Does your company need social media marketing

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Does Your Company Need Social Media Marketing?

You’ve heard all the buzz, and your curiosity has been piqued.

What in the world is social media marketing, and, can your company benefit from it?

What is Social Media Marketing?

In a nutshell, social media marketing is a form of marketing your business via platforms labeled “social media.”

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and LinkedIn might be things you have heard of…

…and you might very well have noticed certain types of

Why is Social Media Marketing Successful?

Social media marketing at its finest helps businesses to

People find things they like, and they share them with

As the sharing continues, the businesses that use social

…and find that their interactions with their

What Kind of Businesses Should Use Social Media

Whether you have an apple orchard or a dairy farm, a

a midwifery practice or a life insurance company, social

Simply put, there is no type of business that cannot put

Let’s pretend for a moment that you have an apiary.

You and your honey bees spend summers growing

How can social media marketing work for you?

First, you connect with people who are interested in what

You don’t make them come to you – you link to them.

Linking to other businesses is helpful, so in your case, let’s

They’re out there!

Now that you are friends with them, you can attract their

You’re suddenly very popular – and people want your

They find out you sell honey online, and they order it like

Now, you keep the buzz going.

Keep putting pictures of your gardens and videos of your

Make it fascinating. Show your passion, and share your

As you do this, you’ll find you’ve got the kind of clients

No matter what kind of business you have, get in

You’ll find the rewards are absolutely amazing.

Thank you and please contact us for more information.