Development Strategy Samac

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22001111 –– 22002200

December, 2010


Development strategy of Šamac municipality was created by municipal Development team within the Project of Integrated Local Development (ILDP), that represents joint initiative of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and United Nations Development programme (UNDP) in the period from January to Decemeber 2010. Technical support to Development team as a part of this project was provided by United Nations Development programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP) .










4.1.3 SITUATION OVERVIEW AND LOCAL ECONOMY TRENDS 16 Status of agriculture in Šamac municipality 16 Number and structure of companies 18 Foreign trade Error! Bookmark not defined. Tourism potentials in Šamac municipality 21

4.1.4 LABOUR MARKET ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Employment Error! Bookmark not defined. Unemployment Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.5 STATUS OVERVIEW AND TRENDS IN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FIELD 32 Education Error! Bookmark not defined. Sport and culture Error! Bookmark not defined. Health care Error! Bookmark not defined. Social welfare Error! Bookmark not defined. Public safety Error! Bookmark not defined. Housing Error! Bookmark not defined. Civil society Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.6 PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Road infrastructure condition 48 Road network in municipality 48 Road network within municipal jurisdiction 49 Road network and connection funding 50 Local transport 50 Technical infrastructure condition 51 Condition of electricity distribution network in Šamac municipality 52 Telephony Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.7 CONDITION OF MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE 53 Water supply network 53 Wastewater Error! Bookmark not defined. Heating Error! Bookmark not defined. Public lighting 55 Cemeteries Error! Bookmark not defined. Parking Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.8 STATUS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT 58 Municipal Assembly Error! Bookmark not defined.

4 Administrative Service 59

4.1.9 ENVIRONMENT STATUS 61 The condition of air Error! Bookmark not defined. The condition of water resources 63 The condition of soil 63 Status of forest ecosystems 65 Waste management 66 Solid waste Error! Bookmark not defined. Liquid waste Error! Bookmark not defined. Area and green space management 70 The protection of natural biodiversity and cultural and historical heritage 71 Energy efficiency Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.10 SPATIAL PLANNING DOCUMENTATION STATUS 73 4.1.11 BUDGET ANALYSIS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Budget funds analysis 74 Budget expenditures analysis 76 4.2 STRATEGIC FOCUSING 78 4.3 VISION AND STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 83






























2. INTRODUCTION Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently on its way to the European Union. The integration process requires substantial legal, administrative and institutional reforms aimed at improving the overall functioning of government at all levels, as inducement to balanced socio-economic development. The question is how local communities are trained and what are their capacities to successfully implement the regulations and standards required from them in the process. Imposed is the question how the municipalities can adequately get equipped for the challenges of EU integration.

Šamac municipality is one of 24 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina which, by deciding to start a process of making an Integrated Local Economic Development Strategy, supported by the United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Association of Towns and Municipalities of the Republic of Srpska and Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Governance of the Republic of Srpska, have tried to offer answers to these questions. One of the visions of the Integrated Local Development Project (ILDP) which is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP) and financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is exactly training of the municipalities for the challenges of the forthcoming European integration.

The project is based on the assumption that local development is the most successful if it is based on a strong vision of educated leadership that is able to build meaningful partnerships between all stakeholders (public and private sector, civil society, local authorities and government and politics). This procedure is also something more than a mere assumption.

Key elements of this integrated strategy for local development are building of a shared vision and working together on its implementation. For a successful and sustainable community development are crucial the following elements: - Capacity building for development management at the local level; - Development of human resources; - Socio-economic assessment and the involvement of all stakeholders; - Conducting analysis of the impact on the environment.

For the realization of a project of integrated development strategy of Šamac municipality, the Mayor appointed by the his decision Municipal development team as operational and coordinating body that is responsible for leading of the development procces of integrated development strategies.

Municipal development team had full support and cooperation with UNDP, as well as with all other participants involved in this project. For the purpose of the strategy is adopted the methodology of integrated planning for local economic development by the ILDP, and which the municipal development team fully applied.

Concerning the fact that each community has its own characteristics, Šamac municipality is not the exception. Municipal development team in its work have tried to adapt its characteristics to the methodology itself. The approach is realistic because strategy represents a vision based on good analysis of the situation, with defining priorities and responsibilities for implementation set by the community itself.

Sustainable development is a process through which stakeholders gather at the local level and build partnerships between the public sector, commerce and civil society, in order to create better conditions for sustained growth and job creation. Through this process they establish and maintain a dynamic entrepreneurial climate of cooperation, through which is directed the development of community and created an environment for improving the economy in order to improve the quality of life in the Šamac municipality. At the present time there is a belief that


the partnership between local government, civil society and the private sector is crucial for sustainable development at the local level.

Strategic planning is an instrument of adjustment to the changing environment. Through strategic planning are defined priorities and establish ways of resources usage to implement strategies for sustainable development. Sustainable strategic planning is a method of preserving the environment in which we live and adapt to the changes that time brings, ie. process defines priorities and helps our focusing to an adequate use of natural and human resources. Strategic planning is a living process, a journey, not a destination.

This development plan of Šamac municipality is the product of such process and thus represents a milestone for the economic and any other development of Šamac municipality. The assumptions contained in the development strategy suggest that local authorities will be the promoters of economic development, creating and enabling environment and incentives for entrepreneurial activity. The strategy should be the framework of efforts at the local level to mobilize and maintain economic development. The role of local government in Šamac, in the field of economic development, is of great importance for improving the quality of development and therefore the quality of life. As representatives of the people and with the awareness of their concerns and problems, local authorities are preparing a draft of a broad platform that will absorb local energy and create an area to address local interests. It is about human development that with the participation of citizens give a new and fuller meaning. In order to achieve this, local authorities in Šamac should be open to citizens' initiatives and to terminate the bureaucratic mode.

Therefore, we are hoping that this Strategy, drafted by Municipal Development Team and adopted by Partners group, will achieve planned goals for the successful development of Šamac municipality by 2020.



3. METHODOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY CREATION During the development of strategic plan of Šamac municipality has been used standardized methodology for integrated local development planning (miPRO), accepted and recommended by a government entity and the Association of Towns and Municipalities in both entities.

MiPRO is fully compatible with the existing legal framework which defines development planning at the local level where the municipal administration is the holder of the development and implementation of strategies, with maximum involvement of all other shareholders in local community life. Furthermore, miPRO is fully complied with the guiding principles and approaches to strategic planning, which promotes the European Union.

The guiding principles that underpin the development strategy of Šamac municipality are sustainability and social inclusion. Sustainability as a principle, integrate economic and environmental aspects, while the principle of social inclusion implies equal opportunity for all and fairness in terms of identifying needs and interests of marginalized and socially excluded population groups.

Furthermore, development strategy is characterized by the integration (which means that the economic, social and environmental aspects are seen as inseparable parts of a whole) and participation (all interested stakeholders are engaged and contributing to the development of the Strategy).

The municipality is engaged in the strategy development process driven by the belief that strategic planning is a key instrument for proactive and responsible management of local development. The formulation process of development strategy of Šamac municipality, initiated by the Mayor and supported by the Municipal Assembly, began with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Municipality of Šamac and UNDP, in April 2009, and the establishment of working bodies - Municipal Development Team and Partnership Group.

The process is operationally led by Municipal Development Team, and in the process were created mechanisms for citizen participation strongly dominated by the work of the Partnership Group - a consultative body composed of representatives of public, private and NGO sector. Particular emphasis is placed on the inclusion of an adequate recognition of the needs of potentially vulnerable groups of population. The process has involved a total of more than 80 organizations with around 2700 residents.

The starting point for development strategy of Šamac municipality was the analysis of existing policy documents, the level of their implementation, and the degree of development of human resources necessary for developing and implementing the strategy.

This analysis was built on the basis of an analysis of relevant quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources. Handling the most important part, the Strategy is part of its strategic part, ie. a strategic platform that includes socio-economic analysis, strategic focus, vision development and strategic development goals.

Strategic platform is predominantly the work of the Municipal Development Team. Sectoral development plans of economy, society and the protection and improvement of the environment was developed for this purpose by sectoral working groups, which included representatives of public, private and NGO sector.

Municipal development team, in the final part of the process, is on the principle of integration, unified and harmonized sectoral documents and made approximate three and one-year detailed implementation plans, including plan development of organizational capacity and human resources necessary for the process of Strategy implementation.


In order to ensure effective implementation of the Strategy, Financial Strategy framework and the municipal budget for 2011 are fully complied.


4.1 Socio-economic analysis

4.1.1 Geographical location and natural features Municipality of Šamac covers spatial area of north-eastern part of Republic of Srpska with an area of 172,8 km2, which places it among average size municipalities in Republic of Srpska. Until the last war, from 1992 till 1995, municipality covered area of 219 km2. By Dayton Peace Agreement former municipal settlements (Domaljevac, Prud, Bazik and part of Grebnica) were assigned to Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Picture 1 Geographic position of Šamac municipality and distribution of local communities

As we can see from the picture 1, area of Šamac municipality includes 20 settlements (Šamac, Batkuša, Brvnik, Gajevi, Grebnice, Gornja Slatina, Gornji Hasić, Donja Slatina, Donji Hasić Zasavica, Kornica, Kruškovo polje, Lugovi, Novo Selo, Tišina,Obudovac, Pisari, Srednja Slatina, Crkvina and Škarić) and borders with municipalities of Gradačac, Domaljevac and Odžak in Federation, and municipalities of Modriča, Donji Žabar and Pelagićevo in Republic of Srspka and Republic of Croatia on its north border.

Contemporary municipal center, the town of Šamac, has been established on the very estuary of river Bosna into river Sava on altitude of 90 meters while certain bordering areas of Municipality are located on altitude of 95 meters.

Favorable geographical position ensured good road connections of Municipality with surrounding countries and further. The fact that Šamac is distanced from Doboj 70 km, Bijeljina 90 km,


Banjaluka 160 km, Tuzla 90km, Sarajevo 210 km, Belgrade 190 km and Zagreb 210 km, navigability of Sava river and immediate proximity of port, indicates that through Šamac municipality lead important traffic directions (road, railway and river) that connects Šamac with main development centers.

The geographical position of Šamac municipality drew attention of surroundings for centuries. On Posavina plain part of the territory is allocated explored archaeological site "Kulište" located at the northeastern edge of the inhabited area Kruškovo Field, the oldest Neolithic settlement in the vicinity of Šamac and Modriča. It is also recognized that people belonging to the Brass and Bronze Age left traces of their culture in this area, and that in this area were found the remains belonging to Roman times and Medieval civilization.

It is believed that exactly there, while in 1463 led the fight against the last Bosnian King Stefan Tomašević, Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II built the fortress Šamac (term Šamac comes from the word "ditch" in the meaning of the trench, ditch, channel), and that this fortress Tomašević destroyed in June 1463. Today's municipal center, the town of Šamac, was made in 1863 at the estuary of the river Bosna into river Sava. One of the peculiarities and attractions of Šamac, visible today in the city center, is the fact that the streets in this part of town are crossed at right angles, so the city center has a rectangular shape.

The oldest settlements in the area of contemporary municipality, according to historical sources, are Obudovac and Slatina (1548) Crkvina (1655), Kruškovo Polje and Brvnik (1711) and Škarić (1718).

4.1.2 Demographic characteristics and trends Šamac municipality, like most municipalities in BiH, due to the war and postwar migration, suffered significant demographic changes. According to the Census from 1991, in the area of former municipality of Bosanski Šamac lived 32 979 inhabitants in 26 settlements. It is estimated that in 1991, at the present territory, lived 24 157 inhabitants.

The number of inhabitants in the area of Šamac municipality in 2005, compared to 1991, is reduced. The total population in the area of municipality is decreased by 27% compared to the last Census. According to the assessment of local authorities and based on the data of the Institute of Statistics, in Šamac municipality in 2005 lived about 23 000 inhabitants. In the period from 2005 until 2009 it is observed gradual increase of the population.

Picture 2 The share of Šamac municipality population within total population of RS


The share of Šamac municipality population within total population of Republic of Srpska in 2009 is 1,7% (picture 2). In 2005 estimated 23 000 inhabitants lived in 6571 households, with an average of 3,5 members per household. The area of municipality is relatively densely populated and in one square kilometer lives in average 110 inhabitants.

Picture 3 Comparison of population density

Comparing data incline that according to population density Šamac municipality, although with almost double population density then the RS average, is among municipalities with median population density. If we would apply criteria of OECD that define urban and rural areas based on population density (limit is 150 inhabitants per square kilometer), Šamac municipality would be defined as rural area.

Picture 4. The ratio of urban and rural population

With only 27% of inhabitants living in urban area, Šamac municipality is significantly below average percent of urban RS population that amounts 34,87% in 20071.

If we compare current population structure with the one from 1991, we can conclude that there haven’t been major changes in ratio of urban/rural population in the area of Šamac municipality. Due to decreased job opportunities and privatization of

companies there has been population migration in Šamac municipality so inhabitants are more engaged in agriculture.2

Šamac municipality consists of 25 local communities, and Picture 5 shows number of residents and number of households per local community in 2009.

1 Source: Household Budget Survey in BiH in 2007; BiH Agency of Statistics, Federal Office of Statistics and RS Institue of statistics. 2 Data from Local Communities and Survey conducted for the purpose of social map development for 2009.


Picture 5 Number of inhabitants and households in Local Communities

In urban area average is 2,6 inhabitants per household, while in rural area average is 3,9 inhabitants per household.

Picture 6 Changes in ethnic structure in Šamac municipality

The ethnic structure of inhabitants, according to Census from 1991 (picture 6), shows that out of total number of inhabitants there were Bosniaks 2 242 (6,80%), Serbs 13 434 (41%), Croats 14 857 (45%) and others 2446 (7,41%). In 2009 according to the assessment of ethnic structure of inhabitants in the area of municipality live approximately 23 000 inhabitants, with ratio of 94% Serbs, 3% Bosniaks and 3% Croats3. It is important to note that changes in ethnic structure were significantly caused by change of administrative border when settlement Domaljevac, Bazik, Grebice and Prud, with majority of Croats, was assigned to Federation i.e. to Odžak municipality and Domaljevac-Šamac municipality4.

3 Based on taken survey sample, for the purpose of social map development in the area of Šamac municipality for 2009. Sample of 12 740 surveyed inhabitants. 4 It is estimated that 8 000 inhabitants live in those settlements.

Picture 7 Gender structure

mentioned acceptable range. In 100 women).

The age structure of population according to 1991 Census shows that share of population aged under 14 compared to total population was 22%, from 14 to 64 was 60% and over 65 was 18%.

In 2009, according to the data of RS Institution of Statistics, expressed in percents population under 14 amounts 20,46%, from 14 to 64 amounts 60,33% and Comparing of the age structure data from 1991 and 2009 shows that there were no significant changes. Ratio of population under 14 within total population is decreased by 1% while percentage ratio of population older than 65 has incrage population remained unchanged.

Picture 9

5 Source: 1991 Census and RS Institution of Statistics

Gender structure in the area of Šamac municipality doesn’t record any significant oscillationsnotice that despite the war events percentage ratio of men and women in total population hasn’t significantly changed and that ration is still within the range of 90 and 105 what is considered as acceptable. That ratio is on lower l

mentioned acceptable range. In Šamac municipality that ratio in 2009 amounts 92 (92 men per

Picture 8 Population and age structure

The age structure of population according to 1991 Census shows that

aged under 14 compared to total population was 22%, from 14 to 64 was 60% and over

In 2009, according to the data of RS Institution of Statistics, expressed in percents population under 14 amounts 20,46%, from 14 to 64 amounts 60,33% and over 65 amounts 19,19%. Comparing of the age structure data from 1991 and 2009 shows that there were no significant changes. Ratio of population under 14 within total population is decreased by 1% while

ratio of population older than 65 has increased by 1 %. Percentage population remained unchanged.

Picture 9 Changes of age structure in Šamac municipality

1991 Census and RS Institution of Statistics.


Gender structure in the area of municipality doesn’t

record any significant oscillations5. It is interesting to notice that despite the war events percentage ratio of men and women in total population hasn’t significantly changed and that ration is still within the range of 90 and 105 what is considered as acceptable. That ratio is on lower limit of above

municipality that ratio in 2009 amounts 92 (92 men per

Population and age structure

In 2009, according to the data of RS Institution of Statistics, expressed in percents population over 65 amounts 19,19%.

Comparing of the age structure data from 1991 and 2009 shows that there were no significant changes. Ratio of population under 14 within total population is decreased by 1% while

eased by 1 %. Percentage ratio of working



By comparing data with other municipalities we can see that Šamac municipality has the highest percentage ratio of population under 14 but also it is among those with highest ratio of population over 65. Also we can see that Šamac municipality has by far the lowest percentage ratio of working age population.

Picture 10 The age structure comparison in municipalities

Aging index as a ratio of population over 65 and under 14 in Šamac municipality is 93,8%. According to demographic theory it is population with aging index higher then 0,4 (or 40%).

Picture 11 Aging index comparison

Aging index of 93,8% indicates that for every 100 residents aged under 14 there are 93,8 residents over 65. We can see that aging rate in Šamac municipality is significantly lower than average aging rate in Republic of Srpska (119,2%)6 but at the same time considerably higher than average aging rate in Federation of BiH (71,5%) and BiH (86,4%). However, by comparing the aging index in Šamac municipality in 1991 (81,9%) we can see that in 2009 there has been aging of population.

Dependency ratio provides us an information how many people each employee needs to support (Picture 12). Economically developed countries with older population have lower dependency ratio and in Italy, Spain, Japan and USA it amounts from 40% to 50%. In contrary, dependency rate is highest in developing countries with immense young population as Yemen and Uganda (over 100%).

6 Aging rate source in RS, Federation and BiH is Household Budget Survey in BiH in 2007; BiH Agency of Statistics, Federal Office of Statistics and RS Institue of statistics.


Picture 12 Dependency ratio comparison

In Šamac municipality dependency ratio amounts 65,73% meaning that 100 working age residents have 66 residents that are not economically productive. Dependency ratio in Šamac municipality is considerably higher than average dependency ratio in BiH and RS, and also than dependency ratio in comparing municipalities. This is the consequence of low percentage ratio of working age population among the total population of Šamac municipality. Those capable of production need to support almost equal number of children and elder.

Picture 13 Population growth in Šamac municipality (absolute values)

Number of births in 2005 is 118 while number of deaths is 240, indicating that population growth is negative for the amount of -122. In 2006 are born 112, and died 223, negative growth is -111. In 2007 are born 124, died 218, negative growth is -94. In 2008 are born 113, died 213, negative growth is -100. And in 2009 are born 115 children while 231 persons died what make negative growth of -116.

Birth rate in 2009 is 4,77‰, death rate is 9,59‰. Negative population rate is 4,82 ‰.

Concerning migrations in 2007 and 2008, Šamac municipality records negative net migrations of -72 residents in 2007 and -51 residents in 20087.

7 Source: Demographic statistics no.12; Statistical bulletin 2009; RS Institue of Statistics.


4.1.3 Situation overview and local economy trends Status of agriculture in Šamac municipality

In the economy structure of Šamac municipality agriculture takes up considerable production potentials. These potentials are reflected in arable agricultural fields and supporting infrastructural and economic facilities as well as other sustaining goods that are used for agricultural purposes. Agricultural production in the area of Šamac municipality is operated by agricultural estates that through different sectors of agricultural production (tillage, vegetable farming, cattle breeding and others) ensure its’ very existence. The basic factor influencing agricultural production is fertile soil. It is also limited factor of volume and type of agricultural production of Šamac municipality.

Picture 14 Soil quality and ownership structure

Total land area of Šamac municipality is 18.366,00 ha where agricultural land amounts 14.623,00 ha (79,62 %), forest 1.908,00 ha and barren land 1.835,00 hа.

Observed by ownership sectors, out of total 14.623,00 hа of agricultural land of Šamac municipality, individual agricultural estates are managing

11.740,00 hа or 80,28 % of arable land, and within public sector8 these lands amounted 2.883 hа or 19,72 % .

Picture 15 Ownership structure Picture 16. Size of agricultural estates

According to the data of APIF office in Šamac, ending with 1.5.2010., there were total of 1504 registered agricultural estates on territory of our municipality that are recorded in Register of agricultural estates. According to assessment of Department for Commerce and Social Affairs, Šamac municipality has around 4526 agricultural estates that own arable and other land where, in greater or lesser extent, agricultural production is performed.

8 Republic Geodetic Department, Local branch Šamac.


The highest number of agricultural estates (34% of them) has the property size of 1 to 3 ha. Property size of 3 to 5 hа has 31 % estates, and 27% of them have property of 5 and more hectares. Only 8 % of agricultural estates have property size of 1 ha and smaller.

Picture 17 Size of agricultural estates

Ratio of agricultural land capability classes is such that out of total land the highest ratio is of fifth class land (26 %). Follows third class land with ratio of 25 % while forth class land has ratio of 17 %. The most fertile land (first and second class) participates with 24 %, and the least amounts, also the poorer, sixth class land (8 %).

Picture 18 Production of timber and firewood

There is 1.908,00 hа of forest in the area of Šamac municipality and this natural resource is managed by Public Forestry “Republic of Srpska Forests” a.d. Sokolac through Forest estate Doboj. In period from 2005 till 2009 production of timber was considerably reduced that also


impacts firewood, therefore in 2005 is produced 1.447,00 m3 of timber and 402,00 m3 of firewood. In 2009 is produced only 295,00 m3 of timber and 139,00 m3 of firewood. Number and structure of companies

Picture 19 Available industrial land in ha

Šamac municipality has at its disposal total amount of 261,57 hа of industrial land where 122,23 hа possesses developed infrastructure while 139,34 hа is without developed infrastructure what makes real assumptions for development of industrial and business zones i.e. for building of bigger industrial developing capacities.9 Industrial land that has developed infrastructure is not fully utilized. Out of 122,23 hа of industrial land with built infrastructure, 47,61 hа or 38,9% is vacant so it is necessary to undertake indispensable measures to completely utilize such capacity.

Large part of industrial land with developed infrastructure belongs to state companies whose legal status is not solved yet or those that during the privatization process ceased with activities once performed. Šamac Municipality, as institution of local government, doesn’t have jurisdiction over that land (land is owned either by state or under jurisdiction of state departments and institutions or privately owned), that significantly obstructs planning of economic activities.

If we analyze number of registered legal entities sorted by its activity type 10 (Chart 1) considerable growth is visible in 2008 and 2009 compared to previous periods i.e. 208 legal entities in 2005 and 328 legal entities in 2009, what represents increase of 120 legal entities. The biggest growth was in activities as are catering, wholesale and retail sale, transport, financial mediation and mining and quarrying

Chart 1 Number of registered legal entities by activities

Type of activity Number of legal entities

2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009.

Agriculture, hunting, forestry 4 9 13 16 20

Fishing - - - - -

Mining and quarrying 7 7 8 8 8

Manufacturing 1 1 1 1 1

Production and distribution of electric energy by natural gas and water

- - - - -

Constructing 1 2 2 3 3

Wholesale and retail sale and 133 142 156 184 197

9 Source: Administration Service of Šamac municipality. 10 Source: Administration Service of Šamac municipalit, Department of economic and social affairs.


Type of activity Number of legal entities

2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. maintenance

Catering 13 14 17 20 23

Transport, storage and communication

28 40 42 44 48

Financial mediation 6 6 7 9 9

Real estates, renting and business services

- 1 1 2 2

Public administration and defense 2 2 2 2 2

Education 5 5 5 5 5

Health care and social welfare 5 5 5 5 5

Other community and social activities

3 5 5 5 5

Total 208 239 264 304 328

Picture 20 Entrepreneurial activities in 2009

Activities catering, wholesale, retail sale and maintenance, transport, storage and communications and financial mediation in 2009 included 277 entities which represents 84,4% of total number of economic entities, which is manifested by quality and quantity. Namely, total number of these entities is small comparing to European and BiH situation and structure is such that basically those subjects employ small number of workers with lower salaries (catering, sales and others). Such or approximate ratio is visible in 2007, 2008 and 2009 while in 2005 and 2006 number of economic entities by activities was approximately evenly distributed. Economic activities of Šamac municipality residents is represented in fact that number of companies per 1000 residents in Šamac is 14,2, and number of shops per 1000 residents is 26,6.

Considerable share in overall economy are registered workshops or shops. A feature of this form of business is that it employs, on average, a small number of workers and shop registration itself is fairly simple and quick compared to legal entities. Number of shops in 2009 is the 61311. The largest share of registered entrepreneurial activities take up the workshop-craft facilities with 29% (169 workshops), followed by catering facilities with 28% (167 shops), trades with 24% (139 shops) and market stalls with 12% (67 stalls). It is noticeable that out of total 81% of shops are workshops, catering and trade activities.

11 Source: Administration Service of Šamac municipality, Department of Commerce and Social Affairs.


Location coefficient uses employment density in certain activity branch in municipality area and compares it with employment density in the same activity branch on entity level. The ratio defines “strength” of that activity in municipality area i.e. to what extent is this activity significant for municipal economic base and economic development.

Picture 21 Location coefficient for activities in Šamac municipality (2007 and 2008)

It is obvious that the activity of agriculture, forestry and hunting is very important economic activity within the municipality of Šamac. The employment density in this sector in 2007 was 4.7 times higher than the employment density in that activity at the level of RS. Simplified, out of total number of employees in agriculture in Šamac municipality, about 75% produce for the export of agricultural products outside the territory of Šamac municipality. In 2008 there was decrease in location coefficient of this activity to 3,9. This is the most important activity in the economic base of the municipality and the Šamac municipality must focus all efforts and significant resources for its further development.

The activity of mining and quarrying is also a strong local activity. Further analysis of this activity and its importance for economic growth of Šamac municipalities is required.

Manufacturing is at the average level of the RS and it is necessary to put further efforts for its development.

Construction and trade activities are extremely underdeveloped and there are possibilities for their further growth because currently they are not able even to cover the needs of the local population of Šamac municipality.

The same applies for transportation and storage activities that are according to this analysis extremely underdeveloped activities at the local level. This is particularly important because there are significant infrastructural preconditions for the development of these activities, and there are plans to streamline local community development efforts into this business and make it the basis of development of Šamac municipality. Further and detailed analysis of underdevelopment reasons of these activities despite the existence of significant infrastructural resources is necessary.

21 Foreign trade

Foreign trade in the Šamac municipality area12 is characterized by a deficit of imports compared to exports in all observed years. It is important to note that in the period from 2005 to 2008 increased the share of exports in overall foreign trade which resulted in the export-import ratio of 87,04% in 2008 (export-import ratio in 2005 amounted to 44,49%). The coverage of imports by exports at the state level in 2008 amounted to 43% indicating a significant trade balance of Šamac municipality economy in observed period. However, looking at the image import / export, it can be clearly seen that the volume of imports in 2008 was significantly decreased by 10.061.000 KM, what represents decrease of 74% compared to 2007, while export volume rose by 2.406.000 KM or 9%. It is important to point out that the export volume during observed years was continuously increasing by 8.329.000 KM in 2008 compared to 2005, what represents increase of 67%.

Picture 22 Import/export, 000 KM Tourism potentials in Šamac municipality

Šamac is situated at the estuary of river Bosna into river Sava. Rivers represent a significant potential for tourism. On river Sava was built cargo-transportation center "Luka" with a dock, with land - river transport modes hubs. The length of the river Sava course is 2.96 km, and also represents the administrative border with Republic of Croatia, and the length of the river Bosna is 10.5 km. The rivers are navigable, and there are potentials for the development of waterway tourism and water sports. In order to promote them, we organize traditional event of plain sailing on river Bosnia towards the estuary. Participants are from our municipality and neighboring municipalities. So far, these events were successful with many participants, and each year the number of participants increases.

Apart from rivers considerable are pond water surface, such as pond "Bara Tišina", which is protected by law as a natural reserve (since 1985), pond "Žandrak", then the artificial lakes formed by gravel mining, such as "Jekića rovanji "," Markovića rovanji "and others. Rivers and lakes are very rich in fish varieties (catfish, zander, carp, bream, barbell, prussian carp, grass carp, etc.), what represents an ideal base for development of sport fishing. Every year a competition in sport fishing is organized.

12 Source: Chamber of Economy of Republic of Srpska.


Town has a huge water potential that needs to be utilized. It is necessary to amend the banks of Bosna and Sava rivers, make swimming places and beaches, amend an existing swimming place “Kej”, manage camping areas, and build sports fields next to the beach.

Šamac is known by swimming place "Kej" on the river Sava which is used as a summer resort by town residents and it is necessary to perform adaptation of the "Kej" and surrounding, to set up showers, toilets, etc in order to change this space into a tourist destination.

It should be pointed out also a wealth of hunting areas that have recently become increasingly attractive for both domestic and foreign tourists and hunters. The hunting grounds are rich in game birds (pigeon, pheasant, wild duck and quail), small game (rabbit) and big game (wild boar, buck).

Concerning the fact that our area is rich with a diversity of game, it is necessary to promote and enhance the hunting tourism and enrich the fund of game. In the implementation of the project “Posavina-paradise for hunting and fishing", it is purchased a machine for projecting clay pigeons so therefore are created the conditions to organize hunters’ competitions at world level.

Construction of the hunting lodge is in progress. It will have accommodation and by its’ completion hunting tourism offer in the municipality of Šamac will be even more complete. In Šamac there are a number of sports and recreational facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, town stadium and others. Everything is accompanied by accommodations. In the center of town is the hotel "Plaza" with a capacity of 56 beds. The hotel has a big hall for 400 guests so it is suitable for various events and business seminars. Motel "Gas petrol" has a capacity of 90 beds, motel "Eleganc" of 10 beds and there are 50 beds in other accommodation facilities.

There are seven restaurants in the town which are famous for their specialties. Religious tourism is well developed in the world. In our town there are religious facilities - the Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church and the Mosque which are the stakeholders of this type of tourism.

Gastronomy is certainly a significant part of tourist offer in our municipality, because we are in a favorable geographical location and event "Gastro Fest" in the best way promotes the gastronomic offer of this area. An economic-tourist event "Gastro Fest" Šamac is included in the economic-tourism events of the Republic of Srpska and it takes place in hotel "Plaza" in Šamac, and contributes to the promotion of the municipality. At the event, with gastronomic offer that is unique to our and neighboring municipalities, are represented hotels, restaurants, bakeries, pastry shops, and various associations such as Women's Associations, Associations of Hunters, Fshermen Associations and others. Participants are from our municipality and other municipalities from Republic of Srpska and Federation.

Economic-tourist event "Fair of honey, beekeeping equipment and healthy food" is held at the square or in hotel, depending on weather conditions. This will be second holding of that event that should become traditional. Considering that in 2009 was a great interest of exhibitors from different parts of the RS and the Federation, about 30 exhibitors. We plan to maintain this event with the support of the Ministry of Trade and Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management as the previous year. This year the event might grow to international size. It is planned this year to organize cultural and economic events at the fair where would be presented products, traditional costumes, traditional food, customs which this region is known for. Each year the competition is held in street basketball, at the town square. The event gathered over twenty-five teams from several municipalities and has a traditional character for the third year running

It is planned to organize other events and its realization will depend on financial status.


In the forthcoming period it is necessary to:

- In addition to organizing events a promotional material such as tourist brochures, guidebooks, maps and likewise should be prepared to present the tourist offer of Šamac and the environment. Prospects would provide all necessary information of interest to tourists themselves but also to all who provide tourism services, wherever they are located.

- Create conditions for development of rural and ethno-tourism, which is a leading attraction particularly among foreign tourists in recent years. Our rural population is not sufficiently familiar with the very concept of rural tourism, what it means and what opportunities provides so it is necessary to educate them.

- The promotion, coordination and organization of cultural, sporting, artistic and other events that contribute to enriching and improving the quality of tourist attractions.

- Improvement of general conditions for accommodation and residing of tourists in the municipality, establishing and implementing of strategy for promoting tourism in Šamac municipality on the domestic and international markets.

- Keeping records of tourist visits and data processing of tourist traffic in the municipality for the purpose of tax collection and professional data processing.

- Promotion and organization of actions aimed at preserving and improving tourist areas and environmental protection.

- Promoting the protection, maintenance and renewal of cultural and historical monuments and other resources of interest to tourism and their involvement into tourism offer.

- Cooperation and coordination with legal entities and persons who are directly or indirectly involved in the tourist trade for the purpose of establishing and implementation of development policies of Šamac municipality.

- Assisting development in settlements in the municipality area that have certain undeveloped tourism potentials and promotion of them.

