Content social and mobile marketing

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Content Marketing, Social Media and Video Marketing

James Ruppel631-615-2983


Content Marketing

• Content is King• Make sure it’s relevant to your audience• Start with Keyword Research• Think about your business from your target

market’s point of view• What information do they want from you?• Ask existing customers• Ask your target who are not yet your customers

Content Marketing

• Look to your successful competitors doing?• Look at your website analytics• At which pages are visitors looking?• On which pages are they spending the most time?• What pages are they bouncing off quickly?• Revise your content accordingly to provide

interesting, engaging information they want

Start a blog

• Communicate with your prospects regularly• Every new blog post is a new page on your site• It’s more, new content for search engines to index• Make a commitment to post regularly• Keep it current, address current issues• Syndicate content to social media outlets• Syndicate content with other sites

Video (1)

• YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google• More searches are done on YouTube than any

other search engine (except Google)• People love video (how many TVs do you have?)• Video is engaging• Video is easily optimized for search engines• There is less competition on SERPs for video

Video (2)

• Video does NOT have to be expensive• Video does NOT need high production value– You have a webcam or a video camera, don’t you?

• Video does NOT have to be long– A couple of minutes is fine

• Videos can be made from still images• Videos can be made from presentations• Optimize your videos with your keywords

Social Media (1)

• Hottest buzzword in Internet Marketing• People spend more time on Social Media sites

than any other online activity• Dozens, if not hundreds, of social media sites

and platforms

• Top Four:– Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn

Social Media (2)

• Social Media offers the promise of communicating with your prospects and customers in a personal way

• Starting a “conversation”• Giving your business a personality• Getting your friends and followers to spread

the word to their friends and followers– “You tell 2 people, they tell 2 people, and so on….”

Social Media (3)

• Social = Time and Commitment• Don’t tip toe in water; jump in with both feet or stay out of the pool• Doing it wrong will hurt your business more

than not doing it at all– Facebook site with 5 “Likes”, old posts, all

promotional posts, unanswered negative reviews– Twitter account with no posts– LinkedIn profile that’s not 100 percent complete

Social Media (4)

• Develop a strategy before developing a page• What do you want to accomplish?• How are you going to get “Likes”• What are you going to post?• Is it engaging? Will people want to share it?• Who’s going to monitor your social media

properties and respond to visitor comments?

Social Media (5)

• Your employees are using Social Media now• Do you have a Social Media Policy for them?• An employee is bad-mouthing your business

on their social media can hurt your business?• Can you legally fire them if you don’t have a policy?• Do you want it to get to that point?• Protect your Business. Include a social media

policy in your employee handbook now

Social Media (6)

• Read and address your reviews• Thank your positive reviewers• Answer Questions• Address negative reviews in a positive,

proactive way to resolve their issues• You can’t always make everyone happy, but

other visitors will see that you tried• “Raving lunatics” can become “Raving Fans”

Mobile (1)

• Where’s your mobile phone now?• For most, mobile phones are within 10 feet of us 24/7, even when we’re sleeping• How long do you let a text message sit without reading it?• How long do you let an email sit without reading it?

Mobile (2)

• Smart phones have changed the way we interact with the world on a daily basis

• Mobile search is big now and getting bigger• The number of mobile internet users will pass

the 1 billion mark by 2013• The # of people accessing the mobile internet

is expected to overtake the PC within 5 years• Mobile phone penetration outnumbers fixed

internet users 5 to 2

Mobile (3)

• What’s your mobile profile?• How does your website look on a mobile device– Can you read it? – Do you have to scroll around to find anything? – Is it easy to navigate around? – Can you find your contact information, directions, basic product information quickly and easily?

Mobile (4)

• Check the Stats• Look at the Analytics for your main website• How many people accessed it from a mobile

device (iPhone, Android, iPad) last month?• How many people accessed it from a mobile

device 6 months ago?• Do you see a trend?

Mobile (5)

• More people will see your site this way than on a desktop. Is that the experience you want them to have with your business?

• K.I.S.S: Keep it Simple• Streamlined version of your main site• Nobody is spending hours on a mobile device• Basic information: Products, Contact

Information, Directions, etc.