Decision-Making, Language, Intelligence · Decision Making • Representative Heuristic: Making...

Post on 09-Oct-2020

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Decision-Making, Language, and


Homework: Short Essay: 1-2 Pages

• Think about the a critical decision that you have to make in the next couple years:

• A. What is the process that you have to go through to make this decision?

• B. Decide what the Pros and Cons are of this decision and what information about the decision do you still need.

• C. What factors will play a role in you making this decision?

• D. What Biases/Beliefs will play a role in this decision?


Warm Up

•What does the word “heuristic” mean and what role can you see it playing in decision-making?

Decision Making

• Representative Heuristic: Making decisions based on short-cuts

• Availability Heuristic: Making decisions based on the information that is available to you at the time

• Anchoring Heuristic: Making decisions based on certain ideas or standards people hold

• Framing Effect: The way in which wording affects decision making

Check for Understanding: What type of heuristic is this?

• You have a True/False Test. Do you think all the answers are going to be True or False? Do you think there might be both True and False answers on the Test?

• What happened in Paris over the weekend? What do you think should be done in response to these attacks? How did you make this decision?

• The school has $1 million to spend to improve the football field, pay teachers a higher salary, or get new computers. What should they spend this money on? How did you make this decision?

• Are you more likely to vote for Trump if he starts talking in “high school” language or if he continues talking like a politician? Why?

Group work: Donald Trump- 6 Groups

• In your group, read the article about Donald Trump

• List three Pros and three Cons mentioned about Trump

• Decide whether the Pros outweigh the Cons

• Explain to the class how you came to this decision

• Explain to the class whether your group decided you were going to vote for Trump or not

Thank you for Smoking


• -What technique is he using to impact people’s decision making process? Is this effective? Why or Why Not?


• Only looking at what you want to look at to make a decision

List three examples of when you see yourself doing this in your own life

Transitioning: Language

• What role does language have in Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making?

• Language: The Communication of ideas through symbols that are arranged according to grammar rules

• Semantics: Knowing the meaning of a word through how it’s used

Exp: You got the question “right”-NOT “write”

• Three elements of language

1. Phonemes: Basic sounds

2. Morphemes: Letters or words that change the meaning of other words (example: “Bird” is different than “Birds”

3. Syntax: Arrangement of words to make phrases and sentences

Bilingual Households

• What are the Pros and Cons of growing up in a Bilingual or Monolingual Household

a. What type of household did you grow up in?

b. How has this impacted your understanding of language(s)?

c. How has this impacted your ability to learn in school?

d. How has this impacted your relationship with the world around you?

Bilingual Households

• Read the article and then answer the questions below:

1. What are the five common misconceptions about growing up in Bilingual Household that this article mentions?

2. Why were immigrant parents originally made to drop their language of origin and adopt English?

3. How does the Nature vs. Nurture Controversy play a role in Bilingualism

4. When is the best time to learn a language and when is it too late?

Warm Up

• What are the different types of intelligence that people can possess?

• What is your best form of intelligence? Why do you consider this your best form of intelligence?

Homework: Short Essay

• Think about the a critical decision that you have to make in the next couple years:

• A. What is the process that you have to go through to make this decision?

• B. Decide what the Pros and Cons are of this decision and what information about the decision do you still need.

• C. What factors will play a role in you making this decision?

• D. What Biases/Beliefs will play a role in this decision?

Intelligence in the Media: Savants




Different forms of Intelligence

• Intelligence Versus Achievement

• Spearman’s Two-Factor Theory

• Thurstone’s Theory of Primary Mental Abilities

• Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

• Sternber’s Triarchich Theory

• Emotional Intelligence

Measuring Intelligence

• IQ: Intelligence Quotient that reflects the relationship between a child’s mental age and his or her actual age

• Write down ten questions

• Create a rubric that matches the answer to the age you think people should have learned that answer

• Have at least 5 other people take your quiz

• Determine who had the highest IQ of the people who took your quiz

• IQ=Mental Age (MA)/Chronological Age (CA) X 100

Example Rubric

• Age 5- Person is able to verbalize what country they live in

• Age 10- Person can say where in the country they live (states)

• Age 13- Person is able to label their country on a map

• Age 15- Person is able to retain a brief understanding of their country’s history

• Age 18- Person is able to connect their identity with their nation’s history

Check for Understanding: Reliability and Validity

• Reliability: The ability to reproduce the same results

• Validity: Actually measuring what you think you are measuring

1. Was your IQ test Reliable?

2. Was your IQ Test valid?

3. Do you think there is a connection between IQ testing and school performance? Why or Why not?

Scales of Scoring

• Stanford-Binet Scales: Test in which tasks or questions are divided by Mental Age

• Wechsler Scales: More-widely used test in the modern day that is based on performance and verbal skills

a. Wechsler Scales are commonly used to identify learning disabilities

Factors that Play a role in Intelligence

• Identify 5 factors that play a role in intelligence

Examples of Intelligence Factors

• Drugs/Alcohol use during pregnancy

• Genetics

• Lack of oxygen during birth

• Malnutrition

• Brain Deformities-Brain didn’t develop fully before being born

• Brain Infections- Brain abnormalities that are acquired after birth

a. Measles

Forrest Gump


Article on Mental Retardation

• 1. What are the different forms of Retardation?

• 2. What are some differences between the different forms of Retardation?

• 3. What IQ Score do people have to get below to be classified as Mentally Retarded?

• 4. What percentage of the American population is classified as mentally retarded?

• 5. Is IQ Score the only factor that plays a role in determining how functional someone with Mental Retardation will be in the future?

Mental Retardation and Education

• IQ Testing: If people score below a 70 on the IQ Test, they are classified as having Mental Retardation

• NCLB: Supports “disadvantaged students” by improving education through setting high expectations and measurable goals that all students have to meet

• How do you propose that schools can meet the needs of students who have higher than average IQ’s, lower IQ’s, and “normal” IQ’s?

Practice Thesis Writing

Warm Up

•What factors have played a role on decisions you have made in the past?

Present Homeworks

• Present the decision that you are going to have to make in the next few years

• Identify the Pros of one choice

• Identify the Cons of the other choice

• Draw a map/chart of the process of decision-making that went into you arriving at your final decision

Dr. Temple Grandin
