Control Electronics

Post on 01-Jan-2017

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FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200

2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thir-

ty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control sys-

tem IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10

Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls soft-

ware MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel

Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter

A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo

control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200

USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200

2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thir-

ty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system

IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Univer-

sal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital

Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300

Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control op-

tion I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to

Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel

digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two chan-

nel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101

Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal

Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8

Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrom-

eter with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet

Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field ca-

bling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option

I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-

optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital elec-

trometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic

Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital

Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics

Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Inter-

face I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus mo-

tion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with

Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop

Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400

Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic

Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital elec-

trometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic

Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital

Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics

Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Inter-

face I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus mo-

tion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with

Control Electronics

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

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Control Electronics

ControlsFMB Oxford has experience providing software and hardware controls for single devices to entire beamlines and in a number of different formats from Labview to EPICs.

Equipment Protection System

Equipment Protection Systems are part of modern beamline design. They monitor the status of specific elements and can take action to avoid damage in certain limits are reached. The user can check the EPS status via a software window or a control panel.

EPS monitoring include:

• Temperatures

• Vacuumlevels


• Componentpositions

• Valvepositions

• Shutterpositions

The Equipment Protection Systems are integrated with Personnel Protection Systems, to ensure fail safe operation of the beamline.

The EPS is PLC based but can be interfaced with an enunciator panel, as shown below, to give a fast visual overview of the beamline status and any fault condition.

Complete control cabinets

FMB Oxford has the capability of building complete control cabinets.

Small cabinets are available e.g. for stand alone cryocooler controls.

Large cabinets and cabinet suites have been prepared for turn-key beamlines. The cabinets incorporate


• Vacuumgaugecontrollers

• Ionpumpcontrollers

• Cryocoolercontrollers

• Othercontrolsmodulesthatsitremotelyfromthebeamline.

All the components can be networked to the controls software whether that software is EPICS, TANGO or SPEC.

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

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Control Electronics

Field Cabling

Cabling between control suites and beamline components needs to be done rigorously, or the integration and commissioning phase becomes very risky. FMB Oxford routinely supplies:

• Cablingschedulesandschematics

• Adviceoncableroutesandsegregation

• Completeturnkeyinstallationsincludingallthefieldcabling

• Testsupportforthefieldcablingsothatitisfullytestedbeforebeinghookeduptovaluableequipment.

Controls continued...

Controls Software

FMB Oxford has supplied controls software for complete beamlines as well as drivers and GUIs specific to applications, such as hexapods. Controls software in EPICS, TANGO and SPEC have all been developed by FMB Oxford in conjunction with our partners COSYLAB.

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

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Control Electronics

MCS-8 Plus Motion Control SystemApowerful,intelligentandflexiblemotioncontrolsystemdesigned for all beamline component stepper motors. Using the latest Delta Tau Turbo PMAC technology coupled with precision microstepping drive cards this unit provides a solution for all high resolution positioning applications. This unit contains all power supplies, drive amplifiers and an optional embedded controller (IOC) with Windows-basedorEPICSconnectivity.

• Totalof500Wavailablefortheeightdriveoutputs.

• FastactingPIDcontrolwithmultipleco-ordinatesystemsandavarietyofflexiblecontrolalgorithms.

• ReverseKinematicscapability.

• FullPLCcontrolwithprogrammingfacilityasstandard.

• Encoder,limitswitchandmotionovertravelinputsforall8channels.

• 8programmabledigitalinputsanddigitaloutputs,configurableassinkorsource.

• SupportforOPC,TANGOorSPECprotocols

• OptionalembeddedcontrollertoactasSCADAsystem,EPICSIOCorcanbecustomisedtosuitcustomerrequirements.

Controller Description

TheMCS-8PlusMotionControllerhasevolvedfromthesuccessofitspredecessortheoriginalMCS-8productwhichhasbeeninuseintheSynchrotronIndustrysince2005.DesignedandmanufacturedbyFMBOxford this new motion controller will again compliment our extensive range of Beamline system components used for Synchrotron radiation experiments. The varied requirements of these systems have resulted in a new controller designthatishighlyflexiblethatcanperformintricatecontrolfunctionstosolve even the most complex positioning problems.

BuiltaroundtheDeltaTauTurboPMAC2/PC104architecture,thisunitcombines power supplies, drive amplifiers and an optional embedded controllerinasingle4U19”rackmountmodule.TheDeltaTauPMACincorporates a full PLC specifically designed for positioning and control functions and this provides extensive facilities for configuring the eight axes separately. Additionally, complex programmes can be downloaded into the PLC for high resolution control of motors. The PMAC 2 is housed on a motherboard assembly designed specifically for FMB Oxford by Delta Tau and this provides the connectivity to the driver amplifiers, encoders and limit switches.

Several new features include the introduction of a front loaded Drive card system housing from a single drive card amplifier up to eight depending on the system requirements. A motor ‘Emergency Stop’ disable function has also been addedtoaidcommissioningofconnectedequipment.TheMCS8+hasbeenindependentlytestedforcompliance;itisCE marked and CB certified as part of the IECEE CB scheme.

The design of the system allows each unit to be configured to suit a specific customer’s requirements with regard to control and system integration.

FMB Oxford have nearly two decades of experience in synchrotron beamline technology and, in addition to the hardware, they can provide technical expertise in solving even the most complex positioning problems.

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 5 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control ElectronicsMCS-8 Plus continued...

