Cuba’s agrifood system in transition

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Weeding with hoes in Havana

Cultivating the land with oxen in Villa Clara Province

Weeding beds in urban garden in Matanzas Province

Women working in urban garden in Matanzas Province

Drying culinary and medicinal herbs at urban farm in Matanzas Province

Harvesting peppers grown under shade netting in Matanzas Province

Production of effective microorganisms

Fernando Funes Monzote delineating contour beds with an A-frame on his farm

Biogas production from on-farm sources to meet energy needs of farm and household

Vegetables for sale at urban garden farmstand in Havana

Produce for sale at urban garden farmstand in Havana

Diversity of seeds and fruit produced on small farm in Villa Clara Province

Urban agriculture in Havana

Worm composting in Alamar Organoponico in Havana

Farmer shares agroeceological practices in Villa Clara Province

Beekeeping in Artemisa Province

Biological pest controls produced in Centers for the Reproduction of Entomophages and Entomopathogens (CREEs)