Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015

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  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


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  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


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  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015



  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    at: What is plenar po!er "o#trine$This is !hat it is

    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Governmentand Politics at the University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and the

    Governmentality of "lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-,/lt/re and the 0/manities, Pro1/est2J

    3he doctrine of plenary po-ers, a term coined by Stephen e$oms4y,' is a o/rt creation that$ives on$ress and the e5ec/tive branch soverei$n a/thority over immi$ra6tion.Sincethe soverei$ntyof the U.S. predates the onstit/tion, the concept of soverei$ntyass/mes $overnment po-er that pre6e5ists the onstit/tion andth/s as a res/ltleeches beyondthe realm of onstit/tional constraints on state po-er.

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    at: !hat is )T$0eres mainly -hat it is%o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Governmentand Politics at the University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and the

    Governmentality of "lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-,/lt/re and the 0/manities, Pro1/est2J

    #n '**', thesoon to be former #7S introd/ced the8lternative to %etention #nitiative (83% #nitiative2, a pilotpro$ram that deployed electronic monitorin$ via radio fre9/ency and $lobal position satellitemonitorin$ and -as intended to ens/re that aliens released from detention appear for theirco/rt hearin$s.&:* 3he 83%#nitiative consisted of three pro$rams; the "lectronicMonitorin$ Pro$ram ("MP2,-hich be$an in '**Sec/ricor (G>S2. #n practice, these pro$rams -ere distin$/ishable by their di@erent reportin$ re9/ire6ments and little else.

    #S8Phas been the most pop/lar pro$ram and recipient of the most f/nds. 3he pro$ramsare mana$ed thro/$h theABce of %etention and Removal Aperations (%RA2.#tconsisted lar$ely of electronic monitorin$ and home arrest, str/ct/red reportin$re9/irements and /nsched/led home visits.#n8/$/st '**C, #" anno/nced plans tooverha/l its immi$ration detention system.:) Ane component of this e@ort has beento acceleratethe development of 83%pro$rams. #t is -orth notin$ that neither #S8P nor "SR desi$nersdrafted re$/lations /nder : FR.3he pro$rams -ere draftedo/tside 8P8 re9/irements, -ithno p/blic notice and comment, i.e., no feedbac4, and no acco/ntability.3he lac4 of p/blicacco/ntability provides an e5planation for an investi$ation reported in the 0o/ston hronicle that fo/ndthat "SR s/@ered from poor data trac4in$ of immi$rants -ho have absconded fromthe pro$ram.&:' S/ch Da-s provide e5amples of the +enom,like imp&lses associ6ated -ith plenary po-ers. F/ndin$ for 83% pro$ramsstarted small b/t 9/ic4ly $re- into asi$ni?cant ?nan6cial commitment. #n '**', on$ress appropriated E million for 83%. #n F '**+, on$ressa/thoriHed E+ million. 3he follo-in$ year its commitment to 83% I/mped to E':.+ million.: #n '**> 83% -aso/tso/rced to ehavioral #nterventions (#2, a private ?rm that specialiHes inelectronic monitorin$ of criminals.:> J/ne '**>, # case specialists -ere tas4ed -ith administerin$ the ne-pro$ram as a trial r/n in ei$ht cities incl/din$ !ashin$ton %.. and altimore.3he pro$ram relied on an4lebracelets, GPSmonitorin$ devices, telephonic reportin$, /nanno/ncedhome visits and homearrest(c/rfe-s2.:+ #n J/ly '**C, %RA a-arded a E

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    at: !hat is "emore + kim$-ere.s the ne#essar /a#kgro&n"

    %anstroom et al 0(%aniel, oston olle$e a- School, S/san 84ram, oston University School ofa- Filippa 8nHalone, oston olle$e a- School 8rth/r erney, oston olle$e a- School "ric %. l/menson,S/@ol4 a- School Richard 8. os-ell, University of alifornia 0astin$s olle$e of a- Mar4 rodin, oston olle$e

    a- School Gabriel J. hin, University of incinnati olle$e of a- Michael J. h/r$in, University of 3e5as School ofa- Lalerie . "pps, S/@ol4 a- School "d Fallone, Mar9/ette University a- School 8nthony Farley, oston olle$ea- School 3aylor Flynn, !estern 7e- "n$land olle$e School of a- 7iels !. FrenHen, University of So/thernalifornia a- School Phillis Goldfarb, oston olle$e a- School 0. ent Green?eld, oston olle$e a- School%ean 0ashimoto, oston olle$e a- School Michael G. 0eyman, John Marshall School of a- evin Johnson,University of alifornia, %avis, School of a- arl lare, 7ortheastern University School of a- Michael M. evy,olle$e of !illiam N Mary Stephen 0. e$oms4y, !ashin$ton University Peter Mar$/lies, Ro$er !illiams School ofa- M. #sabel Medina, oyola University, 7e- Arleans, School of a- Jennifer Moore, University of 7e- Me5icoSchool of a- 0iroshi Motom/ra, University of olorado ori 7essel, Seton 0all University of a- 7ancy . Ata,8lbany a- School Mar$aret 3aylor, !a4e Forest University School of a- 7ats/ 3aylor Saito, Geor$ia StateUniversity olle$e of a- 8le5ander 3allchief S4ibine, University of Utah olle$e of a-, 8viam Soifer, ostonolle$e a- School, R#"F FAR 8M## UR#8" 8! F8U3 #7 SUPPAR3 AF R"SPA7%"73,& Actober '**',8merican ivil iberties Union, https;---.acl/.or$le$al6doc/mentla-6professors6al6amic/s6brief6demore6v64im2J

    Respondent 0y/n$ Joon im, a citiHen of the Rep/blic of orea, entered the UnitedStates le$ally as a si5 year old child in )C:>. (Pet. 8pp. 'a2. 0e became a la-f/lpermanent resident of the United States in )C:K, at the a$e of ei$ht. (#d. at )a6'a2. 8 decade later, in )CCK, at the a$e of ei$hteen, Mr. im -as convicted of acrime for -hich he received a s/spended sentence. (#d. at 'a2. #n 8pril )CC2($2,)'':) U.S.

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    determine -hether the alien is a Di$ht ris4 or a dan$er to the comm/nity. (#d. at*a2.

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015



  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    'a#12iopoliti#s )"+

    Immigrants #an.t get ha/eas relie3 no! 4 their +er e5isten#e

    is "enie" / the Co&rts

    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Governmentand Politics at the University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and theGovernmentality of "lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-,/lt/re and the 0/manities, Pro1/est2J

    eyond interpretin$ stat/tes and liberty interests /nder the +th 8mendment, theco/rts m/st also contend -ith the Great !rit (U.S. onstit/tion, 8rt. # Sec. C2, -hichis another potential so/rce of relief for immi$rants -hose liberty has been/nla-f/lly deprived. 8ltho/$h habeas corp/s can apply to the immi$ration conte5tin terms of physical deten6tion,)*+ the 9/estion of -hether habeas applies to theelectronic detention scenario comes do-n to -hether or not electronic braceletsconstit/te c/stody. 8 recent oard of #mmi$ration 8ppeals (#82 decisiondemonstrates that habeas corp/s does not apply to immi$rants -ho are tethered toan4le bracelets and home arrest. 83% immi$rants are not in c/stody, to dramatice@ect; Petitioners for habeas relief -o/ld not be presentin$ a live case orcontroversy. 3he habeas petition -o/ld be denied and the case dismissed.)*K 3he4ey to /nderstandin$ 83% as a technolo$y of plenary po-er has to do -ith ho- )T#ir#&m+ents the right to ha/eas #orp&s / "e6ning the #&sto"ial nat&re o3

    the ele#troni# /ra#elets(combined -ith ho/se arrest2 sanction as e5istin$o/tside of c/stody. #n other -ords, the 9/estion is ho- to distin$/ish bein$ tetheredto the state and bein$ in its c/stody. #n criminal la-, habeas corp/s e5tends beyondincarceration to incl/de conditions of parole, probation and bail, sentencin$ to ahalf-ay ho/se, or s/bIect to ho/se arrest or electronic monitorin$, i.e. the individ/almay be considered to be in c/stody even if not incarcerated. #n the criminal conte5t,it is s/$$ested that even restraints on conditions of release on reco$niHanceconstit/te c/stody)*< or that that placin$ restrains and conditions on a parole orderamo/nt to c/stody.)*: y contrast, immi$ration la- has a m/ch narro-er de?nitionfor c/stody, e9/atin$ it -ith detention.)*C #n immi$ration la- the terms c/stody,detention and incarceration have interchan$eable de?nitions, -hich is to s/$$estc/stody is de?ned in terms of detention.

    Immigration s&r+eillan#e is the mani3estation o3 so+ereign

    #ontrol an" +iolent go+ernmentalit 4 this 3o#&s on sel3,

    preser+ation 7&sti6es 5enopho/i# e5#l&sion%o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Government and Politics atthe University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and the Governmentality of"lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-, /lt/re and the 0/manities,Pro1/est2J

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    # e5amine the $overnmentality of the e5ception in the immi$ration conte5t. Myp/rpose is to describe ho- technolo$ies of soverei$n po-er have been deployed onimmi$rants in the enforcement conte5t. Michel Fo/ca/lt coined the term$overnmentality d/rin$ a series of lect/res in the late )C+ 3hree important aspects of $overnmentality are -orthmentionin$. First, accordin$ to J/dith /tler, $overnmentality operates thro/$hpolicies and departments, thro/$h mana6$erial and b/rea/cratic instit/tions,thro/$h the la-, -hen the la- is /nderstood as a set of tactics, and thro/$h formsof state po-er, altho/$h not e5cl/sively.&>K Follo-in$ /tler, therefore, # refer to$overnmentality in terms of ho- control tactics operate thro/$h policy, i.e., ho-technolo$ies re$/late the liberty of immi$rants into and -ithin society, p/nishimmi$rants -ithin a civil la- conte5t. Second, it incl/des the role private actors playin directin$ h/man behavior, -hich s/$$ests e5aminin$ the privatiHation ofimmi$ration control technolo$ies. 3hird, it incl/des ho- individ/als shape their o-ns/bIectivities. 3h/s, follo-in$ r/i4shan4 -ho e5amines the technolo$ies, or ethicalobli$ations, of citiHenship,>< and Rose -ho e5amines self6$overnance as e5tendin$$overnment into the so/l,>: # e5amine technolo$ies of membership and e5cl/sion

    that pertain to immi$rants !ho 6n" themsel+es o&tsi"e #&sto" /&t still

    s&r+eille" an" their li/ert #onstraine" . #n this -ay it covers ho- these controlstrate$ies $et immi$rants to internaliHe feat/res of control that enhance theli4elihood of the immi6$rants o-n incarceration and s/bse9/ent removal from theco/ntry. # e5amine immi$ration control technolo$ies that combine t-o approachesto soverei$nty, -hich the co/rts perceive as the basis for immi$ration la-. yFo/ca/lts acco/nt, early soverei$nty has to do -ith the soverei$ns self6preservation as demonstrated d/rin$ the ancien rQ$ime.>C 3he soverei$nspreocc/pation -ith self6preservation provides the lo$ic for a pre6constit/tional

    approach to soverei$nty. 3he soverei$n can act -ith imp/nity to ens/re its o-n self6preservation. 8ny other conceivable tas4 pales in importance. # analo$iHe Fo/ca/ltsearly soverei$ns concern for self6preservation to the pre6constit/tional concep6tionof soverei$nty that the S/preme o/rt has /sed to I/stify the basis for federal immi6$ration po-er since )::C. #n terms of deployin$ mechanisms of control, the lo$ic ofself6preservation lends itself to draconian enforcement meas/res and broade5cl/sion. 7e5t is the modern acco/nt of soverei$nty, -hich is rooted inconstit/tionalism and a normative concern for the -ellbein$ of the pop/lation, a

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    concept Fo/ca/lt de?nes in terms of it bein$ docile and prod/ctive.+* 8s federalimmi$ration la- developed in )::' and ):C)+) /pon the infrastr/ct/re of the ne-administrative state,+' mechanisms of control -ere introd/ced, incl/din$ immi$rantinspections and 9/arantines that foc/sed on matters of e5cl/sion, and p/blic healthand -ellbein$. 3his contested terrain of soverei$nty (bet-een self preservation and

    -ell bein$2 provides a /sef/l interpretation of immi$ration la-s more anomalo/snat/re. #mmi$ration rests /pon a str/ct/re of soverei$nty that predates theconstit/tion and th/s can le$itimiHe any e5cl/sion that is I/sti?ed on the basis ofself6preservation. #t develops -ithin the modern administrative state, -hichenhances state capacity for inspectin$ and s/rveillin$ the immi6$rant pop/lation forthe sa4e of p/blic health.

