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Frank Trovato Professor, University of Alberta

Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Studies in Population Spring, 2017

Personal Background

Country of Birth Italy Citizenship Canadian and Italian Work Address Department of Sociology

University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada, T6G 2H4

T: 780-492-5934 F: 780-492-7196 E: Academic Positions

1991 Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta 1989 Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology and Population Issues Research Center,

Pennsylvania State University 1987 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta 1983 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta 1982 Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Western Ontario 1980 Instructor, Department of Continuing and Part-time Education, University of

Western Ontario 1979 Instructor, Department of Continuing and Part-time Education, University of

Western Ontario Education

1983 PhD (Social Demography), University of Western Ontario. London, Canada 1978 MA (Sociology), University of Western Ontario. London, Canada 1976 BA Honours (Sociology), University of Western Ontario. London, Canada

Areas of Research Expertise

Demography, Formal and Social Quantitative Analysis of Population Phenomena Mortality and Population Health Sociology of Human Fertility Social Demography of Immigrant, Racial and Ethnic Minorities


Courses Taught

Mortality and Population Health Sociology of Human Fertility Sociology of Human Migration Demographic Analysis Population and Society Social Statistics and Research Methodology Membership in Professional Associations

International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Canadian Population Society (CPS) American Sociological Association (ASA) Population Association of America (PAA) Society of Edmonton Demographers (SED)


2012 Nathan Keyfitz Book Prize for an outstanding publication in Canadian Demography, Canada’s Population in a Global Context--An Introduction to Social Demography (Canadian Population Society).

2012-14 Co-Chair, Academic Benefits Management Committee of the University of Alberta.

2011 Member, Scientific Committee on Microsimulation Population Projections of Canadian Aboriginal Population. Statistics Canada, Demography Division.

2010 Member, Grants Adjudication Committee, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

2008- Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Studies in Population. 2008 Member, Scientific Committee on Microsimulation Population Projections of

Visible Minority Population. Statistics Canada, Demography Division. 2008 Invited speaker, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. Rostock,

Germany. 2005 Recognized for my contributions to Canadian Demography at the 40th

Anniversary of the Department of Sociology, University of Western Ontario. 2002-02 President, Canadian Population Society. 2000-02 Vice-President, Canadian Population Society. 1996-2001 Series Editor, Oxford University Press, Studies on Canadian Population 1995-98 Member, Editorial Board of Social Forces. 1980 Dorothy S. Thomas Award for excellence in the study of migration or

economic-demographic-social interrelations (Population Association of America).

1980 North-Central Sociological Association Graduate Paper Award.

Academic and Research Institutions Visited

2008 Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany


1998 Population Issues Research Center, Pennsylvania State University 1996 University of Michigan 1996 University of Rome 1996 Istituto di Ricerche Sulla Popolazione, Rome 1996 University of Calabria, Italy 1984 Demography Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa 1980 Statistics Canada Vital Statistics and Disease Registry, Ottawa.



2017 Trovato, Frank. Migration, Health and Survival – International Perspectives, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (forthcoming).

2015 Trovato, Frank. Canada’s Population in a Global Context: An Introduction to Social Demography (2nd edition), Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2014 Trovato, Frank and Anatole Romaniuk (eds.) Aboriginal Populations - Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press [Finalist, 2015 Alberta Book Publishers Award].

2012 Trovato, Frank. Population and Society: Essential Readings (2nd edition). Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2009 Trovato, Frank. Canada’s Population in a Global Context: An Introduction to Social Demography. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2002 Trovato, Frank. Population and Society: Essential Readings. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

1994 Trovato, Frank and Carl F. Grindstaff. Canada's Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

1990 Trovato, Frank, with Shiva S. Halli and Leo Driedger (eds.), Ethnic Demography: Canadian Immigrant, Racial and Cultural Variations. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.

Book Chapters

2017 Trovato, Frank. “Migration, Health and Survival: Introduction,” in F. Trovato (ed.),

Migration, Health and Survival – International Perspectives, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (forthcoming).

2017 Trovato, Frank. "The Immigrant Mortality Advantage in Canada," in F. Trovato (ed.), Migration, Health and Survival – International Perspectives, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (forthcoming).

2017 Trovato, Frank. "Reflections Toward an Organizing Framework for the Study of Immigrant Mortality, “in F. Trovato (ed.), Migration, Health and Survival – International Perspectives, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar (forthcoming).

2016 Trovato, Frank. “Population and Society.” In Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese (eds.), Sociology: A Canadian Perspective (4th edn.) Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2014 Trovato, Frank. “Mortality and the Family: A Half Century of Mortality Change as Reflected in Life Tables for the Registered Indians of Canada.” In Frank Trovato and


Anatole Romaniuk (eds.), Aboriginal Populations---Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press.

2014 Trovato, Frank and Anatole Romaniuk. “Introduction: Aboriginal Populations---Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives.” In Frank Trovato and Anatole Romaniuk (eds.), Aboriginal Populations---Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives. Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta Press.

2012 Trovato, Frank. “Population and Society.” In Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese (eds.), Sociology: A Canadian Perspective (3rd edn.) Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2012 Trovato, Frank and N.M. Lalu. “From Divergence to Convergence: Canada’s Sex Differential in Life Expectancy, 1971 to 2000.” In Lorne Tepperman and Angela Kalyta (eds.), Reading Sociology: A Canadian Sociological Association Reader (2nd edn.) Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2011 Trovato, Frank. “Canada’s Age and Sex Composition.” In Barry Edmonston and Eric Fong (eds.), Canada’s Changing Population. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.

2009 Trovato Frank. “Population, Urbanization, and the Environment.” In Lorne Tepperman and James Curtis (eds.), Principles of Sociology: Canadian Perspectives (2nd edn.) Toronto: Oxford University Press (with William Michelson and Keith G. Warriner).

2008 Trovato, Frank. “Population and Society” In Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese (eds.), Sociology: A Canadian Perspective (2nd edn.) Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2008 Trovato, Frank. “Narrowing Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in Canada.” In Rod Beaujot and Don Kerr (eds.), The Changing Face of Canada: Essential Readings in Population. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

2006 Trovato, Frank. “Population, Urbanization, and the Environment.” In Lorne Tepperman and James Curtis (eds.), Principles of Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press (with Michelson, William, and Keith G. Warriner).

2004 Trovato, Frank. “Population and Society.” In Lorne Tepperman and James Curtis (eds.), Sociology: A Canadian Perspective. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

2003 Trovato, Frank. “The Effect of Premarital Cohabitation on the Stability of Marriage Over the Duration of Marriage.” In Frank Trovato and Wayne McVey Jr. (eds.), Demography: Formal and Substantive Essays in Honor of Professor P. Krishnan. Department of Sociology, University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta (with Ron Budinski).

2003 Trovato, Frank. “Maternal Mortality in Nepal: Unraveling the Complexity.” In Frank Trovato and Wayne McVey Jr. (eds.), Demography: Formal and Substantive Essays in Honor of Professor P. Krishnan. Department of Sociology, University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta (with Juhee Suwal).

2001 Trovato, Frank. “Peripheral Status and Mortality: The Case of Canadian Indians.” In Yu Jing Yuan et al (eds.), Health Strategies and Population Regulation. New Delhi: BRPC.

2000 Trovato, Frank, P. Krishnan and N. M. Lalu. Introduction to Family Demography, special issue Canadian Studies in Population 27 (2): ix-xii.

1998 Trovato, Frank. “Pressat’s Index of Divorce for the Canadian Provinces.” In Frank Trovato and N. M. Lalu (eds.), Contributions to Family Demography: Essays in


Honour of Dr. Wayne McVey Jr. Edmonton, Canada: Department of Sociology, University of Alberta.

1998 Trovato, Frank. “The Quiet Revolution and Fertility in Quebec, 1931-1991.” In Frank Trovato and N. M. Lalu (eds.), Contributions to Family Demography: Essays in Honour of Dr. Wayne McVey Jr. Edmonton, Canada: Department of Sociology, University of Alberta (with Kathie Krull).

1998 Trovato, Frank. “Immigrant Suicide in Canada.” In A. Leenaars et al (eds.), Suicide in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Differences Between the Canadian Born and the Foreign Born in Canada, 1985-1987." In B. Singh Bolaria and Rosemary Bolaria (eds.), Racial Minorities Medicine and Health. Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publishing.

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Problems and Limitations in the Study of Immigrant Mortality." In B. Singh Bolaria and Rosemary Bolaria (eds.), Racial Minorities Medicine and Health. Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publishing.

1994 Trovato, Frank. “Early Childhood Mortality, 1926 - 1986.” In F. Trovato and C. F. Grindstaff (eds.), Perspectives on Canada’s Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues. Toronto: Oxford University Press (with Margaret King and John Gartrell).

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Canada's Population in World Context." In F. Trovato and C.F. Grindstaff (eds.), Canada's Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues. Toronto: Oxford University Press (with Carl F. Grindstaff).

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Trends in Canada." In B.S. Bolaria and H.D. Dickinson (eds.), The Sociology of Health and Illness in Canada. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Sociology and Demography." In D. Pierce and W. Meloff (eds.), Introduction to Sociology. Scarborough, Ontario: Nelson Canada.

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Rural-Urban Migration and Fertility in Costa Rica." In Man Singh Das (ed.), Sociology in Latin America. M.D. Publications Pvt. Ltd.

1993 Trovato, Frank. "Nativity and Mortality in Canada, 1951-1971." In P. Krishnan (ed.), Status and Identity in a Pluralistic Society. New Delhi, India: B.R.P.

1990 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Trends and Differentials Among Immigrants in Canada." In S.S. Halli, F. Trovato and L. Driedger (eds.), Ethnic Demography: Canadian Immigrant, Racial and Cultural Variations. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.

1990 Trovato, Frank and S.S. Halli. "Ethnicity and Geographic Mobility. In S.S. Halli, F. Trovato and L. Driedger (eds.), Ethnic Demography: Canadian Immigrant, Racial and Cultural Variations. Ottawa, Carleton University Press.

