Copywriting conspiracylores

Post on 16-May-2015

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Fellow Marketer and Business Builder,

The report you’re about to read details how one man – who didn’t even graduate high school – has used a single, OFTEN OVERLOOKED SKILL to sell over $1 BILLION in products and services for his clients.

Not only that, it shows YOU how to apply these very same secrets to surge ahead of your competition… boost your response and conversion rates across the board… and significantly pad your monthly income.

Skeptical? GREAT! I respect your weariness – especially with so many false promises being made online these days.

But this is about as “solid” as it gets. As you’ll soon see, many top business owners and marketers from around the world have come out and CONFIRMED the power of what is being taught on the following pages.

Everywhere you turn nowadays, you hear Internet marketers, authors, business owners and “gurus” crowing about how you need the newest thing – one day it’s SEO … next it’s PPC … then Social Media … and the list goes on.

You’d like to believe them. We all would! But despite what they promise, nothing any of these experts offers is the ultimate “magic bullet” that’s going to make you rich. They’ve been wrong. Repeatedly. And each time it’s cost you a bundle.

I know because I’ve been there. You can’t help but feel like …

You SHOULD be making more money – if only you had more traffic coming to your website, and more customers buying your products …

Even when you’re doing well, you’re working WAY TOO HARD relative to the amount of money you’re making …

Your conversion should be better – and your list should be bigger – but much of what you’ve tried hasn’t helped all that much …

When you do get new customers, they don’t buy again – or often enough to make a huge difference in your bottom line …

“I DEVOUR EVERYTHING HE WRITES.”“I’ve been writing copy for almost 30 years.But I still try to learn as much about it as I can.And one of the people I’ve learned the most from is Tony Flores.He has an amazing ability to understand what makes copy work on a macro and micro level -- from the broad concepts and ideas right down to the syntax -- and then convey that eye-opening understanding clearly and interestingly.I devour everything he writes. If you care about great copy, you should, too.”David Deutsch, A-List Copywriter for Boardroom and other

large mailers

The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

You’ve tried all the various Internet marketing solutions – some worked, some didn’t – but none as well as you’d hoped …

At the end of the day, you know deep down that you FULLY DESERVE to be among the Internet elite – those who make millions while working part-time …

So When On Earth Is It Going to Happen for YOU?

Well, what if I told you that all these “little” problems are really just symptoms of ONE BIGGER PROBLEM? And that, if you correct this bigger problem (which isn’t that hard to do) – then you can dramatically turn things around.

Not necessarily overnight. But faster than by using anything else you’ve tried.

In other words, you can rapidly multiply the amount of money your business brings in (and how much money you can take away from it) … the amount of time you can take away… and the overall quality of life you can create.

No, this is not a “magic bullet.”

Nor does it negate anything else you’re doing.

In fact, it makes EVERYTHING else you do work better – from SEO… Traffic Strategies… to Product Launches… to anything else. By using this secret, you’ll get significantly better results from any other marketing technique or strategy you ever use.

So why haven’t you heard of it? And even if you have, why haven’t you placed it highly enough on your list of marketing considerations – given that it can make such a dramatic difference in your bottom line?

You’re Now Holding the Answers in Your Hand

In the report you’re now reading, I reveal why you probably haven’t taken full advantage of this money-making secret… the powerful transformation that happen to your business, profits and income when you do… and the easy steps you can take to get where you want to be.

Specifically, I show you…

What the REAL “lifeblood” of your marketing and growth is – and how to take full advantage of it…

Why – once you have this secret well established in your business – you can run “simple” email campaigns that easily have 7-figure (sometimes 8-figure) potential…

The dangerous “traffic myth” – why endlessly chasing for more traffic can sometimes destroy your business (unless you have the right foundation in place – in which

case, more traffic will make you wealthy beyond belief)…

“When I read my copy and say ‘this sounds like something Clayton would write’ — I know I have a winner!“Clayton Makepeace is my copy hero. I’ve seen his copy triple and even qua-druple response. I had the privilege of being his copy cub and he encouraged me to give freelancing a shot. So when I sit by my pool or treat my family to luxurious vacationsand great gifts, I honestly say in my heart, ‘Thanks Clayton!’”



“It wasn’t until I decided to give you a try that

I had my first breakthrough as a copywriter. I

own over 15 different copywriting books in my

library, but Tony’s material was the first one

to literally take me by the hand and walk me

through the best way to do things like write

kick-ass bullets, prospect-grabbing headlines,

and more.