- Identification of new tourism resources and finding ways for their development and exploitation for the purposes of tourism.

- Participation of the Tourist Organization of Šamac municipality at numerous events and exhibitions organized by the Ministry of Trade and Tourism, Tourist organization of RS, Tourist Organization of RS municipalities.

- Through development of local economic strategy make influence to convert tourism potential into tourism products and to create conditions for development of tourism in Šamac municipality.

Nomination of existing and creation and nomination of new projects in tourism towards the RS Government through ministry departments.

4.1.4 Labour market Employment

By observing number of employees from 2005 to 2008 it is noticeable that the number of employees in the period increased slightly (from 2980 workers in 2005 up to 3292 workers in


2008) 13. By percentage, the number of workers increased by 10% in 2008 compared to 2005. However, in 2009 there has been a decrease of 191 or 6,2% compared to 2008. The employment rate in the municipality of Šamac in 2009 amounted to 21,4%, while the employment rate in 2008 amounted to 22,7%. The reasons for such trend should be found in the impact of the global economic crisis and the recession that has not bypassed Šamac municipality's economy and the fact that a large number of small entrepreneurs deregistered its business or reduced the number of workers due to application of the Law on fiscal cash registers.

Picture 23 Number of employees per year

If we observe employees structure according to activities sectors in 2009, the largest number of employees is working in manufacturing industry 714 or 24 % out of total number of employees, then in the activity sector of agriculture, hunting and forestry 401 employee or 12,9% and wholesale and retail sale 385 or 12,4%.

Picture 24 Employees per activity sector

Social services (public administration, education and health and social care) in 2008 employed 21% out of total number of employees in Šamac municipality.

13 Source: Employment Institute of RS.



3280 3292









2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Picture 25 Percentage ratio of individual activity sectors in overall employment in Šamac municipality (2008)

Comparing with 2005, there has been considerable growth of manufacturing activity sector within the overall employment (increase of 4%), and considerable decline in overall participation of activity sector “other community, social and personal activities” (decrease of 6%).

Picture 26 Percentage ratio of individual activity sectors in overall employment in Šamac municipality (2005)

From the perspective of employees according to the size of a company, the largest number of employees is employed in middle seized companies (50-250 employees), with 1221 or 39,4%, then micro companies with 829 employees or 26,7%, small companies with 639 employees or 20,6%, while the smallest number of employees in companies with classification as large (over 250 workers), with 412 or 13,3%.


Picture 27 Number of employees according to the size of the company in 2009

It is necessary to note that data about number of employees in large companies is related to economic operator „Nova forma“ as only company in Šamac municipality that can be classified as large according to stated classification.

Picture 28 The average monthly net salary

The average monthly net salary in period from 2005 to 2009, if we consider companies in Šamac municipality, has constant growth, from 509 KM in 2005 up to 769 KM in 2009. Highest net salaries are in Financial management sector (1260), then Public administration and defense (1082) and Health care and social welfare (1037), while lowest salaries are in sectors of Manufacturing (524) and Catering (487).

By analyzing the above data, it is evident that the largest number of workers is employed in manufacturing, agriculture, hunting and forestry, and wholesale and retail sale, where these three areas employ a total of 1600 workers, or 51,6% of total employment. However, if we consider the average monthly net salaries in these areas, we will see that they are among the lowest, with an average of 558 KM, which is 211 KM less than the overall average. On the other hand, the field of public administration and defense, education and health care and social welfare employ 661 workers or 21,3%, while average net wages in these three areas is far greater than the average (the average of these three areas is 1006 KM).

509 521


755 769
















27 Unemployment

In calculating the unemployment rate, we used two data sources: data on employment and unemployment of Municipal Development Team and data on employment and unemployment of the Institute of Statistics of RS. According to municipal data we obtained slightly lower unemployment rate (41%) than the rate registered by the statistics (44%).

Picture 29 Comparison of registered unemployment rate (2009)

Regardless the data source, we can see that the unemployment rate is lower than the rate of unemployment in the municipalities from the Federation involved in this project. Also we see that the unemployment rate in the municipality of Šamac is higher by minimum 5% of the

average rate of unemployment in the Republic of Srpska.

These data should be taken with a certain limitations since registered unemployment rate takes into account registered to the Employment Institute that are not necessarily active in the labor market. On the other hand, registered employment does not take into account the black market. It should also be borne in mind that Šamac is distinctly agricultural municipality with an extremely large number of residents employed in agriculture what is not registered by the official statistics due to the unresolved status of employees in this activity sector.

However, the unemployment rate could be higher than presented in the above picture due to the extremely low rates of economic activity of population of working age.

Picture 30 Economic activity rate of working age population (2009)


Economic activity rate is a ratio of all registered unemployed and employed persons and total number of working age residents (from the age of 15 to 64). Economic activity rate (participation on labor market) in Šamac municipality area is extremely low and amounts around 34% (36% according to municipal data). Economic activity rate of Šamac municipality population is 19% lower than average economic activity rate of population in RS area.

Picture 31 Number of unemployed by age

If we observe number of unemployed14, it is clear that unemployment continually grows in the last six years. Also, in 2009, comparing to 2005, unemployment raised for 578 employees or by 36,8%. Reasons for the increase in unemployment should be sought in the fact that in this period a number of state companies ceased its business or have conducted any other legal proceedings (bankruptcy,

liquidation ...) and due to that a certain number of workers ended up at the labor market, then the impact of global economic crisis on the economy of Šamac municipality in the last period, and reduced economic activity and the legal solutions that have a negative impact on employment or unemployment.

Increase in the number of unemployed is noticeable in all educational structures, but it is most evident with workers with secondary education where the number of workers increased from 383 in 2008 to 498 in 2009, an increase of 115 workers or 30%. Increasing unemployment in 2009 compared to 2008 is represented with skilled workers by 94 workers or 16,4%, unskilled workers by 59 or 8,4%. For the first time in the past six years at the labor market were reported three persons with MA degree.

Picture 32 The participation of certain groups in the overall registered unemployment classified by the level of education

14 Employment Institute of RS..

15721699 1708









2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


In the last five years there has been no significant change in educational participation of certain groups of unemployed in total unemployment. The only significant change is the reduction of the share of unemployed skilled workers by 4% and increasing participation of low-skilled unemployed for 4%. In 2009, out of total number of unemployed, 41% had elementary school education level or less than.

Picture 33 Educational structure of registered unemployed men (2009)

Of the total number of unemployed men, 38% have completed elementary school or less. The percentage of women with elementary school qualifications or less is somewhat larger and amounts to 44%.

Picture 34 Educational structure of registered unemployed women (2009)

At the same time, percentage share of unemployed women with secondary education (32%) in overall number of unemployed women is twice higher then percentage share of men with secondary education (16%) in overall number of unemployed men. There is considerable difference in percentage share of qualified workers in overall unemployment. These data show indications about educational system and strong division of occupations to male and female.


Chart 2 Educational structure of unemployed

Educational structure

2005 2006 2007. 2008 2009.

Unskilled 506 567 623 699 785

Semi-skilled 70 79 92 104 110

Skilled 569 594 545 572 666

Highly-skilled 8 10 9 9 10

Without completed education

Secondary education 351 371 360 383 498

College education 40 49 58 66 62

University education 28 29 21 30 43

MA, PhD 3

Total 1572 1699 1708 1863 2150

The age structure of unemployed indicates an increase in unemployment of almost all ages. The greatest increase is noticeable at the unemployed aged between 18 and 24 in 2009 compared to 2008 by 208 workers. The following are the age structure of 24 to 30 by 77 workers, from 45 to 50 by 42 workers, 30 to 35 by 41 workers and so on. In addition, the majority of the unemployed are those aged 50 to 60, 616 of them in 2008 and 428 in 2009. Within this age structure only decresment in the number of employees in 2009 occurred and that by 188 workers or 43,9%.

Picture 35 Unemployed age structure

It is assumption that this reduction is a result of resolving the pension care workers who during the process of privatization of state companies lost their jobs. It is important to note that in 2009 were increased the number of unemployed persons with age structures over 60 years by 37 workers.




272 275243


















15-18 18-24 24-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-60 60+




Picture 36 Ratio of certain age groups within total unemployment (2009)

Legislation in BiH defines youth as persons up to 30 years old. According to this classification, in the municipality of Šamac young people participate in the total number of registered unemployed with 25,6%. Persons older than 45 years participate in the total number of unemployed with 34,9%. These two categories are usually faced with specific obstacles to their employment and are considered as hardly employable categories (one due to lack of experience and others because of age discrimination). According to this “hardly employable " categories that are in need of assistance in employment make 60% of total registered unemployed.

Picture 37 Length of job searching

International Labor Organization’s standards are considering long-term unemployed all persons who have failed to find a job within 6 months. According to the Employment Institute and in accordance with the above criteria, in the Šamac municipality 80% of all unemployed are long term unemployed. An additional concern makes the fact that in the period from 2005 to 2009 share of unemployed who are unemployed for over four years in the total number of unemployed increased from 26% in 2005 to 34% in 2009.




















Picture 38 Length of unemployment – unemployed men and women

Concerning the long-term unemployment, the situation is worse with unemployed men. While according to the criteria of the International Labor Organization long-term unemployed women makes 77%, the percentage of unemployed men is 82%. While the percentage of unemployed women who have been unemployed for more than two years 47%, the share of those men who are unemployed for more than two years in the total number of unemployed is 54%.

According to the observed years, the largest number of workers is waiting for work for more than 7 months. In 2009, the number of workers who are waiting for more than 48 months increased, from 610 workers in 2008 to 720 workers in 2009, representing an increase of 18%. During 2005, 2006 and 2007 number of workers who are unemployed between 25 and 48 months increased continuously to a lesser extent (on average 1-2%), while in 2008 was recorded a drop by 170 or 51% comparing to previous year, and in 2009 it increased slightly by 20 workers. A similar trend happens with the workers who are unemployed between 7 and 24 months, except a smaller decline 2007 with number of workers waiting for jobs and new increase again in 2008 and 2009. In 2005, 2006 and 2007, we have the smallest number of workers unemployed for less than 6 months, while in 2008 and 2009 that was the case with workers unemployed from 25 to 48 months

4.1.5 Overview of the situation and trends in social development field Education

Education system of Šamac municipality consists of four central and 6 sub primary schools, one secondary school and one pre-school facility – kindergarten. Total number of employees in educational facilities in 2009 is 149 (8 employees in kindergarten, 111 employees in primary schools and 30 employees in secondary school).

The employee structure meets the requirements of schools, which meet the criteria of the personnel, material and space equipment in schools in accordance with the Law on primary, secondary and pre-school education.


Picture 39 Number of classrooms in educational facilities

For 336 pupils transportation to school is provided, and Šamac municipality bears part of expenses for these purposes. Educational facilities in the Šamac municipality have at their disposal 74 classrooms in which lectures take place.

Chart 3 Equipment in educational facilities in terms of technical infrastructure

No. School name

Number of computers

Number of books in library Sports hall

1. Primary school Obudovac 10 9581 2

2. Primary school Gornja Slatina 9 6010 1

3. Primary school Crkvina 6 4836 1

4. Primary school Šamac 20 6740 1

5. Secondary school „Nikola

Tesla“ Šamac 37 8420 1

6. Kindergarten „Radost“ Šamac 2 215 -

7. Public library Šamac 3 30 000 -

Number of enrolled children in primary schools in rural settlements tends to decline. In 2005, total number of enrolled children in field schools amounted 100, while in 2009 that number declined to 72, which represents decrease of 28 pupils. Number of enrolled children in town primary school is in stagnation with slight fluctuations (in 2005 61 pupils, in 2009 52 pupils), while number of enrolled children in secondary school in 2009 comparing to 2005 increased, from 117 pupils in 2005 to 153 pupils in 2009, what represents growth of 36 pupils or 23%.


Picture 40 Number of children enrolled in educational facilities

Increase of enrolled children in secondary school was not constant. In other words, growth is recorded in 2006 comparing to 2005, while in 2007 there was decrease of 39 pupils, and then again growth in 2008 and 2009. It is important to note

that data about enrolled children in secondary school are related to those enrolled in Secondary school “Nikola Tesla” in Šamac, while certain number of pupils, due to lack of choice in Šamac, enrolled into school in other, neighboring municipalities.

In secondary school “Nikola Tesla” Šamac in 2009 enrolled 153 pupils while 225 pupils completed primary school. The fact that 72 pupils or 47% of overall number of enrolled in secondary school continued its education in other municipality or 32% of those who completed primary school, shows that it is necessary to undertake measures to ensure conditions for sustainability of secondary school (review profiles, personnel, material and spatial capability of school).

Picture 41 Number of children enrolled in educational facilities

From Picture 41 it is notable that in 2005 there were 8 and in

2006 5 children with special needs who attended primary

school in separated classes. With legislation amendments

afterwards these children were integrated into regular lecturing


Primary education in the period from 2005 until 2009 records constant decline in number of pupils in Šamac municipality. Number of pupils in primary schools in Šamac municipality in 2005 amounted to 1676 pupils, while in 2009 that number is 1527, a decline of 149 students or 8.9%. The largest number of pupils is attending primary school "Šamac" in Šamac, 584 of them, then primary school in Obudovac 361 pupils, in Gornja Slatina 285 pupils and primary school in Crkvina 209 pupils. Besides, fewer students (88 students) attend classes in six field primary schools15. Number of children attending pre-school education is also declining in 2009 in

15 Field schools "Kruskovo polje", "Srednja Slatina", “Batkusa", “Obudovac 2", "Tisina" and "Gajevi".




10091 94

75 72

61 64


















2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Основно образовање

Сеоске школе

Градске школе

Средње образовање


comparison to previous years. In 2009 there were 44 children attending pre-school education compared to 2005 when that number was 91. Looking at the segment of secondary education, there is a noticeable increase in the number of pupils who attend high school with 428 pupils in 2005 to 449 pupils in 2009. The largest number of students attended high school in 2006, 460 pupils, and the least in 2007, 407 pupils.

Picture 41 Number of children attending educational facilities

Picture 42 Ethnical structure of pupils in educational facilities

By observing ethnical structure of pupils in educational facilities, it can be concluded that it represents reflection of ethnical structure of population and that in the past 20 years due to war events and migrations as war consequence, it has been considerably changed. Today 92% of pupils belong to Serbian ethnical group, 7% are Bosniaks, 1% Croats and insignificant number of those pleaded as others.

The amount of money invested in education from municipal budget (chart 4) during the observed periods is growing, within every level of education. The highest boost is with primary education, where 76.994 КМ were invested in 2005 while 687.705 КМ were invested during 2009. However it should be considered that increase of financial means in 2009 for primary education, comparing to earlier years, mainly reflected due to construction of sport hall in primary school Crkvina.

Chart 4 The financing of educational institutions from the municipal budget - subsidies


Educational level

Годишње остварени износу буџету 2005

Годишње остварени износу буџету 2006

Годишње остварени износу буџету


Годишње остварени износу буџету 2008

Годишње остварени износу буџету 2009

Pre-school education 97 184 101 559 114 914 187 580 236 975

Primary education 76 994 339 835 118 520 286 947 687 705

Secondary education 93 607 95 091 115 253 75 100 96 294

Number of students who are beneficiaries of scholarships is increasing each year, so in 2005 65 students received the scholarships, while the number in 2009 is 134 students.

Picture 43 Number and amount of municipal scholarships Sport and culture

In the area of Šamac municipality exists three cultural institutions: SPKD "Prosvjeta" Šamac, PI "Public Library" Šamac and "Cultural Center" of Šamac municipality, and six cultural associations. Most of the funding of cultural institutions and associations is done through grants from the municipal budget.

Picture 44 The amount of budget funds allocated to culture

Picture 44 shows the amount of funds allocated from the municipal budget planned for the culture sector16 in the period from 2005 to 2009 and it is clear that in 2009 occurred a reduction of funds for this sector from 122.449,81 KM in 2008 to 32.151,07 KM in 2009 or a decrease of 90.298,74 KM. Most

16 Administration Service of Šamac municipality, Department of finance.

110 360

65; 2005

88 260

105; 2006

90 890

114; 2007

112 640

117; 2008

91 980 KM

134; 2009














2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


of the funds were allocated for culture in 2007 and 2008, and a substantial portion of these funds were allocated for capital investment in culture (19.305,00 KM in 2007 and 19.177,47 KM in 2008) as well as maintenance costs of the international conference CIOF (21.363,84 KM in 2008).

Picture 45 The amount of budget funds allocated to sport

In 2008 1,1% of the planned budget has been allocated for culture, while in 2009 the percentage was 0,9%17. As can be seen from Picture 45, allocated funds for sports18 were increased in the period from 2005 to 2008 while in 2009 was recorded a reduction. Sports Association of Šamac municipality is a covering sport organization in the municipality that assembles 22 sport clubs (17 football clubs, two volleyball clubs, a chess club, a bowling club and a martial arts club) in different categories and types of sports.

It is important to recognize that the largest number of clubs is organized for "football". The area is dominated by the male population over female population of the municipality and budget funds are distributed accordingly. It is necessary to introduce a transparent relationship with the funds from the budget, and transparent insight into the scoring when selecting applicants for funding either sport or the culture.

It is necessary to encourage sports and cultural events with the women included.

It is important to note that all local communities have playgrounds or sports grounds and in most local communities exists at least one sport club. Financing of "Sports Association" Šamac is done completely from the budget resources of Šamac municipality. Also, with the budget funds is financing sport clubs, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the level of individual sports competitions of the club (its administrative costs, referee fees, etc are funded).

17 Official Gazzete of Šamac municipality, number 18/09. 18 Source: Administration Service of Šamac municipality, Department of Finance.













2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

38 Health care

Health care in Šamac municipality concerning the number of health facilities in comparison to population is on satisfying level. Šamac municipality is covered with primary health care with two field departments in settlements Obudovac and Gornja Slatina and with Health Center in Šamac that makes a complete system to cover the complete municipality. Besides, there is contribution by 10 family medicine teams and four private clinics.

Chart 5 Number of facilities of primary health care in the municipal area

Equipment and need for additional equipment

• The available equipment is relatively new, concerning the fact that it is bought mostly at the beginning of 2003/2004. In truth it will be outdated to some extent in few years. Number of equipment is satisfactory but concerning the depth and spectrum of possible and necessary services the equipment is needed to be expanded and renewed. Realistically there is a need to equip microbiological laboratories, to buy equipment for early detection of breast cancer, ultrasound with a program for cardiac services.

• Concerning the renewal of existing equipment, by age first should be replaced biochemical analyzers in biochemical laboratories, ultrasound modified and equipped with probes for multiple purposes, inhalers, several EKG (ECG) devices, dental machine and chair, medical vehicle, etc.

Available professional personnel

Professional personnel are mostly satisfactory. Certain number of personnel (doctors) should be referred to the specialization and it is a continuous process which requires time and money.

Mobile teams for health care supply

With program of Health Sector enhancement, a program of reorganization and implementation of family medicine program (in accordance with overall possibilities), it is planned to ensure distance of family medicine departments is within approximately eight kilometers from the user. All positive deviations are welcome but are subject to a minimum which is financed from funds for regular health care. Based on this and assessment of the possibility of the local community, the arrangement of field departments in the area is designed to meet the required minimum. There are field departments that cover the rural areas that are remote from the headquarters of

2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009.

Health center 1 1 1 1 1

Field departments 2 2 2 2 2

Family medicine teams 11 10 10 10 10

Emergency 1 1 1 1 1

Public pharmacies 1 1 1 1 1

Private clinics 3 3 4 4 4

Health consulting offices that are working for development of health care through prevention and education

7 7 7 7 7


the Health Center, distance from users is not above the average of eight kilometers and field departments are working full time every day.

Providing health care to immobile and old people in rural areas of the municipality is provided through the work of family medicine teams that are covering the entire area of the municipality, in accordance with prescribed standards. The personnel structure at the Health Centre is as follows:

Chart 6.Personell structure in Health Center

19 Internist is manager of Helath Center who provides services of interal medicine.

No. Doctors per departments No of



1 Doctors as family doctors in teams 9

2 Doctors for consulting specialized protection ( gynecologist, pediatrician, internist19) 3

I Total number of family medicine services and CSP (1 - 2) 12


II Psychiatrist (in department for Mental health) 1

III Physiatrist (Department for Physical medicine and rehabilitation) 1

IV Epidemiologist ( Department of hygiene and epidemiology protection) 1

V The dentist (dental service) 3


Nurses college degree and high school degree

According to education ranking:

1 College degree – Physiatrists 2

2 College degree – X-ray technicians 1

3 College degree - Laboratory technician 1

4 College degree – Other medical technicians 4

VII Total medical personnel with college degree(1 – 4) 8

1 Laboratory technician – high school degree 4

2 Other medical technicians-nurses, high school degree, (family medicine, departments, epidemiology and dentist.)


VIII Total medical personnel with high school degree (1 – 2) 33



XI Medical associates (university degree- psychologist, college degree – social worker, high school degree- chemical technician)


XII Other employees in common services (assistant manager 1, secretary 1, accounting and economy 4, intendant 1, other drivers and cleaners)




Population with health insurance coverage varies by year, mainly due to legislation changes of relevant institutions that affect large or small number of policyholders. The largest number of people who had health insurance coverage was in 2008, 16,400 of them or 71% of the total population of the municipality. This number is slightly lower in 2009, 13.052 or 57%, which is the lowest number of insured in the past five years.

Picture 46 Health insurance coverage of municipal population

The reasons for reducing the number of covered policyholders of health insurance should be sought in a change of legislation affecting the reduction of the rights in mentioned areas and thus reduction of the number of policyholders.

Picture 47 Health insurance policyholders’ structure

Observing the structure of health insurance policyholders (Picture 47), it is easy to notice that, in all observed years, majority of them are those who are carriers of insurance in relation to family members who on that account are using health insurance.


1579816315 16490












2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

41 Social welfare

Social welfare and child care in Šamac municipality is organized through finance of social appropriations to users who are in need, and partially financing child care from Child Care Fund on RS fund level. Most of the social services are implemented by the Social Welfare Center. The structure of service delivery of social care the largest part refers to "social work services and other professional services" in all observed years. It is also notable that this kind of help, in all years, is used more and more. Thus, the number of beneficiaries in 2005 amounted 228, while in 2009 that number was 950 and represents 60% of services provided by social welfare. Great share in the structure of social assistance is child’s allowance. Number of beneficiaries of child’s allowance in 2009 was 401, while in 2008 it was 355. Most beneficiaries were recorded in 2006 and amounted to 610, while the least in 2005 only 305.

Picture 48 Types of aid and number of beneficiaries of Social Welfare Center

Social welfare and child care service i.e. “Social Welfare Center” as institution that process requests of beneficiaries is mostly financed from municipal budget (around 98%). In the last five years is evident increase of funds allocated for these purposes so we can conclude that there has been increase in beneficiaries’ number.

42 38 33 36 3853



64 69 6878

175 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 1

18 19 23 23 20

64 69 6878




25 20





2 2 2 2 2






25 30 27 25 28


70 73




2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Picture 49 Paid subventions through Social Welfare Center

Amount of funds allocated for these purposes in 2009 amounted 683.400 KM compared to 2005 when that amount was 346.971 KM, representing increase of 336.429 KM or 49,2%.

Corresponding data in 2009 compared to 2005 shows that number of children without parental guardianship has decreasing tendency, from 126 beneficiaries in 2005 to 87 beneficiaries in 2009, representing decrease of 30%. Number of neglected children is increasing, from 19 children in 2005 to 56 children in 2009, while number of children with physical disorder has tendency of decrease.

Picture 50 Vulnerable groups – juvenile Picture 51 Vulnerable groups – adults

Picture 51 shows that number of persons with unsecured background and persons unfit for work is decreasing in observed period (496 in 2005, 364 in 2009). Number of elders without family guardianship and number of persons with negative behaviour is increasing significantly, from 126 persons in 2005 up to 275 persons in 2009. Number of persons with physical and psychical disabilities and number of disabled persons is in stagnation.

Social Welfare Center is equipped with computers and has built database but equipment is outdated, so often there are difficulties in regional communication.

There is an ongoing project “Identification of needs and problems of socially vulnerable groups” that will recognize, comprehend the problem and enable undertaking of adequate measures.

Number of elders without family guardianship, persons with negative behaviour and neglected children is increasing, as it can be seen from pictures 50 and 51. Preventive measures are carried out but are insignificant when compared to rapid increase in number of those persons.

Picture 52 Disabled veterans by categories



547920 544844











2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


If we consider disabled veterans’ categories it is evident that majority of disabled veterans are in ninth (18%), eighth (16%) and sixth (16%) category. These three categories make up 50% of total number.

Picture 53 Amount of average veteran’s disability subvention in KM

Amount of average veteran’s disability subvention is increasing every year in all categories. Veteran’s disability subventions are increasing constantly for 3-5% on annual basis in all observed years and for all categories.

Picture 54 Civil war victims

Total number of civil war victims in Šamac municipality is 34. Majority of those victims are in sixth disability category (68%).

















21; 68%

3; 10%

2; 6%

2; 6%

3; 10%; 0%

























Picture 55 Amount of disability subventions for civil war victims

Amounts of disability subventions for civil war victims in 2007 are increased for all categories, while in later period slight decresment is noticeable. Reasons for this reduction should be found in amendments of the applicable law.

Picture 56 Revenues of Social Welfare Center

Revenues of Social Welfare Center in the observed period are increasing considerably; in 2005 total revenues of the Center amounted to 90.087 KM, while that amount in 2009 was 456.300 KM. Main reason for this increase i.e. fund’s allocation for these purposes (mostly from municipal budget) is due to the fact that number of beneficiaries is increasing as well as due to expansion of Center’s activities what requires more funds.

Social Welfare Centre beneficiaries are receiving subventions based on requests or on rights guaranteed by legislation to specific categories. The funds allocated for this purpose, observed by years, have a different tendency to rise and fall just for the above reasons. Share of funds allocated to beneficiaries of the Social Welfare Centre in total expenditure participate around 58%, while the expense costs of Social Welfare Centre (salaries, wages, electricity ...) participate about 39%.

Picture 57 Allocated funds to beneficiaries Public safety

Public safety can be observed from two aspects; from aspect of natural impacts on security and from aspect of illegal actions that threaten the safety of citizens. We should not neglect the














2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
































2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


aspect of vulnerability of citizens by contaminated soil with explosive devices as a result of the war actions during last decade of the 20th century. Endangerment from floods represents a threat to the population that resides primarily on the river banks, especially of river Bosna. That problem occurred frequently in recent years and in that respect it is necessary to address this problem. The total length of flood risk areas20 that threatens the population is 2000 square meters, where is potentially affected about 2 400 residents.

Picture 58 Area in m² where mines and explosive devices were removed

Very important aspect of public safety is endangerment by mines and explosive devices. Since area of Šamac municipality was affected by war actions, soil is contaminated with mines. Today, in the Šamac municipality area 6,7km² or 670 hа is contaminated with mines and represents 3,75% of Šamac municipality area. Solving of this problem depends mostly from international donators who funds demining activities and therefore it is almost impossible and inappropriate to assess the dynamics of this process and the period in which we can expect a complete decontamination of land mines. It is important that the Council of Ministers - Ministry of Civil Affairs allocated 8% of the budget for demining in Bosnia. According to the data on implementation of the demining process21 in the past five years was carried out decontamination of mines on total area of 2 700,000 m². The majority of this area was cleared in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (2 500 000 m²) due to greater donor funding in these years. If the present rate of progress continues, it can be expected that Šamac municipality in the next ten years will to a great extent solve the problem of land mines contamination.

20 Civil protection department of Šamac municipality. 21 Civil protection department of Šamac municipality.













2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Chart 7 Criminality and public order: disclosure level


number of crime


Total number of reported


Number of crime acts with known perpetrator

Number of crime acts

with unknown


Disclosure percent in


Number of juvenile


Total number

of reported violations

2005 257 190 71 186 27,60% 10 92

2006 272 215 90 182 33,10% 13 122

2007 308 290 111 197 36,00% 19 88

2008 216 153 52 164 24,10% 11 73

2009 293 311 70 223 23,90% 53 78

If we observe public safety in terms of performing illegal actions (Chart 7), it is shown that the number of crimes in 2009 increased by 26.3% compared to 2008. In the observed years, the largest number of crimes was recorded in 2007, which was 308, and the lowest in 2008 only 216. Total number of reported perpetrators is also increased by more than 100% in 2009 compared to 2008. The disturbing fact is that the percentage of the total disclosure of crimes is very low and ranges from 23.9% in 2009, which was the lowest percentage of disclosure, and 36% in 2007. Also, the number of juvenile perpetrators is in a sharp rise, with 11 perpetrators in 2008 to 53 perpetrators in 2009. Housing

From the data on housing fund condition in the Šamac municipality, we see that in 1991 there were 6075 individual housing units and 711 residential units within tenants union, and in 2005 the number of housing units in individual buildings have increased and amounted 6211 while the number of residential units within tenants union also increased to 744 residential units. If we analyze the data for these two years, taking into account that Šamac municipality is divided and therefore a significant number of housing units remained in the part of settlements that belongs to the Federation, we can conclude that in the postwar period residential development was significant.

The fact that: in 1991 were 6075 housing units in individual houses or 90% and 711 residential units within tenants union or 10%; in 2005. were 6211 housing units in individual houses or 89% and 744 residential units within tenants union or 11%; in 2006 were 6289 housing units in individual houses or 88% and 818 residential units within tenants union or 12%; in the 2007 were 6301 housing units in individual houses or 89% and 818 residential units within tenants union or 11%; in 2008 were 6336 housing units in individual houses or 88% and 842 residential units within tenants union or 12%; in 2009 were 6378 housing units in individual houses or 88% and 869 residential units within tenants union or 12%, shows us that the population of the municipality was orientated to the construction of individual residential units.


Picture 59 Housing fund structure

Maintenance condition of residential units within tenants union is not adequate. Large number of tenants unions is not registered in accordance with Law on residential units maintenance (Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska number 16/02 and 65/03) and Rulebook on register of residential units tenants unions (Official Gazette of RS number 74/03).

Allocating funds for maintenance is not ensured and therefore residential units are not maintained. All parts of common infrastructure (façade, roof, access routes, hydrants, distribution boxes and electrical installations ...) are in very bad condition due to poor maintenance or lack of maintenance. This state of housing gives a bad image of the town, and affects the motivation to live in these residential units. Civil society

In Šamac municipality operates around 30 civil society organizations, some of them shown on picture 60. Civil society organizations are not self-sustaining and relay on support from international organizations and donors as well as local institutions and municipal budget. Total amount of budget funds planned in 2005 for all societies was 35.000 KM, in 2006 was 25.000 KM, in 2007 was 32.000 KM, in 2008 was 25.000 KM and in 2009 was 25.000 KM. Funds are equally available to everyone through nominated projects.22 This sometimes with members of civil societies raises the idea that allocation of budget funds is not transparent and in accordance with planned budget.

Picture 60 Funding of civil societies from municipal budget

22Administration Service of Šamac municipality.


For a small number of civil society organizations can be said that they are actually taking actions to fulfill certain projects. The interest of the citizens in general on issues such as community development and promotion of human rights is not sufficient for true civil action. Existing organizations are not coordinating their activities sufficiently and their inefficiency is particularly reflected with the organizations that are representing the interests of marginalized groups. Despite the large number of mechanisms for participation in public affairs, citizens' influence on decision making and management of public affairs is negligible. Due to the difficult socio-economic situation and the current recession in society, citizens are often indifferent, unaware of their rights and responsibilities and therefore tools for information and participation in public affairs are underutilized.

Although Šamac municipality supports the development of civil society, it is necessary to make further efforts to improve communication and cooperation between local authorities and sectors of civil society and creating of a better environment for action. Better communication and cooperation with citizens is important because the active, meaningful and free participation represents one of the main components of the right to development.

4.1.6 Public infrastructure Road infrastructure condition Road network in municipality

For road traffic in Šamac municipality greatest importance has main road M-17 that connects Šamac with Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Belgrade, Zagreb, and regional road that connects municipality with Tuzla, Brčko, Gradačac, Orašje, Modriča. Road network on municipality territory is made of 186,34 km consisting of:

-main road 9,43 km;

-regional road 60,26 km;

-local road 83,05 km;

-unclassified road 33,60 km.

Picture 61 Road network on municipal territory


Main and regional roads crossing the municipal territory are repaired during 2008 and 2009 and it should be expected that remaining road parts will be in forthcoming period completely repaired.

