Dml october 2015

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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Dml October 2015 District Rotaract Representative's Monthly Letter for the month of October 2015 by Rtr Arslan Liaquat. R.I.District 3271


Dear Rotaractors,

I am very much sure that energy level is at its peak. Every club is busy in

doing some awesome projects. October was the month of Economic &

Community Development designated by RI. We had also World Polio Day on

23rd of October. I am very glad that Rotaract District observed a week under

Rotaract District Chair for Polio initiatives Rtr Ali Naqi. I am very thankful to

PDG Aziz Memon & his Polio Plus Pakistan team who responded every club

& provided them promotional materials on time which brings a successful

execution of a week long activity. I would like to highlight efforts of DML

Team, they are doing some wonderful job to publish every DML on time.

This is 4th Edition of DML in your reach. Which is really a great source of

inspiration. I am very much sure we will publish all 12 DML’s on time. Here I

would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to those clubs who paid their

dues on time.

I believe that all the Community, Professional & Club projects done with in

enjoyable atmosphere that effected to your strong bonding with your club


Rtr Arslan Liaquat

District Rotaract Representative (2015-16)

R.I District 3271

Rotaract District 3271 under the leadership of DRR Rtr Arslan Liaqaut will conduct

a series of training workshops on the topic of Rotaware (Rotaract Awareness)

includes Leadership Skills, Public Speaking techniques, About Rotaract & ABCs of


This program will be conduted on four different venues.

1. Khairpur

2. Hyderabad

3. Karachi (Two events)

Full Schedule of the program will be launched very soon.

For Further Details visit and our official facebook fan page

Unveiling Our New Logo

We've launched our new logo in the beggining of Rotaract Year. This

logo represents the long lasting bond of the university and the social

work going hand in hand in the betterment of the community. To

establish the awareness to iradicate the major issues of the society with

the help of youth.

This fund raising event (The Sufi Night with sufi Queen "SANAM

MARVI") was organized on 10th October with collobration of RAC

Greenwich Creek and AR-Rehman Foundation for the patients of

thelesimia. It is a one of major disease in the society regarding

children. This event was organized so the the money can be spend as

medical assistance for the patients of those families who cannot afford

the medical charges of this deadly disease

Halloween Party For Polio Awareness

The Halloween party was organized on 31st October by RAC

Greenwich Creek in Greenwich University during The World Polio

Weak for the awareness of Polio in Pakistan and eradication of polio

from the world. The students turned out in large numbers and

participated in this event to show their support.

The event was followed by the seminar in which Faculty members

along with students attended the session. Where Rtn. Tim Lee

addressed the seminar where he provide with the information to youth

about the efforts that are being put in by Rotaract and Rotary

Internation for the irradication of this deadly Disease from the world.

Friendly Football Match

RAC Greenwich Creek participated in the friendly

match between NFL and Karachi Kickers on 3rd

November. Where the Chief Guests were MR & Mrs.

Tim Lee who also played the match. After the match

they had refreshments and tea with the members of

RAC Greenwich Creek.

Teachers Day

International Teachers Day Celebrated at Noor-e-ilm School (Activity of Rotaract Club Karachi

Kolachi), Teachers' Day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers, and may include

celebrations to honor them for their special contributions in a particular field area, or the

community in general. In Pakistan Teachers Day is celebrated every year on 5th October. Rcokk

Celebrated teachers day at Noor-e-ilm School & trained the teachers of Noor e ilm School.

Role of rotaractors in rotary

On October 16th, 2015, Friday, Rotaract Club of Karachi Kolachi had organized the fellowship

program in which many distinguished personalities were invited. PDG Rtn Muhammad Faiz Kidwai

was invited as Guest Speaker and District Governor Rtn Jahangir Mughal was the Chief Guest of

the Program. On this occasion Rtn Sabiha Essa Abdulla, President RcoKK Rtn Tanweer Quadri,

PDRR Muhammad Arif Siddiqui, President Elect Rotary kolachi Zubair Hameed , Rtn Dr Manzir,

Rtn Sumaira Anwer, Rtn Farrukh Latif, Rtn Anis Unis, Rtn Waqar Shaikh, Rtn Syed Abdul Qader

Jeelani, DRR Arsalan Liaquat and District Secretary Hamadullah Sohu were also invited as guests.