    This ins#ription !ithin /iopoliti#s is at the heart o3 +iolen#e

    allo!ing e+er 8#iti9en. to /e "e+al&e" an" eliminate" in the

    name o3 so+ereign management

    )gam/en ;*2-e dont not a$ree -ith the a/thors /se of $endered lan$/a$e

    T.. #t is not o/r intention here to ta4e a position on the diBc/lt ethical problem ofe/thanasia, -hich still today, in certain co/ntries, occ/pies a s/bstantial positionin medical debates and provo4es disa$reement. 7or are -e concerned -ith theradicaliry -ith -hich indin$ declares himself in favor of the $eneral admissibility ofe/thanasia. More interestin$ for o/r in9/iry is the fact that the so+ereignt o3 theli+ing man =person> o+e r his =their> o!n li3e has its imme"iate #o&nterpart

    in the "etermination o3 a threshol" /eon" !hi#h li3e #eases to ha+e an

    7&ri"i#al +al&e an" #an, therefore, /e kille" !itho&t the #ommission o3 a

    homi#i"e The ne! 7&ri"i#al #ategor o3 ?li3e "e+oi" o3 +al&e ? (or Vlife/n-orthy of bein$ livedV2 #orrespon"s e5a#tl6even if in an apparently di@erentdirection6to the /are li3eo3 homo sa#er and can easily be e5tended beyond thelimits ima$ined by indin$. It is as i3 e+er +alori9ation an" e+er?politi#i9ation? o3 li3e (-hich, after all, is implicit in the soverei$nty of theindivid/al over his o-n e5istence2 ne#essaril implies a ne! "e#ision#on#erning the threshol" /eon" !hi#h li3e #eases to /e politi#all

    rele+ant@ /e#omes onl ?sa#re" li3e@? an" #an as sh /e eliminate"

    !itho&t p&nishment E+er so#iet sets this limit= every society6even the mostmodern6"e#i"es !ho its ? sa#re" men ?=people> !ill /e #t is even possible thatthis limit, on -hich the politiciHation and the e5ceptio of nat/ral life in the I/ridical

    order of the state depends, has "one nothing /&t e5ten" itsel3 in the history ofthe !est an" has no!,in the ne! /iopoliti#al hori9on o3 states !ith nationalso+ereignt,mo+e" insi"e e+er h&man li3e an" e+er #iti9en 2are li3e isno lon$er con?ned to a partic/lar place or a de?nite cate$ory. #t no! "!ells in the/iologi#al /o" o3 e+er li+ing /eing.W T)C6)>*W

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    In"i+i"&ali9ing an" i"entit 3orming metho"s o3 go+ernan#e

    are the ne! pre"ominant 3orms o3 po!er The pro"tion an"

    a"ministration o3 li3e lea" to the mane&+ering o3 s&/7e#ts in

    !as that #&lminate in +iolen#e@ !ar@ an" geno#i"e

    Foa&lt .A right o3 li3e onl / e5er#ising his right to kill@ or / re3raining

    3rom killing he =the>e+i"en#e" his po!er o+er li3e onl thro&gh the "eath

    he !as #apa/le o3 reD&iring The right !hi#h !as 3orm&late" as the

    ?po!er o3 li3e an" "eath? !as in realit the right to take li3e or let li+e #tssymbol, after all, -as the s-ord. Perhaps this I/ridical form m/st be referred to ahistorical type of society in -hich po-er -as e5ercised mainly as a means ofded/ction (prelevement2, a s/btraction mechanism, a ri$ht to appropriate a portion

    of the -ealth, a ta5 of prod/cts, $oods and services, labor and blood, levied on thes/bIects. Po-er in this instance -as essentially a ri$ht of seiH/re; of thin$s, time,bodies, and /ltimately life itself= it c/lminated, in the privile$e to seiHe hold of life inorder to s/ppress it. Since the classical a$e the West has &n"ergone a +erpro3o&n" trans3ormation o3 these me#hanisms o3 po!er ?e"tion? has

    ten"e" to /eno lon$er the maIor form of po-er b/t merely one element amongothers@ !orking to in#ite@ rein3or#e@ #ontrol@ monitor@ optimi9e@ an"

    organi9e the 3or#es &n"er it: a po!er /ent on generating 3or#es@ making

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    them gro!@ an" or"ering them@ rather than one "e"i#ate" to impe"ing

    them@ making them s&/mit@ or "estroing them There has /een a parallel

    shi3t in the right o3 "eath, or at least a ten"en# to align itsel3 !ith thee5igen#ies o3 a li3e,a"ministering po!erand to de?ne itself accordin$ly. This"eath that !as /ase" on the right o3 the so+ereign is no! mani3este" as

    simpl the re+erse o3 the right o3 the so#ial /o" to ens&re@ maintain@ or"e+elop its li3eYet !ars !ere ne+er as /loo" as the ha+e /een sin#e thenineteenth #ent&r@ an"all thin$s bein$ e9/al, ne+er /e3ore "i" regimes +isitsh holo#a&sts on their o!n pop&lations /t this formidable po-er of death6and this is perhaps -hat acco/nts for part of its force and the cynicism -ith -hichit has so $reatly e5panded its limits 6no- presents itself as the co/nterpart of apo-er that e5erts a positive inD/ence on life, that endeavors to administer,optimiHe, and m/ltiply it, s/bIectin$ it to precise controls and comprehensivere$/lations. Wars are no longer !age" in the name o3 a so+ereign !ho m&st/e "e3en"e" the are !age" on /ehal3 o3 the e5isten#e o3 e+erone

    entire pop&lations are mo/ili9e" 3or the p&rpose o3 !holesale sla&ghter in

    the name o3 li3e ne#essit: massa#res ha+e /e#ome +ital It is as managers

    o3 li3e an" s&r+i+al@ o3 /o"ies an" the ra#e@ that so man regimes ha+e

    /een a/le to !age so man !ars@ #a&sing so man mento /e kille" 8ndthro/$h a t/rn that closes the circle, as the technolo$y of -ars has ca/sed them totend increasin$ly to-ard all6o/t destr/ction, the decision that initiates them and theone that terminates them are in fact increasin$ly informed by the na4ed 9/estion ofs/rvival. 3he atomic sit/ation is no- at the end point of this process; the po-er toe5pose a -hole pop/lation to death is the /nderside of the po-er to $/arantee anindivid/alXs contin/ed e5istence. The prin#iple &n"erling the ta#ti#s o3 /attle,that one has to /e #apa/le o3 killing in or"er to go on li+ing,has /e#ome

    the prin#iple that "e6nes the strateg o3 states. /t the e5istence in 9/estionis no lon$er the I/ridical e5istence of soverei$nty= at sta4e is the biolo$icale5istence of a pop/lation. I3 geno#i"e is in"ee" the "ream o3 mo"ern po!ers ,this is not beca/se of a recent ret/rn of the ancient ri$ht to 4ill= it is /e#a&sepo!er is sit&ate" an" e5er#ise" at the le+el o3 li3e@ the spe#ies@ the ra#e@

    an" the large,s#ale phenomena o3 pop&lation

    2iopoliti#s generates +iolen#e on a pre+io&sl &nseen s#ale@

    a&thori9ing e5termination at !ill

    )gam/en ;

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    sacri?ceable and the /nsacri?ceable, and $est/res to6-ard an idea of sacrednessthat is no lon$er absol/tely de?nable thro/$h the concept/al pair (-hich is perfectlyclear in societies familiar -ith sacri?ce2 of ?tness for sacri?ce and immolation ac6cordin$ to rit/al forms. #n modernity, the principle of the sacredness of life is th/scompletely emancipated from sacri?cial ideolo$y, and in o/r c/lt/re the meanin$ of

    the term VsacredV contin/es the semantic history of homo sacer and not that ofsacri?ce (and this is -hy the demysti?cation of sacri?cial ideolo$y so common todayremain ins/Bcient, even tho/$h they are correct2. What #on3ronts &s to"a is ali3e that as sh is e5pose" to a +iolen#e !itho&t pre#e"ent pre#isel in

    the most pro3ane an" /anal !as O&r age is the one in !hi#h a holi"a

    !eeken" pro"es more +i#tims on E&ropeBs high!as than a !ar

    #ampaign, b/t to spea4 of a Vsacredness of the hi$h-ay railin$V is obvio/sly onlyan antiphrastic de?nition (a ecla, Mente locale, p. ))+2. 3he -ish to lend asacri?cial a/ra to the e5termination of the Je-s by means of the term V0oloca/stV-as, from this perspective, an irresponsible historio$raphical blindness. The e!li+ing &n"er Na9ism is the pri+ilege" negati+e re3erent o3 the ne!

