Creating A Cloud Computing in Education Strategy for Europe

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Challenges for Education on the Cloud

Creating a Cloud Computing Strategy for European Education Karl Donert, Director: Innovative Learning Network Ltd.

Director: European Centre of Excellence:

Do we need a Cloud Computing Strategy in European Education?

Does the Cloud (in education) really matter?

Society might never be the same

Cloud Computing

Norman, D. A. (1998). The invisible computer: Why Good Products Can Fail, the Personal Computer Is So Complex, and Information Appliances Are the Solution. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Technological maturity

Learning inreal and virtual

contextsHow should education


Disruptive Innovation

Disruption: threats and consequences

Threats• Chaos – instability -

change routine• Initial investment • Resistance – fear • Loss of control • Ownership - security• Quality

Consequences• New learning processes• Change administration• Different decision

making• Integrated ecosystems• Exchange of knowledge • Better assessment

Disruption: opportunities • Full control – monitoring

learning process / outcomes• Adjust expenditure• Improve organisation• Systemic change –

different roles• Move forward – better


• Empowering• Motivating – exciting –

attractive• Flexible organisations• Competitive• Optimising – greater


Constructive disruption

School on the Cloud Network group schooloncloud-7426807

Digital Agenda (

Europe’s Digital Future

DG CONNECT: European Cloud Computing Strategy

ETSI: Cloud Standards CoordinationThe Cloud Select Industry Group on Service Level AgreementsENISA: European Cloud Computing Strategy - SecurityDevelopment of model 'safe and fair' contract terms and conditionsThe Cloud Select Industry Group on Certification SchemesThe Cloud Select Industry Group on Code of ConductEstablishing a European Cloud Partnership

DG CONNECT: European Cloud Computing Strategy

DG CONNECT: European Cloud Computing Strategy

• ”Unleashing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe”

• outlines actions to deliver a net gain of 2.5 million new European jobs, and an annual boost of €160 billion to the European Union GDP (around 1%), by 2020 – SME focus

• designed to speed up and increase the use of Cloud Computing across all economic sectors

So far, educational perspectives are not included

European Cloud Partnership

• Established in 2012• Interested in certification, standards,

interoperability, open science cloud, the digitalisation of industry

• Led to policy recommendations• Cloud-for-Europe (C4E) initiative for public

administration• HNScicloud focusing on the Cloud for public

research and innovationEuropean Cloud Partnership,

skills and jobs were included

• Agenda for New Skills and Jobs - Europe 2020• Digital Agenda Action 68 – mainstream elearning• Communication on Rethinking Education, skills

for better socio-economic outcomes, scale-up ICT• Communication on Opening Up Education: setting

a European agenda for new ways of learning• Learning and skills for youth, DG CONNECT• Education, Audiovisual and Culture, eTwinning,

Open Education DG EAC

ICT in Education Policy

Where do we go for Cloud Computing in

education initiatives?

• bb

Bratislava eSkills Declaration 2016

• Foster digital skills training programmes• Harness industry-led education• Accelerate labour mobility for digital jobs• National Digital Skills and Jobs Coalitions

• bb

Bratislava eSkills Declaration, 2016

• Raise awareness of key enabling technologies in the digital single market and digital career opportunities

• Maturing the ICT profession• EU funds dedicated to upskilling initiatives and

training platforms • Encourage better gender balance

Capacity for change: sustainable implementation and progressive scaling up (of ICT-enabled innovative learning environments) EC Joint Research Centre (2012)

Europe needs to scale up educational uses of ICT

European Commission ‘learning research’

Creative classrooms

JRC (2012) "Challenges of implementing Creative Classrooms practices”,, eTwinning conference, Tampere Finland


Up-Scaling Creative Classrooms in

Europe (2011-2013)JRC (2013),


756,000 jobs can’t be filled

Europe is behind

• fast Internet access = digitally literate workforce• make fastest connections in schools, and other

major places where people gather• provide free wi-fi in cities around the EU • BUT with a desperate plea for better

technology education


DG Education & Culture

Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020: Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment,