1987 Trovato, Frank. "Effects of Education and Labour Force Participation on Fertility: Results of a Log-Linear Analysis.” In P. Krishnan, F. Trovato and G. Fearn (Eds.), Contributions to Demography: Essays in Honour of Dr. Karol J. Krotki. Edmonton, Canada: Department of Sociology, University of Alberta (with John Jayachandran).

Articles in Professional Journals

2016 Trovato, Frank. “Analyse sociodémographique de la fécondité d’après-guerre au Canada, 1947-2011.” Cahiers Quebecois de Demographie 45 (1): 27-49. Special Isue dedicated to Professor Jacques Henripin.


2016 Trovato, Frank. “Teen Religiosity and Fertility in Adulthood in a Canadian Prairie Province.” Review of Religious Research 58:271-284.

2013 Trovato, Frank. "The Third Alternative: Latino Immigration from the United States to Canada, 1980 to 2009." Canadian Studies in Population 40 (3-4): 218-234 (with Ed Shihadeh and Ray Barranco).

2011 Trovato, Frank and David Odynak. “The Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in Canada: Immigrant and Native Born Populations.” Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (3): 352-368.

2010 Trovato, Frank. "Fertility in Alberta in a Context of Rapid Economic Growth, 1997-2007." Canadian Studies in Population 37 (3&4): 497-524. Special Issue on low fertility, guest edited by Bali Ram.

2007 Trovato, Frank and N. M. Lalu. “From Divergence to Convergence: The Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in Canada, 1971-2000.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 44 (1):1-20.

2006 Trovato, Frank and Nils Heyen. “A Varied Pattern of Change of the Sex Differential in Survival in the G7 Countries.” Journal of Biosocial Science 38 (3):301-401.

2005 Trovato, Frank. “Narrowing Sex Differential in Canada and Austria: Comparative Analysis.” Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2005: 17-52.

2005 Trovato, Frank. “The Effect of Premarital Cohabitation on the Stability of Marriage Over the Duration of Marriage.” Canadian Studies in Population 32 (1):69-98 (with Ron Budinski).

2004 Trovato, Frank. “The CPS at Age 30: A Prospective and Retrospective.” Canadian Studies in Population 31 (1):1-14.

2003 Trovato, Frank and Nils Heyen. “A Divergent Pattern of the Sex Difference in Life Expectancy: Sweden and Japan, Early 1970s-Late 1990s.” Biodemography and Social Biology 50 (3-4): 238-258.

2003 Trovato, Frank. “Where Have all the Children Gone? Quebec’s Fertility Decline: 1941-1991.” Canadian Studies in Population 30 (1): 193-220; special issue in honor of Anatole Romaniuk (with Cathie Krull).

2001 Trovato, Frank and N. M. Lalu. “Narrowing Sex Differences in Life Expectancy: Regional Variations, 1971-1991.” Canadian Studies in Population 28 (1): 89-110.

2001 Trovato, Frank. “The Effect of Pregnancy in Cohabiting Unions on Marriage in Canada, The Netherlands, and Latvia.” Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 18: 103-118 (with Melinda Mills).

2001 Trovato, Frank. “Comparative Analysis of Aboriginal Mortality in Canada, The United States and New Zealand.” Journal of Biosocial Science 33: 67-86.

2001 Trovato, Frank and N. M. Lalu. “Determinants of Breastfeeding in the Philippines: A Survival Analysis.” Social Science and Medicine 52 (4/5):71-81 (with Teresa Abada).

2000 Trovato, Frank. “Canadian Indian Mortality During the 1980s.” Biodemography and Social Biology 47 (3-4): 135-145.

2000 Trovato, Frank. “The Probability of Divorce in Canada, 1981-1995: A Research Note.” Canadian Studies in Population 27 (1): 231-238.

1999 Trovato, Frank. “Structural Assimilation and Ethnic Fertility in Ghana.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 30 (3): 382-408 (with Isaac Addai).


1999 Trovato, Frank. “Discrimination and Chinese Fertility in Canada.” Biodemography and Social Biology 45 (3-4): 172-193 (with Zongli Tang).

1998 Trovato, Frank. “The Stanley Cup of Hockey and Suicide in Quebec, 1951-1992.” Social Forces 77(1): 105-127.

1998 Trovato, Frank and N. M. Lalu. “The Contribution of Cause-Specific Mortality in Changing Sex Differences in Life Expectancy: Seven Nations Case Study.” Biodemography and Social Biology 45(1-2): 1-20.

1998 Trovato, Frank. “Nativity, Marital Status and Mortality in Canada.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 35(1): 65-91.

1998 Frank Trovato. “Canadian Aboriginal Fertility.” Canadian Studies in Population 25(1): 79-86 (with Juhee Suwal).

1997 Trovato, Frank and N. M. Lalu. “The Contribution of Causes of Death to Narrowing Sex Differences in Life Expectancy in Australia.” Journal of the Australian Population Association 14 (2): 187-200.

1996 Trovato, Frank and N.M. Lalu. “Causes of Death Responsible for the Changing Sex Differential in Life Expectancy Between 1970 and 1990 in Thirty Industrialized Nations.” Canadian Studies in Population 23 (2): 99-126.

1996 Trovato, Frank and N. M. Lalu. “Narrowing Sex Differentials in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized World: Early 1970s to Early 1990s.” Biodemography and Social Biology 43 (1-2): 20-37.

1996 Frank Trovato. “The Influence of Religion on Smoking and Alcohol Consumption: Alberta Case Study.” International Review of Modern Sociology 26 (2): 43-56 (with Ira Wasserman).

1995 Trovato, Frank and N. M. Lalu. “The Narrowing Sex Differential in Mortality in Canada Since 1971.” Canadian Studies in Population 22 (2): 145-167.

1994 Trovato, Frank. "The Quiet Revolution and Quebec's Suicide Rate: 1931-1986." Social Forces 72 (4): 1121-1147 (with Cathie Krull).

1994 Trovato, Frank. "The Status of Women and the Timing of Marriage in Five Asian Countries." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 25 (2): 143-157 (with Fahkrul Chowdhury).

1993 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Differences by Nativity During 1985-87." Canadian Studies in Population 20 (2): 207-224.

1993 Trovato, Frank and David Odynak. "The Seasonality of Births in Canada and the Provinces, 1881-1989 − Theory and Analysis." Canadian Studies in Population 20 (1): 1-42.

1992 Trovato, Frank. "An Ecological Analysis of Suicide: Canadian CMAs." International Review of Modern Sociology 22 (autumn): 57-72.

1992 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Differentials in Canada by Marital Status." Canadian Studies in Population 19 (2): 111-143.

1992 Trovato, Frank. "A Durkheimian Analysis of Youth Suicide in Canada." Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 22 (4): 413-427.

1992 Trovato, Frank. "Violent and Accidental Mortality Among Four Immigrant Groups in Canada, 1970-72." Biodemography and Social Biology 39 (1-2): 82-101.

1992 Trovato, Frank and R. Vos. "Married Female Labor Force Participation and Suicide in Canada." Sociological Forum 7 (4): 1-17.


1992 Trovato, Frank and Clifford C. Clogg. "General and Cause-Specific Adult Mortality Among Immigrants in Canada, 1971 and 1981." Canadian Studies in Population 19 (1): 47-80.

1991 Trovato, Frank. "Sex, Marital Status and Suicide in Canada, 1951-1981." Sociological Perspectives 34 (4): 427-445.

1991 Trovato, Frank. "Childhood Mortality Trends in Canada, 1921-1986." Canadian Social Trends (summer): 6-10 (with Margaret King and John Gartrell).

1991 Trovato, Frank and M. Speechley. "Are Suicides Underreported?" Criminometrica 6/7: 42-45.

1990 Trovato, Frank. "Log-Linear Modeling and Simultaneous Standardization of Rates." Criminometrica 4: 19-34.

1990 Trovato, Frank. "Junior Partners: Women's Contribution to Family Income in Canada." Social Indicators Research 22: 229-253 (with Carl F. Grindstaff).

1990 Trovato, Frank. "An Analysis of Native Mortality in Canada." The Journal of Indigenous Studies 2 (1): 1-15 (with Andrea Werner-Leonard).

1990 Trovato, Frank and R. Voss. "Domestic/Religious Individualism and Youth Suicide in Canada." Family Perspective 23 (1): 69-81.

1989 Trovato, Frank. "Ethnic Variations in Fertility: Microeconomic and Minority Group Status Effects." International Review of Modern Sociology 19 (1): 80-92 (with Tina W. Leung Chui).

1989 Trovato, Frank. "Age, Period and Cohort Effects on Suicide: A Reply." Canadian Journal of Public Health 80 (March/ April): 149.

1989 Trovato, Frank and G. Lauris. "Marital Status and Mortality in Canada: 1951-1981." Journal of Marriage and the Family 51: 907-922.

1988 Trovato, Frank. "The Interurban Mobility of the Foreign Born in Canada, 1976-81." International Migration Review 22 (3): 59-86.

1988 Trovato, Frank. "The Sex Mortality Differential of Aging Canadians, 1951-81." Canadian Home Economics Journal 38 (3): 130-136 (with Gloria Lauris).

1988 Trovato, Frank. "A Macrosociological Analysis of Change in the Marriage Rate: Canadian Women, 1921-25 to 1981-85." Journal of Marriage and the Family 50: 507-521.

1988 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Differentials in Canada, 1951-1971: French, British and Indians." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 12: 219-237.

1987 Trovato, Frank. "A Macrosociological Analysis of Native Indian Fertility in Canada, 1961, 1971, and 1981." Social Forces, 66 (2): 463-485.

1987 Trovato, Frank. "Suicide in Canada: A Further Look at the Effects of Age, Period and Cohort." Canadian Journal of Public Health, 79 (1): 37-44.

1987 Trovato, Frank. "Rural-Urban Migration and Fertility in Costa Rica." International Review of Modern Sociology 17 (2): 257-272.

1986 Trovato, Frank. "Suicide and Ethnic Factors in Canada." The International Journal of Social Psychiatry 33 (3): 55-64.