ZRR & President of Rotaract CLUB of Karachi Kolachi district 3271 Dr.Anum knows how

something so small can save a child life. Now, she devotes her time & energy to engaging

youth to take leadership of polio eradication efforts.Recently,7 members of our club traveled

far away to provide services to poor. The Rotaractors made their way, carrying suitcases full

of books & backpacks to give to more than 100 students.


On October 16th, 2015, Friday, Rotaract Club of Karachi Kolachi invited the DRR Arsalan

Liaquat for club official visit. He came along with the District Secretary Hamadullah Sohu

on visit.

Polio Awareness program

In the month of October the Rotaract club of khairpur organized an

awareness program with the children of SHAHBAZ PUBLIC HIGH

SCHOOL KHAIRPUR mirs in which we provide the lecture upon

polio causes and its effects upon human body. Rotaract club of

khairpur also told them the rotary story on polio as viral disease and

we also distributed polio bands pencils rotary caps badges and was very pleasant awareness with the cooperation of

school management.

Project director: Syed Kazim Ali Shah Jillani (director of polio 15-


First Meeting on 07 October, 2015

The first meeting of october was called by the President Rtr.Rehan

Khan, Secretary Aakash Kango for October theme end polio now .The

agenda of this meeting was to set up a plan for Polio Awareness among which the director of polio brief about his project that how

and where to execute the program.

Second Meeting on 17 October, 2015

In our next meeting of club all the directors were called by president to

set a plan about for starting a new project named Keep the

Environment Clean .In which we will arrange some dustbins and litter

collector container in different places of city by Rotaract Club of

Khairpur mirs

Polio Walk

Rotaract Club of Larkana organized Polio Awareness Walk as a first project of month. In this

peaceful walk RAC Larkana’s President Rtr. Sadam Hussain invited to all active citizens, social

and political leaders. RAC Larkana started peaceful walk from State Life Building to Press Club

Larkana. In this walk Chief Guest Safdar Abbasi (President – PPPW), Special Guest Haji

Munawar Abbasi (Ex-MPA), honorary guest Iqbal Babu (President Press Club Larkana) other

active citizens, teachers, advocates, businessman, engineers and students participated.

On 20th October 2015 at evening time all members have participated actively.

ROTARACT CLUB OF Larkana organized the awareness workshop and speech competition at

Creative Public School. In this project 10 students have participated. The topic of speech

competition was “Polio Eradication” After speech competition Rtr. Sadam Hussain (President), Rtr.

Irfan Bhutto, Rtr. Wafa Hyder, Rtr. Amjad Shaikh and other members distributed shirts, caps, books,

wrist bands, badges and pencils among the students.

2nd Free Medical camp

On 2nd september RCG organized second free medical camp For Flood victims at Flood

Afected Area #BAHARO_RIPRI taluka #Gambat with the help of peramedical staff including

doctors,lady doctors and crew of GAMBAT INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES(GIMS)

.Around 12 type of diseases(Malaria,Diarrhea,fever,skin diseases etc) were diagnosed and

treated. Exactly 152 patients,both male and female were diagnosed and were given free

medicines. After hectic and tiring project whole team with few victims had lunch at

site.#Rtr_Pir_syed_Abdur_Razzak_shah_jillani managed whole arrangments in amicable

manner. Special thanks to Rtr Abid Ali Drigh and co-operation of RCG team made this camp


Eid Milan Gatheing With Rotaractors:

<<... EID MILAN GATHERING.. >>HOSTED BY Rotaract Club Gambat FOR Rotaract Club

Khairpur Green city on Taj Mahal Restaurant Gambat ... Exchanging ideas regarding upcoming

joint projects of Rotaract Clubs of Bhittai zone and Fellowship meetings and gatherings with

the Projects will be scheduled .And Special gathering made all Rotaractors happy and felt

Positive attitude towards Sacred jobs and Projects with the platform of Rotaract (Rotary





In this week the students of school presents the quiz competition, polio awareness to the

students and books reading of polio awareness because we believe end polio now.

Project director: Rtr: sajjad shaikh.

ROTARACT CLUB OF KHAIRPUR (GREEN CITY) Organized the Rotaract drawing

competition @ Lucky Star Model school Khairpur, in which the students drawing the Logo of

Rotaract as I AM Proud Rotaractor. Round up 68 students participated in this competition and

also best drawing awards distributed among the students.