Technical Specifications.

OutputPower Total500Wattsat48VDC.

Axes 1to8.Drivesrequiringmorethanoneencoderinputmayrequiremorethanonechannel.

DigitalI/O 8digitalinputsand8digitaloutputsareavailableona25way‘D;typeconnector. Theseareopto-isolatedandcanbeconfiguredfor“sink”or“source”operation.

Programmingconnection BothstandardUSBandconventionalRS232connectorssupplied. These are used for configuring and programming the Delta Tau controller.

Network 10/100Base-TEthernetconnectiononRJ45connector.

Encoderinput. 15way‘D’typeconnectorwithA&BquadratureencoderinputsandCindexchannelscompatible with encoders that have differential or single-ended drivers.

Switchinput. 9way‘D’typeconnectorwithconnectionsforhomepositionswitchandtwopositionlimitswitches.

DriveType Configurableupto8xPhytronZMX+MicroSteppingDrivers.Stepresolution upto1/512dependingondrivertype. DCMtypesuseaMcLennanDCD60servoAmplifierforBraggControl

MotorDriveOutputs 12pin“TrimTrio”chassisconnectors(incorporatingendoftravellimits,home, and protective over-travel limit connections)

General Specifications.

ACInput 100Vto240V±10%,1ph,Inrushprotectionprovided.

Frequency 50/60Hz

PowerConsumption Max800VA

OperatingRange +5oCto+40oC

Size 483mm(W)x177mm(H)x520mm(D)4U,19”rackmountcase.

Weight 13kg

Safety ComplieswithEN61010-1:20012ndedition

EMC ComplieswithEN61326-1:2006

Embedded Controller

This is an optional embedded controller fitted on systems where an EPICS based SBC (Single Board Computer) is required.

Description. EmbeddedPC104singlecardPCwithGeode500MHzprocessor&256MBRAM. Mainstorage–1GBcompactflashcard.

Connections Standardvideoconnection,PS2mouseandkeyboard.A10/100base-TEthernetconnection onRJ45connectorreplacesthedirectconnectiontotheTurboPMAC2card.

Front Panel

Power Switch Controls main system power to the complete MCS-8System.Switchilluminatedwhen‘ON’.

Drive Card Area Eight drive card slots containing Phytron Stepperdrivers(Blanksfittedinsystemsrequiringlessthan8cards)

Keyboard & Mouse Sockets* Standard 6 pin mini-DIN socket foraKeyboardandmousewhichcorrespondtothePS/2standard.

Monitor Socket*Standard15pinsocketforVGAmonitor.

EthernetportStandardRJ45socketforLANconnectionwith internal IOC board or Turbo PMAC depending on option purchased.

USB port USB ‘B’ style connector for connection to the internal Turbo PMAC.

Serial RS232 portStandard9pinDsocketforserialconnectionto the internal Turbo PMAC.

System Status Display Panel Used to display any breach of limit switch overtravel and system disable status.

* denotes only fitted on systems with internal IOC

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 6 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control ElectronicsMCS-8 Plus continued...

Rear Panel

Mains Inlet connector & Fuses Standard IEC style Power input connector.

Limits and Encoder Fuses Used to protect the control system from faults in connected cables and equipment.

Disable (Emergency Stop) Used to aid commissioning and to interface with Equipment Protection Systems

Encoder input sockets Used for encoder position input devices (UsesRenishawstandardpin-outs).

Digital I/O Provides8input/outputswitchedsignals

Axis Limits Used for end of travel input signals.

Drive Output sockets Axis1–8Steppermotoroutputdrivesignals (incorporating end of travel/overtravel input signals ).

Status Lamps Provides system healthy status (PSUvoltage24V/+12V/-12V/5VandPMACWatchdogStatus)

Earth Stud terminal Used for additional protective earth connection.

Motor Drivers

TwoversionsoftheMCS-8Plusmotioncontrollerareavailable(Thenumberofdrivecardsfitteddependsonthesystem requirements):-

Standard 8 Axis Motion controller-Enablingupto8stepperdrivenaxestobecontrolled.

DCM Motion controller – a special controller version incorporating a Servo motor driver for Bragg Axis control. This unit can also control up to 6 stepper driven axes.

Stepper Motor Drivers


PhytronZMX+drivecardsareusedforbipolarcontroloftwo-phasesteppermotorsandutilise4quadrantchoppertype current control circuitry. Ideally suited to in-vacuum motors they are also suitable for the Nema range of in-air stepper motors amongst many other types.

All operating parameters – run current, step resolution and preferential direction can be set by rotary switches or by a ServicebusmodedependingonthetypeofZMX+fitted.

• Bipolarchoppedconstantcurrentdrive


• SuitableforHybrid/Permanentmagnetmotors


• IdeallysuitedtoIn-Vacuummotors


Servo Motor Driver

ForServodrivenaxesanintelligentPWMdriverdesignedtodrivebrushedandbrushlessservomotorsisutilised.Thisfullydigitaldriveoperatesintorque,velocity,orpositionmodeandemploysSpaceVectorModulation(SVM),whichresultsinhigherbusvoltageutilizationandreducedheatdissipation. (This driver can only be inserted into Axis position 1)

Servo Motor Driver Specifications

PeakCurrent 14A(8.6Arms)

MaximumContinuousCurrent 7A(4.3Arms)

MinimumLoadInductance 250µH

SwitchingFrequency 20kHz

Reference: McLennan DCD60 Series Data Sheet.