1986 Trovato, Frank and George K. Jarvis. "Immigrant Suicide in Canada, 1971 and 1981." Social Forces 65 (2): 433-457.


1986 Trovato, Frank and C.F. Grindstaff. "Economic Status: A Census Analysis of Immigrant Women at Age 30 in Canada." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 23 (4): 569-587.

1986 Trovato, Frank. "A Longitudinal Analysis of Divorce and Suicide in Canada." Journal of Marriage and the Family 49:193-203.

1986 Trovato, Frank. "A Time Series Analysis of International Immigration and Suicide Mortality in Canada." International Journal of Social Psychiatry 32 (2): 38-46.

1986 Trovato, Frank. "The Relationship Between Marital Dissolution and Suicide: The Canadian Case." Journal of Marriage and the Family 48 (2): 341-348.

1986 Trovato, Frank. "The Relationship Between Migration and the Provincial Divorce Rate in Canada, 1971 and 1978: A Reassessment." Journal of Marriage and the Family 48 (1): 207-216.

1986 Trovato, Frank. "Interprovincial Migration and Suicide in Canada, 1971-78." International Journal of Social Psychiatry 32 (1): 14-21.

1985 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Differences Among the Indigenous and Foreign Born Populations of Canada, 1951-1971." Canadian Studies in Population 12 (1): 49-80.

1983 Trovato, Frank and S.S. Halli. "Regional Differences in Family Size: The Case of the Atlantic Provinces in Canada." Rural Sociology 48 (2): 271-290.

1983 Trovato, Frank and S.S. Halli. "Ethnicity and Migration in Canada." International Migration Review 27 (2): 245-267.

1981 Trovato, Frank. "Canadian Ethnic Fertility." Sociological Focus 14 (1): 57-74. 1980 Trovato, Frank and C.F. Grindstaff. "Decomposing the Urban-Rural Fertility

Differential: Canada 1971." Rural Sociology 45 (3): 448-468. 1980 Trovato, Frank and T.K. Burch. "Minority Group Status and Fertility in Canada."

Canadian Ethnic Studies 12 (3): 1-18. 1980 Trovato, Frank and H.W. Taylor. "The Relationship Between Sex-Union Type and

Fertility in Costa Rica: An Analysis of Census Data." International Journal of Sociology of the Family 10 (2) (July-December): 199-212.

Non-Refereed Contributions

2014 Trovato, Frank and Erin James-Abra. “Population.” The Canadian Encyclopedia Online. Toronto: Maclelland and Stewart.

2014 Trovato, Frank and Laura Aylsworth. “Demography of Aboriginal People.” The Canadian Encyclopedia Online. Toronto: Maclelland and Stewart.

2011 Trovato, Frank. “Native People: Economic Conditions.” The Canadian Encyclopedia Online. Toronto: Maclelland and Stewart (revision of an earlier article, co-authored with J. Price, M. Mills and Cody Lang).

2005 Trovato, Frank. A Continuing Pattern of Constriction of the Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in Canada.” Proceedings of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) conference. Tours, France, July 18-23, 2005.

2003 Trovato, Frank. “Introduction to Anatole Romaniuc’s Contributions to Aboriginal Demography.” Canadian Studies in Population 301 (1): 71-73 (special Issue in Honor of Anatole Romaniuc).

1987 Trovato, Frank. "Suicide and Ethnic Factors in Canada." Psychiatry Digest 3: 26-28.


1996 Trovato Frank. “Native People: Demography.” The Canadian Encyclopedia Online. Toronto: Maclelland and Stewart.

1996 Trovato, Frank. “Native People: Economic Conditions.” The Canadian Encyclopedia Online. Toronto: Maclelland and Stewart (Co-authored with J. Price and M. Mills and Cody Lang, revised 2011).

1996 Trovato, Frank. “Native People: Urban Migration.” The Canadian Encyclopedia Online. Toronto: Maclelland and Stewart. (Co-authored with J. Price and T. Abada).

1996 Trovato, Frank and D. Odynak. “The Seasonality of Births in Canada.” The Canadian Encyclopedia Online. Toronto: Maclelland and Stewart.

1985 Trovato, Frank. "Demographic Realities of a Multicultural Society: Implications for the Italian Community in Canada." Il CONGRESSO (National Congress of Italian Canadians in Alberta) 2 (12): 3-4.

Collected Works and Guest Editorships

2008 Guest Editor, “Current Demographic Research—Substantive and Methodological.” Special issue dedicated to Professor P. Krishnan. Canadian Studies in Population.

2003 Guest co-Editor with Wayne McVey Jr., Demography: Formal and Substantive Essays in Honor of Professor P. Krishnan, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

2000 Guest co-Editor with P. Krishnan and N.M. Lalu, “Family Demography.” Special issue dedicated to Professor Wayne McVey Jr. Canadian Studies in Population.

1998 Co-Editor with N. M. Lalu, Contributions to Family Demography: Essays in Honour of Dr. Wayne McVey Jr. Edmonton, Canada: Department of Sociology, University of Alberta.

1987 Co-Editor with P. Krishnan and Gordon Fearn, Contributions to Demography: Methodological and Substantive: Essays in Honour of Dr. Karol J. Krotki. Edmonton, Canada: Department of Sociology, University of Alberta.

Book Reviews

2017 J.B. Casterline and J. Bongaarts (eds.), Fertility Transition in sub-Saharan Africa. Canadian Studies in Population (forthcoming).

2013 P. Krishnan, Political Demography of India: Determinants and Consequences. Canadian Studies in Population 40 (3-4): 252.

2005 Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll (Editors). Encyclopedia of Population. Canadian Studies in Population 32 (2): 297-298.

2001 David Foot with Daniel Stoffman, Boom, Bust and Echo 2000. Canadian Studies in Population 28 (1): 163-165.

1988 W. Petersen and R. Petersen. Dictionary of Demography: Terms, Concepts and Institutions. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 25 (3).

1986 H.H.L. Kitano, Race Relations (3rd edn.), Teaching Sociology 15 (2). 1986 A. Romaniuc, Fertility in Canada: From Baby-boom to Baby-bust. Canadian Review

of Sociology and Anthropology 23 (1): 140-142. 1986 L. Wai, S. Shiel and T.R. Balakrishnan, Annotated Bibliography of Canadian

Demography, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 23 (1): 140-142.


1986 Paul E. Zopf Jr., Population: An Introduction to Social Demography, Canadian Studies in Population 13 (1).

1985 Alberto Bonaguidi et al., Migrazioni e Demografia Regionale in Italia, Canadian Studies in Population 14 (1).

Research Reports

2006 Trovato, Frank with Roderic Beaujot, Monica Boyd, Robert Bourbeau, Celine Le Bourdais, Kevin McQuillan, Zenaida Ravanera, Byron Spencer, and Zheng Wu. "Population Change and Public Policy: Concept Paper for a SSHRC Strategic Research Cluster. Population Studies Centre, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario.

2004 Trovato, Frank. “Migration and Survival: The Mortality Experience of Immigrants in Canada.” Research Report submitted to Prairie Centre of Excellence for the Study of Immigration and Integration (PCRII). University of Alberta, Edmonton.

2003 Trovato, Frank with Lori Wilkinson, Linda Ogilvie and Chuck Humphrey. 2003. Annotated Bibliography on Immigrant and Refugee Children and their Families in Canada. Prairie Centre for Research on Immigration and Integration (PCRII) (based on research grant, New Canadian Children Study: Prairies. Edmonton, University of Alberta.

1994 Trovato, Frank with Anatole Romaniuc and Isaac Addai. Aboriginal On and Off Reserve Migration in Canada. Ottawa: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.

1993 Trovato, Frank. Mortality Patterns and Differentials of Visible Minorities, Other Immigrants and the Canadian-Born, 1980-82 and 1985-87. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Demography Division.

1991 Trovato, Frank. The Family and Mortality in Canada. Report prepared for the National Demographic Review. Ottawa: Health and Welfare.

1987 Trovato, Frank with Gloria Lauris. Mortality Trends of Middle-Aged and Elderly Albertans, 1951-1981. Edmonton: Alberta Senior Citizen Secretariat.

1986 Trovato, Frank. Mortality Trends and Differentials Among Immigrants in Canada. Report prepared for the National Demographic Review. Ottawa: Health and Welfare Canada.

1979 Trovato, Frank. Italian-Canadians in Ontario: Services and Needs. London, Ontario. King's College: The University of Western Ontario (with Burton, H.J., Lino Canzona, Robert V. Marino, and Gail Frankel).

Research Presentations/Lectures

2016 Trovato, Frank. “A Social Demographic Analysis of Post-War Fertility in Canada, 1947-2011.” Poster presentation, annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton (March 4).

2015 Trovato, Frank. “Reflections on Aboriginal Populations--Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives.” Invited presentation to the 25th Anniversary Warren E. Kalbach Population Conference, Demographic Trends and Public Policy in the 21st Century, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (March 6).


2015 Frank Trovato. “Role of Environmental Factors in Forming Seasonal Fertility Oscillations.” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, June 2-4 (with Arzu Sardarli and Andrei Volodin).

2014 Frank Trovato. “Role of Environmental Factors in Forming Seasonal Fertility Oscillations.” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society. St. Catharines, Ontario, Brock University, May 29 (with Arzu Sardarli).

2013 Trovato, Frank. “The Influence of Teen Religiosity on Fertility in a Canadian Prairie Province.” Paper presentation at the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, University of Victoria, Victoria BC (June 5-7).

2013 Trovato, Frank. “Decomposition of Fertility Differences.” Paper presented at the annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; March 8.

2013 Trovato, Frank. “Religiosity and Fertility: Alberta Case Study.” Poster presentation at the annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; March 8 (with Md Kamrul Islam).

2013 Trovato, Frank. “Environmental Factors and Seasonal Fertility Oscillations in Canada, 1971-2010.” Paper presentation at the annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; March 8 (with Arzu Sardarli).

2012 Trovato, Frank. “An Analysis of Regional Fertility Variations in Post-War Canada, 1947-2008.” Paper presentation at the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society. Universities of Waterloo and Wilfred Laurie, Waterloo, Ontario. May 30-June 2.

