Digital "Barnet" - Place Based Approach

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Presentation to stimulate discussion about taking a place based approach to digital inclusion


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Get Ready, Get Online:

Digital Inclusion Barnet

Helen Milner

Chief Executive, Online Centres Foundation

21 March 2013

For most citizens the internet is part of everyday life:

UK consumers buy the most online per capita globally

Boston Consulting Group “The internet economy in the G20”, 2012

82% of internet users say they have saved money in the last six months by using the internet

with 46% saying they’ve made significant savings

Source: Ofcom UK Adults’ Media Literacy Report, 2011

UK online centres users lives – before and after







I do not feel concerned about my levels of qualifications ,training or skills


I do not feel concerned about my work position


I do not feel concerned aboutmy health


I felt part of my local community

I communicated as much as I would have liked

with my family

I communicated as muchas I would like to with friends

"Yes" Before "Yes" After

“Does the internet improve lives?” Freshminds April, 2009

Communicate more

Feel more connected to local community

Feel less concernedabout skills, workand health

Comparison before and after using the internet

But, 16m adults are not frequent and competent internet uesrs

Everyday use is exploding for many, creating a bigger divide

Percentage UK population use of the internet

Source: ONS up to Q3 2011

Digital can be for everyone

• 82% of adults have ever been online (ONS)

• 79% are regular internet users (BBC), meaning that 1 in 5 do not use the internet• 71% C2DE• 51% over 65• 50% no qualifications


UK online centres: 5,000 Community Partners

Not owned, managed or funded by usCentre search and free phone number search

No such thing as a typical centre.All centres do something else (and support digital skills).Most centre partners run outreach sessions in care homes, pubs, clubs, village halls, mosques, churches, social housing, et al

National + Local Campaigns


1m people learning & getting online* UK online centres: April 2010 – July 2012

Click to watch video

Clive: One in a Million

• Clive was made redundant at 56. He has now found work

• One unemployed person costs the government £8,000 a year

• 8% of 1m = 80,000

• 80,000 people @ £8,000 each = £640m a year

£640m a year

Government Digital Strategy6 November 2012

Digital by Default

• “Central Government where possible must become a Digital Organisation. These days the best service organisations deliver online everything that can be delivered online … allows access to information and services at times and in ways convenient to the users rather than the providers.” Francis Maude

£1.7bn - £1.8bn a year

Estimate savings moving services offline to digital channels

Government Digital Strategy, 6 November 2012

1000 people x 2 contacts saved a month = £133,800 a year

Costs per contact (SOCITM research 2012)

Saving if shifted online

Face to face £8.62 £8.47

Phone £2.83 £2.68

Online £0.15

Welfare Reform

• 12m people affected• Goal for 80% to interact online• Estimate that c. 6m people don’t have the skill

level currently to be interact unaided• Role for Local Government, Housing

Providers, community organisations and orgs like Online Centres Foundation to do something to help those 6m people

It matters to people

Digital + You

• Make Barnet Digital

-> a digital strategy drives digital inclusion

• Drive digital inclusion for social reasons

-> it will enable people to access online services when they need to

Wakefield District Housing

• 80 volunteers (employees & tenants) have helped 640+ tenants to get online so far this year

• Top 3 tiers of management use their iPads to support mobile/flexible working, moving towards paperless

• New ‘responsive’ website for any internet-ready device, including mobile phones and games consoles

Peabody’s revenues team will deliver roadshows with its Digivan.Roadshows will target residents affected, providing information and support. Digital Champions are being trained to offer support with opening bank accounts online and searching for jobs.

5.2 million households in the UK without internet access: Why?

• MOTIVATION: 54% said they did not have a connection because they felt they didn’t need one

• SKILLS: 22% cited a lack of internet skills• ACCESS: 15% reported equipment costs were

too high; 14% said that the cost of connection was too high; < 1% reported a lack of broadband availability in their area as a reason

Source: ONS “Internet Access Households & Individuals” 2012

Need action in each of these areas

What can be done for free?- signposting, free online resources, volunteers

What can be done with partners?- Local UK online centres, JCP, local employers

What needs investment to make happen?- Staff to organise volunteers, computers in foyers and common areas, set up a ‘UK online centre’

Pledge today#1 Develop partnership with local UK online

centres#2 Set up an online centres in YOUR organisation#3 Volunteers#4 Link to LearnMyWay or Centre Search on your

websites#4 A area-wide campaign … Get Online Week in

October 2013#5 Join things up: area-wide programme, start



It’s not about technology, it’s all about people

Thank You on twitterwww.ukonlinecentres.comwww.learnmyway.com