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Design DocumentJonathan Furnas

Anthony LeonSean Pavlichek

Jazz RiveraAiden Thresher

Design Document for Cigolath Page 1


DESIGN HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

VERSION 0.1.................................................................................................................................................................... 3VERSION 1.0.................................................................................................................................................................... 3VERSION 1.1.................................................................................................................................................................... 3VERSION 2.0.................................................................................................................................................................... 4

GAME OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

WHERE DOES THE GAME TAKE PLACE?........................................................................................................................... 5WHAT IS THE STORY?...................................................................................................................................................... 5WHAT IS THE MAIN FOCUS?............................................................................................................................................ 6HOW MANY CHARACTERS/UNITS/PIECES DOES THE PLAYER CONTROL?......................................................................6GAME THEORY................................................................................................................................................................. 6SYMMETRY............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6PLAY STYLE............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6SUMMATION............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6PERFECT/IMPERFECT INFORMATION.................................................................................................................................................6

FEATURE SET ............................................................................................................................................................... 7

GENERAL FEATURES........................................................................................................................................................ 7GAME COMPONENTS........................................................................................................................................................ 7

RULES & MECHANICS ................................................................................................................................................ 8

GAME SETUP.................................................................................................................................................................... 8BEGINNING A NEW BOARD.............................................................................................................................................. 9THE FINAL BATTLE............................................................................................................................................................................... 9TURN SEQUENCE........................................................................................................................................................... 10GENERAL RULES............................................................................................................................................................ 11DETAILED RULES FOR SPECIFIC PIECES....................................................................................................................... 11SYNAPTIC DECK.............................................................................................................................................................................. 11ACTION TOKENS............................................................................................................................................................................. 13TIMER TOKENS............................................................................................................................................................................... 14STONE TOKENS............................................................................................................................................................................... 14ILLUSION TOKENS.........................................................................................................................................................................14SPECTERS.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14ITEMS OF SALVATION................................................................................................................................................................. 14ACTION BOARD............................................................................................................................................................................... 15FLOWCHARTS................................................................................................................................................................ 16END GAME CONDITIONS............................................................................................................................................... 21WINNING CONDITIONS....................................................................................................................................................................... 21LOSING CONDITIONS........................................................................................................................................................................... 21RULES QUESTIONS......................................................................................................................................................... 21

APPENDIX A: GAME BOARD LAYOUTS .............................................................................................................. 22

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Design History

Throughout the development of Cigolath there have been changes not only to the design, but to the main mechanics as well. All revisions have been listed below to serve as a reference for all personnel related to the project. Each point is detailed with a few sentences to deter confusion and to provide reasoning as to why the changes were made.

Version 0.11. We removed the combat system from our scope of development. We felt as though combat

would flood the game with too many mechanics, slowing down overall gameplay. 2. Added additional boards to the design to make a total of 12. Traversing through more than one

board will give the players an immersive and innovative gaming experience. 3. Theme was changed from a natural disaster to an invasion. Since Cigolath is a cooperative

based game, we felt as though the players needed a common enemy to face. A natural disaster theme would focus solely on terrain whereas an invasion would focus on the enemies.

4. Added action cards to the game. Removal of the combat system left the players exposed to enemies. Action cards provide defensive magic to aid in their quest.

5. Removed starting abilities/ classes for players. We predicted that if we incorporated individual Psion abilities or classes, conflict may arise when more than one person wants a certain class to start off with.

Version 1.01. Added an Action Board and final conflict board, for a total of 14 boards. The Action Board

provides players designated spots for decks and items. We noticed that the players will be traversing through several boards, building up to the last battle and there was no place to face to Cigolath. The final conflict board provides the finale the players would expect.

2. Changed the tokens representing players. Multicolored tokens will prevent confusion on the game board.

3. After some discussion, we added a Trap Deck to the game. We came to the conclusion that the game felt too unbalanced, giving the players too much power over the Specters. Adding a trap deck creates balance and promotes teamwork and implementation of strategy.

4. Added another Action and Trap Card deck to the game to be used when playing on non-pertinent memories. If a player rolls a non-pertinent Memory Board, we wanted to raise the difficulty while maintaining balance. The Lvl 2 Action and Trap Cards contain upgraded Lvl 1 cards. Although higher in difficulty, it yields powerful rewards.

