Cortical auditory disorders: a case of non-verbal...

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    Case report

    Cortical auditory disorders: a case ofnon-verbal disturbances assessed withevent-related brain potentials

    Sönke Johannes�, Michael E. Jöbges,

    Reinhard Dengler and Thomas F. MünteDepartment of Neurology, Medical Schoolof Hannover, 30623 Hannover, Germany

    Received 9 March 1998

    Revised 20 March 1998

    In the auditory modality, there has been a considerable debate aboutsome aspects of cortical disorders, especially about auditory formsof agnosia. Agnosia refers to an impaired comprehension of sensoryinformation in the absence of deficits in primary sensory processes.In the non-verbal domain, sound agnosia and amusia have been re-ported but are frequently accompanied by language deficits whereaspure deficits are rare. Absolute pitch and musicians’ musical abil-ities have been associated with left hemispheric functions. We re-port the case of a right handed sound engineer with the absolutepitch who developed sound agnosia and amusia in the absence ofverbal deficits after a right perisylvian stroke. His disabilities wereassessed with the Seashore Test of Musical Functions, the tests ofWertheim and Botez (Wertheim and Botez, Brain 84, 1961, 19–30)and by event-related potentials (ERP) recorded in a modified ‘odd-ball paradigm’. Auditory ERP revealed a dissociation between theamplitudes of the P3a and P3b subcomponents with the P3b beingreduced in amplitude while the P3a was undisturbed. This is inter-preted as reflecting disturbances in target detection processes as in-dexed by the P3b. The findings that contradict some aspects of cur-rent knowledge about left/right hemispheric specialization in musi-cal processing are discussed and related to the literature concerningcortical auditory disorders.

    Keywords: Audition, music, cortical auditory disorders, soundagnosia, amusia, event-related potentials, P3b

    �Corresponding author: Dr. S. Johannes, Department of Neu-

    rology, Medical School of Hannover, 30623 Hannover, Germany.Tel.: +49 511 5322023, +49 511 5323578; Fax: +49 511 5323115;E-mail:

    1. Introduction

    Disorders which are characterized by an impairedcomprehension of incoming sensory information in theabsence of deficits in primary sensory processes havebeen termed agnosias. Visual, somatosensory and au-ditory forms of agnosia have been known since the endof the last century (e.g., [5, 15, 19, 40, 43, 44, 46, 59,64, 71, 77, 81, 89]). In the auditory modality, thereis a considerable debate about the different subtypesof deficits and hence the underlying mechanisms ofauditory information processing. Different disabilitieshave been described ranging from cortical deafness(e.g., [7, 46]) to a verbal and a non-verbal form ofagnosia and amusia. Pure word deafness, the verbalform, has been characterized as an inability to com-prehend and repeat speech with preserved ability toidentify non-verbal sounds [3, 9, 89]. Sound agnosia,the non-verbal form, refers to the defective recogni-tion of non-verbal sounds and noises [19, 76]. Amu-sia refers to expressive or receptive musical dysfunc-tions [35, 52, 56]. Frequently, there is a considerableoverlap between two or more of these syndromes, thuscomplicating the analysis of neuropsychological andneurophysiological implications.

    Concerning the neural representation of musi-cal functions there have been divergent findings.Kimura [31, 32] was the first to describe a right hemi-spheric predominance for non-verbal stimuli. Later,the results of other studies supported these findings.While Auzou et al. [4] recorded EEG-activity duringmusical discrimination tasks, Zatorre et al. [93] usedthe positron emission tomography (PET) technique totest musical perceptual functions. Both authors founda found predominantly right hemispheric activation.This neural representation seems to depend upon musi-cal experience because Bever and Chiarello [8] showed

    ISSN 0953-4180 / $8.00 1998, IOS Press. All rights reservedBehavioural Neurology 11 (1998) 55–73

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    that musicians preferably use the left hemisphere forthe analysis of melodies whereas non-musicians tendto use the right hemisphere. Later studies have sup-ported these findings and also suggest that musiciansrely more on left hemispheric functions than non-musicians [2, 6]. A related question is the functionalor anatomical correlate of absolute pitch. In a recentpublication Schlaug et al. [70] described persons pos-sessing the absolute pitch to show a tendency towardsa stronger left-asymmetry of the planum temporale re-lating the absolute pitch to left hemispheric functions.

    To test these previous hypotheses we investigatedthe auditory functions in a professional sound engi-neer with a right perisylvian stroke who had possessedthe absolute pitch. From the literature it was hypothe-sised that this person’s musical functions were mainlydependent upon intact left hemispheric functions andthat thus a right hemispheric lesion would be easilycompensated by left hemispheric functions and henceonly affect the non-verbal auditory abilities to a minordegree.

