Creation of film poster

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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How my film poster was created, from start to finish


The poster that I create for my short animated film will have to be eye catching and represent the film well. I really like the idea of having a poster with a white back ground and a bright colourful image. This will also work well with my animation as the majority of the shots I have taken are with a white background. As my poster will be for a short film, it is conventional for it not to include any information apart from a title and maybe a tag line. I really like the layout of poster 1, and think that the colours and font types all work really well together. They have stuck to the conventional ‘Alien’ colours of greens and oranges, which compliment the colours of the character. I think the way in which they have centred everything works really well as the eye is immediately drawn to the middle of the page. Poster 2 I think works really well in portraying one of the main protagonists of the film. The character has been placed to the left hand side of the page, however the head is actually in the centre. The title of the film is quite unconventional in the way that it is slanted.


The composition of the characters in this poster is very similar to that of which I would like mine to be in my poster. I think the way in which the parrot on the left is coming in at an angle as it makes in much more visually appealing, rather than having it straight. The direct mode of address from this character also attracts the audience. The aspect which really appeals to me about this poster is the fact that there is very little copy. The only text that it includes is a short tag line and some brief information about who created the film. The white background of the piece really does make the characters stand out from the page. Also the colour scheme is limited making it much more professional.

DESIGN 1 Image of the dog after he had crashed into the bin.

Information about the producers of the short film.

Large title of the film in bubble writing style font.

Large image of the cat in the foreground of the poster with a smug look on her face.

DESIGN 2Paw prints diagonally across the top corner of the page to give the appearance that the puppy has walked through mud.

Large image of the puppy with a happy grin on his face. This will be angled.

Large bubble writing style font for the films title- very cartoon like.

Image of the cat looking smug just behind the puppy.

Short sentence informing the viewer of the producer.

CHOSEN DESIGN DEVELOPMENTThis is the first development stage of my final poster design. I decided to carry forward design idea 2 as I believe this had the most scope to create a professional looking eye catching poster. Most of the design stays the same apart from there is a bit more information about the film at the bottom of the page. I have now also decided on a title for the film which helps me gain a better indication of what the final product will look like.


After drawing out and colouring both of the images needed, I scanned them in and uploaded them into Photoshop. In Photoshop I used the magic pen tool and selected all of the image and transferred it to a transparent background so that when I imported it into InDesign, I was able layer it over the cat image.


After completing the drawing editing in Photoshop, I started to put them into InDesign and arranging them in the right places. The paw prints were created using a paint brush effect which I downloaded from the internet, then put on a transparent back ground the same as the images.


To find a suitable font which looks professional and suits the genre/ purpose. I searched the website DaFont for comic style fonts and found this one to be the most suitable. It has the effect that it looks like it has been hand drawn which links in nicely with the film which is hand drawn.


In order to make my poster appear obvious that it is for a film, I added a short caption quoting the names of some other short films that have also been created by the producer of Coco and Buddy. This will give the audience the idea as to whether the film will be to their taste. As short films are not released cinematically on large budgets they don’t have a large production team. This means there is not much they can say about the producers on their posters. Also not all short films have posters to accompany them, and if they do they are generally displayed around film festivals to help promote the film and get audiences to vote for it.

CHANGE OF INFORMATIONThe caption at the bottom of the poster in the last draft, I felt didn’t quite work as it did not specify when or where the festival was being held, so I removed this and placed it in the introductory tagline. I created my own logo for a made up film festival using Photoshop, which makes the poster much more believable. Next to this I included an address for the festival along with a date and start time. After adding this, I believe that the time and date needs to be larger and bolder than the address as this is more important. Also I think the font needs to be more cartoon like to fit in with the hand drawn theme.


Title of the film in large eye catching font- cartoon style.

Paw print design adds to the fun/ comical theme/ genre.

Information regarding the producers and stating that it is a worldwide premiere.

Image of the cat looking happy and smug- reflects her character/ personality. Large image of the

main protagonist coming in at an angle to reflect the fun comical theme/ genre.

Logo of the film festival the short animation is being shown at.

Date and time of the screening in bold hand written style font.

Address of the the film festival where the screening is being held.