Picture 62 Comparing of road network development (km of main and regional roads on 100 km2)

Development of road infrastructure is measured as ratio of length of main and regional roads on 100 km2 of territory. Šamac municipality has an average of 40,33 km of main and regional roads on 100 km2 of territory. Based on the above comparison we can notice that comparing to other municipality participating in the same project, as well comparing to average of RS, Šamac municipality has developed road infrastructure. However, if we would compare this indicator with conditions in developed countries where on 100 km2 of territory are between 100 and 150 km of qualitative road network, we can conclude that, regarding road infrastructure, there are a lot of space for further improvement and development of it. Road network with municipal jurisdiction

Local and unclassified roads are in municipal jurisdiction and municipality has obligation to maintain them. By investing in the unclassified roads have increased the length of paved roads, so in 2005 it amounted to 33,60 km, in 2006 38,55 km, in 2007 43,00 km, in 2008 47,00 km, and in 2009 54,38 km.


Picture 63 Unclassified roads

Road network maintenance belongs to Šamac municipality, which is also doing repairing and reconstruction by allocating substantial funds from budget. Road network and connection investing

Local and unclassified roads in municipality are in municipal jurisdiction and therefore their maintenance and repair. By investing of funds from municipal budget through projects of joint ventures with residents, was carried out maintenance of those roads.

Picture 64 Road network investing

If we observe sole investment dynamics in period from 2005 to 2009 (picture 64) it is notable that in 2005 was invested 539.579,89 KM in roads on municipal territory, in 2008 980.667,49 KM, in 2009 459.908,32 KM, and therefore in 2007 was paved public unclassified and local road in length of 8,33 km, in 2008 15,03 km, while in 2009 only 6,37 km. Local transport

Local transport in municipal area is organized in such manner that all local communities, 25 of them, are covered with local transport and have regular bus lines to the town of Šamac. On picture 83 we can see municipal participation in subsidizing public transport of pupils from field schools to central primary schools and to the Secondary school “Nikola Tesla” in Šamac. Investment in 2005 amounted 40.142 KM, in 2006 63.385,43 KM, while in 2007 investment was decreased and amounted 40.697 КМ, in 2008 investment was 50.599,77 KM and in 2009 it reached the amount of 55.291 KM.

















2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Picture 65 Municipal funding of subsidized public transport (KM)

Organization of transport is mainly organized by three carriers who are in possession of required licenses for their registration. Public transport control is maintained by governing department through traffic inspector as well regarding departure regularities, changing of transport service, then safety of vehicles, registration of vehicles and other. Technical infrastructure condition

Šamac municipality has at disposal 2.389.076,00 m2 of land, and estimated value23 of that land is 7.623.755,20 KM. Through the collection of rents and fees Municipality is generating revenues. Revenues generated from land on that basis in 2005 amounted to 413.032,60 KM, in 2006 amounted 590.905,70 KM, in 2007 amounted 748,713.88 KM, in 2008 amounted 799.638,68 KM, while in 2009 that profit fell to 586.404,52 KM. The decrease in revenue from the land in 2009 compared to previous years happened because there has been a small investment in housing construction, reduction in number of users of public land, which is certainly the impact of the global economic crisis that is substantially reflected in our municipality.

Picture 66 Generated property revenue

Regarding the revenue of the apartment lease, it is extremely small and therefore insignificant. Reason for such situation is the fact that most apartments are now privately owned. Municipality generates part of revenue by leasing business facilities. Revenue generated from leasing of business facilities in 2005 amounted 332.979,00 KM, and in 2009 amounted 165.778,51 KM, while in 2008 revenue amounted 464.212,65 KM, and in 2007 it amounted 54.596,00 KM, therefore it can be concluded that in this period have been significant oscillations. The reason for this condition is primarily seen in the activities of economic entities - entrepreneurs who have used the office space in the area of entrepreneurship. A significant decrease in revenue from the lease of business facilities in 2009 is primary caused by a significant decrease in jobs as well as the reflection of the global economic crisis. Such situation, on the local communities’ level, could not be affected by local initiatives.

23 Inventory lists of capital goods of Administrative Service of Šamac municipality.














2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Land area covered by forests in the municipality of Šamac of 4695 m2 is extremely small so that there is no income on that basis. Condition of electricity distribution network in Šamac municipality

Picture 67 Length of electricity distribution network

Šamac municipality is completely covered with electricity distribution network, high voltage and low voltage. Length of high voltage network is 165,38 km, and low voltage network is 441,90 km.

On picture 67 is showed length of built electricity distribution network on high and low voltage so it can be assumed that in 2009 comparing to 2008 lengths of built network are insignificant. Concerning the network

reconstruction, there is a great need since poles and air power lines are outdated. Number of electric power customers for high and low voltage is given on picture 77, in numerical terms i.e. in 2005 there were 7110 terminals, in 2006 7262 terminals, in 2007 7306 terminals, in 2008 7410 terminals and in 2009 7523 terminals.

Picture 68 Number of electric power customers

It is positive fact that if we observe number of customers of electric power in municipality area there is no household without provided electric connection. Telephony

The installed capacity of landline telecommunications in the municipality of Šamac in 2005 amounted 4851 connections, in 2006 amounted 4697 connections, in 2007 amounted 4636 connections, in 2008 amounted 4768 connections and in 2009 amounted 4719 telephone connections with the tendency of decrease, which is expected due to the establishment of mobile telephony.

Picture 69 Number of landline connections


It is estimated that in Šamac municipality is in use around 20 000 mobile numbers. Area coverage of mobile signal in 2009 amounted to 90% on local level by distributers Mtel, Eronet and BHTelekom, and number of Internet user is increasing. Advantage of telecommunication network is in complete coverage of the area, and in local communities Internet connections are partially established.

4.1.7 Condition of municipal infrastructure Water supply network

Picture 70 Number of kilometers of water supply network

Water supply network supplies the town of Šamac through well holes and local community Tisina with their own well holes and water preservance system – water tower. Length of water supply network in Šamac municipality was in 2005 48 km and it remained the same in 2009. Water supply network suffers water losses due to outdated installations made of “asbestos-cement” pipelines, with different transversal sections that are outdated, breakable, and it is not possible to replace them since such pipes and connecting materials are not manufacturing any longer. Those problems are followed with lack of investments for water supply network maintenance, small chargeability of delivered water and others. Water losses in pipeline installations in 2005 were 65%, in 2006 were 41%, in 2007 were 40%, and in 2009 they are 35%. It is important to note that in Šamac municipality in 2005 the number of households without water connection to public water supply 4.800. That number remains in 2009. Number of households in municipality that are using water from local – controlled water supplies, in 2005 was 2000 and same number remained in 2009.

Investing in reconstruction of water supply infrastructure as well as funding of maintenance of water supply infrastructure was not performed in period from 2005 to 2009. However, in the














2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

48 48 48 48 48

65 65









2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2015 2020


forthcoming period it is planned, in cooperation with higher governing institutions and international donations, to build water supply network in settlements near the town of Šamac.

Present favorable climate and soil composition of different geomorphologic soil in the municipality area had a major and decisive influence on the occurrence and formation of permanent underground flows that are the backbone of the hydrological network in this region. Base of surface hydrographic of municipal areas is made of river Bosna and Sava and artificial drainage canals whose network is significant in municipal area. Base of the underground hydrological network in Šamac municipality is made of sources of geo-mineral water throughout the municipality. In addition to the above underground potential, Šamac municipality on its territory has many wells and public Artesian wells which supplies the local population

Available water resources of underground flows in the municipal area are used to supply the local population in settlements in the municipality, water supply of the industry and other economy in the municipality, fishing, irrigation and the creation, development and survival of various plant and animal life in the municipality. Although in the municipality there are significant water resources, the current findings suggest that practical they are not sufficient to meet the needs of water supply in urban areas and other places in the municipality.

Water supply of population in settlements in Šamac municipality is irregular, difficult and unsatisfactory. Local population meets its requirements for drinking water in manners as: water supply from artificially digg wells, local Artesian wells, from town water supply network, privately owned wells.

Water supply from artificially made wells is used due to the circumstances that two thirds of municipal population is not in position to use water from town water supply network and other water supplies made in certain settlements in municipality.

Individual and unorganized water supply of this population part is still undertaken in traditional way – collecting of water from artificial wells (Artesian) in settlements in municipal area. Those are mostly shallow and insufficiently deep wells. Its quality and water reserves are limited.

Apart from these problems, it can be assumed that quality of water from such wells is in question. Such assumption is based on: inadequate cleaning and maintenance of wells and well drills, frequent different forms of pollution of arable and forest soil in municipal area, uncontrolled and inadequate discharge of industrial waste water and other economic and non-economic activities and households (without prior treatment i.e. cleaning). Waste water is directly discharged on soil and surface channels, drains through soil and contaminated reaches wells – well drills where local population is collecting water for its needs. Quality of water used by local population from stated sources is not controlled. There is no reliable information about it.

Contamination of surface and underground water in Šamac municipality is frequent. Biggest contaminators of surface and underground waters are: petroleum and petroleum products, pesticides, detergent, easily degradable materials and nutrients found in organic and mineral fertilizers and detergents. In addition to these water pollutions, reduction in water quality is contributed by variety of other soil contamination, which usually result from the disposal of various waste and other types of solid and liquid waste of industrial origin. In Šamac municipality in most populated areas there is no built sewage system for drainage of waste water. In the area of town there is built sewage system that is, without treatment, discharged into the river Sava. The real contamination of surface and underground water in the municipality of Šamac is unknown because there are no official figures about this problem.

55 Wastewater

The town of Šamac has sewage system and its length in 2005 was 30 km and it remained the same in 2009. Investment funding, reconstruction and maintenance of sewage system, are followed with lack of means for funding, so in observed period from 2005 to 2009 there has been no investments. Sewage system has 1520 households connected to it, while there are 300 legal entities connected as well. It is estimated that in Šamac municipality, 5150 household were not connected to sewage system in 2005 and same trend remained in 2009. Average price of cubic meter of wastewater in 2005 amounted 0,65 KM/m3 with increase in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, and that price in 2009 amounted 1,66 KM/m3. It is troublesome fact that wastewaters are not purified and therefore in future should be set up monitoring of wastewater management in accordance with legislation for Water protection and Environment protection. Total number of households that are not connected to sewage system, due to the fact that they have their own septic tanks, is 5150. Out of that number, 75% of made septic tanks are not in accordance of Regulation on treatment and drainage of wastewaters for urban and rural areas without public sewage system (Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska number 68/01). Heating The town of Šamac has town heating plant since 1988 that worked with its capacity for a brief period and presently is out of function for 18 years. Existing equipment is partially stolen and remaining parts are not preserved neither regularly maintained so existing equipment cannot be used in future. Land where town heating plant is built consists of two parcels merged into one with total area of 12.935 m2. As for infrastructure of residential area heating, it was used only for part of industrial facilities and small part of residential buildings which were in vicinity of industrial facilities. Heating system was aerial and in previous period is destroyed. For heating, residents of town use solid fuel (wood and coal), natural gas and electricity. In the winter period high emissions of air pollution are evident caused by combustion of solid fuels and emitted from households or from individual companies. Therefore, in the future Šamac municipality should in this study of strategic planning activate operation of town heating plant and perform building of a complete heating system so air emissions can be reduced to the lowest possible measure. Public lighting By considering coverage of public lighting in Šamac municipality it is clear that coverage is minimal, in 2005 only 18% of residents had public lighting, while in 2009 that was 28%. In observed period can be seen that public lighting is increasing but still isn’t on satisfactory level.


Picture 71 Coverage degree of public lighting (%)

Regarding the funding planned by the municipal budget, they are variable and minimal, and allocation of funds for maintenance of public lighting and lighting fixtures. Maintenance of public lighting is low as can be seen from the amount of funds from the municipal budget that is invested in the operation of public lighting in 2005 that was 6.350 KM, while in 2006 there were no investments for these purposes. In 2008 funds were the largest and amounted 35.000,00 KM, and in 2009 amount decreased to 8.600 KM. Monitoring the safety of street lighting conducted by the competent municipal power companies, and partially municipal police, stating that maintenance tasks are not synchronized, no record is kept on the situation from the standpoint of lighting control operation in night mode. Cemeteries

Condition of cemeteries in the town of Šamac, as well as in rural areas, is organized according to the confessions and it is noticeable large irregularities due to “over complementation and availability of cemeteries”, and service prices of burial sites that are not charged and other. Cemetery availability in 2005 was 81% , in 2006 was 63% , in 2007 was 69 % while in 2008 was 72%, and in 2009 was 75%.

Picture 72 Availability of cemeteries













2005 2006 2007 2008 2009














2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


Financial investments in construction of cemeteries and its facilities in 2005 were 9.350 KM, in 2006 were 13.668,60 KM, in 2007 were 9.300 KM, in 2008 and 2009 investments have been increased and in 2009 amounted 52.967,79 KM. Parking

Šamac has private and public parking spaces and in picture 73 it can be seen that in 2005 there were 175 parking spots, in 2006 that number is increased to 251, in 2007 same number remains, while in 2008 was built a new parking space so parking spots increased to 374 and that number remained in 2009. Charging of parking has the following situation: in 2005 110 parking spots were charged, in period from 2006 to 2009 127 parking spots were charged. Charging of parking is organized through LTD “Posavski borci” that employs 6 payment collectors.

Picture 73 Number of available parking spots in municipal urban area

Concerning the collecting of payments, Šamac municipality could find a better way and to collect more significant funds that would fill in municipal budget, as well as better organization of ticketing of those drivers who are not parking properly or persons who are endangering traffic and pedestrians on sidewalks and streets. Municipal police should have important role regarding the order and to work on improvement of taxing and similar with clearly set regulations.


251 251

374 374










2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


4.1.8 Status of administrative services of local government Municipal Assembly

Šamac Municipal Assembly represents highest local legislative institution with its primary jurisdictions and jurisdictions transferred from higher governing instances. Local assembly consists of 15 Committees and 25 members24. Assembly constitution represents reflection of local elections results: Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD Milorad Dodik) 7 members; Serbian Democratic Party (SDS), 5 members; Coalition for Better Life (DNS and DS), 3 members; Independent Party dr. Mihajlo Tovirac, 2 members; Party of Democratic Progress (PDP), 3 members; Croatian coalition (HDZ, NHI, HSS and HDS 1990), 2 members; Serbian Radical Party, 1 member; Socialists party, 1 member and one independent member. This is the constitution of assembly for a period from 2008 to 2012. Within Municipal Assembly are working 15 Committees:

• Committee for Budget, Finances and Economy;

• Committee for Physical Planning and Utilities and Housing Affairs;

• Committee for Local Government;

• Committee for Education, Culture and Information;

• Committee for Youth and Sport;

• Committee for Health, Family, Veteran and Social Affairs;

• Committee for Gender Equality;

• Committee for Religious Affairs, International Relations and Protection of human rights and freedoms;

• Committee on Code of Ethics;

• Administrative Committee;

• The Supervisory Board;

• Commission for Elections and Appointments;

• Commission for Regulations;

• Commission for Awards;

• Commission for Regional International Cooperation.

Picture 74 Municipal Assembly constitution – number of member and percentage ratio (2008 - 2012)

24 Šamac Municipal Assembly constitution from 2008 to 2012.


Šamac Municipal Assembly has its own service. Professional Service of Šamac Municipal Assembly is an independent unit of the Administrative Service of Šamac municipality. The Service is managed by the Secretary of the Municipal Assembly. Professional service works within the Assembly Curriculum on execution of the duties and tasks set by the Assembly, Committees, the president, vice president and secretary of the Municipal Assembly. Professional service has three staff members employed on a permanent basis. Administrative Service

Mayor manages municipal Administrative Service (executive power) and is directly responsible for implementation of municipal policies, execution of municipal regulations and performance of tasks that are transferred (power) from Republic of Srpska to local government. Municipal Administrative Service is organized into four departments and three services:

• Department of commerce and social affairs;

• Department of General Administration;

• Department for Physical Planning, Utilities and Housing Affairs;

• Department for Finances;

• Mayor’s Service;

• Professional Service of Municipal Assembly;

• Service for Local Economic Development, Agriculture and Community.

Administrative Service of Šamac municipality employs 71 employees with certain number of trainees to be employed each year. Structure of employees in Administrative Service according to the gender, education and ethic structure is following:

• Gender structure : 29 women, 42 men, of which 9 are in managing positions.

• Completed education: University degree - 32; Associate degree – 7; High school diploma – 25; Qualified – 5; Primary school - 2.

• Ethnicity: Serbs-60; Bosniaks-3; Croats-3; others-5.


In purpose of efficient utilization of existing human resources making of new Regulations on internal organization and systematization of jobs and tasks is in progress. Also, in order to improve transparency, accountability and efficiency of local government, the Municipal Assembly and Mayor adopted a number of positive regulations as follows: Public Relations Strategy, Rulebook on Preventing and Controlling Corruption in Šamac Municipal Administrative Service, the Programmed for Fighting Corruption in the Administrative Šamac Municipal services Rulebook on usage of motor vehicles, Code of ethics for employees working in the Registry Office in the Administrative services, Education program for employees on keeping and submitting data from Registry, the Decision on appointment of the Commission for regular control of Registry entries, etc., and a series of improvement processes to improve local government in accordance with ISO 9001-2008 for the Administrative Office has been certified.

Chart 8 Some indicators of the efficiency of Administrative Services of Šamac municipality

2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009.

The amount of financial investment in technical equipment (information technology, etc.).

52.038 67.473 29.054,53 37.468,16 11.905,61

Number of computers 26 30 31 32 41

The amount of financial investment in staff training

2.270 7.295,40 6.646 2.477 4.452,97

Number of files 6067 7751 11205 19059 20000

% Files solved 95,40% 90% 93,32% 94,78% 89%

% Files transferred 4,50% 3,50% 6.67% 5,22% 11%

Department of General Administration has permanent coordination with the local communities in the Šamac municipality, assists them in coordination with other departments and the Mayor. All local communities have legally elected Councils and Council Chairmen. The local communities are funded partly from the municipal budget, while the funds for capital investment provided from the budget of the Republic of Srpska and citizen participation. Funding of local communities is based on the planned priorities in survey citizens submit, or based on the activity of certain local communities and citizens' willingness to financially support the implementation of specific projects that are planned through a survey of citizens. The municipal Administrative Service in accordance with its mandate, provides services in the realization of the citizens’ rights, enterprises, institutions and other forms of organization in an administrative procedure. In the cell “Files transferred” (Chart 8), is visible that the proportion of transferred files on the rise, which is only an indication that in the last two months of last year were received a large number of applications and Service has failed to solve them (with a note of respect for time resolution ).

Picture 75 The rate of customer’s satisfaction


Chart 8 shows that in the observed period of the municipal administration there is a tendency to increase the number of cases, the number of computers, while financial investments goes along with the improvement of local government, so in 2006 and 2007 the majority of funds were invested in new technology and renovation of the existing building. Financial investment for stuff training also goes along with the innovation and adoption of new regulations, procedures, projects and so on. The rate of customer satisfaction, based on standards and procedures, ISO 9001-2008, indicates that out of 300 surveyed 230 customers voted yes, while 70 residents were generally satisfied in 2008. In 2009, 250 users said their answer is yes, 50 are generally satisfied, which records increased customer satisfaction of the municipal administration25.

4.1.9 Environment status The condition of air

It is believed that this local area has an excellent, high quality, healthy and clean air. This opinion is primarily based on the fact that in the area of municipality in the past there were no major industrial air polluters. There is no developed industry or other major air pollutants over the area occupied by the municipality of Šamac.

Under polluted air is considered the air containing materials that are harmful to the human body, flora and fauna, natural and manmade goods. They are expressed in quantities and concentrations above the amount contained in clean air and the concentration limits prescribed by law and other regulations based on the law. (Law on Protection of Air "Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", No. 53/02).

Picture 76 Number of plants seriously polluting air

25 Survey undertaken in accordance with ISO9001-2008.


There were no plants and facilities in the municipality which seriously pollute the environment in 2005. In 2006 that number was 4, while in 2009 that number rose to 30. In 2005 there was no environmental permits issued in the area while is from 2006 to 2009 the number of permits issued on the rise, so that their number in 2009 amounts 5.

In the area of the Municipality, there are no significant industrial systems built that use fossil fuels. Local sources that affect the quality and air pollution can be identified. These sources are stationary and mobile. The stationary pollution sources include local industry and other public and private companies, public institutions and households for their own needs using various types of fuels (oil, coal, natural gas, etc.). The mobile sources of air pollution include emissions resulting from air pollution in remote areas as a result of cross-border air flow and wind movements in the atmosphere, emissions of air pollution originating from cars and other mobile sources that use fuel oil and its derivatives. The total content of particles, soot and pollutants in the air are greatly influenced with furnaces where fuel is burned, and their quantity and quality.

In households people are installing furnaces and heating installations at their own consent. As a fuel are mostly used wood, coal and petroleum (fuel oil). Coal that is used has a low calorific value and therefore larger amounts are used. Typically, coal contains a high percentage of sulfur and other harmful compounds. Used coal typically has very high ash content and very high content of alkaline components.

In the urban municipal area there are no built industrial cogeneration plants that use clean fuels such as natural gas, i.e. gas. Besides being environmentally friendly, the use of fuel gas is economically viable.

In the municipal area adequate monitoring and control of emissions and other harmful particles in the air is not established. At the state level there is also lack of quality monitoring and control. Establishment of monitoring and control in this area is primarily necessary for collecting, recording and processing of data for assessment of air emissions, and under the International Convention on the Transboundary Air Pollution of 1979. As stated above, it is necessary to have constant monitoring and recording to provide information to the public on the condition and air pollution in the municipality of Šamac. Such data should be entered into the system of the Republic Agency of Statistics, as well as information relating to a very important segment of the environment. Currently from the Republic Institute of Statistics can not be obtained required data for calculations creation of emissions in the air.

When it comes to air quality at local, municipal area, present are the following problems: regular meteorological measurements, the content and direction of present pollutants in the air are not performed, poor care and a complete lack of interest in the local community to air













2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


quality in the local area, there is no adequate monitoring and inspections of air quality in the local area, a register and database of potential air pollutants in the local area is not established, system for collecting, processing and providing information to the local public about air quality in the area of Municipalities is not present: there is no system of research and air quality monitoring applied and global climate change on public health, agricultural production, forest resources and ecosystems at the local municipal area. The condition of water resources

Šamac from its foundation to the present day had exceptional hydrological characteristics. The municipal center is a town situated on the estuary of the river Bosna in river Sava. Underground flows are also extremely important from the aspect of plant life and agricultural production and in terms of strategic use of underground water for water supply to settlements. Among the significant hydrological factors is often mentioned anthropogenic factor. The man in this region, earlier than today, built embankments and canals, defending against floods and turning barren land into fertile fields. The condition of soil

On the total territory of Šamac municipality (18,366 ha), agricultural land covers an area of 79,62% or 14.623ha. The rest of the municipal territory consists of: forest land, measuring 1.908 ha or 10,3%, and construction land, area of 1.835ha, or 9,99%. On construction land were built 25 settlements, industrial and other facilities such as roads and other infrastructure of public and social interest.

Šamac municipality has 16.531 ha of agricultural and forest land. The average size of holding per household is 2,68 ha. Taking into account the total available agricultural, forest and other land, and the total population of 24.069 residents in the municipality of Šamac, it is possible to obtain data that in municipality there is 0.69 ha of land per capita out of which is 0,60 ha of agricultural land per capita. If we take into account that the critical limit of agricultural land needed for production of sufficient quantities of quality food and raw materials necessary for the survival of the population and sustainable development amounts 0,69 hectares per capita, it can be concluded that Šamac municipality has a favorable situation in this respect.

Bad situation in this field causes a number of unfavorable factors: the physical loss of land, pollution and persistent degradation of land, extensive character of the use of agricultural land and uncontrolled use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers.

There is a physical loss and permanent loss of agricultural land in the municipality but it is in a much lesser extent and shape comparing to the displayed chart that applies to Bosnia-Herzegovina. On the basis of submitted claims in the previous period, a change in use of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes in an area of 28,50 ha was performed. In the realistic perception these losses are far greater. There is the practice of illegal construction of various facilities, sand and gravel extraction and frequent presence of open pits and skimming of surface layers of agricultural land. There are no exact data how much land in the municipality of Šamac is permanently lost due to flash floods and soil erosion. These are frequent in sites with greater slopes and river flows in the municipality.

A significant loss of agricultural land is caused by the construction of agricultural facilities (farms for fattening, laying hens’ farms, poultry breeding farms, pig farms and processing facilities and storage of grain in silos, residential construction, residential and commercial buildings, supporting facilities for household, etc.).


Picture 77 Physical loss of land, hа

In Picture 77 are shown the physical loss of agricultural land expressed in hectares (ha). In 2005 loss of agricultural land was 5,50 ha in 2006 it was 5,30 ha with a tendency to decline in 2007. Given the specific intervention of the competent organization of a river basin, the values are reduced in the 2008 compared to 2005, which means that this issue must be approached from the point of serious construction of protective embankments on the right bank of the river Bosna.

Clean and healthy agricultural land has a major role and significance in life and work of the local population. There are many community members with a source of income and everyday existence is directly related to the quality of land. Contamination of land occurs on a daily basis due to improper application of various types of pesticides, improper application of mineral fertilizers and foliar; unskilled and low-quality production and application of manure, liquid manure and other liquid and solid organic fertilizers, lack of expertise on the production and use of these resources in agricultural production; lack of adequate machinery and equipment for organic and environmentally healthy and clean agricultural production of various discharges of liquid waste from households which reaching to the surface of agricultural land where his drainage directly and permanently pollutes and degrades agricultural land, surface and underground water; improper collection and disposal of solid and liquid waste and radioactive waste; construction and installation of base stations for mobile telephony to their daily and non-eligible radiation pollute the local land and environment; improper collection and disposal of solid and liquid medicine, veterinary and waste disposal and disposal after use of mineral, foliar fertilizers and pesticides; improper use of various types of detergents and their release into the soil.

The biggest contaminators of agricultural land are: municipal and industrial wastewater from domestic and industry, municipal and industrial solid waste from households and industry, radioactive heavy metals, various aero sediments, particles of organic and inorganic origin due by air flow or air and atmospheric deposits, flotation material which includes solutions and undiluted material caused by sedimentation in surface water flows along with municipal and industrial water.

The most important agricultural land contaminators include: sulfur gases, nitrogen oxides, lead, zinc, copper and other substances, organic pollutants, carcinogens promoter as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organ chlorine pesticides.

Potential contaminants in the municipality of Šamac are residents and households in the local community, farmers in the local community, and handicraft production and service facilities in the local community. Contamination of agricultural land in the municipality of Šamac is significant because we have a lot of mined agricultural land. Other problems related to integrated planning, use and protection of agricultural land in the municipality regarding the lack of long-term strategy of sustainable planning, use and protection of agricultural land in the municipality, lack of system controls law enforcement and other documents dealing with land policy of the entity and local level, the lack of a unified information system on agricultural land















2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


in the municipality; low level of planning, utilization, protection and organization of agricultural land at the community level; implementing measures for the rehabilitation of polluted and degraded agricultural land in the municipality (reclamation, remediation, humification and calcification); lack of a uniform database of degraded and polluted agricultural land in the area, lack of geological maps of the land at larger scale and mass and wider publicity for various practical purposes in order to improve integrated planning, rational and efficient use and protection of agricultural land in the local community municipality. Status of forest ecosystems

The forest as a man's homeland has long represented an inexhaustible source of life to meet his needs and endured all the natural disasters and the negative effects caused by human activities. Only when they began to feel the consequences of the disappearance of forests, began to take care of them, lay down measures and methods of management and study how and what to do in order to preserve and enhance the forest.

So far, the use of forest production has a dominant role and use of wood mass while the other possibilities of using the forest are not enough considered. Collecting of so called secondary forest products (medicinal plants, mushrooms, forest fruits, snails, etc.) is disorganized.

General useful functions of forests, are mostly ignored, which are:

- The production of oxygen and carbon sequestration from atmosphere;

- Protecting land from erosion processes;

- Conservation of biodiversity of plant and animal species;

- Alleviating extreme temperatures;

- Regulation of water regime and water protection;

- Reduction of noise;

- Space for relaxation, recreation, rehabilitation, education and research.

Threats to forests from all harmful influences can be divided into the damage caused by men's conscious and unconscious work and damage from insects, plant diseases and a variety of transmitter agents.

Man make damage with illegal appropriation of forest land, damage and appropriation of forest trees, uncontrolled waste disposal and uncontrolled setting of fire in the forest and its vicinity leading to the occurrence of forest fires that destroy entire forest and forest land.

Plant species can threaten the forests in conditions where there has not been enough attention on the establishment of order in the forest cut down, and after the great winds and heavy snows that can damage the whole complex of forests and forest lands..

Forests and forest land in the municipality of Šamac IS managed according to the Law on Forests (Official Gazette of RS no. 75/08).

Forests and forest lands that are state-owned are managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of RS, a part of the business, operation and maintenance of forests, based on a special contract is done by Forestry Unit of the Republic of Srpska, and its organizational unit Forest estate Modriča.

Passed and adopted forest-economic basis for forests that are state property (for the period from 2009 to 2019) and the forests in private ownership, are long-term plans that ensure the


implementation of statutory measures in forest management, and those relating to the extent of planting, raising and care of forests, forest protection measures against all harmful effects.

Forests and forest land occupied territories 1,908,00 ha in Šamac municipality. Out of that number are state-owned forests of 108.00 ha and privately owned forests in 1800 ha. All of the forest area in the municipality is located below 100 m above sea level. On the border of the municipality with the Federation of BiH is expressed the problem of mined land which further hinders the implementation of any protective measures. Waste management Waste is a complex, very significant problem in the municipality and is linked to a number of factors of which the most significant is population increase in the municipality; urbanization of settlements in the municipality, lack of utilities and other common infrastructure in the urban settlements in the area of municipality (lack of water, sewage, and good road infrastructure); increase of manufacturing and consumption per capita in the municipality; lack of integrated systems for sustainable management of solid and liquid waste in the municipality; insufficiently developed environmental awareness among local population about the harmful effects of solid and liquid waste on the environment in local community. Besides these, there are many other problems related to solid and liquid waste in the municipality: organized collection of solid and liquid waste throughout the municipality, organized transport of waste from the larger urban settlements in the municipality, environmentally acceptable disposal, disposal and neutralization of the collected solid waste in the municipality.

Inadequate collected, transported, disposed and environmentally unattended solid and liquid waste pollutes all environmental media (air, soil and neutralizes surface and groundwater). It can be concluded that the disposal of waste (solid and liquid) in the municipality is a serious and major problem.

Integrated management of solid and liquid waste in the municipality of Šamac is regulated by law, municipal ordinances and decisions of the municipal order. This area of living and working in the municipality of Šamac is regulated by the Law on Environmental Protection (Revised text, “Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska”, No. 28/07 and 41/08), Law on Protection of Air (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska” No. 52 / 02), Law on Water Protection ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", number 53/02), Law on Waste Management ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", number 53/029 and the Law on Communal Activities ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", number 11 / 95, 18/95 and 51/02). In addition to these laws, this area is governed and regulated by the Rulebook of waste categories with a catalog ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska”, No. 39/05).

Although there are necessary legal preconditions for the establishment of integrated management of solid and liquid waste, due to a number of other problems that cover this area, unfortunately, still in the municipality of Šamac is not established such a system.

As a consequence of such condition occurs that large quantities of solid and liquid waste are illegally disposed along the local, forest and field roads, the abandoned land, in addition to surface water streams and rivers in many parts of the municipality of Šamac. This delayed and neglected environmental waste (solid and liquid) pollutes the local environment (air, soil, surface and groundwater) and represents a major threat to local wildlife and the health of the local population.

Besides the lack of financial, technical and other material resources, Šamac municipality does not have a sufficient number of qualified personnel for the development of management plans


for solid and liquid waste in the future to build an alternative approaches to address perceived problems in this area. Solid waste

The occurrence of uncontrolled disposal and non-ecological managing of solid waste in municipal area is present in great deal.

