Deep Dive Modern Apps Lifecycle with Visual Studio 2012: How to create cross browser test automation...

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How to create cross browser test automation using Coded UI Testing

How to create cross browser test automation using Coded UI TestingMarcel de Vries & Tim Mahy


Test automation with visual Studio 2012Coded UI tests

Technologies supportedHow does CodedUI find the objects?Multi browser support

Maintainability of your testsBDD style testing and MTMBDD style testing and CodedUIPage object patternBDD style testing and CodedUI revisited

Running your test automation from MTM and the buildSummary

Test Automation Pyramid & VS

Maintainable Coded UI Tests (CUITs) met VS2012 4

GUI Tests

Acceptance Tests (API


Unit Tests / Component Tests

Manual Tests

Test Cases & Shared Steps

Coded UI Tests

Unit Tests

Unit Tests

Introduction into CodedUI

Microsoft Framework to implement Test autmationCodedUI tests are based on the MSTest FrameworkIt supports different UI technologies

Web BrowserWPF applicationsWinForms applicationsSilverlight applications (Microsoft Visual Studio UI Test Plugin for


Searching for controls

CodedUI uses the search properties of the control first to find the control relative to the specified parent controlIf a Search results in multiple controles then the Filter Properties are appliedIf a Search results in 1 control, then search properties are ignored

Search of controls works best if they can be easily identifiedBest practice: For web controls always give controls an “id” attributeFor other technologies, add an AutomationPeer to the control

Supported technologies

IE8, 9 & 10 on Windows 7, 8Chrome, firefox Silverlight 4 & 5 in IE 8,9 & 10Windows forms 2.0WPF fully supportedSharePointDynamics CRM

Test automation with Visual Studio 2012

Cross browser support:”Selenium components for Cross Browser “:

Demo: Generating code from existing tests & recorder

Wait for specific events






WaitForControlCondition (Predicate)

WaitForCondition (Predicate)

The methods return true if the wait is successful and false if the wait failed.

•The implicit timeout for the wait operation is specified by WaitForReadyTimeout property

use the Playback.Wait() instead of Thread.Sleep() API

Data Driven tests

Data sets can be used to drive the UITestsDifferent Data Sources available

CSVXMLExcelTest Case in MTMSQL Server

Use the TestContext to get the data rowsstring paramVal = TestContext.DataRow["Input1"]

Data Source attributes

[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", "|DataDirectory|\\data.csv", "data#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), DeploymentItem("data.csv"), TestMethod]

DataSource("System.Data.Odbc", "Dsn=Excel Files;Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};dbq=|DataDirectory|\\Data.xls;defaultdir=.;driverid=790;maxbuffersize=2048;pagetimeout=5;readonly=true", "Sheet1$", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]

[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.TestCase", "http://vlm13261329:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection;Agile", "30", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]

[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.XML", "|DataDirectory|\\data.xml", "Iterations", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), DeploymentItem("data.xml"), TestMethod]

[DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient", "Data Source=.\\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=True", "Data", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]





DemoData Driven Tests









BDD style acceptance test specification

Scenario 1: Wrong selected Items should be removable from shopping cart

Given a customer added an article to his shopping cartWhen the customer navigates to the shopping cartThen he should be able to remove the item from the basket

Scenario 2: Wrong number of items should be correctableGiven a customer added an article to his shopping cartAnd he increased the quantity of the articleWhen the customer navigates to the shopping cartThen he should be able to decrease the quantity of the article

In order to correct wrong items in my shopping cart As a customer I should be able to correct items in my shopping car cart. User Story /


Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria


• The language is used by all team members!

• Given, when, then... can be seen as keywords for the domain language.

• It’s a captured conversation

• Simple


behaviors as shared steps


Code first

Making test readable & reusable

Page Objects= UIMap

Create multiple (per page for example)Technical interface for interacting with the pages

Maintainable Coded UI Tests (CUITs) met VS2012 20

Page Object• UI Control • UI Action

Pagina Test Script

Shared Step

Code first - extensions

BDD - frameworks

BDD - frameworks

BDD - frameworks

BDD - frameworks

How to enable cross browser testing Data driven or using MTM configurations

MTM has the notion of Configurations

Autmated run in MTM pushes data to TestContext.Properties[]

__Tfs_IsInLabEnvironment__ True__Tfs_TestRunId__ 22__Tfs_TestCaseId__ 117__Tfs_TeamProject__ MyTeamProjectName

__Tfs_BuildDirectory__\\vsalm\ffdrops\New Build Definition 1\New Build Definition 1_20130222.7


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-16″?><LabEnvironment Id=”5f37b167-ad24-4f7e-bb1e-2e65a3e71a1f” Name=”Windows 7 Client” Uri=”vstfs:///LabManagement/LabEnvironment/2″><LabSystems><LabSystem Name=”TestClient” ComputerName=”TestClient” Roles=”Desktop Client”><CustomProperties /></LabSystem></LabSystems></LabEnvironment>

__Tfs_TestConfigurationId__ 2__Tfs_TestPlanId__ 4__Tfs_TestConfigurationName__ Chrome__Tfs_TestPointId__ 12__Tfs_TfsServerCollectionUrl__ http://vsalm:8080/tfs/fabrikamfibercollection__Tfs_BuildPlatform__ Any CPU__Tfs_BuildNumber__ New Build Definition 1_20130222.7__Tfs_BuildFlavor__ Debug__Tfs_BuildConfigurationId__ 22

Initialize your test

[TestInitialize] public void TestInitialize() { if (TestContext.Properties["__Tfs_TestConfigurationName__"] != null) { string selectedBrowser =

TestContext.Properties["__Tfs_TestConfigurationName__"].ToString(); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Selected browser configuration

'__Tfs_TEstConfigurationName__' == {0}",selectedBrowser));

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedBrowser)) { // check if we selected IE, Firefox or chrome if (selectedBrowser == "IE") return; BrowserWindow.CurrentBrowser = selectedBrowser; } } }


Switch browser based on configurations

If time permits:Lab build with MTM test runs


Test automation with visual Studio 2012Coded UI tests

Technologies supportedHow does CodedUI find the objects?Multi browser support

Maintainability of your testsBDD style testing and MTMBDD style testing and CodedUIPage object patternBDD style testing and CodedUI revisited

Running your test automation from MTM and the buildCall to Action

Questions &
