Deep Dive on S3 Storage Management Covering New Feature Announcements - December 2016 Monthly...

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Sr. Product Manager, AWS

Deep Dive on S3 Storage ManagementOmair Gillani

Batches and Streams

AWS Direct Connect

AWS Snowball, Snowball Edge,


3rd Party Connectors

Transfer Acceleration

AWS Storage Gateway

Amazon Kinesis Firehose

File BlockObject

Amazon GlacierAmazon S3 Amazon EC2 Instance Store


Amazon EFS Amazon EBS (persistent)

AWS Direct Connect AWS Snowball ISV Connectors

Amazon Kinesis Firehose

S3 Transfer Acceleration

AWS Storage Gateway

Data transfer into Amazon S3

AWS Snowmobile

AWS Snowball Edge

Storage Gateway hybrid storage solutionsEnables using standard storage protocols to access AWS storage services

Customer Premises


Amazon EBS snapshots

Amazon S3Amazon Glacier

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

AWS CloudTrail

Amazon CloudWatch

Enterprise storage



What’s new? File gatewayFile interface to objects in your Amazon S3 buckets

Virtual on-premises file server

Store and retrieve Amazon S3 objects through standard file storage protocols (NFS v3 and v4.1)

Local cache for low-latency access

Direct access to objects with native S3 capabilities, such as versioning, lifecycle management, and cross region replication


@ re:Invent!

What’s new? We’re reducing pricesEffective December 1, 2016

Storage prices reducedVolume and virtual tape storage by up to 28% Archived virtual tape storage by up to 43%

Flat per GB price replaces monthly gateway fee$0.01 per GB written to AWS storage by your gateway*

Simplified virtual tape retrieval pricing$0.01 per GB retrieved replaces peak-rate fee

* Up to $125/month per gateway


@ re:Invent!

Cross-Region ReplicationLifecycle Policy S3 Object TagsEvent Notifications

Amazon S3 CloudWatch Metrics

S3 Inventory Audit with AWS CloudTrail S3 Data Events

S3 Analytics

Standard Standard - Infrequent Access Amazon Glacier

Storage Management for S3

Understand your storage usage

S3 InventoryAnalyze Logs with Amazon EMR

S3 Analytics

S3 Inventory

Save time Daily or Weekly delivery Delivery to S3 bucketCSV File Output

Trigger business workflows and applications such as secondary index, garbage collection, data auditing, and offline analytics

Half the price of LIST API at $0.0025 per million objects listed

S3 Inventory

More information about your objects than provided by LIST API such as replication

status, multipart upload flag, and delete marker

Name Value Type DescriptionBucket String Bucket name. UTF-8 encoded.Key String Object key name. UTF-8 encoded.Version Id String Version Id of the objectIs Latest Boolean true if object is the latest version (current version) of a versioned object, otherwise falseDelete Marker Boolean true if object is a delete marker of a versioned object, otherwise falseSize Long Object size in bytesLast Modified String Last modified timestamp. Format in ISO: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZETag String eTag in HEX encoded format

StorageClass String Valid values: STANDARD, REDUCED_REDUNDANCY, GLACIER, STANDARD_IA. UTF-8 encoded.

Multipart Uploaded Boolean true if object is uploaded by using multipart, otherwise falseReplication Status String Valid values: REPLICA, COMPLETED, PENDING, FAILED. UTF-8 encoded.

S3 Inventory

Setup notification when S3 Inventory is complete

/Data /<InventoryFile>.gz /<InventoryFile>.gz …

/<DayofReport> /manifest.json /manifest.checksum …

AWS Lambda

Amazon SQS

Amazon SNS

Eventually consistent rolling snapshot

S3 Inventory

New objects may not be listed Recently deleted objects may still be included












Validate before you act!Use HEAD OBJECT or GET OBJECT

S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis

Analyze buckets, prefixes or tags

$0.10 per million objects analyzed per month

Daily Storage Class Analysis & Lifecycle candidates

Data-driven storage management for S3

Export Analysis data to your S3 bucket

S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis

S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis

S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis

Export to use BI tool of your choice

S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis

Daily Export Dataset

Simple to configure S3 Analytics

S3 Management Console PUT Bucket AnalyticsMultiple Policy


<AnalyticsConfiguration> <Id>...</Id> <Filter> ... </Filter> <StorageClassAnalysis> <DataExport> ... </DataExport> </StorageClassAnalysis> </AnalyticsConfiguration>

Monitor your storage

Monitor and Alert with CloudWatch

Audit your storage with CloudTrail Data Events

Server Access Logs

CloudWatch metrics for S3

Operational & performance monitoring Generate metrics for data of your choice

Entire bucket, Prefixes, and Tags Up to 1,000 object groups

1-minute CloudWatch metrics Alert and alarm on metrics

CloudWatch metrics for S3

Metric Name Metric value

AllRequests Count

PutRequests Count

PostRequests Count

GetRequests Count

ListRequests Count

DeleteRequests Count

HeadRequests Count

Metric Name Metric value

BytesDownloaded MB

BytesUploaded MB

4xxErrors Count

5xxErrors Count

FirstByteLatency ms

TotalRequestLatency ms

$0.50 per metric per month

S3 Data Events in CloudTrail

Perform security analysis, meet your IT auditing and compliance needs, and take immediate action on object-level activity to immediately improve security posture

Pricing: $1 per million data events recorded and storage charges apply

Log object level operations

Changes to bucket configurations

SNS notification for log delivery

Manage your data

Cross-Region Replication

Lifecycle Policies Event Notifications

S3 Object Tags

Manage your data

S3 Object Tags

Easily manage and control access for Amazon S3 objects Classify your data

Tag your objects with key-value pairs

Write policies once based on the type of data

AnalyzeLifecycle PolicyAccess Control

Deep dive on tags Tags are key-value pairs Maximum 10 tags per object Maximum key length—127 Unicode characters Maximum value length—255 Unicode characters Tag keys and values are case-sensitive.

2 ways to put tags via API Put objects with tag parameter, or add tag API after object is created

Simple pricing $0.01 per 10,000 tags per month

Lifecycle policies based on tags<LifecycleConfiguration>    <Rule>        <ID>sample-rule</ID>        <Filter>             <And>                            <Prefix>documents/</Prefix>                <Tag>                    <Key>Project</Key>                    <Value>Delta</Value>                </Tag>                <Tag>                    <Key>Data type</Key>                    <Value>HPI</Value>              </Tag>           </And>         </Filter>       <Status>Enabled</Status> <Transition>       <Days>365</Days>       <StorageClass>GLACIER</StorageClass>     </Transition> <Expiration> <Days>3650</Days> </Expiration> </Rule></LifecycleConfiguration>

Transition or expire storage using tags Simplify S3 lifecycle policies Filter with prefix, tag, or both

Thank you!