opening ofAlso Sprach Zarathustra(2001: A Space Odyssey),Mozart’s Concerto for Clarinet inA Major K622, second movement(Out of Africa), excerpts fromBizet’s Carmen (Babe,Flashdance, Meet the Parents),Hanson’s Symphony No.2, secondmovement (Alien), Tchaikovsky’sWaltz from Sleeping Beauty(Sleeping Beauty, A.I.), andElgar’s Pomp and CircumstanceNo.1, Op.39 (Austin Powers,A Clockwork Orange)–Richard Kaufman conductor–Post-concert DiscussionWednesday 23 April(Starts 15 minutes after the concert)

Conductor Richard Kaufman answers yourquestions about tonight’s performance inthe Grand Foyer Bar.

Ray ChenPhotography © Chris Dunlop

50 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Henry E Rensburg Series Don JuanThursday 1 May7.30pm

Richard Strauss’s Don Juan goes offlike a rocket, and you can almost smellthe Fabergé Brut in this swashbucklingmusical portrait of a great seducer inaction. It’s a breathtaking opener to aconcert that climaxes withLutosławski’s Concerto for Orchestrashooting joyful fireworks into the greyskies of post-war Poland. First, though,comes an even more brilliantcelebration – as the 25-year-old violinstar Ray Chen makes his Liverpooldebut with the bittersweet songs andzingy dances of Prokofiev’s ever-popular Second Violin Concerto. Threebeautiful miniatures fromLutosławski’s friend Górecki completewhat should be a memorable returnvisit for conductor MichałNesterowicz – who had such a warmwelcome last season. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Strauss Don Juan

Prokofiev Violin Concerto No.2

Górecki Three Pieces in Old Style forString Orchestra

Lutosławski Concerto for Orchestra –Michał Nesterowicz conductorRay Chen violin–‘Ray Chen can do pretty muchanything he wants on the violin.Chen makes a beautiful sound butdoesn’t get lost in tone for its ownsake; he knows how to make a soundthat feels exactly right for the piecein question.’ The Washington Post–Sponsored by

Henry E Rensburg SeriesDream TeamThursday 15 May7.30pm

The Orchestra throws down thechallenge. The piano takes centre stage– and Tchaikovsky begins the grandestof all Romantic piano concertos in thegrandest possible style. “Bothmusicians are bursting with fire, andseem joined at the hip” said one criticof the Petrenko / Trpceskipartnership – so imagine the electricitywhen they perform live, in a concertthat opens with Scriabin’s dreamyReverie and ends with the epicgrandeur of Prokofiev’s shatteringSixth Symphony. If, like so many,you’ve been thrilled by Petrenko’sShostakovich symphonies with theOrchestra, we think you’ll be knockedbackwards by this tragic masterpiecefrom the darkest years of the Stalinera: music whose message never getsany less powerful. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Scriabin Reverie, Op.24

Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1

Prokofiev Symphony No.6 –Vasily Petrenko conductorSimon Trpceski piano–Post-concert Discussion(Starts 15 minutes after the concert)

Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko and Artistin Residence Simon Trpceski answer yourquestions about tonight’s performance inthe Grand Foyer Bar.

–Sponsored by

Book now at 51



Simon Trpceski returns to LiverpoolPhilharmonic as an Artist inResidence (with the Orchestra and inrecital) following his performance in2012 with Vasily Petrenko whichprompted The Guardian to refer tothem as ‘one of the hottest pianist-conductor partnerships on the scene’.

Performing with many of the world’sgreatest orchestras and captivatingaudiences worldwide, Simon Trpčeskihas established himself as one of themost remarkable musicians to haveemerged in recent years. He isfrequently praised not only for hisimpeccable technique and delicateexpression, but also for his warmpersonality and commitment tostrengthening Macedonia’s culturalimage.

Simon TrpčeskipianoThursday 15 Mayand early June–‘Trpceski is honest, directand fully committed toevery note, bringing a sharpclarity to his performance.He can dance and dream,cry and console to thedemands of the music withsubtlety and style.’Jane Jones, Classic FM

Liverpool Philharmonic


Book now at 53

Sunday Afternoon ClassicsPetrenko’s ProkofievSunday 18 May2.30pm

A horn calls softly in the distance; thepiano sighs in response…it’s amagically romantic way to begin agreat piano concerto. But JohannesBrahms knows exactly what he’s doing,and the great Austrian pianist RudolfBuchbinder brings a lifetime of artistryto this loveliest of concertos. Fromtender opening to exuberant finish,you’ll never take a sunnier journey inthe company of a grand piano and asymphony orchestra – or find a morepowerful contrast to Prokofiev’sshattering Sixth Symphony. If, like somany, you’ve been thrilled byPetrenko’s Shostakovich symphonieswith the Orchestra, we think you’ll beknocked backwards by this tragicmasterpiece from the darkest years ofthe Stalin era: music whose messagenever gets any less powerful. –Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

Brahms Piano Concerto No.2

Prokofiev Symphony No.6–Vasily Petrenko conductorRudolf Buchbinder piano

SpecialBringing Down the House!Friday 23 May7.30pm

In 1931 William Walton took a greatnorthern choir and a massivesymphony orchestra, added a couple ofbrass bands – and blew English choralmusic sky-high. Big, brassy andshamelessly savage, Belshazzar’s Feastshocked audiences back then, and itstill knocks you backwards even today.There’s no more electrifying way to endour season, but Vasily Petrenko hasgot a few more surprises up his sleeve,from Britten’s joyous showcase for ourbrilliant Youth Choir, to a very un-English overture by Edward Elgar. Andof course, a world premiere: the firstever performance of a brand newpercussion concerto by StewartCopeland – yes, the Stewart Copeland,former drummer of The Police. Noquestion, the 13-14 season is going outwith a bang!–Tickets £13, £18, £24, £29, £36

BrittenWelcome Ode, Op.95*

Elgar In the South

Stewart Copeland Percussion Concerto World Premiere

WaltonBelshazzar’s Feast!# –Vasily Petrenko conductorMark Stone baritone#Neil Hitt, Graham Johns,Josephine Frieze, Henry BaldwinpercussionLiverpool PhiharmonicYouth Choir* Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Choir#

54 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

SpecialTrpceski plays ShostakovichSunday 15 June2.30pm St George’s Hall Concert Room

Good things come in small packages.We can’t squeeze the whole Orchestrainto the beautiful concert room at StGeorge’s Hall, but with Shostakovich’sbrilliant First Piano Concerto we don’tneed to! Brisk, irreverent andpositively crackling with wit, this isShostakovich at his irreverent best,played by a small team of Orchestraplayers under the direction of soloistSimon Trpceski – a pianist who makeseverything he plays spring to sparklinglife.–Tickets £25

Programme to include:ShostakovichPiano Concerto No.1–Simon Trpceski piano/director

54 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Book now at 55


Friday 31 January 12pm

Clark Rundell conducts Gershwin’sRhapsody in Blue with MichelCamilo, piano–Friday 28 February 12pm

Vasily Petrenko conducts Strauss’Don Quixote with JonathanAasgaard cello–Thursday 24 April 12pm

Richard Kaufman conductsStrauss’ the opening of Also SprachZarathustra, Tchaikovsky’s Waltzfrom Sleeping Beauty and thesecond movement from Hanson’sSymphony No.2.–Tickets £15 (no subscription orother discounts apply)

Join us for a series ofinformal concerts atmidday lasting about anhour, featuring the RoyalLiverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra.

Enjoy a delightful combination ofinspirational music and good companyserved with refreshments on threeafternoons throughout the year. TheOrchestra will be in casual dress andthe conductors will chat briefly aboutthe works performed.