“I started getting more repeat business

from clients. I have never been busier as a

copywriter and now being hired by some of the

bigger named internet marketing gurus.”

Michael H., Freelance Copywriter


The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

The secret of “Profit Laddering” – how smart companies ethically turn their customers into long-term income streams…

There’s so much more I could say right now, but you simply need to read the pages that follow. Please – this report may well prove to be the most profitable thing you read all year. Read it carefully and completely!


Tony Flores

Continue to the NEXT PAGE to discover the simple secret behind the $22.3 million e-mail campaign

“I consider Clayton Makepeace one of the modern masters of direct marketing. “Every time I talk to him, it’s like gold — I learn so much that’s helped me become a top copywriter. He’s so good he could sell ice to an Eskimo!”

— Kent Komae

All over the Internet, marketers and business owners are pouring sacks of money down the drain …

… Because they’re all way too busy chasing “the next big thing” to do the ONE SIMPLE THING that’s virtually always guaranteed to bring in more sales, profits and income.

But Somewhere Near You, There Are Writers, Marketers and Entrepreneurs

Who Seem to Defy All Laws …

They multiply their website’s conversion – without any of the latest design, technology or Internet marketing “tricks” (many might call their sites “ugly”) …

They dramatically boost their sales and profits – often without any additional traffic or new customers …

And they truly live a life of freedom – IN TOTAL CONTROL over their lifestyle … where they live … how much they work … and the amount of money they make.

Now let me ask you …


I wish I could tell you that everything you’ll discover in this report is a totally new “breakthrough” … but it’s not.

Yet what you WILL learn on the following pages is a little-known, highly proven system that allows you to optimize the single most important factor in your ability to make money online.

That’s no exaggeration, I promise.

Even if you’re currently using this profit accelerator, I guarantee you’re only getting a very small fraction of the results it can offer you.

So that’s the bad news.

But there IS good news. With some small, yet powerful changes to how you word your marketing efforts – which makes all the difference in the ONGOING RELATIONSHIP you create with your prospects – you’re not actually that far from the response, income and lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of!

I Know That Might Sound Like a Bunch of Shameless Advertising Hype …

But there’s a mountain of proof behind what I’m saying, so hear me out.

You see, each day, I sit next to a man who comes into the office around 9am. Some days he leaves at 2 or 3pm.

Other days he leaves at around 12 noon.

The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

Yet I’ve seen him repeatedly get royalty checks as high as $300,000 … $400,000 … even as much as $650,000 in a single month.

Of course, his clients do even better. His primary client’s business did nearly $50 million with a subscriber list that’s much smaller than most of the “big name” Internet marketers. In fact, last fall, they did a simple e-mail promotion that raked in over $20 million in just six short weeks!

You NEVER hear about stuff like this, because it happened outside the mainstream Internet marketing community.

So Who Is This Man?His name is Clayton Makepeace and he’s the one AWAI and best-selling author Bob Bly call the “world’s highest-paid copywriter.” But even more importantly, he’s personally used the information inside this report to help …

Phillips Publishing attract more than two million new, paying customers in just over three years …

Security Rare Coin skyrocket from $3.5 million in sales to well over $120 million (a 3,300% increase) — in a little over a year …

In the mid– to late 1980s, he helped Blanchard & Company quadruple its sales to more than $115 million per year, and then allowed the owner to cash out for tens of millions of dollars …

Between 1999 and 2003, these secrets helped Weiss Research quadruple the size of its customer file and made Safe Money Report the largest publication of its kind in the world!

And right now, he’s using these strategies to multiply revenues and profits for one of the Internet’s most successful marketers of income-boosting services.

In fact, last fall he added $22.35 million to his clients in just six weeks — with a simple e-mail/video/sales letter campaign!

Believe it or not, nearly ALL of this client’s explosive growth is happening right now — ON THE INTERNET — even though he’s almost clueless when it comes to all the “latest and greatest” Internet marketing trends.

How Does He Do It?

Simple: His secret lies in the difference between the following two promotions …

Can you guess which one worked better?

I’ll give you some hints …

One of them bombed, while the other sold millions of dollars in product for the client …

One of them personally made Clayton over seven figures in royalties …

And one of them utilizes secrets maybe only a handful of marketers on the planet know about …

Can You Guess the Winner?

Before you answer, let me give you another quick quiz … This piece of copy (below) kicked off the Internet campaign that raked in $22.3 million in just six weeks.