    2. Case report

    On July 8, 1994, a 63 year old right handed male,S.M.H., who had a history of smoking a pack ofcigarettes a day for 20 years and a 6 year history ofbrady- and tachycardia developed a left sided weak-ness. Initially, he was referred to a different hospi-tal where physical examination revealed a severe leftsided, predominantly brachiofacial hemiparesis whichdisabled the patient from walking. A CT scan showed ahypodense lesion in the right perisylvian region whichwas interpreted as ischemic brain infarct. During thenext two weeks, the hemiparesis improved dramati-cally so that the patient had regained total control overthe left side of his body after ten days. Reflexes wereslightly pronounced on the left side, whereas the plan-tar response was flexor on both sides. The patient con-sistently complained that he was unable to discrimi-nate sounds and that he had lost his musical abilities.He was referred to our hospital for further evaluationnine weeks after the onset of his neurological symp-toms. His physical condition had not changed. Priorto investigations consent was obtained according to thedeclaration of Helsinki.

    Pure tone audiometry (Table 1) 9 weeks after theevent was within the normal range for the patient’s agegroup and brainstem auditory evoked potentials wereof normal latency and amplitude bilaterally indicat-

    Table 1Pure tone audiogram

    (Hz)Frequency Hearing loss (dB)

    left right

    125 10 � 10250 10 � 10500 0 � 10

    1000 0 02000 10 04000 20 208000 20 10�Pure tone audiogram obtained 9 weeks after onset

    of symptoms.

    ing intact brainstem auditory pathway function. Theelectroencephalogram (EEG) showed predominantlyalpha activity and a right temporal slowing with thetaactivity.

    2.1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    MRI of the head was obtained 9 weeks after theonset of symptoms. Fig. 1 depicts T1-weighted se-quences before and after application of Gadolinium-DTPA and the corresponding slice of the Talairachstereotactic atlas [79]. Fig. 2 shows similar slices plusa T2-weighted image of a plane approximately 4 mmcaudal to Fig 1. Three lesions were detected: The first(depicted as 1 in the Fig. 1) was located in the ros-tral portion of the left gyrus frontalis inferior and sub-tended approximately 7 mm in diameter. The second(depicted as 2 in Fig. 2) was located in the left occip-ital lobe. The third lesion (depicted as 3 in Fig. 2) in-volved the right perisylvian region (Gyrus temporalissuperior, a portion of the precentral Gyrus and sub-cortical structures of the insula). All lesions were hy-perintense on the T2-weighted images. While lesion1 and 3 were additionally partly hyperintense on theT1-weighted images, only lesion 2 showed enhance-ment of Gadolinium-DTPA. Therefore, lesion 1 and3 were interpreted to be ischemic brain infarcts withhemorrhages which were already several (e.g., nine)weeks old. Lesion 2 was diagnosed to be an ischemiclesion of younger age than lesion 1 and 3.

    2.2. Neuropsychological deficits

    Prior to the ischemia, the patient was the head soundengineer of a large recording studio and had possessedabsolute pitch. Although this was never formallytested, musicians and other sound engineers workingwith him confirmed this ability. He was strongly right

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    Fig. 1. MRI-scans obtained 9 weeks after the onset of symptoms. Top: According Talairach Slice (slice 113, 24 mm superior the commisuraanterior-commisura posterior (ac-pc) line); bottom left: T1-weighted images before; bottom right: T1-weighted image after the application ofGadolinium-DTPA. There is a left frontal (No. 1) lesion visible. The left hemisphere corresponds to the right side of the MRI.

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    Fig. 2. Similar images as Fig. 1 plus T2-weighted images top right, 1 plane inferior to Fig. 1 (slice 114 of Talairach, 20 mm superior the ac-pcline). The MRI show a left occipital (No. 2) and a right insular (No. 3) lesion.

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    handed as assessed by the Edinburgh handedness in-ventory [51].

    Immediately after the incident, the patient reportedthat he was unable to differentiate smells and that hewas frequently disturbed by certain smells which hecould not clearly identify (anosmia and kakosmia).

    Furthermore, he said that he was unable to under-stand the meaning of almost all non-verbal soundswhich he heard, e.g., he was unable to interpret thesound of a passing motorcycle or of raindrops. Fur-thermore, he was also unable to perceive music andsaid that he could not identify a musical piece or mu-sical instruments. From the hospital where the patientwas initially treated it was reported that there had beenno signs of aphasia or verbal agnosia. During the next9 weeks the neuropsychological deficits improved onlyslightly.

    Upon first examination in our hospital the patientwas found to be of above average intelligence (ver-bal IQ 108, non-verbal IQ 116, total IQ 112, Germanversion of the WAIS-R) and to have no motor deficitas measured by the finger tapping test [73] (frequencyright hand 5.5 Hz, left hand 5.0 Hz; reference right5 � 62

    �0 � 95, left 5 � 24

    �0 � 91). The Aachen Aphasia

    Test [26], the standard German test for aphasias, didnot reveal any sign of aphasia and there was no evi-dence for verbal, visual or tactile agnosia or apraxia.Attentional span, spatial orientation, constructionalabilities, and calculation were not disturbed.

    2.3. Investigations

    2.3.1. Recognition of non-verbal sounds78 different meaningful, familiar non-verbal sounds

    (24 indoor sounds, 10 sport sounds, 17 traffic sounds,15 animal sounds, 12 human noises) were presented10 weeks and 1 year after the stroke. All sounds wereobtained from commercially available compact discsand were presented for at least 10 seconds with thepatient’s task being to name the sounds. 10 weeksafter the stroke the patient was only able to name 23of the 78 sounds, whereas 1 year after the stroke hecorrectly named 58 sounds. He tended not to givefalse responses but instead did not respond at all andwas aware of his difficulties. Five age matched controlsubjects were able to identify a mean of 76.3 sounds.