    /iopoliti#al so+ereignt an" is, as s/ch, a agrant #ase o3 a homo sa#er inthe sense o3 a li3e that ma /e kille" /&t not sa#ri6#e" 0is killingthere3ore #onstit&tes, as -e -ill see, neither capital p/nishment nor a sacri?ce,b/t simpl the a#t&ali9ation o3 a mere ?#apa#it to /e kille"? inherent inthe #on"ition o3 the e! as sh The tr&th6-hich is diBc/lt for the victims toface, b/t -hich -e m/st have the co/ra$e not to cover -ith sacri?cial veils6is thatthe e!s !ere e5terminate"not in a mad and $iant holoca/st b/t e5actly as0itler had anno/nced, Vas lice,V -hich is to say, as /are li3e The "imension in!hi#h the e5termination took pla#e isneither reli$ion nor la-, b/t /iopoliti#s.I3 it is tr&e that the 6g&re propose" / o&r age is that o3 an

    &nsa#ri6#ea/le li3e that has ne+ertheless /e#ome #apa/le o3 /eing kille"

    to an &npre#e"ente" "egree, then the bare life of homo sacer concerns /s in aspecial -ay. Sacredness is a line of Di$ht still present in contemporary politics, a linethat is as s/ch movin$ into Hones increasin$ly vast and dar4, to the point of/ltimately coincidin$ -ith the biolo$ical life itself of citiHens. #f to"athere is nolon$er any one clear ?$/re of the sacred man, it is perhaps beca/se !e are all+irt&all homines sacriW T ))6))+ W

    The af resol+es t!o #riti#al internal links1

    ,, The 6rst is the plenar po!er "o#trine1

    Glenar po!er is a me#hanism to 7&sti3 so#ial #ontrol 4 the af

    #an open &p #ritiD&es o3 so+ereignt 3rom !ithin /&t 3o#&sing

    on poli# is ke

    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Government and Politics atthe University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and the Governmentality of"lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-, /lt/re and the 0/manities,Pro1/est2J

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    7o- for the dramatic tension; 3he $overnments mission to van9/ish /ndesirableimmi6$rants m/st overcome the challen$e of its o-n limited capacity and /nrealistice5pectations, and the mission /s/ally crashes and b/rns ri$ht there. Recente5pectations, e5plicit or merely inferred, have incl/ded ade9/ately sealin$ o@appro5imately K,*** miles of open border or removin$ millions of /na/thoriHed

    immi$rants from -ithin territorial borders. 3he virt/al fence,)+ a m/lti6billionboondo$$le that never advanced beyond the pilot sta$e= 7S""RS,)K -hich -asresponsible for the $overnment ro/ndin$ /p tho/sands of M/slim men -itho/tca/se or s/spicion= and US6L#S#3,)< -hich is s/pposed to trac4 the names ofeveryone -ho enters and e5its the co/ntry= have all been abysmal fail/res.):Simply p/t, the reality of immi$ration control m/st be distin$/ished from itssymbolic if some-hat cartoonish rhetoric. 3he controls are not desi$ned to rid theco/ntry of /nla-f/l immi$rants= the controls are seriali9e" into an in"&strial

    #omple5 that reaps pro?ts for private ?rms -hile s&/7e#ting the non#iti9en

    enem to a !i"e +ariet o3 "is#iplines an" #ontrols .)C 0ere yo/ also havethe str/ct/re of virt/ally any '6min/te s/perhero cartoon, a 9/intes6sential la- andorder bad $/y$ood $/y narrative. 3he narrative is simple, even simplistic and yet itma4es sense of the relationship bet-een the state and immi$rants since the ori$insof immi$ration la-. 3he state is the s/perhero that acts on behalf of the la-6abidin$citiHenry, and stands -atch a$ainst potential evildoers to crash /pon o/r soverei$nshores. "ach episode sho-cases a life or death scenario that I/sti?es ass/min$s/perhero po-ers and p/ttin$ do-n the threat -ith $ad$etry and anythin$ else atits disposal. /t to $et s/perhero po-ers, -e m/st reco$niHe the aberrationalnat/re of the s/perhero relationship. 3he relationship is /nli4e any other that PeterPar4er or lar4 ent have had -ith other people in the co/rse of their everydaylives. #t ta4es the presence of some perceived dan$er to morph ordinary PeterPar4er into the e5traordinary Spiderman, or lar4 ent into S/perman. For thisarticle, # am interested in ho- the s/perhero 9/a state $ets its stren$th and p/ts itto $ood /se via state of the art $ad$etrytechnolo$ies. # say $ood /se beca/sethe a/thoritarian nat/re of these scenarios involves the moral a/thority to ?$ht forthe 8merican -ay,& to borro- from the old !ar6inspired ori$inal S/permantelevision sho-. 3he sec/ritiHation& of this a/thoritarian ethos helps le$itimiHe theplenary po-ers that are claimed po-er on behalf of the 8merican people. 8t thesame time, it is important to reco$niHe the irony of s/perhero cartoons partic/larlyto the e5tent the s/perhero has prescience re$ardin$ $/ilt, innocence and ris4. S/chcertainty of vision ma4es it easy for the s/perhero to i$nore basic criminal ri$hts./t in the real -orld, the state lac4s the s/perheros foresi$ht and instead m/stban4 its moral a/thority /pon constit/tional norms -ith references to the >th, +thand Kth 8mendments. 3he problem for immi$ration enforcement occ/rs -henh/mans claim s/perhero po-ers b/t i$nore a democratic societys need forconstit/tional norms. #n this -ay the immi$ration re$ime lac4s the moral a/thorityand clarity of e5ec/tion that -e ali$n -ith o/r s/perheroes or the constit/tionalnorms that -e ali$n -ith mortals -ho -ield la- enforcement po-er. 3his problem ofs/perhero po-er ori$inates in soverei$nty, -hich is the basis for federalimmi$ration la-. #n the immi$ration ?eld, the state /ses soverei$n po-er to sec/reterritorial bo/ndaries. Speci?cally, # am interested in ho- soverei$nty disco/rsetranslates state po-er into &na##o&nta/le te#hnologies o3 so#ial #ontrol .'* #sit possible for a state relyin$ on the plenary po-ers of soverei$nty to p/rs/e and

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    s/bd/e immi$rants -hile maintainin$ its inte$rity as a democratic stateY Since/nchec4ed po-ers are anathema to democratic $overnance, the immi$rationre$ime has a da/ntin$ tas4 to say the least. !ith a s9/int and a smir4 # can ima$ineho- immi$ration controls over the years mi$ht inspire the arc of many a s/perherocartoon. #ndeed, the Lenom arc in the Spiderman series lends itself to a s4epticsvie- to the problem of immi$ration control. 3he Lenom arc represents ho-

    /nchec4ed po-er can distort the simplicity of a $ood vers/s evil narrativestr/ct/re. Plenary po-ers are the blac4 ooHe that drips aro/nd the ed$es ofconstit/tional constraints. 3hey are the venom6o/s ooHe that drips onto Spidermansbody and then leeches into his so/l, chan$in$ both his behavior and moral compass.

    3his venomo/s blac4 ooHe is a symbiote, as noted in Spiderman. #t chan$esyo/. #t ampli?es characteristics of its host, especially a$$ression. 3his co/ld bedan$ero/s.&') #t is important to note that in the poli# #onte5t the 3orm&la

    loses its #omi# appeal as paro" gi+es !a to #ritiD&e #n this immi$rationcontrol narrative, the venomo/s blac4 ooHe of plenary po-ers chan$es ho- I/d$ess/ddenly loo4 beyond constit/tional norms -henever immi$rants appear on thehoriHon.

    So+ereignt #onstrts a threat to 7&sti3 /iopoliti#al #ontrolan" ra#ist rhetori# 4 remo+ing the plenar po!er "o#trine is


    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Governmentand Politics at the University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and theGovernmentality of "lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-,/lt/re and the 0/manities, Pro1/est2J

    #n lar$e part the e5emplary stat/s of immi$ration la- derives from inter-eavin$ t-ohis6torically di@erent approaches to soverei$nty. "arly modern characteristics

    describe sover6ei$nty in terms of self6preservation.+ Ro$ers Smith has -rittene5tensively abo/t ho- the e5cl/sionary threads of immi$ration la- areirre#on#ila/le !ith li/eralism.+> 3hese illiberal threads are rooted in the earlymodern conception of soverei$nty that play o/t in both the process and s/bstanceof immi$ration la-. #n terms of process, the doctrine of plenary po-ers gi+esCongress nearl &n#he#ke" a&thorit to esta/lish pro#esses 3or "etention

    an" remo+al. #n terms of s/bstance, on$ress enIoys the same sort of po-er toe5cl/de any cate$ory of immi$rants of its choosin$, acco/ntable only to the co/rt ofp/blic opinion. 3races of these early6modern ori$ins -o/ld persist as immi$rationla- developed /pon a modern administrative fo/ndation. 3he state -o/ld rely /ponplenary po-ers to imple6ment its vision for -ellbein$ in the immi$ration conte5t.

    !ellbein$ -o/ld be perceived thro&gh the lens o3 "is#iplining immigrantsthro/$h inspections and s&r+eillan#e, -hich dra-s inspiration from Fo/ca/ldianconcepts of /iopoliti#s an" the panopti#on. 3h/s plenary po-ers, li4e venomsooHe tri$$ered thro/$h alien interaction, -o/ld creep into modern administrativeinitiatives to dan$ero/s e@ect. "arly immi$ration controls of the late )Cth and early'*th cent/ries provide a 9/intes6sential e5ample of Fo/ca/lts biopolitics -hich isthe mode of po-er that operates thro/$h the administration of life (bodies2. #t deals-ith s/ch characteristics of mana$in$ a pop/la6tion as health, sanitation, mental

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    and physical capacities and more (Mcee '**C2. S/ch -as the initial foc/s of federalimmi$ration control -hen on$ress started e5cl/din$ immi$rants on the basis ofindivid/al characteristics in the #mmi$ration 8ct of ):

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    serio/sly.K* #t diminished ris4 by allo-in$ for the deportation of s/ch immi$rants. #neach instance (hae han Pin$ and Fon$ /e 3in$2 plenar po!ers !ere in+oke"to prote#t important instit&tions. !hereas hae han Pin$ foc/sed onsoverei$n po-ers at the territorial border, Fon$ /e 3in$ applied the same s/perpo-er to persons inside the co/ntry. Af co/rse modern case la- has added several

    n/anced revisions on the /se of plenary po-ers. Still, #&rrent immigrant "e/ates#ontin&e to shi3t an" t&rn !ithin a narro! "is#o&rse that e5ploits 3earsthat 88+ast hor"es are #ro!"ing &pon &s, and that s/ch hordes pose a ris4 tosome basic tenets of democracy as broad as the notion of social contract or asnarro- as local $overnment services and ta5 reven/es.

    We.ll pre,empt their "e3ense 4 there is no legal or logi#al limit

    to go+ernment po!er in the #onte5t o3 5enopho/i# +iolen#e

    to!ar"s immigrants

    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Governmentand Politics at the University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and the

    Governmentality of "lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-,/lt/re and the 0/manities, Pro1/est2J

    # ma4e /se of s/perhero cartoons to disc/ss immi$ration beca/se there has al-ays been a satiric bravado toimmi$ration controls that -ield almost &n#he#ke" go+ernment po!er a$ainstimmi$rants.#n a manner similar to s/perhero cartoons, the $overnment is on a mission to repel orleast s/bd/e /n-anted evil (forei$n2 advances across territorial borders, an" relieson plenar po!ers in a#hie+ing its en"s. 8 Manichaean narrative of $ood a$ainst evil creates the

    moral a/thority for s/ch po-er. !ith each storyline, or immi$rant Do-, a ris4 is constr/cted,e5acerbated and then overcome.