2012 Trovato, Frank. “Fertility Change in Canada, 1971-2007: Persistence of a Countercyclical Pattern?” Poster presentation at the Population Association of America Annual Meetings. San Francisco, CA, May 3-5.

2012 Trovato, Frank. “A Social Demographic Analysis of Fertility in Alberta, 1947-2008.” Paper presented at the annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; March 16 (with Md Kamrul Islam).

2012 Trovato, Frank. “Smoking During Pregnancy: Results from the Alberta Fertility Survey, 2010.” Poster presented at the annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; March 16 (with Md Kamrul Islam).

2011 Trovato, Frank. “An Analysis of Fertility Change in Canada, 1972-2007-- Procyclical or Countercyclical?” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May 31- June 2 (with Md Kamrul Islam).

2011 Trovato, Frank. “An Analysis of Fertility Change in Canada, 1970-2007.” Paper presented at the annual Warren E. Kalbach conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; March 18 (with Md Kamrul Islam).

2010 Trovato, Frank. “Fertility in Alberta Province (Canada) in a Context of Rapid Economic Growth, 1997-2007.” Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Population Association of America. Dallas, Texas. April 15-17.


2010 Trovato, Frank. “The Recent Fertility Surge in Alberta: Parity-Specific Analysis.” 20th Annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference. Grant Mac Ewan University, Edmonton. March 5.

2009 Trovato, Frank. “The Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in the Immigrant Population of Canada, 1971 and 2001.” Research presentation to the Population Studies Centre, University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario, April 2.

2009 Trovato, Frank. “The Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in the Immigrant Population of Canada---Theory and Analysis.” Research presentation to the Population Studies Group, University of Victoria. Victoria, British Columbia, April 8.

2009 Trovato, Frank. Author’s Presentation: Book Launch of Canada’s Population in a Global Context—An Introduction to Social Demography. Annual Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta. March 27.

2008 Trovato, Frank. “Death and the Family: A Half Century of Mortality Change (1950-2000) in the Registered Indian Population of Canada as Reflected in Period Life Tables.” Paper presented at the Symposium on Aboriginal Population in Transition--Social, Demographic and Epidemiological Dimensions. University of Alberta, October 17-18.

2008 Trovato, Frank. “Narrowing Sex Differentials in Life Expectancy in Canada: Immigrant and Native Born Populations.” Invited presentation, The 2nd Human Mortality Database Symposium on Frontiers and Challenges in the Study of Human Longevity. Rostock, Germany, Max Planck Demographic Institute, Center on the Economics of Demography of Aging. June 13-14.

2008 Trovato, Frank. "Fertility in Alberta: Divergence or Convergence?" Paper presented at the Annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference. Grant McEwen College, Edmonton, May 14.

2008 Trovato, Frank. "Trends and Factors of Fertility in Alberta." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society. UBC, Vancouver, June 3-6.

2008 Trovato, Frank. "Fertility in Alberta: Divergence or Convergence?" Paper presented at the Annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference. Grant McEwen College, Edmonton, May 14.

2008 Trovato, Frank. "Trends and Factors of Fertility in Alberta." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society. UBC, Vancouver, June 3-6.

2007 Trovato, Frank. "The New Canadian Children and Youth Study (NCCYS): An Opportunity for Model Development about Parenting in Newcomer Families." Paper presented at the National Metropolis Conference, Toronto. March 3. (Linda Ogilvie, Robert Armstrong, Morton Beiser, Elizabeth Burgess-Pinto, Chuck Humphrey, Navjot Lamba, Jacqueline Oxman-Martinez, Anneke Rummens and Frank Trovato.)

2006 Trovato, Frank. “From Divergence to Convergence: The Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in Canada.” Paper presented at the Annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference. Edmonton, University of Alberta, March 31.

2005 Trovato, Frank. “Death and the Family.” Paper presented at the Annual Sociology Research Day, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, November 5.


2005 Trovato, Frank. “The Changing Sex differential in life expectancy in Canada.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, June 2-5.

2005 Trovato, Frank. A Continuing Pattern of Constriction of the Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in Canada.” Paper to be presented at the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Tours, France, July 18-23.

2005 Trovato, Frank. Participant and discussant at the University of Western Ontario workshop on the establishment of a demographic cluster for Canada (funded by an SSHRC grant, reported above). London, Ontario, February 3-4.

2005 Trovato, Frank. Presentation of a review paper (with Zheng Wu, U. of Victoria) for discussion at the UWO workshop on the establishment of a demographic cluster for Canada (funded by an SSHRC grant, reported above). Title of paper: “Population Diversity and Change in Canada.” London, Ontario, February 3-4.

2004 Trovato, Frank. “Narrowing Sex Differentials in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized Countries: An Update and Reassessment.” Paper presented at the Annual Warren Kalbach Conference. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, March 12.

2003 Trovato, Frank. “Narrowing Sex Differences in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized World: An Update and Reevaluation.” Invited Lecture, Sociology 251:A1 (Dr. K. Boadu). The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. December 3.

2003 Trovato, Frank. “The New Canadian Children and Youth Study.” Research presentation. Hanging Together: A Centre for Immigrant Women (with E. Burgess, L. Ogilvie and C. Humphrey, et al.). Edmonton, Alberta. January 8.

2000 Trovato, Frank. “Survey of Immigrant and Refugee Children in the Prairies.” Prairie Centre Brown Bag Series. April 14, 2000, Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, Edmonton, Alberta (with E. Burgess, L. Ogilvie and C. Humphrey).

2000 Trovato, Frank. “A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Pregnancy in Cohabiting Unions on Formal Marriage in Canada, Netherlands and Latvia: A Causal Event History Approach to Interdependent Processes.” Paper presented at the Flagship Conference, Brussels, Belgium, May 29-31 (with Melinda Mills).

2000 Trovato, Frank. “Decomposition Analysis of Changing Sex Differential in Life Expectancy Across Canadian Regions: The Role of Cause of Death Components.” Poster Presentation at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA, March 23-25 (with N. M. Lalu).

1999 Trovato, Frank. “Discrimination and the Fertility Behaviour of the Chinese in Canada.” Paper presentation at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, New York, USA: March 25-27 (with Z. Tang).

1999 Trovato, Frank. International Metropolis Conference (workshop participant and presenter: “New Canadian Children Study---Prairie Region”). Washington, DC: December 8-11.

1999 Trovato, Frank. “The Demographics of Socio-Cultural Change.” Invited presentation, Department of Sociology, The University of Western Ontario, 25th Anniversary of the Population Studies Centre, London, Ontario, June 7.


1999 Trovato, Frank. “Self-Destruction in the New Land: Immigrant Suicide in Canada, 1990-92.” Paper presentation, annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Bishops University, Lennoxville, Quebec , June 11.

1999 Trovato, Frank. “Immigration and Self-Destruction in the Prairies.” Paper presented at the Annual Warren Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, March 5.

1999 Trovato, Frank. “Immigrant Mortality in Canada: Theory and Analysis.” Seminar Presentation at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (formerly Clarke Institute of Psychiatry). Toronto, Ontario, February 25.

1999 Trovato, Frank. “Immigrant Suicide in Canada.” Paper presentation at the Prairie Centre for Research on Immigration and Integration Brown Bag Series. Mennonite Newcomer Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, January 28.

1999 Trovato, Frank. National Conference of Metropolis Project (workshop participant and paper presentation: “Immigrant Differentials in Suicide: An Analysis of Official Statistics”). Vancouver, January 14-16.

1998 Trovato, Frank. Regional Conference of the Prairie Centre of Excellence on Immigration and Integration (workshop participant). University of Regina, Saskatchewan, October 23-25.

1998 Trovato, Frank. “Pressat’s Index of Divorce for Canadian Provinces.” Paper presented to the Annual Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, March 6.

1998 Trovato, Frank. “War and Fertility.” Paper presented to the 14th World Congress of Sociology (with K. Boadu). Montreal, July 26-August 1.

1997 Trovato, Frank. “Log-Linear Rate Models and Standardization.” Seminar presentation to the Epidemiology Methodology Seminar Series. Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta, October 23.

1997 Trovato, Frank. First Annual National Metropolis Conference (attendant and participant in the Working Group on Social Economic Aspects of Immigrant Adjustment and Adaptation). Edmonton, Canada, March 6-8.

1996 Trovato, Frank. Metropolis Conference (Working Group Member, “Demographic Changes and Social Cohesion”). Milan, Italy, November 13-15.

1996 Trovato, Frank. “Epidemiological Transition and the Changing Sex Differential in Life Expectancy.” Invited research presentation, Rende, Cosenza, Italy. November 22.

1996 Trovato, Frank. “Sport as Social Integration: The Case of the Stanley Cup of Hockey and Suicide in Canada, 1951-1991.” Paper presented at Sociology Annual Research Day, University of Alberta, November 25.

1996 Trovato, Frank. “Marital Status and Mortality Among Immigrants in Canada.” Paper presented at the Annual Kalbach Conference, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (with N.M. Lalu), March 8.

1996 Trovato, Frank. Marital Status and Mortality by Immigrant Group: The Canadian Case.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, June 1-3.

1996 Trovato, Frank. “Decomposition Analysis of Causes of Death Responsible for Narrowing Sex Differences in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized World.” Poster


presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Brock University (with N.M. Lalu), June 1-3.

1996 Trovato, Frank. “A Decomposition Analysis of the Changing Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized World Since the Early 1970s.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, New Orleans (with N.M. Lalu), May 9-11.

1996 Trovato, Frank. “What is Happening to the Sex Gap in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized World?” Lecture, Sociology Department, University of Alberta, February 12.

1995 Trovato, Frank. "Narrowing Sex Differentials in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized World: Early 1970s to Early 1990s." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Montreal (with N. M. Lalu), June 7-9.

1995 Trovato, Frank. "Decomposition of the Narrowing Sex Differential in Mortality in Canada Since 1971." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Montreal (with N. M. Lalu). June 7-9.

1995 Trovato, Frank. "The Narrowing Sex Differential in Mortality in Canada Since 1971." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Population Association of America, San Francisco (with N. M. Lalu), April 6-8.