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 7 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control ElectronicsMCS-8 Plus continued...

Electrical Connections

Motor Connectors

Providedby–8off12wayFemaleTrimTriofittedwithfemale pins.

Position (Encoder) Feedback Connectors


Pin 2 Phase Bipolar Stepper


B MotorPhaseA+

C Motor Phase A-

D MotorPhaseB+

E Motor Phase B-


G Positive limit (PLIM)


J Negativelimit(MLIM)

K Overtravel

L Overtravel


Pin Description Digital Inputs (from incremental encoder)


2 0V 0V





7 +5V +5V(supplyo/ptoencoder)

8 +5V +5V(supplyo/ptoencoder)

9 0V 0V(digitalsignal&supplyref)







Motor Connector Requirements:

SOURIA12wayplug PartNo.UTO061412PH Qty–8

SOURIA12wayHood PartNo.UTOS14JCSL Qty–8

SOURIACon.pins(10per) PartNo.RM16M23K Qty–80

CHA,CHA/,CHB,CHB/arecomplementaryquadraturesignalsandCHC&CHC/arecomplementaryindexmarksignals from an incremental encoder.

Position (Encoder) Connector Requirements:

Std15way‘D’connectorplug Qty-8

Std15way‘D’connectorHood Qty–8

IC-101 Electronics Module


• Dynamicrange<1pAto200μA

• Integrateddigitisationandfiltering

• Fibre-optic,RS-232andRS-485interfaces.

• Integratedcalibrationtestsource

• Fullcontrolprovidedofintegrationmodes

• Externaltriggercapability

• Analogmonitoroutput

• Frequencymonitoroutput(VFC).

• Optional3kVhighvoltageoutputforionizationchamberbiasing.


• Ionizationchamberreadout

• Lowcurrentandchargemeasurement


• AuxiliaryHVoutput0to3000V



Interfaces RS-232orRS-485,8-bitASCII.Selectablebaudrateupto115kbps.TheelectricalinterfacecanbesettobeRS-232levels,orfull-duplexdifferentialRS-485.


Hostcomputer ASCIIcommunicationsbasedonSCPI. Diagnostic host program supplied for Microsoft® .net framework. Binary DLLs available for Microsoft® .net,NationalInstruments™Labview™,Microsoft®C++.andLinux.

Operating principle Gated integrator (charge integrating amplifier)

Integration capacitor Dual, software selectable

Inputnoise <100fArms+1fArmsperpFinputloadupto100pF(1secondintegration,100pFcapacitor)

Inputoffset <10pA,15to25C.Offsetcanberemovedbyzerosubtraction.

StabilityOutputdrift <200fA/C/hour

Externalaccuracy Betterthan0.5%offullscaleinuse,integrationtime500μsecto1sec,after calibration with built-in current source

Integrationtime Userselectable,100μsecto10sec.

Externalgateinput TTL10kohmimpedance

Trigger modes Internal (autorun), external.

Digitisation 16 bit bipolar

Averagingmodes Multipleconversionsperintegration;multiple integrations per reading to increasedigitalresolutionupto20bits.

AuxiliaryHVPSU (Factoryoption)0to3000Vprogrammable (polarity and maximum voltagefactoryselectable),0.3mAmax.Noiseandripple<0.1%

Powerinput +24V(+/-2V)DC,300mAtyp, 500mAmax.

Controls Two rotary switches for loop address and comms mode/baud rate.

Displays Status LEDs (power, device status, commsmode,dataRX/TX).“HVon”LED.

Case material Stainless steel sheet

Weight 1.2kg(2.6lb).

Operatingenvironment 10to35C(15to25Crecommendedtoreducedriftandoffset),<70%humidity, non-condensing, vibration <0.1gallaxes(1to1000Hz)Vibrationmustbeaslowaspossibleto measure at the lower limit of the dynamic range.

Shippingandstorage -10to50C,<80%humidity,non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes, 1to1000Hz

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 8 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control Electronics

IC-101 Electronics Module continued...

Monitor outputs

Number One, analog voltage One, frequency

Signal type Analog voltage +/-10V into10kohm. Frequency0to1MHzTTL into 50ohm.

Mapping Signals map the selected nominal full scale current range.


Signal input BNC female.


Externalgatein Lemocoaxsize00

Monitoroutputs Lemocoaxsize00foranalogvoltage Lemocoaxsize00forfrequency

RS-232/RS485 Sixpinmini-DIN(“PS/2”) 1Tx/Rs-485Tx+ 4n/c 2Rx/RS-485Rx- 5RS-485Tx- 3Gnd 6RS-485Rx+

Fibreoptics TX&RXSTbayonet,suitablefor1mmplasticfibreor200μmHCSfibre.

Power in 2.1mm threaded jack. Mates with SwitchcraftS761Korequivalent.