The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

So, I have to ask you: WHAT MADE THIS SO SUCCESSFUL?

When It Comes to Your Success Online or Off, the Answer to this Question Is EVERYTHING

As Rich Schefren pointed out in his excellent Internet Business Manifesto, most Internet entrepreneurs and marketers spend most of their time chasing the latest breakthrough or trend. One day is SEO … the next day it’s Product Launches … then it’s Social Media … and the list goes on forever.

Obviously, these things all have their place.

In the proper context, they can be immensely powerful.

But without the right foundation in place, they’re just marketing techniques – they’re NOT the real “lifeblood” of your business.

That’s why you see so many people online simply hopping from one technique to another. Each time, the “new thing” is the Holy Grail – the breakthrough that’s going to turn everything around for them and flood their bank account with cash.

Unfortunately, it almost never works out that way.

The irony is that there really is ONE SIMPLE THING that – if you even just get “pretty good” at it – allows you to grow endlessly and “lock in” exceptional lifestyle freedom and income for as long as you want.

It’s something that’s often overlooked by Internet marketers – but when you study the TOP INTERNET MARKETERS – who all make many millions a year – you’ll see that they all place a HUGE amount of value and emphasis on this growth factor.

From Rich Schefren … to Frank Kern … to Eben Pagan … to Agora Publishing (the $300 million a year info-publishing/marketing company) – every savvy Internet marketer knows what all the old legends of advertising discovered many years ago …

... Namely, that what you SAY and how you COMMUNICATE with your prospect is everything.

And that really is the best news of all, because it means that you can grow significantly – boosting your conversion, income, and quality of life – with a fairly small change in the way you approach your marketing.

Have You Guessed What This Critical, Yet Overlooked “Foundation” Is Yet?

It’s Copywriting, of course!

THAT is what made version A (on page 3) so much more profitable … and it’s what fueled the $22.3 million e-mail campaign. It all came down to the quality of the copy.

Remember, copywriting is the MESSAGE that you present to your prospect – at every stage of the sales process

The problem is that most entrepreneurs see copywriting merely as the words that go into their sales letters and perhaps their autoresponders. So when it comes time to work on their “copy” – they just outsource their sales letter and autoresponders to a freelancer.

But the extreme danger in this kind of thinking is that almost EVERYTHING a small business does to grow involves copy. From your initial banner ads and PPC campaigns … to your homepage copy … your squeeze pages … your e-mails … your free content … your videos … your “thank you” pages and order pages … your blog posts … and so much more.

Get the picture?

The verbal message you present at EVERY STAGE of your marketing determines …

The unique position and point of view you establish in your market …

How your prospect sees and judges you relative to the competition …

The amount of value your prospect mentally assigns to your products …

How much trust you earn with every person who visits your site …

The number of prospects who actually BUY something and become customers …

How much that person spends with you over the course of the month, year and lifetime …

And way more than I can possibly list here!

But if you fail to carefully work through your communication at every stage … if you can’t explain how you differ from your competitors … if you don’t convey all the benefits you bring to your prospect … or the proof you have … your personality … and more …

… Then you put a very low ceiling on your growth, your success, and bottom line income!

Now You Know the Secret to the $22.3 Million Dollar Internet Campaign!

Remember that “Great Dollar Panic” screenshot I showed you on page 4?

Well, the secret to that page – and to the overall campaign – was the quality of the copy. You see, the strategy was simple. You can see a little flow chart that shows you the overall sequence of communications right here.


The Great Copywriting Conspiracy


This is fairly basic Internet marketing stuff.

What really made the difference was that all the right copywriting elements were in place …

Clayton knew his prospect intimately – including his deepest fears, worries, hopes and desires …

He understood how to capture those feelings – and present precisely the right benefits – in his initial e-mails, invites, in the live event, the sales letter and post-campaign communications …

An intense, ongoing bond was created between Dr. Martin Weiss (the investment guru) and his prospects …

Clayton proved everything in the copy beyond a shadow of a doubt …

He made his message both urgent and topical …

The prospect received a bunch of highly valuable information BEFORE he ever got pitched anything …

And so much more …

Of course, marketing strategy is crucial. But copywriting is the fuel that runs the marketing engine. Without it, nothing happens.

Your marketing … your sales … everything comes to a standstill.

In the New Age of the Internet, Copywriting Is More Essential

to Your Growth Than Ever Before!

