Cooperative Housing Effective Experiment - University of...

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VOL. No. 2 No. 1

Cooperative Housing Effective Experiment

Another on-going NEw CoLLEGE experi~1ent was inaugurated last year. Pnmanly because of the housing shortage on campus, but also because of a desire to test cooperative housing, the College purchased two large house5 several blocks south of the campus between the Trail and Sarasota Bay.

Approximately 8 women and 8 men collectively rented the houses from the College, pooled their re­sources and shared expenses. Although men and women lived in separate builclings, aU took their meals in a communal dining room, and cooking. marketing, cleaning and repairs were assigned on a regular basis.

According to students who partici­pated in the experiment, it was an interesting and enlightening experience. Success of the venture is difficult to measure since it must be based almost entirely on the educational value for participating students.

Due to the large number of students on 4-year option this term, the co­oppers have sub-let one of the houses to non-students.

Class Of '71 Includes 21 Transfers

Among the entering class of 170 students this year, the largest class yet admitted, are a record number of stu­dents transferring from other colleges.

Their presence on campus indicates a growing awareness of NEW COLLEGE among undergraduates nt other col­leges and universities. Their numbers also show that the NEW COLLEGE ed­ucational program, which gives greater responsibility to the individual stu­dents, appeals to students who have begun in more traditional and less flexible programs.

Transfer students interviewed gen­erally gave credit to the ecluc~tional program and to the opportumty to work closely with faculty as their reasons for changing colleges. Among colleges represented by the transfers are Shimer, Wellesley, New York Uni­versity, Boston University, Olivet and Harvard.


A Letter From The President

Many of you wrote me during my recent tllness and it has not been possible to reply to every let­ter. Perhaps this can serve as a collective (and hearty) note of thanks. (Apparently I have to have a heart attack to get letters from alumni!)

In any event. I am now back at the job of trying to keep New Col­lege on the road to tts destiny. even, at times. to speculate rather pointedly on what that destiny may be. As we prepare to admit our sixth class, we are prompted to start asking a whole lot of new questions about our basic policies, procedures, and philosophies, in­cluding some about the nature of the student body we want. One of our hang-ups 1s that we have been so happy with you who have been here that we hate to change things much, but, at the same time, we suspect we are getting frozen m certain patterns and already losing our capacity to change as the world changes.

Change, however, is always with us, and I for one don't worry too much about academic hardening of the arteries.

We miss you ull and welcome your messages.

John Elmendorf

APRIL, 1969


The Campus Book Store In Expanded Quarters

With its floor space more than doubled by the addition of 1090 sq. ft., the Campus Book Shop now is ready to serve the general public as well as students and faculty. Three years ago this month the bookstore moved from its original quarters on the West Campus to its present location . It now stocks not only textbooks for the college tnde, but also bestsellers, reference books, chi ldren's and art books, a large number of paperbacks, gift and holiday cards, stationery, gifts, and even posters and prints.

Founded by the late I. J. Paster, the shop is now managed by his daughter, Mrs. Morton Gulak, assisted by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Saul Paster. Mrs. Gulak's architect husband designed the new addition, and the entire shop is fully carpeted, well lighted, and con­tains adequate shelving.

Mrs. Gulak expects to double the number of books available during the coming year, as the volume of sales increased to 25,000-30,000 volumes last year. She credits the large amount of business to the voracious reading habits of NEW COLLEGE students. The shop also has a ste;ady flow of local book and gift buyers, most of whom learned about the shop accidentally or while attending special courses or lec­tures at the college.


More and more fr quently, the Alumni Office i calkd upon to furni h data on EW OLLEGE graduates ·­\\hat they arc doing, how they feel their education ha hdped them and so on. Through the years, the ac­complishment of our graduate will be of increa ing importance a the College applies fo_r suppor~ fr?f!l cor­porations, foundattons an~ mdtvtd~~ls. We appreciate your help m ~omptlmg thi information, so - keep tn touch. Be t wi hes,

Mary Alice Root Director, Alumni Relations

New Appointments Mrs. Dilsey Brewer - came . to New College in September as assistant to Dr. "Mac" Miller in the newly created Office of Student Pohcy. Mrs. Brewer comes from Antioch College, where she was a istant to the Dean of Students. The role of the traditional dean of . tuden~ was scrapped at 'ew College thi. •ear and with It the usual accept­ance of that office as primarily . the enfon·er of 1 egulatwn and the ~~ Cl­pliner of student . Dr. Arthur Miller, a· the Dir ct r of student pohc •, wan~ to head off problems rather than look for a solutiOn after they appear. Mrs. Brewer handl most of the admmi -trati\"e load of the office and sees opportunities here to provide ~venue for finding constructtve oluhons to stud nt problems.