These concerts will take place from12pm – 1pm (approx), preceded bycomplimentary coffee, tea and biscuitsin the Grand Foyer Bar from 11am.A free programme is included in theticket price.

Why not visit Rubato, our Café Bar, forlunch afterwards?

‘One orchestra making the right movesis the Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra. I went to see them performthe other day. Their charismaticRussian conductor, Vasily Petrenko,has inaugurated “coffee concerts”where he and orchestra replay thesymphony of the night before at noon,all tickets are £15, coffee and biscuitsare included, and the conductor talksto the audience. Hundreds of peoplecame to the last one’.David Lister, The Independent

Rakhvinder Singh, Joint Assistant leader, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic OrchestraPhotography © Mark McNulty

In association with Maestro Travel

Behind the Musicat Liverpool Philharmonic

New for 2013-14In addition to our regular, popularpresenter, Classic FM Creative Directorand Breakfast Show host, Tim Lihoreau,we are delighted to introduce JaneJones, presenter of Classic FM’s TheFull Works Concerts and the WeekendBreakfast Show.

Sessions take place onSaturdays from 11am to 1pmin the Rodewald Suite atLiverpool Philharmonic Hall.Tea and coffee provided.–Puccini’s ToscaSaturday 14 September Jane Jones presenter withBryn Terfel

It’s not your average ‘boy meets girl’story – and Jane Jones talks to bassbaritone Bryn Terfel about his 'tour deforce' role as the unscrupulous Scarpia,drawing out the backstage stories fromone of the world's best-loved operas.Linked to 20/22 September programme page 15

Discoverthe ClassicsJoin us to discover themusical, social and historicalstories behind some of thesuperb music, composersand artists from the RoyalLiverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra’s 2013-14 season.

Discover the Classics sessions featurecommentary by our host presenter,animated with short musical extractsperformed by Liverpool Philharmonicmusicians, plus opportunities forquestions, discussion and fun, livelydebate. A great way to spend yourSaturday mornings!

All Points NorthSaturday 15 MarchTim Lihoreau presenter withChristian Lindberg

Two for the price of one, this time,when Tim interviews the composer andthe conductor, Christian Lindberg. Onthe menu today are the stories of theKalevala, the opera that never was, andthe little piece of Norrköping, that willbe forever… Peking.Linked to 16/21 March programmes page 45

Tickets£15 per session / £50 per series(4 sessions)Claimants/students£10 per session / £30 per series

Britten’s Got TalentSaturday 30 NovemberTim Lihoreau presenter with conductorAndrew Manze

Tim Lihoreau talks to Andrew Manzeabout the man of the year, BenjaminBritten. Seeking inspiration from thelandscape of Aldeburgh, they look athow Britten looked to both inwards andoutwards for his inspiration: everythingfrom poets… to fellow composers.Linked to 30 November & 5/6 Decemberprogrammes page 27

–A Scouser Hero’s Life: Strauss EditionSaturday 18 JanuaryJane Jones presenter withVasily Petrenko

Does maestro Vasily Petrenko live ‘ahero's life?’ Jane Jones takes theRichard Strauss edition concerts as herstarting point inspiration when shegrills the honorary Scouse conductorabout his love of the 20th century'sgreatest musical picture painter.Linked to 22/23 January programme page 35


Autumn Series

Lunchtime ConcertThursday 3 October 11.45am

Works by Schubert, Grieg and TimothyJackson

Ian Buckle piano–Rehearsal VisitFriday 1 November 1.15pm

Music by Shostakovich

Vasily Petrenko conductorVilde Frang violin–Rehearsal VisitWednesday 20 November 12.45pm

Music by Britten

Vasily Petrenko conductor

LunchtimeLearningWhether you are new toclassical music or a regularconcert goer, join composerand lecturer Ian Stephensfor a daytime series ofinspiring music and relaxedlearning

Each event includes either a LunchtimeConcert performed by musicians of theRoyal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra or the opportunity toexperience full orchestra rehearsals atLiverpool Philharmonic Hall.

Each event also includes a 45-minuteinteractive workshop in the RodewaldSuite exploring the music to befeatured in the concert/rehearsal.Workshops include discussion, musicactivities and opportunities to socialise.Tea and coffee provided.

Please note that Orchestrarehearsals may not cover all listedrepertoire.

Tickets£15 per session / £40 per series(3 events)Claimants/Students£10 per session / £30 per series

Winter Series

Lunchtime ConcertThursday 23 January 11.45am

String Sextets by Richard Strauss andBrahms

Performed by The TorchwoodEnsemble, led by Joint AssistantLeader Rakhvinder Singh–Rehearsal VisitWednesday 26 February 12.45pmMusic by Rimsky-Korsakov, Panufnikand Richard Strauss

Vasily Petrenko conductorVadim Repin violinJonathan Aasgaard cello–Rehearsal VisitFriday 21 March 1.45pm

Music by Wilhelm Stenhammar,Rachmaninov and Sibelius

Christian Lindberg conductorRoland Pöntinen piano

Book now at 57


Saturday 14 September 6.15pmpage 13

The Royal Philharmonic Society, whichis celebrating its two-hundredthbirthday this year, gave the UKpremiere of Brahms’ A GermanRequiem. Speakers tonight includesocial historian Dr. Leanne Langley andTom Hutchinson from the RPS. Theywill explore the concept and role of a'Philharmonic Society': What were thefounding aims of the RoyalPhilharmonic Society in 1813 and theRoyal Liverpool Philharmonic, foundedin 1840, and how have bothorganisations continued to supportclassical music through the centuries?–Sunday 24 November 1.15pmpage 25

Dr. Philip Reed, editor of Letters froma Life: The Letters of Benjamin Brittentalks about the music of Britten. Dr.Reed was Musicologist at the Britten-Pears Library, Aldeburgh, for morethan a decade, and is currently Head of

Our free pre-concert talksand interviews with visitingartists and scholars are agreat way to get more fromthe performance.

The talks are free to allticket-holders.

Thursday 27 February 6.15pmpage 39

Stephen Johnson talks about themusic of Strauss, Panufnik andRimsky-Korsakov. Stephen broadcastsfrequently for BBC Radio 3, 4 andWorld Service and is the author ofBruckner Remembered and studies ofMahler and Wagner. He also presentsBBC Radio 3’s Discovering Music andis a regular contributor to BBC MusicMagazine.–Thursday 10 April 6.15pmpage 47

Norman Lebrecht, one of the mostwidely-read commentators on music,culture and politics, regular presenteron BBC Radio 3 and author of WhyMahler? returns to Liverpool after hisenthralling talk last year, to discussMahler’s Das Lied von der Erde.

Publications at English NationalOpera. He has been co-editor of all fiveprevious volumes of Letters from aLife, and is now Editor-in-Chief of theseries in succession to Donald Mitchell.–Saturday 30 November 6.15pmpage 27

Conductor and Artist in ResidenceAndrew Manze in conversation withAngela Heslop from BBC RadioMerseyside.–Thursday 16 January 6.15pmpage 33

Stephen Johnson talks about themusic of Hindemith, Beethoven andBrahms. Stephen broadcasts frequentlyfor BBC Radio 3, 4 and World Serviceand is the author of BrucknerRemembered and studies of Mahlerand Wagner. He also presents BBCRadio 3’s Discovering Music and is aregular contributor to BBC MusicMagazine.