More than ever, Internet Marketing is becoming RELATIONSHIP MARKETING. Your prospect – no matter what niche you’re selling into – resists being blatantly sold to. And he demands a more personal connection and relationship with you.

There are simply too many options to buy from someone he doesn’t like or trust or who feels like a stranger.

This means that – if you want maximum sales and profits – your communications must establish a friend-like bond with him right off the bat. What’s more, it’s often the case that you have to bring him significant value BEFORE trying to sell anything.

But how do you do this? What makes some marketers exceptional at making prospects and customers feel like friends – while so many others still come across as boring, sleazy, or not at all unique?

The answer, again, lies in your copy.

From that first view of your webpage … to your e-mails … to your sales letter … to the follow-up after he orders …

… The ultimate sales impact of ALL your communications – including the free content you provide your prospect with – is almost 100% dependent on the quality and sharpness of the words and message you send out.

In fact, I have several friends in this industry – whose businesses do $20-40 million in sales each


The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

year – using a VERY simple Internet marketing model. (They want their company and niche to remain secret.)

The prospect is first driven to a squeeze page and joins the e-mail list, and then copywriting is used to facilitate the process or relationship marketing.

A visitor who opts into the list begins getting valuable, highly personal, content-driven e-mails … and those e-mails then perfectly transition to sales for the introductory products (what we often call “front end” products.) And then additional e-mails sell the subscriber “backend” products.

I’ll talk more about this model in a second, but it’s important to realize that my friend’s businesses use very little pictures or graphics … not much video (just for testimonials and samples on the sales letters) … almost no “social media” … and yet they’ve been adding millions to their annual sales each and every year — like clockwork.

It’s all entirely copy driven.

Today, the Ability to Persuade and Sell with Words Is a Skill EVERYONE Needs!

Many of the most successful gurus on the Internet began their careers with a rock-solid foundation in copywriting and direct marketing. In fact, many learned directly from one of the same guys I originally studied with – John Carlton.

You see, the point is … whether you’re a full-time, professional copywriter or not – you still must know how to effectively communicate and persuade.

It’s THE PREMIER MONEY-MAKING SKILL for anyone who depends on direct response marketing for their growth and personal income.

And if you look around at some of the most successful direct response marketers and entrepreneurs over the years, many of them got started – and got RICH – by focusing on the copywriting process …

Jay Abraham, the “$8 billion marketing genius” – used to write copy for his clients whenever he consulted with them …

Dan Kennedy, the internationally renowned “Renegade Millionaire” – first learned to write copy from the legendary Gary Halbert …

Bill Bonner, the founder of the $300 million-dollar-a-year Agora Publishing empire – is considered to be one of the greatest copywriters alive …

Michael Masterson, the best-selling author who’s personally built up multiple 9-figure businesses, got his start as a copywriter (during this early period his income went from $70,000 … to $300,000 … to over a million dollars a year – in just three years) …

Fact #1: Direct response marketing involves asking a prospect to take a specific, measurable action – often to purchase a product – sight unseen.

Fact #2: That means that ANYONE who sells anything online is using direct response marketing. (Even if they don’t know it.)

Fact #3: Direct response marketing is ALWAYS copy-driven. It’s your words that guide and motivate your prospect to take action.

Fact #4: If you’re involved in selling any kind of product or service online – YOUR SALES AND SUCCESS IS COPY-DRIVEN.

Have you done EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to maximize the performance

of your sales copy?


Joe Sugarman – the man who’s created hundreds of millions of dollars in passive income for himself with his BluBlockers product – began by writing ALL the copy and advertising for his small agency called JS&A …

I could go on and on like this, but you get the point.

Even the original founders of Victoria’s Secret first ignited that business after attending a copywriting workshop! (One that was put on by Joe Sugarman.) Here’s a quote from Joe in his great book, Advertising Secrets of the Written Word:

“Two advertising people from Victoria’s Secret attended my seminar before the franchise was sold to The Limited. The two women used their copywriting skills to write the colorful catalogs. They both claim the seminar was one of the turning points in their careers and a major factor in the early success of Victoria’s Secret.”

The fact remains – if you have anything to do with the growth, profits and income created by your Internet business – you MUST understand how to write and communicate in a way that enhances the sales process.

Not that you have to become a full-fledged writer, so let me clear that up right now. You definitely don’t.

But it IS critical that, at the very least, you understand copy … how it works … what separates good copy from bad … and how to allow it to drive your marketing.