1995 Trovato, Frank. “Immigrant Suicide in Canada.” Paper Presented at the Annual Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, March 3.

1995 Trovato, Frank. “Measuring Temporal Change in Demographic Rates: A Tale of Two Methods.” Paper presented at the Annual Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (with N. M. Lalu), March 3.

1995 Trovato, Frank. “Narrowing Sex Differences in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized World.” Sociology honors seminar, University of Alberta, October 31.

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Narrowing Sex Differences in Mortality: A Fifth Stage of Epidemiologic Transition?" Paper presented at the Annual Research Day, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (with N. M. Lalu), November 19.

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Religion, Marital Status, and Health." Paper presented at the Annual Research Day, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (with Ira Wasserman), November 19.

1994 Trovato, Frank. Invited presentation at the Statistics Canada conference Toward 2000 -- Facing Social Challenges: "Social Trends in Alberta: PRL's Edmonton and Alberta Surveys." Edmonton, Fantasyland Hotel, April 6.

1994 Trovato, Frank. "Immigrant Mortality." Paper presented at the Annual Kalbach Conference, Edmonton, University of Alberta, March 5.

1994 Trovato, Frank. “World Population: Projections and Implications for the Future." Invited presentation, Rotary Club, Edmonton, February 11.

1993 Trovato, Frank. "Differential Mortality Between Immigrants and the Canadian-Born, 1985-1987: General and Cause-Specific." Paper presented at the IUSSP Conference, Montreal, August 25.

1993 Trovato, Frank. "Log Linear Analysis of Rates." Seminar presentation to the demography group, sociology, University of Alberta, October 19.


1993 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Differences Between the Native-Born and the Foreign-Born in Canada." Paper presented at the Annual Kalbach Conference, Edmonton, University of Alberta, March 3.

1992 Trovato, Frank. Mortality Differences and Patterns Between the Canadian Born and Foreign Born in Canada, 1985-87." Paper presented at the Conference, Women, Racial Minorities, Medicine and Health. Saskatoon, University of Saskatchewan, June 13-14.

1992 Trovato, Frank. "Problems and Limitations in the Study of Immigrant Mortality." Paper presented at the Conference, Women, Racial Minorities, Medicine and Health. Saskatoon, University of Saskatchewan, June 13-14.

1992 Trovato, Frank. "The Seasonality of Births in Canada and the Provinces, 1881-1989." Paper presented at the Annual Kalbach Conference, Edmonton, University of Alberta (with Dave Odynak), March 4.

1991 Trovato, Frank. Invited Speaker, 25th Anniversary of University of Western Ontario's Sociology Department, London, Ontario.

1991 Trovato, Frank. "Teenage Childbearing and Socioeconomic Outcomes: An Analysis of Retrospective Data." Research Conference, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta (with Dave Odynak), November 2.

1991 Trovato, Frank. "Violent and Accidental Mortality Among Four Immigrant Groups in Canada." Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, June 2-4.

1991 Trovato, Frank. "Canadian Native Mortality: Socio-Economic, Residence and Cultural Factors." Pacific Sociological Association Meetings. San Diego, California (with A. Warner-Leonard), April 19.

1991 Trovato, Frank. "Female Labour Force Participation and Suicide: A Test of Hypotheses." Conference on Health and Population Issues in Honour of Warren Kalbach. Edmonton, University of Alberta (with Rita Vos), March 6.

1990 Trovato, Frank. "Differences in General and Cause-Specific Mortality Between the Native-Born and the Foreign-Born in Canada, 1971 and 1981." Canadian Population Society Meetings. Victoria, BC, University of Victoria, May 30-June 1.

1990 Trovato, Frank. "Log-Linear Modeling and Simultaneous Standardization of Rates." Third Annual Sociology Research Day, University of Alberta, November 3.

1990 Trovato, Frank. Research presentation on immigration to Canada to Citizen's Advisory Council on Immigration. Edmonton, Alberta, February 22.

1989 Trovato, Frank. Seminar on "Quebec's Fertility Decline." Population Issues Research Centre, The Pennsylvania State University, October 25.

1989 Trovato, Frank. "Trends in Mortality of Aging Canadians" Edmonton. Festival of Sharing Conference sponsored by Alberta Provincial Senior Citizens Advisory Council, June 6.

1989 Trovato, Frank. "Ethnic Variations in Fertility: Micro-Economic and Minority Group Status Effects." Conference on Immigration and Minority Groups in Honour of Warren Kalbach. Edmonton, University of Alberta, February 10.

1988 Trovato, Frank. Discussant of three papers presented at the National Symposium on Demography of Immigrant, Racial and Ethnic Groups in Canada, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, August 26-27.


1988 Trovato, Frank. "Immigrant Mortality Differentials in Canada." Paper presented at the National Symposium on Demography on Immigrant, Racial and Ethnic Groups in Canada. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, August 26-27.

1988 Trovato, Frank. "Internal Migration and Ethnicity in Canada, 1981." Paper presented at the National Symposium on Demography of Immigrant, Racial and Ethnic Groups in Canada. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, August 26-27.

1987 Trovato, Frank. "The Interurban Mobility of the Foreign Born in Canada, 1976-81." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Regional Science/Canadian Geographic Society, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, October 18-21.

1986 Trovato, Frank. "Change in the Marriage Rate Among Canadian Women, 1921-25 to 1982-85." Paper presented at the Royal Society of Canada and Federation of Canadian Demographers Conference: The Family in Crisis: A Population Crisis? Ottawa, Ontario, November 28-29.

1985 Trovato, Frank. "Ethnic Communities and the Interurban Mobility of the Foreign Born in Canada." Paper presented at the Biannual Meetings of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Montreal, Quebec (October 14-17).

1985 Trovato, Frank. "The Economic Status of Immigrant Women at Age 30, Canada, 1981." Paper presented at the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, October 14-17, 1985 (with C.F. Grindstaff).

1984 Trovato, Frank. "The Relationship Between Measures of Migration and the Provincial Divorce Rate in Canada, 1971 and 1978: A Reassessment." Paper presented to the Edmonton Chapter of the Canadian Population Society, Edmonton, Alberta, September 17.

1984 Trovato, Frank. "Mortality Differences Among the French, British, and Native Indigenous Populations of Canada, 1950-52 to 1970-72." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Guelph, Ontario (June 1-3).

1981 Trovato, Frank. "Nativity and Mortality in Ontario." Paper presented at the Demography Colloquium Series, The University of Western Ontario (with C.F. Grindstaff).

1981 Trovato, Frank. "Residence Background and Fertility of Maritime Women in Canada." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia (with S.S. Halli).

1981 Trovato, Frank. "Ethnicity as a Differentiating Factor in Migratory Behavior." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the North-Central Sociological Association, Cleveland, Ohio (with S.S. Halli), June 21.

1980 Trovato, Frank. "Sex-Union Type and Fertility in Costa Rica." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Montreal, Quebec (with H.W. Taylor), June 1.

1980 Trovato, Frank. "The Fertility of Native and Foreign-Born Women in Canada." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Population Society. Montreal, Quebec (with S.S. Halli, W. Marshall and L. Wai), June 2.

1980 Trovato, Frank. "Ethnicity, Education and Fertility in Canadian Society." Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the North-Central Sociological Association, Dayton, Ohio, June 12.


1979 Trovato, Frank. "Minority Group Status and Fertility in Canada." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (with T.K. Burch), May 29.

1979 Trovato, Frank. Ethnicity, Assimilation and Fertility in Canada." Paper presented at the Demography Colloquium Series, The University of Western Ontario, April 3.

Funding Received

2017 Department of Aboriginal and Northern Development, $3,500. Special issue of Canadian studies in Population, selected papers from the 2015 Federation of Canadian Demographers Conference.

2014 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) $47,100. Aid to Scholarly Journals Program, Canadian Studies in Population.

2014 Faculty of Arts Conference Fund, $2,000. Annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference. University of Alberta, March 2014.

2012 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) $57,700. Aid to Scholarly Journals Program, Canadian Studies in Population.

2012 Aid to Scholarly Publications Program, Canadian Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS), $8,000. Aboriginal Populations—Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Perspectives.

2012 Killam Research Fund, Travel Grant ($1,600). Population Association of America Meetings in San Francisco, CA, May 3-5, 2012. Presentation: “Fertility Change in Canada, 1970-2007: Persistence of a Countercyclical Pattern.”

2012 Society of Edmonton Demographers (SED) $8,000, Book Publication Grant: Aboriginal Populations—Social, Demographic, and Epidemiological Dimensions.

2010 Society of Edmonton Demographers (SED) $13,500, Alberta Fertility Survey. 2010 Society of Edmonton Demographers (SED) $7,500, Journal Grant, Canadian Studies in

Population. 2010 International Council on Canadian Studies, Canadian Embassy, Washington. DC.

$10,000. Collaborator, with Edward S. Shihadeh, Louisiana State University, Principal Investigator.

2009 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) $127,622, Trends and Factors of Fertility in Alberta in a Context of Rapid Social Change.

2009 Killam Research Fund Cornerstone Grant, University of Alberta $7,000, Parity-Specific Analysis of Fertility: Alberta and the rest of Canada, 1970-2008.

2008 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) $52, 635, Aid to Scholarly Journals Program, Canadian Studies in Population.

2008 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SHRC) Workshop Grant $25,000, Aboriginal Population in Transition---Social, Demographic and Epidemiological Dimensions.

2008 University of Alberta Provost Journal Editors Grant $15,000, Canadian Studies in Population.

2008 Society of Edmonton Demographers Teaching Release Time Grant $14,000. 2007 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Cluster Grant $2.5 million

over 7 years, Life Course, Population Change and Public Policy Cluster. Principal Investigator, Rod Beaujot (University of Western Ontario), with Monica Boyd, Robert


Bourbeau, Celine Le Bourdais, Kevin McQuillan, Zenaida Ravanera, Byron Spencer, and Zheng Wu.

2007 Society of Edmonton Demographers, Operating Research Grant $35,475, Migration and Fertility in a Booming Economy: The Case of Alberta.