Ground M3threadedstud


Dims mm






4X 2.0

4X3.66 Mtg Slot

118.6 115.52X


2X 166.04.7

Ordering InformationIC101electrometerwithusermanuals,PSIDiagnostichostsoftwareforWindowsPCs,calibrationdata IC101

IC101withauxiliaryHVsupplypositive3000V IC101-XP30

IC101withauxiliaryHVsupplynegative3000V IC101-XN30

BNCSignalCable,250mm CBY1450

SHVHighVoltageCable,250mm CBY1451

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 9 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control Electronics

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 10 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control Electronics

I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control optionFeatures

• Twoindependentgatedintegratorchannels

• Dynamicrange0.1pAto100μA

• Integrateddigitisationandcommunications

• Integratedcalibrationtestsource

• Selectionofcurrentandchargeintegrationmodes

• Externaltriggercapability

• Optionalhigh-precisionanalogoutputforservocontrolapplications



• Ionizationchambers

• Twoelectrodebeampositionmonitors

• Photodiodes

• Ultra-lowcurrentandchargemeasurement

•Withservocontroloption: • Stabilisationofdoublecrystalmonochromatorsfor synchrotron beamline experiments by control of the crystal cagepiezomotoramplifier • Stabilisationofbeampositioninchargedparticleorphoton beamlines


• AuxiliaryHVoutput0to1000V

• Alternativefeedbackcapacitoroptions

• Servocontroloptions


Operating principle Gated integrator (charge integrating amplifier)

Integration capacitor Dual, selectable

Inputnoise <10fArms+1fArmsperpFinputloadupto100pF (1secondintegration,10pFcapacitor,0Vbias)

Inputoffsetcurrent <100fAat0Vbias,25C <600fAat0Vbias,50C <200fAat400Vbias,25C

StabilityOutputdrift <5ppm/C/hour

Integrationtime Userselectable,100μsecminimum

Integrationmodes 0:continuouscurrent;1:continuouscharge,2:losslesscharge;3:externalgateintegration; 4:externally-triggeredburstmode

Externalgate 0/+5V,50ohmorfibre-opticreceiver,software-selectable

Digitisation 16bitbipolar,250kHz

AuxiliaryHVPSU (Factoryoption)0to1000Vprogrammable(polarityandmaximumvoltagefactoryselectable), 1mAmax.Noiseandripple<0.1%

Powerinput +24V(+/-2V)DC,350mAtyp,500mAmax

Controls Two rotary switches for loop address and comms mode/baud rate

Displays StatusLEDs(power,devicestatus,commsmode,datatransmissionrcv/xmit).“HVon”LED

Case material Stainless steel sheet

Weight 1.64kg(3.6lb)

Operatingenvironment 10to35C(15to25Crecommendedtoreducedriftandoffset),<70%humidity,non-condensing, vibration<0.1gallaxes(1to1000Hz)

Shippingandstorage -10to50C,<80%humidity,non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes,1to1000Hz environment

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 11 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control Electronics


Interfaces RS-232,8-bitASCII.Selectablebaudrate USB,8-bitASCII3Mbit/sec Fibre-opticloop,10Mbit/secserial, 9-bitasynchronousbinary. EthernetconnectiontohostthroughA300 orA500loopcontrollers

Hostcomputer ASCIIcommunicationsbasedonSCPI. Diagnostic host program supplied for Microsoft® .net framework. DLLs available for Microsoft® .net, National Instruments™ Labview™ andMicrosoft®C++

Servo control option

Principle TheI200measuresoneortwocurrents,from devices such as ionisation chambers, photodiodes, or secondary electron emission electrodes. The value of an arithmetic function of the measured currentsismaintainedbyadjustinga0to10VcontroloutputusingaPIDcontrolalgorithm

Typicalapplications BeamintensitystabilizationforDoubleCrystal Monochromators Beam position control in charged particle or photon beamlines

Sample application - double crystal

monochromator stabilisation

Servotype PIDcontrollerimplementedinfirmware; servo parameters software configurable

Processvariable I1,(I1/I2),(I1+I2),(I1-I2), ((I1-I2)/(I1+I2)) choices

Analogoutput 16bitDAC,0to+10VDC

Analoginput 10bitADC,0to+10VDC

Servofrequency 200Hzmaximum

Automated functions Open loop direct control of the DAC output, Peak scan, Peak spectrum upload Servo suspension if process variable bad

Incoming beam

Outgoing beam

Crystal cage


0-10V posn cmd

Amp feedback

Main rotation motor control

Piezo amplifier

I200 Host computer

I1 I2 HV


Signal inputs Two triaxial three lug bayonet. Mates withTrompeterPL74-7orequivalent

AuxiliaryHVout SHV

External gate in a) BNC (isolated from case) b)AvagoHFBRSTbayonet

AuxiliaryI/Oand 9pinDfemale servo control 1 Analog Gnd 6 Analog output 2AnalogGnd 7Analoginput 3+24VDCout 8PSUGnd 4Optocommon 9OptoinB 5OptoinA

USB USB B type female

RS-232 Sixpinmini-DIN(“PS/2”) 1Tx 4n/c 2Rx 5n/c 3Gnd 6n/c

Fibreoptics Two1mmAvagoHFBRSTbayonet

Power in 2.1 mm threaded jack. Mates with SwitchcraftS761Korequivalent

Ground M4threadedstud

Dims mm



















+24V USB RS-232 Optical Xmit

Rcv Link


Mode Address

I200 continued...

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 12 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control Electronics

I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased InputsThis four channel current and charge amplifier with biased inputs provides high performance, multiple operating modes and a wide range of communication options in a compact unit. Four gated integrator channels can operate in current or charge monitoring modes, over a wide range of signal amplitudes. A dedicated gate control input allows the integration to be coordinated with external events.

Data output is via RS232, USB and fast serial fibre optic. An optional fibre loop controller module connects multiple devices to a single Ethernet port.


