culture of trust [two]

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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1998Israeli city of Haifa

Ten Day Care CentersBy Uri Gneezy and Aldo Rustichini

Our original Culture of Trust slidedeck was heavy on a very resonating story about people, as told by Clay Shirky in Cognitve Surplus.

dealing with one another in a market

can fundamentally alter our relationship with

one another.

.Clay writes…

Public education has become a market.When President George W. Bush signed No Child Left Behind into law, few would have predicted that the next decade of education policy would unfold into a disaster of epic proportions. The law was based on a flawed concept of a “good education” — high scores on standardized tests.It’s safe to say that the law has failed miserably.

- Nikhil Goyal from when-students-join-the-battle-for-sound-education-it-will-be-a-game-changer


Take note of the epic proportions: 500+ policies in a district. Imagine we redefine public education.

Imagine we give simplicity a go.

Reforms are not enough; only a revolution will suffice.

When things are(n’t) working, the natural inclination is to throw more at the problem. More people, time and money. All that ends up doing is

making the problem bigger.

instead.. cut back.


ish guidelines



attachment & authenticity From Gabor Mate talk..

Imagine we work on both. That’s the quiet revolution, be you – authenticity, be us – attachment.

Gabor Mate- Bio-psychosocial View on Neuro Degenerative Diseases Part 1

whySetting people free, to be themselves.

how Creating (physical & mental) spaces of permission.

what Soul peace unleashes brilliant minds/art.


t with


be you.The first two years have

been a true disruptive innovation, where we were working in the shadows, in

incubation, testing and prototyping and

failing and learning. We experimented with

spaces where people could tap into their own genius, their own art. Spaces free

of proof, credentialing, measurement. We were

seeking ways to facilitate self-directed learning. Our

findings are not new. Practicing them, however

will require a change in mindset.

It will require a culture of trust, with (mental and

physical) spaces of permission.

be you.

authenticity authentically you

whySetting communities free, to share themselves.

how Creating (physical & mental) spaces of trusting/giving.

what World peace allows for gatherings that matter, per choice.


t with


be us.The second (one) two years’

focus will be more on community, how do we

become us. This necessitates more visibility, a coming out

phase. We are finding out what types of gathering

spaces our community wants, needs, believes in, most. This

phase will be heavy on the art of conversation. How do we listen to each other without

an agenda on an ongoing basis. Web access has shown

us the value of connection and ways to better connect

with the invisible, and the silent, globally. We plan to use that insight and tech to better

listen to each other, locally. We believe, for any type of

thriving sustainability to happen within a community, we must create, be, together.

be us.

attachmentat our essence, the more

authentically ourselves we are, we crave co-creation -


learning is not about proof.learning is about learning. and sharing.

public is not about market. public is about people.

we need to un-market school or move on without it.

Imagine.. we try self-assessment rather than standardized assessment.

Imagine.. rather than waiting for some amazing innovation to scale,we scale the amazing individuals….

Can we trust people enough

[people are good – relationship matters]

learning enough [learning is natural – whimsy matters]

to free people up to… fittingness..?

Compulsory. Stay in the lines. Be quiet. Orderly. Efficient.

choice whimsy matters cha os


Pyramid has a foundation. Network does not. You can start anywhere.- David Weinberger, Too Big To Know

we assume we are – daily – doing what matters.

but are we?

We end up with

+ policies, basics…that very few can take inand few have a desire to

little guidelines… that could set us free to findthe thing we can’t not do

Imagine how much time/money/energy/people we currently spend on policy. Imagine if we did things differently.


stuff that currently fills your day

one day next day next day


stuff that currently fills your day



We live in a reliability-oriented world… so we end up doing things that we assume can be measured/proven, rather than things that matter. Our beliefs get shuffled to the back end of the day.. (or the low end of our validity monitor).

~ Roger Martin, paraphrase from The Design of Business)

We often end up too tired to be curious, to do/be what matters most to us. Martin says there is power in simply acknowledging that, power to boldly, and respectfully, question


Imagine we change things up..

beliefstuff that currently fills your day

one day next day next day

beliefstuff that currently fills your day

stuff that currently fills your day

Imagine Martin’s acknowledgment is all we need to start respectfully calling into question how we spend our days. Imagine the stuff that currently fills our days.. starts to diminish, freeing us up time/energy to do what matters most.

Fried in Rework, writes of work being the place you get the least done. What if we just start thinking about the things we do vs the things we get done in public ed.

People talk a lot of talk about google 20% time. It’s lovely really …. for a business. But for youth? 20% time? to explore/experiment? – be in a space of permission with

nothing to prove?Shouldn’t that be 100%?


difference between business and school/learning/public ed

• 20%• work done• ship/eval

• 100%• work• ship

• 100%• work• ship

click to view video

Can we trust in vulnerability, can we trust in not knowing. Can we allow ourselves and others to swim in perpetual beta?





Richard Saul Wurman Founder of TED

prestige in knowing things... ironically blocks learning

about things

that matter.

a lot of time spent: • seeking accolades• finding fault in others• playing defense

need to believe no ill-intent:• if not, you’ll spend all your

time obsessing over my mistakes

• because I (we) do too many crazy/stupid things

a lot of time spent: • doing the things we’re told• doing what we’ve always done

need to find the thing you can’t not do (your art):• you’ll put in the 10,000 hrs to

become expert (indispensable)• we need your (thumbprint) art

click to play

Passion comes from within each of us, it cannot be imposed or mandated from outside.

click to play

What might define a life fully lived?

It’s a question many of us probably mean to ask ourselves.

But never do. -Nic Askew films

You get to decide how free you are.

It is legal to think for yourself.

Trust learning. Trust the learner. Trust simplicity.everyone is known by someone everyone talks to themself daily

It takes 15% to turn a flock of birds, a school of fish.We can turn this around.


There is never nothing going on.

trust that.