This is true whether your task is to write sales letters, video scripts, e-mails or mere blog posts. All your writing should be strengthening the perception of value and benefit you’re bringing to your prospect … and it should be furthering the bond and trust you’ve developed with him.

Again, the words you deliver – your copy – is the primary way you do that.

Don’t Worry, You Do NOT Have to Become

the Next Shakespeare or Hemnigway

“But I’m not a writer! I suck at writing!”

Those are popular responses when entrepreneurs and marketers first begin to grasp the power of the copywriting process.

They want the wealth and freedom it brings them, but they hate the idea of having to write all the time.

And it doesn’t take a Master’s Degree or a Ph.D. in English to do that. After all, typical writing IS hard. That’s why we procrastinated like crazy on our high school and college writing assignments.

The difference here is that copywriting really isn’t “writing.” Not in the traditional sense.

It’s just simple communication, done in the most persuasive possible way.

And ANYONE can learn that! Even if you’ve always sucked at writing. In fact, “good writers” often


The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

make the worst copywriters, because they want the writing to sound nice and pretty.

“Nice” and “pretty” usually mean nothing in the sales process. The real purpose of your copy – in a marketing context – is to simply build trust, and make your products more attractive to buy.

No need for smooth, graceful sentences or perfectly poetic words.

Just clean, clear, simple writing – just as you talk to your friends or family – is all that’s needed.

PLUS – With the Right Information, Creating Copy Can Be As Simple

As Putting Together a Puzzle

Because our purpose as direct response marketers is to evoke a measurable action in the prospect – the BEST copywriting secrets are those that have been tested over and over again.

I know that Clayton has personally written copy that’s sold over a billion dollars worth of products and services, and he’s been involved in at least that much scientific testing of response triggers. (Response triggers are copywriting elements that cause a prospect to respond favorably when he reads your promotion).

This means … When you know exactly WHAT must be said at the various stages of communication with your prospects and customers … and WHAT must go into every sales letter to make it successful … then it’s not all that hard to gather all the little pieces you need.

Then the words will come to you, and you just have to put everything together according to what’s been proven to work time and time again.

Whether it’s your product’s benefits … your proof … your personality … the argument for your product … or anything else … you simply need to know how to COLLECT these different items, and then how to put them together.

Again, it’s not really writing. Certainly not “creative” writing!

So I hope that’s clear. Don’t worry about having to become a writer … and don’t worry about whether or not you suck at it.

Just build your proficiency and understanding of this one simple skill – and you’ll almost inevitably make a LOT more money.

And speaking of making more money, let me dispel a very related myth that might be getting in the way of your growth.

Often, I see struggling marketers and entrepreneurs suffering from this myth – even though they still have horrible copy in place …

Why “More Traffic” Is NOT Always the Answer!

For most Internet marketers and entrepreneurs … “More Traffic!” is the mantra. They feel that all they need is more traffic and they’ll be rich.

And not surprisingly, that’s what many of the most popular Internet marketing programs focus on. Think about it … SEO … Google AdWords … List Building … Affiliate Marketing … Social Media … all these things are designed to bring more people to your website or landing page.


“More traffic!” they yell.

But the problem is, you don’t always need more traffic to make more money.

You see, it’s possible for you to grow significantly richer without a single ounce of additional traffic.

As proof, take a look at Figure 1:

Let’s say that each little stick man in the diagram represents 100 people (there are 50 of them in the left column) – and that means that 5,000 people are coming to your site each month.

Hypothetically, let’s also say that you’re selling a $50 product and converting at 8% (4 out of 50 = 8%, which would often be considered a high conversion rate but this is just an example, so chill).

That means you’re selling $20,000 a month (400 customers x $50 = $20,000).

The problem is that most marketers simply stop there and focus on driving more traffic.

So now, look at Figure 2 (next page):

It poses the question, “What are you really doing with your prospect – once they convert into a customer?”

Even those who actually make an effort to sell more products and services to their new customers


The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

often do it haphazardly.

But with quality copy in place, you can systematically persuade them to buy more stuff from you – more often. For example, let’s say that of those same customers – you’re able to sell half of them another product – this time for $100.

If 50% buy at least one of your $100 products, that’s 200 people making the purchase.

That means that 200 x $100 = $20,000 more each month.

The growth might look something like you see in Figure 3 (next page):

The cool thing about this is … You’ve just doubled your income!