• Fourgatedintegratorchannelswithadjustablebiasvoltage

• Dynamicrange0.1pAto100μA

• Integrateddigitisationandcommunications

• Integratedcalibrationtestsource

• Selectionofcurrentandchargeintegrationmodes

• Externalsynchronizationcapability












Interfaces RS-232,8-bitASCII.Selectablebaudrate.



Hostcomputer ASCIIcommunicationsbasedonSCPI.DiagnostichostprogramsuppliedforMicrosoft®.netframework.DLLsavailableforMicrosoft®.net,NationalInstruments™Labview™andMicrosoft®C++.

Integration capacitor Dual, selectable

Inputnoise <10fArms+1fArmsperpF inputloadupto100pF (1secondintegration,10pFcapacitor, 0Vbias)

Inputoffsetcurrent <100fAat0Vbias,25C <600fAat0Vbias,50C <200fAat400Vbias,25C

StabilityOutputdrift <5ppm/C/hour

Integrationtime Userselectable,100μsecminimum.

Integrationmodes 0:continuouscurrent; 1: continuous charge, 2:losslesscharge; 3:externalgateintegration; 4:externally-triggeredburstmode

Externalgate 0/+5V,50ohm

Digitisation Four independent ADCs, 16bitbipolar,200kHz

BiasHVPSU 0to400Vprogrammable, (polarity factory selectable), 1mAmax.Noiseandripple<0.1%

AuxiliaryHVPSU (Factoryoption)0to1000Vprogrammable (polarity factory selectable), 1mAmax.Noiseandripple<0.1%

Powerinput +24V(+/-2V)DC,350mAtyp, 500mAmax.

Casematerial Alalloy6060(AlMgSi)blackpowder coat,SBSelastomerendflangeseals,

Weight 1.64kg(3.6lb)includingmountingplate.

Operating 10to35C(15to25Crecommendedto environment reduce drift and offset), <70%humidity,non-condensing, vibration<0.1gallaxes(1to1000Hz)

Shippingand -10to50C,<80%humidity, storageenvironment non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes, 1to1000Hz

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 13 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control ElectronicsI400 continued...


Signalinputs Fourtriaxialduallugbayonet.MateswithTrompeterPL74-7orequivalent

AuxiliaryHVout SHV

External gate in BNC (isolated from case)

USB USB B type female.

RS-232 Sixpinmini-DIN(“PS/2”)

Fibreoptics Two1mmAvagoHFBRSTbayonet

Powerin 2.1mmthreadedjack.MateswithSwitchcraftS761Korequivalent

Ground M4threadedstud

Dims mm

Mode Address







+24V USB RS-232 Optical Xmit

Rcv Link











FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 14 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control Electronics

I404 Quad Current IntegratorFeatures

• Fourgatedintegratorchannels

• Dynamicrange1pAto1mA

• Integrateddigitisationandfiltering

• Fibre-optic,RS-232andRS-485interfaces

• Integratedcalibrationtestsource

• Selectionofcurrentandchargeintegrationmodes

• Externaltriggercapability

• Fourindependentanalogue/frequencymonitoroutputs,configurable to show various analog parameters such as current, position




• Lowcurrentandchargemeasurement

• Beampositionmonitors






Interfaces RS-232orRS-4858-bitASCII.Selectablebaudrateupto115kbps. TheelectricalinterfacecanbesettobeRS-232levels,orfull-duplexdifferentialRS-485

Fibre-opticloop,10Mbit/secserial,9-bitasynchronousbinary. EthernetconnectiontohostthroughA300orA500loopcontrollers

Hostcomputer ASCIIcommunicationsbasedonSCPI.DiagnostichostprogramsuppliedforMicrosoft®.netframework. DLLsavailableforMicrosoft®.net,NationalInstruments™Labview™andMicrosoft®C++.

Operating principle Gated integrator (charge integrating amplifier)

Integration capacitor Dual, software selectable in real time

Inputnoise <100fArms+1fArmsperpF inputloadupto100pF (1secondintegration,100pFcapacitor)

Inputoffset <100pA,15to25C. Offset can be removed byzerosubtraction

Stability Outputdrift<200fA/C/hour

Externalaccuracy Betterthan0.5%offullscaleinuse, integrationtime500μsecto1sec,after calibration with built-in current source

Integrationtime Userselectable,100μsecto65sec

Integration modes continuous charge/current, charge accumulation, triggered burst

Externalgate TTL10kohmimpedance

Trigger modes Internal (autorun), external start, external start/stop, sternal start/hold, message

Digitisation 16bitbipolar,50kHzeffectiveperchannel Built-indigitalaveraginggives20bit effectiveresolutionfor32integrations

AuxiliaryHVPSU (Factoryoption)0to1000V programmable (polarity and maximum voltage factory selectable), 1 mA max. Noiseandripple<0.1%

Powerinput +24V(+/-2V)DC,350mAtyp, 500mAmax.

