Contents page research

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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This is a slide share of my contents page research.I've researched four different magazine contents page and analysed them to see what conventions I should and shouldnt use.


Contents research

Instead of labelling the page “contents,” the title of the page is referred to as “this week.” This is a better way of naming the page because it makes the magazine seem more common. It also implies that each week they come up with different topics for the magazine.

Page divided in different sections :Having the contents list divided into different sections is successful because it allows readers to find exactly what they are looking for. Each section has a subheading of what type of articles they will include. The subheading is accompanied with a black stripped background in order for them to stand out. This black also matches the colour scheme of the page.

Short article in the centre. This just gives readers a quick insight into how the magazine is like. Also it also acts like entertainment for the contents page. If the reader gets bored with reading the contents page, they will have an alternative of reading the min article.

This contents page has many sections to it. This makes it easier for the reader to navigate around the magazine. The magazine logo is situated on this page so the reader would know that it is the contents page. There is a blatant colour scheme of red and black. Its important to stick to a colour theme in order for the page to look sophisticated . Majority of contents pages has a mini article in the centre of the page. I think this plays as a teaser to potential buyers.

Subscription box: This is a successful element of this contents page because it allows readers to subscribe to the magazine. The colour of the font is different to the rest of the page in order for it to stand out.

Contents research Magazine logo alongside with the date of the issue. This is important in letting the reader know weather it is a current magazine.

Page title. It is the biggest font on the page and the writing is distorted and separated into three sections.Contents list is

of small text. It doesn’t seem to be the important element of the page when it need to be.Important articles are in bold writing and the colour of all the font is in white.

Main image outshines everything on the page. This is because it is the only image on the page. It relates to the genre because he is wearing a hat and chains which is very common with hip hop artists .

This is a basic contents page. It has all the basic conventions, the title, the contents list and the magazine logo. However it somehow breaks the conventions because there is only one image on the page. This is original because contents pages usually consist of more than one image to give readers more of an insight to the magazine, however, this somehow replicates a front cover.

Contents research

NME: The contents list is divided in sections. Each section has a subheading with a black text box surrounding it. It is situated on the right side of the page in a vertical column. The size of the subheading is much more larger than the font of the contents list. The contents lists stick to the same colour scheme which consists of black, red and white. VIBE: This is similar to the “NME” contents page. The list is however situated on the left side of the page in a vertical column. This also has subheading, but it isn't as evident. The text is all the same colour and the font is roughly the same size. The contents page isn't really as informative as “NME” and it doesn’t feature anything exciting such as competitions and subscription boxes. By comparing the two contents pages, I’ve realised that it is good to have subheadings if you want to divide your contents list. Further more,I found that the contents page will be more successful if it stayed interactive with the consumer. This can be done by using bright fonts ,exclamation marks and mini articles.

Vibes magazine contents page

NME magazine contents page

Uses bigger fonts and more use of colour.

Page numbers on the side of the article titles in order for the consumer to find them

Hardly no use of colour. In a sense this could be seen as boring and non-creative, however, it looks sophisticated and neat

The magazine logo is placed in this contents page. This makes the consumer recognise that this page is significant to the magazine.

The page number on top of the image makes it easier for the reader to find the article behind the image.

Contents list is divided by red border line. This matches the colour scheme of red and white. It also divide the contents list to make it easier to find things

The magazine issue is placed on top of the page. The font for those is usually small but this contents page makes readers acknowledge that it is a successful magazine by showing that they have issued over 200 magazines

Quick review article on a upcoming band. This is successful because it is a quick summary about the artists

The contents page is on an A3 page. This is different because normally contents pages are on A4 pages There are several images

on the page. The all consist of different sizes. This gives the contents page a significant look because it makes it look edgy and different.

Based on the top right of the page. The font is of medium sized and the colour scheme matches the text of the rest of the page.

The contents list is separated by different headings. This makes it easier for the readier to navigate around the magazine. The different headings all consist of the same colour scheme which is replicated along with other fonts on the page.

Editors letter to the consumer is accompanied with an image of the editor. This is a good feature because it makes the magazine feel more personal to the reader.

A subscription box is available for consumers who want to keep up to date with the magazine .The subscription box enables consumers to get an issue of the magazine sent to their houses

the large images describe what the main features and stories are. These are accompanied by page numbers in the corner of the images.

I can somehow see the gutters which were used to create this contents page. I think the editor has used three in order to fit all the images and text within the page.

Both these contents pages are similar in the sense that they both consist of images related to their genre. The images have the artists are wearing the right attire for its genre. For example, the magazine on the right have a band looking ghastly to represent its rebelliousness.

Both images consist of music artists relevant to their genre.

Distorted image sizes suggest that it is “cool.” and goes against basic conventions

They both stick to their colour scheme. They both consist of 2 or 3 different fonts