• • • • Kenneth Simco lS a new addition to the Admtssion staff, replacmg Joe Hall a Financial Atd Officer, and doubhng as an admisswns couns llor. Mr. Suncoe was a ociat director of admJsston at Cornell College m Iowa for thtrteen years before coming to .. ew College. He received his BS de­gree from Ilhnots We !cyan University.

• • • • Robert J. Norwine has been named cxccutiv as tstant to the president of the coli ge, with sp cial responsibili­ties m the area of development and public r~lations. Announcement of th appomtment was made Nov mber 28 by Dr. Victor Butterfield. Mr. Norwine will continue to direct the admtsstons activities of the college tn add1tion to h1 new re ponsibilities. He assumes many of the dutie of former V1ce Pre tdent Paul D. Davis, now a sistant to the chancellor of the Umvers1ty of Wtsc::onsm at Green Bay. He will co­ordinate the staff work in conn •ction with development, the new $10 million Capttal Campaign, and public rela­twns. Other rc ponsibilities wtll in­clude rcprcscntmg the office of the pre id nt of the college on occasiOn.

New Gets

College Another

Foundation Honor One EW CoLLEGI:. student and a

mathematic tutor have been nan:ed as designates for graduate fel1owshtp by the Woodrow. Wilson ational Fel­low hip FoundatiOn.

Five other NEW CoLLEGE under­graduates received honorable mention by the toundation.

Selection as a designate by the foundation mean a student is con-idered among the best futu~e college

teachers on the North Amcncan con­tinent. Designate ' names have be~n sent to all graduate school deans . m the United State and Canada With recommendations t h a t fellow hip awards be made to them.

This is the third straight year that EW CoLLEGE has had undergraduates

elected for this honor. Lawrence H. Dunlap Jr. of Lancast­

er, Pa., a student in chemistry, was selected as the undergraduate desig­nate. Roger P. Peter , a tutor in math­ematics who did his undergraduate work at the University of Chicago, also is a de ignate.

Named to the honorabk mention list were: Scott M. Baker, Wheaton. Ill., English; Claudia A. Blair, Skokie, Ill., experimental psychology; George A. Finkle, Kankake~.:, Ill., hi tory; Wil­liam D. Patterson, Barberton, Ohio Architecture; and Eric P. Stautfer.

uc on, Ariz., philo ophy. 1 hose from EW COLLEGE were in

competition with orne 11,704 candi­dates as finalists in the competition.

• • • • Ray and Inge (Fryklund) Bennett '67 arc back where they started - in the .. atural Science Department, but in som what different capacities. Ray ts asststing Dr. Gorfein thts term as a tutor 111 Anunal Learning, and fmds htm elf fully occup1ed with hi 7-hour lab and 3-hour lecture schedule. Next term he will be teaching Cognitive Psychology and Mathematical Psy­chology m addit10n to supervising all research in these ar as. He is mean­while preparing for pre-lim. in July, after which he will begin work on his doctoral the is.

Inge is also preparmg for pre-hms in July and finds a spot in Ray's of­flee a convenient place to study. In the little time left when th y are not teaching or studying, th Bennetts enjoy hving on Holmes Beach where Tampa Baf 1s at their b ck door and the Gulf o Mexico only 2 blocks away.

• • • • • Tom Todd, now tudymg at Yale, was a spectal guest at the Milestone Din­ncr held at Hamtlton Center on March 13th. Tom, as noted elsewhere in this new letter, is night editor for the Assoctated Press m New Haven. Tom ~po e about the value of his New College cxpenences. A report of the vent will be carried in the Associated

Pre s house organ.