5. Changed Specter movement to remove random elements. Two dice rolls determined the Specter’s movements, causing too much randomness in the design. The functionality of player tracking enemies promotes a sense of urgency and a faster feel to gameplay.

6. Changed player movement to remove random elements. The players will simply move one to two spaces in any direction. We felt that the board design is not big enough for high rolls.

Version 1.11. Removed the final conflict board and changed to pushing the Ballroom and King’s Chambers

boards together, creating the Cigolath Board. We felt that the final battle needed a more climatic ending. Pushing the two Memory Cubes together provides the players with a large board to traverse on and ultimately leaving them satisfied that their journey was not in vain.

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2. Added text to the bottom of cards to denote which deck each card comes from in order to be more user friendly for colorblind players.

3. Increased the number of Specter tokens in the game. We added more Specters to the Cigolath Board to raise difficulty. We wanted to make sure that the final battle will not be as easy to complete compared to some of the other boards.

4. Changed how people will leave maps by adding the Exodus card to the game. We initially had exit points on the boards for players to use when they are done with non-pertinent Memory Boards. However, we felt as though the players will not be motivated enough to explore and seek out better Action Cards. The Exodus card can be obtained same as an Item of Salvation card, which is reaching a Phantasmal Crate and rolling the dice to determine if that card is obtained.

5. Number of Specters set to a static number of 6 per board. Placing six on the board will encourage players to play with friends for a higher rate of success while playing the game.

Version 2.01. Replaced the one starting location for players with multiple starting locations. The rules state

that the players may not occupy the same space. Creating six individual start points side by side, the players can now easily see where to place their token during the beginning of each Memory Board.

2. Implemented the double-sided Timer Token to track enemies and players who have been affected by a Trap or Action Card. This will prevent confusion amongst the players as to when certain affects will end.

3. Removed the Memory Cubes. After some time play testing the game, we noticed that the longevity of gameplay was far too long. Removing five of the non-pertinent memories and using 4 double-sided Memory Boards, it will make for easy set up and easier access to tokens and cards.

4. Addition of Timer Token rules to Trap and Action cards. Each card that has long lasting affects rather than immediate, the Timer Token rules have been added to ensure tracking of elements, where to place them, and when to remove them from the board.

5. Action tokens will be placed on chests to signify that they have been open, and cannot be used again. Players may still land on that space again, but Phantasmal Chests will not reward multiple items or traps.

6. Reworded movement concepts to read as +/- instead of a specific number, so that multiple effects may be played together.

7. Both levels of card decks have been merged and combined into a single Action and a single Trap deck.

8. Added additional tokens to help clarify in game events. These tokens include the Stone Token and the Illusion token.

9. Moved the final battle with Cigolath to two blank maps that will be placed side by side in order to create a 9x18 hex grid. This map will contain 5 places players must move through or land on to place an Item of Salvation. This map will also contain double the number of Specters as previous maps. It will also contain crates as other maps have.

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Game Overview

Where does the game take place?The game takes place within the magic ravaged mind of a comatose squire. Inside the brain, the

players will find themselves traversing through several different memories including the following: The Dark Forest of Disdain Master Gyfford’s Chambers Infirmary Blacksmith’s Workshop The King’s Chambers The Moat in front of Castle Ironedge The dungeons of Castle Ironedge The Docks of Brightwall

What is the story?Until the arrival of the Dark King Cigolath and his sprawling army, the kingdom of Yauniel had

been a strong and prosperous nation for centuries. Notorious for invading new realms and depleting their resources, Cigolath relies on his Specters to turn their inhabitants into senseless and vicious underlings. By possessing the minds of the inhabitants, the Specters grow Cigolath’s dark army with every malicious takeover.

After over a decade of resistance, the supernatural order of Yauniel known as the Psions has had little luck in disrupting the powers of the Specters. There is one who has come close, however. The Psions look to their elder Master Gyfford to find a way to kill Cigolath and end the occupation. After a year of solitude in his chambers at Castle Ironedge, Master Gyfford procured a list of items needed to defeat the Dark King in hopes of returning Yauniel to the serene realm it once was. Christening it the Scroll of Understandings, Master Gyfford entrusted it to his squire with instructions to deliver it to the main Psion base in hopes that the items can be collected before it is too late.