Coverage percentage of waste collection in the category of households and legal entities in 2005 year was 87% in 2006 was 88%, in 2007 was 95%, in 2008 and 2009 the percentage was 100%. As for the number of users of waste management, in 2005 there were 1718 users, in 2006 were 1715, in 2007 were 1776, and in 2008 were 1780 in 2009 it dropped to 1700 users. The reasons for reducing the number of users of waste management should be sought in the number of closed businesses who used these services. Problems in the municipality are made by illegal landfills of waste that are not removed so that in 2005 we had 32 dumps and in 2009 that number reached a total of 40 landfills. Investment in construction and maintenance of landfills are small, regarding the problems and the amount of waste to be disposed. Investments in 2005 were in the amount of 13.348,00KM , in 2006 were 28.906,52 KM, while in 2009 there was no financial investment in this area. It is important to note that the entire municipality area is not covered by organized waste collection, so out of 25 local communities, 22 have organized waste disposal. In the observed period from 2005 to 2009 was increased the number of containers for waste collection, so in 2005 this number was 24 and in 2009it was increased to 32 containers. The average price per unit of waste management in 2005 was 4,10 KM and in 2005 it reached the amount of 5,50 KM. There is a problem with charging per unit of waste collection and in 2005 it was 39% and in 2009 it was 50% which shows that there is no established mechanism to make a payment of 100% of waste removal.

Picture 78 The amount of investment in the construction of sanitary and / or regional landfills (KM)













2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


The general conclusion is that the local community has a duty to bring the local waste management plans, which must be in accordance with the Strategy (Plan) waste management adopted by the Assembly of local government. The contents of the local solid waste management should be in accordance with Article 10 of the Law.

For solid waste in the Šamac municipality there are no official data that could point to the fact what is the yearly amount of solid waste produced in the municipality. However, according to the data recorded on collected and transported amount of solid waste to the current landfill, these quantities are reported. This is certainly not the total solid waste amounts produced in the municipality, and the quantities are certainly much higher.

Observed by types, in the Šamac municipality are present the following types of solid waste:

• Municipal waste generated in households, services, shops, public buildings and institutions;

• Industrial waste generated in the private and public enterprises, crafts and other activities (wood chips, metal, metal pieces, waste from the textile industry and other waste);

• Medical waste arising from the Health Center, Emergency Service, Hospital for hemodialysis, from dental offices, medical clinics and private branch office whose number is increasing daily in the municipality;

• Slaughterhouse waste generated during operation of the local slaughterhouse and butcheries;

• Biodegradable waste generated as a result of maintenance of public spaces in urban settlement Šamac. This waste consists of grass clippings and other plant remains such as twigs and leaves of trees, remnants of ornamental flowers, vegetable and other cultivated and wild plants;

• Organic waste produced as waste from the remains of food from hotels, restaurants, bakeries, etc.;

• Construction waste generated in the course of construction activities (wood, plaster, brick and clay products (tile), doors, etc.);

• Outdated household appliances such as washing machines, TV sets, computers and other computer equipment and other appliances that represent a significant type and quantity of solid waste deposited in the area.

o TV sets, computers and other computer equipment, batteries are characterized as large waste and as such require an organized collection, transportation and special environmental care and treatment. The same is the case with medical, radioactive and industrial waste. Municipal waste in the area certainly has significant quantities of it, but nobody takes any control and care.

o Dead farm animals, domestic and wild animals killed on the roads are serious problem because the municipality has no specific place for their disposal.

The treatment of collected solid waste affect the following factors: degree of organization at the municipal level and at the regional level, the degree of development of the municipality Šamac, material-technical opportunities in waste management, inherited habits and other.

Separation and recycling of solid waste is very low, except for the collection of scrap metal (steel) and nonferrous metals (copper and aluminum) that are perform by natural persons and only partial separation of cardboard and paper is performed. There are no skills for separation of plastic (PRT - packaging), glass, nylon and others. Cardboard and paper and PET - packaging and


hard plastic and nylon have the price while the glass as a secondary raw material has no fixed price, and are largely deposited on the existing landfill. Liquid waste

In addition to solid waste in the municipality are produced significant amounts of environmentally harmful liquid waste. This category of waste includes: oil and oil products, refined motor oil and other machining oils, used fats and cooking oil from households and restaurants, paints and varnishes with expired terms of use, pesticides and other chemicals used in agriculture and forestry, liquid detergents and other chemicals used in household and industrial waste water from households and industry. There are no precise data on the quantity, disposal and treatment of liquid waste.

We can claim that in the municipality there is a significant quantity of these wastes. Its collection is not organized neither it’s environmentally disposed in the municipality. Under the influence of these wastes occurs the greatest environmental damages in the form of pollution of land (agricultural and forest) and underground and surface waters. The most harmful and most common liquid pollutants and their adverse impact on the environment in the municipality are: oil, used grease and cooking oils, detergents and other chemicals. Liquid waste in the area is uncontrolled disposed directly on the land, in surface water streams and drains. In the area of settlement of Šamac, on sewage network are connected private individuals, public enterprises, public institutions, private and public dental clinics, all medical clinics, veterinary clinics and town and suburban households. Waste water from the sewage system without any previous treatment and purifying disposed directly into the river Sava. All other settlements in the municipality and their households have no sewage system. Their waste water and any other liquid waste are directly disposed on land or in surface channels i.e. in non-standard septic tanks and similar. The collection, storage and environmental disposal of liquid waste in the municipality of Šamac are a big and serious problem. Its’ addressing in the forthcoming period should be approached systematically and responsibly.

The current methods and forms of dealing with problems related to waste collection and disposal in the municipality had partial and limited success.

Possible ways of improving them in future can be identified as:

• Legislation addressing the problem of waste. Still at the state level there is no appropriate legislation to solve problems in this sector, but that is left to the entities, towns and municipalities. In the Republic of Srpska, in August 2002, was announced the Law on Waste Management;

• Financing of waste management system. The present existing system of financing of waste management is based on charge fees per square foot of space for natural and legal persons.

The current system of waste management at the municipal level is conditioned by the very low charge collection, both by legal and natural persons, low awareness of the local population about the importance and role of proper waste collection and disposal for a healthy and clean environment in the local community.

Monitoring system and control of waste disposal and traffic at the local level-this system has not been established. No data on hazardous waste generation, treatment and disposal method. Lack of monitoring and control system at local level allows many of the abuses and the creation of


"black market" in the field of traffic management, which usually stays out of supervision and control of authorized inspections and other local municipal authorities.

Information system for sustainable waste management in the municipality of Šamac does not currently exist. Such a system should include all data on waste, and these data are: the type of waste, the amount of municipal waste, municipal waste sites, the creation of municipal waste, generator, waste producer, the method of disposal of landfill municipal waste, municipal waste disposal agents. Based on these collected, recorded and processed data on municipal waste, it is possible to provide to local public the necessary information about the state of waste in the local community. Area and green space management

In the municipality there are urban areas and other spatial units, in accordance with applicable regulations and spatial planning documents, namely: the municipal center Šamac, secondary local centers: Pisari, Škarić, Gornja Crkvina, D. Crkvina, Kruškovo polje, Tišina, G. Hasić, D. Hasić, Novo Selo, G. Slatina, D, Slatina, S. Slatina, Kornica, Obudovac 1, Obudovac 2, Batkuša, Brvnik, D. Crkvina, G. Crkvina, Zasavica, H. Tišina. Residential areas are defined by the Statute of the Šamac municipality.

However, illegal construction is present in both urban and rural areas in the municipality where some buildings are "leaning" on the pedestrian areas and public areas that threatens the environment, human health and safety of citizens.

Šamac municipality in the urban and rural area has landscaped park areas with a total area of 21.411 m2. These surfaces, during the observed period from 2005 to 2009, are constantly the same as there were very little investments in expanding and building of new parks area. According to the current spatial planning documents of town of Šamac, the regulatory plans of individual blocks have planned park areas.

Picture 78 Number of planted trees and decorative plants

Number of trees planted in 2005 is 32, in 2006 is 42, in 2007 is 79, in 2008 is 80 while in 2009 was not planted neither one tree. As for the seedlings of decorative plants, in 2005 were planted 15 in 2006 were 17, in 2007 were 15, in 2008 were 80 and in 2009 was not planted a single seedling. The amount of funding from the municipal budget for landscaping in 2005 amounted


860,00 KM in 2006 it was 2.266,54 KM, in 2007 it was 8.983,12 KM, in 2008 it was 4402,40 KM, while there was no investment in this area in 2009. The protection of natural biodiversity and cultural and historical heritage

Biodiversity broadly represents the diversity of evolutionary processes that are implemented in the spatial and time continuity of the planet Earth.

Biodiversity is a priceless natural wealth and biological resource. Biodiversity is very important for: the environmental quality of the environment in the local community and beyond, research and professional education, practical use of natural resources and aesthetic eco-tourism.

Šamac municipality has 19 ha of swamps that has arisen in the past and whose formation is caused by frequent changes of riverbed of Sava and Bosna rivers, which in the past changed its bed, as well as unsystematic and uncontrolled exploitation and extraction of mineral raw materials gravel and sand. Of protected habitats the most important is pond "Tišina" which is located in the local community Tišina, bordering with settlement Šamac, and which is linked to the river Sava. The water level of pond "Tišina" varies during the year, depending on rainfall, underground flows levels and the level of growth or decline of the river Sava. Area is rich in flora and fauna so there, most of the year, come fishermen and hunters of small game, etc. Monitoring of this habitat is done by agricultural inspectors and fishing and hunting guards. Currently protected habitat is unmarked observing legislation and regulations. When it comes to the preservation of this protected area, it is necessary to prevent unauthorized operation of lock in Grebnice by the Agency for Water Orašje - Federation BiH, which must be synchronized with the municipality of Šamac. It should be noted that this area, due to continuous decomposition of flora, is threatened by desiccation.

Flora and fauna in the Šamac municipality.

The favorable geographic position, relief, moderate-continental climate, geo-mechanical and geologic composition of the soil and favorable hydrological conditions, have made it possible to develop numerous and diverse wildlife in the Šamac municipality.

The main representatives of the flora in the area of the municipality are various kinds of meadow grass, artificially cultivated grass and cultivated clover-grass mixtures, artificially cultivated crop and horticultural plants, artificially grown fruits, forest trees and woody shrubs and bushes, wild herbs that provide useful forest fruits and various kinds of edible and poisonous mushrooms.

Municipal area is suitable for cattle grazing and hay production, silage shading and other types of animal feed. In the whole area of the municipal territory is manufacturing all kinds of continental fruits, vegetables, industrial and arable crops. Going from north-east to the interior of the municipal area and further south, there are areas of averagely developed deciduous trees. They represented the following species of forest trees: oak, red oak, oak, white and black hornbeam, birch, aspen, sycamore, wild cherry. Some of the listed species are already rarely seen, and many species are extinct and deprived in this region.


The forests and meadows of the municipality, concerning the ground flora, are represented with different types of edible and poisonous mushrooms. Overall production potential of forests in the municipality is insignificant.

Municipal area is inhabited by different continental animal species. Some species are permanent residents in the municipality, and some occasionally or periodically occur in this region due to migrations. In the municipality area are present: various species of birds, various different kinds of useful and harmful insects, different kinds of fish and other amphibians and reptiles and many species of game. In the municipal area the most represented are the following types of birds: sparrow, tit, wood pigeon, pedlar, nightingale, cuckoo, jay, magpie, crow, jackdaw, raven, woodpecker, woodpecker, wild pigeon, cave wild pigeon, blackbird, hawk, gray and white heron, various types of owl, night hawk owl, mallard, wild partridge, quail, dove, pheasant and many species of songbird. In the area there are many different types of wild game classified into categories such as: permanently protected wildlife: otters, foxes, squirrels, wild hen partridge (grouse), pheasant hen, all kinds of herons, storks, swans, gray cranes, wild geese, owls, ronco, Raven, all kinds of hawks.

Protected by closed season game are: deer, rabbit, pheasant, partridge, hazel hen (male), quail, wild pigeons, dove, wild duck, wild boar, fox, skunk, badger, marten, pine marten, red and black crow and jackdaw.

Hunting is an integral part of the material and spiritual culture of people living on the territory of Šamac municipality. Šamac municipality has a total hunting area of 17.506,00 hectares and the remaining surface area (866,00 ha) is kept as a surface that is not used for hunting. Total hunting area in the municipality of Šamac is provided on the management and operation of Hunting ground “Fazan” - the total hunting an area of 17.506,00 ha.

The current situation in the field of biological diversity (biodiversity) indicates the lack of concern of local municipal government and much of the local population for the management, use and protection of biological diversity of flora and fauna in the municipality. It notes the growing and intense pressure on wildlife in the local community and which is expressed through: converting agricultural land into construction land, expand settlements and building of residential, economic and other structures, roads, field roads and other infrastructure, increased degradation and soil pollution, increased exploitation of natural, mineral resources, increased and uncontrolled illegal logging, and increased steadily expanding agricultural production, unskilled, excessive and uncontrolled use of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals.

Floods are sudden and uncontrollable phenomenon that often occurs during the year on the territory of the municipality. Floods are harmful because they cause material damage in areas flooded by the river Bosna, along with surface drains, destroying crops, built structures, roads and other infrastructure, destroying wildlife.

In the municipal area is noticed several non-indigenous plant species that have very strong biological and ecological potential that is strongly expressed through their ability to adapt to new living conditions, the smooth and rapid reproduction and capture the natural space. In this plant species include: ambrosia, American small thistle, false indigo and other lesser known biologically aggressive plant species. In addition, they represent a danger to human health because they cause allergic reactions.

Wildlife in the municipal area is endangered in most cases. Particularly are vulnerable categories of mammals by hunting and other animal and plant species that are exploited. The reduction in numbers in the area has reached a critical point. Biological balance is greatly disturbed. Besides this, one of the problems is the lack of data on endangered species, and also of moss and lichen, which in the past was very present in the local micro-flora. The disappearance of lichens in a territory directly points to the present pollution. Also, some kinds of lichens and mosses can be


indicators of a clean and endangered environment. In the municipal area a large number of indigenous plants and domestic animals are affected. As a consequence, many plant species and breeds of domestic animals have completely disappeared or are still present in very small numbers. The main reason is the introduction of new plants and animals from other regions that suppress native species.

The causes of these problems are: vulnerability and contamination of water flows of the rivers, over-exploitation of natural resources (intensive logging, extraction of sand from the riverbed of Bosna and surface excavations, unbalanced management of space in the local community), lack of clear institutional framework for sustainable management of biological and geological diversity in the area of the municipality; insufficient and inefficient existing monitoring and inspections in the application of existing legislation in this area, lack of programs for education and environmental education of local people; lack of a system for collecting, processing and providing information on condition of ecosystems and biodiversity in the municipality . The municipality has a heritage building such as: "Beg's house" in the town of Šamac and the Orthodox Church in Obudovac. Energy efficiency

Financial investments in energy efficiency of buildings owned by municipality, as well as investments in energy efficiency of residential buildings in the municipality, has not yet been brought to life for many reasons; recession, unemployment, decreased financial investment in the construction of buildings and infrastructure, especially when it comes to the town’s heating system and starting of district heating plant that at some former period worked for a while and similar.

According to the actual situation in the field, looking at residential building in the collective and individual housing in terms of rationalizing the use of energy efficient and pollution, there was not made any progress to lower consumption of energy and emissions to build primary and secondary heating network and fully exploit the potential built heating plant.

Concerning the housing, current town area still has unsettled and non-functional facades, and built badly outdated woodwork and roofs with roofing material.

Šamac municipality does not have any plans (programs) to improve energy efficiency.

4.1.10 Condition of spatial planning documentation In Šamac municipality territory there is spatial planning documents dating from the period of the 1979 and 1980 and it is outdated.

Currently are in process activities on the spatial planning of Šamac municipality that would be empowered to review existing zoning and regulatory plans.

With an aim of a long-term management of natural and man-made conditions in the municipality is determined:

• Construction land;

• Agricultural land;


• Forest land;

• Barren and contaminated land;

• Water surfaces;

• Protected and recreation areas;

• Traffic area;

• Areas for other and special purposes.

The purpose of these areas was determined by the existing spatial planning documentation.

4.1.11 Budget analysis

The budget of the municipality represents estimated annual income, subventions and financing and estimation of annual expenditures and other expenditures of municipalities. The budget is prepared and adopted by the budget calendar. Annual revenues and receipts in the budget plan is the amount of funds that the municipality expects to collect within one fiscal year. Analysis of budget funds

This analysis includes planned and collected budget funds of Šamac municipality for a period from 2005 to 2009.

Chart 9 Total of planned and collected budget funds

2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009.

Planned budget funds 4.640.000 5.669.000 6.498.000 7.880.000 11.430.000

Collected budget funds 4.483.609 5.736.358 6.028.998 7.471.163 10.450.127

The planned budget26 for the period from 2005 to 2009, has been prepared on realistic basis, and the collection of the budget, as the final stage of the budget process, monitored the implementation of the budget plan. In the observed period budget funds have consistent growth from year to year. The growth trend of budget funds achieved is 28% higher in 2006 compared to the previous year, in 2007 is 5% higher, in 2008 is 24% and in 2009 is 40% higher.

Increased funds in 2008 and 2009 contributed the loans which are mostly intended for the settlement of investment capital from the previous period.

Picture 79 Planned and collected budget funds

26 Source: Administrative Service of Šamac municipality, finance department.


The structure of the budget consists of tax and non-tax revenues as the main source of budget funds, and grants, donations and funding (loans).

A significant portion of tax revenues is realized through higher levels of government and therefore the municipality has no significant impact on their collection. In budget structure is observed upward trend in tax and non-tax revenue up to 2009, and in 2009 compared to 2008 there is a trend of declining in tax revenues by 14% and non-tax by 28%. Tax revenues in the total budget funds averagely represent for period from 2005 to 2008 with 65,47% and in 2009 with 35,95%. Tax revenues represent steady budget revenues with an average growth in the period from 2005 to 2008 of 10,50%. In 2009 compared to 2008, the rate of growth of tax revenue is declining by 14%. The reason for this decrease is caused by reduced revenue allocation of indirect taxes by 14%. Revenue from indirect taxes is the most important revenue budget and makes an average of 53,14% of the total budget (2005-2008), and 29,80% in 2009.

Picture 80 Budget funds structure

Non-tax revenues are the only sources of revenue directly managed by municipality. In total budget funds they participate, on average, with 25,32% (2005-2008), in 2009 with 11,54%. Planned size of this group revenues are realistically planned in 2009, but due to the inability of proper collection was reduced to be achieved in future. For the reference period, non-tax revenue grew from year to year, and their growth trend will continue because there has been a change of legislation and the decision of the Municipal Assembly to regulate this area.

Grants are a special type of cash flows provided by higher level authorities, which do not have to be returned. To municipality from the Government of the RS in 2009 was allocated 641.116 KM, with the percentage share of 6,14% of total budget funds, to support the functioning of the administration. The municipality collects donations through local or foreign donors. Donations can be planned, when they are considered regular, and irregular, when they are received unexpectedly. Donations from year to year are decreasing (citizen participation in joint projects) and planned in the budget, and on average in the total budget resources accounted for 3,22%


(2005-2008), in 2009 to 0,26%. Capital gains (from sale of property owned by the municipality) in 2008 in total budget resources accounted for 5,42% and in 2009 to 1,04%.

Reduction in collection of tax and non-tax revenues in 2009, and increased commitments from the previous period, we started the implementation of the loan in 2008 and 2009 where is significant increase in funding (loans) in these years. Borrowing in 2008 in total budget resources accounted with 8,94% and in 2009 with 45,07%.

Picture 81 Allocated revenues for capital investments

For capital investments planned and collected funds are from allocated revenues (mostly non-tax revenues) in 2008 and 2009 the majority of loan funds. Budget expenditures analysis

Picture 82 Realized budget expenditure

Municipal budget in observed period suffered significant changes in the structure of budget expenditures. In 2009 in Šamac municipality was introduced the treasury business that is organized into two

departments: Municipal administration and other users, and thus that altered the structure of budgetary expenditures. The total budget expenditures, and budget funds, are increasing from year to year. Budget expenditure in 2006 compared to the previous year has increased by 31%, in 2007 by 4%, in 2008 by 21% and in 2009 by 20%.

Budget expenditure has grown from year to year, in 2009 had a slight decline compared to previous years. Funds spent for salaries and compensation of employees and members of Assembly had the participation of 25,17% of total budget spending in 2005, in 2009 the


5.928.086 6.167.637














2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009


percentage share was 32,25%. The trend growth rate of 7,08% since 2005 to 2009 was followed because of the increased number of employees, and thus increased the funds for these purposes. Material costs have been slowly increasing from 2005 to 2008, in 2009 compared to the previous year have a significant decline. Percentage share in 2005 of 25,02% of total budget funds decreased in 2009 to 14,63%. Current grants with participation in total budget expenditure in 2005 of 27,65% went down in 2009 to 16,55%. Capital grants with the percentage share of total budget expenditure in 2005 of 9,12% decreased in 2009 to 0,75%. Interest payments are, for the reference period of five years, carried out in almost the same amount.

Picture 83 Budget expenditure structure

Capital expenditures have increased slightly for the period from 2005 to 2008, while in 2009 decrease was recorded.

The main reason for reduced allocation of funds on capital investment in 2009 is reduced realization of non-tax revenues from which the majority of capital projects were funded. Repayments of loans and arrears, largely for capital investments from previous years are significantly increasing in 2009 compared to previous years with the percentage share of 26,08% of total budget funds.


4.2 Strategic focusing

Based on collected data that show the current situation in some sectors, and provide a basis for assessing the local economy, is made the final SWOT analysis of Šamac municipality, or the analysis of major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the Šamac. Strengths and weaknesses represent internal factors, i.e. an internal analysis that needs to indicate what are the advantages and disadvantages of our municipality, while the threats and opportunities are external factors, i.e. external analysis that needs to identify potential threats to development and to indicate what are the chances and opportunities of our municipality. Strengths and opportunities are positive, while weaknesses and threats are negative factors of economic development. Using the SWOT analysis in strategic planning of development, and identifying internal and external factors affecting the development of our municipality, we will try to better:

• Use our strength;

• Realize possibilities;

• Reduce threat influence;

• Eliminate weaknesses.

SWОТ analysis is a result of joint efforts by local government and all key stakeholder groups and individuals who by commission and personal work of individuals come to the relevant data and analysis resulting from the collection and systematization of data. After reviewing and analyzing the situation of almost all sectors of life and economic activity in Šamac, natural, social and other factors as well as present ideas and suggestions hot to improve the poor condition and advance it, recognizable are our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. After recognition and appreciation of certain facts, it must be concluded that Šamac municipality is already in a difficult economic and social situation which is why it is essential to start the implementation of medium-term strategy. At the same time it is necessary to approach the precise definition and responsibilities of individuals, proven way of keeping control of strategic development process. By crossing the internal strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities and threats we identified the following SWOT analysis:



- The favorable geographical position for the development of Šamac municipality with favorable climatic conditions (in terms of border municipality, the proximity communication Bijeljina-Banja Luka, mild moderate-continental climate);

- Port Šamac and proximity of port Brcko; - Proximity of Belgrade-Zagreb highway; - Border crossings (railway and road); - Road communication Banjaluka-Bijeljina-

Belgrade; - Railway as a relatively inexpensive mean of

transport in BiH (concerning the share of marine and river transport, rail is a cheaper way to transport large quantities of goods);

- Agricultural potentials (quantity and structure of agricultural land);

- Existing agricultural facilities and craft cooperatives (constructed facilities such as PIK Šamac, "Food-product" and active craft cooperative, etc.);

- Agricultural tradition; - Relatively cheap labor force (cheaper labor

force comparing to the surrounding and significant quantity of unskilled workers);

- Recreational facilities, stadiums, swimming pools;

- Water potentials (potentials of rivers Bosna and Sava);

- Natural resources: gravel and sand; - Hospitality of area and openness of the

municipality (municipality where are not recorded major public disorders concerning violations of public peace and order, attacks against property and persons, etc.);

- The level of built structures in cattle breeding, pig and poultry production (greater number of facilities built in the rural area for the organization of this segment);

- The commitment of the local administration in the implementation of strategic initiatives (municipal government has implemented dozens of projects in cooperation with international and local organizations);

- Significant potential in the field of basketry as an identifiable activity in Šamac (traditional and recognizable activity in the municipality of Šamac.

- The reduction of industrial production (due to the model of privatization and post-privatization period, there was a reduction of productivity of industrial capacity and production volume);

- Low level of education in information technology (information on the number of Internet users are not available, and also the number and quality of Internet service providers is not satisfactory);

- Inappropriate secondary structure profiles for the economic structure of Šamac (continuous growth in the number of unemployed persons with secondary school);

- Relatively high unemployment (high number of unemployed in the total population, as compared to the European average, so compared to the region);

- Flood area (almost certainly the annual flooding of certain areas of the municipality, which leads to reduced economic activity and in particular reducing the volume of agricultural production);

- Problems in the protection of the environment (solid waste landfill ...);

- Significant war devastations of infrastructure and facilities (in the center of town are still visible results of the war and post-war destruction of objects);

- Significant areas contaminated with mines (in the outskirts of the municipality significant areas of agricultural land are under the mines, which affects the level of economic activity);

- Lack of efficient public administration (when talking about efficiency of public administration, we refer to all forms of government such as tax administration, ITA, Ministries, Government Agencies and local levels of government, therefore, requires a comprehensive review of their work as the identification and application of "guillotine of regulations" at all levels of government);

- Extremely negative natural population growth; - Obsolescence of technology devices (in the

post-privatization period are not made investments in technology and process equipment, which reduced the competitiveness in the wider and local market (increased imports);

- Complex procedures to start a business (costs and time to start a business that involve complicated procedure of registration, certification of contracts, registration with the competent tax authorities, etc.);


- Lack of institutions to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (lack of state institutions and professional agencies at municipal level to provide consulting services to SMEs);

- Lack of linkages between SMEs (do not exist or they are not strong professional associations representing the interests of SMEs);

- Lack of planned development (there are certain planning documents, however, the concept of planned approach and respect for them has not yet been put in the management);

- Disproportion of imports and exports (and the presence of significant dominance of import "lobbies" in BH and Šamac municipality);

- A large number of social groups, disabled veterans and families of killed soldiers (after the war, there have been changes in the social structure of the population, disabled war veterans, refugees and displaced, unemployed, etc.);

- Lack of media (lack of local media as well as lack of interest in developments in the municipality of Šamac);

- Lack of a database of all kinds i.e. cenzus (cenzus problem and other databases, is not only political but also a development issue, although the emphasis is often placed in the context of "political questions");

- Departure of young (regular departure of the young people to bigger centers: Podgorica, Belgrade, Doboj, Banja Luka).

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS - Use of existing industrial facilities (existing

facilities are not at a high level but it is economically justifiable to invest in the revitalization of the same prior to a complete new construction);

- SME development through education and promotion of personnel (introducing the trend of thinking about education and entrepreneurship);

- More efficient process of revitalization of enterprises of national interest (implies on investment and interventions on higher levels of government);

- The introduction and acceptance of new business models (business centers, business incubators, clusters);

- Rural development (development based on rural development and resources that are available);

- Foreign investments and Diaspora investments (Šamac municipality has a significant Diaspora that could become momentum of development in SMEs);

- A drastic drop in the local economy (continued downward trend in production volume, growth in unemployment and decline in the number of employees);

- Problems in education (structure of profiles, the continuation of inflation and deflation of degrees and competencies that can directly affect unemployment);

- An unstable environment (economic and political factors within BiH and "Balkan perception" of the wider area of former Yugoslavia);

- Departure of young people and reduction of population (young leaving and negative natural increase);

- The visa regime with the environment in the EU (and the possibility of reduced communication and possibility of commerce activities with the EU and beyond);

- Lack of investment in development (social component dominates in all public budgets);


- Potential oil source (located but there are unexplored oil fields in the LC Brvnik);

- New solutions with development of spatial planning documents (offer new solutions for business areas and to change agricultural into construction land);

- Make use of international funds for development (especially referring to significant EU funds in the process of BiH joining the community);

- Establish a stronger cooperation between the private and public sector (consider study models and training models of application of relevant law and practice);

- Develop municipality in direction of partnership with the District of Brcko (Brcko District offers possibilities of new partnerships, especially in terms of health protection and development of SMEs)

- Promote the municipality in order to attract foreign investors and donors (to strengthen the marketing approach to promoting development opportunities of municipality);

- Improve the performance of public institutions (the new technology, the "guillotine" of regulations, databases, etc.);

- To develop European standards in order to enhance exports (standards and quality management ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 environmental management, ISO 22000:2005 food safety, etc.);

- Improve the environment protection (regional landfill ...);

- International and European Integration (projects of international and cross-border cooperation, etc.);

- Establishment of new business zones by changing of certain plans, (it is necessary to establish new business areas and work on the infrastructure development of the same).

- Natural disasters, floods and hail (flood area and frequent hail caused by operational problems in the prevention of air traffic corridor and proximity of the border with Croatia);

- Age structure of unemployed persons (age structure of unemployed constantly is going up, given the length of waiting for employment and post-privatization effect);

- The slow process of acceptance of international standards and regulations, reforms slowed down (compared to region, the number of accepted laws and standards of the EU in BiH is much smaller);

- A significant level of crime (the level of crime in BiH is on significant level as the legacy of the past, which creates a bad perception of safety among potential foreign investor);

- Departure of staff (educated people depart to the larger center);

- Social spending (a significant social benefits that are undermining development or even threatening to cause social unrest and rebellion);

- Vulnerability of domestic production (there are no effective regulations on protection of domestic production which causes competence of domestic products);

- The high cost of electricity, telephone services ... (significantly higher in energy and utility services in terms of price / GDP per capita);

- Complicated procedures of liquidation of enterprises (in liquidation proceedings with court, Tax Administration of RS and ITA).







4.3 Vision and strategic development objectives

The most effective visions are those that give an idea and this idea usually take the form of seeking what is best, highest and greatest. If we want a vision to be inspiring, it must be properly transferred, usually to a large number of stakeholders.

Vision is more than perception and optimism which sees in all directions. The vision is given in the form of statements which should be formulated to address the question "Where and what will we be?". At first moment of visioning we forget restrictive questions: how, why?

The vision is essentially an idea of how something will be shaped in the future, expressed in a way that is understandable to anyone who needs to build feeling of dedication of those who will work on the project.


It is obvious that realization of the municipality’s strategic objectives will depend on strategic models and access to higher levels of RS government and government of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But Šamac municipality shall endeavor to select for each scenario the best possible approach. So when there is defined a vision, it is necessary to precisely define the goals and thus determine the manner in which it will monitor the work of implementing the strategy. Setting goals is very important because the process of implementation of the strategy has to produce results. The intended results, together with consideration of those who intended these results, as well as the costs of their implementation, are defining the objectives of the community. Task of local government management is to ascertain and determine the goals and lead the community towards achieving them. Defining the strategic and operational (specific, individual) community goals is a process of converting basic starting points of local community development (vision) into measurable results. For this reason, key stakeholders of Šamac municipality have recognized the following strategic objectives:


Šamac municipality seeks to take appropriate steps to raise the level of social life at the appropriate level with strengthening of activities and institutions of civil society, i.e. through the strengthening of institutions: pension and health insurance, education, culture, civil society, media and others. In the health sector, despite the significant progress of reforms in the sector, implementation of planned policy does not take place at a satisfactory pace. In practice it is very difficult to monitor changes in health care expenditures because of

Šamac, developed border port location, with unique natural and spiritual wealth, the rich farming tradition, modern industrial-

commercial zones, developed hunting, fishing and event tourism. Destination for comfortable and healthy life.




inadequate data on spending on health by private individuals. However, consumption from RS Health Insurance Fund has been significantly increased. Also, the revised Strategic Development of BiH predicted certain priority activities that should enable a significant improvement in the quality of health care, despite the barriers in financing, which is especially reflected in local communities that fund the operation of health centers.

The reform of pension insurance in the RS is still in its infancy, although the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted a strategy. Also, appropriate reforms in education are visible, with special emphasis on the reform of higher education should become a vehicle for future development of society, which is reflected in the Strategy of Higher Education of the RS. In line with the vertical integration and knowledge of the relevant sectional guidelines and a strategic concept, Šamac municipality shall, through the specific objectives and concrete measures and projects contribute to achieving this strategic goal.

� Sector objectives:

1. By 2015 increased level of public safety by reducing the number of crimes by 30% and conducted de-mining of remaining contaminated soil on 670 hectares in the municipality.

2. By 2015 established an effective system of administrative services to improve service and simplify the procedures for providing service delivery through the creation of a database of citizens, reducing the time limits for issuance of documents by 50% and improving the technical equipment of the Municipality.