    10 Musical instruments were separately assessed bypresenting single instrumental pieces. At the initialexamination, the patient correctly named one out of10 instruments whereas he was able to distinguish theinstrument class (e.g., string) in two additional instru-

    Table 2Seashore Test

    Subtest Performance (%)(%)

    Chance level

    10 weeks 1 year

    Pitch discrimination 50 74 50Loudness test 46 56 50Rhythm test 53 87 50Time test 52 64 50Timbre test 60 86 50Tonal memory test 50 80 26�

    Results of the Seashore Test of Musical Talents performed 10weeks and 1 year after the stroke. The maximum score is 100%correct answers.

    ments. 1 year after the stroke he correctly named 5instruments and the instrument class in 2 other instru-ments. The 5 age matched control subjects were ableto name all instruments.

    2.3.2. Musical testsTen weeks and one year after the stroke the Seashore

    Test for Musical Talents [72] and the test procedureof Wertheim and Botez [85] were administered. TheSeashore Test evaluates musical functions in pitch dis-crimination, loudness, rhythm, time and timbre dis-crimination and tonal memory. In all subtests of theSeashore Test except the tonal memory test the sub-ject has to give a two-choice answer. Thus, test re-sults of about 50% correct answers can be obtained bymere guessing. In the subtests for pitch discrimination,loudness, and time the subject had to indicate whetherthe second tone of a sequence of two given tones is ofhigher or lower frequency, louder or softer and longeror shorter than the first tone, respectively. In contrast,the rhythm and timbre tests require a decision if thetwo presented sounds are the same or different. Inthe tonal memory test, the subject has to detect a faultintroduced into the repetition of a sequence of 3 to 5tones. The test procedure of Wertheim and Botez con-sists of different subtests examining receptive, produc-tive and semantic musical functions and is describedin detail below.

    Receptive functions. 10 weeks after the stroke, thepatient was barely able to distinguish tones from otherpresented sounds. Table 2 shows the results of theSeashore Test, which show performance at chancelevel. In the tests of Wertheim and Botez he showeda strong reduction of receptive functions. He wasnot able to name simple sounds which were presentedalone or in comparison to C� produced by a piano, didnot recognize intervals and was not able to differenti-

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    ate major or minor chords. He was not able to identifythe number of sounds in a chord or identify the inter-vals composing a chord. Also, he could not describethe tempo of a musical piece or detect tempo or loud-ness changes which were introduced into well knownmelodies played on the piano. He did not recognizewell known melodies or false notes purposely intro-duced into a melody. He was unable to write down thenotes according to a series of tones played to him onthe piano. He could not reproduce a rhythm which wastapped with the reflex- hammer or played to him onthe piano. He was also not able to vocally reproduceseparate sounds or unknown pieces of music.

    Productive functions. These tests were recorded onaudio tape and, in addition to the direct analysis, werelater evaluated by two musicians which were naive tothe purpose of the study.

    Although the patient had possessed absolute pitchprior to the stroke, he was unable to vocally producea sound named by the examiner but instead producedtones which were up to 8 semitones away from thegiven tone. When asked to produce ascending or de-scending scales, the patient presented a series of tonesof increasing or decreasing pitch, but in no instancewas he able to exactly match the correct number ofsemitones. In trying to vocally reproduce a familiarmelody the patient produced sounds which in mostinstances could be identified by the examiners as theoriginal piece of music, but he introduced gross pitchand rhythm errors.

    Prior to the stroke the patient knew how to playthe piano. At the time of the evaluation he still knewthe general principles of manipulating the instrument,was able to name the parts and to produce simplesounds named by the examiner. Musical pieces whichhe played could be identified by the examiners butcontained pitch and rhythm errors.

    Musical reading and writing skills. The functionswere intact. The patient was able to name notes on thetreble clef which he knew prior to the stroke and healso identified the time value of notes and correctly in-terpreted auxiliary musical notations. Musical writingassessed by copying a musical text was undisturbed.

    2.4. Follow-up after one year

    1 year after the onset of his neuropsychologicaldeficits the patient reported that his musical talents hadimproved but that he was still too disabled to work asa sound engineer again.

    Receptive functions. Table 2 shows his performancein the Seashore Test 1 year after the stroke. It canbe seen that the results of the rhythm test, timbre testand tonal memory test had improved more than per-formance in the loudness and time subtests which stillshow performance at about chance level.

    The other receptive musical functions had also im-proved. While the patient still could not name soundswhich were presented alone, he correctly named 2 outof 10 tones which were presented with respect to C�produced by a piano. He detected 1 out of 10 pre-sented intervals and correctly classified 7 out of 10major and minor chords. Furthermore, he correctlyidentified the number of sounds in a chord in 6 out of12 presentations (three different presentations each of2 to 5 sounds). He was still not able to name the inter-val composing a chord (0 correct, 10 false answers).He was able to indicate whether the tempo of a piecewas fast, medium or slow in 5 out of 5 cases and alsocorrectly describe changes in loudness of a melody inall 5 cases. He correctly named 5 well known songsand also detected one purposely introduced error in 4out of 5 melodies. He could not write down the notesaccording to a series of tones but was able to imitate5 out of 5 rhythms which were tapped to him withthe reflex-hammer. He was able to imitate 3 out of5 rhythms which were played on the piano. He wasstill not able to correctly reproduce a separate soundbut instead produced a sound up to 4 semitones awayfrom the given tone. The patient was still not able toreproduce an unfamiliar piece of music.