2005 University of Alberta, HFASSR Operating Research Grant $7,000. “Immigrant Mortality in Canada During 2000-2002.”

2005 University of Alberta, SAS Travel Grant $2,283. Travel to Tours, France to present a paper at the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) conference, July 18-23, 2005 (“A Continuing Pattern of Decline of the Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in Canada”).

2005 University of Alberta, HFASSR Travel Grant $1,400, “A Continuing Pattern of Decline of the Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in Canada: Early 1970s – Late 1990s.” Paper presentation at the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population Conference (IUSSP), Tours, France, July 18-23, 2005.

2005 Research Western Internal Research Programs Grant $5,000, Strategic Research Cluster on Population Change and Public Policy. Principal Investigator, Rod Beaujot (University of Western Ontario); collaborators: Frank Trovato, Robert Bourbeau, Celine Le Bourdais, and Zheng Wu.

2005 SSHRC Interim Grant $25,000, Population Change and Public Policy Cluster. Principal Investigator, Rod Beaujot (University of Western Ontario); collaborators: Frank Trovato, Robert Bourbeau, Celine Le Bourdais, Zheng Wu.

2005 SSHRC Cluster Grant to develop a proposal for the establishment of a demographic cluster of expertise in Canada, and to conduct a workshop toward this objective ($30,000); with colleagues from various universities in Canada as well as public policy officials. Principal Investigator, Dr. Rod Beaujot (University of Western Ontario); collaborators: Robert Bourbeau, Celine Le Bourdais, Zheng Wu. Website, Population Change and Public Policy Cluster.

2004 Canadian Institutes for Health Research $1,380,000. “New Canadian Children and Youth Study---National—Update and Extension.” (Principal Investigator, Morton Beiser, University of Toronto, with my involvement and other collaborators at University of Toronto, University of Alberta, McGill University, University of Manitoba, University of Calgary, and University of British Columbia.)

2003 University of Alberta, HFASSR Operating Research Grant $3,600. “Narrowing Sex Differential in Life Expectancy in the Industrialized Nations - An Update and Assessment.”

2003 Alberta Learning Research grant, $25,000. “New Canadian Children and Youth Study---Prairies” L. Ogilvie, C. Humphrey, University of Alberta, and other colleagues at the Universities of Calgary, Manitoba, and Winnipeg, (January 2003).

2001 Canadian Institutes for Health Research $2.5 million, “New Canadian Children and Youth Study---National.” Principal Investigator Morton Beiser, University of Toronto. (With collaborators at University of Toronto, University of Alberta, McGill University, University of Manitoba, University of Calgary, and University of British Columbia.)


2001 Canadian Heritage Research Grant $34,500, “New Canadian Children and Youth Study---Prairies.” (With collaborators: Linda Ogilvie, Chuck Humphrey, David Estee, Jim Frideres, Shiva Halli, Esther Blum, John Anchan, Nancy Arthur).

2000 Alberta Foundation for Medical Research Grant $100,000, “New Canadian Children and Youth Study---Prairies.” (With collaborators: Linda Ogilvie, Chuck Humphrey, David Estee, Jim Frideres, Esther Blum, John Anchan, Nancy Arthur).

2000 Health Canada $20,000, “New Canadian Children and Youth Study---Prairies.” (With collaborators: Linda Ogilvie, Chuck Humphrey, David Estee, Jim Frideres, Esther Blum, John Anchan, Nancy Arthur).

2000 Social Science Research Travel Grant, University of Alberta $800, Poster presentation at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America (“Narrowing Sex Differences in Life Expectancy Across Canada’s Regions: The Role of Cause-of-Death Components.”) Los Angeles, CA, March 23-25.

1999 Secretary of State (Multiculturalism, Status of Women) $11,500, “New Canadian Children and Youth Study---Prairies” (With collaborators: Linda Ogilvie, Chuck Humphrey, David Estee and Jim Frideres).

1999 Prairie Centre for Excellence in Research on Immigration and Integration Grant, University of Alberta $50,000, “New Canadian Children and Youth Study---Prairies” (With collaborators: Linda Ogilvie, Chuck Humphrey, David Estee and Jim Frideres).

1999 Social Sciences Research Grant, University of Alberta $5,000, “Events in Time and the Incidence of Births and Deaths.”

1999 University of Alberta, Social Science Research Travel Grant $500, Canadian Population Society Meetings at Bishops University, Lennoxville, Quebec (Paper presented: “Self-Destruction in the New Land: Immigrant Suicide in Canada, 1990-92”).

1997 Prairie Centre for Excellence in Research on Immigration and Integration Grant, University of Alberta $10,000, “Migration and Survival: Differential Mortality Across Immigrant Communities in Canada.”

1995 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant $33,500, "The Changing Sex Differential in Mortality in Canada and the Industrialized World Since Early 1970s" (With N. M. Lalu).

1995 Central Research Fund, University of Alberta $3,000, "Sport as Social Integration: The Case of the Stanley Cup of Hockey and Suicide in Canada, 1951-1992."

1995 Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS) Arts Fund, University of Alberta $1,000, “Sport as Social Integration: The Case of the Stanley Cup of Hockey and Suicide in Canada, 1951-1992."

1995 Central Research Fund, Travel Grant, University of Alberta $700. 1994 Indian and Northern Affairs Canada $10,000, "On and Off Reserve Migration of

Aboriginals in Canada." 1993 Central Research Fund, Travel Grant, University of Alberta $500. 1991 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant

$19,700, "Immigrant Mortality in Canada: 1971-1986." 1989 National Health Research Development Program Grant $54,000, "Infant and

Childhood Mortality in Canada" (with Margaret King).


1986 Central Research Fund, Travel Grant, University of Alberta $400. 1986 Arts Faculty Release Time Grant, University of Alberta. 1986 Alberta Social Services and Community Health, Senior Citizens' Bureau, Research

Grant on Aging $11,600, “Trends in the Mortality of Middle-Aged and Elderly Albertans: 1951-81".

1985 Arts Faculty Release Time Grant, University of Alberta. 1985 Central Research Fund, Travel Grant, University of Alberta $700. 1984 Central Research Fund, University of Alberta $3,062, "Immigrant Group Suicide

Differences in Canada, 1971 and 1981." 1984 Teaching Release Time Grant, University of Alberta. 1981 Ontario Graduate Scholarship. 1980 Ontario Graduate Scholarship. 1980 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship.

Examiner: Theses, Dissertations and Candidacy Examinations

2014 External examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation, Mikael Hellstrom, University of Alberta. 2009 External examiner, Ph.D. Thesis Prospectus defense, Mikael Hellstrom, University

of Alberta. 2004 External examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation, Alison Yacyshin, University of Western

Ontario. 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation, Stephen Obeng Gyimah, University of Western Ontario. 2000 Ph.D. Dissertation, P. Swarup, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra

Pradesh, India. 1999 Ph.D. Dissertation, J. S. Sri Viraja Rani, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati,

Andhra Pradesh, India. 1996 Ph.D. Dissertation, Vidya Ramachandran, Sri Vekateswara University, Tirupati,

Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. 1994 Ph.D. Dissertation, David Hall, University of Western Ontario. 1988 Master's Thesis, McGill University.

Graduate Students Supervised

2016 Arpita Mookergie (PhD student). Editorial assistant, Canadian Studies in Population

2015 Cindy Owre (PhD student). Editorial assistant, Canadian Studies in Population. 2014 Md Kamrul Islam (PhD) 2013 Laura Aylsworth (PhD student). Editorial assistant, Canadian Studies in

Population 2010 Abu Sadat Nurullah (PhD student). Editorial assistant, Canadian Studies in

Population 2012 Iris Hoiting (MA); co-supervisor 2008 Kamrul Islam (MA) 2008 Marc terVeer (MA) (Practicum, summer) 2002 Nils Heyen (MA) (Practicum, summer) 2002 Juhee Suwal (PhD)


2002 Jennifer Hansen (MA) 2002 Ron Budinski (MA) 2002 Kuame Boadu (PhD) 2002 Nuvjo Lamba (Post-Doctoral student); co-supervisor 1997 Zongli Tang (PhD) 1997 Kwame Boadu (MA) 1997 Tabitha Longheni-Mndebele (PhD); co-supervisor 1997 Teresa Abada (MA) 1996 Cathie Krull (PhD) 1996 Melinda Mills (MA) 1995 Isaac Addai (PhD) 1993 Colin Reed (MA) 1992 Catherine Krull (MA) 1991 Narun Nabi (PhD); co-supervisor 1990 Rita Voss (MA) 1990 Manoshi Das (MA) 1987 Tina Wai-Ching Leung (MA) 1987 Gloria Lauris (MA)

Honors and Senior Undergraduate Students Supervised

2014 Meryn Severson, Fertility Differences by Housing Type and Homeowner Status in Canada, 2011 [1st Prize, Sociology Undergraduate Essay Award]

2007 Stacey Martin, Getting the Dirt Out on the Hygiene Hypothesis [1st Prize, Sociology Undergraduate Essay Award].

2003 Brian Osterlin, The Case of Infant Mortality in Sweden [1st Prize, Sociology Undergraduate Essay Award].

2001 Stacey Powell, The Fourth Epidemiological Transition and its Relation to Perinatology: The Parallel Between the Process of Dying and the Process of Birth [1st Prize, Sociology Undergraduate Essay Award].

1997 Danielle Odin, Fertility Patterns in the Yukon and Northwest Territories [1st Prize, Sociology Undergraduate Essay Award].

1993 Zena Yoo, Honors Thesis: Value Differences Among Korean Youths in Edmonton. 1989 Andrea Warner-Leonard, Honors Thesis: An Analysis of Native Mortality in

Canada, 1980-82 [1st Prize, Sociology Undergraduate Essay Award]. Professional Service

2017 Invited to chair a special session of the American Sociological Association on Durkhemian Sociology, “Generations of Suicide: Understanding Cohort Differences in Suicide Risk”, Montreal, August 14.

2017 Introduction to Professor Kevin McQuillan, Distinguished Canadian Demographer Lecture, 27th Annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, February 13, 2017.