Cloud not an EU or national education


• Cloud Computing is used as THE delivery method for IT services in education

• wide range of customised solutions and individual / collective actions

• Piecemeal, nothing coordinated• some teachers and learners are enjoying

education benefits

Education on the Cloud 2015: State of the Art

European Success• universities are thriving in strong

partnerships with regional institutions. • education is ‘in’ … to help solve global

problems • automation and data-intensive science• from open access to radical open access • cities are laboratories of democracy

Three Guiding Principles

… on thinking about what Europe’s knowledge institutions must do to prosper:

Principle 1: OpennessAn open knowledge system in Europe

Principle 2: ExperimentationFlexibility and experimentation in innovation

Principle 3: CooperationEuropean-level cooperation

Our Vision

Leaders, managers, teachers, learners, parents integrated as one - in a

dynamic, Cloud-based environment, for lifelong learning

What sort of education do we want from the Cloud?

Change Management

A Cloud Strategy for European


Cloud Computing is vital for education

A Cloud Strategy for European


Cloud Computing is vital for education

Education is vital for Cloud Computing

Indicators of Cloud Readiness for education


…. a framework describing what is needed for people to thrive in a Cloud-based education environment

Jisc, Digital Capability

e-Leadership in SMEs• EU initiative: e-leadership

scoreboard and index• monitor and benchmark• indicators on business, policy

infrastructure, related outcomes • need for metrics and practices to

understand e-leadership• identify role models • How policies affect practice


Business 2016

Where is Cloud Computing in EU 2016?

Cloud Computing: enabling a Digital Europe

Public Administration 2016

SMEs 2016

Health 2016Transport, Energy 2016

Industry 2016Research 2016

Science 2016

Cloud Computing 2016

Environment 2016

University Education 2016

School Education 2016

Business 2016

Where is Cloud Computing in EU 2016?

Cloud Computing: enabling a Digital Europe

Public Administration 2016

SMEs 2016

Health 2016

Vocational Education 2016

Transport, Energy 2016

Industry 2016Research 2016

Science 2016

Cloud Computing 2016

Environment 2016

Cloud Survey ResultsEducation policy makers MUST: • Encourage the development of a 'culture of innovation' at

system level, removing the fear of change and supporting decision-makers, teachers, and other stakeholders when taking sensible risks and trying new things

• Make sure that technological Cloud innovation in formal education settings is part of a wider transformation agenda, which includes pedagogical and organisational innovation

Cloud Survey ResultsHead teachers MUST: • Motivate, support teachers to make their innovative

Cloud-based practices more visible to others• Support teachers making it easier for them to

participate in professional networks on using the Cloud

• Ensure that all learners have equal and ubiquitous access, in and out of school

Cloud Computing in EducationSchool on the Cloud Brussels Declaration

Call on the European Commission to prioritise Cloud Computing in Education, so that

Access to Cloud Computing in education is considered a basic necessity for all.Cloud Computing provides ‘connected education ecosystem’ – a 24/7/365 learning community which involves all stakeholders.Developments start from a clear pedagogical concept – based on 21st century skills and Cloud literacy

Cloud Computing in EducationSchool on the Cloud Brussels Declaration

Call on the European Commission to prioritise Cloud Computing in Education, so that

The Cloud can be used to create your own personal learning network.

Educators are prepared for different roles based on

the paradigm shift

Initiatives pay attention to quality – not abundance.

Cloud Computing in EducationSchool on the Cloud Brussels Declaration

Call on the European Commission to prioritise Cloud Computing in Education, so that

• Clear European policies are developed to support Cloud-based innovation in education

• European funding is made available for Cloud Computing education initiatives

• An evidence-based monitoring system is established to benchmark achievements across Europe.

Summit Conclusions• Paradigm shift (fundamental change in methods of

delivering education) (Koutsopoulos & Kotsanis, 2014)

• Vision = Cloud-based learner-centred ecosystem• Exploit powerful services (Gonzalez-Martinez et al., 2015) • Create quality learning experiences (Silva & Donert,


• Demonstrate leadership (at EU level), policies and programmes for School on the Cloud

• Need a Cloud Computing in Education strategy

Why is Education important?

Cartoons from:

Presentation @

Education could be so different today..

Presentation @ Cartoons from:

Karl Donert, ConsultantInnovative Learning Network