    ,, The se#on" internal link is )lternati+e to etention -earings@

    or )Ts

    )Ts #reate a state o3 e5#eption that +iolates immigrants.

    li/ert 4 the plan is ke

    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Government and Politics atthe University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and the Governmentality of"lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-, /lt/re and the 0/manities,Pro1/est2J

    3he scenario s/$$ests that political branches of the federal $overnment have/nchec4ed po-ers over immi$rants -hich ca/ses a great "eal o3 har"ship inimmi$rant comm/nities. 3he lo$ic of classic immi$ration control ori$inates in a t/rnof phrase by J/stice Field in )::C that ?rst refers to plenary po-ers to describe theprero$atives of on$ress to re$/late immi$ration -ith imp/nity.'' Field locatedplenary po-ers in the international la- concept of soverei$nty, !hi#h remains

    the e5tra #onstit&tional #ore o3 immigration #ontrol .' 3he problem -ith

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    plenary po-ers is that it is anathema to the limited po-ers embed6ded in liberal$overnment. !ith plenary po-ers immi$ration re$/lation too often becomes ane5ception to the r/le of la-, on par -ith emer$ency sit/ations and crisisresponsibili6ties.'> S/ch moments occ/r -hen the e5emplary and prero$ativepo-ers of the e5ec/tive are invo4ed to protect the state a$ainst forei$n invasion,-ars, nat/ral and national crises.'+ 3he problem is that -hen the e5ec/tive seiHes

    e5ceptional po-ers for more than brief periods she rea#hes /eon" the limits

    the #onstit&tion sets for le$itimate $overnance. !hen it comes to protectin$soverei$n bo/ndaries from forei$n invasion, J/stice Field in hae han Pin$analo$iHed forei$n invasion insti$ated by enemies of the state to the in+asion o3

    &nassimila/le immigrants .'K J/st as prero$ative po-ers -ere enlisted to helpthe nation thro/$h times of crisis, Field s/$$ested, the federal $overnment hadplenary po-ers -ith -hich to preempt alien invasion. 3his la- case introd/ces someimportant 9/estions for immi$ration control that have to do -ith the$overnmentality of the e5ception, -hich demonstrates ho- the e5ception isembedded into policy. # intend to e5amine this 9/estion -ith frame-or4s o@ered by

    Gior$io 8$amben and Michel Fo/ca/lt. 8$amben emphasiHes ho- emer$ency statepo-ers have become the normal face of $overnance. 0e s/$$ests the state ofe5ception establishes a hidden b/t f/ndamental relationship bet-een la- and theabsence of la-. #t is a void, a blan4 and this empty space is constit/tive of the le$alsystem.&'< Fo/ca/lts frame-or4 provides an interpretation of po-er in terms ofthe panopticon and $overn6mentality, disc/ssed belo-, -hich helps -ith mappin$o/t this state of e5ception. My proIect follo-s this 9/ery into the immi$ration ?eld.Speci?cally, # e5amine ho- #" initiatives that introd/ce 83% activities comprise ane5ample of this sort of empty space -here, as 8$amben s/$$ests, $overnancethro/$h mana$ement is on the ascen6dancy, (and2 r/le by la- appears to be indecline.&': #n other -ords, # e5amine ho- mana$ement technolo$ies is replacin$la- as the method of decidin$ entry and e5it re9/irements as -ell as ho-

    immi$rants inside the co/ntry are dealt -ith. 3he literat/re is replete -ithinvesti$ations into plenary po-ers in the immi$ration ?eld.'C 7ats/ Saito foc/seson the immi$ration e5ample of s/ch e5ceptional po-ers,* and %avid ole ('**2speci?cally foc/ses on ho- s/ch po-ers have led to a loss of ri$hts in the after6math of C)). Saito and ole contend that plenary po-ers never really left theimmi$ration scene. Saito ('**2 reminds /s that as a res/lt of e5istin$ precedent onplenary po-ers, on$ress andor the e5ec/tive have the po-er to decide -ho cancome, ho- lon$ they can stay, and -hen they m/st leave. Z on$ress can chan$ethe r/les and then apply ne- r/les retroactively -itho/t violatin$ the prohibition one5 post facto la-s. Z eca/se deportation is deemed not to be p/nishment, theconstit/tional protections $/aranteed to all persons in criminal trials do not apply,allo-in$, amon$ other thin$s, the /se of secret evidence and inde?nite

    incarceration -itho/t a hearin$.) Stephen e$oms4y disc/sses severalI/sti?cations the S/preme o/rt has o@ered for the $overnment /sin$ plenarypo-ers in the immi$ration conte5t.' e$oms4y 9/estions these I/sti?cations ands/$$ests the e5ceptional po-ers are neither necessary nor le$itimate. 0e says,the o/rt incorrectly concl/des that -hen on$ress acts in the immi$ration ?eld,the co/rts lac4 the po-er to revie- its acts for compliance -ith the individ/al ri$htsprovi6sions of the onstit/tion. #ndeed, several prominent scholars havedoc/mented the erosion of plenary po-ers over the years.> e$oms4y+ and0iroshi Motom/raK demonstrate the co/rts increasin$ reliance on constit/tional

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    norms to interpret immi$ration stat/tes. My ar$/ment ac4no-led$es the increasin$-illin$ness of the co/rts to interpret immi6$ration stat/tes alon$ constit/tional linesas they open /p a ne- administrative space for plenary po-ers to contin/e drippin$blac4 ooHe onto state practices. My foc/s on admin6istrative spaces of e5tra6le$alitye5tends the e$oms4y,< ole: and SaitoC thesis into a post6modern frame-or4.Several recent immi$ration initiatives are responsible for creatin$ e5tra6le$al admin6

    istrative spaces that diminish I/dicial revie- of administrative decisions that restrictthe liberty of immi$rants.>* 3hese initiatives ma4e /se of di$ital technolo$ies in theenforce6ment of immi$ration la-. 8lon$ the -ay they leave spaces of /nchec4edpo-er that are as dar4 and -ide as any discretionary -i$$le room immi$rationoBcers have historically enIoyed in the co/rse of their la- enforcement activities.My disc/ssion of 83% -ill provide an e5ample of I/st s/ch an e5trale$al space andhi$h6li$ht one e5ample of ho- federal immi$ration la- normaliHes the e5ception. #foc/s on 83% pro$rams, speci?cally electronic monitorin$, -hich constrain mobilityin -ays other than relyin$ on sec/re detention. 83% immi$rants are denied accessto an immi$ration I/d$e after seven days, and to habeas corp/s relief in the federalco/rts primarily beca/se they are per6ceived as not bein$ in c/stody and beca/sethe co/rts perceive technolo$ical constraints on liberty as /nimportant.>) 3hisre$ime has s#ar impli#ations 3or immigrants and the r/le6of6la- by ma4in$ri$hts less accessible and relyin$ /pon privatiHed and a/tomated mana$ementtechni9/es. S/ch control techni9/es replace face6to6face administrative inspectionsand ma4e d/e process and individ/al adI/dication seem increasin$ly anachronistic.

    3he 83% pro$rams introd/ce a scenario in -hich immi$rants -ho have neither beenarrested nor char$ed -ith a crime nor are in c/stody are nonetheless forced into acriminal6li4e process albeit -itho/t I/dicial revie-. 3he co/rts lo$ic s/$$ests thatelectronic devices fail to rise to the level of deprivin$ immi$rants of a libertyinterest or amo/nt to a c/stodial relationship. !hereas political branches and co/rtstypically le$itimiHe control technolo6$ies by addin$ the palliative of I/dicial revie-,the immi$ration scenario that # e5amine circ/mvents this normaliHin$ process.>'

    S&r+eillan#e o3 immigrants an" 3orth#oming )s rel on a

    a!e" risk,management mo"el that #ollapses i"entit an"

    #lassi6es in"i+i"&als 4 en"ing )Ts is ke

    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Governmentand Politics at the University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and theGovernmentality of "lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-,/lt/re and the 0/manities, Pro1/est2J

    Soon after C)), a ne- postmodern $overnmentality be$an to emer$e alon$side this

    b/r6$eonin$ closed detention ind/stry. #n this section # introd/ce the postmoderntechnolo$y of electronic detention, referred to in policy papers and case la- as analternative to detention (83%2. !hen disc/ssin$ ho- 83% strate$ies $ained po-er, #consider sover6ei$nty and plenary po-ers on the one hand and administrative (civil2la- on the other. 3he o/tcome is an /neasy relationship that enhances plenarypo-ers over the individ/al in an administrative la- settin$. Generally, the di@erencebet-een modern and postmodern $overnmentality comes do-n to the technolo$iesof control. 3he panopticon con?nes the individ/al -ithin a bric4s and mortar

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    instit/tion and imposes discipline. 3he postmodern scenario is less con?nin$; itfoc/ses on e@orts to fra$ment individ/al identities -ith a m/lti6directional (postb/rea/cratic2 set of techni9/es. 3his scenario occ/rs in the control society& thatGilles %ele/He e5amines in Postcript on a ontrol Society.

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    perceived as re$/latory rather than criminal.

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    Th&s the plan 4 The Unite" States S&preme Co&rt sho&l"

    o+err&le its "e#ision in emore +s %im / 6n"ing that stat&s

    D&o alternati+e to "etention hearings +iolate the 63thamen"ment o3 the Unite" States Constit&tion

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    on e5ec/tive removal po-er.K< 3he linton !hite 0o/se p/shed thro/$h the 8nti6terrorism and "@ective %eath Penalty 8ct (8"%P82 and #lle$al #mmi$ration Reformand #mmi$rant Responsibility 8ct of )CCK (##R#R82 as responses to the bombin$ inA4lahoma ity.K: 3he 8cts /nleashed e$re$io/s aspects of criminaliHation, perhapsine5tricably lin4in$ immi$rants, crime and terrorism in the p/blic conscio/sness.

    3hey made it diBc/lt to ima$ine crimes that do not 9/alify as a$$ravated felonies,re9/irin$ mandatory detention follo-ed by removal. #mmi$rants -ho fo/nd pasto@enses on the $ro-in$ list of deportable o@enses -ere s/d6denly ineli$ible forrelief, and -ere barred from reenterin$ the co/ntry for t-enty years. y the end ofthe )CC*s, immi$rants -ho -ere leadin$ pretty prod/ctive lives and raisin$ familiesin this co/ntry -ere ro/nded /p& as a ris4 to the safety of the national comm/nity.S/ch enforcement activities contrib/ted to overcro-ded prisons and detentioncenters. 8s the nonpro?t or$aniHation #7# describes mandatory detention,%espite its lamentable trac4 record and fail/re to ma4e even mar$inal pro$ress onmany of these iss/es over the span of many years, on$ress passed le$islation in)CCK Z that has nearly tripled the n/mber of noncitiHens in #7S c/stody. 3he actre9/ires the #" to detain virt/ally all immi$rants inadmissible or deportable oncriminal and national sec/rity $ro/nds= virt/ally all asyl/m see4ers -ho presentthemselves at the border b/t lac4 proper doc/ments, /ntil they can demonstrate acredible fear& of persec/tion= those see4in$ admission to the United States -hoappear inadmissible for other than doc/ment problems= and those ordered removedfor C* days or if the person conspires or acts to prevent his removal& for more thanthe C*6day removal period.&KC #n emore + %im@

