DOI: 10.1595/147106708X248750 Diesel Engine · PDF filePetrol (ACEA) Diesel (ACEA) JAMA KAMA...

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Light-Duty RegulatoryDevelopments

Although regulatory initiatives for dieseltailpipe emissions have already been establishedfor the foreseeable future in Japan and the U.S.,the EU is still in the process of finalising thetechnical details of the light-duty regulations forthe next 10 years. Concerning carbon dioxideemissions, the EU and automotive manufactur-ers came to a voluntary agreement a few yearsago. California finalised similar regulations in2005, which are currently undergoing judicialreview.

At the time of writing this review, theEuropean Union had approved the Euro V(2009) and Euro VI (2014) regulations. Figure 1shows how the control requirements of the new

proposed NOx regulations compare with thosein the U.S., not taking into account test cycle dif-ferences (within the range 10 to 20%). Alsoshown in Figure 1 are the approximate NOxreductions that would be required in order forEuro V- and Euro VI-compliant vehicles to besold in the U.S. The requirements of theJapanese 2009 regulations are similar to those ofEuro VI.

It is expected that compliance with the Euro V NOx regulations will largely be possiblewithout resort to NOx aftertreatment (1), butsignificant NOx controls will be needed if Euro V-compliant vehicles are to be saleable inall 50 states of the U.S. It is more likely thatEuro VI-compliant vehicles will be devel-oped in 2009/10, leveraging early incentive

Diesel Engine Emissions and Their ControlAN OVERVIEW

By Tim JohnsonCorning Environmental Technologies, Corning Incorporated, HP-CB-2-4, Corning, NY 14831, U.S.A.;


This review covers recent developments in regulations to limit diesel emissions, enginetechnology, and remediation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). Thegeographical focus of regulatory development is now the European Union (EU), whereEuro V and Euro VI regulations for light-duty engines have been finalised for implementationin 2009 and 2014, respectively. The regulations are much more loosely drawn than those forthe U.S., but options exist for adapting European vehicles to the U.S. market. Europe is justbeginning to address heavy-duty regulations for 2013 and beyond. Engine technology is makingvery impressive progress, with clean combustion strategies in active development, mainlyfor U.S. light-duty application. Work with heavy-duty research engines is more focused ontraditional approaches, and will provide numerous engine/aftertreatment options for complyingwith the stringent U.S. 2010 regulations. NOx control is focusing on selective catalytic reduction(SCR) for diverse applications. Zeolite catalysts will be the mainstay of this technology forJapan and the U.S., and perhaps even for some Euro V-compliant applications. The emphasesare on low-temperature operation, secondary emissions and system optimisation. Lean NOxtraps (LNTs) are effective up to about 60 to 70% deNOx efficiency, and are being consideredfor light-duty applications. There is growing interest in supplementing LNT performance withintegrated SCR, which utilises ammonia generated in the LNT during rich regenerations.Diesel particulate filter (DPF) technology is at a stage of optimisation and cost reduction.Very sophisticated management strategies are being utilised, which open up options for theuse of new filter materials and alternative system architectures. Issues with secondary emissionsare emerging and are being addressed.

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1), 23–37

DOI: 10.1595/147106708X248750

programmes. Some NOx aftertreatment will berequired within that timeframe on the largervehicles. Either LNT or SCR will need to beapplied to the lighter vehicles to achieve the 60to 65% NOx reduction required for sales to allthe states in the U.S. Indeed, some Europeanmanufacturers have announced the introductionof Bin 5-compliant diesels for the U.S. in thistimeframe using these two NOx controltechnologies.

The European Commission is consideringadjusting the PM limit from 5 to 3 mg km–1 toreflect a new measurement protocol, and isdetermining an appropriate number-based PMemission limit (in number of particles per km).The technical protocol for this is being devel-oped and is close to approval. Testing andmonitoring of Euro V-compliant vehicles forparticulate number is being considered. Germanmanufacturers have agreed to use diesel particu-late filters on all cars by 2009.

