Diastema Closure - Dental Composites · DIASTEMA CLOSURE Cosmedent, Inc –401 N Michigan Ave.,...

Post on 26-Jan-2019

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Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729

Dr. Buddy Mopper

Make sure you are working in a clean,

dry surface

If needed, use a FlexiDiamond Strip. If

at the gingival, use a narrow strip, if in

the body, use a wide strip

Measure for symmetry

Diastema Closure

Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729

Bonding agent after curing for 20


Etch the tooth to middle third of tooth

both facially and lingually

NOTE: Frosty Etched Surface

Notice lack of etch

Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729

Renamel Microfill rolled into a

convenience form

Facial application of Microfill

Facial application of Microfill

Labial wall cured for 60 seconds

Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729

Lingual view

Notice lingual shelf

Application of Renamel Microfill to

lingual shelf

Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729

Measure before finishing

Contour using the ET9 bur from

composite to tooth

Contour the lingual of tooth using the

OS1 carbide from composite to tooth

Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729

FlexiDisc Medium

FlexiDisc Fine

FlexiStrip Course/ Medium Narrow

FlexiStrip Fine/Superfine Wide

After etching and placement of

bonding agent, Renamel Microfill is

placed and sculpted, using the 8A

instrument without matrix

Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729

Defining interproximal

After polymerization of facial surface,

apply a layer of Renamel Microfill to

the lingual surface

Use the IPC-T to contour material

Notice the thinness of the FlexiDisc

medium, as it helps to round out the

incisal embrasure

Use the IPC-T to remove any extra

composite interproximally.

Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729

Use the 8392-016 to define gingival


Use the 8A instrument to retract the

tissue, Brasseler’s 8392-016 bur is used

to refine the subgingival margin

Using the 8A instrument we torque

the teeth and insert the FlexiDiamond


Final polish accomplished with

FlexiDiscs, FlexiPoints, Enamelize

polishing paste and FlexiBuffs

Cosmedent, Inc – 401 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 - www.cosmedent.com – 1-800-621-6729