Culture (Theater)

Post on 15-Feb-2016

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Culture (Theater). By: Aleah Johnson, Sydney Mullinax, Alyssa Turner, Audrey Sparks, and Miranda Stodale. The Globe Theater. Constructed first in 1599 Most of Shakespeare's fortune came for performing at the theater. On June 29, 1613 a misfired cannon sent the theater into flames. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Culture (Theater)By: Aleah Johnson, Sydney Mullinax, Alyssa Turner, Audrey Sparks, and Miranda Stodale

Constructed first in 1599 Most of Shakespeare's fortune

came for performing at the theater.

On June 29, 1613 a misfired cannon sent the theater into flames.

Rebuilding the theater took a year The new Globe stood until 1644

and was taken down for housing.

The Globe Theater

Theater was outdoor until it got closed because of the Black Plague; there were more than 3 closers.

White curtains meant comedies, while black curtains meant drama.

Women weren’t allowed on stage because of James VI.

People went to the theater not to watch the plays but to socialize and gamble.

Couriers went around all day promoting the play would be played at night.

Theater in the English Renaissance

Men had to dress up as women.

The men wore lots of makeup to make them appear as women which led to many deaths because of the high lead content in the makeup.

Theater in the English Renaissance

Dr. Bragg’s website

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