The LiverpoolPhilharmonic Experience

Saturday 14 September page 13Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenkoand soloists–Thursday 3 October page 16Conductor Andrew Gourlay and pianistPaul Lewis–Thursday 23 January page 35Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko andjoint leader James Clark–Sunday 2 March page 40Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko andviolinist Vadim Repin–Thursday 13 March page 41Conductor and Artist in ResidenceChristian Lindberg

Wednesday 23 April page 48Conductor Richard Kaufman–Thursday 15 May page 49Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko andpianist and Artist in Residence SimonTrpceski

We’re delighted to continueour series of very popularpost-concert discussions thisseason. This is your chanceto ask questions of world-famous artists and hear theirperspectives on the music.The events are free to allticketholders and sessionsbegin 15 minutes after theconcert ends in the GrandFoyer Bar.

Discussions will last around45 minutes.

Tour dates are published from the followingdates:

Tours September-December 2013Booking opens 5 August 2013

Tours January-March 2014Booking opens 2 December 2013

Tickets are available at a reduced rate of£7 per person for groups or individualsliving within the Liverpool City Councildistrict. Tickets for groups andindividuals based outside of Liverpoolare £15 per person (discounts forgroups of 30 or more). Tours areavailable on selected dates only andmust be booked in advance. Specialrates for tours and music makingworkshops are available for educationalgroups.

Tours can be booked by calling 0151 7093789 or online at

The perfect introduction toLiverpool Philharmonic, TheLiverpool PhilharmonicExperience comprises of aguided tour of the uniqueArt Deco LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall as well asthe chance to watch arehearsal by the award-winning Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra.Refreshments are provided.

The experience lastsapproximately 3 hours.

Liverpool Philharmonic Experience sponsored by

Book now at 59

Due to scheduled backstage refurbishment work at Liverpool PhilharmonicHall, there will be no Lunchtime Learning, Discover the Classics, LiverpoolPhilharmonic Experience, SuperSing! or SuperOrchestra! in summer 2014.

60 Family Concerts


All Aboard!Sunday 20 October2.30pm

Alasdair Malloy presenter–All aboard! Get your tickets for a firstclass riotous ride with the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic Orchestra onboats, bikes, cars, carriages, roads,rails, ships, shoes, hooves and a yellowsubmarine!

We’ve music from the Titanic, ChittyChitty Bang Bang, Thunderbirds, andThomas the Tank Engine as well as asingalong of The Runaway Train andRob Lea’s exciting piece Pedal Power.

Don’t miss this exciting adventure inmusic and motion!–Tickets £10, £14(£6 children)

Rudolph on Hope StreetFriday 20 December 4.15pmSaturday 21 & Sunday 22December 11.30am & 2.30pm

Alasdair Malloy presenterLiverpool Philharmonic TrainingChoir & Melody Makers–Move over Frosty – Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer is coming to town thisyear in a one-hour holiday extravaganzafor the whole family. It’ll be a highenergy event as we invite audiences tosingalong with the Orchestra and Choirsto Christmas favourites including WhenSanta Got Stuck Up the Chimney, WhiteChristmas, and of course Rudolph theRed Nosed Reindeer. Bring those rednoses! Always a sell out, so please bookearly!–Tickets £12, £15(£8 children)

Liverpool PhilharmonicFamily Concerts bringchildren and adultstogether to experience thethrill of a live orchestra.

These one-hour concerts are agreat introduction to classicalmusic for children aged 4-10 andtheir families. Each concert has atheme and you’re invited to join inby wearing fancy dress. Fidgetingis allowed so come along and giveit a try!

Children are invited to have a goon a variety of instruments from2pm prior to each concert at ourInstrument Petting Zoo!

Photography Magic Piano © Breakthru Films


Book now at 61

Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the Black PearlFilm with Live OrchestraFriday 3 January 7.30pmSaturday 4 January 2.30pm

Richard Kaufman conductor

Pirate Voices from the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic ChoirTenors and BassesContains moderate horror and action violence

–Shiver me timbers! Pirates of theCaribbean is one of the most enjoyableadventure movies of recent years – afabulous, rip-roaring yarn of daringand devilry on the high seas, starringKeira Knightley, Orlando Bloom and ofcourse Johnny Depp as theirrepressible Jack Sparrow. But we’llbet you’ve never seen it like this, asCap’n Jack and the crew of the BlackPearl set sail to the sound of HansZimmer’s and Klaus Badelt’sswashbuckling score, played live by afull symphony orchestra. All the action,all the fun…and all accompanied liveby the 80 musicians of Orchestra.–Tickets £17, £22, £29, £34, £40(£7 children)Please note this concert is not included in theFamily Series ticket.

Magic Piano &The Chopin Shorts Sunday 23 February 2.30pm

Saturday Afternoonat the Movies Saturday 26 April2.30pm

Richard Kaufman conductor–Star Wars, Babe, Austin Powers, TheMighty Ducks…you’ve seen the movie,now hear the music! And if youenjoyed those great tunes in thecinema, just wait until you hear themplayed by the 80 live musicians of theincredible Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra. It’s theultimate 3D experience, brought to youby Hollywood maestro RichardKaufman and packed with hair-raisingthrills, catchy melodies, great storiesand visuals from the films. So if you’vebought your popcorn and found yourseat… lights, camera, ACTION!–Tickets £10, £14£6 children

Dinara Klinton piano–Another production from Breakthrufilms who produced the Oscar-winningpuppet animated film Peter and theWolf, the delightful Magic Piano film(Shortlisted for Best Short AnimationAcademy Award) tells the story ofyoung Anna and Chip-Chip, whoembark on an adventure of discoveryaboard a magic, flying piano. The filmis presented alongside The ChopinShorts, four animated films with cutecharacters and slapstick humour.

The Chopin Etudes that make up thesoundtrack to both Magic Piano & TheChopin Shorts are performed live onstage by the wonderful young pianistDinara Klinton.

This is a wonderful opportunity forchildren of all ages to experienceChopin's music alongside stunninganimation.–Tickets £10, £14£6 children



62 Ensemble 10/10 Concerts

The New Mersey SoundWednesday 16 October7.30pmThe Cornerstone,Liverpool Hope University

The new Mersey sound: did you realisethat we’re living in a quiet golden agefor contemporary classical music in theNorth West? Tonight Ensemble 10/10salutes some of its freshest and mostinventive voices. Edwin Roxburgh’sSerenata dates from 1982, and it’salready a powerful modern classic. Asfor Stephen Pratt and Anthony Gilbert– well, their music is so new that wecan’t tell you what to expect, other thantheir renowned imagination andvibrant energy. And the same goes forIan Stephens’ tribute to the late greatclarinettist Thea King, who lovedtelling limericks. Not that here onMerseyside any composer ever neededan excuse for a sly joke or two…–Tickets £10

Stephen Pratt Chant de Printemps World Premiere

Ian Stephens Thea Dances World Premiere

Anthony Gilbert new workWorld Premiere

Edwin Roxburgh Serenata

Benjamin Gait Till night is overgone World Premiere*

Ben Gaunt new workWorld Premiere*

* From composer on the Sound and MusicPortfolio scheme

–Clark Rundell director

Ensemble10/10ConcertsRoyal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra’scontemporary music group

Book now at 63

Requiem for a PolkaWednesday 6 November7.30pm St George’s Hall Concert Room

Don’t go with the flow? Britten’sSinfonietta is the first step on anextraordinary journey, and his teacherswere quick to put out the “diversion”signs. Henryk Górecki found a million-selling formula – but kept a pitch-black humour bubbling away under thesurface. Penned in the same year as theBritten, the late, great Hans WernerHenze kept coming back to this earlypiece (the 05 refers to 2005) eventhough he had felt the pull of a anothermusical universe. Three defining worksby three twentieth century masters,plus a typically energetic showpiecefrom Colin Matthews the composerwho’s been called “the IsambardKingdom Brunel of contemporarymusic” – each of them goingsomewhere magical, by the road lesstravelled. –Tickets £10

