Courage - Vineyard at Home - 2/21/2016

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Have I not commanded you? Be strong and

courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.Joshua 1:9 (Amplified)

Courage is ________________.

Definition of Courage

Courage comes from the Latin word “cor” meaning “heart”. Courage is the ability to do something brave (dangerous, difficult or unpleasant) out of a motivation from the heart.

“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you can’t have both.” Brene Brown

Types of Courage

Heroic Moral Everyday Spiritual (God centered) – 2 Tim. 1:7, Deut. 31:6, Eph. 6:10-18

Faith in God’s promises is the partner to spiritual courage.

Behaviors of Courage

Courage to Speak Up – Peter and John (Acts 4:19-20) Courage to Take Responsibility – King David (2 Samuel 12:13) Courage to Challenge Your Stories (change perceptions) – Moses Courage to Dream Big – Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:11) Courage to Be Who God Calls You to Be – Mary (Luke 1:38) Courage to Boldly Take Action – Joshua (Joshua 1:11)

Behaviors of Courage cont.

Courage to Persevere – Joseph (Genesis 50:19-21) Courage to Say No – Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (Daniel 3:16-

18) Courage to Be Vulnerable – David (Psalms) Courage to Let Go – Abraham (Hebrews 11:8) Courage to Lead – Paul (Acts 27:21-26)

Keys to Living Courageously

Confront shame. Talk about it and bring it into the light. Shame is the enemy of courage.

Have a strong support system. Don’t try to go it alone.

Courage begets courage.

Know what you believe. Know the values you base your life on. (God’s Word)

Stay connected to the Source (of strength and power).

Face your fear. Name it.

Don’t let your past determine your future.