2016 Session Chair, “Contemporary Demographic Transformations in the Canadian Aboriginal Population,” Annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, University of Calgary, June 1, 2016.

2016 Session Chair, “Remembering Wayne McVey Jr., the first Director of the PRL and Professor Emeritus (Sociology), University of Alberta.” 2016 Annual Warren E. Kalbach Conference (Participants: Dr. Colin Reid, University of British Columbia; Donna Fong, Society of Edmonton Demographers and University of Alberta, PRL; Dr. Juhee Suwal, Freelance Researcher and Writer; Dr. Lori Lang, University of Alberta).

2013 Trainer, Graduate Student Conference, annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, University of Victoria, June 3, 2013.

2010 Session Chair, Understanding Populations of the Past: New Developments and Interdisciplinary Perspectives: “Adult mortality and longevity,” Federation of Canadian Demographers conference, Montreal, June 2.

2009 Chaired two sessions at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, “Indigenous Population Growth, Identities and Dynamics: International Perspectives” Parts I and II. Ottawa, March 9-12.

2008 Chaired a session at the Population Work and Family Life Course Symposium. “Social Inequalities in Health Over the Life Course.” Gatineau, Quebec, December 8-10.

2008 Organized the Symposium on Aboriginal Population in Transition---Social, Demographic and Epidemiological Dimensions. University of Alberta, October 17-18.

2008 Chaired the session, Medical Research and Social Science Databases, at the “State of the World: Information Infrastructure Construction and Dissemination for Humanities and Social Science Research,” University of Alberta, October 2-5.

2006 Participated in a planning meeting, the New Canadian Children and Youth Research Team---Prairies. University of Alberta, Edmonton, February 12, 2006.

2005 External Assessor for a scholar’s tenure. 2003 External Assessor for a scholar’s promotion to Associate Professor. 2003 Co-organizer, Warren Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta, March 20-21. 2003 Organized a joint session of the Canadian Population Society and the Population

Association of America, “Demography of North American Aboriginal Populations.” Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America: Minneapolis, May 3-5.

2002 Organized the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario (May 30- 1 June).

2002 Organized the annual meetings of the Canadian Population Society, Laval University, Quebec City (May 27-29).

2000 External Assessor for a scholar’s promotion to Full Professor. 2000 Organized and chaired a session at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population

Society, “Symposium in Honor of Anatole Romaniuc---Fertility.” University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (May 28-30).


2000 Organized and chaired the session, “Demography of Canada” at the Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA (March 23-25).

2000 Co-organizer, of a session at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, “Symposium in Honor of Anatole Romaniuc---Aboriginal Population.” Edmonton, Alberta (May 28-30).

1999 Invited participant and presenter at the Fourth Metropolis International Conference on Immigration and Integration. Washington, DC (December 7-11, 1999).

1999 Participant, two-day workshop, “Preparation of a longitudinal study of immigrant and refugee children,” CERIS, University of Toronto (February 26-28, 1999).

1999 Participant, two-day workshop, “Preparing a longitudinal study of immigrant and refugee children,” CERIS, University of Toronto (June 28-29, 1999).

1998 Participant, Prairie Region Metropolis Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan (October 29-31).

1997 Session Chair, Annual Kalbach Conference, University of Alberta (March 5). 1996 Series Editor, Oxford University Press, Studies on Canadian Population (5 years) 1996 Editorial Board member, Sociological Perspectives (3 years). 1996 Advisory Board member, Longitudinal Study of Immigrants, Canadian

Immigration and Citizenship, Ottawa. 1996 External Assessor for a scholar’s promotion to Associate Professor. 1996 Advisory Committee member, Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada,

Statistics Canada. 1995 Editorial Board member, Social Forces (3 years). 1987 Organized and chaired a joint session (Canadian Sociology and Anthropology

Association & Canadian Population Society); "Social Demographic Change in Canada: Macrolevel Interrelations," MacMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (Learned Societies Meetings, May 31-June 1).

1985 Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Studies in Population (4 years). 1985 Organized and chaired a session on “The Demography of Northern and Native

Peoples in Canada,” Annual Meetings of the Canadian Population Society, University of Montreal, Quebec (May 30-June 1).

Reviewer of Research Grant Applications

2016 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2013 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2009 Austrian Academy of Sciences 2000 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2 proposals) 1997 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 1996 Health and Welfare Canada 1996 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 1989 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Reviewer for Professional Journals and Publishers

2017 Journal of Biosocial Science; Journal of Psychological Research


2016 Ethnicity and Health 2015 Demographic Research 2014 European Journal of Public Health; Journal of Biosocial Science; Sociological

Perspectives; Ethnicity and Health; Health Reports; Health Economics Review; Population Studies

2012 Demography; Oxford University Press (book proposal); Canadian Medical Association Journal

2011 Demography 2010 Population Studies 2009 Demography; PubMed Central; Health Reports 2008 McGill-Queen’s University Press (review of book manuscript); Ethnicity and

Health 2007 PLoS ONE (open access medical sciences journal) 2006 Demography; Perceptual and Motor Skills Psychological Reports 2005 Statistics Canada Working Paper Series, Business and Market Analysis Division 2002 Demography; Social Forces; Canadian Ethnic Studies; Canadian Studies in

Population 2001 Social Forces; Social Biology; Canadian Studies in Population; Population

Research and Policy Review 1998 Social Forces; Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology; Journal of

Marriage and Family; Canadian Studies in Population 1993 Social Forces; Demography; Journal of Marriage and Family; Canadian Studies in

Population 1992 Social Forces; Demography; Canadian Studies in Population; Journal of Marriage

and Family; Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology; Canadian Ethnic Studies; Journal of Health and Social Behavior; International Journal of Family and Marriage

1991 The Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1991 Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology; International Migration

Review (3 manuscripts) 1990 Armed Forces and Society; Journal of Marriage and Family 1989 Journal of Marriage and Family; Social Biology 1987 Demography 1986 Journal of Marriage and Family; Sociological Focus; Social Forces; Canadian

Review of Sociology and Anthropology

Administration 2011-14 Co-Chair, Academic Benefits Management Committee, Association of Academic

Staff, University of Alberta (3 years). 2011-14 Chair, Academic Benefits Committee, Association of Academic Staff, University

of Alberta (3 years). 2010 Member, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Adjudication

Committee. 2008-14 Councilor, Association of Academic Staff, University of Alberta.


2006-08 Chair, Awards Committee of the Canadian Population Society. 2004-07 Faculty of Arts Evaluation Committee, University of Alberta. 2004-06 Past President, Canadian Population Society (2 years). 2003 Population Research Laboratory Advisory Committee member. 2002-06 Member, General Assembly of Federation of Canadian Demographers. 2002-04 President, Canadian Population Society. 2002 University of Alberta Sociology Department Faculty Selection Committee. 1999 Guest Editor, Canadian Studies in Population. 2001 University of Alberta Sociology Representative, Faculty of Arts Council 2000 Vice-President, Canadian Population Society (2 years). 2000-02 Social Science Research Adjudication Committee, University of Alberta. 2000 University of Alberta Sociology Department, Salaries and Promotion Committee. 1999 University of Alberta Sociology Department Faculty Selection Committee. 1999 University of Alberta Sociology Department Graduate Admissions and Awards

Committee. 1998 University of Alberta Sociology Department Research Ethics Committee. 1998 University of Alberta Sociology Department, Salaries and Promotion Committee. 1998 Canadian Population Society’s Membership Committee (2 years). 1997 University of Alberta Sociology Department Faculty Selection Committee. 1997 Chair, University of Alberta Sociology Department Research Committee. 1996 Member, University of Alberta Sociology Department Research Ethics Committee 1993 Director, Population Research Laboratory, University of Alberta (2 years). 1992 Secretary-Treasurer, Canadian Population Society (2 years). 1991 Salaries and Promotion Committee, Sociology Department, University of Alberta 1991 Social Science Research Adjudication Committee, University of Alberta (3 years). 1990 Vice-President, Society of Edmonton Demographers (2 years). 1990 Councilor, Canadian Population Society (2 years). 1986 University of Alberta Sociology Department Graduate Admissions and Awards

Committee. 1985 Salaries and Promotion Committee, Sociology Department, University of Alberta 1985 Sociology Representative, Faculty of Arts Council, University of Alberta. 1984 Councilor, Canadian Population Society (2 years). 1984 Chair, Professional Development Committee, Canadian Population Society (2

years). 1984 Chair, Demography Special Area Committee, Department of Sociology,

University of Alberta (12 years). 1984 Salaries and Promotion Committee, Sociology Department University of Alberta. 1982 Graduate Student Representative, Society of Graduate Students Council,

University of Western Ontario. 1982 Graduate Student Representative, D.B. Weldon Library Studies Committee,

University of Western Ontario. 1982 Graduate Student Representative, University Computing Council Committee,

University of Western Ontario. Media


2017 Interview, Paula Simons, reporter. Quoted in the story, “One point: Fifty years ago, Canada changed its immigration rules and in doing so changed the face of this country”, The Edmonton Journal, June 28, 2017.

2017 Interview, J. Wakefield, reporter, The Edmonton Journal, story on the 2016 Census of Canada, May 14, 2017.

2016 Appeared in the television documentary, “The Letters” aired on CPAC-TV, Monday October 24, 2017, segment on the Indigenous Population of Canada.

2016 Television Interview, Holly Doan, Blocklock Reporter, Program on Aboriginal Issues, Canadian Public Affairs Channel (April 11, 2016).

2015 Interview, Erin Sylvester, reporter, Calgary Herald. Alberta Population Growth. 2013 Interview, Paula Simons, reporter, The Edmonton Journal. Alberta at 4 Million. 2012 Interview, Catherine Berkowlsky, reporter, Edmonton Sun. Edmonton’s Municipal

Census. 2012 Telephone interview, Diana Mehta, reporter, The Canadian Press. Published

Stories online on March 21, 2012 by The Canadian Press based on this interview: “How the West won their hearts: more new residents put down roots west of Ontario”; Western Prosperity Boosts Migration”; Census 2012: Western Boom Wins Hearts, But There’s Room for Bust”; Going West for Good: The New Canadian Story.”