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    habeas corp/s to ma4e it inapplicable for immi$rants in this immi$ration scenario.8s an o/tcome, s/ch pro$rams incentiviHe immi$ration a/thorities to re9/iremonitorin$ -hen in the past they -o/ld I/st release the person. 3he r/bric fordistin$/ishin$ criminal meas/res from re$/latory ones -as introd/ced in %enne"+ Jen"o9a,Jartine9,C< a case that involves an immi$ration stat/te that revo4ed

    the citiHenship of those -ho left the co/ntry to evade military service.C: MendoHa6MartineH ()CK2 distin$/ished bet-een criminal and civil la- in terms of its e@ects.8ccordin$ly, !hether the sanction involves an aBrmative disability or restraint,-hether it has historically been re$arded as a p/nishment, -hether it comes intoplay only on a ?ndin$ of scienter, -hether its operation -ill promote the traditionalaims of p/nishment retrib/tion and deterrence, -hether the behavior to -hich itapplies is already a crime, -hether an alternative p/rpose to -hich it may rationallybe connected is assi$nable for it, and -hether it appears e5cessive in relation to thealternative p/rpose assi$nedZCC Co&rts ha+e s&/seD&entl re3erre" to theJen"o9a,Jartine9 test as a !a o3 #on"oning te#hnologi#al restraints on

    li/ert. eca/se s/ch restraints are decidedly re$/latory, not p/nitive, there are noclear appeals to constit/tional scr/tiny. !hen it comes to constrainin$ libertyinterests /nder the +th 8mendment, M/rphy dra-s attention to the f/nctions ofdi$ital technolo$y at the $overnments disposal to control potentially dan$ero/spersons -itho/t s/bIectin$ them to physical incarceration.)** #t is important tonote that -hereas physical incapacitation re9/ires some proced/ral safe$/ards andconstit/tional scr/tiny, non6instit/tional technolo$ical restraints are not soconstrained.)*) 3h/s, it is important to distin$/ish c/stody and technolo$ies thatconstrain liberty. 8ltho/$h persons in c/stody retain a ri$ht to habeas corp/s andth/s some important means of redress, the technolo$ical constraint itself is notconstr/ed as harmin$ a persons liberty. #n the immi$ration conte5t, personshitched to an electronic monitorin$ device are constr/ed as neither in c/stody, noras havin$ a liberty interest that is s/bIect to harm. onsider this slei$ht of hand.0ere the electronic monitorin$ bracelet, as the co/rts con6str/e it, is tr/ly a virt/alrestraint= it is not real. #t is also -orth notin$ that the o/rt fails to reco$niHe theimmi$rants liberty interests, !hi#h !eakens an rationale 3or 7&"i#ial s#r&tino+er go+ernment a/&se.)*' #n emore + %im, the o/rt s/$$ests that animmi$rants interest in not bein$ mandatorily detained pales a$ainst the$overnments plenary po-er.)* 8s J/stice So/ter notes in dissent, 3he[maIoritys\ holdin$ that the %/e Process la/se allo-s [detention\ /nder a blan4etr/le is devoid of even ostensible I/sti?cation in face and at odds -ith the settledstandard of liberty& )*> 8lmost any $overnment obIective here -o/ld be perceivedas le$itimate. 3h/s immi$rants tethered to an electronic monitorin$ bo5 seem tohave three stri4es a$ainst them; )2 they are not in c/stody= '2 they have nof/ndamental liberty interest= 2 electronic monitorin$ does no harm to the resid/alliberty interests they enIoy. The o&t#ome harkens /a#k to the "ark "as o3Chinese e5#l&sionand the old !ar -hen the $overnments plenary po-ers overimmi$rants -ere as obvio/s as they -ere repressive. 3he di@erence no- is thatplenary po-ers are concealed -ithin administrative initiatives rather than s/bIectedto the li$ht of stat/tes, and the form of restraint is di$ital rather than instit/tional.Ather-ise, the o/tcome is 9/ite similar as the $overnment i$nores the liberty

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    interests of immi$rants -ho have been tethered, -itho/t ca/se or co/nsel and-itho/t access to the co/rts.

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    'a#1VTK Impa#tEle#troni# s&r+eillan#e is "e+astating 3or immigrants 4

    3a#ilitates phsi#al an" ps#hologi#al +iolen#e !hile

    stigmati9ing their e5isten#e

    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Governmentand Politics at the University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and theGovernmentality of "lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-,/lt/re and the 0/manities, Pro1/est2J

    edited for lan$/a$e

    8ccordin$ tothe co/rts, the electronic monitorin$ bracelet t/rns ho/se arrest into aneBcient and h/mane p/nishment. i4e J/d$e ove the co/rtsperceive little harm in adaptin$ Spiderman to the real-orld. i4e J/d$e ove they for$et that the an4le bracelet -o/ld /ndo/btedly serve part ofsome lar$er nefario/s a$enda.8s %ele/He ar$/ed, this sort o3 agen"a mo+es the lo#&s

    o3 #ontrol 3rom #lose" instit&tions to open spa#es#n terms of detention policy, thiss/$$ests a shift from an 83% initiative to an alternative to release. 8$ain, fe- -o/ld prefersittin$ in a prison cell to -earin$ an an4le bracelet. /t as central as this claimis for the co/rts at least electronicmonitorin$ isnt as bad as prison this observation is beside the point. 8t iss/e is ho- theprivately mana$ed 83%#S8P pro$ram helps ICE to #onstrain the li/ert o3immigrants#t is not -hether yo/ or # -o/ld prefer home arrest to a prison cell= the iss/e has to do -ithho- the state /nacco/ntably impedes liberty interests of individ/als -ho havecommitted no crime and for -hom #" has $iven no I/sti?cation to hold /nder itsc/stodial a/thority. 3he monitorin$ device itself is abo/t ?ve inches s9/are ma4in$ it too bi$ to conceal beneathnormal street clothes. 8s the %etention !atch net-or4 has doc/mented, the bracelet can be /ncomfortable,partic/larly for pre$nant -omen, and participants describe the e5perience as one of

    shame and h/miliation.&:C #S8P#C* $/idelines place restrictions on the movement ofimmi$rantsas -ell as on ho- they spend time and plan a sched/le. 8s the immi$ration I/d$e (#J2 in 8$/ilar689/ino said , itdoes ca/se the loss of a $reat deal of Respondents liberty, and re9/ires con?nement ina speci?c space, i.e., the Respondents home bet-een

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    can ta4e a psycholo$ical toll.C' F/rther, by addin$ an an4le braceletto home con?nement, theo@ender is constantly remindedof his stat/s and that someone is -atchin$.&C #t has beendoc/mented that some o@enders choose Iail over ho/se arrestand electronic monitorin$ /e#a&se o3the Hhigh le+el o3 s&r+eillan#e an" s&per+ision asso#iate" !ith ele#troni#

    monitoring.&C> Ane st/dy reports ?ndin$s from -omen in anada that claims electronic monitorin$and home

    arrest -as more diBc/lt than imprisonmentd/e to increased stress.C+3he fearand an5iety isaccent/ated -hen the immi$rant $oes o/t in p/blic.For immi$rants -ho already fear the state eitherbeca/se of their stat/s in their home co/ntries or as a ref/$ee or /ndoc/mented immi$rant in the U.S., bein$ tethered tothe state is a constant reminder of their e5treme po-erlessness and can have ac/teconse9/ences. 0/man ri$hts advocates s/$$est the an4le bracelet is par6tic/larly h/miliatin$ for-omen. 8s Salvadoran immi$rant Maria olanos, a domestic violence victim, recently said of her #S8P e5perience #m reallyashamed to sho- it in p/blic. People see it and thin4 # am a m/rderer. # try to 4eep it covered at all times.&CK

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    0a# )ns!ers

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    0a# 4 at: t 4 s&r+eillan#eEle#troni# s&r+eillan#e is &n"er plenar a&thorit

    Ga&l ;

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    0a# 4 at: t 4 "omesti# personsWe meet 4 migrants are persons 4 "&e pro#ess pro+es

    %anstroom et al 0(%aniel, oston olle$e a- School, S/san 84ram, oston University School ofa- Filippa 8nHalone, oston olle$e a- School 8rth/r erney, oston olle$e a- School "ric %. l/menson,S/@ol4 a- School Richard 8. os-ell, University of alifornia 0astin$s olle$e of a- Mar4 rodin, oston olle$e

    a- School Gabriel J. hin, University of incinnati olle$e of a- Michael J. h/r$in, University of 3e5as School ofa- Lalerie . "pps, S/@ol4 a- School "d Fallone, Mar9/ette University a- School 8nthony Farley, oston olle$ea- School 3aylor Flynn, !estern 7e- "n$land olle$e School of a- 7iels !. FrenHen, University of So/thernalifornia a- School Phillis Goldfarb, oston olle$e a- School 0. ent Green?eld, oston olle$e a- School%ean 0ashimoto, oston olle$e a- School Michael G. 0eyman, John Marshall School of a- evin Johnson,University of alifornia, %avis, School of a- arl lare, 7ortheastern University School of a- Michael M. evy,olle$e of !illiam N Mary Stephen 0. e$oms4y, !ashin$ton University Peter Mar$/lies, Ro$er !illiams School ofa- M. #sabel Medina, oyola University, 7e- Arleans, School of a- Jennifer Moore, University of 7e- Me5icoSchool of a- 0iroshi Motom/ra, University of olorado ori 7essel, Seton 0all University of a- 7ancy . Ata,8lbany a- School Mar$aret 3aylor, !a4e Forest University School of a- 7ats/ 3aylor Saito, Geor$ia StateUniversity olle$e of a- 8le5ander 3allchief S4ibine, University of Utah olle$e of a-, 8viam Soifer, ostonolle$e a- School, R#"F FAR 8M## UR#8" 8! F8U3 #7 SUPPAR3 AF R"SPA7%"73,& Actober '**',8merican ivil iberties Union, https;---.acl/.or$le$al6doc/mentla-6professors6al6amic/s6brief6demore6v64im2J

    3his o/rt, as noted above, has long hel" that non6citiHens -ithin o/r physical bordersare persons-ithin the meanin$ of the %/e Process la/se. See, e.$., ic4 !o, )): U.S. at KC= !on$ !in$, )K U.S. at ':=Plyler v. %oe, >+< U.S. '*', ')* ()C:'2 (8liens, even aliens -hose presence in this co/ntry is/nla-f/l, ha+e long /een re#ogni9e" as BpersonsB $/aranteed d/e process ofla-by the Fifth and Fo/rteenth 8mendments&2. See also 8lmeida6SancheH v. United States, >) U.S. 'KK, '

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    'ar 4 at: &n"o#&mente" migrants not personsKegal stat&s is irrele+ant

    %anstroom et al 0(%aniel, oston olle$e a- School, S/san 84ram, oston University School ofa- Filippa 8nHalone, oston olle$e a- School 8rth/r erney, oston olle$e a- School "ric %. l/menson,S/@ol4 a- School Richard 8. os-ell, University of alifornia 0astin$s olle$e of a- Mar4 rodin, oston olle$e

    a- School Gabriel J. hin, University of incinnati olle$e of a- Michael J. h/r$in, University of 3e5as School ofa- Lalerie . "pps, S/@ol4 a- School "d Fallone, Mar9/ette University a- School 8nthony Farley, oston olle$ea- School 3aylor Flynn, !estern 7e- "n$land olle$e School of a- 7iels !. FrenHen, University of So/thernalifornia a- School Phillis Goldfarb, oston olle$e a- School 0. ent Green?eld, oston olle$e a- School%ean 0ashimoto, oston olle$e a- School Michael G. 0eyman, John Marshall School of a- evin Johnson,University of alifornia, %avis, School of a- arl lare, 7ortheastern University School of a- Michael M. evy,olle$e of !illiam N Mary Stephen 0. e$oms4y, !ashin$ton University Peter Mar$/lies, Ro$er !illiams School ofa- M. #sabel Medina, oyola University, 7e- Arleans, School of a- Jennifer Moore, University of 7e- Me5icoSchool of a- 0iroshi Motom/ra, University of olorado ori 7essel, Seton 0all University of a- 7ancy . Ata,8lbany a- School Mar$aret 3aylor, !a4e Forest University School of a- 7ats/ 3aylor Saito, Geor$ia StateUniversity olle$e of a- 8le5ander 3allchief S4ibine, University of Utah olle$e of a-, 8viam Soifer, ostonolle$e a- School, R#"F FAR 8M## UR#8" 8! F8U3 #7 SUPPAR3 AF R"SPA7%"73,& Actober '**',8merican ivil iberties Union, https;---.acl/.or$le$al6doc/mentla-6professors6al6amic/s6brief6demore6v64im2J

    3he f/ndamental protections of the Fifth 8mendmentare &ni+ersal in theirapplication, to all persons -ithin the territorial I/risdiction& of the UnitedStates. ic4 !o v.0op4ins , )): U.S. +K, KC ()::K2. 8s this o/rt has recently noted, [ o\nce an alien enters the co/ntry, the le$alcirc/mstances chan$e, for the %/e Processla/se applies to all XpersonsX -ithin the UnitedStates,incl/din$ aliens, !hether their presen#e here is la!3&l@ &nla!3&l@ temporar@or permanent.&]advydas v. %avis, + U.S. K:) U.S.

