Could You live the rest of your life With these Memories?

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Vietnam Images. Could You live the rest of your life With these Memories? . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Vietnam Images

Agent Orange was the code name for a herbicide developed for the military, primarily for use in tropical climates. The purpose of the product was to deny an enemy cover and concealment in dense terrain by defoliating trees and shrubbery where the enemy could hide.

However, INNOCENT civilians and troops were left to suffer the devastating effects for decades.

Yes, this is what happened to the skin of victims.

Some suffered worse fates.

Imagine being an 18-year-old U.S. soldier carrying around those images for life.

Agent Orange was a chemical, but Americans

left other scars on the Vietnamese landscape

as well.

Some people think that the Japanese committed atrocities, that the Germans committed atrocities, that the Russians committed atrocities, but that the Americans don't commit atrocities. Well, this just isn't so. American troops are as capable as any other of committing atrocities.—Robert Rheault, 1970, former commander of U.S. Special Forces, Vietnam

My Lai was an innocent village. American troops carried out a mass murder/rape of 347-504 UNARMED civilians. The MAJORITY were women, children, and the elderly.

Vietnam vets are still carrying around images of the horror inflicted on that village.

A man and his young son.

This is how we left bodies. We made “art” out of the corpses. American troops put babies’ hearts in their mothers’ mouths.

Trails of horror were visible everywhere—many women and BABIES were raped before being killed.

Could you live with those memories?

What they carried home with them is deeper than any of us can imagine…