2012 Telephone interview, Ariel Brewster, reporter, Today’s Parent Magazine. Story on “Large Families in Canada.” February 13, 2012.

2012 Radio interview, Rob Brekenridge Show, 630 CHED, Edmonton. Story on 2011 census data release; Alberta demographic trends and their implications. Aired on February 8, 2012.

2012 Telephone interview, Sarah O’Donnell, reporter, The Edmonton Journal. Quoted in story on 2011 census data release; Alberta demographic trends and their implications for Edmonton. February 8, 2012.

2012 Television interview, Kimberly Wynn, Shaw TV Edmonton. Story on the 2011 census data release; Alberta demographic trends and their implications. Aired on February 8, 2012.

2012 Telephone interview, Heather Schoefield, Canadian Press. Story on the 2011 census; provincial population trends. February 6, 2012. Quoted in story published February 8, 2012: Canada census shows people moving west. Overall population rises to 33.5 million, with Ontario's growth slowing.

2011 Interviewed and cited in a story on “Earth at seven billion” National Post, August 13, 2011 (Tom Blackwell, reporter). Story published on August 13, 2011.

2009 Portrayed Galileo Galilei (15 minute script). International Year of Astronomy Celebrations. Telus World of Science. Edmonton, Alberta. January 10, 2009.

2007 Telephone interview January 9, 2007 (Kevin Libbin reporter), also quoted in National Post on Friday, January 12, 2007, "Labour Pains Grip Alberta: Baby Hospital Proposed: Good Times Result in Biggest Baby Boom since '80s."

2007 Calgary Herald story, January 15, 2007. "Grim Reaper's Toll Highest in January." Story also published in Edmonton Journal.


2007 Asked by Statistics Canada to serve as expert reference on the occasion of Statistics Canada's release on March 13, 2007 of the 2006 Census Population and Dwellings Counts. Lisa Gibbins, contact person from Statistics Canada.

2007 CTV News. TV interview with Debra Shiry. Interview appeared on CTV Newsworld news, featuring the Statistics Canada release of Population Dwellings 2006 Census data, March 14.

2007 Telephone interview (Kevin Libbin reporter). Story appeared in National Post, "Canada, meet Calredmonton." Page A6, Wednesday, March 14.

2007 Telephone Interview and quoted by Bill Mah and Sarah O'Donnell in their stories, "Your' re One in A Million. Metro Edmonton Population Grows 10% in Five Years to Top 1M Mark, Census Shows." Edmonton Journal March 14, 2007: A1, A2.

2007 Telephone interview with Alexandra Zabjek and quoted in her story, "Economics Feed Baby Boom: Albertans Having More Children but Face Dearth of Day-Care Facilities." Edmonton Journal, Wednesday March 14, 2007: A3.

2007 Telephone interview, Janice Johnson, CBC Edmonton Radio, Statistics Canada release of Population Dwellings 2006 Census data (March 14, 2007).

2007 Telephone interview, Bill Koffman, Calgary Sun, Statistics Canada release of Population Dwellings 2006 Census data (March 14, 2007).

2007 Juke Konn, Calgary Herald. Telephone interview. Statistics Canada release of Population Dwellings 2006 Census data (March 14, 2007).

2007 John Cook, Mountain View Gazette. Telephone interview. Statistics Canada release of Population Dwellings 2006 Census data (March 14, 2007).

2007 Interview, Victor Vargas, The Gateway. Story on Alberta population growth and its implications. Story published in The Gateway, Thursday March 22, 2007, page A5: "People Leaving Other Provinces Lured by Alberta's Oil Boom."

2007 Interview, Scott Sennet, student reporter Grant McKeown Newspaper. Story on the growth of centres around Edmonton based on 2006 census data (March 29, 2007).

2007 Telephone interview, Mike Sedowa, The Edmonton Journal. Story on Canada's Population Estimates, fourth quarter 2006 preliminary, Why so many people are moving out of Alberta to go to Saskatchewan (March 29, 2007).

2007 Telephone interview. Interviewed by Alexandra Zabjek, on the upcoming Statistics Canada release of the 2006 census data on age and sex. (Provided three pages of answers to her questions via e-mail attachment). July 13.

2007 Radio interview, The Retherford Show, CBC Edmonton, The changing age composition of the population and its implications. Story based on Statistics Canada release of 2006 census data on age and sex (July 17, 2007).

2007 Telephone interview, Corey Hare, St. Albert Gazette. Story on the 2006 census data on age and sex and its relevance to Alberta (July 17, 2007).

2007 Cited in the Edmonton Journal, Alexandra Zabjek reporter: "Alberta's Fountain of Youth: Young City, Province Buck national Trend." A1, A3 (July 18, 2007).

2007 Cited in the Edmonton Journal, Alexandra Zabjek reporter, "Aboriginal Population Soaring." Page A3 (July 18, 2007).


2007 Cited in the St. Albert Gazette, reporter Cory Hare, "Alberta Province Youngest in the Nation" (July 18, 2007).

2007 Radio interview, Adler on Line with Charles Adler. "Canada's Sex Ratio Imbalance." Interview heard nationally. Nation-wide syndicated radio program (July 18, 2007).

2006 Radio interview, CBC Edmonton, 740 AM. Story on migration to Alberta. Janice Johnson, Reporter (Interviewed on April 10, 2006; aired April 21, 2006).

2006 CBC Radio interview based on my research on narrowing sex differences in life expectancy in Canada (CBC Radio Edmonton, 5:00 p.m. news). Eric Denison, Reporter (April 4, 2006).

2006 Interviewed by CBC for a story on migration to Alberta by British Columbians. Christine Mayall, Reporter (March 18, 2006).

2005 Interviewed for and cited in a story in the The Edmonton Journal, “Braving the cold for a better life: How migration pushed our region’s population past the magic million mark” Interviewed by Mike Sadava, reporter. February 21.

2004 Interviewed for a story in the The Edmonton Journal on the future population of Alberta in 2105. Interviewed by Sarah O’Donnell, reporter. August 29.

2004 Quoted in the Financial Post: “Cash and Kid Rich---Bucking the national trend, Canada’s wealthy are more likely to have large families than small ones.” Interviewed by Sandra E. Martin, reporter. May 8.

2003 Interview, The Globe and Mail (August 11, 2003); Statistics Canada’s release of 2000 Births report (Shawna Richer, August 12).

2003 Gave an interview to the The Edmonton Journal (August 11, 2003) in relation to Statistics Canada’s release of statistics for 2000 Births. Interviewed by Greg Bunum, reporter. Story appeared August 12, 2003.

2002 Interviewed by reporter Shane Holladay on a story about the declining birth rate in Canada: Story appeared in the Edmonton Sun on Sunday, September 29, “Careers cut into birthrate?”

2001 Interviewed by reporter, Alan Chambers, The Edmonton Journal. Story on the 2001 Census of Canada “Alberta: A People Magnet.” (March 13).

2002 Appeared in Express News, University of Alberta Web Page, in connection with a story on the 2001 Census of Canada: “Census Shows Population Boom in Alberta.”

2001 Interviewed by Lisa Murphy, The Globe and Mail: Story on marital status, health and mortality (January, 6).

2002 Mentioned in Express News, University of Alberta Web Page, in connection with a story on one of my students’ research (Juhee Suwal): “Study of Infant Mortality in Nepal Offers Surprising Results.”

1999 Television interview, CBC TV Edmonton, “Cover Story: World Population Reaches 6 Billion.” (October 13, 1999).

1999 Interviewed by Ray Turchansky, reporter for The Edmonton Journal regarding a story on sex differences in mortality. Story published September 20, 1999.

1997 Interviewed by Sabrina Whyatt, The Edmonton Journal, “Moving Trends to Alberta.” (March 23, 1998).


1997 Interviewed by Charles Russnell, The Edmonton Journal; “Mortality Trends and the Funeral Industry.” (June 2, 1998).

1997 Interview: Edmonton Sun, “Effects of the Ice Storm on Fertility.” (Story published on Thursday, January 15, 1998).

1997 Interviewed by Allana Mitchell, “Quebec Suicide Rate Reaches Record.” Story published in The Globe and Mail, Friday, January 17, 1997: A1, A6.

1994 Radio interview, K97 Radio Edmonton, “The Cairo Population Conference.” (September 8, 1994).

1994 Radio interview, CJCO Radio Edmonton, “Global Population Trends.” (September 21, 1994).

1994 Radio interview, CBC Radio, “Elderly Victimization Trends.” (November 4, 1994).

1993 Douglas Beason, Reporter, published an article which reviewed one of my papers (with C. Krull): “Le Suicide: Une Affaire D’ Homme?” Interface: La Review de la Recherche, Nov/Dec, Vol 14: 42.

1993 Quoted in The Edmonton Journal, November 16, "Albertans Favour Limit to Immigration."

1993 Interview on CBC Radio Calgary, "Attitudes Toward Immigration." (November 17, 1993).

1992 Quoted in The Edmonton Journal, "Racism in the Schools." (January 6, 1992). 1992 Quoted in Edmonton Sun, December 22, "Alberta Tops Nation in Divorces"; also

quoted in The Edmonton Journal, December 23, "Alberta Divorce Rate Highest in Nation."

1991 Interview, CBC Radio, Edmonton AM, "Sex Ratio at Birth." (November 27, 1991).

1991 Television interview, Channel 2 CFRN, Edmonton: "The trend toward older women having babies" (September 1991).

1991 Television interview, Channel 2 CFRN Edmonton, "Migration to Alberta: The Promised Land."

1987 Interview, Alberta Report, Jonathan Cote: “Divorce and Suicide” (March 6, 1987).

1987 Radio interview, CBC Information, Brad Stronbergh, “Divorce and Sucide” (March 11, 1987).

1987 Radio interview, CKO Vancouver, John Anderson Show (March 17, 1987). 1987 Interview, Edmonton Journal, Cathy Lord (March 17, 1987). 1987 Radio Interview, Aboriginal Radio, CBC, Doris Bill (March 17, 1987).