Britten Sinfonietta Op.1

Górecki Kleines Requiem für eine Polka

Henze Chamber Concerto 05

Colin Matthews Contraflow

Charlotte Harding Stride World Premiere*

* From composer on the Sound and MusicPortfolio scheme

–Clark Rundell director

Swedish SmorgasbordTuesday 18 March7.30pm Epstein Theatre

Stravinsky wondered about rewritingMozart…and then one night he had adream. The Octet that resulted doesn’tsound much like Mozart, but then, JanSandstrom’s Wahlberg Variationsdon’t sound much like car crashes orapes either. And if Stravinsky was atthe back of Christian Lindberg’s mindwhen he cooked up the devilishdelights of his extraordinaryKundraan’s Karma, he’s not telling.After all, inspiration comes in manyforms (and Lars Hollmer’s came fromSwedish folk and rock music), whenthe most brilliant minds in modernmusic are quite simply having the timeof their lives – and Lindberg himself isgleefully conducting, tromboning andstorytelling? Total anarchy, under totalcontrol, breaks out. –Tickets £10

Stravinsky Octet

Jan Sandström Wahlberg Variations

Lars Hollmerarr. Jarle G. Storløkken ‘Eyeliner’ SuiteWorld Premiere

Christian Lindberg Kundraan’s Karma

Patrick Jones Unfurl World Premiere*

* From composer on the Sound and MusicPortfolio scheme

–Christian Lindbergdirector/trombone

Catrin FinchPhotography © Sven Sindt

64 Chamber Music Concerts

ChamberMusicLiverpool Philharmonic’sChamber Music seriesfeatures performances bysome of the world’s fineststring quartets, vocalistsand recital artists.

Concerts take place in the splendidsetting of St. George’s Hall ConcertRoom. Considered by many to be themost beautiful room in the building,this 480-seat venue features elegantdecoration in white, honey, and creamand a cast iron ‘wickerwork’ balconysupported by female figures. A superbcrystal chandelier hangs in the middleof the room while Ravenhead glassmirrors situated at the back of thestage create stunning reflections.

Book now at 65

Llyr Williams pianoSunday 15 September6.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

Llyr Williamswas born in a villagenear Wrexham and over the pastdecade he’s emerged as one of the mostcommanding, intelligent andconsistently inspiring pianists of hisgeneration. As the winner of the 2012South Bank Sky Arts Award forClassical Music, it’s not hard to see whyBryn Terfel has personally invitedWilliams to participate in his Liverpoolresidency, and he’s chosen a trulyspectacular programme. Williamsopens with Beethoven’s most brilliantpiano sonata before tackling the huge,flamboyant piano transcriptions thatLiszt wrestled out of the grandestoperas of Verdi and Wagner. Greattunes, mountainous grandeur, andpiano playing to take the breath away:a piano recital for aficionados andnewcomers alike.–Tickets £25

Beethoven Piano Sonata Op.14 No.2Piano Sonata in C, Op.53 in C‘Waldstein’

Liszt/Verdi Rigoletto paraphraseIl Trovatore: Miserere

Liszt/Wagner Tannhäuser paraphraseLohengrin paraphraseTristan and Isolde: Liebestod

Catrin Finch harpThursday 12 September7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

They call her the Queen of Harps – andCatrin Finch’s charm, poetry and sheermusicianship made her the naturalchoice to be the first Official Harpist tothe Prince of Wales in over a century.It’s also made her an international star.So it’s no surprise that Bryn Terfel waseager to invite her to feature in hisLiverpool residency; or that she’schosen some of the most enchantingchamber works of the last century, asshe teams up with Orchestra principalplayers in Ravel’s shimmeringIntroduction and Allegro. Frenchmagic – with a Welsh touch!–Tickets £25

Programme to include solo harpitems plus:

Debussy Sonata Trio for harp, fluteand viola

Andre Caplet Conte Fantastique for harp andstring quartet

Ravel Introduction and Allegro forflute, clarinet, string quartetand harp–Catrin Finch harpRoyal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra Principals

Llyr WilliamsPhotography © Evy Ottermans

66 Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts

Dante Quartet with Nicholas Daniel oboeTuesday 26 November7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

With the sound of birds, the award-winning Dante Quartet make theirLiverpool debut. From the beginning ofHaydn’s ‘Bird’ quartet (its repeatednotes floating from the first violinprompting its fanciful nickname), tothe menace of the mystical creaturePan in the Metamorphoses after Ovidfor oboe, performed by the renownedNicholas Daniel, recipient of theQueen’s Medal for Music, this will bean exhilarating concert. Schubert’sintense Quartettsatz and his songlikeQuartet in A Minor from which heborrowed the beautiful Andante to hiswell-known Rosamunde, follow.Finally, the Quartet and Daniels willperform the Phantasy Quartet, a piecereminiscent of the Tudor court, as partof the Britten 100 celebrations.

‘Playing of spellbinding atmosphere’BBC Music Magazine–Tickets £25

Haydn Quartet in C major, Op.33 No.3(Bird)

Schubert Quartettsatz in C minor, D703

Britten Phantasy Quartet

Britten Six Metamorphoses after Ovidfor solo oboe

Schubert Quartet in A minor, D804(Rosamunde)

Dante QuartetPhotography © Giorgia Bertazzi

66 Chamber Music Concerts

Katona Twins

Book now at 67

Katona TwinsTuesday 10 December7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

Twin brothers Peter and ZoltánKatona were born in Hungary, trainedin Germany and live in Liverpool. Buttheir spectacular brand of guitarplaying has made a splash around theworld. From orchestral favourites injaw-dropping arrangements tocontemporary classics of the guitarrepertoire, there’s no limit to what theKatonas can do with their guitars – andthey deliver it all with irresistible flair.Join them in their adopted home townfor an evening of Bach, Vivaldi,Handel, Mozart, Rossini andTchaikovsky, and prepare to re-thinkwhat a guitar can do.

‘The guitar heroics at which theKatonas excel paled intoinsignificance alongside theirexquisite account of Orientalby Granados.’ Classical Guitar Magazine–Tickets £25

Mozart (arr. Katona) Overture to La Clemenza di Tito

Bach (arr. Katona)English Suite No.3, BWV 808

Vivaldi (arr. Katona)Trio in C major

Rossini (arr. Katona) Overture to La Gazza Ladra

Handel (arr. Katona) Chaconne in G major, HWV 435

Tchaikovsky (arr. Katona) Nutcracker Suite, Op.71a

Emerson QuartetSunday 26 January6.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

One of the most respected names onthe international scene, the EmersonQuartet is a byword for committed,authoritative artistry, coupled with thekind of ensemble playing that comesfrom a lifetime of shared music-making. Tonight’s concert finds themdeep in the heartland of the quartetrepertoire, pairing two of Mozart’s andBeethoven’s most far-reaching quartetswith the more recent insights ofShostakovich’s haunted last quartet.Music of timeless power and relevance,played by some of its very greatestliving interpreters: this concert ispractically self-recommending.

‘…with musicians like this there mustbe some hope for humanity.’The Times–Tickets £25

MozartString Quartet No.16 in E flatmajor, K428

ShostakovichString Quartet No.15

Beethoven String Quartet No.9, Op.59 No.3

Book now at 67

Quartetto di CremonaTuesday 11 February7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

Cremona is the home of Stradivari, andthe birthplace of the violin. So thislively young Italian quartet devotes thefirst half of their programme to two ofthe greatest violinists of all time.Kreisler was famous for his Viennesesweetness; Paganini, meanwhile, wassupposed to have sold his soul to thedevil! But each of them showed a verydifferent side in their chamber music.And then the Quartetto turns to musicthat needs no introduction, Schubert’sdark and dangerous Death and theMaiden – maybe the most popularstring quartet in the entire repertoire.