    Productive functions. Being asked to vocally pro-duce a given sound the patient produced tones whichwere up to 3 semitones away from the given. Also,the ascending and descending scales were still faulty.Singing a familiar melody was better than at the firstexamination, although the patient still unpurposely in-troduced some pitch faults into these melodies, whilerhythm faults were rare. The patient had regained hisability to play the piano with both hands but infre-quently made faults concerning the loudness of tones.

    Musical reading and writing remained intact.

    2.5. Dichotic listening tests

    S.M.H. underwent this test 1 year after the stroke inaddition to the same 5 control subjects.

    2.5.1. Procedure120 two syllable words were randomly ordered to

    form two lists each containing the same 120 words in

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    Table 3Dichotic listening experiment

    Condition Words 95% confidence Syllables 95% confidence Numbers 95% confidenceinterval interval interval

    Left ear alone 19 30–39 11 30–39 36 33–40Right ear alone 32 32–40 36 31–40 40 35–40Both ears, correct left 7 18–35 12 18–33 21 24–36Both ears, correct right 25 20–36 25 20–34 25 34–38�

    Patient’s results of the dichotic listening experiment performed 1 year after the stroke. The 95% confidence interval was calculated fromthe control subjects’ performance. Absolute number of correct responses are given, the maximum number of correct responses was always 40.‘Left’, ‘right’ and ‘both ears’ refers to attention condition.

    a different order. During the test one list each waspresented to the left and right ear. It was ensured thatthe two words which were presented to the opposingears always began at exactly the same time. Theyhad a mean duration of 520 ms and the loudness wasadjusted to be 70 dB. The task was, on command, toidentify the left ear word or the right ear word or bothwords so that each condition occurred 40 times.

    Two other tests were done with similar lists whichwere constructed from 120 german syllables and 120german one digit numbers.

    2.5.2. ResultsThe results are shown in Table 3. The patient de-

    tected less words in the left ear alone condition than inthe right ear alone condition. In the both ear condition,he only very rarely detected both simultaneously pre-sented words and more frequently recalled the wordfrom the right ear.

    2.6. Cortical auditory event related potentials(aERP)

    Event-related brain potentials (ERP) were record-ed. ERP are minute voltage fluctuations which can beattributed to certain cognitive processes. They can berecorded non-invasively from the human scalp. Oneof the simplest tasks in which it is possible to recordERP is the so-called ‘oddball task’. This involves thepresentation of tones of two different frequencies withthe subject’s task being to detect a target which is oneof the two tones. These targets evoke a sequence ofenhanced ERP components.

    2.6.1. ProcedureThe first session was recorded 10 weeks after the

    stroke (session 1) and the second session took place1 year afterwards (session 2). The stimuli consistedof computer generated sinusoidal tones of 1000 Hzand 750 Hz. In addition, 30 ‘novel’ stimuli were in-

    cluded that consisted of digitized and computer-editedenvironmental sounds (e.g., a dog’s bark, honking ofa car). The tones were presented to both ears usingheadphones at 80 dB SPL, had durations of 50 ms and10 ms rise and fall times with an interstimulus intervalof 2 seconds. One of the sinusoidal tones was des-ignated as the target (� 0 � 15) and the other sinu-soidal tone the standard (�� 0 � 7). Novel tones werepresented with a probability of �� 0 � 15. As only 30novel tones were available, some were repeated. Anexperimental run consisted of 300 stimuli presented inrandom order. The patient’s task was to respond to thetarget tones as quickly and as accurately as possibleby pressing a button held in the right hand.

    2.6.2. ApparatusIn all sessions, the EEG was recorded to yield ap-

    proximately 320 target tones each after artifact rejec-tion. 20 EEG channels were recorded with reference tothe right mastoid according to the international 10-20system [27]. Biosignals were amplified with a time-constant of 10 seconds, low-pass filtered (100 Hz) andAD-converted with 4 ms resolution. Blinks and eyemovements were monitored with electrodes locatedbesides and below the right eye and prior to averag-ing an artifact rejection procedure was used to excludetrials contaminated with eye movements or amplifierblocking.

    2.6.3. SubjectsIn addition to the patient 5 age-matched right handed

    male control subjects who did not possess absolutepitch were also examined once with the same proce-dure. They had the same socioeconomic status as thepatient and, although they were not formally tested,were estimated to have the same IQ as the patient. Thevisual acuity was normal or corrected to normal. Allcontrol subjects used their right hands for responses.

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    2.6.4. AnalysisThe amplitudes of the N1, P3a and P3b ERP-

    components were measured as mean amplitudes cen-tered around their mean peak latencies in case of theN1 and P3a components. The amplitude of the P3bwas measured as the mean amplitude in the periodsubtending 300–700 ms post stimulus. The latencieswere measured as peak latencies in case of the N1 andP3a components and as the time to reach half of themean amplitude in the 300–700 ms interval in case ofthe P3b.