And We’re Just Getting Warmed Up …

At this point, there’s still a problem: $100 for a product really isn’t that much more expensive than $50. But what if you create a highly in-depth course based on whatever your $50 product teaches? Let’s imagine that you charge $500 for this new product.

And let’s also say that you get 10% of your initial customers to buy it (10% of 400 = 40). So that’s 40 sales at $500 each, which equals $20,000. That’s another $20,000 that comes in each month.

You can see another “stick man” illustration in Figure 4 (next page):

At this point, you’ve now tripled your sales and income – without bringing in any new traffic or customers. The overall value of that new customer just went from $50 per person – to at least $150.



The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

Now Look At the Explosion that Occurs When You Convert Better

The crazy thing is, we still haven’t even tweaked the initial pieces in the conversion process. Let’s assume that each new visitor to your site first comes to a squeeze page … and then is driven to a sales letter/landing page.

What happens if you improve the copy (on the squeeze page and sales letter) to the point, where you DOUBLE your initial conversion? (I’ve seen this happen a variety of times, when a skilled copywriter reworks mediocre copy.)

Look at Figure 5:

That literally doubles all your sales numbers across the board – which means you’re now making $120,000 a month. In other words, you went from around a $250,000 a year business to nearly a $1.5 million dollar a year business!

That’s 500% growth … WITHOUT any more traffic – and without ANY increase in the rate of new customers being created.

Obviously, I realize there are some assumptions in these examples/charts …

We’re assuming a fairly high conversion rate … 1.


We’re assuming response rates on backend promotions (promotions for the $100 and $500 products) will stay constant throughout …

I can’t argue with either point. But the real purpose of these graphs and numerical examples was just to demonstrate the overall idea and process with enough simplicity. Of course, real-world Internet numbers are going to be much messier.

Yet the simple fact remains – it IS possible to experience this kind of growth and results online, WITHOUT more traffic – and the driving factor is none other than your copy.

You see this being visually illustrated in Figure 6:

With This Kind of Powerful Process in Place – More Traffic Now Means MUCH MORE MONEY!

Let’s assume that you own/market the business we’ve been discussing.

You’ve done a killer job of improving your messaging and sales copy across the board – and this ongoing sales process every new customer undergoes has multiplied your sales and profits by 600%.

Now – when you bring more visitors to your site – things get even more exciting. Assuming that your conversion remains constant, doubling your traffic doubles your sales and profits.



The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

If you look at Figure 7, you can see what this looks like. With more, higher-priced products to sell each new customer – and the improved sales copy that allows you to do this – every new visitor to your site is worth a LOT more money to you.

Now you might be wondering … “Why did I present this traffic increase at the end of these diagrams instead of the beginning?” Especially when most marketers focus on new traffic – first and foremost?

The answer is simple …

Having a Strong Conversion and Ongoing Sales Process In Place –

Which Is Almost 100% Fueled By Copy – Is Often Necessary to GET MORE TRAFFIC!

Sure, there are free ways to get traffic, such as SEO. But honestly, some of the most explosive and underrated ways to drive highly-targeted traffic to your site are often via paid media like banner ads, PPC and more.

For example …

Early to Rise ( — an online division of Agora that does over $30 million a year – first built up its business almost exclusively through paid media.

Smart companies like Early to Rise can still afford paid media because their copy is so good, and


their marketing and conversion processes are so reliable – they know how much they can afford to spend to bring in new customers.

As further proof of this, I recently talked with Dave Martin of Smart Marketing, one of the pre-eminent PPC consulting firms on the Internet right now. (His firm has generated over 26 million leads and an additional $27 million for their clients over the last couple of years).

What Dave told me was fascinating …

“The problem we face most is NOT whether we can drive targeted traffic to a site at reasonable prices, it’s our clients’ ability to CONVERT that traffic. Most do not have adequate copy across the board, they fail to constantly test and develop a backend to effectively monetize the leads we send them … and often, they’ll give up on PPC believing it was a traffic problem instead of a copywriting and marketing problem.”

It is for this reason that Smart Marketing is now partnering with copywriters – so that they ensure their clients are able to fully monetize the abundance of traffic and leads they drive to their sites.

Traffic Is Often Vital to Your Growth, But Don’t Make the Mistake of

Chasing Traffic Without Good Copy In Place

By now, I hope you’re beginning to see the truth in what I’m saying.

Whether you’re a professional writer or not, it pays to have the best possible writing – with the most compelling possible message – set up at every stage of your sales process.

Otherwise, you’re pouring money down the drain.