Figure 2 shows how the European market isfaring in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emis-sions (2). In the light of increasing vehicle sizeand capacity, and a consumer desire for morepower, the targets were missed for the first timein 2005, and the trend does not look favourable.As a result, the European Commission and

Council of Ministers are formally consideringmandatory CO2 limit values. California’s regula-tions are mandatory and similar in restriction,but lag behind the European commitment bythree to four years.

To meet the CO2 targets, Thom (2) showedthat significant effort will be needed concerninggasoline vehicles heavier than about 1000 kg andon diesel vehicles heavier than about 1500 kg.

Apart from the CO2 targets, there are marketand political pressures on the auto companies toimprove fuel economy. The combination ofmore stringent tailpipe emission regulations andnecessary improvements in fuel economy isdriving significant technological progress inthe industry.

Heavy-Duty RegulatoryDevelopments

On the heavy-duty front, the picture is simi-lar. Japan and the U.S. have finalised theirregulations for the next five to ten years, butEurope is just beginning the process. In thatregard, the European Commission recentlyasked key stakeholders to comment on six regu-latory scenarios for the Euro VI standard in thetimeframe 2012 to 2014, ranging from no orminor tightening from Euro V to full adoption

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 24

(a) 250







x em


on, m

g km




Euro V, Bin 8 Bin 52009–11

Regulatory limit












x em


on, m

g km


Additional60–65% NOxcontrol

Euro VI, Bin 8 Bin 52014–15

Regulatory limit


Fig. 1 Euro V and Euro VI light-duty NOx regulatory limits compared to the U.S.: (a) About 55 to 60% NOx controlwill be needed for a Euro V (2009) diesel to hit the U.S. Bin 8 maximum allowable emission (45 states). For Bin 5 (50states) nominally 85 to 90% NOx control is needed; (b) For Euro VI (2014), the requirement is 65 to 70% additionalNOx reduction


of U.S. 2010-type regulations with nominal lim-its of 0.20 g kWh–1 NOx and 0.010 g kWh–1 PM.For reference, the U.S. 2010 limits will be at 0.26g kWh–1 NOx and 0.013 g kWh–1 PM, and theJapanese 2009 limits are 0.7 g kWh–1 NOx and0.010 g kWh–1 PM. However, each has a differ-ent transient test cycle from Europe. To helpaddress that disparity, the EuropeanCommission adopted a new World HarmonisedTransient Cycle (WHTC), one that uses a higherload and speed than the Japanese cycle, but aspeed only slightly lower than for the currentEuropean Transient Cycle. Also under seriousconsideration are a number-based particulatestandard and a heavier in-use compliance mea-sure. The Commission aims to have a formalproposal ready for the Parliament by early 2008.

Light-Duty Engine DevelopmentsRegulatory, market, and fuel economy

requirements are making great demands ondiesel engine technology. Further, advancedgasoline concepts and hybrid electric vehiclesare exerting competitive technology pressures.Diesel engine developers are responding by

using advanced fuel injection technologies,exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) control,advanced and two-stage turbocharging, variablevalve actuation, closed-loop combustion con-trol, and advanced model-based control.Advanced diesel engines (3) are now approach-ing a specific power output of 70 kW l–1 and abrake mean effective pressure (BMEP) of 24bar. Some of these developments are allowingdiesel engines to approach Euro VI-compliantengine-out emissions levels (4, 5).

More sophisticated engine technologiescould lead to the adoption of economical light-duty diesels in the U.S. The fundamentalcharacteristics of these – the ‘advanced combus-tion, mixed mode’ engines – are illustrated inFigure 3 (6, 7).

In early injection strategies, much of the fuelcharge is mixed with gas before ignition. Thishelps to avoid the conditions for soot forma-tion. The NOx formation regime is avoided withhigh levels of EGR that keep the flame cooler.