    The behavioural results and the electrophysiologi-cal data were subjected to a statistical analysis. Forthis purpose the 95% confidence interval (CI) was cal-culated from the control subjects’ data. The patient’sdata were considered to be significantly different fromthe control subjects’ if they fell outside the CI. Theelectrophysiological data were compared electrode byelectrode. This means that, for example, the patient’sERPs at electrode C4 were related to the CI whichresulted from the same measurements in the controlsubjects at electrode C4. To also account for possi-ble hemispheric asymmetries a left-right ratio (l-r ra-tio) was calculated by dividing the patient’s left hemi-spheric measures by the related right hemisphere mea-sures (e.g., calculating C3/C4).1

    To analyze the scalp distributions of the early N1ERP-components isovoltage maps were calculated.They provide a reference-free estimate of the corticalactivation over a given time period. This period waschosen as a 50 ms timewindow which was centeredupon the N1 peak-latency. A dipole source analysisof the N1 component (BESA, [69]) was used to gener-ate and test hypotheses about possible voltage dipolesgenerating the N1 component.

    2.6.5. ResultsHit rates and reaction times of the patient and of

    the control group are shown in Table 4. The patient’sresponses were within the normal range.

    N1 component. Fig. 3 shows the aERP to standardstimuli of the patient and of the controls. In bothgroups, the prominent N1 peak had a fronto-centrallymaximum. The peak latency of the patient recordings(152 ms) was longer than of the control subjects (CI:100–124 ms). At the electrode F4 the amplitude of the

    1Electrodes over the left hemisphere are labeled with oddnumbers whereas electrodes over the right hemisphere have evennumbers.

    Table 4Response characteristics

    Time of RT 95% HR 95%examination (ms) confidence (%) confidence

    interval interval

    10 weeks 424 403–458 91.5 91.0–1001 year 402 403–458 95.6 91.0–100�

    Reaction times (RT) and hit rates (HR) of the patient’s responsesto targets during the recording auf auditory event-related potentials.The 95% confidence interval was calculated from the control sub-jects’ performance.

    N1 was slightly reduced (F3 5.1 V, CI: 4.4-5.6 V;F4 4.05 V, CI: 4.2–5.5 V). This effect also resultedin a significant left-right asymmetry of the patient’swaveforms.

    However, the isovoltage maps of the N1 (Fig. 4)did not yield large differences of cortical activationbetween control group and patient at the time of theN1. Within the same timeperiod, the BESA-analysisrevealed that 96.5% of the control subjects variancecould be explained by two dipoles which were locatedwithin the upper medial temporal lobes pointing up-ward and medial (Fig. 4). Testing this solution withinthe timerange of S.M.H.’s N1 component it was ableto explain 94.7% of the variance.

    P3a component. AERP to novel stimuli are shown inFig. 5. After the initial N1 deflection there is a positivecomponent in the timerange from 250 ms to 500 ms.This component, the P3a, shows a central maximum.The latencies of the patient’s P3a were within the confi-dence intervals as well as were the amplitudes over theleft hemisphere. In contrast, over the right hemispherethe amplitudes were slightly reduced at the electrodesites F4 and C4. This also resulted in a significantleft-right asymmetry at these sites.

    P3b component. AERP to targets are depicted inFig. 6.

    At frontal and central electrodes, between 200 and300 ms post stimulus, the control subjects show a N2component which cannot clearly be seen in the pa-tient’s recordings. In case of the control subjects, theN2 is followed by the positive P3b component between300 and 700 ms post stimulus. It strikes that S.M.H.did not generate a P3b 10 weeks after the stroke (theP3b amplitude was well below the CI at P3 and P4).In contrast, one year after the stroke this differencehad vanished and at P3 and P4 the P3b amplitude fellwithin the CI. In parallel, over C3 and C4, the P3bamplitude was larger than in the control group one

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    Fig. 3. Auditory event-related N1-potentials to standards at frontal and central scalp sites: Two patient recordings and grand-average waveformto control subjects (��� 5) are shown. Left hemisphere: odd electrode numbers, right hemisphere: even numbers.

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    Fig. 4. Top: Isovoltage Maps of the N1 component. The timewindows subtended 50 ms and were centered upon the N1 peak latency. Bottom:Brain Electric Source Analysis (BESA) solution of the control subjects’ N1 component (residual variance 3.5%). Using this solution uponS.M.H.’s N1 component the residual variance is 5.3%.

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    Fig. 5. Auditory event-related P3a-potentials to novels. The patient’s P3a is slightly reduced at the frontal and central electrodes of the righthemisphere.

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    Fig. 6. Auditory event-related N2- and P3b-potentials to detected targets. The patient’s P3b is absent 10 weeks after the stroke but returns1 year later.

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    year after the stroke (the P3b was above the CI atC3 and C4). This reflected that the generator of theP3b was located more anterior in S.M.H. than in thecontrol group. There were no significant hemisphericdifferences.

