Deconstruction od magazine front covers

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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NME Magazine front cover deconstruction The masthead is usually always the biggest piece of text on the magazine front page. Also, the tile logo will be to the left side of the magazine. In this case, the masthead is being obscured by the main image. However, because NME is such an established and well known magazine brand, they can afford to have part of the logo covered, to show off the image. NME is in a big, capital, bold font, which means it is easy to read. In this case, the logo is colored in bright yellow and contrasts well with the other colors used on the front page.

The main image is of the Arctic Monkeys . This is because in this particular weeks magazine, the main story is about them. They have made the image take up the majority of the page and have chosen an image where all of the members look quite ‘cool’ and ‘relaxed’. This could be in relation to there music that they make and want to project the same feelings out to their audience.

The main sell-line is the enigma that teases the audience into buying the magazine by drawing them in. The main sell-line, never normally gives away much information/detail. It’s main job is to hook the audience in. With this magazine cover, the main sell-line is the obviously about the Arctic Monkeys, but the text is very large and brightly colored. Underneath the “Arctic Monkeys’ is a short statement saying ‘the week they conquer the world’. With this being another sell-line, this doesn’t give any information into what the magazine article will be about, it again just draws the audience in.

The essential information on the magazine page is the date, issue number, website address and price. This information is essential because it informs the buyer how much the magazine is actually going to cost, whether or not it is a recent issue and if it is up to date, how you can find more information on/about the magazine online and also what issue number the magazine is. This information is normally located at the top or bottom of the magazine page – usually it is centered around either the masthead or the barcode.

Having other sell-lines on the front cover is essential because it tells the audience what other information they can expect to find if they were to pick up the magazine and actually buy it. Again, this usually doesn’t give much information away, it teases the audience into actually buying the magazine, or at least picking it up to have a look. Another good reason for having lots of other sell-lines on the front cover on a magazine is that it could persuade a buyer to buy the magazine, if they had no interest in the main story.

Color and font is another way to draw in an audience. This can make the magazine look exciting, fun and easy to read. This is a good trait to have in a magazine because some people wont want to pick up something and read just plane, dull, boring text. Therefore, having a magazine that looks fun and exciting can really help sell a magazine.

Extra images on the front page of a magazine cold be another way of showing the audience that the magazine does include other music artist. In this case, it shows a variation into the genre of music – ‘Arctic Monkeys’ are a band, whereas ‘Gil Scott-Heron’ is a ‘rap’ artist.

Billboard Magazine front cover deconstruction The masthead is in neat style and font, this could be reflecting the magazine as a whole. It is the title logo of the magazine and is always on the top of the page. This magazine brand is extremely well known, hence why Justin Bieber’s head covers quite a large proportion of the logo. With Justin Bieber being a well known music artist, Billboard would rather show off his whole head/face, in regards to having to either put text over his head of make the image smaller.

The essential information is in the top right of this magazine front cover. This shows the date, price, issue number and web address. This is essential information because it informs the buyer/audience into how much the magazine will cost, what day it was released, is it current and where to go online to find out more information on/about the magazine.

The main image is Justin Bieber, this tells me that this weeks issue of ‘Billboard’ Magazine will be bought mainly by teenagers. With that in mind, I think they have chosen a image of Justin that is quite calm, cool and relaxed. He is posed in a position that would/may be quite appealing to girls. This is because you can see Justin’s face very clearly and his face expression is relaxed – he’s not pulling any kind of face that wouldn’t be liked by his fans. He is dressed quite casual, which could suggest that the magazine as a whole, or his article.

The main sell-line in this case is about Justin Bieber. The font is in capital letters, and is in fairly big font. The font color is white, which is the same as the logo, this makes the story about Justin Bieber to look just as important and the masthead. Also, as a sub-heading on top of the main sell-line and also next to his face, in small writing, says ‘Everything I do, I do to be the greatest’. This may appeal to his fans, by making them want to buy the magazine to read the article. With that sub heading being on top of a bright red background, this makes the writing really stand out, despite being in such a small font.

There is no extra images on the front of this magazine cover – I think this is because if there were, it may take away some of attention of Justin Bieber.

The colors and font used on the front of this magazine cover are very calm and mellow. They have used a background color that is not too ‘in your face’, therefore guiding the audiences attention to the main image. The color of the masthead is white, therefore making it stand out, but not the first thing you notice. The colors of the other sell-lines are green and red. Again, making it easy to see and read, but not as eye-catching as the main sell-line. Overall, the magazine has kept the colors constant, making it look professional. The fonts used, all look to be in the same font, but altered in width and size. All the sell-lines and sub-headings are in capital letters, it’s only the masthead that uses lower case letters.

Top of the Pops Magazine front cover deconstruction The masthead is in quite a girly font and color. I think this reflects the fact that this magazine is aimed for young teenage girls. This is the logo of the magazine and is always at the top of the magazine. However, in this case, it is underneath a ‘skyline’. This magazine brand is well known, but on this particular magazine cover, Tulisa’s face isn’t obscuring the logo.

The main-sell line on this magazine is about Tulisa. Again, her name is wrote in a girl font – with a star on the top or the ‘i’ in her name. The sub-heading has been wrote in a circle which is attached to her name. The sub-heading says ‘Her cheekiest interview ever (boys beware!)’. This supports the fact that the magazine is aimed for teenage girls. It makes the interview appear as if it is going to cheeky and fun.

The colors and font used on the front of this magazine cover are very bright and girly. It is all blended very well together as the main colors used are: pink, yellow, white and black. You aren’t being overwhelmed with loads of colors, but I think it’s enough to attract a younger audience. The fonts are also very girly – most fonts that are used are made to look as if someone has actually wrote it. Other fonts used are very simple and easy for a young audience to read. Also the font sizes are quite big and suitable for a young audience.

The essential information has been placed quite near the bottom of this magazine. It shows the price, date and issue number. I think is this information is quite hard to find, considering on most magazines the essential information is placed at the top of the magazine. This might be down to he fact that it will be bought by young girls and they won’t necessarily look for the price straight away. It is important information to display on a magazine because it informs the buyer how much the magazine costs, if it is up to date and what issue number it is.

The main image on this magazine is of Tulisa. This will attract a young audience because she is current in the music industry and a role model to young girls. They have chosen an image of Tulisa where she looks nicely dressed and in a fun pose – this again, attracting a young female audience.

On this magazine, there is lots of Extra Images. This may be another way to attract a younger audience, as it makes the front cover appear more busy. It gives a more obvious insight to the reader as it tells them exactly what to expect if they were to buy the magazine.

This is called a skyline, this gives a little more information, in bullet points about what other story you will read about in the magazine. Again, the fonts used are very girly and look as if someone has literally wrote on the magazine with a pen. There is also stars in replacement of regular circular bullet points – therefore giving it a more feminine look.