Conventions of a school magazine

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Conventions of a school magazine

Luke collinson

Clear easy to read font.

It is a free magazine. The date would suggest its monthly because it just has a month and year with no day.

The masthead is hear to tell you the title of the magazine. In this case it is clearly a school magazine

Picture of student maybe to show the correct uniform e.g. ‘the model student’

Main stories all around the out side to draw you in to read it.

Title to relate to students.

Colour scheme blue and white. Colours work well together Missing

school logo

Whit writing is very hard to read on this background.

White on black shows that its an import title

Main story

Evaluation • This school magazine is alright but it does have some faults. An example of

something that isn't good would be the fact that the school logo is missing, there is some almost unreadable due to the font that has been picked the and the colour it is compared to the background. Over all though it is a fair effort a good magazine; it uses rhetorical questions and different types of title to appeal to different people so that it draws a maximum audience in. Also on the front cover there is a picture of a student this makes it more relatable for the students as it might be their friend of someone they recognise, this picture also shows off the school uniform and also a bit of the students fashion (her coat and bag) these are two of the titles, this means the audience has a picture to relate to the text and know what to expect.

Questionnaire What would you expect to see in a school magazine?

School sports results III

Exam results II

Film review

Message from teachers III

Upcoming events IIIII

Summary of month IIIII

Articles about school life III

How much would you expect the magazine to cost?Free IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

£1-£2 IIII

£2+How often would you expect the magazine to come out?

Daily III



Analysis of previous work• This magazine uses a medium close up on the front cover, both pages are well laid

out and easy to read. The front of it is very eye catching and aesthetically pleasing due to the size and type of font, this is a very good thing because it means the magazine is more likely to be noticed by the audience and brought/ taken. The stories are well picked as they are probably the most interesting.

• The magazine however seems to be mainly aimed at the upper school, this may be because research was done and lower school weren't that interested but I still think that it should be suitable for everyone.

• I think that they have fulfilled the brief. To improve work like this you would need a high level of skill in Photoshop.

Rough front and contents page

Actual magazine