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    0a# 4 at: /iometri#s CG1s "e3

    2iometri# s&r+eillan#e is per3orme" / state a&thorities

    %alhan@ 'M, J.%. from ale, associate professor at %re5el University School of a-,

    (8nil, #mmi$ration Policin$ and Federalism 3hro/$h the ens of 3echnolo$y,S/rveillance, and Privacy, Ahio State a- Jo/rnal, Lol.

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    Sec/re omm/nities I/mpin$ from )>,K> in '**C, representin$ fo/r percent of all removals,to :,:)+ in '*)', representin$ one6?fth of all removals.))' #n li$ht of these n/mbers, theAbama 8dministration has decreased its reliance on tas4 force a$reements /nder the ':

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    It "oesn.t matter !ho "oes the 8#&rtailing@. or that 3e"eral

    agen#ies has a##ess to the "ata@ /&t rather !ho "oes the

    a#t&al s&r+eillan#e 2iometri# immigration s&r+eillan#e is "one

    e5pli#itl / lo#al an" state a&thorities along the /or"er

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    0a# 4 at: /iometri#s CG1links to politi#sThe #o&nter plan links to politi#s1-S opposes an" e5pansion

    eforts are /eing rampe" &p in the stat&s D&o

    Sternstein@ ', senior $overnment correspondent at 7e5tGov, covers

    cybersec/rity and homeland sec/rity (8liya, %0S !873S F8#8 R"AG7#3#A7AR%"R SURL"#87" SS3"M, http;---.ne5t$ emer$in$6tech'*)>*'dhs6-ants6facial6reco$nition6border6s/rveillance6system

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    0a# 4 at: 3oa&ltUn"erstan"ing p&nishment o3 immigrants is a prereD&isite to

    #hallenging the s&r+eillan#e state

    -assel/erg '(#nes, Ph.%. from S/sse5 University, oerced to

    eave; P/nishment and the S/rveillance of Forei$n67ational A@endersin the U,& '*)>, S/rveillance N Society, e5is2J

    Averall, the lived e5periences of s/rveillance and deportatione5amined in this article hi$hli$htthe p/nitive and disciplinary e@ects of these practices . #ntentional or not, these efe#tsm&st /e a#kno!le"ge" an" sho&l" /e #hallenge"P/nishment sho/ldonly beinDicted thro/$haI/dicial process, not in the form of an X/nacco/ntableXadministrative practice(Fe4ete and !ebber '**C= Fassin et al. '*)2. 8s others have ar$/ed, deportation andrelatedpractices of s/rveillance are a strai$htfor-ard conse9/ence of a criminalconviction= they are too #losel linke" to the #riminal 7&sti#e sstem@ and toop/nitive in practice to contin/e to be e5ercised as administrative actions (e.$. %o- '**

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    0a# 4 at: politi#sGlenar po!er is e5tremel #ontro+ersial 4 spe#i6#all in the

    #onte5t o3 "eportation

    %anstroom et al 0(%aniel, oston olle$e a- School, S/san 84ram, oston University School of

    a- Filippa 8nHalone, oston olle$e a- School 8rth/r erney, oston olle$e a- School "ric %. l/menson,S/@ol4 a- School Richard 8. os-ell, University of alifornia 0astin$s olle$e of a- Mar4 rodin, oston olle$ea- School Gabriel J. hin, University of incinnati olle$e of a- Michael J. h/r$in, University of 3e5as School ofa- Lalerie . "pps, S/@ol4 a- School "d Fallone, Mar9/ette University a- School 8nthony Farley, oston olle$ea- School 3aylor Flynn, !estern 7e- "n$land olle$e School of a- 7iels !. FrenHen, University of So/thernalifornia a- School Phillis Goldfarb, oston olle$e a- School 0. ent Green?eld, oston olle$e a- School%ean 0ashimoto, oston olle$e a- School Michael G. 0eyman, John Marshall School of a- evin Johnson,University of alifornia, %avis, School of a- arl lare, 7ortheastern University School of a- Michael M. evy,olle$e of !illiam N Mary Stephen 0. e$oms4y, !ashin$ton University Peter Mar$/lies, Ro$er !illiams School ofa- M. #sabel Medina, oyola University, 7e- Arleans, School of a- Jennifer Moore, University of 7e- Me5icoSchool of a- 0iroshi Motom/ra, University of olorado ori 7essel, Seton 0all University of a- 7ancy . Ata,8lbany a- School Mar$aret 3aylor, !a4e Forest University School of a- 7ats/ 3aylor Saito, Geor$ia StateUniversity olle$e of a- 8le5ander 3allchief S4ibine, University of Utah olle$e of a-, 8viam Soifer, ostonolle$e a- School, R#"F FAR 8M## UR#8" 8! F8U3 #7 SUPPAR3 AF R"SPA7%"73,& Actober '**',8merican ivil iberties Union, https;---.acl/.or$le$al6doc/mentla-6professors6al6amic/s6brief6demore6v64im2J

    For vario/s reasons, since its ?rst en/nciation, the plenary po-er doctrine has pro+en#ontro+ersial, $eneratin$ strong "issentsand si$ni?cant limitationsin virt/ally everycase in -hich the $overnment has so/$ht for it to be applied. See also Reid v. overt, +> U.S. ), +6< ()C++ ()CC*2 s/$$estin$ that the plenary po-erdoctrine has prevented the $ro-th of a coherent constit/tional frame-or4 forimmi$ration la-, -ithin -hich its s/b6constit/tional levels; stat/tes, re$/lations, a$ency directives, etc, can develop and beadministered fairly and predictably.23he doctrine became most #ontro+ersial in the #onte5to3 "eportation. #n Fon$ /e 3in$v. United States, )>C U.S. KC:,

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    0a# 4 at: plenar po!er goo"No ofense 4 plenar po!er "o#trine is antiD&ate" an"

    sho&l"n.t appl to immigration

    %anstroom et al 0(%aniel, oston olle$e a- School, S/san 84ram, oston University School of

    a- Filippa 8nHalone, oston olle$e a- School 8rth/r erney, oston olle$e a- School "ric %. l/menson,S/@ol4 a- School Richard 8. os-ell, University of alifornia 0astin$s olle$e of a- Mar4 rodin, oston olle$ea- School Gabriel J. hin, University of incinnati olle$e of a- Michael J. h/r$in, University of 3e5as School ofa- Lalerie . "pps, S/@ol4 a- School "d Fallone, Mar9/ette University a- School 8nthony Farley, oston olle$ea- School 3aylor Flynn, !estern 7e- "n$land olle$e School of a- 7iels !. FrenHen, University of So/thernalifornia a- School Phillis Goldfarb, oston olle$e a- School 0. ent Green?eld, oston olle$e a- School%ean 0ashimoto, oston olle$e a- School Michael G. 0eyman, John Marshall School of a- evin Johnson,University of alifornia, %avis, School of a- arl lare, 7ortheastern University School of a- Michael M. evy,olle$e of !illiam N Mary Stephen 0. e$oms4y, !ashin$ton University Peter Mar$/lies, Ro$er !illiams School ofa- M. #sabel Medina, oyola University, 7e- Arleans, School of a- Jennifer Moore, University of 7e- Me5icoSchool of a- 0iroshi Motom/ra, University of olorado ori 7essel, Seton 0all University of a- 7ancy . Ata,8lbany a- School Mar$aret 3aylor, !a4e Forest University School of a- 7ats/ 3aylor Saito, Geor$ia StateUniversity olle$e of a- 8le5ander 3allchief S4ibine, University of Utah olle$e of a-, 8viam Soifer, ostonolle$e a- School, R#"F FAR 8M## UR#8" 8! F8U3 #7 SUPPAR3 AF R"SPA7%"73,& Actober '**',8merican ivil iberties Union, https;---.acl/.or$le$al6doc/mentla-6professors6al6amic/s6brief6demore6v64im2J

    8mon$other ar$/ments made by Petitionersin this case is the$eneral claim that thepolicyI/d$ments that on$ress made-hen it enacted O )''K(c2 are -ithin its plenary po-er over theadmission and e5p/lsion of aliens and deserve I/dicial deference.& (U.S. Petitioners rief at ), eJore + %im, '**' !

    )*)K+K* (Cth ir. '**'2 (7o. *)6)>C)22.3his ar$/ment66 -hen applied to this case 66 rests /pon a series ofimplicit omissions and f/ndamental mis/nderstandin$s abo/t the so6called plenarypo-er doctrine. #t sho/ld not be overloo4ed that the doctrine at the root of Petitionersdeference ar$/ments had its ori$ins in -hat66apart from Scott v. Sanford, K* U.S. C ():+K2= Plessy v.Fer$/son, )K U.S. +K< ():CK2 and ochner v. 7e- or4, )C: U.S. >+ ()C*+2 66 may be the most #riti#i9e" #ase in

    all o3 US 7&rispr&"en#e, hae han Pin$ v. United States, (3he hinese "5cl/sion ase2 )* U.S. +:) ()::C2.