With late injection strategies, the charge ismixed and simultaneously burned using, forexample, high swirl. The combination of good

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1)

KAMA average JAMA average

Petrol + Diesel (ACEA)

Target corridor

Target value

EU Commissiontarget

















on, g



Petrol + Diesel (ACEA)

Petrol (ACEA)

Diesel (ACEA)



1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012Year

Fig. 2 Progress towards meeting the EU voluntary CO2 limits (2). ACEA = European Automobile ManufacturersAssociation; JAMA = Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association; KAMA = Korea Automobile ManufacturersAssociation (Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler)

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 26

mixing and high EGR helps the charge avoidsoot and NOx formation regimes.

Managing these strategies becomes very diffi-cult as the amount of charge increases.Therefore, they are limited today to the lower-left-hand quadrant of the engine’s load-speedcharacteristic, up to perhaps 30 to 50% load andperhaps 50% speed. Traditional diesel combus-tion strategies will still be used at higher load,hence the term ‘mixed mode’. Low-loadadvanced combustion operation might be suffi-cient, as most of the points of the certificationtest cycle fall within this region. This minimisesthe amount of NOx aftertreatment that might berequired to meet the regulation, and probablyresults in cost savings. Indeed, some authors areprojecting that, for a properly designed vehicle,it might be possible to meet the U.S. 50-stateNOx requirements with no NOx aftertreatmentby the end of the decade (4). Even so, someNOx treatment will still be used to prevent ‘off-cycle’ emissions.

Heavy-Duty Engine DevelopmentsHeavy-duty (HD) diesel engine developments

are primarily aimed at improved fuel economy,reliability, cost and durability. As such, advancestend to be conservative and incremental. The

U.S. 2004 regulations were generally addressedusing advanced EGR and turbocharging mea-sures. U.S. 2007 and Japanese 2005 technologiesadded diesel particulate filters, whereas Euro IV(2005) and now Euro V (2008) regulations arelargely addressed by using more conventionalengine technologies and SCR.

Moving on to Japanese 2009 and U.S. 2010requirements, incremental advances on the earli-er compliant technologies will be seen.However, as with light-duty engines, advancedcombustion strategies may emerge to addresslow-load emissions issues. Because most of thefuel in heavy-duty applications is spent underhigher load regimes, engine researchers arefocusing more on traditional diesel combustionhardware and strategies, and they are making sig-nificant progress.

Figure 4 summarises results for high-loademissions from research engines (8–12) withrespect to the U.S. 2010 Not-to-Exceed (NTE)in-use emissions limits. U.S. NTE is the mostdifficult standard to meet under high load condi-tions in many applications. Figure 4 illustratesthe range of possibilities for HD engines using‘cutting edge’ hardware and control underlaboratory conditions. These results are cited asrepresenting the best results that technology






5000 ppm


500 ppm

Slow CO oxidation Rapid CO oxidation


21% O2












e eq



e ra


600 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000Flame temperature, K

Fig. 3 Principles ofadvanced combustion (6)(Courtesy of SandiaNational Laboratory).Regimes of soot and NOxformation expressed interms of flameequivalence ratio(fuel:air ratio) and flametemperature. Soot andNOx are inhibited usinghigh exhaust gasrecirculation (EGR) levelswith either early (highlypremixed) fuel injectionor late injection. COoxidation zones fromReference (7)

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 27

might deliver in the next five years. With 75 to80% NOx control from SCR systems under highload conditions, allowable engine-out NOxemissions of 1.6 to 2.0 g kWh–1 (without engi-neering margin) are commensurate with PMemissions at about 0.025 to 0.050 g kWh–1, plac-ing PM NTE requirements well within thecapability of filters.

In the U.S., 2007 engines were required tomeet NOx NTE limits of about 2.3 g kWh–1.Without improvements, these engines needabout 85% NOx control to meet the U.S. 2010NTE requirements. With 90% efficient filters,meeting NTE PM limits is not a problem. A typ-ical 2007 high load point would be well off thegraph in Figure 4. It is reasonable to believe thatactual 2010 engines may incorporate nominal20% incremental improvements in engine-outNOx abatement relative to 2007 technology.