3. By 2015 educational profiles adapted to the needs of the economy and created material and personnel requirements for educational quality learning and educational process in kindergartens and schools.

4. Improving the volume and quality of services in the sectors of health and social care by 2015.

5. Improved sports and cultural life in the county by increasing the number of cultural and recreational facilities by 30%.


As can be predicted, the necessary infrastructure capital investments ("investments in large") are beyond the funding possibilities of the local budget, and municipal management in the future must find solutions for financing of many large infrastructure projects. In this regard, particular must establish appropriate communication with the RS Government, citizens in terms of co-financing of specific projects and the investors in terms of establishing a partnership between the private and public sectors as well as donors. For Šamac municipality infrastructure (availability and quality of service), can certainly be concluded that it is not adequate. All that is referred under this term has seen its maximum utilization both in technical as well as the structural and material sense. In the concept of the future development of the Šamac municipality, should find its place: planning documentation, landfills, water supply, transport and roads, sewage, heating, sports facilities and other. Also should be taken into account the elements of National Spatial Plan of RS until 2015. Šamac municipality must also pay attention to the implementation of projects in the field of




environmental protection. Projects contributing to environmental protection are contributing to protection and improvement of it and improvement of health in the community. Some projects are dealing with minimizing pollution through remediation of illegal dumps and the establishment of appropriate locations and facilities for dealing with solid waste and sewage. Others deal with the preservation and protection of natural resources through actions such as protection of rivers and streams, and other resources. It should also be provided support for environmental education programs and advocacy of environmental protection and development of local action plans for environmental protection, which is the obligation of local communities in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 28/07).

� Sector objectives:

1. By the end of 2015 increased number of workers employed by 1000 compared to the current situation.

2. By 2012 improved and simplified all the processes within the Municipality relating to services and business of economic operators and private sector.

3. By the end of 2015 to implement planned and a new organizational model of agricultural development in compliance with EU standards.

4. Development of entrepreneurship and SMEs.


As can be predicted, the necessary infrastructure capital investments ("investments in large") are beyond the funding possibilities of the local budget, and municipal management in the future must find solutions for financing of many large infrastructure projects. In this regard, particular must establish appropriate communication with the RS Government, citizens in terms of co-financing of specific projects and the investors in terms of establishing a partnership between the private and public sectors as well as donors. For Šamac municipality infrastructure (availability and quality of service), can certainly be concluded that it is not adequate. All that is referred under this term has seen its maximum utilization both in technical as well as the structural and material sense. In the concept of the future development of the Šamac municipality, should find its place: planning documentation, landfills, water supply, transport and roads, sewage, heating, sports facilities and other. Also should be taken into account the elements of National Spatial Plan of RS until 2015. Šamac municipality must also pay attention to the implementation of projects in the field of environmental protection. Projects contributing to environmental protection are contributing to protection and improvement of it and improvement of health in the community. Some projects are dealing with minimizing pollution through remediation of illegal dumps and the establishment of appropriate locations and facilities for dealing with solid waste and sewage. Others deal with the preservation and protection of natural resources through actions such as protection of rivers and streams, and other resources. It should also be provided support for environmental education programs and advocacy of environmental protection and development of local action plans for environmental protection, which is the obligation of




local communities in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 28/07).

� Sector objectives:

1. Improved management and use of space and agricultural land by 2015.

2. By the end of 2015 formed adequate reloading station, removed two illegal landfills and started activities in the selective collection of waste.

3. By 2015 repaired and built water systems and waste water purifiers.

4. Revitalize and protect objects of cultural and historical heritage by 2015.

5. Improved energetic efficiency by 2015.



5.1. Social development plan

5. Sector focusing

STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES - Good organizational and personnel structure

in the primary health care. - Solid cultural infrastructure and cultural life

in the local community. - Solid sports infrastructure and activities of

sports clubs and organizations. - Good image and capacities of volleyball and

chess. - International recognitions. - Support of the local authorities to the

strategic planning processes at municipal level.

- High level of population with primary and secondary education.

- High level of citizens' satisfaction with the services of local authorities

- Administrative office of the Municipality owns the ISO 9001-2008 Certificate

- Poorly organized team work and project approach in the municipal government.

- Weak involvement of the youth in the political life of municipality.

- Great number of patients with nephritis. - Great number of the old, - A large number of the old, people in need,

and without family care. - Lack of financial resources. - Low birth rates. - Female population much less involved in

sports activities including separation from the municipal budget.

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS - Developing and nurturing tradition and

introducing new cultural contents. - Increased number of highly educated

population. - Cureent investments of diaspora. - Use of pre-accession funds for international

development. - Improving the work of public institutions. - International and European integration and

regional networking. - Introduction of new educational profiles in

secondary education.

- Outflow of highly educated population. - Unstabile environment (political and

economical) - Decrease of population number (burth rate

and migrations). - Impossibility for larger allocations from the

municipal budget. - Increase in crime. - Reduce payments for vulnerable groups.

The synthesis of the conclusions of the socio-economic and SWOT analysis for the social sector The analysis of identified strengths and weaknesses Local government sector in the municipality of Šamac, although relatively well organized (the degree of satisfied citizens is 70%), still requires different structural organization of the Municipality to improve the level of functionality of the social sector, including the reorganization, both structural and of human resources. As for NGOs, civil society organizations are not self-sustaining and rely on financial support


from international organizations and donors and local institutions, and the budget of the municipality. Looking at health care in the municipality of Šamac, it can be concluded that given the number of health institutions in relation to the population, the sector is satisfactory. Šamac Municipality has relatively good human resources and organizational structure in primary health care, although the general situation in the health sector is unsatisfactory and there are many problems that the sector has been facing for years. On the other hand, a large number of infected persons from endemic nephritis are a problem of the whole Posavina region, including the municipality of Šamac. A solid cultural infrastructure in the municipality of Šamac, although described as the power of the Municipality is not in accordance with underdeveloped cultural life, that is, if there are any developed cultural facilities, they should serve as a platform for the cultural development. Cultural life is listed as a power Šamac, and although the municipality has three six cultural institutions and cultural associations, none of them are financially independent so their activities depend on the amount of municipal grants on annual basis. Specifically, in 2009 the Municipality allocated only 0.9% of the budget for culture. Šamac Municipality Sports Association is a sports organization of the municipality that brings together 22 collective sports, and a solid sports infrastructure and activities of sporting clubs are listed as a power of the Municipality. It is important to recognize that most of the organized clubs are in football, which makes male population dominant over the female, including the reallocation of Municipal budget. The Sports Association is financed solely from the budget resources of Šamac Municipality. Also, the budget funds are used for funding sports clubs, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the rank of the competitions. The Social Welfare Centre is a computer-equipped and has an organized database, but the equipment is outdated and often causes difficulties in regional communication. There are many old and helpless people without family care, and the growing number of elderly without family care, as well as those with negative behaviors and children whose education is neglected due to parental problems. Preventive measures are implemented, but they are negligible when compared to a sharp increase in the number of such persons. The education system of Šamac Municipality consists of four central elementary schools and six sub-schools, one secondary school and a nursery - kindergarten. The structure of employees meets the needs of schools so the schools fulfill the criteria of material and special equipping of schools in accordance with the Law on Primary, Secondary and Pre-school Education and it can be considered the power of the municipality. However, the number of children enrolled in primary schools in rural areas tends to decline, and generally, in the period between 2005 and 2009 elementary education records a constant decrease of the pupils attending school in the Municipality of Šamac. The number of students enrolled in secondary education has not constantly increased, and a certain number of students, due to the lack of desired education profile in Šamac, attend schools in neighboring municipalities. The analysis of identified possibilities and threats Since it is evident that many students attending secondary school travel to other places due to lack of desired education profiles, it is necessary to take measure providing conditions for the sustainability of secondary education (review of


educational profiles, and review of personnel, material and spatial equipping of school). Also, in the education sector, given that there is a large outflow of highly educated people, it is necessary to animate the younger generation with richer cultural and sporting life and in the sector of the economy, and to strengthen the labor market. In the cultural sector, it is necessary to strengthen the mechanisms for the development and promotion of traditional content because there is space for the enrichment of cultural content. The Municipality should not rely on the population that does not have permanent residence in BiH (Diaspora). Finally, the Municipality of Šamac, with reinforcements of staff and improvement of municipal administration, has great opportunities for the exploitation of pre-accession funds for international development, with the aim of strengthening regional cooperation and European integration. The focus of the social sector:

1. Improvement of infrastructure and material and technical resources in the identified priority social areas.

2. Improving human resources and the elaboration of mechanisms that will help keep trained staff.

5.1.2 Goals of development: Goals in the field of social development are interlinked and stem from the strategic objective No. 1: "TO ACCOMPLISH QUALITATIVE LIFE WHICH IS REFLECTED IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES OF THE MUNICIPALITY AND ADEQUATE SOCIAL PROTECTION MEASURES." Šamac Municipality development plan of the social sector for the next five years includes the development of infrastructure networks as well as improving the financial, technical and human resources. The development plan of social sector strategically elaborated sectors of education, health, social welfare, culture and sports, as well as the administrative offices of the Municipality. SECTOR GOALS:

� By 2015 - increasing level of public safety by reducing the number of crimes by 30 % and demining the rest 670 hectares of contaminated land in the Municipality area.

Public safety can be analyzed from two angles: a) with respect to natural impact on the safety and b) in terms of illegal actions that threaten the safety of citizens. Given that the area of security today is considered one of the most important sector in every local community, because low levels of public safety has a bad effect on all local residents, the Municipality of Šamac made strategic approach to this issue. In the Municipality of Šamac the area of 670 ha, or 3.75% of total land, is still contaminated by mines. While solving of this problem largely depends on the state institutions of BiH, given that the Council of Ministers - Ministry of Civil Affairs allocated 8% of the budget for demining actions in BiH, Šamac municipality has recognized its role in this


sector and is committed to give support to land demining. In the long run, the plan of Šamac Municipality for the next ten years is to solve the problem of pollution with land mines and explosive devices to a great extent. Taking into account that the number of crimes in 2009 increased by 26.3% comparing to the year before, alarming fact is that the total percentage of solved crimes is very low and ranges from 23.9% to 36%. Also, the number of juvenile offenders increased drastically, from 11 offenders in 2008 to 53 offenders in 2009. According to these data, it is natural that Šamac Municipality has committed itself to actively participate in increasing the level of public security, including the efficient connection of three sectors: local government, police and educational, social and health institutions.

� By 2015 - establishing an effective system of work of administrative services in order to improve its services and simplify procedures by creating a database of citizens, reducing the time required for issuance of documents by 50%, and improving technical equipment.

Taking into account that the Mayor is responsible for the management of municipal administration (the executive authority) and the implementation of municipal policies and enforcement of municipal regulations, as well as the fulfillment of tasks that the Republic of Srpska transfers (authorizes) to local governments, bearing in mind that local government services still can improve, or raise to a higher level, this sector has been identified as strategic for social development. Municipal Administrative Office is organized into four divisions and three services and employs 71 staff. Administrative Office of Šamac Municipality has been certified for ISO 9001-2008, which has already reached a certain level in providing services to citizens. However, though the percentage of citizens who are satisfied with the provided services is 70%, Administrative Office considers that the service should be improved by creating a database of citizens, reducing the time required for issuing documents and improving the technical equipment of the service. This Office keeps satisfactory cooperation with local communities as it coordinates contacts between local communities and other municipal services. However, in order to improve their work, the Administrative Office should make further efforts to improve communication with NGOs and civil society organizations, as well as the private sector, and to create mechanisms for active participation of citizens in decision-making at the local level.

� By 2015 – Adjusting the educational profiles with the needs of the economy and creating material and personnel prerequisites for quality teaching and education in preschool and school facilities

Analysis of public sector showed that there is increase in the number of children enrolled in secondary school but it did not take place continuously, and increase was recorded in 2006 comparing to 2005. Than in 2007 that number dropped again, and then increased in 2008 and 2009. Namely, a number of students, due to the lack of desired educational profiles in Šamac, attend schools in other, neighboring municipalities. The fact that 72 students or 47% of students enrolled in secondary school, which is 32% of the total number of elementary school graduates, continued their education in another municipality says that it is necessary to take measures for


providing conditions for the sustainability of secondary school, which concretely involves changes of the educational profiles in accordance with market needs, as well as personnel, material and spatial improvement of schools.

� Improving the capacity and quality of services in the sectors of health and social care by 2015

Looking at health care in the municipality of Šamac, it may be concluded that, given the number of health institutions in relation to its population, it is at a satisfactory level. It is important to note that the equipment in health institutions is in relatively good condition, given that it was acquired in 2003 and 2004. The number of population with health insurance varies by year, mainly due to legislative changes of relevant institutions that result in larger or smaller number of insured persons, so in 2009, 13.052 or 57% of the local population had health insurance. As for the social protection sector, the most of the social services is realized through the Social Welfare Centre. Social services and child protection, i.e. Social Welfare Centre as an institution which implements the requirements of users, is almost exclusively financed from the Municipality budget (98%). In the last five years, there was a significant increase in the number of beneficiaries of social protection, and consequently the budget for these purposes has increased. There should be more efforts in the sector of health and social protection to increase the number of insured persons or persons in need for social care who for some reason are unable to realize this right. Also, it is necessary to make further efforts on liaising institutions, such as the Social Welfare Centre and Health Centre, primarily in the common databases.

� Improving sports and cultural life in the Municipality by increasing the number of cultural and recreational events by 30%

In 2009 Šamac Municipality allocated only 0.9% of the budget to support the cultural sector, which is a very small percentage and it is necessary to start allocating greater financial resources for this purpose. Besides, although there is a relatively large number of sports clubs in the Municipality, it is necessary to make further efforts to give both sexes equal opportunities to practice sports activities, and considering the percentage of the allocated budget, this was not the case (municipality allocated a disproportionately large funds for football comparing to other sports). Also, it is necessary to develop a transparent mechanism to enable all sports and cultural organizations to apply for municipal budgets, and not to allocate it by "tradition" or inertia. Moreover, this structure of rules and mechanisms must be available to everyone, both in rural and urban areas.

Goals of development for social sector

Liaison with strategic objectives

Liaison with development goals in other sectors

1. By 2015 - increasing level of public safety by reducing the number of crimes by 30 % and demining the rest 670 hectares of contaminated land in the Municipality area

Good quality life that is reflected in the improvement of human resources of the Municipality and adequate measures of social care

Improved management and use of space and agricultural land by 2015.


Goals of development for social sector

Liaison with strategic objectives

Liaison with development goals in other sectors

2. By 2015 - establishing an effective system of administrative work in order to improve its services and simplify procedures by creating a database of citizens, reducing the time required for issuance of documents by 50%, and improving technical equipment.

Good quality life that is reflected in the improvement of human resources of the Municipality and adequate measures of social care

Until 2012 improved and simplified all the processes within the Municipality relating to services and activities of economic entities and private sector

3. By 2015 – Adjusting the educational profiles with the needs of the economy and creating material and personnel prerequisites for quality teaching and education in preschool and school facilities

Good quality life that is reflected in the improvement of human resources of the Municipality and adequate measures of social care

By the end of 2015 increase the present number of employees for 1000

4. Improving the capacity and quality of services in the sectors of health and social care by 2015

Good quality life that is reflected in the improvement of human resources of the Municipality and adequate measures of social care

5. Improving sports and cultural life in the Municipality by increasing the number of cultural and recreational events by 30%

Good quality life that is reflected in the improvement of human resources of the Municipality and adequate measures of social care

Revitalize and protect objects of cultural and historical heritage by 2015.

5.1.3. Integration with the strategic documents on higher levels: The sector objectives of social development significantly result from the strategic documents of the Republic of Srpska. Social development sector goal relating to the coordination of educational profiles and meeting the needs of the economy is fully compliant with the operational objective. The development and reform of the education system in order to meet market needs within the strategic goal of increasing productivity and quality of work through the development of human resources within the "Employment Strategy" of the Republic of Srpska from 2010 to 2014 and the strategic directions of development of RS science and technology. In a particular time schedule, by the end of strategy period, this operational goal provides enabling an adequate education system complying with labor market needs and development goals of the Republic of Srpska, through cooperation between educational and labor market institutions and the reform of education system. Sector objective of establishing an effective system of labor administration and improvement of administrative services is a goal that stems from the "Strategy for Local


Government" in the Republic of Srpska and the "Strategy for Training Local Government Employees". "Strategy of Public Administration" defines measures and actions to be taken in the strategic period to increase the efficiency of public administration at the Republic of Srpska. The “Strategy for Training Local Government Employees" defines program measures and activities in establishing a system of training employees in the local self-government units. The goal to improve the quality of administrative services will be reached by the implementation of sector objectives from high-level strategies, establishing a unified database on the Republic of Srpska level and realization of sector objective of social development. Sector objectives: improving the sport, culture, health, welfare and child protection by 2015, and the improvement of sports and cultural infrastructure, as well as sport and recreation facilities to make them accessible to all citizens of the Municipality, in accordance with the "Strategic Plan of Rural Development" of the Republic of Srpska for the period from 2009 to 2015, that is with the strategic aim of improving living conditions and introducing greater equality in income generation in the rural economy. The vision of development of the Republic of Srpska rural territories is based on several important elements: - The quality of life of people living in rural areas of the Republic of Srpska is not behind the quality of life of people living in urban areas. - Rural areas, in addition to their basic function - space for food production to meet the nutritional needs of the population- are vital and relatively attractive places to live and work, with the possibility for development of various manufacturing and service activities in accordance with local conditions and needs. -Rural areas are becoming a significant factor in the total material and social relations by establishing closer economic and infrastructural links between villages, towns, and city areas. - Rural areas relatively quickly adapt to economic, social, technical, cultural, ecological and other changes including the principle of market economy. - Special importance of rural areas is that their development keeps the balance between material progress, environmental protection and achieving a higher degree of social stability of rural communities. Sector objective "Increased public safety and crime reduction" is a significant part of the continuing goals of "Youth Policy" of the Republic of Srpska. "Youth Policy" of the \republic of Srpska from 2010 to 2015 is a strategy comprising of multiple areas (education, employment, housing, free time, etc.) that are the sphere of interest of young people. "Youth Policy" is not only a general principle of addressing the needs of young people, but also developing specific programs and measures that need to be ensured and improving the status and position of young people from 13 to 18 years of age. Achieving the goal "Reducing crime and increase public safety" will be achieved through compliance with the goals of youth policy in the part relating to criminal offenses of juveniles and active participation of wider social community. Social development plan complies with the Revised Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Implementation of Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and the Framework Programme for Return of Refugees and Displaced Persons of BiH for the period between 2009 and 2014, which includes a time schedule for completion of the return process in terms of housing and infrastructure for the return of refugees and displaced persons.


5.1.1 Programs, projects, measures

Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 1: Social development

No.: Projects/ measures Program

Liaison with strategic

objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation

(implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Construction of the Community centre in the local community „Lugovi“

(Friendship House)

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1,

sector goal 5 x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the local


2. Construction of the

Community centre in the local community Novo Selo II

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1,

sector goal 5 x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the local


3. Construction of the

Community centre in the local community Novo Selo

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1,

sector goal 5 x x x x Šamac Municipality

Citizens of the local community

4. Construction of the

Community centre in the local community Tursinovac

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1,

sector goal 5 x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the local


5. Reconstruction and building of the present Community

centre in Brvnik

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1,

sector goal 5 x x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the local


6. Construction of the Culture centre in Obudovac

- Strategic objective 1,

sector goal 5 x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac


7. Construction of the

Community centre in the local community Grebnice

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1,

sector goal 5 x x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the local



Construction of the Community centre in the local community Gornja


Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the local


9. Reconstruction of the

existing premises of the Municipality and building

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 2 x x x Šamac Municipality

Citizens of Šamac Municipality and employees of the Administrative


Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 1: Social development

No.: Projects/ measures Program

Liaison with strategic

objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation

(implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 a new session hall department


Purchase of new computer equipment to

support the connection of local communities in an integrated database

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 2 x x Šamac Municipality

Citizens of Šamac Municipality

11. Purchase of mammography - Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x

Women’s association “Šamac”


Female population of Šamac Municipality


Learning Sign language for the hearing citizens, deaf

and the citizens with hearing disabilities “Living together”

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x

Association “Living together” and its


Citizens of the Municipality who have hearing disabilities

13. Construction and

preparation for use of the kindergarten in Obudovac

Construction of facilities for pre-school and primary education in order

to improve conditions for


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 3 x x x x Kindergarten “Joy”

Preschool children

aged 1-6

14. Construction of new school

building for the local community Gornja Crkvina

Construction of facilities for pre-school and primary

education to improve conditions

for teaching

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 3 x x x x

Primary school “Crkvina” in Gornja Crkvina

Children in 9-year primary education, school employees,


15. Equipment for dental service department

Development of dental services

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x x Health Centre Šamac Citizens of Šamac


16. Reconstruction of dental offices space

Development of dental services

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x Health Centre Šamac Citizens of Šamac



Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 1: Social development

No.: Projects/ measures Program

Liaison with strategic

objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation

(implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

17. Accreditation of family

medicine teams and other medical services

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x Health Centre Šamac Citizens of Šamac


18. Adjustment of the boiler to the more economical heating

system - gas -

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x Health Centre Šamac

Citizens of the Municipality and employees of the Health Centre


Construction of the building and dislocation of X-ray departments and microbiological services

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x Health Centre Šamac

All users, especially the ones facing difficulties going to the distant


20. Construction or

renovation of adequate space for "Veterans club “

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x Veterans Association

About 5 000 veterans in the Municipality area

21. Improving partnership in the social protection of Šamac municipality

Expanding forms of social protection

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x x Social Welfare Centre

and Šamac Municipality

Primary and secondary schools, Police, Social Welfare Centre, NGOs, and the coordination

between Social Welfare Centre boards and the


22. Improving social inclusion of

children and youth Expanding forms of social protection

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x x

Social Welfare Centre and Šamac Municipality

Children and young people living in

hazardous conditions

23. Reconstruction of the Social Welfare Centre building

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x x x Šamac Municipality

Citizens of Šamac Municipality and employed workers

24. Identification of problems

and needs of socially excluded persons

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 4 x Social Welfare Centre

Long-term unemployed citizens

25. Reconstruction of facilities - Strategic objective 1, x x x x x Social Welfare Centre Elderly over 65 years of


Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 1: Social development

No.: Projects/ measures Program

Liaison with strategic

objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation

(implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 for elderly and ill persons

Sector goal 4 age


Reconstruction and repair of the Primary school in the

local community of Kruskovo Polje

Repair and reconstruction of


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 3 x x Šamac Municipality

Children in the local community of Kruskovo



Reconstruction and repair of: school, spectators stands and mini playground in front

of the school in Batkusa

Repair and reconstruction of


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 3 x x Šamac Municipality

Children in the local community of Batkusa

28. Reconstruction and repair of the Primary school in Gajevi

Repair and reconstruction of


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 3 x x

Children in the local community of Gajevi

29. Reconstruction and repair of

the Primary school in Srednja Slatina

Repair and reconstruction of


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 3 x x x

Children in the local community of Srednja


30. Reconstruction and repair of

the Primary school in Obudovac II

Repair and reconstruction of


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 3 x x x

Children in the local community of Obudovac II

31. Reconstruction and repair of spectators stands in Gornja


Reconstruction and repair of sports


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x

Citizens of Šamac Municipality

32. Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms in Skarici

Reconstruction and repair of sports


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x Citizens of Šamac


33. Reconstruction and repair of

changing rooms in Pisari

Reconstruction and repair of sports


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x

Citizens of Šamac Municipality

34. Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms in Kruskovo


Reconstruction and repair of sports


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x x Citizens of Šamac


35. Reconstruction and repair of Reconstruction and Strategic objective 1, x x x x Citizens of Šamac


Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 1: Social development

No.: Projects/ measures Program

Liaison with strategic

objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation

(implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 spectators stand and

changing rooms in Gornja Slatina

repair of sports facilities Sector goal 5


36. Reconstruction and repair of

spectators stands in Obudovac

Reconstruction and repair of sports


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac



Reconstruction and building spectators stands in the stadium of FC “Borac”


Reconstruction and repair of the stadium of FC "Borac" Šamac

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x x Šamac Municipality

Citizens of Šamac Municipality

38. Reconstruction and repair of the handball playground and

spectators stands

Reconstruction and repair of the stadium of FC "Borac" Šamac

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac


39. Construction of playfield with artificial grass

Reconstruction and repair of the stadium of FC "Borac" Šamac

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac


40. Repair of the stadium fence

Reconstruction and repair of the stadium of FC "Borac" Šamac

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac


41. Construction of gym in the secondary school “Nikola

Tesla” in Šamac -

Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac


42. Demining activities in the area of Šamac municipality

- Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 1 x x x x x Civil Protection Unit of

Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac



Reconstruction of housing and infrastructure for

returnees in the municipality of Šamac

- Strategic objective 1


BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, the State Commission for

Refugees and Displaced Persons, Šamac

Returnees in the area of Šamac municipality


Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 1: Social development

No.: Projects/ measures Program

Liaison with strategic

objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation

(implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Municipality

44. Construction of playfield in Donja Slatina (“the old


Reconstruction and repair of sports


Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x Šamac Municipality

Citizens of Šamac Municipality

45. „Children ask you to bring

football to school” - Strategic objective 1,

Sector goal 5 x x x x x

Municipal football association

Primary school pupils (10 to 15 years of age)


Orientation plan for implementation of projects, programs and measures is a plan that defines the estimated time frame for project implementation in the period between 2011 and 2015. Projects are interrelated because they are included in Program of the Rural Development of the Republic of Srpska, and because the realization of one project encourages implementation of a number of other projects (construction of cultural centers in local communities, construction and reconstruction of school buildings, health and sports facilities). Most of these projects will start with the implementation during 2011, and their implementation will contribute to achieving the strategic objective 1 and sector goals 4 and 5 of the Department of social development, sector goals 1 and 4 of the Department of Environmental Protection and sector goals 3 and 4 of the Department of economic development.


5.1.2 Estimation of expected outcomes with indicators

Sector goals Indicators on the sector goals

level Indicators on program-project


1. By 2015 - increasing level of public safety by reducing the number of crimes by 30 % and demining the rest 670 hectares of contaminated land in the Municipality area

- 670 hectares of land was demined - reduced number of crimes by 500 until 2015

- Realized project “Anti-mining action in the territory of Šamac municipality” - Population was educated about the partnership with PSS in detecting perpetrators of criminal act

2. By 2015 - establishing an effective system of administrative work in order to improve its services and simplify procedures by creating a database of citizens, reducing the time required for issuance of documents by 50%, and improving technical equipment.

- Number of unsolved cases was reduced by 20% on annual level - Established system of analysis and control of all processes in the administrative service - 90% of the municipality assets was recorded and its management was improved

- Professionally trained and educated 70% of administrative workers - 90% of processes in the administrative department were analyzed - 2 new software units were established - Organized and technically connected unique system of personal data

3. By 2015 – Adjusting the educational profiles with the needs of the economy and creating material and personnel prerequisites for quality teaching and education in preschool and school facilities

- 4 new educational profiles were introduced in the secondary school - 3 new facilities were opened in order to achieve more qualitative education - The number of unemployed was reduced by 400

-2 new educational profiles were introduced - The gym in the secondary school was built - Outflow of secondary school students reduced by 70%

4. Improving the capacity and quality of services in the sectors of health and social care by 2015

- Organized mobile team to provide services in health and social sector - Opening of the facility for providing services to elderly and ill persons - Equipped and modernized specialist health care office

- Acquired mammography - Equipped dental services department and an increased number of dental services by 40% -2 facilities for socially excluded groups were built and opened

5. Improving sports and cultural life in the Municipality by increasing the number of cultural and recreational events by 30%

- Increased the number of people who will play sports for 180 - Constructed and opened 8 Culture Centers - Increased the funding allocated for sports and culture by 50%

- Constructed and opened 8 Culture Centers - Constructed and built 15 new sports facilities - Organized 4 fairs in annual level


5.1.3 Оutline of financial structure


Liaison with

strategic objective


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


























and IPA








1. Strategic objective


Construction of the Community centre in the

local community „Lugovi“ (Friendship


250.000,00 23.750 23.750 23.750 95.000 30.000 125.000

2. Strategic objective


Construction of the Community centre in the local community Novo

Selo II

100.000,00 5.000 15.000 15.000 50.000 30.000 20.000

3. Strategic objective


Construction of the Community centre in the local community Novo


100.000,00 5.000 15.000 15.000 50.000 30.000 20.000

4. Strategic objective


Construction of the Community centre in the

local community Tursinovac

60.000,00 8.750 8.750 8.750 35.000 25.000

5. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and building of the present Community centre in


50.000,00 8.000 8.000 8.000 40.000 10.000

6. Strategic objective


Construction of the Culture centre in

Obudovac 160.000,00 160.000 160.000

7. Strategic objective


Construction of the Community centre in the

local community Grebnice

8. Strategic objective

Construction of the Community centre in the 88.000,00 29.000 29.000 58.000 30.000



Liaison with

strategic objective


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































1 local community Gornja Crkvina

9. Strategic objective


Reconstruction of the existing premises of the Municipality and building a new session


300.000,00 60.000 180.000 120.00


10. Strategic objective


Purchase of new computer equipment

to support the connection of local communities in an integrated database

25.000,00 7.500 7.500 15.000 10.000

11. Strategic objective


Purchase of mammography

90.000,00 9.000 9.000 18.000 45.000 9.000 18.000

12. Strategic objective


Learning Sign language for the hearing citizens, deaf and the citizens

with hearing disabilities “Living together”

6.000,00 2.000 2.000 2.000 6.000

13. Strategic objective


Construction and preparation for use of the kindergarten in


96.000,00 9.600 9.600 9.600 38.400 30.000 10.000 17.600

14. Strategic objective


Construction of new school building for the local community Gornja


500.000,00 12.500 12.500 50.000 350.000 100.000

15. Strategic objective


Equipment for dental service department

70.000,00 3.500 3.500 14.000 35.000 21.000



Liaison with

strategic objective


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































16. Strategic objective


Reconstruction of dental offices space 61.210,00 4.080 12.242 30.605 18.363

17. Strategic objective


Accreditation of family medicine teams and

other medical services 40.000,00 6.000 20.000 20.000

18. Strategic objective


Adjustment of the boiler to the more economical heating system - gas

45.000,00 7.500 22.500 22.500

19. Strategic objective


Construction of the building and

dislocation of X-ray departments and microbiological


600.000,00 20.000 60.000 540.000

20. Strategic objective


Construction or renovation of

adequate space for "Veterans club “

18.000,00 1.800 1.800 1.800 5.400 12.600

21. Strategic objective


Improving partnership in the social

protection of Šamac municipality

3.000,00 675 675 2.700 300

22. Strategic objective


Improving social inclusion of children and youth 50.000,00 1.250 1.250 5.000 45.000

23. Strategic objective


Reconstruction of the Social Welfare Centre

building 50.000,00 3.000 3.500 10.000 40.000

24. Strategic Identification of



Liaison with

strategic objective


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































objective 1

problems and needs of socially excluded persons

25. Strategic objective


Reconstruction of facilities for elderly and

ill persons 110.000,00 6.600 6.600 6.600 33.000 44.000 33.000

26. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of the Primary school in the local

community of Kruskovo Polje

25.000,00 6.500 6.500 13.000 12.000

27. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of: school,

spectators stands and mini playground in front of the school in Batkusa

50.000,00 10.000 10.000 20.000 30.000

28. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of the Primary

school in Gajevi 25.000,00 6.500 6.500 13.000 12.000

29. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of the Primary

school in Srednja Slatina 25.000,00 4.500 4.500 13.000 12.000

30. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of the Primary school in Obudovac II

20.000,00 3.000 3.000 10.000 10.000

31. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of spectators

stands in Gornja Crkvina 20.000,00 3.000 3.000 10.000 10.000

32. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms

in Skarici 15.000,00 1.500 1.500 2.000 5.000 10.000

33. Strategic objective

Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms 10.000,00 1.500 1.500 2.000 5.000 5.000



Liaison with

strategic objective


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































1 in Pisari

34. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms

in Kruskovo Polje 50.000,00 15.000 8.000 8.000 40.000 10.000

35. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of spectators stand and changing

rooms in Gornja Slatina

50.000,00 10.000 10.000 10.000 40.000 10.000

36. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of spectators stands in Obudovac

30.000,00 5.000 5.000 20.000 10.000

37. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and building spectators

stands in the stadium of FC “Borac” Šamac

35.000,00 7.000 7.000 7.000 35.000

38. Strategic objective


Reconstruction and repair of the handball

playground and spectators stands

20.000,00 4.000 4.000 4.000 20.000

39. Strategic objective


Construction of playfield with artificial grass 300.000,00 20.000 20.000 20.000 100.000


40. Strategic objective


Repair of the stadium fence

20.000,00 6.000 7.000 7.000 20.000

41. Strategic objective


Construction of gym in the secondary school

“Nikola Tesla” in Šamac 200.000,00 130.000 130.000

UNDP 70.00


42. Strategic objective


Demining activities in the area of Šamac municipality


35.000 35.000 35.000 175.000 3.325.000



Liaison with

strategic objective


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































43. Strategic objective


Reconstruction of housing and

infrastructure for returnees in the

municipality of Šamac


Fund for the return of BiH


44. Strategic objective


Construction of playfield in Donja Slatina (“the old

school”) 90.000,00 15.000 45.000 45.000

45. Strategic objective


„Children ask you to bring football to school”

56.000,00 2.000 2.000 2.000 10.000 7.500 6.000 27.500 5.000

TOTAL: 11.873.210,00

524.500 291.425 343.505 1.704.242

- 864.205 - 9.000 16.000 426.163



In the period between 2011 and 2015 in the social development sector there are 45 projects of total value of 11,873,210.00 BAM, and the participation of the Municipality is 1,704,242.00 BAM. The plan provides that donor funds shall provide 3,583,600.00 BAM. These funds are insecure and uncertain, so that if these funds would not be provided, the realization of a substantial number of projects would become questionable. Framework Programme for returning refugees and displaced persons in the period from 2009 to 2014 plans to allocate 4,460,000 BAM in the year 2011 for infrastructure and reconstruction of housing funds in Šamac municipality. Having in mind the funds allocated by now, it is estimated that the mentioned program planned rather large amount of funds, and that they shall not be realized during 2011.