Agenda of Meeting

Polio Awareness

Rotaract Drawing competition

Zonal Conference (Host Club)

Recruitment drive

otaract club of IoBM conducted its annual recruitment drive in the month of October. A desk

was set up for two days in the Student Activity Center inside IoBM. Various students applied in

different departments and they were short-listed by directors and top management. Then they

went through the second stage of the drive which was the induction process.

DCTO Quiz competition

During the 5th week of our TEACH Program with DCTO, a government school run by Kiran

Foundation and Akhuwat, a quiz competition was conducted for the students. Students were

prepared beforehand and 5 teams were made consisting of 3 students each. 4 rounds including a

rapid fire round was conducted to keep the audience interested. It was a tough competition but

the end one team won. Prizes were distributed to the participants and winners. The gifts consisted

of bags for the winners and stationary sets, lunch boxes and coloring books for the participants.

The children happily cheered on the winners and thoroughly enjoyed the quiz competition.

Funds donated in operation

Rotaract club of IoBM collected funds for Muneer Ahmed, a heart patient. He was admitted at

National Institute of Cardio Vascular diseases, Jinnah Hospital. He was suffering from 3rd degree

heart block and required funds for his treatment. Our community services director contacted his

doctor and verified the case and looked at his reports. We collected the sufficient funds required

to meet the deficit as a part of his expenses were already being covered by the hospital.

Visit of Arsalan Liaquat (DRR)

On 17th October, Rotaract Club of Szabist Karachi Mid-City was visited by District Rotaract

Representative (DRR) 2015-16, RID 3271, Arsalan Liaquat and his team members; Rtr Shaharyar

Nasim Baqar, Zonal Rotaract Secretary (Ghazi Zone) and Rtr Asfand Mari, Zonal Secretary

(Jinnah Zone)- ZS for the year 2015-16.

Session on “Healthy Diet”

Healthy eating is determined both by what we eat and the way we eat. When it comes to a healthy diet,

balance is the key to getting it right. This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions,

and consuming the right amount of foods and drinks to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

Most adults in Pakistan are overweight or obese. That means many of us are eating more than we need,

and should eat less. And it's not just food: some drinks can also be high in calories. Most adults need to

eat and drink fewer calories in order to lose weight, even if they already eat a balanced diet.

RCoSKM believes that the future of any country lies in healthy habits of its generation. To

create such awareness, RCoSKM organized a session with Dr. Rabb; a leading dermatologist and health

care physician; on healthy eating habits. The event was attendant by mass audience and was praised by

our faculty advisor Dr. Jawied Qureshi.

“End Polio” Campaign

On 29th October 2015, the International Services Department took the initiative to run the “End

Polio” campaign at SZABIST. We had a photo-shoot replicating the famous 'We're this close to

ending polio' pose. The campaign was done in order to make people aware that Polio has not

been eradicated from Pakistan as yet and that all steps and measures must be taken to eradicate

polio completely.

Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Earthquake Drive

One of the biggest earthquake in magnitude of 8.1 hit the

northern areas of Pakistan on 26th October 2015, around


RCoSKM has taken the initiative to help out our brothers in

need. The club has started

earthquake relief drive on 31st of October, 2015. The drive

is about collecting food items,

medicines, warm clothes and monetary funds. We hope to

collect sufficient funds in the given time and become a

helping hand in such time of need.

Global hand-washing day

The Rotaract Club of Karachi Metropolitan participated with the

Rotaract club of Kathmandu Md town, RID 3292 who initiated an

international project by the name of ‘One-Day Hand Washing

Campaign’ to mark the Global Hand washing day on October 15,

2015. The purpose of this project was promotion of ‘Health

Education’ and Cleanliness among the children.

In collaboration with the Irteqa Foundation, we conducted this

activity at Army Public School, Saddar Karachi on the same day.

World Polio Day Bulletin

A bulletin was released on the occasion of the World Polio Day by

the Rotract Club of Karachi Metropolitan and was shared with the

Rotaract Club of College of St. Scholastica, MN-USA (District

5580). The club in USA wanted to know the intensity of this issue

from the Rotaract Clubs across those countries where the disease is

still endemic.

Earthquake Relief Campaign

Rotaract Club of Karachi Metropolitan has always been on the

forefront in relief campaigns to address the needs as much as it can.

This year, the devastating earthquake that hit the northern areas of

Pakistan. Due to lack of legit delivery channels, the club joined

hands with the Awami National Party (ANP) and Balochistan Youth

Front (BYF) members who were actively working in those areas

with multiple relief activities. The club pitched in with a good

number of plastic utensils, buckets and other disposable items which

was a small contribution from the club’s end. Some photographic

glimpses can be seen in the following section.