Controls Two rotary switches for loop address and comms mode/baud rate

Displays Status LEDs (power, device status, commsmode,dataRX/TX)“HVon”LED

Case material Stainless steel sheet

Weight 1.64kg(3.6lb)

Operating 10to35C(15to25Crecommendedto environment reduce drift and offset), <70%humidity,non-condensing, vibration<0.1gallaxes(1to1000Hz) Vibrationmustbeaslowaspossibleto measure at the lower limit of the dynamic range

Shippingand -10to50C,<80%humidity, storage non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes, environment 1to1000Hz

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 15 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control Electronics

Monitor outputs

Number Four, independent analogue voltage Four, independent frequency

Signaltype Analoguevoltage+/-10Vinto10kOhm Frequency0to1MHzinto50Ohm

Software-selectable Current, four outputs active output parameter (relative to full scale for integration time options and capacitor use)

Independent position, two outputs active X=(IN1-IN4)/(IN1+IN4) Y=(IN2-IN3)/(IN2+IN3)

Quadrantposition,twooutputsactive X=((IN1+IN3)-(IN2+IN4))/ (IN1+IN2+IN3+IN4) Y=((IN1+IN2)-(IN3+IN4))/ (IN1+IN2+IN3+IN4)

I404 Ordering informationI404fourchannelelectrometer I404

I404fourchannelelectrometerwith2kVauxiliaryHighVoltageoutput I404-XP20

I404fourchannelelectrometerwith3kVauxiliaryHighVoltageoutput I404-XP30

for alternative auxiliary HV output please contact us.


Signal inputs Four BNC

AuxiliaryHVout SHV

External gate in BNC (isolated from case)

Monitoroutputs Fourlemocoaxsize00 for analogue voltage Fourlemocoaxsize00forfrequency

RS-232/RS-485 Sixpinmini-DIN(“PS/2”) 1Tx 4n/c 2Rx 5Tx2(RS-485only) 3Gnd 6Rx2(RS-485only)

Fibreoptics TX&TxSTbayonet,suitablefor 1mmplasticfibreor200μmACSfibre

Power in 2.1mm threaded jack. Mates with SwitchcraftS761Korequivalent

Ground M3threadedstud

Dims mm





2X 10.2



167.7 2X161.3



2X 152.0


I404 Quad Current Integrator continued...

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 16 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control Electronics

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop AdaptorThe S100 provides a simple method of connecting a RS-232 device to a fibre-optic communications loop. It allows devices with different baud rates to be present on the same loop and independently addressable. Data transfer is possible via fast serial fibre optic. Fibre optic loop controller modules are available to connect multiple devices to a single Ethernet port. DLLs are provided for Windows™ systems and Labview™. The embedded software can be updated via the serial interface. The S100 complies with EN61010-1:2001 electrical safety and CE standards


• SimpleinterfacingofexistingRS-232devicestoafibre-opticcommunication loop

• Compactsizeallowsconvenientlocationclosetothedevice

• StandardD9serialport

•MakestheRS-232deviceIndependentlyaddressableoverfibre-optic loop

• Allowsdifferentbaudrateserialdevicestobepresentonthesame loop.

• Customisabletoallowlocalcontrolofserialdevices


• ConnectinganydevicewithaRS-232serialinterfacestofibre-optic loop systems

• Allowinglegacyserialdevicestooperateinamultidropenvironment

• CommunicationwithRS-232devicesoverhigh-voltagegaps

• EnhancementofexistingRS-232devicesbyaddinglocalintelligence, such as data buffering, filtering and scaling, controlled startups and shutdown, interlocking


RS-232port Supportedbaudrates 110,300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200bps 8bitsnoparity,onestop Handshakingmode SoftwareXon/Xoff

Fibre-opticport Supportedbaudrates 19200,57600,115200bps;3,10Mbps Addresses 1–14inclusive Protocol 8bitASCII,8bitbinary

Powerinput +24V(+/-2V)DC,100mA

Controls 16 position rotary switch for address selection 10positionrotaryswitchforcommsmode/baudrate

Displays Four status LEDs (power, status, communications status)

Casematerial Alalloy6060(AlMgSi)blackpowdercoat,SBSelastomerendflangeseals,

Weight 0.15kg(0.33lb)

Operatingenvironment 10to35C,<80%humidity,non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes,1to1000Hz

Storageenvironment 0to50C,<80%humidity,non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes,1to1000Hz


Interfaces RS-232,8-bitbinary.Selectablebaudratefrom110to115,200bps Fibre-opticloop,9600to10Mbit/secserial,8or9bitasynchronousbinary

Hostcomputer DLLsprovidedforMicrosoft®.net,LabviewandC++.

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 17 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control ElectronicsS100 continued...


RS-232 D9female(Pin2Rx,pin3Rx,pin5Gnd;otherpinsn/c)

Fibreoptics Two1mmAvagoHFBRSTbayonet.

Powerin 2.1mmthreadedjack.MateswithSwitchcraftS761Korequivalent.

Ground M4threadedstud

Dims mm












FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

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Control Electronics

A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop AdapterThe A200 provides an effective method of connecting a fibre optic serial data loop to a computer. Drivers are provided for Windows™ systems. The A200 complies with EN61010-1:2001 electrical safety and CE standards


• Themostcost-effectivewayofconnectingafibre-opticserialdata loop to a computer

• PoweredfromUSB

•Completeelectricalisolationofdevicesontheloopfromthecontrolling computer

• Upto16devicescanbeconnectedsimultaneouslytoasingleUSB port

•Windows™ compatible drivers supplied


•Rapid,cost-effective,setupofcompletecontrolanddataacquisition systems using a noise-immune fibre-optic data loop



Powerinput PoweredfromUSB,150mA

Casematerial Alalloy6060(AlMgSi)blackpowdercoat,SBSelastomerendflangeseals,

Weight 0.125kg(0.3lb)