As the Psions trained at their encampment, a young man on a horse was seen trotting towards their location. Upon his entry into the camp, the Psions rushed to the aid of the young man, who was covered in blood. Close to the brink of death, he mustered enough strength to reveal himself to be the squire of Master Gyfford. After briefly explaining how Cigolath and his Specters had just overrun Castle Ironedge, he passed over the Scroll of Understandings and explained its importance before falling into a coma.  After some investigation, the Psions discovered that the coma was induced by the possession of Specters.

After opening the scroll, the Psions discovered that Master Gyfford had hidden the objects inside of the squire’s mind for safekeeping. The scroll contained a list, as well as instructions for bringing the items out of the squire’s mind. Unfortunately, this got considerably more difficult with the possessed state of the squire’s mind.

In order to recover the necessary components discovered by Master Gyfford to kill Cigolath, the Psions (the players) must enter the mind of the comatose squire. There, they will traverse through the squire’s memories, searching desperately for the components of the spell. Avoiding traps and deadly Specters, the Psions have to race to find the items needed to defeat the Dark King before there is nothing left to save.

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What is the main focus?In order to defeat the Dark King, the players must focus on finding all items listed in the Scroll

of Understandings that are scattered throughout the various memories.

How many characters/units/pieces does the player control?Each player will be represented on the game board by a counter token of their choosing (a coin,

a miniature, etc).

All players will have Action Cards in their possession that serve as defensive magic against the Specters. For example, one of the cards contains a spell that freezes a Specter in place, preventing the Specter from moving on their next roll.  

Players will be able to interact with loot crates (called Phantasmal Crates) printed on the various boards. A Phantasmal Crate contains action cards, trap cards, or an Item of Salvation.

Game Theory

Symmetry Because Cigolath is a cooperative based game with different capabilities between the player

and enemies, it is considered to be an asymmetric game. The players will utilize Action Cards as defensive measures against the attacking Specters and their Trap Cards. With both sides having contrast in abilities and skills, the two sides are different in that their powers are specific to their respected side.

Play Style Cigolath is a cooperative game, providing players shared objectives and common enemies. Only

by working together will the players be able to successfully complete the game.

Summation Being that each player will draw a card from the six numbered cards on the Action Board once

they reach a Phantasmal Crate, Cigolath is considered to be a non-zero-sum game. These crates contain a combination of Action Cards, Trap Cards, and an Item of Salvation solely based on the Memory Board the players are currently in. The Action Cards provide players defensive magic spells to be used on themselves, other players, and against Specters adding to the team’s resources in its entirety.

Perfect/Imperfect Information This game features imperfect information. While players know where the Specters will move at

any given point, the cards add an element of chance into the game. Any given Phantasmal Crate could contain a trap, which could potentially impact the state of the enemies on the board in a way the player could not predict.

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Feature Set

General Features Player Tracking Enemies

o Enemies on the board will automatically move towards the closest player (or the last one that moved, if multiple players are close) during their respected rotation.

Combat Avoidance o Players will utilize Action Cards as defensive measures against the enemies on the

board. The players rely on logic and reasoning in planning their next move. Randomly Selected Maps

o Cigolath is comprised of thirteen different boards. After the objective is completed on the current Memory Board, a roll of the 8-sided die will be used to determine which Memory Board will be played on next. The final map will be accessible to the players once all Items of Salvation are collected.

Game Components

4 x Double-sided boards with each side containing a different map 2 x Boards that make up the Cigolath Board 1 x Action Board 20 x Action Tokens (black counters). 15 x Timer Tokens 6 x Psion Tokens (various colored tokens) 12 x Specters (red counters) 1 x 12-sided die 1 x 8-sided die 1 x 6-sided die 1 x Instruction Manual 60 x Cards for the Synaptic Deck, comprised of 12 Action Cards, and 8 Trap Cards (20 cards

total with 3 of each card) 5 x Items of Salvation Cards 10 x Timer Tokens 10 x Stone Tokens 10 x Illusion Tokens

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Rules & Mechanics


1. Players will select a token and place them on one of the Psion starting locations on Memory Board 1 (Master Gyfford’s Chambers). This game is to be played by a team of at least 3 with 6 being the maximum.