Milestone Capital

Reached in Campaign

Announcement that the first million dollar had been reached in the current

apital Campaign was made at a Mile tone Dinner held at Hamilton Center on March 13. The campaign, now in full swing, has been making notable progres in the Major Gift area under the chairmanship of Nnv COLLEGE Trustees Werk Cook and Ted Sperling. The goal of the Cam­paign point toward a projected growth to 800 students within five years. 'ew facilities of every kind are required­one of them, the student hou ing clust­er on the Palmer Campus, is already under construction.

1 he objectives of the Campaign arc as follows: • Most-needed academic facility is a

new Library, one fully adequate for needs of a student body largely en­gaged in independent study pro­gram $1,612,000

• A classroom building to accommo­date projected increase in the num­ber of students $372,800

• Humanittes building containing stu­dio for painting, sculpture, ceram!c works, language laboratory, mus1c practice rooms and storage . . .

$182,000 • Center for Religious and Humanis­

tic study to house an auditonum and fine arts center and Theater with complete facilities for its use

479,000 • Stud nt Housing comes next in the

order of priorities. Needed at once, facilities for additional student dormitories and dining facilities ..

$2,160,000 • All new buildings offer many gift

opportumtics for individual donor.. • AcquisitiOn .F'und for Ltbrary for

books, tape , slides, film and equipment $775,000

• Faculty Research Fund to encour­age faculty research and teaching proj ct $272,0_00

• Faculty Support Fund to a.s~Jst recruitment and remain compettttve wtth other schools as well as indus­try and govemment $675 000

• Gr ate t need to be met from en­dowment mcome is in Student Scholarships. To contmue to attract th be t qualified students. New College must offer more and larger scholarships $1,825,000

• Student Loan Fund to supplement scholarship aid . $363,200

• A Campus Enrichment Fund to de­velop visitmg lecturers programs, mternntional studies and off-cam­pus program $250,000

• A Computer Fund to be u~e? by Students, faculty, and admtmstra­tion and also to be used as an instructional tool $128,000

• Endowm nt Chairs, to be n~mcd for the donors. Two such chatrs wtth income from gift applted to salary and rc carch work of the incumbent


Thus the total of $10 million i apportioned to trengthen the pro­grams and enlarge the necessary familities for the EW COl l.F.GE of the future.

NEW'S WHO: Herbert McAdams - '68 University of Arkansas 901 W. Dickson, Apt. D 4 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72706 Married Letty Fay Castlebcn:v

Ray P. McClain '67 Umversity of Chicago Law School 1213 East 54th Street Chicago. lllmois 60615

Thomas McDaid '68 Columbia University Harmony Hall - Rm 301

c/ o McBain Hall New York, New York 10025

Paul MacNeil - '67 Nasson College 2600 Bahia Vista Street Sarasota, Florida 33570

Kathryn Arnone Matheson - '70 Pine Drive, RFD Chatham, Mass. 02633

Denise Miller '67 Southern Connecticut 58 Country Club Drive Meriden, Conn. 06450 Teaching 4th grade

Ken '68 and Abby Allgood · '67 Mise mer

26 Highland Road Somerville, Mass. 02143 Ken: MBA program at Harvard

Bus. School

George Monoson '67 4241 S.W. 9th Terrace Miami, Florida 33143

Michael Moore - '68 Florida Atlantic University SGA Office Administration Building, Rm 14 Boca Raton, Florida 33432

Jerry Neugarten '68 48 Atwood Street Hartford, Conn. 06105 Working for American Civil Liberties

Union . Working for Conn. Planning Commas­

sian on Criminal Administration

Mary F. O'Keefe '68 610 West Elm Avenue Monroe, Michigan 48161 Monroe campus of Marygrove College Received as novice on Feb. 2

Elizabeth Panos · '69 University of South Florida 908 Bracewell Drive Plant City, Florida 33566

Cheryl (Sam) Parsons '68 512 East 12th Street New York, New York 10009 Working at Center for Urban


Laurie '68 and Edna Walker · '68 Paulson

48 Hill Street. Apt. 9B Morristown New Jersey 07960 Laurie is r~portcr for Morris County's

Daily Record and has his own weekly column.