NOx Control TechnologiesSCR is emerging as a key NOx control strat-

egy for both light-duty and heavy-dutyapplications. It was first commercially availablein 2005 for European and Japanese HD applica-tions. The high NOx removal efficiency androbust performance of SCR allow fuel sensitiveapplications to be run at maximum efficiency(high engine-out NOx, low PM).

SCR is expected to be used in many 2010U.S. HD applications. In addition, several light-duty Tier 2 Bin 5 (50-state) applications have

been announced. For successful application ofSCR in the U.S., the Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) requires a plentiful, readily avail-able supply of urea, and that vehicle drivers keepurea on board. The key stakeholders in theindustry and the EPA developed a frameworkthat is incorporated in EPA guidelines (13).

On the light-duty side, the urea strategy(‘Bluetec II’) proposed by DaimlerChrysler (nowDaimler) and licensed to Volkswagen and BMWrequires that enough urea be kept on board toallow for filling at lubrication oil changes. This isperhaps up to 28 litres, assuming a 2% con-sumption rate relative to fuel for an 11,000 mile(17,600 km) range, according to Jackson et al.(14). The authors estimate that about half ofU.S. drivers would utilise lubrication shops forthis service. They also anticipate that 5- to 18-litre bottles of urea will also be available atfuelling stations and retail outlets at a cost ofU.S.$5.30 to U.S.$4.30 per litre, respectively.

On the heavy-duty side, a 1% urea consump-tion rate is expected. A 75-litre tank might last13,000 to 17,000 miles (21,000 to 27,000 km) forClass 8 and Class 6-7 vehicles respectively. TheClass 8 vehicles would need one urea fillbetween major services (i.e. lubrication oilchanges), whereas the smaller classes will not.Approximately 5000 truck stops pump abouthalf the on-road fuel. These vendors would use3000- to 15,000-litre urea stillages in the earlyyears, until urea demand reaches about 9500











g kW


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6NOx, g kWh–1


Full load(8)

Full load(10)

Full load(11)

90% load(9)

Only NOx values werereported. PM rangesare estimates

C100 point(12), low PMcalibration

C100 point(12), low fuelconsumptioncalibration

Fig. 4 High load test steady-state test results on heavy-dutyresearch engines relative tothe challenging U.S. Not-to-Exceed (NTE) in-useregulatory requirement (8–12)

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 28

litres per month. After that point, undergroundtanks become more economic.

European SCR catalysts are based on vanadia,whereas those in Japan are zeolite-based. Giventhat zeolites have better high-temperature dura-bility, and that the SCR will be receiving very hotgas from the upstream filter system duringregenerations, zeolites are expected also to beused in the U.S. As Figure 5 shows, the new zeo-lite formulations perform better at the extremetemperatures and are less sensitive to non-idealNO2/NOx ratios (15).

SCR work is now being directed towardimproving low-temperature performance viamore accurate NO2/NOx control (a 50% ratioprovides the fastest reduction reaction), min-imising secondary emissions, and improvingon-board urea delivery systems. Given improv-

ing catalyst and system performance, low-tem-perature SCR systems are becoming viable aturea decomposition temperatures. If urea can bethermally decomposed, for example with abypass heater, system efficiency can beimproved from 75 to 95% (16). Slip catalysts aregenerally thought to remove most of the sec-ondary emissions from SCR systems, such asammonia, isocyanic acid (originating fromincomplete urea decomposition), nitrous oxideand nitrohydrocarbons (17). New slip catalystsare emerging that will convert ammonia all theway to nitrogen, and will probably abate hydro-carbon-based emissions as well (18). On-boardurea systems are now largely of the airlesstype (19, 20). Modelling of the urea-exhaust wallinteraction demonstrates enhanced mass andheat transfer for better urea distribution when













x co



, %

100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550Temperature, ºC

Catalyst ACatalyst BV-SCR









x co



, %

Catalyst A

Catalyst B


0 20 40 60 80 100[NO2]/[NO + NO2], %


Fig. 5 Performance ofzeolite selective catalyticreduction (SCR) catalysts(‘Catalyst A’ and ‘CatalystB’) relative to a standardwash coated vanadiacatalyst (V-SCR). Zeolitesexhibit: (a) better low temperatureand high temperatureperformance; and (b) less sensitivity to NO2

inlet levels (15)(Temperature = 200ºC)(Courtesy of JohnsonMatthey)