    3hat case has been -ell 6described as a constit/tional fossil,a remnant of pre6

    ri$hts I/rispr/dence that -e have pro/dly reIectedin other respects.& o/is 0en4in, 3he onstit/tionand United States Soverei$nty; 8 ent/ry of hinese "5cl/sion and its Pro$eny, )** 0arv. .Rev. :+, :K' ()C:

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    'ac at; e9/al opport/nity

    The mth o3 opport&nit is a!e" an" ignores histor@ #&lt&re@

    an" ra#es its instea" &se" to s#ol" immigrants 3or 3ail&re

    Cho#k ;' (Phyllis, Ph%, atholic University, Ville$al aliensV and Vopport/nityV; myth6ma4in$ incon$ressional testimony& 8merican "thnolo$ist, Lol. ):, 7o. ' (May, )CC)2, pp. '

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    'ac at; alt ca/ses

    3he ille$al immi$rant is the 9/intessential s/bIect thro/$h -hichbiopo-er controls, and is made thro/$h the act of crossin$ over fromthe /ndesirable land to the desired land and is contin/ally raced,

    $endered and criminaliHed by the stateCisneros '0 (7atalie Pac4ard, %octorate in Philosophy, dissertation paper s/bmitted to Landerbilt, 30"#"G8 8#"7&; 8 G"7"8AG#8 87% #73"RS"3#A78 8AU73&http;etd.library.vanderbilt.ed/availableetd6* ForFo/ca/lt, disciplinary and re$/latory mechanisms of po-er are in some sensedistinct or distin$/ishable^the former operates thro/$h instit/tional mechanisms of

    s/rveillance and trainin$ in individ/aliHin$ bodies, and the latter f/nctions thro/$hstate re$/lation of biolo$ical processes. /t that these re$imes of po-er aretheoretically distin$/ishable does not mean, for Fo/ca/lt, that they are m/t/allye5cl/sive= to the contrary, beca/se these t-o sets of mechanisms e5ist at di@erentlevels, they can be artic/lated -ith each&+ #n fact, these t!o regimes o3 po!erare /oth operational in !hat Foa&lt #alls Hthe normali9ing so#iet&; 3henormaliHin$ society is a society in !hi#h the norm o3 "is#ipline an" the normo3 reg&lation interse#t along an orthogonal arti#&lation. 3o say that po-er
  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    too4 possession of life in the nineteenth cent/ry, or to say that po-er at least ta4eslife /nder its care in the nineteenth cent/ry, is to say that it has, than4s to the playof technolo$ies of discipline on one hand and technolo$ies of re$/lation on theother, s/cceeded in coverin$ the -hole s/rface that lies bet-een the or$anic andthe biolo$ical, bet-een the body and pop/lation. !e are, then, in a po-er that has

    ta4en control of both the body and life or that has, if yo/ li4e, taken #ontrol o3 li3ein general^-ith the body as one pole and pop/lation as the other.K For Fo/ca/lt,o/r e5istence in a normaliHin$ society& or biopolitical society& means that -e aresim/ltaneo/sly s/bIected to and by both disciplinary and re$/latory po-er^ po-erhas covered the -hole s/rface of life thro/$h its mana$ement of individ/alor$anisms on one hand and disindivid/ated biolo$ical processes on the other.Rather than mechanisms of re$/latory po-er replacin$ those of disciplinary po-er,Fo/ca/lt ma4es clear that technolo$ies of the body on both of these levels f/nctionto$ether in the service of the care of life.& 3hese t-o mechanisms of po-er too4possession of life& in this -ay thro/$h and to-ards the enforcement of norms= inre$/latory disciplinary re$imes, the norm is somethin$ that can be applied to botha body one -ishes to discipline and a pop/lation one -ishes to re$/lariHe.& thestate to 4ill. #n so doin$, re$/latory disciplinary racism reaBrms the statessoverei$nty by ma4in$ $overnment necessary for the protection& of society a$ainstthe threat& of inferior races; !hereas the disco/rse of races, of the str/$$le

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    bet-een races, -as a -eapon to be /sed a$ainst the historico6political disco/rseZthe disco/rse of race (in the sin$/lar2 -as a -ay of t/rnin$ that -eapon a$ainstthose -ho had for$ed it, of : #bid., '+>'++. C #bid., '++. )+ /sin$ it to preservethe soverei$nty of the State, a soverei$nty -hose l/ster and vi$or -ere no lon$er$/aranteed by ma$ico6I/ridical rit/als, b/t by mediconormaliHin$ techni9/es.>* For

    Fo/ca/lt, in contradistinction to -hat he calls the disco/rse of race str/$$le,& in-hich a battle is -a$ed bet-een races, the disco/rse of race in the sin$/lar& is acentered, centraliHed, and centraliHin$ po-er,& -here one race is /nderstood asthe tr/e race& and all others are threatenin$ deviations from the norm. 8s s/ch,-hereas before the apparat/ses of the state -ere /nderstood as tools to be /sed byeach race a$ainst the other, in the disco/rse of modern racism, the normaliHin$techni9/es of biopo-er f/nction as both the apparat/ses of the State and as itsle$itimation; State soverei$nty th/s becomes the imperative to protect the race.&>re-ers #laim that the )ri9ona legislation is ne#essar to Hprote#t)ri9onans& 3rom the threat !hi#h is H#reepPingQ a#ross its so&thern/or"er is an e5ample o3 the 3&n#tioning o3 "is#iplinar reg&lati+e ra#ist

    "is#o&rse in this +ein1by I/stifyin$ the mechanisms of biopo-er -hich thele$islation is meant to ina/$/rate by referencin$ a h/man threat -hich mi$htcompromise the 9/ality of life& of all 8riHonans, re-ers is engaging a #entralstrateg o3 "is#iplinar an" reg&lator ra#ism. 3ho/$h respondin$ to criticsconcerns abo/t racial pro?lin$ by citin$ the crisis& ca/sed by 8riHonas poro/sso/thern border& seems at ?rst a poor rhetorical strate$y, re-ers and othersreliance on the racialiHed nat/re of the ille$al alien& s/bIect in defense of thele$islation is made intelli$ible as a f/nction of modern racism. 3h/s, the al-aysalready racialiHed nat/re of the ille$al alien, betrayed by re-ers comments as -ellas the meas/re itself, is not a##i"ental relati+e to the legislation or the"is#o&rse s&rro&n"ing it= instead, the Hra#iali9ation o3 the Hillegal aliens&/7e#t makes intelligi/le the Hthreat pose" / Halien /o"ies@ an" in

    "oing so makes possi/le the parti#&lar me#hanisms o3 /iopo!er

    ina&g&rate" / the legislation

    2or"ers #reate an &s,them "i#hotom that rein3or#es the

    /iopoliti#al state an" #hara#teri9es illegal immigrants as

    H+iolent an" H"estrti+e !hi#h 7&sti6es the state.s +iolen#e

    against /o"ies

    Cisneros '0 (7atalie Pac4ard, %octorate in Philosophy, dissertation paper s/bmitted to Landerbilt, 30"#"G8 8#"7&; 8 G"7"8AG#8 87% #73"RS"3#A78 8AU73&http;etd.library.vanderbilt.ed/availableetd6


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    -hich defend the tr/e race& from the dan$ero/s race,& /&t also in =re>3ormingthis +er "istin#tion. #n the normaliHin$ disco/rse re-er employs, the"angero&s Hra#e o3 Haliens& poses a threat by its very nat/re^ille$al aliens&are #hara#teri9e" / their H+iolen#e@ H"estrtion@ po+ert@ an" national

    an"or ethni# origin(from so/th of the border&2, and f/lly virt/o/s citiHenship is

    th/s constit/ted in opposition to these characteristics. The stigmati9ation o3some as Halien1that is, pre#ario&s an" "e+iant Hanti,#iti9ens@ "espitetheir te#hni#al #iti9enship stat&s^indirectly protects the safety and privile$esof others as model citiHens. eca/se as a dan$ero/s s/b6race& the ille$al alien& isal-ays6already constit/ted as an imp/re threat, those thin$s that characteriHe thisdeviant s/bIect also become social ills& of -hich the virt/o/s citiHen m/st be free.S/ch disco/rses of p/rity f/nction at the center of the operation of normaliHin$po-er. 8s Fo/ca/lt e5plained; State racism [is\ a racism that society -ill directa$ainst itself, a$ainst its o-n elements and its o-n prod/cts. 3his is the internalracism of permanent p/ri?cation, and it -ill become one of the basic dimensions ofsocial normaliHation.&> 3h/s, State racism& or modern racism& operatesinternally, p/rifyin$& society of elements deemed de$enerate& or abnormal.& #norderlandsa Frontera, 8nHald_a describes the -ay in -hich normative str/ct/resof po-er operate in the s/bIecti?cation of inhabitants of the USMe5ico border inpartic/lar, in lar$e part thro/$h the f/nctionin$ of disco/rses and practices of p/rityand p/ri?cation; 2or"ers are set &p to "e6ne the pla#es that are sa3e an"&nsa3e@ to "isting&ish &s 3rom them ) /or"er is a "i+i"ing line@ a narro!

    strip along a steep e"ge ) /or"erlan" is a +ag&e an" &n"etermine" pla#e

    #reate" / the emotional resi"&e o3 an &nnat&ral /o&n"ar It is in a

    #onstant state o3 transition. 3he prohibited and forbidden are its inhabitants. osatravesados live here; the s9/int6eyed, the perverse, the 9/eer, the tro/blesome,the mon$rel, the m/latto, the half6breed, the half6dead= in short, those -ho crossover, pass over, or $o thro/$h the con?nes of the normal.&>> #n a description-hich in important -ays overlaps -ith Fo/ca/lts analysis of modern racism,&8nHald_a points to the -ay that alien& s/bIects are constantly (re2constit/ted asimp/re, dan$ero/s, and perverse a$ainst a con?nin$ norm. 3he inhabitants of theborderlands& of -hich 8nHald_a spea4s can th/s be /nderstood as an imp/res/brace,& constit/ted thro/$h the fract/rin$ in US society into the one tr/e race& ofvirt/o/s, p/re, and healthy citiHens and its antipode, a threatenin$ race ofdan$ero/s border6d-ellers.& She ma4es e5plicit that the imp/re s/brace& -hod-ells at the Me5icoUnited States border is constit/ted as racially imp/re^bydescribin$ this alien& $ro/p as the mon$rel, the m/latto, the half6breed,& sheill/strates the -ay in -hich normaliHin$ disco/rse of p/rityimp/rity is intimatelybo/nd to conceptions of race in this conte5t. #n this -ay, her analysis aBrms thecentrality of disco/rses p/rity& in the conte5t of modern racism in $eneral, -hileill/stratin$ the important role it plays in the constit/tion of the ille$al alien& s/bIectin partic/lar.

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    0a# 4 at: )T 7ailThis #omes 3rom a point o3 pri+ilege an" "oesn.t appl to those

    !ho ha+en.t #ommitte" #rimes

    %o&lish '((Robert, Joel J. Feller Research Professor of Government

    and Politics at the University of Maryland, Spidermans !eb and theGovernmentality of "lectronic #mmi$rant %etention,& ')'*)+, a-,/lt/re and the 0/manities, Pro1/est2J

    y nearly all acco/nts an individ/als -earin$ an an4le bracelet and bein$ forced to stay at or near ones home isless intr/sive than bein$ in Iail or prison. #n s/ch -ays, alterna6tives to detention areperceived as a h/mane alternative. #t has been /sed as a p/nishmentof privile$e in earlierincarnations forthe li4es of dissident intellect/alsand, more recently in celebrity c/lt/re. elebritiesli4e former#nternational Monetary F/nd head %omini9/e Stra/ss6ahn, ?lm director Roman Polans4i, and celebrities Paris 0ilton and indsay

    ohan prefer it to $oin$ to Iail . #ndivid/als are neither in a Iail cell nor e5posed totheinstit/tional life of /niforms, instit/tional food, and dan$ero/sconditions of prison con6?nement.