a listing of New College Alumni John Peters '68 Wolfson College. Oxford 60 Banbury Road Oxford, ENGLAND

William Powell - '68 SA B631329 Code FK ETA SSC TI San Francisco, Calif. 94130 U.S. NAVY

Charles '67 and Vickie Pearthree • '68 Raeburn

Yale University 32 1 ~ Vernon Street New Haven, Conn. 06519 Charlie: Law School Vic·kie: Psychology

Judith Randall - '67 2515 N.W. Expressway, Apt. Ql4 Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Systems analyst with Fulton

Nat'l Bank

Anna Rogers '68 3851 Greenway Drive, Apt. C-23 Sarasota. Florida 33580 Teaching in Sarasota

David Rogg - '68 US 5695 9924 1st Admin. Co. (A & D), 1st Inf. Div. APO S. F. 96345 Married: Karen Chance

Deanne Root '68 University of Illinois 904 W. California Urbana, Illinois 61801

Jeanne Rosenberg - '67 1921 Walnut Street Berkeley, Calif. 94704

Jeffrey Rubin - '67 5054 S.W. 82nd Street Miami, Florida 33143 University of Miami

Patricia Sanderson '68 George Washington University 1129 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. W~tshington, D. C. 20037 Engaged to James L. Harnitt

Thomas Sanford • '67 U. of Texas at Austin Married Linda Martin Reed, July 1968

Judy Segal '68 427 Stoc.kton, Apt. 401 San Francisco, Calif. 94108 Working for Bancroft Whitney

Publishing Co.

Patricia Sieminski '67 125 Sullivan Street, No. 8 New York, New York 10012 'll;'orking for Museum of Modern Art

as Ass't to the Registrar

Maya Silbey - '70 2601 Frederick Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21223 . Workang for Westinghouse Electnc Co.

as a Project Administrator

Margaret Spurrell '68 Northwestern University 1725 Orrington, Rm 613 Evanston. Illinois 60201

Ruth Stange '68 331 W. 9th Street New York, New York 10003 Working for J. L. Imports, Inc.

Cheryl McWhorter '68 Star Married Wm. Star November 29, 1968 6426 SW 30th Street Miami, Florida 33155 Currently performing in Miami

Philharmonic Orchestra

Kenneth Swain - '68 Rt. No. 1 Columbus Junction, Iowa 52240 University of Iowa

Patrick Tarr • '68 R. D. No.2 Russell, Penn. 16345 Westminster College

Henry Thomas '67 University of Michigan 1206 Cambridge, Ct. No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Married Rosemarie Grover Son born Dec. 3, 1968 Received M.A. in Dec. 1968

Thomas Todd '67 Yale Law School 1758 Yale Station New Haven, Conn. 06520 Newsman with Associated Press

G. Samuel Treynor '67 204 W. 35th Street Norfolk, Virginia Norfolk Social Service Bureau

Paul and Diana Shiphorst Ukleja · '67 University of Chicago 7528 South Coles Chicago, Illinois 60649

Rick and Laura Rawson vonBehren '67 University of Maryland 4324 Rowalt Drive, No. 301 College Park, Maryland 20740

Richard Wall · '68 2023 Pershing Ave. Davenport, Iowa 52803 Grinnell College

Alexander White • '69 Stanford University 540 W. Springfield Ave. Philadelphia, Penn. 19118

Cheryl White '68 A\'e. de Villejian -

Cite des Jeunes J:o'illis gr. 3 35 Rennes, France University of Rennes, France Teaching American Lit. at French and

American Institute in Rennes.

Elizabeth Yocher '67 303 Olivia St. Debry, Conn. 06418

NEW'S WHO: The following information is current

as the Alumni Newsletter goes to press. If your name is not listed, it is because our records indicate no change in ad­dress or information since the last issue.

