Designed or evolved - evolution vs creationism

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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A powerpoint discussion of the validity of the scientific theories and observations supporting evolution verses creationist theories


4 inadequacies with the theory of Evolution?!

• 4 anyone looking at evidence, its not scientifically sound

• 4 anyone looking at evidence, not geologically sound

• 4 anyone logicaly speaking, not philosophically sound

What Evolutionists believe

Things around us are the result of an unsupervised and impersonal natural


The crux of presentation

Is it really possible to reconcile the two ideas?...or are they polar

oppositesMe…intelligently design or evolved by

luck?A) yesB) no

JudeoChristian point of view

• no long ages in genesis 1 & 2 - YOM in Hebrew = 24 hr, 12 hr period, indefinite period

• always means a literal 24 hour day = 6 consecutive solar days Genesis 1:1&5&8

• GAP theory J. Baxter • Exodus 20:11, Exodus 31:17, gen 2:2,

Heb 4:4

Lets test the science



If I’m right, gotta be plenty of proof

The CaveMan !

• Nebraska man – all the found was 1 tooth. Built the entire man and his wife = actual origin was a pig

• Piltdown Man – Hoax 1912 – 1956 => found a human skull and filed down and ape jaw bone to fit them together. = ***Alden P Armagnac

CaveMan• Neanderthal Man – 1856

=> just an old man with arthritis back was curved

• Real Neanderthal man = same anatomy as ours, 13% bigger brain than ours

• avg height males 5.9 and female 5.3

• ***Jack Cuozzo

CaveMan• Old people with diseases – using Rhodesia Man and Broken Hill

man remains• Acromegaly – excessive growth hormone in adults

CaveMan• Austropithecus africanus (***Taung) – Found by Raymond

Dart in 1924 – supposed to be missing link between apes and man. In 1973 the cave the skull was found to be different age – proven wrong


• Lucy – Hadar valley Ethiopia ***Johannsen on a grant to find a missing link. Only found 40% of a skeleton. Put together alive would have been 3 feet in height. Knee joint found 70miles away 200 feet deeper in the strata

• They put human feet, but found no feet bones• Later other skeletons of same species – curled feet

Look familiar ?!

Further reading

• If you have a friend studying paleoanthropology, paleontology and archeology

Lies in textbooks

The Grand Canyon – Erosion?

Whats the topography of the land behind the grand canyon?

What goes down cant go up!

What goes down cant go up!

What goes down cant go up!

Use today to study yesterday

Disproving Flood – disproves the Bible

Liberation – “in the Minds of Men”

Liberation – “in the Minds of Men”

Liberation – “in the Minds of Men”

Life Letters and Journals – John Murray

After Lyle - revolutions

Geologic column

The debate

Mutually exclusive

Geologic column? … Really?

How thick did you say?

• The oceanic crust is 5 km (3 mi) to 10 km (6 mi) thick

• The continental crust is typically from 30 km (20 mi) to 50 km (30 mi) thick

Didn’t it rain millions/thousands of years ago?

So how old are the layers?

Chicken or the egg

Each book says in different pages…

The evolutionist response

AJS - Founded in 1818

NS - Founded in 1956

Intermediate Forms?

Reptile to bird?

Missing link?

Proven Hoax – made in China

Experts say

No evidence

Scientific indoctrination

More resources for your own reading

Other contradictory evidence

Humans with dinosaurs

Petrified trees

No fossil evidence exists – objective opinions

Experts say

More to say


The Bible verses Lyell

Darwin’s mind-switch

Is it true?

Meaning of evolution

What.. now Evolution is everything?!

Variation? …we can go with that

Both of us can’t be right. U decide

So war created Eden

Now we tackle biology!

Similarity of anatomy?!

Similarity=common ancestry?

The nut on a BMW might fit on a RollsRoyce

Ancestry hoax

Similar development as embryo produces gills vs. ear bones?

That make sense to you? Why didnt one become gills and the other lungs?

Forgeries they still teach today

Heres the real deal

Its not just me that lied!

Why are these fakes still in our text books

Consequences over time

Modern textbooks

More modern biology books


5 month old babies can survive



It was legal!

Not human

Superior by birth right

Justified racism

Columbine- “It made sense”

If we werent created, then life isnt respected


Is this just a fetus or a person?

More about evolution you didn’t know

Invest in truth

Not observable or replicable


It has to be true!!!....

Cause I don’t wanna believe the alternative!

Primordial soup/ooze

Primordial soup/ooze

Evolution of animal branches/groups ?

Is smaller simpler?

Maybe not

DNA comes in!

Building blocks of everything

Just FYI


Information Overload

Now take all that DNA and watch a baby grow

Now take all that DNA and watch a baby grow

DNA evolution…Chance? Luck?

It’s a belief…it needs faith just like religion

The more complex the more evolved?...think again

Carrot? And a honey bee? Who’s more evolved?

….. Etc etc

Who’s more evolved then?

Who’s more evolved then?

Who’s more evolved then? amoeba (ps - its single celled)

What came first the human, the dog or the chicken

Check out the trees!

The most evolved organism in the world is in your garden!

There is a superior race then

It’s the plants

“The Happening!”

made of the same stuff = we’re all evolved from the same stuff?

Here we go again – genetic similarity?

Millions yrs ago evolved from one monkey? Genetic similarity is proof?

Hmmm … THE LEADING expert says….!!!




Says the “leading expert”

Would you bet on those odds?

All made of the same stuff /= same origin?

But let’s follow that logic

Wait for it….

Wait for it…………….

Water and jellyfish have a common ancestor with watermelon

DichotomyEither there is a God or there isnt.

Both prospects are frightening

a)If there isnt – then we’re flying through space at 132 km/s with no one in charge

[ or ]b)If there is – then maybe we’re in trouble

Times are a changin

Ummm even just purely scientifically … maybe you have a point?

Even scientists don’t believe this stuff

Please note this is a Nobel prize winner for Biochem!!

A material value system-produces material explanations

For the brave

Justify injustice – the “isms”

They never give the whole title

Modern title NOT the original

ORIGINAL TITLEThe motives behind the content

New World order was legal but not justified – notice the date

Common thinking then

The humanist/fascist agenda – the book had agenda – but we use it

for biology classes

Common sentiment

Christians promoted Darwin too!


God is not for everyone

Aborignes ‘Animals’ hunted for sport

Eugenics (controlled breeding…purify races)

Popular “isms” by popular people

Quotes – Theodore Roosevelt


Mars vs venus on another level !!

Darwin practised eugenics

10 steps to marxism for your country

Creeping compromise?…you decide

Consequences of moral-ethical decline??

Now legal AND justified