2. Place the Specters on the Memory Board by rolling the 12-sided die, placing the Specters on the corresponding numbers located on the Memory Board (1-12). Specters cannot occupy the same space as another Specter. The next space in the rotation will be used as the spawn location for that Specter. The amount of Specters on the Memory Board will equal the amount of players playing.

3. Shuffle the Action Deck. Each player will then draw three cards. Each player can view and share the contents of their hand with the team at any time.

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4. Shuffle remaining Action Cards with all Trap Cards deck to create the Synaptic Deck, placing it in the designated spot on the Action Board.

5. Draw 5 cards from the Synaptic Deck and place them face down onto the 2-5 numbered spaces on the Action Board.

6. Place the Scroll of Rituals face up in the 1st numbered space on the Action Board.

Beginning a New BoardOnce a Memory Board is completed, a new board is selected by rolling an 8-sided die. If the board selected was already used, select the next board in sequence. The sequence will wrap from 8 back to 1 in the event Memory Board 8 has already been completed.

1. Players will select a token and place them on the Psion start locations imprinted on the Memory Board.

2. Shuffle the remaining numbered cards into the Synaptic Deck.3. Draw 5 new cards from the Synaptic Deck. Place the cards face down in the 2-6 numbered

spaces. For boards 1-5, place the corresponding Item of Salvation face up into the 1st numbered


1. Master Gyfford’s Chambers, which contains the Scroll of Rituals 2. Dark Forest of Disdain, which contains the Root of Fortifications3. Infirmary, which contains the Leper’s Tongue4. Blacksmith’s Workshop, which contains the Sword of Benedictions5. King’s Chambers, which contains the Ring of Transparency

The remaining maps will have no card placed in the first numbered slot. These maps are:

6. Dungeons of Castle Ironedge 7. Moat in front of Castle Ironedge

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8. Ballroom

The Final Battle

Once all five Items of Salvation have been collected, the final map will be selected, and players will be placed on that board. This Memory Board will only contain Specters, Phantasmal Crates, and locations to place the Items of Salvation. The final battle with Cigolath will be played using the two remaining boards. These boards will be placed side by side in order to create a circular shape on the game board.

The amount of Specters spawned will be doubled the number of players playing. For example, if there are four players, the total of Specters spawned will be eight.

The players must walk to each designated Item of Salvation drop off point (denoted by a pink space), placing an Action Token in their locations when they arrive. Once all items are placed, Cigolath will be defeated. The players do not have to land directly on one of the highlighted spaces to place an Item of Salvation. The player may move over the space, place the token, and continue with their turn. Once all five points are occupied, the game is won.

Turn Sequence The oldest player takes the first turn, and play continues in a clockwise direction (to the left).

Before the player moves one or two spaces toward their respected objective, they are able to use one of the Action Cards in their hand, performing the actions listed.

Players cannot occupy the same space as another player. They may walk through a space occupied by a teammate, however they must treat that as one of their two maximum spaces they can move on a turn.

Once a player occupies a Phantasmal Crate space, the player will roll the 6-sided die to determine which corresponding card will be selected from the Action Board. If the number rolled represents an empty card space, the next highest available card is selected. If the 6th card is not available, then you will restart at 1, and increase the number from there as needed. They will then place an action token on the space with the chest to represent that a card has already been retrieved from that specific chest. If a Trap Card is selected, players must perform the action listed on the card. If an Item of Salvation or Exodus Card is selected, the current Memory Board will be completed. The exit space will also allow players to end a current Memory Board. Any cards remaining in the numbered card slots will be shuffled back into the Synaptic Deck and a new board will be selected unless all Items of Salvation have been collected. Once a chest has been collected from, players may land on that spot once again, but will not draw from the Synaptic Deck a second time.

If a spot is empty, the player takes the next highest number (if 7 would be the next highest, take the card from the 1 slot).

Once all players have moved, the Specters’ rotation will commence. During their turn, the Specters will each move two spaces towards the closest players on the

Memory Board in hopes to remove them from the memory. If two players are the same distance from a Specter, that Specter will move towards the one

who moved last. If a Specter lands on a space occupied by the player, that player is removed from the Memory

Board and placed in the Nether located on the Action Board. They will then discard an Action

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Card from their hand. The player will return from The Nether once the current Memory Board is completed, or if a Revive Action Card is played by a teammate.

If all players are removed from the map, the game is lost. Once the Specter Rotation has ended, the players’ turns will begin once again.  

