Dial2Do IMS RCS V2

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Dial2do Presentation at the IMS RCS Conference in Amsterdam Sep 2008


Sean O Sullivan, CTO sos@dial2do.com

one number to get things done, hands-free

Rococo / mySay / Dial2Do• Rococo: Java/Bluetooth middleware

– Shipped on 100+ million phones

• mySay: Voice/Web Services– Incubated within Rococo

• Dial2Do: Voice Activation platform– End-user focus: drivers with 30-60 minutes hands-free time a day– Business focus: Voice services “for the rest of us”

IMS ARCS Project

• Based in Ireland• Industrial / Academic Cooperative Project

– 20+ Companies– 6 Academic partners– Focused only on IMS Technology– Gathering Market Intelligence

• Creating a body of Intellectual Property– End User Services & Service Enablers– General Service Architectures– Development Process & Experience

• Goal: Create a centre of Excellence in IMS• Website www.ims-arcs.com

Sharing knowledge, experience & technology

Industry Direction+

Academic Innovation+

IMS Expertise+

Commercial Focus+

OpenIMS Testbed

Innovative Prototypes+

Technical Know-how+

Market Intelligence+

Business Models+

International Profile

IMS ARCS Project

“The future is already here…it is just unevenlydistributed” William Gibson


- IMS and RCS promise many things…- Compelling new applications & revenue streams- However: the applications proposed so far are….- ….well, dull

- So: look at the services emerging in “Voice 2.0”- They can be very useful as guides for IMS/RCS

Some Voice 2.0 themes• Main theme : voice meets web (not VoIP)• Social Phone Book

– My contact list should know stuff about what mycontacts are doing - now

• Social Radar– Who’s near me; do I know them?– What’s near me– Who’s been here?

• Geo Life Journal– Digital breadcrumbs - constant, intermittent, tiny,

updates• Communication control

– Let only who I want, get me when I want, the way Iwant

A lightning tour of some “Voice2.0” players

So what do we mean by Voice2.0?

• Voice-centric phone services that– Harness the internet for some or all of those Web

2.0 characteristics– Integrate web functionality with the phone system

to deliver new services• Not!

– Nothing to do (especially) with VoIP - they tend towork with IP and non-IP phone systems

Voice2.0 ecosystem

MobileLow Cost Routing

Social NetworksMessaging Information

Save money or add valueA

dd v





“In the old world, the economic activity startedwhen the phone call began. In the new world,that’s when the economic activity ends. Themoney is all in presence, social networking,filtering, privacy management, and so on. It’s acomplete inversion of the economics oftelephony. Therefore expect many of the vendorsto be disemboweled in the process”

Martin Geddes, Telepocalypse Blog

Operators, IMS/RCS and Voice 2.0• IMS and RCS capabilities in many Voice 2.0

services now• Find ways to step towards the social phone book

– Voda buys Zyb; how can you look at adding connectionor status information to address book?

• Mine data– Example 1: mine texts for social “zeitgeist”– “Dublin is mostly texting about Bruce Springsteen

tonight”– “Sean has been talking to Shona again”

• Offer input for digital breadcrumbs– Not your own photo sharing, social networking– Add value to the ones already successful (location,

billing, timing, activity, connections)

Watch the Apple App Store


• For concrete ideas on tomorrow’s IMSservices– Look at emerging “Voice2.0” services today– Focus on what people appear to be using - now

what the technology supposedly “promises”• Operators can participate, and profit, in the

“Web2.0” phenomenon– Figure out how to expose, share and add user

value to their data– Tap common standards now (don’t wait): XMPP,

SIP, E.164…


For more: blog.dial2do.com

Try it out! : www.dial2do.com

Email: sos@dial2do.com

Find more: http://bobstumpel.blogspot.com/(look for mobile or voice 2.0)