‘Dynamic contouring was as sleekand elegant as an Armani suit, and ittailored the music to perfection.’ The Strad–Tickets £25

Paganini String Quartet No.1 in E minor

Kreisler String Quartet in A minor

Schubert String Quartet in D minor D810‘Death and the Maiden’

Quartetto di Cremona

Los BandidosSaturday 15 March7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

Here’s something you don’t hear everyday: a trombonist playing chambermusic. But then this is ChristianLindberg – conductor, composer,trombonist and self confessed “musicalcriminal”, joining forces with hiscompatriot and regular fellow-conspirator, pianist Roland Pöntinen,for a chamber programme that breaksall the rules. You might have heardSchumann’s Fantasy Pieces,Stravinsky’s The Firebird andMussorgsky’s ever-popular Pictures atan Exhibition before but one thing’s forcertain: you’ve never heard themsound quite like this. Spectacularplaying, great tunes, and buckets ofcharisma: it shouldn’t be allowed! Nowonder Lindberg and Pöntinen callthemselves Los Bandidos.–Tickets £25

LindbergLos Bandidos


Stravinsky/LindbergThree movements fromThe Firebird

MussorgskyPictures at an Exhibition –Christian Lindberg tromboneRoland Pöntinen piano

Christian LindbergPhotography © Mats Bäcker

68 Chamber Music Concerts

ATOS TrioSaturday 5 April7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

Grounded in the great Germantradition, the ATOS Trio acknowledgesno boundaries but the notes on thepage. No matter how manyinternational awards they win – andhow often they’re compared to theBeaux Arts Trio – they remain true tothe music they play and their ownmission to communicate. Tonight’sprogramme finds them in Bohemia’swoods and meadows, with three verydifferent, yet equally emotional,personal confessions from three greatCzech masters; music to pierce theheart, delivered with a new urgency.

‘Three voices – one sound: the kind ofpitch-perfect unanimity of phrasing,tone, feeling and interpretation thatdistinguishes the finest chamberensembles’.Detroit Free Press–Tickets £25

Josef SukPiano Trio in C minor, Op.2

SmetanaPiano Trio in G minor, Op.15

DvorákPiano Trio in F minor, Op.65

Book now at 69

ATOS TrioPhotography © Steven Haberland

Simon Trpceski pianoSaturday 7 June7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

There isn’t a pianist today quite likeSimon Trpceski. Combining a blindingtechnique with a deep sense of innerpoetry, Trpčeski’s irrepressible musicalpersonality shines through ineverything he plays. His concertopartnership with Vasily Petrenko andthe Orchestra has won global acclaim,but tonight comes a rare opportunity tohear him playing solo in Liverpool,with a programme that revels in theplayfulness and sensuality of Poulencand Ravel, before exploring some ofthe profoundest pages in all Romanticmusic: Brahms’ sublime lateIntermezzi. Trpčeski will havesomething fresh and thoughtful to sayin each of them.

‘Electrifying virtuosity, but no whiffof show-off. The most delicatefeelings, yet nothing precious or lacy.Head plus heart, lots of heart’. The Times–Tickets £25

Ravel Valses Nobles et Sentimentales

Poulenc Morceaux

Brahms Variations and Fugue on a Themeof Handel, Op.24

Brahms Intermezzi, Op.117

Simon Trpceski pianoJames Clark violinJonathan Aasgaard celloTuesday 10 June 7.30pmSt George’s Hall Concert Room

Chamber music has been called “themusic of friends” – and SimonTrpceski has struck up a real musicalfriendship with the Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra. Today heteams up with two of their leadingstring players for a celebration of thatrelationship. They’ll play two ofBrahms’s richest and most songfulsonatas, one each for cello and violin –before joining forces in the magnificentand impassioned Third Piano Trio.Great music, played by artists who loveit, in the exquisite surroundings of StGeorge’s Hall: this is sure to be a highpoint of Simon Trpčeski’s Liverpoolresidency. –Tickets £25

All Brahms ProgrammeCello Sonata No.2, Op.99Violin Sonata No.2, Op.100Piano Trio No.3, Op.101

70 Chamber Music Concerts

Simon TrpceskiPhotography © Simon Fowler

Book now at 71


Ian Buckle pianoThursday 3 October1.05pm

SchubertSix German Dances D.820

GriegSix Lyric Pieces Op.54

Timothy Jackson Six Lancashire Folk Song Settings(World Premiere commissioned byThe University of Liverpool)

James Clark String QuartetThursday 24 October1.05pm

Frank BridgeThree Idylls

BrittenString Quartet No.3 –James Clark violinRakhivinder Singh violinJonathan Aasgaard cello

Young Classical Artists Trust ArtistA Celebration ofBenjamin BrittenThursday 14 November1.05pm

Programme to include:A Charm of LullabiesFolk SongsCabaret Songs –Anna Huntley mezzo-soprano Simon Lepper piano

Christmas Singalong Thursday 19 December1.05pm

Ian Tracey organBrendan Ball trumpet–Sing traditional carols and songs alongwith festival favourites. Plus piecesfrom their new album!

A musical interlude toyour busy day...

These 45 minute concerts featuremusicians from the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic Orchestraand start at 1.05pm

Torchwood EnsembleThursday 23 January1.05pm

StraussString Sextet from Capriccio

BrahmsString Sextet No.2 in G major–Rakhivinder Singh violinPaula Muldoon violinCatherine Marwood violaRobert Shepley violaJonathan Aasgaard celloAlexander Holladay cello

Victoria Sayles& Jack Liebeck violinsThursday 13 February1.05pm

Valentine’s programme fromhusband and wife team

MozartDuo for Two Violins

ProkofievSonata for Two Violins

SchnittkeMoz-Art à la Haydn

Abramski TrioThursday 6 March1.05pm

GlinkaTrio Pathétique

William HurlstoneTrio in G minor

MendelssohnConcert Piece No.2 in D minor –Thomas Verity clarinetRebekah Abramski bassoonRon Abramski piano

Adi Brett violinIan Buckle pianoThursday 10 April1.05pm

MozartSonata in E minor

SchubertFantasie in C major

Piano DuoThursday 15 May1.05pm

StravinskyConcerto for Two Pianos

MozartSonata in D for Two Pianos K448–Ian Buckle pianoRichard Uttley piano

72 Lunchtime Concerts

Jonathan AasgaardPhotography © Mark McNulty


Sunday 17 November7.30pm

BeethovenCoriolan Overture

BrittenCourtly Dances from Gloriana

DvorákSymphony No.9 ‘New World’–Dane Lam conductor

Sunday 23 March2.30pm(please note start time)

HumperdinckOverture from Hansel and Gretel

Christian LindbergHelikon Wasp*

SibeliusSymphony No.2–Dane Lam conductorChristian Lindbergtrombone/director*

Book now at 73

LiverpoolPhilharmonicYouthOrchestraSir Simon Rattle PatronDane Lam Principal Conductor

Liverpool Philharmonic YouthOrchestra provides a platformbringing together the region’s bestyoung musicians to make music,inspire one another and produceexhilarating performances atLiverpool Philharmonic Hall.

Sunday 11 May7.30pm

Programme includes:

Elliott CarterPocahontas Suite

John AdamsChairman Dances

GershwinAn American in Paris –Dane Lam conductorLPYO concertocompetition winner**Members of the Youth Orchestra willaudition for the opportunity to perform assoloist in this concert

Tickets£9 adults / £6 under 25s £2 Liverpool Young Musician’s Pass

LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall

Level access is available to the foyer andBox Office from the Hope Street mainentrance and Caledonia Street sideentrance.