Operatingenvironment 10to35C,<80%humidity,non-condensing,vibration<5gallaxes,1to1000Hz

Storageenvironment 0to50C,<80%humidity,non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes,1to1000Hz


USB USB B type female

Fibreoptics Two1mmAvagoHFBRSTbayonet


Interfaces USB1.0


Hostcomputer DriversprovidedforMicrosoft® Windows™

Dims mm








FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

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Control Electronics

A300 Ethernet Loop Controller




Dims mm

AddressPower RcvXmit
















•AllowsuptofifteendevicestobeconnectedtoastandardPCthrougha single Ethernet port

•PSIDiagnostichostsoftwareallowsallPTCdevicestobe connectedthroughtheA300







Ethernetport Supportedbaudrates 100Mbps

Protocol UDP

IP address Switch selectable: to192.168.100.215 Other ranges can be requested.

IPportnumber 100

Fibre-opticport Supportedbaudrates 10Mbps

Deviceaddresses 1–15inclusive

Protocol 9bit(10Mbps)

Powerinput +24V(+/-2V)DC,150mA

Controls 16 position rotary switch for IP address selection

Displays Four board status LEDs (power, fibre-optic activity, Ethernet activity, program running). Duringflashmemoryprogramming, alternate LEDs blink.

Four Ethernet status LEDs (power, Ethernet connected,100Mbselected; Ethernet activity)

Case material Stainless steel sheet

Weight 0.22kg(0.48lb)

Operating 10to35C,<80%humidity, environment non-condensing,vibration<0.2gallaxes, 1to1000Hz

Storage 0to50C,<80%humidity,non-condensing, environment vibration<2gallaxes,1to1000Hz


Interfaces Tohostsystem:Ethernet10/100baseT

To front-end devices: Fibre-optic loop, 10Mbit/secserial, 9bitasynchronousbinary.

Hostcomputer PSIDiagnostichostsoftwarerecommended. DLLsavailableforMicrosoft®.NET2.0, Win32andLabview.


Ethernet RJ-45socket,suitablestandardEthernet 8-wayplugandCAT5orhighercable. Fully transformer isolated AutoMDIXcapability:TheA300negotiates TXandRXlineswhenmakingaconnection. Crossover or non-crossover cables may therefore be used.

Fibreoptics Two1mmAvagoHFBRSTbayonet.

Power in 2.1 mm threaded jack. Mates with SwitchcraftS761Korequivalent.

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

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Control Electronics

M10 Universal Device InterfaceThe M10 provides general purpose analog and digital I/O. Channels of mixed I/O are provided on a standard 25 pin D sub connector, allowing convenient interfacing to a power supply or similar device. Data transfer is possible via fast serial fibre optic. Fibre optic loop controller modules are available to connect multiple devices to a single Ethernet port. Host software and device drivers are provided for Windows™ systems and Labview™. The embedded software can be updated via the serial interface. The M10 complies with EN61010-1:2001 electrical safety and CE standards


• Highresolutionandspeedinacompactandcost-effectivepackage

• Permitssimpleinterfacingofexistingdevicestoafast fibre-optic communication loop

• Canbemountedonorclosetothedevicebeingcontrolled

• Uptosixteendevicescanbeconnectedonasinglefibre-optic loop


• Remotecontrolofpowersuppliesandsimilardevicesoverfibre-optic

• Controlofdevicesacrosshighvoltagebarriers

• ConnectionofmultipledevicestoaPChost.Eachdeviceindependently addressable

• Fullyautomatedsystemsoperatinginelectricallynoisyenvironments

• Additionofhigh-performanceremotecontroltoexistingsystems


Analog outputs Number of independent outputs 2 Outputvoltagerange -10Vto+10V Outputcurrentcompliance +/-5mA Resolutionoverfullvoltagespan 16bit Linearitymaxdeviationoverspan <0.1%

Analog inputs Number of independent inputs 2 Configuration Differential Inputvoltagerange -10Vto+10V(softwareconfigurableto +/-5V,0to+5V,or0to+10V) Inputimpedance 10kohm Commonmoderejection 80dB

Digitaloutput Numberofindependentoutputs 4 Voltagelevel TTL Maximumcurrentdrivecapability 24mA

Digitalinput Numberofindependentinputs 4 Voltagelevel TTL Configuration Activelow,internal10kohmpullupto+5V Inputimpedance 10kohm

Powerinput +24V(+/-2V)DC,500mAmaximum

Controls 16 position rotary switch for address selection

Displays Status LEDs (power, processor status, comms status)

Case material Stainless steel sheet

Weight 0.15kg(0.33lb)

Operatingenvironment 10to35C,<80%humidity,non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes,1to1000Hz

Storageenvironment 0to50C,<80%humidity,non-condensing,vibration<2gallaxes,1to1000Hz

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

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Control Electronics















Xmit RcvPower Address

M10 continued...


Interfaces Fibre-opticloop,9600to10Mbit/secserial,8or9bitasynchronousbinary

Datarate Typicalread/writerate>=1kHz,dependinguponloopconfiguration. RatetolocalM10memory(specialapplications)>=10kHz

Fibre-optic loop to host system interfacing available using loop controllers: A100(RS-232),A200(USB),A300(Ethernet),A500(Real-timecontroller)

Hostcomputer DiagnostichostprogramprovidedforPC.EmbeddedsoftwareDLLsavailableforMicrosoft® .net, Labview andC++


Fibreoptics Two1mmAvagoHFBRSTbayonet

Power in 2.1 mm threaded jack. MateswithSwitchcraftS761Korequivalent.