James Ackerman • '67 Raymond College 417 E. Oak Street Stockton, California 95202 Married Theresa Ann Scroggin

Laurence Alexander '68 Princeton University Graduate College Princeton, New Jersey 08540

David Allen • '68 University of California, Berkeley 1729 Dwight Way Berkeley, Calif. 94703 Married Rafaella Delbourgo

Betsy Ash '67 124 A No. 5 Leesburg Gardens Leesburg, Va. 22075

Esther Barazzone '67 Columbia University International House 500 Riverside Drive New York, New York 10027

Julie Beasley - '68 University of Kentucky 1860 Clays Mill Road Lexington, Kentucky 40503

Thomas Bell '67 University of Chicago 1414 E. 59th Street. Rm. 643 Chicago, Illinois 6063'7

Ray and Karen Fryklund Bennett '67 New College P. 0. Box 1898 Sarasota, Florida 33578 Ray: Tutor in Natural Sci. Dept.

Irving Benoist '68 University of Minnesota 615 Ontario St., S.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55414

Linda Benua - '67 Wilmington College Box 752 Wilmington College Wilmington, Ohio 45177

Hilary Blocksom '68 College of Architecture, Cornell Univ. 306 Fairmount A venue Ithaca, New York 14850

James and Elizabeth Olsen Bowen - '68 2609 30th A venue South Minneapolis, Minn. 55404 Jim: U. of Minnesota Hospital Betsy: Minneapolis School of Art sons: Eric - May 24, 1967

Jeremy - Aug. 22, 1968

Craig Bowman - '68 Columbia University 513 E. 13th Street, Apt. 22 New York, New York 10009

Carol Braginsky '67 Indiana University 411 E. 7th Street, Apt. B Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Studying for M.A. in Russian

a listing of New College Alumni Mellena Bridges • '68 University of Georgia 324 Lipscomb Hall Athens, Georgia 30601

William Chadwick '67 University of Chicago 5409 South Harper Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60615

Jill Chamberlin - '68 Writing in England

Carol Ann Childress '67 University of Massachusetts Box 859 Leverett, Massachusetts 01054 Working for M.A. in Political Science

Glenda Cimino Columbia University Graduate School 434 W. 120th Street, Apt. 3B New York, New York 10027

Daniel Davis • '68 Kansas State University 314 Leavenworth Manhattan, Kansas 66502 Married Wenonah Carey

Reid Diamond - '67 129 East 4th Street, Apt. 4D New York, New York 10003

Kathleen Dively '67 South Columbus Street Somerset, Ohio Case worker in child welfare

Robert Dixon - '68 421 Pacific Street Brooklyn, New York 11217

Drew Douglas • '69 us 56592273 HHC 1 BN, 327 Inf., 101 ABN Div. APO San Francisco 96383

Timothy Dunsworth '67 Yale University Box 1054 Yale Station New Haven, Conn. 06520

Penelope Eaves - '68 Newcomb College 5614 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70115

Harry Felder '68 Princeton University 26 Bank Street Princeton, New Jersey 08540

James • '67 and Cheryl Hoigne • '67 Fleener 4901 Royal Villa Dr., Apt. 47 Sacramento, Calif. 95841

James Frisch '67 University of Florida 2000 SW 16th Street, Apt. 61 Gainesville, Florida 32601 Working on Ph.D. in Anthropology

skipping M.A.

Tim Fritz - '67 Peace Corps - India Will return to U.S.A: in Dec., 1969

Felice Gebhardt - '68 MacMurray College Jacksonville, Illinois 62650

Robin Glenn - '68 16 W. 16th Street, Apt. lOPN New York, New York 10011 Copy & Research editor for MEDIA


Steve '69 and Nancy Flatter '68 Hall 1514 Kentucky Lane Sarasota, Florida 33580

Paul Hansma '67 University of Calif., Berkeley 1921 Walnut Street, Apt. 3 Berkeley, Calif. 94704 Married Helen Greenwood - Dec. 27,


David Hartley '67 Duke University Medical Center Box 2758 Duke Hospital Durham, North Carolina 27706 MD & PhD program (PhD in zoology

or physiology)