    2.7. Cortical visual evoked potentials (vERP)

    2.7.1. ProcedureThe vERP were recorded from the patient 10 weeks

    after the stroke and also from the same 5 control sub-jects. The patient’s recording one year after the strokewas lost due to technical error. The stimuli consistedof circles and crosses which subtended 0.5 degrees ofvisual angle and which were serially presented whiteon a dark gray background in the center of a videoscreen. The duration of presentation was 100 ms, theinter-stimulus interval was a random between 900 and1700 ms (rectangular distribution). The task was toindicate the presence of a circle (probability �� 0 � 25)on the screen by pressing a button. The number ofruns was calculated to yield approximately 100 targetsafter artifact rejection procedures per average. Thetechnical aspects of ERP recording were the same asin the auditory condition.

    2.7.2. ResultsFig. 7 shows the ERP of patient’s session 1 and of

    the control subjects. It can be seen that after the initialdeflections there is a large positive P3b componentbetween 300 and 600 ms post stimulus. This P3b has acentro-parietal distribution and does not differ betweenthe patient’s recording and the controls’. Because theearly components are known to show a large inter-individual variety at the parietal scalpsites they werenot subjected to further analysis.

    3. Discussion

    While S.M.H. had possessed absolute pitch, heshowed a persistent auditory deficit and a disturbedperception of odors after a stroke. The main findingswere a severe deficit in the recognition of non-verbalsounds and a deficit of receptive and productive musi-cal functions in the absence of any sign of reduced lan-guage abilities. For at least several months, the patientwas barely able to discriminate environmental soundsand musical instruments. Furthermore, he was unableto perceive music itself, to recognize familiar tunes andto discriminate unfamiliar tunes on the basis of pitch

    or rhythm differences. Other receptive musical func-tions such as loudness or time discrimination were alsogrossly impaired. The productive functions were alsoaffected but the semantic musical functions were pre-served. In the course of the disease both, sound recog-nition and musical functions improved, with rhythmicfunctions improving more than functions related topitch.

    The patient’s audiogram and the auditory brainstemevoked responses were normal. Thus, his disabilitycannot be attributed to a primary hearing disturbancebut instead has to be of cortical origin. The corticalauditory processes consist of a series of serial andpartly parallel processes which range from the primaryevaluation of auditory information within the primaryauditory cortex to conscious perception and evaluationof the sounds. This case can help to characterize theneuroanatomical correlates and the temporal patternsof these processes.

    3.1. Neuroanatomical considerations

    One large right perisylvian lesion and two smallerlesions located in the right occipital and left frontallobes were identified in S.M.H. by MRI. Clinically,S.M.H.’s auditory deficit paralleled the onset of a se-vere left hemiplegia. In addition, the dichotic listen-ing experiments performed one year after the onset ofsymptoms showed a strong advantage for the right ear,indicating a possible persistent impairment of predom-inantly right temporal (left ear) functions. Further-more, the patient was strongly right handed due to theEdinburgh Handedness Inventory with a correspond-ing left hemispheric presentation of language. Thus,clinically, due to the lack of any signs of aphasia in thispatient and due to the results of the dichotic listeningexperiment, there is evidence for right but not for lefthemispheric dysfunction corresponding with the largeright perisylvian stroke. The effects of the two othersmall cortical lesions are less clear. The frontal lobeshave been associated with a variety of functions rang-ing from the identification of odors to attentional pro-cesses and to emotion (e.g., [29, 37, 38]). However,the neuropsychological testing did not show any atten-tional disorders and the patient did not report any per-sonality change. It has to remain unclear if S.M.H.’sdefect in odor perception is related to the frontal le-sion because there are experimental results showingthat not only left frontal regions are involved in thistask. For example, Zatorre and Jones-Gotman [92]described a right nostril advantage for the discrimi-

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    Fig. 7. Visual event-related potentials to detected targets: There is no difference between patient’s and control subjects’ P3b.

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    nation of odors and while perceptual odor deficits af-ter left and right temporal lesions have also been ob-served [30]. The occipital cortex is known to be relatedto visual processes. Nonetheless, there was no visualfield defect. Furthermore, a more detailed analysis ofthe early occipital C1-, P1- and N1-components of thevERP which are assumed to be generated in striateand prestriate visual cortex (e.g., [10, 29], analysis notshow above) did not show any hemispheric differencesin S.M.H. Thus, there is no clinical or experimentalsupport for a deficit resulting from the left hemisphericfrontal and occipital lesions. Rather, it appears thatthe right perisylvian lesion was the cause of S.M.H.’sauditory dysfunction. This contrasts our assumptionsthat a right hemispheric lesion in a professional musi-cian possessing the absolute pitch would be compen-sated by intact left hemispheric functions as had beenderived from the results of studies in healthy musicians(e.g., [2, 6, 8]). Furthermore, our data are evidenceagainst the assumption that absolute pitch is a stronga left hemispheric function as has been suggested bySchlaug et al. [70] after the analysis of planum tem-porale asymmetries. Rather, our findings are in ac-cordance with the results of Zatorre [91] who showeda person with intact absolute pitch after left temporallobectomy.