Little Delights by Metro

An initiative that was taken this year by Team Metro, the club

did another episode of this project by organizing a movie night

at Sirat ul Jannah. Dinner was served along with the movie. As

the movie was an English one, Rtr. Hadi Abbas took the lead

of adding subtitles and explaining every scene to the children

whilst having fun with them. The movie that was played was

‘CJ 7’ which is a Chinese movie dubbed in English.

Haleem Night

Keeping up with the club services, the members

participated in big numbers along with a lot of prospect

members at Haris Dagia’s place (ex-member of the club).

It was a big even which started off at around 9 PM with

dinner and ended in the morning with breakfast at 8 AM.

In total, 3 huge containers of Haleem were prepared with a

fun filled night which ended with distribution of the

Haleem among the current and past members of the club.

DRR Visit 2015

The DRR Rtr. Arsalan Liaquat and the ZS (Jinnah)

Rtr. Asfand Marri graced our meeting with their

presence which was the official DRR visit to the

Rotaract Club of Karachi Metropolitan. All the

current members were present on this occasion

where discussions took place on a lighter note on

multiple issues that the club was facing related to the

District or Rotaract on the whole.

Participation in the Polio Seminar

A seminar to mark the Polio Day took place in the end of

October that was hosted by the Rotary Club of Karachi

Sunset Millennium at Movenpick. Club members including

Rtr. Adnan Mahmood and prospect member, Mr. Shiraz

Zaidi participated in it. It was an informative session which

updated on the status of Polio and related activities

undertaken by the Rotary District 3271.

Fellow Ship Project

RAC Nawabshah knigtriders organized a

combine meeting with MEIF® (A Social

Organization based at QUEST Nawabshah) in

which both organization signed a MoU for

organizing their upcoming mega event at


to be held in 2016.

Polio Awareness & Eradication Walk

RAC Nawabshah Knightriders organized polio eradication walk form A sector to C sector in

QUEST Nawabhshah in which students participated with enthusiasm to eradicate the Polio from


Information Brochures distributed to people and students, which awaked the students about

causes of Polio. At the end of walk V.P of the club gifted a Canon EFS 50-250 mm lens to

Secretary of the club.

First Aid

Youm-e-Ashur on Saturday was observed across the Mirpurkhas

peacefully as mourners paid tributes to the supreme sacrifices

offered by Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his 72 diehard

companions against a tyrant ruler in Karbala (Iraq).

Mirpurkhas Rotaractors arranged a first aid medical camp on that


Zonal Conference 2015-16

Dear Rotaractors & Respected Rotarians,

ZRR (Bhittai Zone) Rtr Younis Abbasi invites R.I. District

3271 to the Zonal Conference of Bhittai Zone. Join us in this

event to fulfill the aspect of Fellowship in Rotaract and


The historic city of Khairpur Mirs' awaits to welcome you...

For Further Details: Click Here

ZRR (Bhittai Zone) Rtr Younis Abbasi announces

"Polio Eradication Week". This week will be

celebrated in coordination with the Polio plus

Committee of District 3271 from 25th to 31st Oct

2015. Let's join hands and become a part of this

campaign to eradicate POLIO.

Official Visit of ZRR(ghazi zone) To Szabist Club:

Fellowship meeting of ZRR Ghazi Zone Khi with Rotaract Club Of SZABIST was held on

29th Oct at ZABIST University.

Following points were discussed during meeting.

Joint projects/events with Rotaract Club of SZABIST

Membership development program

Literacy program

Zonal Conference

How to strengthen Rotaract clubs

How to strengthen communication with Zonal and District level

Polio awareness campaign

Marketing on social media about projects

Invite them for Polio Conference on 1st Nov

Discussion about Zonal Conference

Rtr. Hamadullah Sohu

District Secretary (2015-16)

Rotaract District 3271

Immediate Past President

Rotaract Club of Larkana

Rtr. Sadam Hussain Buriro

President (2015-16)

Rotaract Club of Larkana

For inclusion of your club report in the next DML, please

send your monthly club reports on the specified format at

the designated email addresses by the 5th of every month.

Few Clubs are submitting their reports very late, and they

claimed to indulge their reports in our DML. Which is very

alarming thing.

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