Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University New Physics with 10 20 eV...

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Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

New Physics with 1020 eV Neutrinos,and

Advantages of Space-Based Observation

Tom WeilerVanderbilt University

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Cosmic Photon- Proton-Spectra

hadron wall?

no wall a’tall



Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

CR Spectrum above a TeV

from Tom Gaisser

VLHC(100 TeV)2

50 Joules

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

3 x1020 eV = macroscopic 50 Joules

Clemens does this with 1027 nucleons;Nature does this with one nucleon, 1027 times better pitcher !

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

General Remarks on Neutrinos

Existence of Xgal neutrinos inferred from CR spectrum, up to 1020 eV, and similarly, Galactic up to 1018 eV,

Need gigaton (km3) mass (volume) for TeV to PeV detection [e.g. IceCube Xpt]but a teraton of mass at 1019 eV SPACE-BASED [e.g. EUSO Xpt]

Neutrino eyes see farther ( z>1 ), and deeper (into compact objects) than gamma-photons, and straighter than HECRs,with no absorption at (almost) any energy

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Neutrinos versus Cosmic-Rays and Photons

s come from central engines

- near Rs of massive BHs

- even from dense “hidden” sources

cf. s vs. s from the sun

s not affected by cosmic radiation(except for annihilation resonance)

s not bent by magnetic fields- enables neutrino astronomy

Also, besides Energy and Direction, ’s carry Flavor

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

EE Neutrinos are young

Consider a 1020 eV neutrino.

Lorentz factor = 1021 for m = 0.1 eV.

Age of Uni is 1018 sec,

But age of is 1018/1021 sec = 1 millsec !

And it doesn’t even see the stream of radiation rushing past it – untouched !

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Bottom-Up “Zevatrons” - givens Cosmogenics ~1019 eV·     AGNs·     GRBs·     Hidden vs. Transparent (the thick/thin debate)  Top-Down “EE-trons” - pure speculation·     Topological Defects·     Wimpzillas, M ~H(post-inflation) ~1022 eV·     Msee-saw ~ 1023 eV

·     MGUT ~ 1025 eV

·     And even MPlanck ~ 1028 eV

  Other: - impure thoughts  Mirror-Matter mixing Multiverse Leakage (Brane-bridges)

Extreme Energy (EE) Neutrino Sources

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Protheroe Summary Fluxes

Cosmogenic ’s:

F(Ep/5/4) = Fp(E>5 1019) x 20

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

In this biz, Size matters

EUSO ~ 300 x AGASA ~ 15 x AugerEUSO (Instantaneous) ~3000 x AGASA ~ 100 x Auger











Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Extreme Universe Space Observatory

2009 EUSO onboard the ISS (Or Not!)

2012 Hundredth anniversary of Hess

– EUSO finishes three-year data-taking


Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

“clear moonless nights”


Or New York State power blackout

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Orbiting Wide-angle Lens (OWL)

3000 CR events/year above 1020eV

and UHE Neutrinos!

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Goldstone Lunar Radio (Cherenkov) Experiment (GLUE)

radio Cherenkov

GLUE is related to

RICE, FORTE, and ANITA, and eventually,

to Lofar and SalSa

Or better, a lunar orbiting antenna – “Moonita”

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Model Neutrino Fluxes and Future Limits


,Auger, Anita, EUSO

From Eberle, AR, Song, TJW;Semikoz and Sigl

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Neutrino cross-section measurement

Neutrinos at 1020 eV probe the structure of the nucleon at unprecedented small-x values ;

Provides new QCD information

CM energy at HERA is 0.3 TeV; while at E~ 1020 eV, Nature gives us Ecm ~ PeV!

And so probes new thresholds, e.g. SUSY, X-Dimensions, TeV-scale Gravity,EW Instantons (NonPert. EW), …

Reminder: LHC Ecm =14 TeV, and ILC Ecm =0.5 TeV

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

-N cross-section at 1020 eV

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Can’t Lose Thm for Space-based

Whatever the weak cross-section, get robust event rate from HAS or UAS!


Get measurement of neutrino cross-section(peak angle also gives )

A. Kusenko, TJW (PRL2002)

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Earth Absorption versus Neutrino Cross-Section

~ HERA valueAt Ecm=0.3 TeV

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Upward and Horizontal Air-shower Rates Versus Neutrino Cross-section



Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University

Palomares-Ruiz, Irimia, TJW, Phys Rev D (2006), 33pp.

solid lines are water, dashed lines are land

Volume favors space-based over land-based by one or more orders of magnitude;for UAS, water also favors space-based by one or more orders of magnitude

Cosmos at Airlie, May 21-24, 2006 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt University


High-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics

can be done

only from Space

Let’s do it !