    In the literature all patients described with an iso-lated sound agnosia (�� 5) had right temporal or pari-etal lesions. Most patients with sound agnosia associ-ated with word deafness had bilateral temporal lesions(e.g., [1, 65, 86]). In contrast, the lesions seen in pa-tients with impaired musical functions are not of sucha uniform location. Peretz [55] reported that patientswith right hemispheric lesions showed a reduction inthe detection of melodies and intervals, whereas non-musicians with left sided lesions were able to detectmelodies but not intervals [68, 90]. McFarland andFortin [47], Takeda [78] and Confavreux [11] reportamusias due to right temporal and/or parietal patholo-gies whereas Wertheim and Botez [85] and Hofman etal.’s [24] amusical patients had left cortical strokes. Insummary, sound agnosia and disturbed musical func-tions have been attributed to right but also to left hemi-spheric lesions. These findings lead to the hypothe-sis that the processing of musical information requiresa complex interaction between both hemispheres andmore than one cortical region within each hemisphere.Such an assumption is partly supported by the data ofEngelien et al. [16] showing bilateral cortical activa-tion after recovery from auditory agnosia.

    3.2. Patient’s deficits underlying auditoryagnosia/amusia

    Concerning the nature of auditory agnosia there hasbeen a dissociation between disturbed perceptual pro-cesses (apperceptive agnosia) and disturbed recogni-tion (associative agnosia; e.g., [43, 75]). Associa-tive agnosia refers to patients who cannot recognizefamiliar sounds due to disturbances in memory rep-resentations while the elementary perceptual analysisis undisturbed. Such disabilities have been describedfor environmental sounds, human voices and familiartunes (e.g., [17, 75, 76, 80, 84]) and refer to prob-lems at rather ‘late’ stages of auditory processing. Incontrast, apperceptive agnosia refers to patients withdifficulties discriminating the acoustic structure of thestimuli, thus demonstrating disturbed perceptual pro-cesses (e.g., [19, 56]) and implicates an impairment at‘early’ stages of processing.

    Some information about the timecourse of auditoryprocessing in S.M.H. and the underlying deficits canbe derived from the ERP-experiments and the resultsof the Seashore Test.

    All assessed categories of the Seashore Test wereseverely impaired in S.M.H. after the stroke and onlypartly recovered. One year after the stroke, the re-sults of the subtests timbre test and rhythm test werebetter than the results of the loudness test and timetest. Whereas the former two tests require to decidewhether two serially presented sounds are the same ordifferent, the latter two tests involve the more complexcategorization of the second stimulus relative to thefirst one (louder or softer, longer or shorter). There-fore, it can be concluded that S.M.H. had more prob-lems in the complex tasks. Requiring the same stim-ulus categorizations the performance of the pitch sub-test improved more than of the loudness and time dis-crimination subtests (24% vs. 10% and 12%, respec-tively). Although this difference is small it shows thatthe former musical functions recovered more than thelatter and supports a functional dissociation of thesefunctions which has already been supposed by oth-ers [56, 55]. All subtests require the perception ofthe stimulus material and the comparison to a secondsound or series of sounds in short term memory. Thisis a task which hardly involves only perceptual prop-erties as has been assumed by others [19] but rather,to a certain degree, also target evaluation processes.Thus, analyzing the test performance of S.M.H. againdemonstrates the impairment of auditory abilities butdoes not really contribute to the differentiate between

  • 70 S. Johannes et al. / Cortical auditory disorders

    disturbed perception/recognition processes. However,the test results show that S.M.H.’s inability to namethe sounds he heard cannot be attributed to a func-tional disconnection between perception and namingbecause in this case one would expect the SeashoreTest not to be grossly impaired.

    Several reports have associated the N1-ERP-com-ponent with primary auditory cortex processes and lo-cated the N1-generators within the according supe-rior temporal gyrus (e.g., [39, 42, 54, 82]). The con-trol subjects’ N1-components to standard stimuli had afronto-central maximum and were bilaterally symmet-rical. In comparison, S.M.H.’s N1 was located overthe same brain region but was slightly reduced over theright hemisphere and bilaterally had a longer latency.Because a quantitative evaluation of the N1 is prob-lematic in a single case study we employed the cal-culation of isovoltage maps and conducted a BESA-analysis. These isovoltage maps were comparable be-tween S.M.H. and controls and showed a maximal ac-tivity at frontocentral scalpsites. Within the controlgroup the BESA-analysis showed two dipoles whichwere located in the two upper temporal gyri to explain96.5% of the variance. This solution is in accordanceto the existing literature (e.g., [39, 42, 54, 82]). Usingthis solution on S.M.H.’s data the dipoles were able toexplain 94.3% of the variance. Thus, although therehave been reports about normal middle and long la-tency auditory ERPs in patients with lesions of thetemporal lobes (e.g., [53, 63, 87]) the BESA solutionis a strong support for an undisturbed information pro-cessing within the primary auditory area in S.M.H.In contrast, later ERP components, which have beenassociated with later stages of cognitive processing,showed to be partly abnormal in S.M.H. Two of theselater ERP components are a frontally distributed neg-ative going wave, which peaks around 200 to 250 ms,the ‘N2’ component, and a more centro-parietally dis-tributed positivity peaking approximately 300 to 600ms after stimulus presentation, the ‘P3b’ component(e.g., [18, 57, 60, 61, 62, 67]). The N2 is thoughtto be the earliest electrophysiological instance of tar-get discrimination (e.g., [18, 67]), while the P3b isthought to be related to later target evaluation processes(e.g., [83]). When task irrelevant stimuli of a differentacoustic structure such as honking of a car or barkingof a dog (novels) are interspersed into the sequence,these are known to elicit the P3a ERP component ofmore anterior scalp distribution and of earlier peak la-tency than the P3b (e.g., [12, 21, 25, 34, 48, 67]). It hasbeen hypothesized that the P3a is a sign of the invol-