Passenger lift and level access isavailable in the foyer to the stalls andboxes in the auditorium and to theGrand Foyer Bar, Rubato Café Bar andthe Rodewald Suite (the venue for theAfter 8 Series and other events).

Spaces for wheelchairs plus companionsare available in boxes 7 and 16, in thefront and rear stalls, and in the GrandFoyer Bar and Rubato Café Bar.

A Liverpool City Council controlled bluebadge parking bay for up to six cars isavailable in front of the Caledonia Streetside entrance on a first-come first-served basis.

Unisex WCs are available in the outercorridor of the auditorium close to box7, outside the Rodewald Suite and therear of the Rubato Café Bar.

An infra-red hearing enhancing systemis available in the auditorium which canbe used with (with a necklace loop andthe hearing aide set to the “T” position)

AccessLiverpool Philharmonic strives to be asaccessible as possible to all patrons.Please let the Box Office know of yourspecific requirements when bookingyour tickets in order to make best useof our facilities.

To ensure that they are available tothose who need them, spaces forwheelchair users are not available tobuy online. Please visit or call the BoxOffice on 0151 709 3789 to purchasethese tickets.

Wheelchair users and other customerswho require a companion or carer toassist their visit are entitled to a freeticket for the companion/carer onproduction of appropriateidentification. Other disabled patronsmay also be eligible for a discount. It isadvisable to book your tickets inadvance to ensure the seats you requireare available.

Baby Changing FacilitiesBaby changing facilities are available inthe WC in the outer corridor of theauditorium close to box 7.

Hall InformationAll areas of the building are non-smoking. Alcohol and glassware arenot permitted in the auditorium(including the boxes) at any time. Theauditorium usually opens 30 minutesprior to the start of the performance.

Flash photography or recording of anyperformance in any format is strictlyprohibited.

Where to EatRubato, the café bar on the lower level ofLiverpool Philharmonic Hall, featuresfabulous sandwiches, salads, homemadesoups, daily specials, homemade cakesand pastries. Patrons can also enjoy asuperb choice of Illy™ coffee, teas, softdrinks and selected wines and beers, in acasual yet sophisticated setting. There'sfree WiFi, great music (of course!) andnewspapers.

or without a hearing aid (with aheadset). Necklace loops and headsetsare available free of charge through arefundable deposit system at the foyercloakroom (subject to availability).

The Box Office has a low level counterto improve accessibility for wheelchairusers and an Induction Loop hearingenhancement system for hearing aidusers.

Tickets can be booked by telephone viathe Text Relay service( during standardBox Office hours.

Both bars in the Grand Foyer Bar havelow level counters to improveaccessibility for wheelchair users.

Assistance dogs are welcomethroughout the building and water isavailable for them. Please advise theBox Office when purchasing your ticketif you are bringing an assistance dog.

Large print versions of thebrochure are available fromthe marketing departmentby calling 0151 210 2895.












How to find us

St George’s HallConcert RoomPostcode navigation > L1 1JJ

St George’s Hall is situated withinLiverpool’s St George’s Quarter in thecity centre, directly opposite LimeStreet Station. Access to the ConcertRoom is via the North Entrance of thebuilding on William Brown Street.By car on entering the city follow signsfor Lime Street station.

There are a number of nearby carparks, including Queen Square carpark, L1 1RH. Parking tariff £1.90 perhour (0-5 hours) Evening rate of £2.90between 5pm and 9am.

By public transport Queen Square BusStation and Lime Street Station areboth less than 5 minutes’ walk away.

Public TransportLiverpool Philharmonic Hall is withinwalking distance of Lime Street andCentral Stations. We are also on thefrequent 75, 80 and 86 bus hascomprehensive transport informationand a ‘Journey Planner’ service, or youcan call Traveline on 0871 200 2233.

Directions from the M62Postcode navigation > L1 9BP

Continue along the motorway until itsend and then follow the signs for thecity centre, cathedrals and universities(c.3 miles). Turn left at theMetropolitan Cathedral and head alongHope Street (see map page 74).If lost, use this maxim: find onecathedral, head for the other. LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall is halfway betweenthe two.

Epstein TheatrePostcode navigation > L1 3DZ

The Epstein Theatre is situated onHanover Street on the adjacent cornersof School Lane and Wood Street.

The theatre is 2 minutes’ walk fromLiverpool Central Station and 5minutes from Liverpool Lime Street.The 75, 80, 82 and 86 bus services stopon Hanover Street, and Liverpool OneBus Station is 3 minutes walk away.

There is a nearby Q-Park Car Park onHanover Street, L1 4AF (2 minutes’walk away).

Liverpool Hope University’sCreative CampusPostcode navigation > L6 1HP

The entrance to Liverpool HopeUniversity’s Creative Campus whichcomprises the Capstone building andthe Cornerstone Building, is from ShawStreet, opposite the Collegiate. There iscar parking available on the campusfrom 45 minutes prior to eveningperformances. Please note that parkingis limited and is on a first-come first-served basis. Cost £3

You can also park at the 24-hour Q-Park on Epworth St, L6 1LY. Pick up avoucher at the campus Reception for adiscounted rate of £1.90 for up to 5hours.


Where to parkfor LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall










































































Liverpool Cathedral Situated on Upper Duke Street. Just afew minutes’ walk away, the car park isgenerally open on concert nights from5.30pm. Secure parking with CCTVmonitoring and manned patrols.Cost > £3 on production of yourconcert ticket. Please ensure thatconcert tickets are produced andpayment for car park is made at theConstable’s Lodge on arrival.

Myrtle Street / Hope StreetSituated opposite Philharmonic Pub.Secure all day parking.Cost > £6

Please note that car parks 2,3,4,5 & 6 are notoperated by Liverpool Philharmonic.Times/prices were correct at time of print.Please check opening and closing times andprices of these car parks before parking.

Please do not park in the LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall permit bays on Caledoniaand Sugnall streets, as they are required forartists and production purposes.

Liverpool Philharmonic HallSituated off Caledonia Street, this pay-on-entry car park is open from 8.30amand is available for concerts. Pleasenote that parking is limited and is on afirst come, first served basis. Carparking information for Blue Badgeholders can be found on page 72.Cost > £5

Blackburne HouseSituated on Falkner Street, this car parkis open on concert nights from 5.30pm,until 20 minutes after the end ofconcerts. Please note that gates will belocked after this period. Please do notuse this car park if unstaffed.Cost > £5

University of LiverpoolVisitor Car ParksCambridge Street(opposite Cambridge Pub)

Mount Pleasant(opposite Metropolitan Cathedral)

These car parks are available Monday –Friday after 5.30pm, and all day onSaturday and Sunday. Take ticket onentry at the barrier, and pay with ticketat pay machine before leaving.Cost > £2 up to 3 hrs £3 over 3 hrs







Liverpool Philharmonic Hall


How to

Post/In PersonBox Office, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall,Hope St, Liverpool L1 9BP

Telephone0151 709 3789

Subscriptions can be booked only bytelephone (0151 709 3789), in person orby post. Please note your credit card ischarged when your order is received.Subscription tickets will be posted inJune. Direct Debits will be processed onthe date specified on your form.

Opening HoursOpening hours are from 9.30am(telephone bookings) and 10am (inperson) until 5.30pm Monday –Saturday and for counter bookings up to15 mins after the start of theperformance on concert nights.

Open 12-5pm on Sundays for telephonebookings only and for counter bookingsfrom 5.30pm on concert nights.

When to bookTuesday 30 AprilPostal booking opens for renewingsubscribers, members and groups.

Tuesday 21 MayTelephone and in person booking opensfor renewing subscribers, members andgroups.

Friday 7 JuneBooking opens for new subscribers

Friday 14 JunePublic Booking OpensAll Tickets On Sale!

