Coup De Beast : Chapter 1.2

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Well, here it is, your humble abode. Why are you still wearing those clothes?

“Wait, I thought I had more money then this cost. I should have at least $37,000 from selling the Annya Hoh furniture.”

I know, but I want to save it so you can buy a nice big house. Now change.

There, much cuter. Whatcha think?

“I like it. It’s comfortable and cool. Good choice.”

It’d look cuter if you stopped barking at the butterflies. I bet Alan would love it. And speak of the handsome devil…

Here he is! Speaking of the devil again, what the devil are you wearing?

“Hey, I just got back fro ma job interview. I got a job in show biz.”

Ok then, whatever floats your boat. Now hurry up and marry Tyson.

Although the ceremony was small, it was memorable nonetheless.Most of the people attending were Alan’s friends, who had a hard time of understanding why Tyson was apparently having a hip seizure. Genesis was among the crowd of course, and she could only sigh dreamily. “How sweet. A boy and his dog.”

Wow, that was almost harsh Genny.

After they said their vows, the kiss was shared, the cut was cake.….Or the cake was cut. Whatever….

“Ty, hun, I’m perfectly capable of feeding myself.”

“But it’s romantic~ I read it in books~”

“It’s slightly less romantic if the fork pokes a hole in the back of my throat.”

“Now remember, if he ever gives you trouble, call me, and I’ll put him in his place.” Genesis said as she placed her hands on his hips in such a lady-like way. “And you better hurry and have kids. Annya Hoh is boring and empty. And have sons. Cute sons. And if anyone is gay, you owe me five simoleons.”

“Eh-heh….. Okay….”

One quick change of clothes later, and a quick little shave and Alan is ready to go. I decided not to change his hair. He’s just too damn cute with it. I’m actually very happy about him. He’s got great genetics, hopefully it’ll pass down onto their kids. About his personality, which I forgot to mention before, it’s set up as such. 4:5:3:7:6He’s also a knowledge sim and has a lifetime want of maxing all his skills.

Which we’re getting started with right away.

Now, this may sound a bit dirty, but I can’t help but be curious…Did you two do it-

“We didn’t do it doggy style!”Okay, okay…

Success~This actually surprised me a bit, since I almost never have my game volume up. I didn’t hear the music twinkle at the end of the woo-hoo.

“Urgh…..blaech…..” Tyson whined, as she stood up shakily.

“Hey look, I’m finally getting into story mode!

Tyson stared down at her belly, slightly amazed. She had read many books, but none on pregnancy. She whimpered happily, her lips curling up in a smile at the thought of puppies.

“You mean babies?”

Yeah. That’s what I said…

Tyson had to be the most difficult pregnant sim I have ever had. She’s constantly hungry, constantly having to pee, and needs a nap every hour. Poor Alan has to handle the emotional barking wife, the house cleaning and a job. But he’s still a sweetie.

Finally things began to settle down, and Tyson began working on her skills. She planned to get a job once the baby became a child, and if she got a job in education, she could work at his or her school! How totally cool and embarrassing is that~!?

“Hey little guy. How’s my little boy doing? You aren’t causing trouble for mommy are you? Mommy’s gotten so big, so you’ll grow into a big boy. Won’t you? And please don’t be a girl. If you are a girl, maybe you still have time to chang-”

“Alan! Stop harassing my little girl.”

Who will when the baby gender fight?

Well, it’s time to find out.


Luckily, Alan was smart enough to pray far away from his howling and snarling wife.


Okay, we get it. I’m kinda hoping for a boy too. Genesis will come after me if she doesn’t get some males in Annya Hoh…

Yes! It’s a boy!

“Wahoo! Yes! A boy! Thank boolprop!”

“Honey, hold him. Please quickly. Quickly!”

“Huh? Okay. What’s wrong? Are you okay!?

And…. It’s another boy! Yay, twins! Of course that means we’ll have to buy that bigger house now. Whatcha gonna name them?

“I-I’ll have to get back to you on that….”

Hey! Hey! Hey!

You better have a good reason for putting that poor boy on the floor!

Oh. Ok. This little one is a girl. Oh wait….crud.I forgot to uninstall Twojeff’s Triplets and Quads hack! Dangit! Even with only 10% chance of triplets, I get this.

This will be a challenge alright. But I’m up for it. Generation two is here and it certainly made a splash.

“Ty-hun, are you sure we can do this? I mean, I know we have no choice, but even in a bigger house triplets will be a challenge. And I only have a few vacation days.”

“It’ll be hard but….. I’ll stay home with them. For now, let’s just do our best, okay?”

How about you name them first?

“At least we got two little boys~ Who’s my big boy? Who’s my big boy~”

Whatcha gonna name them? Name them already!