    untary capture of attention by deviant stimuli outsidethe focus of attention (e.g., [21, 49]). Although theP3a component was somewhat reduced over the righthemisphere it can be taken as evidence that S.M.H. per-ceived the differences between standards/targets andnovels well enough so that the novels captured atten-tion. In contrast, the P3b absent 10 weeks after the on-set of symptoms and increased in parallel to S.M.H.’sauditory abilities during rehabilitation. vERP record-ings showed large P3b components over both hemi-spheres even 10 weeks after the stroke. This excludesthe possibility that the P3b reduction in the auditoryERP was caused by damage to one supramodal neu-ral P3b generator but rather demonstrates that the re-duction was related to the auditory deficits implicat-ing defect target detection processes which occur atrather late stages of cognitive processing. In summary,the ERP recordings in this patient support a normallyfunctioning primary auditory area as indexed by theN1, a perception of deviant stimuli (P3a) but disturbedtarget evaluation processes (P3b). Thus, there is elec-trophysiological evidence for an impairment of recog-nition processes rather than for perceptual problems.

    3.3. Implications for cortical auditory disorders

    There has been a considerable debate about the clas-sifications of cortical auditory disorders. In the de-tailed descriptions of their patients Mendez et al. [46]and Peretz et al. [56] show that frequently there is aconsiderable overlap between disorders involving dif-ferent aspects of auditory functions such as corticaldeafness, auditory agnosia, word deafness and amu-sia. Many other reports about patients with ‘pure’ dis-turbances are limited to a restricted investigation ofthese patients. There have been, for example, sev-eral reports of amusia without other auditory deficits(e.g., [13, 14, 36, 47]), but the patients have frequentlyonly been investigated for language impairments butnot for sound agnosias. Furthermore, none of the fewreports of isolated sound agnosias sufficiently assessedthe question of a concurrent amusia [19, 41, 50, 76, 88].Selective verbal disorders (e.g., [77, 89]) have alsobeen reported by some authors. Combinations of worddeafness with either sound agnosia or amusia has beenreported before (e.g., [20, 22, 23, 33, 74]). This pa-tient presented with a combination of sound agnosiaand amusia without any evidence for word deafness oraphasia. Such a combination of disabilities has onlyrarely been described before (e.g., [17]). Thus, thiscase supports the weak evidence for a dissociation of

  • S. Johannes et al. / Cortical auditory disorders 71

    musical functions and other cortical auditory disor-ders. This also adds to the growing evidence that non-verbal auditory disturbances can be separated fromverbal disorders and that sound perception and musicalfunctions are two separate features, as has been pro-posed by others (for an extensive review, see [56]). Tofurther delineate associations between sound agnosiaand amusia it seems necessary to develop better toolsfor the analysis of sound agnosia. So far, all stud-ies published have presented a number of non-verbalsounds to the patients with their task being to indicatethe meanings of the sounds heard. This is a rather com-plex analysis as it involves the perception of different‘local’ sound frequencies as different stimulus aspects,their internal conjunction to one ‘global’ stimulus andthe association of these stimulus characteristics withmemorized sounds. In contrast, musical abilities suchas pitch or rhythm perception have separately been an-alyzed in detail. Thus, to compare separate musicalfunctions to the perception of other non-verbal soundcharacteristics it seems important to fractionate the au-ditory features of non-musical sounds so that they canbe assessed separately but also in conjunction and inrelation to musical characteristics.

    This patient’s deficits of the sensory musical func-tions have also been paralleled by productive problemsas he had problems in both vocal and instrumental mu-sical production. This was true for the initial phase asafter partial recovery 1 year after the stroke. Thus, itseems difficult to assess the question if both dysfunc-tions are due to a disturbance of one common neuralmechanism. There has been weak evidence about adissociation between productive and sensory musicalfunction in the existing literature. This is partially dueto the low number of amusias which have been de-scribed in musicians (e.g., [45, 47, 78, 85]) as com-pared to the majority of cases with poorly developedmusical functions. Takeda et al.’s [78] and McFarlandand Fortin’s [47] patients presented mainly with distur-bances of expressive musical functions, while sensorymusical functions were relatively preserved. Othersreport patients with predominantly impaired sensorymusical functions (e.g., [85]). It remains to be shownif this dissociation between the two modalities paral-lels findings in the language domain where differenttypes of aphasia have been described [26, 58].


    The authors wish to thank M.D. Rugg for providingthe auditory stimuli, I. Peretz, K. Paller and E. Al-

    tenmüller for critical reviews and Wolfgang Dillo, Wil-helm Johannes and Gregor Joppich for technical sup-port.


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