Steve '68 and Lucy Hanna - '10 Hendricks

674 Coddington Road Ithaca, New York 14850 Steve: Cornell University

Cheryl Hess '68 Prop Mistress Turneau Opera Company Woodstock, New York 12498

Dale Hickam '68 501 E. 11 176 F, Apt. 4A New York, New York

Michael Hoke • '68 U.S. Army, 1968-72

Owen (Bud) • ' 67 and Carol Worby -'67 Holder

University of North Carolina Rt. 4, Box 66 Wright's Mobile Home Park, No. 23 Chapel Hi1l, .North Carolina 27514 Bud: working in sculpture, wi1l receive

his B.A. in June '69 Carol: research Asst. in computer


Allan Jaworsk i '68 University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742

Laurie K aufman • '69 University of Miami 5222 Pine Tree Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33140

Sharon Landesman • '68 University of Minnesota 615 Ontario Street, S.E. Apt. 18 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 Research assistantship, Institute of

Child Development

Barbara Lawrence - '10 Potomac Horse Center, Route 3 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760

John "Jet'' Lowe - '68 864 Amsterdam Ave. Atlanta, Georgia 30306 Emory University

- - ~ ~-..... ----

New Dorntitories Now Under Construction New student housing has moved off

the blueprints on to the green lawns under the pines on the Palmer Campu~ at NF.w CoLLEGE. 1 he above sketch shows the dormitory complex as it will appear in the fall of 1969.

Two years of planning preceded start of construction of five new build­ings rising on NEW CouEGE's Palmer Campus to house 160 students, to pro­vide apartments for faculty and also to make added teaching space.

Construction on the buildings, esti­mated to cost $700,000, began in December under a unique contractor­consultant arrangement with T. T. Watson, Inc. of Sarasota. 1 he college established guidelines to make the project a community effort with all subcontracting work possible being done by Sarasota-Bradenton organiza­tions and also to build quality buildings that arc at the same time inexpensive. All those working on the project arc encouraged to make cost-saving sug­gestions.

The architectural firm of Pancoast, Fercndino and Grafton designed the buildings.

Seeds of the ideas for the new build­ings began at a seminar on student housing held on campus in 1967 under the sponsorship of Educational Facil­ities Laboratories (EFL), an agency created bv the Ford Foundation.

Out o( discussions between students, faculty, administrators, architects, Jay people, and EFL specialists came the basic conclusions that helped deter­mine the present building complex.

One finding, for instance, was that students today prefer smaller, cottage­type residences rather than the huge conventional-style college dormitories. Students, the findings showed. dislike the impersonality of the large dormitor­ies and prefer the identification with the smaller group in "cottages."

Related to that was the second con­clusion: that the student's number one preference is for some type of resi­dential privacy for study and reflection.

When the college trustees last year authorized the college to proceed with the expansion of the student body, one of the first areas to receive attention was the increase in housing accommo­dations.

Last fall, for the first time, the col­lege ran out of dormitory space. Some students agreed to live out in the corn­munity, but even more students arc expected to arrive next fall as the enrollment begins to swell gradually toward the 1973 target of 800. Space will be badly needed.

Planning Director Capt. Ralph E. Styles was asked to coordinate all ideas for new residences with the architects. Manv meetings were held between the archi'tects, fac~ulty, students and college administrators to reach the final stages.

All of the five buildings now under construction foiiow the~ same basic structure. They arc two-story, concrete block and poured concrete buildings. The four that will house students have identical first and second floors.

These four buildings have 16 bed­study rooms on each floor housing 20 students. totalling 160 students in all buildings.

All units will have each floor divided into two suites in which groups of ·10 students will share a common living room which overlooks the stand of pine trees on the Palmer campus. Each suite also shares bath facilities. Ad­joining each of these living rooms will be a kitchenette where the group can prepare snacks or coffee.

In single rooms, which form the majority of the living spaces, there will be a bed, a desk, and closet facilities. Privacy here, mther than spaciousness, is the keyword. Built-in facilities con­serve space.

Tn the fifth building there will be two faculty apartments, nine class­rooms, faculty otftces and on the ground floor, student activity rooms for mail, television, laundry, vending machines and storage area.

One important conclusion of the earlier seminars was that the residences should be communities for living. Classrooms should not necessarily be relegated to a certain specific area of the campus, but there should be an intermingling of disciplines, faculty. students, studying and living. This, the seminar report concluded, insures a greater overall use of facilities. When classrooms are not being used for classes they should be convenient, for instance, for student meeting and study rooms.