General Rules All players must move one or two spaces unless otherwise specified by an Action or Trap Card. Players cannot pass through obstacles unless otherwise specified by an Action Card. Action Cards can only be used before the player moves their token. Once an Action or Trap Card is played, the cards will be placed on the designated discard pile

located on the Action Board. After the players collect all Items of Salvation, the final battle with Cigolath will take place.

Detailed Rules for Specific Pieces

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Teleporto Player may move up to four spaces in any direction, teleporting through obstacles

and Specters. The target space must be traversable, unoccupied by a player or Specter, and part of the map. Once the player has teleported their turn has ended. However, the player is still capable of collecting a Phantasmal Crate if they land on the Phantasmal Crate space.

Ice Blast o Target one Specter. That Specter stays in place during the next two Specter

rotations. Place the double-sided Timer Token on the same space the Specter currently occupies, flipping it from 2 to 1 after the first Specter rotation. Remove the Timer Token when the second rotation has ended.

Illusiono An Illusion Token is placed on the space the cardholder is currently occupying

before moving. Specters will treat this decoy as another player, moving towards the decoy during the next Specter Rotation, as per standard Specter rules. The Action Token is removed after the current Specter rotation has ended.

Phase Outo The player turns into a mist and is capable of moving through specters. Specters

will not chase the player during the next Specter turn. Once the player plays the card and makes their move, a Timer Token is placed with the 1 side face up on the space the player occupied. Remove the timer token once the Specter rotation has ended.

Pillar of Stoneo A Stone token is placed on each of any two locations within 2 spaces of the

cardholder and stay in place for the remainder of the time spent on the board. These are now obstacles; players and Specters cannot pass through them.

Ghost Walk o Player is given the ability to move 1 Specter in accordance with established Specter

movement rules. This movement will take place during that Specter’s turn in the Specter movement phase. An Action Token will be placed on the same space as the Specter to signify which Specter is to be controlled.

Psionic Pusho Target one Specter within two spaces of the player playing Psionic Push. A strong

blast of force pushes the Specter two spaces away from the player who played Psionic Push.

Respawno Target one player in The Nether. Place that player’s token back in the starting

position of the current Memory Board.

Blizzardo All Specter movements are reduced by one space during the next 2 Specter turns.

Place the double-sided Timer Token on the same space the Specter currently

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occupies, flipping it from 2 to 1 after the first Specter rotation. Remove the timer token when the second rotation has ended.

Arcane Interventiono Player trades spaces with another player of their choosing.

Smite o Remove one Specter from the map and place them in The Nether.


Shriek o A deafening shriek stuns the player in place, resulting in a loss of movement for one

round. Place a Timer Token with the 1 side face up on the space the player currently occupies. Remove the timer token once the Specter rotation has ended.

Specter’s Gazeo The Specters gaze into the player’s mind, resulting in the loss of 1 random Action

Card. This player will shuffle the cards in his/her hand, and then lay them face down. Another player will then select one card from that hand, and that card will be discarded.

Spectral Frenzy o All Specters move one additional space in the next two Specter Rotations. Place the

Timer Token on the same space the Specters currently occupy, flipping it from 2 to 1 after the first Specter rotation. Remove the timer token when the second rotation has ended.

Spectral Deviationo The Specters focus their energy and remove the player from the Memory Board,

sending them to The Nether. If this iso last remaining player, the game is over.

Summoningo Spawn a new Specter on the board by rolling a 12-sided die and placing the Specter

on the corresponding numbered space. If the space is already occupied, reroll.

Acidic Steamo A burning fog encompasses the area. All player movements are reduced to one

space during the next 2 player rotations. Place the Timer Token on the same space the players currently occupy, flipping it from 2 to 1 after the first Specter rotation. Remove the timer token when the second rotation has ended. If the player is sent to The Nether, the Acidic Steam’s powers are disseminated.

Alluring Mind o All Specters move towards the player that drew this trap for one Specter rotation.

Place the Timer Token on the same space the players currently occupy with the 1

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facing up. Remove the timer token when the second rotation has ended. If the player is sent to The Nether, Alluring Mind’s powers are disseminated.

Mind Obliterationo All players cannot play an Action Card until after this player moves on their next



Action tokens serve as a placeholder when a player has drawn a card from a Phantasmal Crate. The use of this token means another item cannot be taken if another player lands on this spot again.

