Deploy like a pro!

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Deploy like a Pro

Damián Serrano Thode


MalagaMakers GeekBeers (20150115)

What is deployment?

Copy source files to the server

What is deployment?

Copy source files to the server

Not just that!

What is deployment?

✔ Optimize assets

What is deployment?

✔ Optimize assets✔ Run database migrations

What is deployment?

✔ Optimize assets✔ Run database migrations

✔ Restart dependent services

What is deployment?

✔ Optimize assets✔ Run database migrations

✔ Restart dependent services

Provide rollback functionality

What is deployment?

Optimize assets

Optimize assetsEnter Grunt →

Optimize assets

Combine and minify javascript

Optimize assetsCombine and minify javascript

You can use grunt-contrib-uglify

Optimize assets

Preprocess, combine and minify styles

Optimize assetsPreprocess, combine and minify styles

You can use grunt-contrib-sass & grunt-contrib-cssmin

Optimize assets

Optimize and combine images

Optimize assetsOptimize and combine images

You can use grunt-spritesmith &grunt-contrib-imagemin

Optimize assets

Optimize and combine font files (SVG only)

Optimize assetsOptimize and combine font files (SVG only)

You can use the same grunt-contrib-imagemin

Database migrations,

deployment & rollback

Enter Capistrano →

“A remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby.”

“Capistrano is written in Ruby, but it can easily be used to deploy any language.”

Run “cap install” on your project folder

Capfile defines requirements for your deployment tasks→

config/deploy.rb shared configuration for all the stages→

config/deploy/*.rb defines multiple stage deployment→

lib/capistrano/tasks where your custom tasks are defined→

Lots of tasks off-the-shelf that integrate with the Ruby on Rails framework

bundler, assets, migrations, Passenger, etc...

You just need to include the gems in your Gemfile and uncomment the require in the Capfile

Sample Capfile

Sample config/deploy.rb

Sample config/deploy/production.rb

Different roles available:

app, web, db

Also, you can define several servers at once, eg:

Available tasks


Run 'cap <stage> deploy' on your console

Deployment flow


Run 'cap <stage> deploy:rollback' on your console

Rollback flow

You can attach to any step to run custom commands using 'before' and 'after' from Capistrano DSL, eg:

Not a Rails shop?

You might need manual work creating your recipes,although there is some hope in certain cases:

capistrano-node-deploy Node.js apps→capistrano-virtualenv virtualenv python apps→

capistrano-django Django apps→capistrano-go Go apps →

Caveat emptor! Might be old, untested or unsuitable

Where to go from here?

Infrastructure management tools like Chef or Puppet for server provisioning

Continuous integration hooks for automated deployment to staging servers

Talk deployedQuestions?

Damián Serrano Thode


MalagaMakers GeekBeers (20150115)