    #nstead, they can eat in their o-n 4itchen, -atch television, -ear their o-n clothes and sleep in their o-n bed.3hiscontemporary le$acy of the an4le bracelet reinforces the idea that its e@ects onliberty are ne$li$ibleandfor the most part not -orth complainin$ abo/t. #t -as only -ith theassistance of a bri$ade of hi$h6priced la-yers that Stra/ss6ahn co/ld convince a I/d$e to order his release on rape char$es from

    Ri4ers #sland. Forced to -ear an an4le bracelet, Stra/ss6ahn -as ordered to a chichi "ast Side apartment s/ite -ith his -ife. y-earin$ the an4le braceleto/t in p/blic, indsay ohanand Paris 0ilton created a fashionstatementas -ell as helped commodify the an4le braceletas a p/nish6ment of choice for la-f/llychallen$ed celebrities.3he p/blicity helped raise the ?nancial val/e of the ?rms li4eehavioral #nterventions p/t these belea$/ered stars in the headlines= and is fodder forentertainments sho-s and entertainment ma$aHines. So -hen non6celebrity criminals,mental patients, dr/$addicts, se5 addicts and immi6$rants are saddled -ith similar devices, they face a diBc/lt timeco/nterin$ the p/blic perception of an4le bracelets as a non6serio/s , some-hat frivolo/s

    sanction.3he morethat pop/lar descriptions of the an4le bracelet describe it asfrivolo/sor lenient, the more diBc/lt it becomes to raise le$al concerns. S/ch spin abo/t thetrivial nat/re of this constraint on libertyeasily transfers to non6celebrities-ho are saddled-ith a similar p/nishment b/t -itho/t the headlines and media ratin$s. #n s/ch sit/ations, it becomes easy to ima$ine ho- thisalternative to deten6tion strate$y morphs into a strate$y that emphasiHesalternative to release from detention, -hich increasin$ly incl/des persons !hoha+e #ommitte" no #rimeo@ense and sho/ld never be in state c/stody .3hean4lebracelet phenomenon allo-s forthe e5tension of technolo$iesof control to constrain theliberty of people for -hom the state has no s/s6picionor ca/se to detain. 3he 83% pro$rams -erecreated d/rin$ the early '***s in part to lessen $ro-in$ pres6s/re on instit/tional facilities. /t of co/rse 83% came -ith its o-n setof problems. Given the breadth of the mandatory detention stat/tes and the fact that 83% pro$rams -ere not considered a form of

    c/stody, many nonviolent immi$rants -ho -ere imprisoned /nder mandatorydetention co/ld not be released into the 83% pro$rams.

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  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    ****NON,USFL VERSION****

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    **note1There are lots o3 "iferent !as to /len"#onstrt this 'a#@ so

    the goal !as to allo! a little /it o3 mi5ingmat#hing

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    'a#12are Ki3eStat&s &o s&r+eillan#e re"es immigrants to H/are li3e /

    isolating them@ "is#riminating against them@ an" targeting

    them These states o3 e5#eption 7&sti3 geno#i"e Vote )f to

    resist total e5#l&sion an" a"+o#ate 9ones o3 in"istin#tionLon9ales an" Cha+e9 '0(Roberto G. GonHales 6 8ssistant Professor, 0arvardUniversity #mmi$ration, race and ethnicity, mi$ration, /na/thoriHed mi$ration,atinao St/diesand eo R. haveH 6 ProfessorPh.%., Stanford University. 8-a4enin$ to a 7i$htmare& 8bIectivity and #lle$ality inthe ives of Undoc/mented ).+6Generation atino #mmi$rants in the United States&6 J/ne '*)'. /rrent 8nthropolo$y Lol/me +, 7/mber , P. '++2 has observed, is -here the -hole totaliHin$ re$ime of citiHenship and aliena$e,belon$in$ and deportability, entitlement and ri$htlessness, is deployed a$ainstpartic/lar persons in a manner that is, in the immediate practical application,irred/cibly if not irreversibly individ/aliHin$.&
  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    'a#12or"ers2or"er S&r+eillan#e is a 3orm o3 /iopo!er that re"es

    migrants to /are li3e

    ot Gh '(Ro5anne ynn %oty 6 Ph.%. Political Science, University of

    Minnesota 87% 8ssoc Professor at 8riHona State. are life; border6crossin$ deathsand spaces of moral alibi& ')*)*. Society and Space. 8ccessed 2. #nthe s/mmer of '**+ the Pima o/nty medical e5aminer in 3/cson, 8riHona, had torent a refri$erated tractor6trailer to store the bodies of mi$rants d/e to the recordn/mber of deaths that year (8riHona Rep/blic '**+2. 3he deadly trend contin/es."ven as apprehensions have steadily declined, deaths contin/e to rise (Mcombs,'**C2.(K2 3he mi$rant death co/nt for ?scal year '**C is the third hi$hest since)CC:. #n the ?fteen6year period since prevention thro/$h deterrenceXX -as ?rstintrod/ced appro5imately +*** mi$rants have died, tho/$h near (K2 8ssociatedPress '**C, order deaths /p despite apparent dip in crossin$sXX, : 8pril, reported

    by 7o More %eaths e6mail to a/thor, C 8pril '**C. are life; border6crossin$ deathsand spaces of moral alibi K*) /niversal a$reement e5ists that estimates of mi$rantdeaths are /nderco/nts and the act/al n/mber is li4ely m/ch hi$her (oalicion de%erechos 0/manos, '**++! )))**

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    is ar$/ably inconceivable that they did not 4no- of the harsh conditions to -hichmi$rants -o/ld be s/bIected /nder this border strate$y. 3he order PatrolXs o-nbl/eprint for one of the early and -ell64no-n manifestations of the ne- operations,Aperation Gate4eeper, noted that it -o/ld channel mi$rants to locations -herethe days are blaHin$ hot and ni$hts freeHin$ coldXX.(

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    'a#1White S&prema#This Gara"igm o3 Jo"ern Immigration S&r+eillan#e state an"

    the manip&lation o3 the 3oreignter strikes to the +er heart o3

    the s&stenan#e in the White )meri#an or"er, It m&st /e

    "estroe" to #on3ront ra#ism !rit large-ernan"e9 .;A[)CC

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    alternative, motivate an interest in temporarily deactivatin$ the /se of a middle6tierb/@er. 3h/s, -ho is treated as a middle6tier b/@er, and -hen, is not static b/tvaries -ith the perceived stat/s stability of the privile$ed class. Gro/ps of personsare treated as a middle6tier b/@er -hen a mar4ed stat/s $ap e5ists bet-een elitesand the lo-er class.)> #mmi$ration often serves to ?ll stat/s $aps.)+ et not all

    immi$rants are positioned as middle6tier b/@ers, -hich indicates that there is afactor at -or4 separate from the need to ?ll a stat/s $ap. 8ltho/$h sociolo$istshave analyHed the -ays in -hich the c/lt/re of bein$ an immi$rant has contrib/tedto the dynamic of a middle6tier b/@er, )K the de$ree to -hich immi$ration la-sthemselves have facilitated the constr/ction of middle6tier comm/nities and the-ays in -hich racial thin4in$ /nderlies s/ch formations has been an open 9/estion.

    3he str/ct/re of immi$ration la-s is one of many p/ll factors)< for immi$rants, b/ta very forcef/l one. ): For instance, altho/$h labor demands inD/ence the Do- ofimmi$ration, not all co/ntries -ith similar economic instabilities are s/bIect to thesame U.S. /r$in$ for emi$ration to the United States.)C #nstead, the U.S. bias infavor of !hite immi$rants and the conse9/ent invisibility of persons of color asreco$niHed citiHens of the United States'V inD/ences the str/ct/re of immi$rationla-s. 3his "ssay -ill e5plore the manner in -hich a privile$ed !hite classX fear ofbecomin$ over-helmed by the demo$raphic increase of ethnic minority pop/lationsin a pl/ralistically diverse society informs the /se of immi$ration la-s for the t-o6fold p/rpose of increasin$ the n/mber of !hite residents and constr/ctin$ a middle6tier b/@er to preserve the privile$es of !hite s/premacy. 8ltho/$h this "ssayfoc/ses on the constr/ction of middle6tier b/@ers in the United States, # note thatthe po-er of this model is borne o/t by its /se in other ethnically diverse co/ntries-ith a small !hite privile$ed class 3he impet/s for /tiliHin$ a middle6tier b/@ermodel of immi$ration at vario/s points in U.S. history and presently has been rootedin the !hite privile$ed classX concern -ith maintainin$ its stat/s. #n fact, the shift in-hat $ro/ps constit/te a middle6tier b/@er is tri$$ered by D/ct/atin$ concerns -iththe contin/ed predominance of !hite persons as a n/merical maIority of the U.S.pop/lation. 3h/s, before e5aminin$ the operation of middle6tier b/@ers, this "ssayshall set forth the tan$ible U.S. preference for !hite immi$rants as a mechanism formaintainin$ a system of !hite privile$e. 8ltho/$h a comprehensive federalimmi$ration le$al str/ct/re -as not instit/ted /ntil ):

  • 7/25/2019 Critique Immigration Affirmative - Michigan7 2015


    on$ress thro/$h the K>th on$ress, the racial ma4e/p of s/ch pop/lations ?$/redprominently.'+ on$ress preferred P/ erto Rican immi$ration to the conti$/o/sUnited States d/e to the mista4en perception that P/erto Ricans -ere primarily!hite.'K F/rthermore, on$ress artic/lated the sentiment that V[t\he people ofPorto Rico are of o/r race, they are people -ho inherit an old civiliHation6a

    civiliHation -hich may be fairly compared to o/r o-n.V' < #n contrast, the perceived8frican attrib/tes of Filipinos rendered them a less desirable s/pply of immi$rants.Filipinos -ere deni$rated by on$ress beca/se they -ere perceived by !hites asVphysically [sic\ -ea4lin$s of lo- stat/re, -ith blac4 s4in, closely c/rlin$ hair, Datnoses, thic4 lips, and lar$e, cl/msy feetV -ho -o/ld not be as bene?cial to thenation as the "/ropeans -ho -ere incorporated as citiHens -hen o/isiana -asmade a state.': V0o- di@erent the case of the Philippine #slands .... 3he inhabitantsare of -holly di@erent races of people from o/rs68siatics, Malays, ne$roes andmi5ed blood. 3hey have nothin$ in common -ith /s and cent/ries can notassimilate them .... 3hey can never be clothed -ith the ri$hts of 8mericancitiHenship V'.... C !hen assessin$ the distinctions bet-een the Philippine and U.S.pop/lations, it is clear that on$ress did not consider the presence of 8frican68merican U.S. citiHens, from -hom Filipinos -o/ld not be a V-holly di@erent race.V7or did on$ress appreciate the irony of admittin$ many more persons of 8fricanancestry into the conti$/o/s United States -hen P/ erto Rico -as e5tended U.S.citiHenship. V 3he preference for !hite immi$rants re$ardless of s4ill level is note5cl/sive to the United States. omparison to a atin 8merican conte5tdemonstrates the $eneral role maintenance of racial bo/ndaries plays in thedevelopment and implementation of immi$ration la-. !hen 8r$entina so/$ht toind/strialiHe, it constit/tionally mandated an increase in the n/mber of "/ropeanimmi$rants to improve the co/ntry by V-hitenin$V it.) 3he decision to recr/it"/ropean immi$rants -as not based primarily /pon any considerations of s4ill levelor -ealth, b/t /pon a belief that the !hite race -as s/perior to that of the 8fro68r$entines and native peoples -ho inhabited 8r$entina /p /ntil the t-entiethcent/ry.' 3he "/ropean immi$rants -ho arrived in 8r$entina displaced 8fro68r$entines from most forms of employment and social stat/s. Similarly, theUnited States recr/ited "/ropean immi$rant labor before and after the ivil !ar to?ll a pres/med need for labor, despite the s/rpl/s of labor available from ne-lyfreed slaves. > "/ropean immi$rants recr/ited to the United States displaced freelac4 persons from employment.+ 3he historical preference for a !hite -or4forcein the United States contin/es today.K #t is the consistent preference of !hiteemployers for !hite employees -hich, in part, acco/nts for the opposition somepersons of color c/rrently have to-ards increased immi$ration,< despite thecommon str/$$les -hich immi$rant and nonimmi$rant persons of color face. 8s thesection that follo-s ev