“Well, since there’s three, I’ll name the girl. Alan, you can name one of the boys and the creepy voice-out-of-nowhere can name the other boy.”

Oh! I’m flattered~

Going by order of birth, this little guy is Daemon, named by Alan.He has his father’s hair and his mother’s eyes. Overall, he’s already proving to be fussy.

Second in line is the one named by me, Lucas. He looks exactly like his older brother. He hasn’t done anything yet, so I can’t tell what he’s like personality wise.

And the youngest one is little Lilih, who actually has her mother’s hair and eyes. I wonder if she’ll grow up to look anything like her father. Hm.Time will tell. Now, onwards to the apologize.

Sorry.At this point in time, I had to step away from my computer to help my mom bring the new couch

into the living room. During that time, my cousin got on my computer and decided to play with my legacy family. I couldn’t go just close and reopn(I had saved right after the birth),

since he had saved before I got back, but to recap what both you and I missed….

My cousin got Tyson pregnant again.The family moved into a new house. (Luckily it was with the extra money from selling all the

furniture at Annya Hoh, so no cheats were used.)By the time I got back, it was time for a Quad birthday. The triplets into childhood and the new

baby into toddlerhood. At the very least, I made sure the triplets learned all their toddler skills, and I did manage to get a photo of the three while they were still toddlers.

Here are the two boys, aren’t they cute~?Daemon, the one in the red, rolled reptile as his animal. His personality is set up rather bland like, no especially high or low points. 4:6:4:8:6 But don’t worry, he proves to be unique later on. Very unique.Lucas, in the yellow, is a complete sweetheart. He rolled cat, and his personality is 6:10:6:3:8. A very outgoing and nice little kitty, isn’t he?I was surprised at this two. When I came back, my cousin had Daemon with 4 creativity and Lucas had 5 in logic.

This little cutie is Liliah, who rolled bird. And it’s very fitting, since she’s adorable in just about anything she wears. Her personality is 6:8:3:7:6, and she has 3 in logic and 4 in creativity.

I’m glad my cousin at least got them their toddler skills, though I imagine he worked them to death with those skills and skill points. Poor things.

And now it’s time for the Quad birthday I mentioned. It was a small one, since it was late. I didn’t even know half the people there. But the kids didn’t seem to mind. Except for Daemon, who seemed colder then the rest. The curse isn’t already kicking in, is it?

After cleaning up all the party stuff, I managed to get a shot of their new house. Granted, it cost most of their money, so there’s very little inside. Four beds, a counter, stove, fridge, toilet, and shower. One toilet and 6 residents. Time for Alan to get more promotions.

“Take that you sneaky snake!”“No, take that you darned cat!”

Okay, we have no television, so where are they getting this stuff? I blame Tyson and her books. By the way, do you know who is who? Cause I don’t….

Lilih! Looking good.

“Thank you voice out of nowhere. I’d say the same, but I can only hear you. And you sound nasally at that.”

Hey, I have a cold….

And here’s little Dylan. What is it with this family and blond men? Either way, he’s still adorable. He ended up rolling cat, and his personality is 9:1:6:3:8. He takes after his mother in personality it seems.

And oops, I forgot to put the walls up. My bad…

Okay, this is just too cute. I actually had Tyson paint a still life portrait of it. They’re the best siblings I ever had.

Even if I can’t tell which one is which…

Though, Lucas doesn’t just play with Daemon. He’s also a sucker for his little brother. And yes, I made sure this is Lucas, not Daemon.

Looks like a cat fight, doesn’t it?

I was rather surprised at how fast Dylan learned his toddler skills. He even racked up a few logic points just before his birthday. Which I forgot to photo, cause I’m a moron.

A few promotions later, Alan finally raised enough money to remodel the kitchen. And I like it.

“Did you order a little boy in plaid shorts?”

Maybe it came with the set….?

“You guys still aren’t done? Hurry up, jeez.”

“Shush up, Smarty-farts.” The twins hissed in unison. Apparently the curse matures rapidly for those who have it since birth. Maybe it was maturing while they were still in mommie’s tummy. Although Lilih is showing no signs of her curse, aside from having a slight obsession with looks.

“Okay you two! I want a nice clean fight! To punching below the belt, or above the neck, or anywhere, or I’ll tell mommy!”

“Yeah, yeah!”“Let’s go!”

I have no worries about these guys. No worries at all….

Don’t worry Alan! It’s what’s on the inside what counts! Inside that costume you’re still hot!

I adore this picture so much~

Summer’s rolling around, and what better way to celebrate then with a water balloon fight? Even Lilih got into it, which shocked me. She normally just ignores her entire family, just reading or painting.

Overall, I’d say that Daemon won. Lilih got into a fuss once she was hit the first time, Lucas hissed every time he got wet, and Dylan just got bored after a while.