And just to drive the point home beyond any shadow of a doubt, I want to share one last marketing secret with you.

I believe it’s one of the most underrated, and under-utilized money-making secrets online.

Most of the top offline copywriters and direct marketers have mastered it. And the precious few Internet marketers who know and apply it make a killing.

It allows your copy to exercise its full impact on your sales and profits, and it dramatically helps you multiply the value of every single new customer you bring into your sales funnel.

It’s so simple to understand – but there’s a trick to making it work …

“Product Laddering” + Good Copy = PROFIT LADDERING

If this formula makes any sense to you at first glance, you’re probably already rich.


In fact, I have a friend with a high profile business (that’s why I can’t name names) who just so happens to utilize this Profit Laddering formula perfectly.

First, I want you to look at this image above. It shows how prospects come to my friend’s business – and then the basic sequence of communication that happens once they opt in to the list.


The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

What’s interesting is that this model is fairly straightforward. It’s not exactly groundbreaking or top secret. Many marketers are using something similar.

I believe the difference lies in the quality of the copy and the robust Product Ladder this business has in place.

What do I mean by “Product Ladder”?

It’s A LOT Simpler Than You Might Think …

A Product Ladder is simply an escalating series of products that give the prospect more value, and cost more money.

In this example, the prospect is first asked to buy a cheap product – the introductory e-book.

Then, he’s almost immediately upsold another, slightly more expensive product.

On and on, up the ladder he goes! Through a series of e-mails and upsells – again, all copy-driven – the prospect is moved from the cheap initial product to the expensive $500 product.

Because markets almost tend to move in the direction of specialization, my friend has a series of products that cover all his prospect’s needs.

Let’s say — hypothetically speaking — that he offered courses on the different aspects of healthy living. Whether it was detox, weight loss, exercise, emotional health, and so on — each course would specialize in one of those areas.

And at each stage of the prospect’s journey up the Product Ladder, the bond, trust and sense of value is strengthened – so he becomes psychologically ready to make larger purchases.

So now you understand what a Product Ladder is.

Here’s Why a Product Ladder (When Combined with Good Copy)


Every time someone buys something from you, he becomes more qualified to buy something else from you. (Provided you’re honest and are selling quality products.)

Which also means that – as long as you’re fulfilling your prospect’s needs and desires with your products – he’s going to naturally want to buy more and more from you.

And all it takes is a series of more advanced, higher priced products – along with solid copy – to move him up the ladder.

Look at the diagram to the right and you can see what happens when you use copy to move your


prospects up the ladder.

The average value of each customer increases – and your business explodes.

And really, there’s no limit to how high you can go. For example, at our agency, Response Ink, we deal a lot in the financial market.

What’s amazing is that some of the financial services our clients offer can go as high as $25,000!

If you look to the left, you will see what a Product Ladder might look like for a financial publisher.

This is how – along with the power of Clayton’s copy – one of his clients went from $25 million a year to over $60 million – in just a single year.

The trick here is knowing how to develop a powerful Product Ladder. If you’re in sync with your market and your customers, it’s fairly easy to develop products that are going to be of interest and value to them.

The REAL trick is having the powerful sales copy in place that moves each new customer higher and higher up your Product Ladder.

Unfortunately, Getting Better Copy Has Been Difficult (Until Now) …

The reason most people struggle to write effective sales copy – marketers especially – is that they don’t have a clear, sequential system that they follow. Most writers and marketers simply “jump in” without knowing exactly what to say – or they get stuck.

Either way, the process becomes slow and painful.

Worse yet, they fail to do everything that’s necessary to maximize their response in the promotional efforts.

Remember what I said in the beginning about marketers pouring money down the drain?

Well, I hope you see now that failure to maximize the writing and messaging throughout your marketing is the #1 culprit.

With good copy in place, everything you do is multiplied. But without it, nothing else you do matters much.

And again, it doesn’t have to be all that hard to improve your copy. You just need a simple, repeatable process to follow.

Finally, A Proven Solution For All Your Copywriting Needs

Suppose there was a system that completely TAKES EVERY SCRAP OF GUESSWORK out of the


The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

copywriting process. What if this easy-to-follow, proven approach allowed you to …

Writer better, more responsive copy – faster than ever before …

Create more powerful squeeze pages, e-mails and sales letters – and multiply your conversion by as much as 13 times …

Know exactly what to say at each and every stage of the sales process (many marketers say the “wrong” things) …

Completely stand out in your market …

Create a deep, emotional bond with your prospects – so they trust you over the competition …

Sell much more to those prospects once they become customers …

Grow richer without any new traffic – AND GROW SIGNIFICANTLY RICHER when combining good copy with all the most powerful ways to drive traffic …

And so much more …

Hey, you’re a smart person. So you’ve probably guessed that there would be a new product mentioned at some point in this report.