Ticketing Policy for customersrequiring assistanceWheelchair users and other customerswho require a companion or carer toassist their visit are entitled to a freeticket for the companion/carer onproduction of appropriateidentification. Seats for wheelchairusers and able bodied companions areavailable at the front and rear of thestalls and in boxes 7 and 16.

Group DiscountsGenerous group discounts are availablefor most concerts:

Groups of 10-29 10% offGroups of 30-49 15 % offGroups of 50+ 20% offFor more details call Dawn Williams,Group Sales Coordinator, on0151 210 2918 or

Discounted ticketsConcessionsUnder 25s, students and claimants canpurchase tickets for just £7 onproduction of appropriate identification(subject to availability and seatinglocations may be limited).Concession tickets do not apply to CoffeeConcerts, Family Concerts, LunchtimeConcerts, New Year’s Eve and Messiah andmay be limited for other concerts.

Young Musicians’ PassUnder 18, live in Liverpool and play amusical instrument? You can attendconcerts for just £2! Call our box officeon 0151 709 3789 for details. Tickets areoffered subject to availability and noother discounts apply.

Standby TicketsOn the day of the concert, SeniorCitizens (aged 65 or over at the time ofbooking) may purchase half-pricedtickets IN PERSON ONLY (no telephoneorders) at the Liverpool PhilharmonicHall Box Office. Standby tickets arelimited to 2 per person. Standby ticketsare subject to availability and if there areonly small number of tickets remainingfor a concert, standby tickets will not beavailable.

Not available for Lunchtime Concerts, CoffeeConcerts, Spirit of Christmas, New Year’s Eve,Messiah and Family Concerts.


Monday 20 MaySubscription Booking MorningJoin us from 9am – 1pm for coffee,tea and muffins in the GrandFoyer Bar. Our expert staff will beon hand to take your order andanswer any questions you have.Please note this is a very popularevent, so waiting times can belengthy especially prior to 12pm.


















































TicketsFlexible SeriesMake up your own package and save!You can include any concert in this brochure(excluding Lunchtime) in your series. Book 4-6 concerts Save 10%Book 7-11 concerts Save 15% Book 12-19 concerts Save 20%Book 20 or more Save 25%

Book 7 or more concerts and get a free ticketto a Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Orchestraconcert (on page 71) or a Discover the Classicssession (availability is limited). See page 6 formore information on the benefits of subscribing!

Fixed SeriesFixed Series (Henry E Rensburg, Classic FM,Liverpool John Moores University Series) are agreat way to enjoy regular concert-going. With afixed series you can request the same seats forevery performance and carry these over each year.

Don’t want to miss a single concert? The Marathon series includes tickets for everyOrchestral concert* at a whopping 30% discount.*excludes Coffee Concerts

Fixed SeriesMarathon Series45 concerts (save 30%)

Liverpool John MooresUniversity Series5 concerts (save 10%)

Henry E Rensburg Series10 concerts (save 15%)

Classic FM Series9 concerts (save 15%)

Sunday AfternoonClassics7 concerts (save 15%)

Family Concerts4 concerts (save 10%)


Chamber Music Concerts10 concerts (save 15%)

Pops 5 concerts (save 10%)

Discover the Classics4 sessions

Lunchtime Learning2 sessions(Autumn / Winter)

Fixed Series

Liverpool John Moores University Series5 Concerts14 September, 9 November,30 November, 1 February, 22 February

Henry E Rensburg Series10 Concerts26 September, 10 October,21 November, 16 January, 6 February,27 February, 13 March, 10 April,1 May, 15 May

Classic FM Series9 Concerts2/3 October, 23/24 October,13/14 November, 5/6 December,22/23 January, 13/14 February,5/6 March, 2/3 April, 23/24 April

Sunday Afternoon Classics7 Concerts22 September, 13 October,24 November, 19 January, 2 March,16 March, 18 May

Pops Series5 Concerts17 October, 14/20 December,30 December, 3/4 January,8 February

Save on booking feesby becoming a member!Booking fees DO NOT apply to SilverMembers (£100 per year), and you’llenjoy a host of other benefits as well.For more information onmembership see page 4.(Booking fees still apply to Group (10+) orders)

Ticket ExchangeSubscribers and members can exchangetheir tickets against any other RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic Orchestra Concertin the same season at LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall. Single ticket buyers mayexchange tickets for a service charge of £2per ticket. All exchanges must be made 24hours in advance by post or in person.

Booking FeesSubscription orders are subject to a £5per order service charge (no per ticketfee applies). Credit and debit cardbooking are subject to a £1.50 per ticketservice charge. Cheques are subject to a£1 per order fee. There is a 75p per ordercharge to post tickets. £1.50 per ticket ischarged for reprinting lost tickets. Grouptickets (10+) are subject to a 50p perticket service charge.







































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Please note You can download a complete numbered seating plan by logging on to ourwebsite


Seating Plan

At Investec Wealth &Investment we take greatpride in our partnershipwith the Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra,which continues to flourishand we look forward to the2013-14 season with greatanticipation.

destination. We believe that the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic Orchestra’s roleboth nationally and internationallyplays a central role in the cultural andeconomic renaissance that the Citycontinues to enjoy.

Investec Wealth & Investment is proudof our Liverpudlian heritage, and ourcommitment and contribution to theCity’s economy. Our business is built on‘extraordinary performance’ and strongand enduring relationships which wedevelop and nurture with our clients,built on trust and understanding,valuable and often rare commodities intoday’s complex financial world.

Our partnership with LiverpoolPhilharmonic reflects this core ethosperfectly.

We are proud to continue our support ofVasily and the Orchestra and have nodoubt that their extraordinary musicalpartnership will deliver more‘extraordinary performances’ this season.

David OwenSenior Investment DirectorInvestec Wealth & Investment

We are delighted that Vasily hascommitted to stay in Liverpool, andwith the Orchestra continue to build ontheir successes of the last seven years.We are confident that audiences willcontinue to be thrilled and inspired bythe variety and vitality of the concertsthat await them.

Our partnership with LiverpoolPhilharmonic is a demonstration of ourstrong and long-establishedcommitment to Liverpool. Even inchallenging economic times, the City’scultural life continues to be a vitalelement of its continued resurgence as avibrant and welcoming visitor


Photograph L to R: David Owen, Senior Investment Director, Investec Wealth & Investment, Michael Eakin, Chief Executive, Liverpool Philharmonic, VasilyPetrenko, Chief Conductor, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Jonathan Seal, Director in charge of Liverpool Office, Investec Wealth & Investment.


Liverpool John MooresUniversity and the RoyalLiverpool Philharmonic canboth trace their roots back tothe early 19th century andthe start of a movement thatcontinues unabated to thisday to make both learningand culture more accessibleto the people of Liverpool.

That’s why the University is immenselyproud to support the Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic Orchestra 2013/2014concert season. The Orchestra representseverything that is great about the city ofLiverpool – it is ground-breaking,challenging and most importantly, it fuelsthe city’s love of music and creativity byenabling people from all walks of life andall ages to not only hear outstandingmusical performances but also to see theworkings of an internationally-acclaimedorchestra for themselves.

Such access opens minds todream of what can be possibleand to seek opportunities toengage. Inspiring individuals toreach their full potential andcontribute to the civic life ofLiverpool is the driving forcebehind everything that we do atLiverpool John MooresUniversity, an ethos we capture inthree small but powerful words:Dream, Plan, Achieve.

Nigel WeatherillVice ChancellorLiverpool John Moores University

Through our combined outreachprogrammes, we demonstrate to childrenand young people of all ages that learningand culture in all their forms are relevantand necessary to today’s society and thateveryone can and should get involved,even if only to become a member of theaudience at public lectures and concerts.

