
Post on 18-Jul-2015

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-Presented ByAkshay P V1AH10CS005

Guided By: Mr.Pillai C S

Associate Professor, ACSCE

Humans have limited capabilities

Humans sense the world in a restricted way

Can we use technologies to upgrade humans?

The paper emphasizes on the use of the cyborgs to make the lives happy



Types of cyborgs

Fictional behaviour

Cyborg proliferation in society



Kevin Warwick has taken the first steps on this path

In the years ahead we will witness machine with an intelligence more powerful than that of humans

It will be robot dominated world with dire consequences for humankind

This involved a simple RFIDtransmitter being implanted beneath Warwick's skin, and used to control doors, lights, heaters, and other computer-controlled devices based on his proximity.

The main purpose of this experiment was said to be to test the limits of what the body would accept, and how easy it would be to receive a meaningful signal from the chip.

Implant communicated via radio waves with a network of antennas.

Aim of this experiment was to determine whether information could be transmitted to and from an implant.

The door of his laboratory opened as he approached.

The computer was aware of exactly what time he arrived in certain rooms and left.

A voice box in the entrance foyer of the cybernetics building welcomed his arrival each morning with ‘Hello Professor Warwick’

The second stage involved a more complex neural interface . This device was implanted on 14 March 2002, and interfaced directly into Warwick's nervous system. The electrode array inserted contained 100 electrodes, ofwhich 25 could be accessed at one time.


By means of the implant, Warwick's nervous system was connected onto the internet in Columbia University, New York. From there he was able to control the robot arm in the University of Reading and to obtain feedback from sensors in the finger tips. The experiment proved successful, and the signal produced was detailed enough that a robot arm was able to mimic the actions of Warwick's own arm

A cyborg is a cybernetic organism,humanpart machine

The cybernetic pioneer prof.Kevin Warwick, the worlds leading expert in cybernetics is upgrading the human body starting with himself


Convenient Cyborg Conditional Cyborg

Convenient cyborgs Conditional Cyborgs may refer to any includes bionic


external provision of replanting the lost or an exoskeleton for the damaged body for

thesatisfying the altered normal living in the fancy needs of body. present environment.

Individual cyborgs cyborgs is used to refer to a

man or woman with bionic or robotic implants

Today,the C-LEG system is used to replace human legs that are amputated because of injuries or illness

Social cyborgs More broadly, the full

term “CYBernetic ORGanism” is used to describe larger networks of communication and control

A corporation can be considered as an artificial intelligence that makes uses of replaceable human components to function



Marine cyborgs

Sports & Steroids

Blood doping

In medicine there are two important different types of cyborgs

Restorative technologies

Enhanced technologies

To control an electric wheel chair, a sequential state machine was implemented, with a command signal decoded in real time from the neural signals being used to halt the cycle at the intended action. In this way, the overall control of the wheel chair was made to be as simple as possible

The most common forms of prosthesis an enhancements we see in the sports today are



Military organisations research has recently focused on the utilization of cyborg animals for inter species relationship for the purposes of a supposed a tactical advantages

The term cyborgs not only applies to the humans,but to animals as well

Some of the best examples of such animals cyborgs one from the ocean,but such research is relatively new


prolongs life

enables one to lead a normal life

Give a part of the body back

Improves the quality of life


Training is needed for doctors

They are all Expensive

Pyschological problems

Feeling different to everyone else

The risk of rejection

Pain during operations

The use of such technology will upgrade human turning them into cyborgs, presents a much more difficult problem. Who gets an implant and who doesn’t? Who controls their use? Indeed should humans be allowed to upgrade their capabilities and ‘super humans’? Humans now have the potential to control another aspect of their own destiny. It will be interesting to see how quickly and easily this will be brought about.

The idea is that in the future we may have more and more artificial body parts arms,legs,hearts,eyes and so on..

1 N. K. Hayles, How We Became Posthuman, University of Chicago Press, 1999.

2 K. Warwick, QI: The Quest for Intelligence, Piatkus, 2001

3 P. Cochrane, Tips for the Time Traveller, Orion Business Books, 1997.

4 K. Warwick, M. Gasson, B. Hutt, I. Goodhew, P. Kyberd, B. Andrews, P.Teddy and A. Shad, ‘The application of implant technology for cybernetic systems’, Archives of Neurology, to be published 2003.

5 M. Gasson, B. Hutt, I. Goodhew, P. Kyberd and K. Warwick, ‘Bidirectional human machine interface via direct neural connection’, Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Berlin, pp. 265–270, Sept. 2002.