5.2 Plan of local economic development

5.2.1 Sector focus Sector plan of economic development is based on the findings of the socio-economic analysis, defined vision of the municipality Šamac and defined strategic objectives and strategic analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the sector of the economy. Within the vision it can be seen that economic development depends on geographical position, along with the existing transport infrastructure and industrial and agricultural resources. While the vision of economic development relies on technical infrastructure and resources, strategic objective is focused on attracting investors through the development of a favorable business environment and efficient local administration.

STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES - Favorable geographical position and

climate; - Port of Šamac and nearby Brcko port; - Travel communications; - Border crossing; - Cheap means of transport (rail and water

transport); - Agricultural potential; - Tradition of agriculture; - Water potential; - Natural resources (gravel and sand);

- Developed infrastructural facilities.

- Reduction of industrial production; - Lack of processing facilities and purchase of

agricultural products; - Flooding area; - Disproportion between import and export; - Complex procedures for starting a business; - Complicated access to funds for small and

medium enterprises (SMEs); - The high number of unemployed; - Inadequate secondary structure profiles for the

economic structure; - A large number of socially vulnerable groups,

war veterans, families of fallen soldiers; - Lack of linkages between SMEs and the lack of

existing institutions to support SMEs; - The lack of spatial planning documents; - Lack of database of all kinds; - Poor awareness of population about the

possibilities of rural tourism; - Obsolescence of facilities for water supply; - Land contaminated with mines.

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS - Use of existing industrial capacity; - Revitalization of the processing companies; - SME development through education and

promotion of personnel; - Rural development; - Potential oil well; - Design and construction of commercial and

industrial zones; - Simple and easy retraining of the workforce;

- Exploiting of the potential in the field of hunting, fishing, political and cultural manifestations, religious and other forms of


- Business perceptions of BiH and the Balkans; - The political environment; - The trend of a drastic decrease of the local

economy; - Unfavorable structure of educational profiles; - Departure of young people and reduce of the

population; - Age structure of unemployed; - The high cost of electricity and telephone

services; - Unprotected domestic production; - Natural disasters, floods, hail; - The slow process of acceptance of international

standards and regulations;

- The unresolved status of public property.

SYNTHESIS OF SWOT ANALYSIS From the SWOT analysis is possible to draw three general strategic directions of economic development of Šamac.


SS strategy involves combining the strengths and weaknesses, and SM strategies include a combination of forces and capabilities identified SWOT analysis. Potential strategies based on exploiting the identified strengths and opportunities

SS Strategy SM Strategies

Use of transport and industrial infrastructure with agricultural resources for preventing further decrease of industrial production and reducing unemployment

The use of transport and industrial infrastructure for construction of business

and industrial zones

Use of existing agricultural resources for rural development

Transport and storage and existing industrial infrastructure as a basis for the development The geographical position on the border with Croatia, good road communications, developed railway infrastructure, river port Šamac and the near Brcko port, which allow inexpensive transport of goods, represent a good base for positioning Šamac as an important transportation and logistics center in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite its geographical location and infrastructure preconditions for activities that exist in transportation and storage, which can become a significant factor in the development of the local community, further development of this industry depends on strategic decisions and activities of the entity-level authorities. In addition to transportation and logistical infrastructure in the municipality there is a significant industrial infrastructure that is not functional or partially functional. However, as stated in the socio-economic survey, a great part of industrial land with built infrastructure belongs to state companies whose legal status is not solved yet, or is not functional since the companies ended their activities after the privatization process. The Municipality of Šamac, as local government institution, has no authority over that land and installed capacities (land is either a state property and under authority of state bodies and institutions, or it is a private property). This fact significantly hinders the planning of economic activities and reduces the impact of local administration on the economic development of the municipality.

Former development of industrial infrastructure of Šamac municipality was narrowly connected to transport capacities in the municipality area.

If these transport capacities are not put into function again, the recovery of manufacturing industry is likely to proceed slowly.

Municipal administration should consider all available options and opportunities to speed the resolving of status of the present, non-functioning industrial infrastructure.

Also, the municipal administration must make further efforts to start initiatives on the activation of existing transport infrastructure (ports, railways, road transport). Agriculture

The municipality of Šamac is mostly an agricultural area with a long tradition in agriculture and land potential for further significant agricultural development. The importance of agricultural


activities for the municipality of Šamac and its population regarding an income is reflected in the data of APIF and municipal departments on the registered farms. According to the Office of APIF in Šamac, as with 1-May-2010, there were 1504 registered agricultural holdings in the territory of our municipality, which are written in the Register of agricultural holdings. According to estimates by the Department for Economic and Social Affairs the municipality of Šamac has a total of 4,526 farms that own agricultural and other land on which, to a greater or lesser extent, people are engaged in agriculture. If we take into account the data of municipal services, we see that income and economic welfare of more than 12,000 inhabitants of the municipality depend on agriculture.

Most of the agricultural holdings (34%) is between 1 and 3 hectares of size. 31% of holdings are sized between 3 and 5 ha, and 27% sized over 5 ha. Only 8% of agricultural holdings are sized 1 ha or less.

For further development of agriculture it is necessary to solve problems related to protection from flood and weather disasters. It is also necessary to make further efforts in de-mining of land contaminated with land mines.

In the further development of agricultural activities, special attention should be paid to: • In terms of resources or arable land it is necessary to focus on flood protection, protection

from bad weather conditions, irrigation and de-mining processes, etc.

• In terms of capital it is necessary to focus on the availability of loans to agricultural holdings since their higher risk profile makes it difficult for them to access loans of commercial banks.

• In terms of technology focus should be on the availability of new farm technologies that will

enable greater productivity. This should be accompanied with providing additional training and technical assistance to agricultural holdings to enable them to perform at the open market.

• In terms of market access it is necessary to focus on support for further development of

agricultural cooperatives and their role in improving the vertical integration of agricultural production (supply of raw materials to agricultural manufacturers, marketing and placing on the market, etc.).

Other potential strategies based on eliminating weaknesses Spatial Planning The starting point in removing administrative barriers to economic development and private sector in the municipality of Šamac is the definition and adoption of spatial and regulatory plan. The space is basic and the most precious resource and "tool" owned by the local community and through which it manages its development. It is therefore necessary to start making a new spatial plan which will integrate the recommendations and guidelines of development defined in this strategy. Support to SMEs development SWOT analysis identified a complex process of starting and registering a business, an unrelated SMEs sector and inadequate institutional support for SMEs development, and difficult access to financing.


The first step is related to the improvement of efficiency of the Municipal Administration when it comes to processes and procedures which affect some aspect of the operation of businesses. Another set of interventions is related to activities of institutional support to SMEs and entrepreneurship development in the municipality. This means stronger connections with existing institutions with a mandate to support development of SMEs and entrepreneurship as well as institutional capacity building in the municipality that can answer these challenges.

On 10-March-2009 the RS Government adopted the Law on Support to Small and Medium Enterprises which also defines the goals out of which minimum three (from the defined nine) are relevant for the Municipality of Šamac:

• Increase the number of businesses and the newly employed workers in these companies;

• Organization of institutions to promote the development and creation of necessary infrastructure;

• Entrepreneurship Education and training of entrepreneurs through regular and additional education.

When we say that these three objectives are relevant, it means that the municipal administration can partially or completely affect the implementation of these goals. The achievement of these goals would directly affect the removal of weaknesses identified in the SWOT analysis. Among the institutions that are responsible for implementing the Strategy, which are defined by law, are municipalities and development agencies. Referring to these provisions, Šamac municipality and administrative services should invest additional effort in connecting with the existing development institutions, and to strengthen municipal capacities for implementing strategy of RS and the strategy of the Municipality. Human resources Socio-economic analysis and SWOT analysis identified the following problems when it comes to the labor market and human resources:

• A large number of unemployed of which 80% are long-term unemployed;

• More than 1 / 3 of all unemployed people are aged over 45 years and tend to fall into the category hard for employment;

• Over 40% of the total number of unemployed have no qualifications (primary school or less);

• Especially low rate of economic activity of the working age population, with only 36% of the

working age population being economically active;

From the above it is obvious that the strategic focus of the Municipality, in terms of human resources, must be focused on the economic activation of the working age population and in collaboration with the Institute for Employment and educational institutions in order to enable additional education and retraining for the unemployed and economically inactive. Besides that, the Municipality, in cooperation with other institutions, should develop and encourage self-employment programs.



� By 2015 increase the current number of employed citizens by 1000

Activities oriented to development of agriculture, industrial development and manufacturing facilities, and activation of transport capacity should result in opening 1,000 new jobs.

Further development of agriculture through the implementation of projects of production of humus, irrigation systems, construction of a mall, renovation and construction of new facilities for mushroom production, bee-keeping development, production of heifers, will create conditions for job creation in agriculture. Implementation of planned activities requires the active involvement of the municipal sectors and administrative service. Some of the activities related to agricultural development are also important for achieving the sector goals 4 and 1. In addition to the above mentioned projects, the planned activities are to provide technical and advisory assistance to agricultural holdings. These activities will require the engagement of external resources and experts. The great importance for the development of the productive capacity is in the construction of physical infrastructure and creating conditions for opening new jobs. Planned activities for the improvement of physical infrastructure for the private sector and manufacturing capacity are related to the regulation of enterprise and industrial zones and expansion of business incubators.

� By 2012 improved and simplified all the processes within the Municipality relating to services and activities of economic entities and private sector

Implementation of the sector goal 2 will be achieved through the implementation of programs, projects and measures and other sector goals, regardless that there is no specific program, project or measure for this goal.

� By 2015 to implement a new planned organizational model of agricultural development in compliance with the EU standards

Project "Training of farmers on food production in line with EU standards" will significantly contribute to the realization of the sector targets but also the other programs, projects and measures implemented under other sectoral objectives shall contribute to the implementation of this sector goals. The implementation of local economic development strategy and activities within the same will also improve the planning and introduction of new models of agricultural development in our municipality.


� Development of Entrepreneurship and SMEs

For the development of entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprises, in addition to providing physical infrastructure, it is essential to create and sustain entrepreneurial climate and a favorable business environment.

In addition to a favorable entrepreneurial climate and a favorable business environment, it is necessary to create a strong institutional support.

The implementation of projects in other sectors, which are related to infrastructure development will contribute to the development and advancement of entrepreneurship in small and medium enterprises.

5.2.2 Estimation of expected outcomes with the indicators

Sector goals Indicators on the sector

goals level Indicators on program-project level

1. By the end of 2015 to increase the number of employed persons for 1000.

- Within business and industrial zones 10 new companies were opened with 300 new employees. - By the end of 2015 registered 200 new agricultural holdings with 200 work places. - Attracted 5 new investors in tourism with 100 new work places.

- Constructed new business zone with arranged space and infrastructure for 8 new small enterprises. - Built new industrial zone with arranged space and infrastructure for 2 medium and large enterprises. - Established system of registration of agricultural holdings and provided conditions for indoor and outdoor manufacturing for 150 agricultural holdings.

2. By 2012 improved and simplified all the processes within the municipality relating to services and business economic entities and the private sector.

-Improved procedures for obtaining approval for commercial and private entities by 30% -Established a system analysis and control of all processes in the administrative service -Recorded 90% of the Municipal property and improved its management

- Established a unique system of company register. - Updated existing and established a new software for tracking the cases of the administrative service - Administrative service equipped with personnel, technical equipment, and liaison system for tracking personal data. - Completed Regulation on job classification of the administrative service

3. By the end of 2015 to plan and implement a new organizational model of agricultural development in compliance with EU standards

- By 2015 - 250 farmers educated and trained about food production in compliance with the EU standards. - Established new models of outdoors food production for 500 agricultural holdings.

-Constructed or adapted 10 facilities for mushroom production. - Adapted and repaired 20 existing facilities for production of beef, pork and chicken. - Organized humus production in greenhouse and open agricultural production for 10 agricultural holdings.

4. Development of entrepreneurship and SMEs

- By the end of 2015- 10 new companies opened in the constructed business and industrial zones - Incentives started within the jurisdiction of

- Built an entrepreneurial zone and infrastructure. - Built an industrial zone and infrastructure. - Adapted incubators. -Prepared spatial planning documents.


administrative service (for the newly opened small and medium enterprises exemption from paying taxes and fees for up to a year)

- Trained and retrained 150 workers for the production of woven furniture.

5.2.3 Integration with strategic documets of higher levels: Sector targets related to "Improving the management and use of space and agricultural land", the application of models of agricultural development planning aligned with EU standards are the goals that found a foothold in the "Strategic plans of rural development of the Republic of Srpska" for the period between 2009 and 2015, "Agriculture Development Strategy" by 2015, Action Plan to realize the goals of the agricultural sector development strategy RS from 2007 to 2016. The sector objectives of economic development are rooted in senior strategy documents, plans and legal regulations. Improved and simplified procedure of all processes within the municipal administration related to the activities of economic entities and the private sector are in line with "Sector goals of industry development" of the Republic of Srpska for the period from 2009 to 2013, and the "Strategy of local self-government" of RS. Also, sector goal of economic development that is related to increasing the number of employees and sector objective "Development of entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprises" have a foothold in the "Sector strategy of industry development" of the Republic of Srpska for the period from 2009 to 2013, and in the action plan of cluster development in the Republic of Srpska, and "Strategy of Development of Small and Medium Enterprises" of the Republic of Srpska for the period from 2011 to 2013. Given that the "Strategy of the Republic of Srpska” is under procedure, we expect that as an integral document it shall consolidate all now adopted strategies at the RS level (in all areas-sectors) and even at the local level with the focus of further development and evaluation of resources in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


5.2.4. Programs, projects and measures

Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 2 : Economy

No.: Projects / measures Program

Liaison with strategic objectives and sector


Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups (users)

2011 2014 2015

1. Production of humus for greenhouse and open agricultural production

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x Ltd. „SANTOS-

PROMET” Obudovac Farmers in the

municipality of Šamac

2. Irrigation system "drop by

drop” for tobacco products type "Burley "

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x x

Agricultural cooperative “Obudovac”

Manufacturers of tobacco type "Burley"

3. Adaptation of chicken

farm in Brvnik - Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 4 x x x Agricultural cooperative “Obudovac”

Producers of chickens, interested buyers

4. Construction of

agricultural trade center Obudovac

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 4 x x x

Agricultural cooperative “Obudovac”

Farmers in Obudovac and the municipality of


5. Arrangement of the

entrepreneurial zones in Šamac

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x x x Šamac Municipality All interested investors

6. Design and arrangement of

the industrial zone in Šamac

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x x x x Šamac Municipality All interested investors


Construction and renovation of existing

facilities for the production of mushrooms in the municipality area

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x Association of

mushroom producers All interested citizens


Purchase of bee colonies and equipment

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x

Association of beekeepers

Citizens of the municipality

9. Selective production of breeding heifers -

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 3 x x x x Association of

farmers All interested producers

of breeding cattle


Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 2 : Economy


Projects / measures Program Liaison with strategic objectives and sector


Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups (users)

2011 2014 2015

10. Adaptation of existing

facilities for fattening of chickens, calves and pigs

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 3 x x x x Association of

farmers All interested farmers

11. Production of knitwear and knitted items as industrial products

Develop your small business

with the support of the Municipality

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x x Association of Entrepreneurs All interested citizens

12. Drying and purchase of calf and sheep skin

Develop your small business

with the support of the Municipality

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x x Association of

Entrepreneurs All interested citizens


Production of polypropylene ribbons and raffia for viticulture and

fruit growing

Develop your small business

with the support of the Municipality

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x „ADA Petrol” Šamac All interested citizens

14. Expansion of business

incubator space

Develop your small business

with the support of the Municipality

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x x Šamac Municipality Unemployed persons registered with the Bureau of Labor

15. Training of farmers about food production in line with the EU standards

Preparing the rural

development strategy

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 3 x x x x x


RS Ministry of Agriculture

Farmers from the municipality of Šamac

16. Education of citizens about production of healthy organic food

Preparing the rural

development strategy

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 3 x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the


17. Modernization of the

electrical network in rural areas

Preparing the rural


Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 3 x x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the



Implementation plan for the period 2010 -2015

Sector 2 : Economy


Projects / measures Program Liaison with strategic objectives and sector


Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups (users)

2011 2014 2015 strategy

18. Modernization of the road network in rural areas

Preparing the rural

development strategy

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 3 x x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of the


19. Project for training and

retraining of the workforce

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 4 x x x x x


RS government (line ministries)

Unemployed citizens of the municipality, registered with the Bureau of Labor

20. Line for enameling - Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x „E Metal“ Šamac

Citizens of the municipality

21. Preparation of project documentation for the town heating system

- Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 4 x x x Citizens of the urban town area of Šamac


Project: 30 beds in country tourism and promotion of local

autochthonic products

Development of tourism in the municipality of


Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 x x x x Municipality Citizens of the municipality

23. Preparation of road signs for tourists

Development of tourism in the municipality of


Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 4 x x x Municipality Citizens of the municipality

The implementation plan of projects in the economic sector includes implementation of 23 projects in total. Most of the projects are in the field of agriculture and are the basis of economic development in the next five years. Key projects are the following: Project for arrangement of entrepreneurial zones and the Project for industrial zone development. The implementation of these two projects will result in the realization of several projects from other sectors. Implementation of the Project for arrangement of entrepreneurial zones and the design and development of industrial zones shall bring to the realization of the Strategic objective 2 and Sector goals 1 and 4 of the sector of Economic Development. Projects on modernization of infrastructure in rural areas will contribute to achieving the Strategic objective 1 and Sector goals 4 and 5 of the Social Development sector, the sector goals 1, 4 and 5 of the Environmental Protection sector, which will enable cross-sector integration. The Project on training people on the production of healthy food and the Project on training farmers about food production in line with EU standards are the projects which will bring to inter-municipal cooperation.


5.2.5 Estimation of expected outcomes with the indicators

Sector goals Indicators on the sector

goals level Indicators on program-project level

1. By the end of 2015 to increase the number of employed persons for 1000.

- Within business and industrial zones 10 new companies were opened with 300 new employees. - By the end of 2015 registered 200 new agricultural holdings with 200 work places. - Attracted 5 new investors in tourism with 100 new work places.

- Constructed new business zone with arranged space and infrastructure for 8 new small enterprises. - Built new industrial zone with arranged space and infrastructure for 2 medium and large enterprises. - Established system of registration of agricultural holdings and provided conditions for indoor and outdoor manufacturing for 150 agricultural holdings.

2. By 2012 improved and simplified all the processes within the municipality relating to services and business economic entities and the private sector.

-Improved procedures for obtaining approval for commercial and private entities by 30% -Established a system analysis and control of all processes in the administrative service -Recorded 90% of the Municipal property and improved its management

- Established a unique system of company register. - Updated existing and established a new software for tracking the cases of the administrative service - Administrative service equipped with personnel, technical equipment, and liaison system for tracking personal data. - Completed Regulation on job classification of the administrative service

3. By the end of 2015 to plan and implement a new organizational model of agricultural development in compliance with EU standards

- By 2015 - 250 farmers educated and trained about food production in compliance with the EU standards. - Established new models of outdoors food production for 500 agricultural holdings.

-Constructed or adapted 10 facilities for mushroom production. - Adapted and repaired 20 existing facilities for production of beef, pork and chicken. - Organized humus production in greenhouse and open agricultural production for 10 agricultural holdings.

4. Development of entrepreneurship and SMEs

- By the end of 2015- 10 new companies opened in the constructed business and industrial zones - Incentives started within the jurisdiction of administrative service (for the newly opened small and medium enterprises exemption from paying taxes and fees for up to a year)

- Built an entrepreneurial zone and infrastructure. - Built an industrial zone and infrastructure. - Adapted incubators. -Prepared spatial planning documents. - Trained and retrained 150 workers for the production of woven furniture.


5.2.6 Outline of financial struture


Liaison with strategic


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


























and IPA








1. Strategic

objective 2

Production of humus for

greenhouse and open

agricultural production

150.000 75.000 45.000 30.000

2. Strategic objective 2

Irrigation system "drop by drop” for tobacco

products type "Burley "

42.000 1.400 1.400 1.400 4.200 29.400 8.400

3. Strategic

objective 2

Adaptation of chicken farm in

Brvnik 1.350.000 45.000 45.000 135.000 810.000 405.000

4. Strategic

objective 2

Construction of agricultural trade center Obudovac

172.500 11.500 11.500 34.500 51.750 86.250

5. Strategic objective 2

Arrangement of the

entrepreneurial zones in Šamac

440.000 33.000 33.000 33.000 132.000 132.000 176.000

6. Strategic

objective 2

Design and arrangement of the industrial zone in Šamac

100.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 30.000 30.000 40.000



Liaison with strategic


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































7. Strategic

objective 2

Construction and renovation

of existing facilities for the production of mushrooms in the municipality


80.000 4.000 4.000 8.000 16.000 40.000 16.000

8. Strategic

objective 2

Purchase of bee colonies and equipment

50.000 2.500 2.500 5.000 10.000 25.000 10.000

9. Strategic

objective 2

Selective production of breeding


280.000 7.000 7.000 28.000 56.000 168.000 28.000

10. Strategic objective 2

Adaptation of existing

facilities for fattening of

chickens, calves and pigs

100.000 2.500 2.500 10.000 20.000 50.000 20.000

11. Strategic

objective 2

Production of knitwear and

knitted items as industrial products

30.000 1.500 1.500 3.000 6.000 21.000



Liaison with strategic


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































12. Strategic

objective 2

Drying and purchase of calf and sheep skin

60.000 2.000 2.000 6.000 12.000 42.000

13. Strategic

objective 2

Production of polypropylene ribbons and

raffia for wine and fruit growing

250.000 12.500 12.500 25.000 125.000 75.000 25.000

14. Strategic objective 2

Expansion of business

incubator space 50.000 3.000 3.500 10.000 15.000 25.000

15. Strategic objective 2

Training of farmers about food production in line with the EU standards

100.000 100.000

16. Strategic objective 2

Education of citizens about production of healthy organic


21.000 3.500 3.500 10.500 10.500



Liaison with strategic


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































17. Strategic

objective 1

Modernization of the electrical

network in rural areas

100.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 10.000 30.000 60.00


18. Strategic

objective 1

Modernization of the road

network in rural areas

1.000.000 120.00

0 120.000 120.000 600.000 300.000 100.000

19. Strategic objective 2

Project for training and

retraining of the workforce

16.000,00 1.600 1.600 1.600 8.000 8.000

20. Strategic objective 2

Line for enameling

300.000,00 240.000 30.000 30.000

21. Strategic objective 1

Preparation of project

documentation for the town

heating system

230.000 38.500 115.000 115.000

22. Strategic objective 2

Project: 30 beds in country tourism and promotion of

local autochthonic


1.500 1.500 6.000 42.000 12.000



Liaison with strategic


Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total


































23. Strategic

objective 2

Preparation of road signs for

tourists 2.000 2.000 6.000 24.000

TOTAL: 5.011.500 176.50

0 262.500 289.000


1.250.000 1.298.250 75.000 60.00

0 587.400 417.250 117.400 20.000

The total value of projects in the sector of economic development, which are being implemented in the period from 2011 to 2015 is 5,011,500.00 BAM; participation of the Municipality is 1.186,200,00 BAM, the Republic of Srpska budget is 1,298,250.00 BAM, while the loans are planned in the amount of 1,250,000.00 BAM. Sources of funding are quite realistic, which guarantees that they will be implemented in the planned period.


5.3. Plan of environmental protection and promotion

5.3.1 Sector focuses

STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES - Favorable geographical position of Šamac

municipality. - Favorable climate, unpolluted environment,

with no significant contaminants. - Natural resources and potential, ground water

source of drinking water, fertile agricultural land, forest land, meadows, pastures, various wildlife and endemic plants, sand and gravel, and others.

- Satisfactory condition of road network (infrastructure).

- A wide range of biodiversity (the variety of flora and fauna).

- Good organization of the hunting club "Pheasant" - Šamac and sport-fishing association Šamac in the protection and preservation of the environment, and institutional cooperation with the Tourist Organization of Šamac.

- The willingness of local governments to solve problems in protecting and improving the environment.

- Huge hydropower potential for development of sports and recreational activities on the existing rivers.

- Exploitation of natural resources (forests, vegetation, meadows and rivers) for active recreation and hunting of small and large game.

- City park in Šamac is the oasis of peace and “lungs of the city” that cleans the air and provides a cozy space for children’s recreation

- Obsolete spatial-planning documentation. - Lack of municipal spatial planning - Significant areas of abandoned and

uncultivated land. - Devastation and degradation of arable land

and disturbance of biodiversity on natural waterways due to uncontrolled exploitation of the material.

- Raising livestock farms and other facilities in urban areas without adequate controls.

- Inability to conduct inspection of environmental protection (the Municipality does not have its environmental inspector).

- Increased intensity of illegal construction. - There is no control (monitoring), of either air

or water quality. - Problems in the management of solid waste

due to inadequacy of existing dump sites and unsolved sanitary landfill

- A large number of registered illegal dumps. - Unsolved disposal of animal waste. - Undeveloped protective embankment system

along the Bosnia river, direction Šamac – Modrica.

- Insufficient insitutional connection of all local subjects regarding possible actions for environmental protection.

- Undeveloped consciousness of local community about environmental protection.

- Lack of local government investment in education on the protection of the environment.

- A large number of septic tanks inconsistent with applicable rules and inadequate cleaning.

- Unsolved question of heating (private boilers and furnaces).

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS - Readiness of the local government to solve the

problem of environmental protection and promotion.

- The construction of necessary infrastructure and buildings in enterprise zones.

- Inter-municipal, regional and cross-border cooperation on a larger scale (including the use of IPA funds and other EU funds).

- Raising the level of institutional cooperation with higher levels of government, through the

- Lack of integrated and potential development planning and a low level of investment in infrastructure facilities in the immediate and wider environment. - Entering the neighboring countries in the European integration and their involvement in projects financed by the EU. - Treatment of the Municipality as the local community by higher levels of government and the international community. - Political instability and discouraging


implementation of joint projects. - Implementation of major projects for the

construction of facilities for water protection and protection from water.

- Construction of regional landfill. - Favorable unpolluted environment for

development of rural, transit, excursions tourism and other.

- Possibility of eco-culture and raising awareness about environmental protection and promotion.

- Proclamation of the Municipality for the protected area (protected area).

- Turn the huge flood area into a sports and recreation grounds.

- Make the lands near the mouth of Bosnia and traditional kay on the Sava river into a tourist attraction.

legislation. - Inertia in adoption of laws and other regulations governing this area. - Natural disasters (hail, flood, fire, etc.). - Failure to clean and maintain surface drainage channels. - Lack of funding. - Environmental pollution and the devastation of our close environment. - The uncontrolled exploitation of gravel and sand. - Part of the area covered by residual landmines. - Insufficient level and slow adoption of the EU and other international standards and regulations. - Seasonal presence of mosquitoes. - Lack of environmental inspectors. - Lack of storage for medical waste. - Ragweed and the use of coal (cause allergies of respiratory system).

The synthesis of the conclusions of the socio-economic analysis and SWOT analysis for the social sector Analysis of the identified strengths and weaknesses SWOT analysis of the environmental sector indicates that the natural resources (water resources, land, forests, diverse flora and fauna) present a significant opportunity for development of Šamac municipality. The enormous power potential of water and forest ecosystems have good conditions for sports and recreation of the population, and improving quality of life in general. Some of the strengths are also the willingness of local governments to solve problems in the environment sector and active participation of civic associations (hunters, fishermen). Weaknesses of the Municipality are reflected in the lack of cooperation at the local level institutions in the implementation of activities in the field of environmental protection, lack of supervision, and lack of urban planning documentation. Apart from institutional weaknesses, the Municipality has some other issues like under-developed water supply system and drainage of waste water, problem of waste management, lack of monitoring of air and water quality and land degradation. The analysis of identified opportunities and threats The most important opportunities in the field of environmental protection are regional and cross-border co-operation and participation in the development trends, building a regional landfill and development of various forms of tourism. The opportunity is also seen in strengthening environmental awareness and drawing the attention of public to the environmental problems. The main threats are the lack of an integrated and stimulating planning and development, slow adoption of laws and regulations, meeting the EU standards, as well as the narrow jurisdiction of the Municipality in the field of environmental protection.


There are three main directions of the Municipality development in the field of environmental protection arising from the SWOT analysis:

� Development of spatial planning documents Since the Republic of Srpska has adopted the Spatial Plan, it is necessary to develop and adopt Municipality spatial planning documents in accordance with the Decision on the Implementation of the Spatial plan of the Republic of Srpska and other legislation in the field of spatial and urban planning.

� Development of different forms of tourism (sports, hunting and fishing, hiking)

The favorable climate and plenty natural riches such as water resources, agricultural land and forest, the presence of various endemic plants and wildlife, and quality is a key foundation of prudent management to ensure the desired development of tourism. Although Šamac municipality has a great potential for development of different forms of tourism, there are numerous obstacles that must be removed. This primarily relates to the mined area of the Municipality, the presence of a large number of landfills, land degradation and pollution of watercourses. Therefore, it is necessary to take actions to protect the environment first and then use the appropriate steps to use its potential for tourism development.

� Infrastructure Construction Given that the infrastructure is far from satisfactory, the Municipality in the future must take actions to improve infrastructure, including expansion of water supply system, construction of sewage systems and filters for wastewater, and improve the system waste management.

5.3.2. Development goals Sector goals in the field of environmental protection are interrelated and result from the strategic objective 3: "SPATIALLY, PLANNED AND INFRASTRUCTURALLY DEVELOPED MUNICIPALITY WITH CARE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION".

Development plan includes environmental projects which should be implemented in a five-year period (mid-term) and shall then contribute to the achievement of defined sector goals. Sector goals, programs and projects are derived from the vision and goals of the Municipality and the need to solve problems in the field of environment, and consistent with other plans / strategies at the local level and at higher levels.


� Improved management and use of space and agricultural land by 2015. The surface structure of Šamac municipality is dominated by agricultural land with 14,623 hectares or 79.62%, while forest land covers an area of 1908 ha (10.3%) , and the developed land covers 1835 ha (9.99%). Improper activities in the area lead to water and land degradation, and therefore a reduction of flora and fauna. The land degradation reduces its productivity, while increasing of air and water pollution reduce the food quality and deteriorate health of people and other living organisms in the ecosystem.