Signal 25wayDsubfemale

1 PSU 0V in 14 +24V DC in

2 Shield (M10 case) 15 Analog ground

3 Analog In 1 + 16 Analog In 1 -

4 Digital out 1 17 Digital out 2

5 Analog In 2 + 18 Analog In 2 -

6 Analog ground 19 Analog out 1

7 Analog ground 20 Analog out 2

8 Analog ground 21 +5V digital out

9 Digital ground 22 Digital out 3

10 Digital out 4 23 Digital ground

11 Digital In 4 24 Digital In 3

12 Digital In 2 25 Digital In 1

13 Digital ground

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

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Control Electronics

I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer



















Interfaces RS-232,8-bitASCII.Selectablebaudrate.



Hostcomputer ASCIIcommunicationsbasedonSCPI.DiagnostichostprogramsuppliedforMicrosoft®.netframework.DLLsavailableforMicrosoft®.net,NationalInstruments™Labview™andMicrosoft®C++.

Integration capacitors Each channel has dual, selectable capacitors

Inputnoise <10fArms+1fArmsperpF inputloadupto100pF (1secondintegration,10pFcapacitor)

Inputoffsetcurrent <100fAat0Vbias,25C <600fAat0Vbias,50C <200fAat400Vbias,25C

StabilityOutputdrift <5ppm/C/hour

Integrationtime Userselectable,100μsecminimum.

Integrationmodes Continuouscurrent;continuouscharge;losslesschargeaccumulation; externalgateintegration; triggered burst mode

Input protection Back to back fast diode pair and spark gap on each input

Digitisation Eight ADCs reading groups of four inputs,16bitbipolar,250kHz

Datareadouttime 32channelsareconvertedandcopiedtointernalmemoryin≤10μsec

Dataratetohost >1kHztypicalfor32channels

Externalgate 0/+5V,50ohmorfibre-opticlogiclevel input

Actuatorcontrol Switched24VDCforactuatorsolenoid, in/out limit switch sense

HVPSU 0to2500Vprogrammable, (polarity factory selectable), 200μAmax.Noiseandripple<0.1%.Other voltages available.

Powerinput +24V(+/-2V)DC,750mAtyp, 1200mAmax.excludingactuator

Controls Two rotary switches for loop address and comms mode/baud rate.

Displays Status LEDs (power, device status, comms mode, data transmission rcv/xmit).“HVon”LED.

Case 1U19”galvanizedsteelchassiswithAl alloy front panel

Weight 2.7kg(6.0lb)

Operating 10to35C(15to25Crecommended environment to reduce drift and offset), <70%humidity,non-condensing, vibration<0.1gallaxes(1to1000Hz)

Shippingandstorage -10to50C,<80%humidity, environment non-condensing, vibration <2gallaxes,1to1000Hz

FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer

with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Bi-

ased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased

Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Con-

trols Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Com-

plete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete

control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Cur-

rent Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator

S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field

cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls

software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-op-

tic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

FMB Oxford Datasheet page 23 of 24 Control Electronics - Ver. 1 - Aug 2009

Control ElectronicsI3200 continued...


Signalinputs TwoD25sockets.Channels1-16,channels17-32.

Actuatorcontrol D9socket.


Externalgatein BNC(isolatedfromcase)orAvagoVersatileLinkHFBRSTbayonet

USB USB B type female.

RS-232 Sixpinmini-DIN(“PS/2”)

Fibreoptics TwoAvagoVersatileLinkHFBRSTbayonet(compatiblewith1mmPOFand200μmHCSfibre)

Powerin 2.1mmthreadedjack.MateswithSwitchcraftS761Korequivalent.

Ground M4threadedstud

Dims mm






Rcv Link


Power HV





+24VUSB RS-232 Optical ModeAddressGate




FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200

2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thir-

ty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control sys-

tem IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs

I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10

Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls soft-

ware MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel

Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter

A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control

cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo

control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200

USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB

Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200

2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100

RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thir-

ty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system

IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404

Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Univer-

sal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software

MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital

Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300

Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets

Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control op-

tion I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to

Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford

Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel

digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to

Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two chan-

nel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101

Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad

Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal

Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8

Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrom-

eter with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet

Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field ca-

bling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option

I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-

optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital elec-

trometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic

Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital

Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics

Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Inter-

face I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus mo-

tion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with

Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop

Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling

Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400

Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic

Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls

Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital elec-

trometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Integrator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic

Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Interface I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital

Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus motion control system IC-101 Electronics

Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with Biased Inputs I404 Quad Current Inte-

grator S100 RS-232 to Fibre-optic Loop Adaptor A200 USB to Fibre-optic Loop Adapter A300 Ethernet Loop Controller M10 Universal Device Inter-

face I3200 Thirty-two channel Digital Electrometer FMB Oxford Controls Complete control cabinets Field cabling Controls software MCS-8 Plus mo-

tion control system IC-101 Electronics Module I200 2-channel digital electrometer with servo control option I400 Four-channel Digital Electrometer with

FMB Oxford operate a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2008. FMB Oxford reserves the right to change product specifications without notice, in line with our policy of constant product improvement. © FMB Oxford Ltd 2009. All rights reserved. All trademarks, copyrights and registrations acknowledged.

Certificate Number FM27989

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