And you’re absolutely right – I’m not going to hide the fact that we’re eventually going to invite you to buy our new copywriting course.

We’re calling it The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach, because it’s designed to sit next to you on your desk – and make your copy easier, faster and more responsive.

Whatever you ultimately decide, the one thing I ask is that you do NOT allow yourself to overlook all the great stuff you’ve just learned. Nothing changes the fact that you should do everything you can to improve the copy that drives your business.

You see, I really do want you to grow and prosper in this New Age of the Internet – whether you buy our product or not.

And better copy is essential to that.

I also urge you to take full advantage of the wonderful free stuff that I give you between now and June 16th because a) you’ll definitely profit from all of it ... and b) you’ll prove to yourself that we really are offering the most proven, easy-to-use solution to your copywriting needs.

Remember, for the last 30 years, the system that Clayton developed (and I helped assemble into a clear series of steps) has been directly responsible for well OVER A BILLION DOLLARS IN SALES.

And now, for the first time ever, it’s being made available to you – in the clearest, most easy-to-use possible format – The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach.

This is a system that’s been battle-hardened in some of the fiercest, most competitive markets in the world – FOR DECADES.

And it’s still working like gangbusters on the Internet, right now.


Keep Your Eyes Peeled for More Useful, Money-Making Info From Us

Again, there’s nothing for you to buy right now. Not until June 16th.

But in the meantime, I‘m going to do my best to make sure this one of the most valuable product launches you’ve ever seen.

And that’s why – just days from now – you’re also going to get another totally free report called How to Write Like You Talk … And Transform Your Advertising Overnight. Nothing will be pitched inside of this 70-page gem, and it breaks down one of the most important advertising and communication secrets ever discovered.

Surprisingly enough, the secret revealed and dissected in this upcoming report works almost EVERYWHERE. The National Enquirer uses it to sell millions of issues each week. And with the way the Internet is evolving, this secret is now more valuable than ever.

It almost instantly makes you entertaining and trustworthy to your market …

Visitors to your site will suddenly see you as “cooler” than the competition and someone who they want to be friends with …

And people ALWAYS prefer to buy from those they like!

Plus, it’s ridiculously easy to apply.

So keep on the lookout.

Until next time,

Tony Flores

P.S. – Again, please give everything I’ve said in this report careful consideration. Apply this information to your career and business. Whether you end up buying The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach or not, I genuinely want you to succeed and grow.


The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

Clayton Makepeace has spent the last 35 years creating direct mail, Internet and print promotions that have sold well over $1.5 billion-worth of nutritional supplements as well as books and newsletters on personal finance, investment and health.

Plus, as a direct marketing consultant, he’s helped four major direct marketing firms at least quadruple sales and profits to well over $100 million per year each.

As a direct response copywriter, Clayton has created many red-hot direct mail controls that profitably mailed up to 90 million pieces each … web-based customer acquisition campaigns that produce profits of up to 445% … and customer file campaigns that spin off as much as $1 million per week.

According to best-selling marketing author Robert W. Bly and the American Writers and Artists Institute, Clayton is America’s highest-paid marketing coach and copywriter, with royalty income of up to $3 million per year since 1997.

And as a mentor, Clayton has helped six young copywriters to six- and seven-figure incomes … is currently mentoring a half-dozen more through ResponseInk, his direct response marketing agency … and is committed to helping the next generation of direct response business owners, marketing pros, copywriters and designers accelerate their careers through his free daily e-zine, The Total Package™.

When Tony Flores first tried out what Clayton teaches, things got really good. FAST.

In fact, he personally used Clayton’s secrets – before he ever even knew that much about marketing – to nearly triple the sales and profits of a small health company (from $1.1 million to approximately $3 million) in a single year.

Since then, he’s been helping a small, yet dedicated group of marketers and business owners to explode their own sales and profits. To this day, our inbox is crammed with glowing success stories from those who’ve said used the information Tony has created – just like you’ll read in this report – to dramatically boost their income and quality of life.

About the Authors

The Great Copywriting Conspiracy

Copyright ©2008 by The Profit Center LLC

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