The main forms of land degradation are reflected in the extensive use of agricultural land and uncontrolled use of pesticides, unplanned construction, irrational exploitation of sand and gravel and so forth. The spatial planning documents of the municipality, made in 1979 and 1980, are now out of date. Given that the Republic of Srpska has a spatial plan, the municipality should develop spatial planning documents in accordance with the Decision on the Implementation of the Spatial Plan of RS and other legislation in the field of spatial and urban planning. Programs and projects planned for implementation in order to achieve this goal are focused on: developing spatial planning documents, determining surfaces of lots, arranging green areas and parking spaces, arranging the areas known as „Bara Tisina“ and „Jekica rovovi“, („Swamp of Silence“ and „Jekic’s trenches“) and constructing and arranging the zones for sport and recreation.

� By the end of 2015 - organized adequate reloading station, removed illegal dumps and started activities in the selective collection of waste.

Although there are necessary legal requirements for establishing an integrated waste management system, due to numerous other problems in this area, waste management system in the Municipality is not satisfactory. In particular, the significant problem of waste disposal, which result in a large number of landfills. The whole area of the Municipality is not covered by organized waste collection. So far, investment in construction and maintenance of landfill waste are small due to the problems and the amount of waste to be disposed of. In order to improve the situation in this area, programs and projects that are planned to be implemented are focused on: the formation of transfer stations, disposal and repair of illegal landfills and selective collection of waste.

� By 2015 - repaired and built water systems and built purifier for waste water

The water supply system, along with collection and drainage of wastewater is far from satisfactory level. Water supply system exists in the urban area of the municipality of Šamac. The network of water supply is old and in poor condition (with frequent bursts) which leads to water loss. Water supply system in other parts of the municipality is irregular, difficult and unsatisfactory so the population gets water from artificially dug wells. The existing sewer network covers the central urban area of the Municipality, while settlements in the periphery and in the suburbs do not have sewage systems. Wastewater collection is done mainly by using the "septic" or locally constructed sewage systems with direct discharges to the nearest watercourse. The municipality has no facility for wastewater treatment. Programmes and projects which should be implemented in order to achieve this goal are focused on: the rehabilitation of existing water, expansion of water supply and construction of the water tower, construction of waste water purifiers and establishing sanitary protection of sources.

� By 2015 - Revitalized and protected cultural and historical heritage Protection of cultural, historical and natural heritage, as a segment of the social superstructure, on the territory of the Municipality was instituted by the Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of the Republic of Srpska.


In the postwar period, cultural heritage institutions in the territory of the Municipality were almost completely destroyed. Programmes and projects that should be implemented in order to achieve this goal, in cooperation with the above mentioned Institute, are focused on development of program for revitalization and protection of buildings with cultural and historical heritage and the reconstruction and repair of facilities with cultural and historical heritage.

� By 2015 - Improved energy efficiency In terms of its possible impact on the environment, energy sector is among crucial ones, both on the local and global level. Effects caused by the irrational use of energy can be reduced only in united action. Therefore, and due to the fact that energy consumption per capita will rise, cleaner energy sources must be discovered. Besides, the use of energy will have to be rationalize,d particularly in individual consumption and services, organizations of cities, transport sector and in housing areas. The program and projects that the Municipality intends to implement in order to achieve this goal are directed to thermal protection of buildings and the construction of infrastructure facilities to improve energy efficiency.

Goals of development in the field of environment

Liaison with strategic objectives

Liaison with development golas in other sectors

1. Improved management and use of space and agricultural land by 2015

Spatially and planned development of infrastructure and the Municipality that expresses concern for the environment

- By the end of 2015 to implement a new organizational model of agricultural development in compliance with the EU standards

- By 2015 - increased level of public safety by reducing the number of crimes by 30% and demining of the remaining 670 hectares in the municipality area.

2. By the end of 2015 - organized adequate reloading station, removed illegal dumps and started activities in the selective collection of waste.

Spatially and planned development of infrastructure and the Municipality that expresses concern for the environment

- By the end of 2015 to implement a new organizational model of agricultural development in compliance with the EU standards

By 2015 - repaired and built water systems and built purifier for waste water


Spatially and planned development of infrastructure and the Municipality that expresses concern for the environment

By 2015 - Revitalized and Spatially and planned Improved sports and


protected cultural and historical heritage


development of infrastructure and the Municipality that expresses concern for the environment

cultural life in the municipality by increasing the number of cultural and recreational events by 30%.

By 2015 - Improved energy efficiency


Spatially and planned development of infrastructure and the Municipality that expresses concern for the environment

Development of entrepreneurship and SMEs

5.3.3. Integration with strategic documents on higher levels: When it comes to strategic documents of higher level, then in the field of environment we should point out the strategic document on environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina's Action Plan for Environmental Protection (NEAP BiH). The priority areas of NEAP are: • Water resources / wastewater; • Sustainable development of rural areas; • Environmental Management (information system, integrated planning, education); • Protecting biological and landscape diversity; • Waste / Waste Management; • Economy / sustainable development of economy; • Public health and • Demining Sector Objectives 2 and 3 are associated with priority issue of water resources / waste water and issue of waste and waste management. Sector Objective 1 has its basis in the strategic document “Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska by 2015” and the "Strategic Plan of Rural Development of the Republic of Srpska” for the period between 2010 and 2015. In the Republic of Srpska level there is no unique strategic document which deals with protection of the environment, but this issue is partially covered through other documents. Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska by 2015 defines the more general and specific environmental objectives of which some are in direct relation to sector goals 1 and 5: Improving the management and use of space and agricultural land, improving energy efficiency. "Strategic Plan for Rural Development" of the Republic of Srpska for the period between 2010 and 2015 is a document that in some parts touches the field of environmental protection such as: Improving living conditions and the introduction of greater diversity in generating income in the rural economy and in specific goal 3.1.Construction and maintenance of rural infrastructure is directly related to the Strategic Objective 1 and the sector goals 1, 2, and 3. The potential inter-municipal cooperation is reflected in: - Building community-landfill waste (in cooperation with the municipalitoes of Modrica, Gradac,

Orasje, Odzak, Donji Zabar and Vukosavlje);


- Regulation of the coast and bed of Bosnia river (in cooperation with the municipalities Modrica and Odzak);

- The joint inter-municipal population education programs in the field of environment (in

collaboration with municipalities Modric, Gradacac, Orasje, Odzak, Donji Zabar and Vukosavlje); - Inter-municipal joint programs for deratization and mosquito treatment (in collaboration with

municipalities Modrica, Gradacac, Orasje, Donji Zabar, Odzak and Vukosavlje)


5.3.4 Programs, projects and measures

Implementation plan for the period 2011-2015

Sector 3: Environmental protection

No.: Projects/ measures

Program Liaison with

strategic objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups

(users) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

1. Project on abandoned land

Establishing the land surface

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1


Ecology Association, Fund for

Environmental Protection

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Education of citizens about their

rights and obligations in the

field of environmental protection

Citizens’ education Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x Ecology association, Šamac Municipality

Citizens of Šamac municipality

3. Development of the spatial plan of the


Development of spatial-plannign


Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x Šamac Municipality Owners and occupants of office spaces

4. Revision of post-urban planning

Development of space- planning documents

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x Šamac Municipality Owners and occupants of office spaces


Making the zoning plan with the

review of existing development plans

Development of space- planning documents

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x Šamac Municipality Owners and occupants of office spaces

6. Arrangement of parking spaces

Arranging the parking spaces with green areas

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1 x x x x x

Šamac Municipality, BORS Asociation

Citizens of Šamac municipality

7. Landscaping and gardening

Arranging the parking spaces with green areas

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x x x Šamac Municipality, BORS Association

Citizens of Šamac municipality

8. Project of arranging the old Orthodox cemetery in Šamac

Arranging the cemeteries in Šamac


Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x Šamac Municipality, Company for Public


Citizens of Šamac municipality

9. Project of new

Orthodox cemetery Arranging the

cemeteries in Šamac Strategic objective 3,

sector goal 1 x x x Šamac Municipality, Company for Public

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Implementation plan for the period 2011-2015

Sector 3: Environmental protection

No.: Projects/ measures

Program Liaison with

strategic objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups

(users) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

in Šamac municipality Utilities


Arranging cemeteries in the local communities of the Municipality

Arranging the cemeteries in Šamac


Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x x x Šamac Municipality, Company for Public


Citizens of Šamac municipality

11. Construction of city morgue

Arranging the cemeteries in Šamac


Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1 x x x

Šamac Municipality, Company for Public


Citizens of Šamac municipality

12. Construction of waste reloading


Improving waste management system

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 2

x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac municipality

13. Removal of illegal dumps

Improving waste management system

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 2

x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac municipality

14. Selective collection

of waste Improving waste

management system Strategic objective 3,

sector goal 2 x x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac



Thermal insulation of buildings with

the construction of infrastructure to improve energy


Improving energy efficiency

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 5 x x x x x

Department of Spatial Planning,

Housing and Utilities

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Project of rehabilitation of existing water supply system

Reconstruction of existing water supply

system and construction of water


Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x x x x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Residents of Šamac town

17. Project for

construction of water tower

Reconstruction of existing water supply

system and construction of water


Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x x x x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Residents of Šamac town


Implementation plan for the period 2011-2015

Sector 3: Environmental protection

No.: Projects/ measures

Program Liaison with

strategic objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups

(users) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

18. Project for

expansion of water supply network

Reconstruction of existing water supply

system and construction of water


Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x x x x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Residents of Šamac town


Determination of zones for sanitary protection of water


Protection of water springs

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x x x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Citizens of Šamac municipality

20. Construction of waste waters


Construction of sewage networks and waste

waters cleaner

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x x x x x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Citizens of Šamac municipality


The project of reconstruction and renovation of the old library building

Revitalization and protection of buildings

of cultural - historical


Strategic objective 3, sector goal 4 x x

The Municipality of Šamac, Institute for the Protection of monuments and cultural heritage

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Measure: Reconstruction of mechanical and

electrical equipment on

existing wells B-1 (pumps, engines)

Program for the maintenance of water

supply network

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3 x x x x x

Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Citizens of Šamac municipality


Measure: replacement of

water pump vessels on PS “Water


Program for the maintenance of water

supply network

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x x x x x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Citizens of Šamac municipality


Measure: replacement of the chlorinators at the PS “Water Supply”

Program for the maintenance of water

supply network

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Citizens of Šamac municipality


Implementation plan for the period 2011-2015

Sector 3: Environmental protection

No.: Projects/ measures

Program Liaison with

strategic objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups

(users) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Мeasure: Replacing the measurement set (approximately

2000 pieces)

Program for the maintenance of water

supply network

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3 x x x x x

Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Citizens of Šamac municipality


Мeasure: Reconstruction of the pump station


Program for the maintenance of water

supply network

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Citizens of Šamac municipality


Мeasure: Installation of screw pump (third) at the pump station PS-2

Program for the maintenance of water

supply network

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3 x

Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Citizens of Šamac municipality


Measure: Surface treatment on the PS-1, PS-2; PPS

"Rudine", "Duga", PS "Water Supply”

Program for the maintenance of water

supply network

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3 x x x

Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Становници насељеног

мјеста Шамац


Measure: clean drains and

sedimentation in fecal and rainfall


Regular maintenance of sewage system

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3

x x x x Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Становници насељеног

мјеста Шамац


Construction of fecal collector in the settlement


Construction of sewerage network and wastewater cleaner

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 3 x x

Water Supply and Sewerage Company


Становници насељеног

мјеста Шамац


LOTT 1: Construction of a marina for boats and boats with a

plateau and parking lots.

Construction of sport and recreation zone

"Kej" with a marina for boats

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x x

Šamac Municipality,

Company for marina management

Citizens of Šamac municipality

32. LOTT 2:

Construction of Construction of sport and recreation zone

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1 x x x x Šamac Municipality,

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Implementation plan for the period 2011-2015

Sector 3: Environmental protection

No.: Projects/ measures

Program Liaison with

strategic objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups

(users) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

semi-closed swimming pool with

green areas

"Kej" with a marina for boats Company for marina



LOТТ 3: Construction of area

for sports and recreation

Construction of sport and recreation zone

"Kej" with a marina for boats

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1 x x x x

Šamac Municipality,

Company for marina management

Citizens of Šamac municipality


LOTT 4: Construction and

landscaping of open swimming space

Construction of sport and recreation zone

"Kej" with a marina for boats

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1 x x x x

Šamac Municipality,

Company for marina management

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Мasure: Arrangement of river bed and

protection of the banks of the Bosnia


Ararngement of the Bosnia river bed

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x x x

Agency for Waters and the Company for maintenance of the Bosnia river bed

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Landscaping of pond „Tisina“ for sport

fishing and recreation

Landscaping of pond „Tisina“ and artifical lake „Jekica rov“

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1 x x x x x

Šamac Municipality, Sport Fishing

Association Šamac

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Landscaping of artifical lake

„Jekica rov“ for sport fishing and


Landscaping of pond „Tisina“ and artifical lake „Jekica rov“

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x x x Šamac Municipality,

Sport Fishing Association Šamac

Citizens of Šamac municipality


Measure: Destruction of

mosquitos in the municipality area

Destruction of insects, rodents and weeds

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac


39. Measure:

destruction of all types of rodents

Destruction of insects, rodents and weeds

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1

x x x x x Šamac Municipality Citizens of Šamac municipality


Implementation plan for the period 2011-2015

Sector 3: Environmental protection

No.: Projects/ measures

Program Liaison with

strategic objectives and sector goals

Approximate period of implementation (implementation dynamics) Holders of the

activity Target groups

(users) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Measure: Destruction of ragweed in the

municipality area

Destruction of insects, rodents and weeds

Strategic objective 3, sector goal 1 x x x x x

Association for healthy living and

ecological awareness

Citizens of Šamac municipality

Within the sector of Environmental Protection we plan to realize projects, programs and measures that will contribute to the implementation of the Strategic Objective 1, Strategic Objective 2 and Objective 3. Those are the Strategic Project of the spatial planning of the Municipality, construction of new and rehabilitation of existing water and sewage networks, project for construction of sewer projects that will contribute to the realization Sector goal 1, the Economic Development Sector, Sector goal 1, 3 Department of Environmental Protection. Realization of project-measures "arranging river bed and protection of the Bosnia river“, measure "the destruction of insects-mosquitoes, rodents and ragweed“ are projects and measures whose implementation will achieve inter-municipal cooperation. The importance of these projects and the achievement of inter-municipal cooperation is that projects are more certain for implementation with the greater effect of investment.


5.3.5 Estimation of expected outcomes with the indicators

Sector goals Indicators on the sector

goals level Indicators on program-project level

1. Improved management and use of space and agricultural land by 2015.

- by the end of 2015 defined the complete spatial planning documents

- developed local environmental plan - arranged the pond “Tisina” and “Jekica rov” - cleaned 20 miles of drainage network - arranged 10 hectares of abandoned land

2. By the end of 2015 formed adequate reloading station, removed two illegal dumps and started activities on selective waste collection

- By the end of 2015 waste reloading station will be built -reduced waste disposal and the illegal dumps by 70% -70% of the municipality territory will be covered by selective collection of waste

- Rehabilitated two illegal dumps - 20 illegal micro- dumps rehabilitated - organized space for transfer stations - provided equipment for selective collection of waste at 30 sites (public institutions)

3. By 2015 repaired and built water systems and waste water purifiers

-40% of the municipal population connected to water supply system and supplied with hygienic drinking water -40% of the population connected to the system of collection and treatment of wastewater

- water tower constructed - established 10 zones of sanitary protection of water springs - installed waste waters cleaner - constructed fecal collector in settlement “Duga” Šamac

4. Revitalize and protect facilities of cultural – historical heritage by 2015.

- By 2015 revitalized 4 such facilities

- revitalized 2 facilities of cultural-historical heritage - organized the register of facilities of cultural – historical heritage

5. Improve energy efficiency by 2015

- The act of administrative services provided incentives to the production of thermal insulation of buildings for housing - thermally-insulated 200 buildings -created project documentation for the town heating

-With the use of incentives built in thermal protection for the 200 buildings


5.3.6 Outline of financial structure


Liaison with strategic

objectives Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total
















s Priva

















1. Strategic

objective 3 Project on abandoned

land 15.000,00 15.000 15.000

2. Strategic objective 3

Education of citizens about their rights and

obligations in the field of environmental protection

6.500,00 2.000 2.000 2.500 6.500

3. Strategic objective 3

Development of the spatial plan of the

Municpality 95.000,00 32.500 32.500 65.000 30.000

4. Strategic objective 3

Revision of post-urban planning

75.000,00 22.500 22.500 45.000 30.000

5. Strategic

objective 3

Making the zoning plan with the review of

existing development plans

135.000,00 52.500 52.500 105.000 30.000

6. Strategic objective 3

Arrangement of parking spaces

45.000,00 9.000 9.000 9.000 45.000

7. Strategic objective 3

Landscaping and gardening

42.000,00 8.400 8.400 8.400 42.000

8. Strategic objective 3

Project of arranging the old Orthodox cemetery in

Šamac 20.000,00 6.000 7.000 7.000 20.000

9. Strategic

objective 3 Project of new Orthodox

cemetery in Šamac 135.000,00 36.000 36.000 36.000 108.000 27.000

10. Strategic

objective 3

Arranging cemeteries in the local communities of

the Municipality 150.000,00 15.000 15.000 15.000 75.000 75.000

11. Strategic

objective 3 Construction of city

morgue 120.000,00 40.000 40.000 120.000



Liaison with strategic

objectives Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total
















s Priva

















12. Strategic objective 3

Construction of waste transfer stations

270.000,00 6.750 6.750 6.750 27.000 243.000

13. Strategic

objective 3 Removal of illegal dumps 210.000,00 26.250 26.250 26.250 105.000 105.000

14. Strategic

objective 3 Selective collection of

waste 130.000,00 2.600 2.600 2.600 13.000 117.000

15. Strategic

objective 3

Thermal insulation of buildings with the construction of

infrastructure to improve energy efficiency

320.000,00 12.800 12.800 12.800 64.000 64.000 192.000

16. Strategic

objective 3

Project of rehabilitation of existing water supply

system 503.100,00 251.550 251.550

17. Strategic objective 3

Project for construction of water tower

1.180.000,00 590.000 590.000

18. Strategic objective 3

Project for expansion of water supply network 2.156.900,00 1.078.45

0 1.078.450

19. Strategic objective 3

Determination of zones for sanitary protection of

water springs

75.000,00 10.000 10.000 10.000 30.000 15.000 30.000

20. Strategic objective 3

Construction of waste waters cleaner

2.500.000,00 100.000 100.000 100.000 500.000 1.250.000


21. Strategic

objective 3

The project of reconstruction and

renovation of the old library building

110.000,00 5.500 5.500 11.000 99.000

22. Strategic

objective 3

Measure: Reconstruction of mechanical and

electrical equipment on existing wells B-1 (pumps,


50.000,00 5.000 5.000 5.000 25.000 25.000



Liaison with strategic

objectives Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total
















s Priva

















23. Strategic

objective 3

Measure: replacement of water pump vessels on PS

“Water Supply” 15.000,00 1.500 1.500 1.500 7.500 7.500

24. Strategic

objective 3

Measure: replacement of the chlorinators at the PS

“Water Supply” 8.000,00 4.000 4.000 4.000

25. Strategic

objective 3

Мeasure: Replacing the measurement set

(approximately 2000 pieces)

160.000,00 16.000 16.000 16.000 80.000 80.000

26. Strategic objective 3

Мeasure: Reconstruction of the pump station PS-1

80.000,00 40.000 40.000 40.000

27. Strategic

objective 3

Мeasure: Installation of screw pump (third) at the

pump station PS-2 60.000,00 30.000 30.000 30.000

28. Strategic objective 3

Measure: Surface treatment on the PS-1, PS-2; PPS "Rudine",

"Duga", PS "Water Supply”

20.000,00 6.000 7.000 7.000 20.000

29. Strategic objective 3

Measure: clean drains and sedimentation in fecal and rainfall sewages

60.000,00 15.000 15.000 60.000

30. Strategic

objective 3

Construction of fecal collector in the

settlement "Duga” 25.000,00 6.000 6.500 12.500 12.500

31. Strategic

objective 3

LOTT 1: Construction of a marina for boats and

boats with a plateau and parking lots.

3.510.000,00 87.750 87.750 351.000 3.159.000

32. Strategic objective 3

LOTT 2: Construction of semi-closed swimming pool with green areas

2.019.150,00 50.479 50.479 201.915 1.817.235

33. Strategic

objective 3

LOТТ 3: Construction of area for sports and

recreation 2.890.000,00 72.250 72.250 289.000 2.601.000



Liaison with strategic

objectives Project / measures

Estimated value of project / measure

Estimation of financing from the Municipal budget (in BAM)

Estimated financing from other sources (in BAM)

2011. 2012. 2013. Total
















s Priva

















34. Strategic

objective 3

LOTT 4: Construction and landscaping of open swimming space

2.200.000,00 55.000 55.000 220.000 1.980.000

35. Strategic objective 3

Мasure: Arrangement of river bed and protection of the banks of the Bosnia


1.200.000,00 12.000 12.000 12.000 48.000 1.152.000

36. Strategic

objective 3

Landscaping of pond „Tisina“ for sport fishing

and recreation 75.000,00 7.500 7.500 7.500 37.500 37.500

37. Strategic

objective 3

Landscaping of artifical lake „Jekica rov“ for sport fishing and


55.000,00 5.500 5.500 5.500 27.500 27.500

38. Strategic

objective 3

Measure: Destruction of mosquitos in the municipality area

250.000,00 50.000 50.000 50.000 250.000

39. Strategic

objective 3 Measure: destruction of

all types of rodents 125.000,00 25.000 25.000 25.000 125.000

40. Strategic objective 3

Measure: Destruction of ragweed in the

municipality area 110.000,00 13.200 13.200 13.200 66.000 44.000

TOTAL: 21.205.650 428.000 857.979 816.479 3.291.415 3.170.00

0 1.306.000 -


- 12.227.235 - 997.000

Within the Environmental Protection sector there are totally 40 projects to be implemented in the period between 2011 and 2015, with the total value of 21.205.650,00 BAM, and the Municipality investment is 3.291.415,00 BAМ. The fact that development programs and IPA programs are planned to provide 12,227,235.00 KM, indicates that these funds make up more than 50% of planned funds. Therefore, extra efforts have to be made in order to nominate the projects, prepare them well and thus realize the planned.



6.1 Action plan for the projects to be implemented in the first year

Action plan for 2011

No. : Projects / measures Liaison with the program Liaison with strategic

and sector

Basic follow-up information Holders of the activity Project value

Indicators Period (from-to)

Sector 1: Economic Development

1. Irrigation system "drop by drop” for tobacco products

type "Burley " -

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2013

Crafts Cooperative “Obudovac” 14.000

2. Arrangement of the

entrepreneurial zone in Šamac

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 110.000

3. Design and arrangement of the industrial zone in


- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015 Šamac Municipality 20.000

4. Production of

polypropylene ribbons and raffia for viticulture

Develop your small business with the support

of the Municipality

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2012 “ADA” Petrol Šamac 125.000

5. Modernization of the

electrical network in rural areas

Preparing the rural development strategy

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2015 Šamac Municipality 20.000

6. Modernization of the road network in rural areas

Preparing the rural development strategy

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2015 Šamac Municipality 200.000

7. Project for training and

retraining of the workforce - Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 4 2011 – 2015

Šamac Municipality, RS Government (line

ministries) 3.200

8. Line for enameling - Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2012 „E Metal“ Šamac 150.000

9. Production of humus for greenhouse and open

- Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2012 Ltd. “SANTOS-PROMET”

Obudovac 75.000


Action plan for 2011

No. : Projects / measures Liaison with the program Liaison with strategic

and sector

Basic follow-up information Holders of the activity Project value

Indicators Period (from-to) agricultural production

10. Training of farmers about

food production in line with the EU standards

Preparing the rural development strategy

Strategic objective 2

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2015

Šamac Municipality, Ministry of Agriculture of RS


Sector 2: Social Development


Construction of the Community centre in the local community „Lugovi“

(Friendship House)

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 62.500


Construction of the Community centre in the local community Novo Selo


Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 17.500

13. Construction of the

Community centre in the local community Novo Selo

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 17.500

14. Construction of the

Community centre in the local community Tursinovac

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 15.000

15. Reconstruction and building of the present Community

centre in Brvnik

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2015 Šamac Municipality 10.000

16. Construction of the Culture centre in Obudovac

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 Šamac Municipality 160.000

17. Construction of the

Community centre in the local community Grebnice

Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 Šamac Municipality


Construction of the Community centre in the local community Gornja


Construction of Community centres

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2012 Šamac Municipality 44.000


Purchase of new computer equipment to support the

connection of local communities in an integrated database

- Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 2 2011 – 2012 Šamac Municipality 12.500


Action plan for 2011

No. : Projects / measures Liaison with the program Liaison with strategic

and sector

Basic follow-up information Holders of the activity Project value

Indicators Period (from-to)

20. Purchase of mammography - Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 4 2011 – 2012

Women’s Association “Šamac” 45.000


Learning Sign language for the hearing citizens, deaf

and the citizens with hearing disabilities “Living


- Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 4 2011 – 2013

Association “Living together”, with the

partners 2.000

22. Construction and

preparation for use of the kindergarten in Obudovac

Construction of facilities for pre-school and primary

education in order to improve conditions for


Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2014 Kindergarten “Joy” Šamac 24.000

23. Construction or renovation

of adequate space for "Veterans club “

- Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 4 2011 – 2013 Veterans’ Association 6.000

24. Identification of problems

and needs of socially excluded persons

- Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 4 2011 Social Welfare Center

25. Reconstruction of facilities for elderly and ill persons -

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 4 2011 – 2015 Social Welfare Center 22.000


Reconstruction and repair of: school, spectators

stands and mini playground in front of the school in


Reconstruction and repair of primary sub-schools

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2012 Šamac Municipality 25.000

27. Reconstruction and repair of the Primary school in


Reconstruction and repair of primary sub-schools

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2012 Šamac Municipality 12.500

28. Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms in Skarici

Reconstruction and repair of sport facilities

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2013 Šamac Municipality 4.830

29. Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms in Pisari

Reconstruction and repair of sport facilities

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2012 Šamac Municipality 4.000

30. Reconstruction and repair

of changing rooms in Kruskovo Polje

Reconstruction and repair of sport facilities

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 17.500


Action plan for 2011

No. : Projects / measures Liaison with the program Liaison with strategic

and sector

Basic follow-up information Holders of the activity Project value

Indicators Period (from-to)


Reconstruction and repair of spectators stand and changing rooms in Gornja


Reconstruction and repair of sport facilities

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 12.500


Reconstruction and building spectators stands in the stadium of FC “Borac”


Reconstruction and repair of stadium of FC “Borac”

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 7.000

33. Reconstruction and repair of the handball playground

and spectators stands

Reconstruction and repair of stadium of FC “Borac”

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 4.000

34. Construction of playfield

with artificial grass Reconstruction and repair of stadium of FC “Borac”

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 60.000

35. Repair of the stadium fence Reconstruction and repair of stadium of FC “Borac”

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2012 Šamac Municipality 6.000

36. Construction of gym in the secondary school “Nikola

Tesla” in Šamac -

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 Šamac Municipality 200.000

37. Demining activities in the area of Šamac municipality

- Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015

Civil Protection Unit of Šamac Municipality



Reconstruction of housing and infrastructure for

returnees in the municipality of Šamac

- Strategic objective 1


BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, the State Commission for

Refugees and Displaced Persons and Šamac



39. “Children ask you to bring

football to school” -

Strategic objective 1

Sector goal 5 2011 – 2015

Municipal Football Association, Šamac

Municipality 56.000

Sector 3 : Ecology

40. Destruction of ragweed in

the municipality area Destruction of insects, rodents and weeds

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015

Association for healthy living and ecology awareness Šamac


41. Project on abandoned land Establishing the land surface

Strategic objective 3 2011 Association for Ecology, Fund for Environmental



Action plan for 2011

No. : Projects / measures Liaison with the program Liaison with strategic

and sector

Basic follow-up information Holders of the activity Project value

Indicators Period (from-to)

Sector goal 1 Protection


Education of citizens about their rights and obligations

in the field of environmental protection

Education of citizens Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2013

Association for Ecology, Šamac Municipality 2.000

43. Development of the spatial plan of the Municpality

Preparing spatial-planning documents

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2012 Šamac Municipality 47.500

44. Arrangement of parking

spaces Landscaping the parking


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015

Šamac Municipality

BORS Association Šamac


45. Landscaping and gardening Landscaping the parking


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015

Šamac Municipality

BORS Association Šamac


46. Project of arranging the old

Orthodox cemetery in Šamac

Arrangement of cemeteries in Šamac


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2013

Šamac Municipality,

Public Utility Company 6.000

47. Project of new Orthodox

cemetery in Šamac

Arrangement of cemeteries in Šamac


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2013.

Šamac Municipality,

Public Utility Company 45.000

48. Arranging cemeteries in the local communities of the


Arrangement of cemeteries in Šamac


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015

Šamac Municipality,

Public Utility Company 30.000

49. Construction of waste reloading stations

Improving waste management system

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 2 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 67.500

50. Removal of illegal dumps Improving waste

management system

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 2 2011 – 2014 Šamac Municipality 52.500

51. Selective collection of

waste Improving waste

management system

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 2 2011 – 2015 Šamac Municipality 26.000

52. Thermal insulation of buildings with the

Improving energy efficiency

Strategic objective 3 2011 – 2015 Department of Spatial Planning, Housing and



Action plan for 2011

No. : Projects / measures Liaison with the program Liaison with strategic

and sector

Basic follow-up information Holders of the activity Project value

Indicators Period (from-to) construction of

infrastructure to improve energy efficiency

Sector goal 5 Utilities of Šamac



Мasure: Arrangement of river bed and protection of the banks of the Bosnia


Arangement of the Bosnia river bed

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015

Agency for Waters and the Company for maintenance of the Bosnia river bed


54. Landscaping of pond

„Tisina“ for sport fishing and recreation

Arrangement of the pond „Tisina“ and the artifical

lake „Jekica rov“

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015

Šamac Municipality,

Sport Fishing Association Šamac


55. Landscaping of artifical

lake „Jekica rov“ for sport fishing and recreation

Arrangement of the pond „Tisina“ and the artifical

lake „Jekica rov“

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015

Šamac Municipality,

Sport Fishing Association Šamac


56. Measure: Destruction of insects - mosquitos in the

municipality area

Destruction of insects, rodents and weeds

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015 Šamac Municipality 50.000

57. Measure: destruction of all

types of rodents Destruction of insects, rodents and weeds

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 1 2011 – 2015 Šamac Municipality 25.000


Determination of zones for sanitary protection of

water springs

Protection of water springs Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2013

Water Supply and Sewerage Company Šamac 25.000

59. Construction of waste

waters cleaner

Construction of sewage network and waste waters


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2015

Water Supply and Sewerage Company Šamac 500.000


Action plan for 2011

No. : Projects / measures Liaison with the program Liaison with strategic

and sector

Basic follow-up information Holders of the activity Project value

Indicators Period (from-to)


Measure: Reconstruction of mechanical and electrical equipment on existing wells

B-1 (pumps, engines

Maintenance of water supply network

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2015

Water Supply and Sewerage Company Šamac


61. Measure: replacement of water pump vessels on PS

“Water Supply”

Maintenance of water supply network

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2015 Water Supply and Sewerage

Company Šamac 3.000

62. Measure: replacement of the chlorinators at the PS

“Water Supply”

Maintenance of water supply network

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011

Water Supply and Sewerage Company Šamac



Мeasure: Replacing the measurement set

(approximately 2000 pieces)

Maintenance of water supply network

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2015

Water Supply and Sewerage Company Šamac



Measure: Surface treatment on the PS-1, PS-2; PPS "Rudine", "Duga", PS

"Water Supply”

Maintenance of water supply network

Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2013

Water Supply and Sewerage Company Šamac


65. Project of rehabilitation of

existing water supply system

Reconstruction of existing water supply system and construction of water


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2014

Water Supply and Sewerage Company Šamac 125.775

66. Project for construction of water tower

Reconstruction of existing water supply system and construction of water


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2014 Water Supply and Sewerage

Company Šamac 295.000

67. Project for expansion of water supply network

Reconstruction of existing water supply system and construction of water


Strategic objective 3

Sector goal 3 2011 – 2014 Water Supply and Sewerage

Company Šamac 539.225

During 2011 the plan is to implement a total of 67 projects, out of which 63 projects and 4 measures. Number of projects implemented in the first year represents almost one-half of the total number of projects planned for five years. There are two reasons for this fact: one - some larger projects have already begun their implementation in 2010 year within the framework of the Program of Rural development of the Republic of Srpska, and the other - because the significant number of projects is planned for implementation throughout the planned period.