We have long-standing and valued linkswith Liverpool Philharmonic, fromstaging the University’s Roscoe LectureSeries, the largest public lecture seriesoutside London, to awarding anHonorary Fellowship to Vasily Petrenkoin 2012 in recognition of his outstandingcontribution to the city and to the arts.

Photograph L to R:Nigel Weatherill, Vice Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University, and Vasily Petrenko with students of LJMU.

Refurbishmentof LiverpoolPhilharmonic Hall

Subject to securing the requiredinvestment for the refurbishment,works to Liverpool Philharmonic Hallwill commence in late May 2014, withthe venue undergoing a period ofclosure until the end of October 2014.

The works will be completed during2015, the 175th anniversary of thefounding of the Royal LiverpoolPhilharmonic.

We are planning an exciting£12 million refurbishment ofLiverpool Philharmonic Hall.The refurbishment works will provide:

Significant improvements to front ofhouse areas and facilities for allvisitors and participants including thefoyer, box office, bars and catering,toilets and lift access to all levels ofthe building

Rebuilding and improving the stageand choir performance areas in theauditorium

New warm-up, practice and backstagefacilities for resident and visitingmusicians

An exciting new performance space fora range of small-scale concerts,learning events and other activities

Increased environmentalsustainability, including the ability toreduce power consumption across thebuilding’s utilities







23 Sun 2.30pm Family: Magic Piano/Chopin Shorts P5926 Wed 12.45pm Lunchtime Learning P5527 Thu 7.30pm Don Quixote P3928 Fri 12pm Coffee Concert P53

March 20142 Sun 2.30pm Fire and Ice P405 Wed 7.30pm Petrenko’s Elgar P416 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P706 Thu 7.30pm Petrenko’s Elgar P4113 Thu 7.30pm From the New World P4115 Sat 11am Discover the Classics P5415 Sat 7.30pm Los Bandidos* P6616 Sun 2.30pm Classical Symphony P4518 Tue 7.30pm Ensemble 10/10* P6121 Fri 1.45am Lunchtime Learning P5521 Fri 7.30pm All Points North P4523 Sun 7.30pm Youth Orchestra P71

April 20142 Wed 7.30pm All Points South P463 Thu 7.30pm All Points South P465 Sat 7.30pm Atos Trio* P6710 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P7010 Thu 7.30pm Song of the Earth P4716 Wed 7pm Bach’s St John Passion P4723 Wed 7.30pm Classical Music goes to the Movies! P4824 Thu 12pm Coffee Concert P5324 Thu 7.30pm Classical Music goes to the Movies! P4826 Sat 2.30pm Family: Afternoon at the Movies P59

May 20141 Sat 7.30pm Don Juan P4911 Sun 7.30pm Youth Orchestra P7115 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P7015 Thu 7.30pm Dream Team P4918 Sun 2.30pm Petrenko’s Prokofiev P5123 Fri 7.30pm Bringing Down the House! P51

June 20147 Sat 7.30pm Simon Trpceski piano* P6810 Tue 7.30pm Trpceski, Clark & Aasgaard* P6815 Sun 2.30pm Trpceski plays Shostakovich P52

DiarySeptember 2013

9 Mon 7.30pm A Night at the Musicals P1111 Wed 1pm Bach at Lunchtime P1212 Thu 7.30pm Catrin Finch* P1214 Sat 11am Discover the Classics P5414 Wed 7.30pm A German Requiem P1315 Sun 6.30pm Llyr Williams* P1420 Fri 7.30pm Puccini’s Tosca P1522 Sun 2.30pm Puccini’s Tosca P1526 Thu 7.30pm Petrenko’s Shostakovich P16

October 20132 Wed 7.30pm Beethoven’s Best P163 Thu 11.45am Lunchtime Learning P553 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P693 Thu 7.30pm Beethoven’s Best P1610 Thu 7.30pm The Great Romantics P1713 Sun 2.30pm The Great Romantics P1716 Wed 7.30pm Ensemble 10/10* P6017 Thu 7.30pm The Music of Burt Bacharach P1820 Sun 2.30pm Family: All Aboard! P5823 Wed 7.30pm Romantic Rachmaninov P1924 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P6924 Thu 7.30pm Romantic Rachmaninov P19

November 20131 Fri 1.15am Lunchtime Learning P551 Fri 7.30pm The Rest is Noise: The 1970s P236 Wed 7.30pm Ensemble 10/10* P619 Sat 7.30pm Mozart’s Requiem P2313 Wed 7.30pm Colours of the South P2414 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P6914 Thu 7.30pm Colours of the South P2417 Sun 7.30pm Youth Orchestra P7120 Wed 12.45pm Lunchtime Learning P5521 Thu 7.30pm Great Britten P2524 Sun 2.30pm Britten and Mahler P2526 Tue 7.30pm Dante Quartet/Nicholas Daniel* P6430 Sat 11am Discover the Classics P5430 Sat 7.30pm Britten’s Inspirations P27

December 20135 Thu 7.30pm Britten and Mozart P276 Fri 7.30pm Britten and Mozart P2710 Tue 7.30pm Katona Twins* P6514 Sat 7.30pm Winter Wonderland P3017 Tue 7.30pm The Spirit of Christmas P3019 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P6919 Thu 7.30pm The Spirit of Christmas P3020 Fri 4.15pm Family: Rudolph on Hope Street P5820 Fri 7.30pm Winter Wonderland P3021 Sat 11.30am Family: Rudolph on Hope Street P5821 Sat 2.30pm Family: Rudolph on Hope Street P5821 Sat 7.30pm The Spirit of Christmas P3022 Sun 11.30am Family: Rudolph on Hope Street P5822 Sun 2.30pm Family: Rudolph on Hope Street P5822 Sun 7.30pm The Spirit of Christmas P3023 Mon 7.30pm The Spirit of Christmas P3030 Mon 7.30pm Mancini Magic & Hollywood Greats P3131 Tue 7.30pm A Hollywood New Year’s Eve P31

January 20143 Fri 7.30pm Pirates of the Caribbean P324 Sat 2.30pm Pirates of the Caribbean P3211 Sat 7pm Messiah P3316 Thu 7.30pm Beethoven’s Emperor P3318 Sat 11am Discover the Classics P5419 Sun 2.30pm Concert Music P3422 Wed 7.30pm A Hero’s Life P3523 Thu 11.45am Lunchtime Learning P5523 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P7023 Thu 7.30pm A Hero’s Life P3526 Sun 6.30pm Emerson Quartet* P6531 Fri 12pm Coffee Concert P53

February 20141 Sat 7.30pm Rhapsody in Blue P366 Thu 7.30pm Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No.2 P378 Sat 7.30pm Great Movie Themes P3711 Tue 7.30pm Quartetto di Cremona* P6613 Thu 1.05pm Lunchtime Concert P7013 Thu 7.30pm Valentine’s Classics P3814 Fri 7.30pm Valentine’s Classics P3822 Sat 7.30pm The Creation P39

Events in BLACKare not concerts. *Concerts outside Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society A company limited by guarantee Registered in England number 88235 Registered charity number 230538–Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicPatron Her Majesty the QueenPresident The Rt Hon the Earl of Derby DL–Please note, programme is correct at time of goingto print. For the most up to date information–Design Paul HooleyCommissioned photography Mark McNulty

Front cover Vasily Petrenko, Chief Conductor,Royal Liverpool Philharmonic OrchestraBack cover Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra’struck at Liverpool Pier Head

Principal Funders

Principal Partners

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic OrchestraThe Orchestra

in North West England

Thanks to the Cityof Liverpool for itsfinancial support