Once the effect of the Action Card has worn off or the Memory Board is completed, the Action Tokens will then be removed from the Memory Board.


Timer tokens are used to keep track of items with durations. These are two sided tokens with a “1” on one side, and “2” on the other.

Once the effect of the Timer Token has reach zero or the Memory Board is completed, the Timer Token for that particular action will then be removed from the Memory Board.


Stone tokens serve as a placeholder when a player plays the Stone Pillar and Illusion Action Cards.

Once the effect of the Stone Wall Card has worn off or the Memory Board is completed, the Stone Tokens will then be removed from the Memory Board.


Illusion tokens serve as a placeholder when a player plays the Illusion Action card. This card is placed where the illusion is put on the board.

Once the effect of the Illusion Card has worn off or the Memory Board is completed, the Illusion Tokens will then be removed from the Memory Board.


The roll of a 12-sided die will determine specter spawn locations. Specters will be placed on one of the twelve corresponding locations on the Memory Board.

There will be a number of Specters on each map to equal the number of Players (except on the final map, where this number is doubled).

If there is more than one player an equal distance away from a Specter, the Specter will move toward the player who moved last.


Scroll of Rituals

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o The Scroll of Rituals contains the ritual necessary to defeat Cigolath, written by Master Gyfford.

o The Scroll of Rituals is located in Master Gyfford’s Chambers (Memory Board 1). Root of Fortification

o The Root of Fortification is a rare root, containing properties that serve as an amplifier to Psionic Magic.

o The Root of Fortification is located in the Dark Forest of Disdain (Memory Board 2). Leper’s Tongue

o The Leper’s Tongue contains properties that when added with other elements create a strong protective shield against dark magic.

o The Leper’s Tongue is located in the Infirmary (Memory Board 3). Sword of Benedictions

o The Sword of Benedictions has been crafted with a metallic compound found on a comet that crashed in Yauniel over three centuries ago, anointed by Master Gyfford before his demise in Castle Ironedge.

o The Sword of Benedictions is located in the Blacksmith’s Workshop, (Memory Board 4)

Ring of Transparencyo The Ring of Transparency holds a gem that contains the souls of Rogue Psions who

attempted to overthrow the monarchy over a century ago during the Quickening. As punishment, their souls were trapped in the gem and worn by the King who rules with an iron fist.

o The Ring of Transparency is located in the King’s Chambers, (Memory Board 5)

When each Item of Salvation is collected from a Memory Board, it will be placed on the designated spot on the Action Board. Once all have been collected, then the players will proceed to the Cigolath Board located on the Action Board where they face the Dark King.

ACTION BOARD The Action Board contains slots for the Synaptic Deck, discard pile, and Action/ Timer Tokens. There are six numbered slots on the Action Board that hold the items that can be drawn from

Phantasmal Crates.o In non-pertinent memories, the Item of Salvation (Slot 1) will be left empty. o In pertinent memories, the Item of Salvation associated with that board would be

placed in the 1st slot. The Nether is where player tokens that have been removed from the map are placed.

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New Map

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Player Turn

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Specter Movement

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Cigolath Battle

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End Game ConditionsWinning Conditions

Once all of the Items of Salvation have been collected, the battle against Cigolath will commence. The players must walk past or on each designated Item of Salvation drop off point, placing an Action Token in their locations when they arrive. Once all items are placed, Cigolath will be defeated and the game is won.

Losing Conditions If all players are removed from any Memory Board and sent to the Nether, the game has ended.

Rules Questions What happens if a Specter runs into a wall in the game?

o If a Specter is unable to reach a player due to terrain, or there are two paths of equal length to reach a player, the Specter will follow a clockwise motion until the Specter reaches the end of its available movement.

What if a Specter is directly in the middle of two players?o The Specter will move in the direction of the player who moved most recently.

What is the turn order of Specters?o All Specters will move according to a clockwise fashion starting in the top left of the

board. After that Specter has moved, the one closest and to the right will move, until all of the Specters of the board have gone.

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Appendix A: Game Board Layouts

Master Gyfford’s Chambers The Dark Forest of Disdain

Blacksmith’s Workshop The Infirmary

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The King’s Chambers The Dungeons

Moat in Front of Castle Ironedge The Docks at Brightwall

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Final Battle

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