6.2. Detailed financial plan for the projects to be implemented in 2011


Liaison with

strategic goal/goals

Project / measure

Total estimated value of

the project

Total value of the

project for 2011

Municipal Budget for


Estimated financing from other sources












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Sector 1: Economic development

1. Strategic objective 2

Irrigation system "drop by drop” for tobacco products

type "Burley

42.000 14.000 1.400 9.800 2.800

2. Strategic

objective 2

Arrangement of the

entrepreneurial zones in Samac

440.000 110.000 33.000 33.000 44.000

3. Strategic

objective 2

Design and arrangement of the industrial zone in Samac

100.000 20.000 6.000 6.000 8.000

4. Strategic

objective 2

Production of polypropylene

ribbons and raffia for viticulture and

fruit growing

250.000 125.000 12.500 62.500 37.500 12.500

5. Strategic

objective 1

Modernization of the electrical

network in rural areas

100.000 20.000 2.000 6.000 12.000

6. Strategic

objective 1

Modernization of the road network in

rural areas 1.000.000 200.000 120.000 60.000 20.000

7. Strategic

objective 2

Project for training and retraining of the workforce

16.000 3.200 1.600 1.600

8. Strategic

objective 2 Line for enameling 300.000,00 150.000 120.000 15.000 15.000

9. Strategic Production of 150.000 75.000 37.500 22.500 15.000



Liaison with

strategic goal/goals

Project / measure

Total estimated value of

the project

Total value of the

project for 2011

Municipal Budget for


Estimated financing from other sources












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objective 2 humus for greenhouses and open agricultural


10 Strategic

objective 2

Training of farmers about food

production in line with the EU standards

100.000 20.000 20.000

Sector 2: Social development

11 Strategic objective 1

Construction of the Community centre

in the local community „Lugovi“ (Friendship House)

250.000,00 62.500 23.750 7.500 31.250

12 Strategic

objective 1

Construction of the Community centre

in the local community Novo

Selo II

100.000,00 17.500 5.000 7.500 5.000

13 Strategic

objective 1

Construction of the Community centre

in the local community Novo


100.000,00 17.500 5.000 7.500 5.000

14 Strategic

objective 1

Construction of the Community centre

in the local community Tursinovac

60.000,00 15.000 8.750 6.250

15 Strategic

objective 1

Reconstruction and building of the

present Community centre in Brvnik

50.000,00 10.000 8.000 2.000

16 Strategic

objective 1

Construction of the Culture centre in

Obudovac 800.000,00 160.000 160.000



Liaison with

strategic goal/goals

Project / measure

Total estimated value of

the project

Total value of the

project for 2011

Municipal Budget for


Estimated financing from other sources












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17 Strategic

objective 1

Construction of the Community centre

in the local community Grebnice

18 Strategic

objective 1

Construction of the Community centre

in the local community Gornja


88.000,00 44.000 29.000 15.000

19 Strategic

objective 1

Purchase of new computer

equipment to support the

connection of local communities in an integrated database

25.000,00 12.500 7.500 5.000

20 Strategic

objective 1 Purchase of

mammography 90.000,00 45.000 9.000 22.500 4.500 9.000

21 Strategic

objective 1

Learning Sign language to the hearing citizens, deaf and the citizens with

hearing disabilities “Living together”

6.000,00 2.000 2.000

22 Strategic

objective 1

Construction of the kindergarten in

Obudovac 96.000,00 24.000 9.600 7.500 2.500 4.400

23 Strategic

objective 1

Construction or renovation of

adequate space for "Veterans club“

18.000,00 6.000 1.800 4.200

24 Strategic

objective 1

Identification of problems and needs of socially excluded


25 Strategic Reconstruction of 110.000,00 22.000 6.600 8.800 6.600



Liaison with

strategic goal/goals

Project / measure

Total estimated value of

the project

Total value of the

project for 2011

Municipal Budget for


Estimated financing from other sources












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objective 1 facilities for elderly and ill persons

26 Strategic

objective 1

Reconstruction and repair of: school, spectators stands

and mini playground in front of the

school in Batkusa

50.000,00 25.000 10.000 15.000

27 Strategic

objective 1

Reconstruction and repair of the

Primary school in Gajevi

25.000,00 12.500 6.500 6.000

28 Strategic

objective 1

Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms in Skarici

15.000,00 4.830 1.500 3.330

29 Strategic objective 1

Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms in Pisari

10.000,00 4.000 1.500 2.500

30 Strategic objective 1

Reconstruction and repair of changing rooms in Kruskovo


50.000,00 17.500 15.000 2.500

31 Strategic

objective 1

Reconstruction and repair of spectators stand and changing rooms in Gornja


50.000,00 12.500 10.000 2.500

32 Strategic

objective 1

Reconstruction and building spectators

stands in the stadium of FC “Borac” Samac

35.000,00 7.000 7.000

33 Strategic objective 1

Reconstruction and repair of the

handball playground and spectators


20.000,00 4.000 4.000



Liaison with

strategic goal/goals

Project / measure

Total estimated value of

the project

Total value of the

project for 2011

Municipal Budget for


Estimated financing from other sources












s an




















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34 Strategic objective 1

Construction of playfield with artificial grass

300.000,00 60.000 20.000 40.000

35 Strategic

objective 1 Repair of the stadium fence

20.000,00 6.000 6.000

36 Strategic objective 1

Construction of gym in the secondary school “Nikola Tesla” in Samac

200.000,00 200.000 130.000 70.000

37 Strategic

objective 1

Demining of the territory of Samac


3.500.000,00 700.000 35.000 665.000

38 Strategic

objective 1

Reconstruction of housing and

infrastructure for returnees in the municipality of


4.460.000 4.460.000 4.460.000

39 Strategic

objective 1

„Children ask you to bring football to

school” 56.000 11.200 2.000 1.500 1.200 5.500 1.000

Sector 3: Ecology

40 Strategic objective 3

Measure: Destruction of ragweed in the

municipality area

110.000,00 22.000 13.200 8.800

41 Strategic

objective 3 Project on

abandoned land 15.000,00 15.000 15.000

42 Strategic

objective 3

Education of citizens about their

rights and obligations in the

field of environmental protection

6.500,00 2.000 2.000

43 Strategic Development of the 95.000,00 47.500 32.500 15.000



Liaison with

strategic goal/goals

Project / measure

Total estimated value of

the project

Total value of the

project for 2011

Municipal Budget for


Estimated financing from other sources












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objective 3 spatial plan of the Municipality

44 Strategic

objective 3 Arrangement of parking spaces 45.000,00 9.000 9.000

45 Strategic

objective 3 Landscaping and

gardening 42.000,00 8.400 8.400

46 Strategic objective 3

Project of arranging the old Orthodox cemetery in Samac

20.000,00 6.000 6.000

47 Strategic

objective 3

Project of new Orthodox cemetery

in Samac 135.000,00 45.000 36.000 9.000

48 Strategic objective 3

Arranging cemeteries in the local communities of the Municipality

150.000,00 30.000 15.000 15.000

49 Strategic

objective 3

Construction of waste reloading

station 270.000,00 67.500 6.750 60.750

50 Strategic

objective 3 Removal of illegal

dumps 210.000,00 52.500 26.250 26.250

51 Strategic

objective 3 Selective collection

of waste 130.000,00 26.000 2.600 23.400

52 Strategic objective 3

Thermal insulation of buildings with

the construction of infrastructure to improve energy


320.000,00 64.000 12.800 12.800 38.400

53 Strategic

objective 3

Мeasure: Arrangement of river bed and

protection of the banks of the Bosnia



242.400 12.000 230.400

54 Strategic Landscaping of pond 75.000,00 15.000 7.500 7.500



Liaison with

strategic goal/goals

Project / measure

Total estimated value of

the project

Total value of the

project for 2011

Municipal Budget for


Estimated financing from other sources












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objective 3 „Tisina“ for sport fishing and recreation

55 Strategic objective 3

Landscaping of artifical lake

„Jekica rov“ for sport fishing and


55.000,00 11.000 5.500 5.500

56 Strategic

objective 3

Measure: Destruction of

mosquitos in the municipality area

250.000,00 50.000 50.000

57 Strategic

objective 3

Measure: destruction of all types of rodents

125.000,00 25.000 25.000

58 Strategic

objective 3

Determination of zones for sanitary protection of water


75.000,00 25.000 10.000 5.000 10.000

59 Strategic

objective 3

Construction of waste waters



500.000 100.000 250.000 150.000

60 Strategic objective 3

Measure: Reconstruction of mechanical and

electrical equipment on

existing wells B-1 (pumps, engines)

50.000,00 10.000 5.000 5.000

61 Strategic objective 3

Measure: replacement of

water pump vessels on PS “Water


15.000,00 3.000 1.500 1.500

62 Strategic objective 3

Measure: replacement of the chlorinators at the PS “Water Supply”

8.000,00 8.000 4.000 4.000



Liaison with

strategic goal/goals

Project / measure

Total estimated value of

the project

Total value of the

project for 2011

Municipal Budget for


Estimated financing from other sources












s an




















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63 Strategic

objective 3

Мeasure: Replacing the measurement set (approximately

2000 pieces)

160.000,00 32.000 16.000 16.000

64 Strategic

objective 3

Measure: Surface treatment on the PS-1, PS-2; PPS

"Rudine", "Duga", PS "Water Supply”

20.000,00 6.000 6.000

65 Strategic

objective 3

Project of rehabilitation of existing water supply system

503.100,00 125.775 62.887,5 62.887,5

66 Strategic objective 3

Project for construction of water tower


295.000 147.500 147.500

67 Strategic

objective 3

Project for expansion of water supply network

2.156.900,00 539.225 269.612,5 269.612,5

TOTAL IN 2011: 8.970.830,00 BAМ 23.003.500,00

8.982.030,00 1.129.000,00

950.000,00 280.680,00 37.500,00 48.000,00 83.500,00 701.300,00 82.050,00 5.670.000,00

The annual implementation plan for the Integrated Municipal Development Strategy is the basis for annual plans and programs and preparing the annual budget plan of Samac Municipality in 2011.



Implementation of the Strategy is a major challenge for local government. The level and quality of the implementation strategy, as the sum of all individual projects and measures implemented, will clearly show how local authorities is close or far from achieving the defined strategic objectives and vision of the municipality. For successful implementation of development strategies it is necessary to adapt the existing or establish new organizational structures and provide adequate human resources and clearly define the key operational mechanism for managing development. The task of this mechanism is the daily care of the implementation strategy as a whole and each individual project, coordination of all activities and actors of the promotion, preparation and initiation of projects, implementation, monitoring, reporting and initiating the update strategy. Municipal Integrated Development Strategy encompasses all sectors that are the responsibility of local authorities, along with all actors and stakeholders in a coordinated manner. Including all matters dealt with in one municipality in a comprehensive strategy shall open up opportunities to create synergy, added value and innovation through inter-sector cooperation. Therefore, it is important to note that, besides establishing and effective functioning of the structure for development planning and the structure for monitoring the implementation of strategic documents, a significant role has strengthening of overall coordination within the municipal administration in the implementation strategy. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that implementation of the strategy is supported by the socio-economic partners in the municipality. Each of them should be more significant role in the implementation, provision of financial resources and in monitoring and evaluation. Current situation and organizational prerequisites for the implementation of the strategy

The Municipal Assembly has a key role in reviewing the report on implementation of the strategic documents of the Municipality, including the Development Strategy as a major strategic document of the Municipality, which should be the basis for the creation and adoption of all other development policies and priorities of the municipality. The Mayor has a key role in operation and development of the development strategy through establishing clear accountability mechanisms and defining classes in terms of implementation of parts of the strategy within their competence, and providing overall coordination. The structure of municipal administration is shown in the following chart:













Administrative Department of the Municipality prepares the program of the Municipal development and environmental, urban and implementation plans, budget and balance sheet, and takes care of meeting specific needs of citizens in the areas of communal activities, culture, education, sports, health and social services, civil protection, information, crafts, tourism and catering. Administrative Department plays a key role in the development, coordination and implementation, monitoring, reporting and updating the Strategy, aimed at continuous improvement of quality of life of citizens of the municipality. Administrative Department of Samac Municipality consists of the Head of Department, Department for local economic development, agriculture and village, and four divisions. There are sections formed within these four divisions. Jobs and tasks performed by the existing departments in the field of planning and management of local development are as follows:

Department of Economy and Social Affairs

Department of Spatial Planning,

Housing and Utilities Finance Department

Department of Local Development,

Agriculture and Rural Areas


1. Head of the Department of Economy and Economic Development

1. Advisor for Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Construction

1. Chief of the Finance Department

1. Head of the Department of Local Development, Agriculture and Rural Areas

2. Advisor for Local Economic Development and Strategic Planning

2. Senior Associate for Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Construction

2. Head of the Department of Budget

2. Deputy head of the Department of Local Development, Agriculture and Rural Areas

3. Senior Associate for Small Business, Employment and Regulatory Affairs

3. Advisor for Public Utilities and Housing Issues

3. Advisor for Local Economic Development

4. Advisor for Small Business

4. Senior Associate for Public Utilities and Housing Issues


5. Head of the department of agriculture and rural development

5. Advisor for Reconstruction and Development

6. Advisor for monitoring the activities of agriculture, forestry, water, hunting, fishing and veterinary


As the enclosed table shows, the position “Advisor for Local Economic Development and Strategic Planning” includes activities regarding strategic planning. This position was organized within the Department of Economy and Social Affairs, but is not linked to other departments which make basic part of the Municipal administration, and as such it is not directly linked to monitoring and coordinating the implementation of the development strategy. Regarding collecting, processing and updating data for planning and monitoring the development, none of the employees of the Municipal administration is in charge for this exclusively, nor there is a unique database required for development planning and monitoring. Instead, the individual Municipal services collect information for their needs and in accordance with their specific formats. This process of gathering and updating information is not directly pointed to monitoring and evaluating the progress of implementation of development strategy. When it comes to staff within these departments and sections, which in their job descriptions, among other responsibilities, also has planning and implementing development strategies, the situation is as follows:

Department of Economy and Social


Department of Spatial Planning,

Housing and Utilities

Finance Department

Department of Local Development, Agriculture and

Rural Areas

According to the Rules on organization and systematization of positions there are six positions planned, out of which three are taken.

According to the Rules on organization and systematization of positions there are five positions planned, out of which five are taken.

According to the Rules on organization and systematization of positions there are two positions planned, out of which two are taken.

According to the Rules on organization and systematization of positions there are three positions planned, out of which three are taken.

1. Senior Associate for Small Business, Employment and Regulatory Affairs

1. Advisor for Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Construction

1. Chief of the Finance Department

1. Head of the Department of Local Development, Agriculture and Rural Areas

2. Advisor for Small Business

2. Senior Associate for Spatial Planning, Urbanism and Construction

2. Head of the Department of Budget

2. Deputy head of the Department of Local Development, Agriculture and Rural Areas

3. Advisor for monitoring the activities of agriculture, forestry, water, hunting, fishing and veterinary

3. Advisor for Public Utilities and Housing Issues

3. Advisor for Local Economic Development

4. Senior Associate for Public Utilities and Housing Issues


Department of Economy and Social


Department of Spatial Planning,

Housing and Utilities

Finance Department

Department of Local Development, Agriculture and

Rural Areas

5. Advisor for Reconstruction and Development

Although the responsibility for implementing the development strategy is divided between several municipal functions, this task is not explicitly defined by the horizontal line among the relevant development sectors. Within the municipal administration, there is no employee / department that deals with strategic planning or coordination of the system implementation of the Strategy, but only an employee who, among other tasks, deals with the planning of economic development. Descriptions of jobs and tasks that would belong to the parts of the strategic planning activities are not accurately or clearly defined and therefore it is not possible to define a clear role, obligation and accountability of employees working in these positions. The employees of municipal administration already have some experience with the preparation and implementation of various projects aimed at improving quality of life. However, it is necessary to establish a stronger link between the priorities identified as important for long-term development of the community and consistent preparation and implementation of the projects defined within the sector of economic development, social sector development and the sector of environment protection and promotion. Given the lack of clear responsibilities in terms of coordination and organization of implementation of the strategy, or lack of a person / department that would take care of the daily implementation of the strategy as a whole and each individual project, it is necessary to take proactive measures to improve the situation in this area. It is necessary to strengthen the development function of the Municipality through the precise definition of tasks and responsibilities, to strengthen the capacity of employees who will be directly involved in project preparation and implementation of the Strategy and establish an effective system for monitoring and evaluating its implementation. Here is a particularly important role of the Department of Local Economic Development, Agriculture and Rural Areas and its future strengthening so it could respond to the challenges ahead. The current organizational structure, staff capacity and its function and role in the Administrative Department is not clearly defined nor are precisely defined roles and responsibilities in terms of planning of local economic development.

Therefore, the key steps include the following:

1. Conducting analysis of functions, processes, actors and roles in the management of local development in the municipality of Samac, including a review of minimum management functions of local development and review process, stakeholders and roles in the planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the Development Strategy.


2. Based on these analyses, identification of appropriate strengthening model-establishing developmental functions of the Municipality, where one of the possible solutions is organizing the units for managing the development, which will take over responsibility for coordination, regular monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of the Strategy. Another possible solution would be coordinate (review) the present job descriptions and appropriate capacities within existing Department of Local Economic Development, Agriculture and Rural Areas to ensure effective coordination and support to the implementation of Strategy.

3. Preparation and adoption of amendments to the Rules on internal organization and systematization of jobs in the municipal administrative service in accordance with the selected mode of organization capacity to implement a strategy. This would be performed in order to precise job descriptions and responsibilities of individual employees in the following areas:

� Overall coordination of the implementation of development strategies; roles and responsibilities of the unit for development in terms of strategy development, monitoring, reporting, preparation of annual action plans and update strategy;

� Regular updating of unique database for the purpose of strategic planning,

monitoring and evaluation process, which includes social, economic and environmental parameters and relevant indicators. Specifying the responsibilities of staff in charge of the database, monitoring and evaluation, as well as the duties and responsibilities of other relevant municipal services;

� Ensuring that projects that are extracted in the operation plan of the development strategy are included in the annual plans of the relevant municipal departments;

Development, implementation and project management; roles and responsibilities in preparing and implementing projects, monitoring of appropriate sources of funding, selection of projects and appropriate funding, informing local socio-economic partners on funding sources, support in the preparation of projects. Integrated strategy combines sector issues in a structured way and for its successful implementation it is necessary to ensure that all municipal departments, services and sections within departments work closely to ensure proper inter-sector collaboration. It is therefore important to strengthen coordination within the complete system of municipal administration, as in the process of implementation strategies, and also in the processes of its monitoring, evaluation, reporting and updating, specifically in:

• Adjustments of specific elements of existing job descriptions and internal procedures and regulations, to ensure smooth cooperation among departments within the municipal administration, all in light of effective implementation of projects and priorities defined in the Strategy Development;

• Co-ordination between all municipal departments and units for the

development / coordination units and implementation of strategy in terms of regular collection of data from departments responsible for monitoring


implementation of the Strategy and action planning for next year; Connecting the database with all relevant departments, where the individual responsibility will be clearly defined in the relevant job descriptions;

• Continuous adjustment of the long-term and annual financial plan of the

Municipality (the budget) with the multi-annual indicative and annual financial plan of the Strategy implementation.

Plan of human and organizational resources is aimed to support the more effective and optimal organization of municipal administration which will allow realistic implementation strategy. In addition, this organization provides for the set of projects in the sector of the economy, social development and environmental protection to be recognized as a priority (as defined in the strategy development). The existence of a set of prepared projects would ensure readiness of the Municipality to access external sources of funding (e.g. international organizations, credit lines, higher levels of government funds, etc.). This indicates a strong need to strengthen the capacities of municipal administration for the development of quality proposals.

Socio-economic partners should have a precisely defined role in the implementation, provision of financial resources and in monitoring and evaluation strategy.

• Local development partnership: Given the important role of the Partnership Group (local development partnership) in the effective implementation, monitoring and updating the Strategy, Samac Municipality will, within this body, continue to work closely with all the partners from public, private and NGO sectors.

• Municipality of Samac shall, in accordance with the plan of implementation of Strategy development, work continuously on improving mutual awareness, establishing partnerships and cooperation with other municipalities, line ministries, international organizations and other partners in order to effectively implement the Strategy and achieve greater development effects.

7.1 Roles and Responsibilities The table below summarizes the key roles and responsibilities in terms of coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of local development Strategy:

The main roles and responsibilities in the implementation and coordination of the Strategy

Role Responsibility (who?)

Defining responsibilities in terms of coordination of strategy development (based on analysis of existing development functions and structures within the municipal administration);

Municipality Mayor


The main roles and responsibilities in the implementation and coordination of the Strategy

Role Responsibility (who?)

Operating of municipal organization and structures in terms of inter-sector coordination and management of the implementation of Development Strategy;

Municipality Mayor

Department of General Administration

Defining authorities of individual departments / sectors for preparing project proposals and implementation of projects from the action plan for 2011;

Municipality Mayor,

Heads of Departments

Elaboration of proposals and providing funding sources;

Municipal departments (including coordination with the Finance Department, accounting and budget billing).

Public procurement procedures; Public procurement Commission

Monitoring the implementation of Strategy and regular follow-up;

Municipality Mayor

Designated department / unit for local development and implementation of the Strategy in coordination with other departments (municipal departments, municipal services, the Municipal Assembly, the Partnership Group for the development).

Establishing and regularly updating of a database relevant to the development;

Designated department / unit for local development and implementation of the Strategy in coordination with other Municipal departments

Development and adoption of operational and financial plans for the following years of Strategy implementation (annual and indicative three-year long period);

Designated department / unit for local development and implementation of the Strategy in coordination with the Finance Department, the Mayor, the Municipal Assembly.

Updating and revision of sector plans and strategies;

Designated department / unit for local development and implementation of the Strategy in coordination with other Municipal departments;

Municipal Mayor

The Municipal Assembly and Partnership Development Group

Defining the key needs for capacity building of personnel involved in implementing the Strategy (plan preparation and systemic capacity building for effective implementation of Strategy);

Department of General Administration and the designated department / unit for local development and implementation of the Strategy

The overall communication regarding the implementation of development strategies with stakeholders outside the municipal government (citizens, Local Development Partnership), media, business sector, NGOs, potential funders, higher levels of government, etc.

Designated department / unit for local development and implementation of the Strategy.

Department of local economic development, agriculture and rural


The main roles and responsibilities in the implementation and coordination of the Strategy

Role Responsibility (who?)


7.2 Systematic approach to capacity building Efficient implementation of the Development Strategy requires appropriate knowledge and skills of all subjects involved in the planning process. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure that the individual job descriptions related to local development planning and strategy implementation reflect the specific requirements in terms of qualification, experience, knowledge and skills, and provide employees the necessary additional training in strategic planning, programming, monitoring and assessment of progress. For the successful functioning of the developmental functions of the Municipality, it is required to have systematic approach to managing human resources in order to build and adapt the capacities and actual needs. Analysis of existing capacity made under ILDP, during September 2009, has identified the following areas that require attention and a systematic approach to capacity building:

• Public-private partnerships;

• Project design and project management;

• Public procurement in BiH and the EU: Legal and Practical Aspects;

• Instruments for Assistance in Pre-Accession Process to EU (IPA): politics and practice;

• English language;

• Monitoring and evaluating progress of implementation of social development plan;

• Monitoring and evaluating progress of implementation of environmental protection plan.

Resource that will increasingly be available to the municipalities in terms of building capacities for effective management of local development are implementation mechanisms of the adopted Strategy for training of employees in local government in the RS, and training system for local government units which is within the same project implemented by UNDP.


8. Monitoring, Evaluating and Updating Development Strategy Actual results of development, arising from the implementation of integrated local development strategies, can be visible and measurable only if, as most responsible for implementing the strategy, they systematically monitor and evaluate the implementation of the strategy. Therefore, systematic monitoring and evaluation of the Strategy implementation enables measurement of the achieved degree of set goals, giving also the opportunity to take timely measures to possible adjustments and assessing the overall success of the Strategy implementation. Monitoring the Strategy of Integrated Local Development Monitoring means the collection and processing of data in order to compare achieved results with the plan. The evaluation is based on the findings of monitoring and gives an overall assessment of achieved objectives. To manage the implementation of strategies, and implementation of projects, we must be able to measure the degree of achievement of defined objectives and outcomes over time, and for that purpose we use objectively verifiable indicators (OVIs). Monitoring Indicators The Local Development Strategy, as a concrete and operational tool for long-term development of the Municipality, establishes a set of measurable operational / sector objectives, which are supported by a number of specific indicators, which will be used to measure overall progress and achievements of strategy. Therefore, regular monitoring of progress of implementation of the strategy will be based on measurable sector (social, economic and environmental) goals and their general indicators, as shown in the tables of the Framework for Plan Monitoring. ("Evaluation of results and indicators to monitor economic development plan", "Evaluation of results and indicators for monitoring social development plan", and "Evaluation of results and indicators for monitoring environmental development plan"). In addition, specific indicators are also set to program / project level, and with their multiplicity they present concrete indicators of monitoring progress of each sector goal of the strategy. The project parameters are defined in the project proposals.


Framework monitoring plan of social development

Sector goals Indicators on the sector goals level

Indicators on program-project level

1. By 2015 - increasing level of public safety by reducing the number of crimes by 30 % and demining the rest 670 hectares of contaminated land in the Municipality area

- 670 hectares of land was demined - reduced number of crimes by 500 until 2015

- Realized project “Anti-mining action in the territory of Samac municipality” - Population was educated about the partnership with PSS in detecting perpetrators of criminal act

2. By 2015 - establishing an effective system of administrative work in order to improve its services and simplify procedures by creating a database of citizens, reducing the time required for issuance of documents by 50%, and improving technical equipment.

- Number of unsolved cases was reduced by 20% on annual level - Established system of analysis and control of all processes in the administrative service - 90% of the municipality assets was recorded and its management was improved

- Professionally trained and educated 70% of administrative workers - 90% of processes in the administrative department were analyzed - 2 new software units were established - Organized and technically connected unique system of personal data

3. By 2015 – Adjusting the educational profiles with the needs of the economy and creating material and personnel prerequisites for quality teaching and education in preschool and school facilities

- 4 new educational profiles were introduced in the secondary school - 3 new facilities were opened in order to achieve more qualitative education - The number of unemployed was reduced by 400

-2 new educational profiles were introduced - The gym in the secondary school was built - Outflow of secondary school students reduced by 70%

4. Improving the capacity and quality of services in the sectors of health and social care by 2015

- Organized mobile team to provide services in health and social sector - Opening of the facility for providing services to elderly and ill persons - Equipped and modernized specialist health care office

- Acquired mammography - Equipped dental services department and an increased number of dental services by 40% -2 facilities for socially excluded groups were built and opened

5. Improving sports and cultural life in the Municipality by increasing the number of cultural and recreational events by 30%

- Increased the number of people who will play sports for 180 - Constructed and opened 8 Culture Centers - Increased the funding allocated for sports and culture by 50%

- Constructed and opened 8 Culture Centers - Constructed and built 15 new sports facilities - Organized 4 fairs in annual level


Framework monitoring plan of economic development

Sector goals Indicators on the sector goals level

Indicators on program-project level

1. By the end of 2015 to increase the number of employed persons for 1000.

- Within business and industrial zones 10 new companies were opened with 300 new employees. - By the end of 2015 registered 200 new agricultural holdings with 200 work places. - Attracted 5 new investors in tourism with 100 new work places.

- Constructed new business zone with arranged space and infrastructure for 8 new small enterprises. - Built new industrial zone with arranged space and infrastructure for 2 medium and large enterprises. - Established system of registration of agricultural holdings and provided conditions for indoor and outdoor manufacturing for 150 agricultural holdings.

2. By 2012 improved and simplified all the processes within the municipality relating to services and business economic entities and the private sector.

-Improved procedures for obtaining approval for commercial and private entities by 30% -Established a system analysis and control of all processes in the administrative service -Recorded 90% of the Municipal property and improved its management

- Established a unique system of company register. - Updated existing and established a new software for tracking the cases of the administrative service - Administrative service equipped with personnel, technical equipment, and liaison system for tracking personal data. - Completed Regulation on job classification of the administrative service

3. By the end of 2015 to plan and implement a new organizational model of agricultural development in compliance with EU standards

- By 2015 - 250 farmers educated and trained about food production in compliance with the EU standards. - Established new models of outdoors food production for 500 agricultural holdings.

-Constructed or adapted 10 facilities for mushroom production. - Adapted and repaired 20 existing facilities for production of beef, pork and chicken. - Organized humus production in greenhouse and open agricultural production for 10 agricultural holdings.

4. Development of entrepreneurship and SMEs

- By the end of 2015- 10 new companies opened in the constructed business and industrial zones - Incentives started within the jurisdiction of administrative service (for the newly opened small and medium enterprises exemption from paying taxes and fees for up to a year)

- Built an entrepreneurial zone and infrastructure. - Built an industrial zone and infrastructure. - Adapted incubators. -Prepared spatial planning documents. - Trained and retrained 150 workers for the production of woven furniture.


Framework monitoring plan of environmental protection

Sector goals Indicators on the sector goals level Indicators on program-

project level 1. Improved management and use of space and agricultural land by 2015.

- by the end of 2015 defined the complete spatial planning documents

- developed local environmental plan - arranged the pond “Tisina” and “Jekica rov” - cleaned 20 miles of drainage network - arranged 10 hectares of abandoned land

2. By the end of 2015 formed adequate reloading station, removed two illegal dumps and started activities on selective waste collection

- By the end of 2015 waste reloading station will be built -reduced waste disposal and the illegal dumps by 70% -70% of the municipality territory will be covered by selective collection of waste

- Rehabilitated two illegal dumps - 20 illegal micro- dumps rehabilitated - organized space for transfer stations - provided equipment for selective collection of waste at 30 sites (public institutions)

3. By 2015 repaired and built water systems and waste water purifiers

-40% of the municipal population connected to water supply system and supplied with hygienic drinking water -40% of the population connected to the system of collection and treatment of wastewater

- water tower constructed - established 10 zones of sanitary protection of water springs - installed waste waters cleaner - constructed fecal collector in settlement “Duga” Samac

4. Revitalize and protect facilities of cultural – historical heritage by 2015.

- By 2015 revitalized 4 such facilities - revitalized 2 facilities of cultural-historical heritage - organized the register of facilities of cultural – historical heritage

5. Improve energy efficiency by 2015

- The act of administrative services provided incentives to the production of thermal insulation of buildings for housing - thermally-insulated 200 buildings -created project documentation for the town heating

-With the use of incentives built in thermal insulation for the 200 buildings


8.1. Кey Tasks and Access to Monitoring the Strategy Evaluation

Monitoring the implementation of the strategy will be organized through the following tasks, and will already start during 2011:

� Defining the data needed to set indicators and establishing authorities for their

collection; � Collection of initial data as a basis, given that most of the data are available in

the socio-economic analysis of the strategy; � Collecting data in the required intervals (quarterly); � Analysis of the results, assessment of progress in relation to the objectives and

general indicators, and suggesting how it should affect further implementation and even update of Strategy.

The process of data collection for monitoring will be organized through the establishment of a database that will enable the systematic updating of data. For this purpose, an electronic database created during the preparation process of socio-economic analysis will be used and regularly updated in the future. Monitoring will also be in line with the cycle of preparing semi-annual and annual reports by the appropriate statistical and other institutions (Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, APIF / Pension Fund, etc.).

8.2 Responsibility of monitoring and evaluating the Strategy

Based on updated data, monitoring the implementation of the strategy will be performed by the Department of local economic development, agriculture and rural areas. The annual evaluation will be conducted by the Department of local economic development, agriculture and rural areas and submit the report to the Mayor, the Municipal Assembly and the Partnership group. Timetable for monitoring and evaluation: Activities of monitoring, evaluation and updating of certain parts of the Strategy will be conducted at regular intervals, given in the following table:

Activities of monitoring and evaluation

Time frame

Monitoring the program implementation (projects, measures)



Control evaluation After 3 years for sector goals, and after 5 years for the Strategy

Updating sector plans Partly after 3 years, and completely after 5 years

Updating the strategy Partly after 5 years, and completely after 10 years

Final evaluation After 5 years for sector plans, and after 10 years for the strategy

Roles and responsibilities of participants in the monitoring and evaluation are provided in paragraph VII, Plan of organizational and human capacity in Strategy implementation