“Hey you guys, Momma and Papa are gonna choose one of us to become a hair right?”“Heir, you dork. An heir. Someone to take control and continue the legacy. Whoever’s heir gets to move back and live here.”“Where do the rest of us go? What if Luke is heir? I can’t live with him anymore?”The twins quickly embraced in a hug, terrified at the thought of being seperated.

All thoughts of separation quickly left the twin’s heads, as their father called for them to come to the taxi. Today was another triplet birthday, and since everyone in the family had the day off, they went to the park. I find it hilarious that they have to call a taxi when in the neighborhood view, the park is literally across the street from them.

Once at the park, everyone split up to do their own thing. Alan went to the grill to cook up some hotdogs and hamburgers. I’m surprised he kept the grill fire going, since it started raining. I guess he’s just talented like that.

Lucas and Daemon got addicted to fishing on their own. The literally ran here before I could even select them. They looks so adorable~

“Hey, I bet I’ll catch a bigger fish then you!”“No way dude, you’re on!”“Maybe I’ll catch a catfish! Ha-ha!”“Not funny, dude…”

Dylan and Lilih went to the swings right away.

“Hey, look! I’m going higher then you!”“I haven’t even started swinging, you nerd. Hey! Jump out! I bet you land on your feet!” She laughed. I’m starting to worry about this one…

Meanwhile, Tyson just relaxed on a bench, trying to keep watch over her hectic kids. And her husband. Who wasn’t much better at times.

It was fun, but soon it was time to go home and celebrate the triplets’ birthday. And it’s also time for the dreaded aspiration roll.

As always, when there’s a party, there’s Genesis. I kinda missed her. She’s still a college student, so she didn’t come to our parties that often. Anyway, she’s here now~

“Okay little twins, make sure you grow up nice and handsome~”

Hopeless romantic…

Going by time of birth again, Daemon was the first to blow out his candles.

Then Lucas.

And lastly, Lilih.

And of course, a bonfire was present for some reason.

Daemon, who apparently got tired of me mistaking him with Lucas, dyed his hair black. And green. And yellow. And red. He rolled popularity as his aspiration, as did his twin Lucas. Lilih on the other hand, rolled family.

“Gah, it’s so cold! Why is it so cold!”Dude, it’s only a summer night. In summer. How can you be cold, even with the curse?

Buying a guitar was probably a mistake, as I can’t keep Daemon off it. Granted, he’s good. Apparently banging a stick against a bar of metal years ago taught him the ways of the guitar.

“Yo, Lil, you should totally get into singing, You’d be good. You’re a bird after all!”

“Uhm… no thanks. I’d rather not…

A few days later, it was Dylan’s birthday. Since he had a fear of throwing a party for some reason, it was just a family thing. Although Genesis was invited over.

This family has a history of growing up in bland clothes….Anyway, he rolled 6 for his aspiration, so I chose knowledge for him. It seemed to fit.

Hey, whaddya know? Sims actually can burst into flames when they overheat. Looks like Alan’s gonna hafta wait before maxing body skills. Or maybe I shouldn’t have put the tv outside…. During summer.

But it’s okay. Dylan thought quickly and called the fire department, and together with Tyson, Alan made it out alive. Traumatized but alive.

“Hey guys, remember the last time we sat around like this? “

It was a late night, and generation two gathered around to talk about the inevitable. The pond I installed a while ago, since Daemon and Lucas wouldn’t stop rolling the want to fish.

“Yeah, we were just kids right? That was years ago…”

“Life’s been pretty hectic… And it’s only gonna get worse, huh?” Daemon let out a low chuckle as he stretched out. “Oh hey, since college is coming up soon, it’s only a matter of time until mom and dad decide an heir, right?”

“Yeah.” Lucas agreed, a worried look over his face. “Dude, what if one of us gets picked? We’ll have to live in different houses.”

“Why would mom and dad pick either of you? You’re very irresponsible, after all.” Dylan offered, as an attempt of kind words. Lucas laughed it off. “Yeah, good point. By the way, Dae, why are you wearing a jacket? It’s only early fall.”“But it’s night, and I’m cold. It’s not that big a deal, dude.”

“It’s understandable. It’s because of his curse. Reptiles are sensitive to the cold. That, and he’s a wuss with no tolerance.”

“Not cool, dude! Besides, Lil is wearing a sweater, so I’m not the only cold one.”

“Wrong. I’m only wearing this to try out my new fall fashion. I made it during my after school job.”

“Wow, that almost sounds fun. Weird. It’s Lil.”“Does she even know the meaning of fun?”“What’s that supposed to mean!? I can be fun!”“Big sis, with all due respect….”

“Humph, I’ll show you fun!”

Smooching the nearest boy from the house party going on, Lilih left the boys staring wide eyed at the girl. At least for a while until Lucas and Daemon began hollering and hooting, and Dylan covered his eyes and blushed profusely.