New College Grads Are Following The National Trends

An informal survey of NEw CoL­LEGE graduates reveals that those who went directly to jobs tended to go to work in jobs outside of industry and business.

This follows a nationwide trend for college students.

A number entered teaching fields , some are in social work and the thea­ter; one is a novitiate in the Catholic church, while another is with a major symphony orchestra.

Possibly the toughest job was taken on by Charles Hamilton, a member of the charter class who has studied economics and appeared headed for a banking or business career. He de­cided instead to teach and took an assignment in New York's Spanish Harlem, one of the most difficult in the New York school system.

Tom Todd, who while at NEW CoLLEGE worked part-time for an area newspaper, now is night editor for Associated Press in New Haven, Conn. During the day, he is a full-time stu­dent in the Yale Law School.

Following teaching careers else­where are Cheryl White. who is teach ­ing American literature at the Univer­sity in Rcnnes, France, and Ray Ben­nett, a tutor at NEW CoLL'CGF after a year of graduate school.

Social work careers have been begun in Ohio by Kathy Dively and in Rich­mond, Va. by Sam Treynor.

Jerry Neugarten, who is taking a year to work before entering law scJ:tool at the University of Chicago. works with the American Civil Liber­ties Union and is doing research on Criminal administration in Connecti ­cut.

Cheryl Hess, who worked with the Turnau Opera Company as an under­graduate, followed up by joining the company during its season in Wood­stock. N. Y.

Mary O'Keefe has become a novice in one of the orders of the Catholic Church. Mary, whose interests were mathematics at NEW CoLLEGE, was the daughter of one of the leading astronomers working with the Nation-

The Proposed New Library Shown above is a sketch of the NEW CoLLEGE Library as

designed by Pancoast/ Ferendino/ Grafton, leading architects of Mia­mi. The building will be located on the bayfront just north of the present College Hall library. It is one of the major goals of the present Capital Campaign drive.

It will also be a central element in the complex of buildings proposed for the bayfront area of the Palmer Campus. Seen from Longboat Key across Sarasota Bay, it will rise from the water's edge, strongly sculptured, yet human and inviting with its sensible accommodation of humans, its beautiful proportions and its lack of pretense.

From the campus itself it will provide, beneath it and its surrounding buildings, a large open plaza designated not for cere­monies or monumentality but for the constant use of people. This design will also frame a series of views from the plaza area.

The Library building will employ the modular form of con­struction that is both economical and flexible as to space arrange­ments. Since the maximum use of the building will not occur until about 1976 when volume capacity is reached, the Library provides, in the interim years , needed space for classrooms and faculty offices. These will later be accommodated in the buildings that will eventually ftank the Library and its plaza.

a! Aeronautic and Space Administra­tion research center ncar Washington , D.C.

Known to many in Sarasota for her performances as a lutist with the Flor­ida West Coast Symphony Orchestra, Cheryl McWhorter is now facing new musical audiences with the Miami Philharmonic Orchestra.

Editor of the NEW COLLEGE student newspaper for a year, Laurie Paulson is now a reporter for a New Jersey newspaper and author of a weekly col­umn.

While many of the graduates chose to take jobs, a good many others are pursuing added studies in graduate and professional schools.

Of these, Yale. Columbia and Chi­cago were their most popular choices, followed by Princeton, CornelL Min­nesota and Berkeley.

All of them arc on the first rungs of their careers, but early reports indi­cate they are beginning to climb.

Experimental College Union To Meet At New College In July

NEW COLLEGE has been selected as the site of a summer workshop that will bring to the campus for two weeks, educators from a number of the nation's most innovative colleges.

Beginning July 2, the Union for Re­search and Experimentation in Higher Education (UREHE) will hold work­shops for its Project Changeover, a program to encourage innovation in college teaching.

Expected to attend the two-week session are faculty members from the 12 member institutions of UREHE­Antioeh, Bard, Goddard, Hofstra, lll­inois Teachers College-North, Loretto Heights, Monteith, Nasson, New Col­lege, Sarah Lawrence, Shimer and Stephens - in addition to selected other four-year colleges and universi­ties .