Finally, Alan achieved his lifetime want of maxing all his skills.

“Why am I outside? You did this with the TV as well. We have plenty of room in the house. You haven’t even furnished the upstairs yet!”

There’s an upstairs…?

It wasn’t long before The Talk came to the household.“And that’s why you use condoms. Now about college… You’ll be moving into new dorms, so there won’t be furniture. Your mother and I will give you extra money for furnishing, and you can use your scholarship money. If you guys wanted, you could probably afford renting a small house instead of going to the dorms. Now, I hate to bring it up… but…”“We’ll have to pick an heir for the legacy. But we’re having a hard time deciding. So, who do you guys think should be heir?

“Lilih.” All the boys said in unison.

“Me!? Why me!? Why pick me? Surely mom or dad could’ve thought of someone better, right guys?”


“Oh come on, Lilih is perfect. She’s a family sim, she’s smart, pretty, and some other things that I don’t feel like saying.”

“Thanks…. I think. But Dad was about to say something. Let him finish.”

“Lilih, do you not want to be heir? It’s a great privilege, and you’re perfect for it. Everyone thinks so.”

“Let’s just hear what mom and dad think, okay!?”

“Actually, we were thinking of picking Lucas…”

“Whoa! What the hell!? Luke!?” “Why me!? I don’t want to be heir!”“Yeah, if he’s heir, Daemon and Lucas won’t be able to live together! They’ve been together their whole lives!”“I don’t wanna move away from Daemon, man!”

“And no disrespect intended, but Luke’s very irresponsible! He couldn’t handle the pressures of being an heir! He could barely handle learning the basic of the potty!”“Wait, you told you that!? You weren’t even born at that time!”“Lilih….”

“And besides, he’d have to marry and have kids, and he doesn’t even like women. He’s gay, how could he have kids?”

“DUDE! WHAT THE HELL!?”“You’re gay?” It took everything Lilih had not to laugh at the blushing blonde.

“And it can’t be me. I don’t want to get married. I’m not even interested in girls. Granted, I’m not gay, but still.”“Pfft, not interested in girls? The magazines under your bed will prove you wrong.”“DUDE!”“We’re even.”

“What about Dylan? He’s responsible and not gay. You aren’t gay are you?”

“Of course not. But I want to focus on studies, and kids would get in the way. I’m not the family sim here, I’m not a fan of kids.”

“But I’m not sure if I could handle the pressures of being an heir….”

“Hey, mama, papa?” Dylan spoke up, looking at the parents. “Why… would you pick Lucas?”

“I thought it’d be funny.”“I thought it’d be a good way for him to admit he’s a homosexual.”

An awkward silence fell over everyone, before Alan spoke up.

“Listen, why don’t we continue this conversation after your going away party? Give us time to think, and give you time to meet your fellow classmates.

“Hey, I remember you! Genesis right? Hey, you’re the placeholder at Annya Hoh right? Man, I can’t wait to go there. But mom said Gold Creek University doesn’t allow freshman to join greek houses. Lame huh? Hey, is the weather there as bad as it is here? My brother, Daemon, is super sensitive to the cold because…. Well, because he is. It’s hard to explain. So, what do you major in?

‘He talks a lot but he’s gorgeous~’

“Ha-Ha! Take that! Yeah, come on! That all you got! Jeez, why are you shrieking so loud? Lucas always wrestled with me. OW! Stop biting my arm!”

“Hey, you’re from Gold Creek? How the scholastics?”

“They are fine young lognut. Though the heart of the smorf is only as deep as the abyss of your mork. May the best come to you, lognut.”

“……That was aaaweeessooommmeee! Talk more! Talk more!”

Oh my, I have a little nerd~

“Oh my god, people actually dress like that!? In college! They’re gonna need my sense of style. Maybe I should open a shop when I get older. That’d be awesome…. In the meantime, I’ll try not to puke while looking at these people.”

Sometime during the party, the hugfest started, and Alan proved to be a lot more sensitive then his wife.

“Make sure to study hard okay? And make sure Daemon studies. He ignores just about everyone’s advice but yours, so help him, okay?”“Alan, man, your son is cute~”“He’s gay….”“…..Tyson owes me five simoleons.

“Daemon, make sure to listen to your siblings, and don’t cause trouble for anyone, okay?”

“Ha-ha, no promises dad. But I’ll miss you. A lot.” He whispered, tightening his grip.

“Make sure you take the fashion world by storm, alright sweetie.”

“Okay dad. I’ll start with you. Pajamas at a party, dad? Come on….”

Long after the party, the night before they would leave for college, the family all gathered around to decided the heir once and for all.

“Well, you guys. Your father and I have been thinking…. And we’ve decided to pick….”