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 29

the spray is impinged on the pipe; however, thinfilms can form if the pipe temperature is lessthan about 280ºC (21). There is also much inter-est in urea systems affording a higher capacityby employing solid urea or magnesium chloride(MgCl2) as the storage medium. Solid urea lastsmore than twice as long as liquid urea for a givenvolume, but needs to be heated to about 180 to200ºC in the presence of water vapour todecompose to ammonia (22). MgCl2 storesammonia, and cartridges can readily be handled,replaced, recharged and recycled (23). It also hasthree times the volume-specific ammonia capac-ity and half the weight of Adblue®.Theoretically, a 28-litre tank will last 150,000miles (240,000 km) of testing under the FederalTest Procedure (FTP) when abating the emis-sion from a Bin 8-compliant light-duty engine toa Bin 5 tailpipe limit.

SCR is not always the preferred NOx abate-ment technology. Some vehicle manufacturersconsider that their customers will resist urea-SCR if other options exist. Also, mainly becauseof the relatively fixed cost of an on-board ureasystem, small LNTs are cheaper for engines ofless than about 2.0 to 2.5 litres capacity (24).Finally, since mixed-mode engines greatlyreduce low-load NOx, allowing LNT deploy-ment to focus on NOx entering at temperaturesgreater than about 300ºC, about 70% of theplatinum group metals (pgms) might beremoved (25). This could make LNT more eco-nomically attractive than SCR for cars withengines of up to 5 or 6 litres capacity (24, 26).

The durability of LNTs under sulfur contam-ination has always been a major problem. Thesulfur is removed by passing a rich, hot stream(700ºC) for a total of about 10 minutes every3000 to 6000 miles (5000 to 10,000 km).Although earlier LNTs lost perhaps 50% oftheir capacity over 15 to 20 desulfation cycles,newer versions now lose only about 25% of thefresh NOx capacity. Further, in the past it wasdifficult to control desulfation temperature towithin 700 to 800ºC. Newer control strategiesnow allow this degree of control (27), and per-haps even better. Given this, LNTs are effective

to about 60 to 70% NOx efficiency in ‘real-world’ light-duty systems (28), as shown inFigure 6. This is sufficient to bring a Euro V-compliant engine to Bin 8 compliance, or a EuroVI-compliant engine to Bin 5 compliance, asshown in Figure 1.

For the medium- and heavy-duty applica-tions, high-temperature LNT formulations arebeing developed to address the challenge ofmeeting the difficult high-load requirements ofthe U.S. NTE regulation (29). As LNTs need aperiodically rich stream to regenerate NOx andto desulfate, minimising the amount of rich gasused in the LNT saves fuel and helps control. Assuch, bypassing most of the lean exhaust pastthe LNT (29) or into an adjacent LNT system(30) can deliver good NOx reductions at reason-able fuel penalties – 75 to 80% efficiency at fullload, at 1.2 to 2.0% fuel penalty, with an LNTsized at 1.4 times the swept volume of theengine (swept volume ratio (SVR)). Theseresults, however, do not reflect deteriorationdue to significant ageing.

Finally, there has been much recent interestin combining LNTs with SCR. In this case, adownstream SCR catalyst stores ammonia that isgenerated in the LNT during rich operation. Theammonia can react with slipped rich NOx orlean NOx, increasing system efficiency, ordecreasing pgm loading, and hence cost at con-stant efficiency. A recent variant of this method








x co



, %

100 200 300 400 500 600Temperature, ºC

Fig. 6 NOx performance curves for heavily-agedpotassium- and barium-based lean NOx traps (LNTs).U.S. Federal Test Procedure (FTP) efficiency is 63%.Swept volume ratio (SVR) = 0.94; 3.9 g l–1 pgm loading(28) (Courtesy of SAE and Umicore)


Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 30

employs a NOx adsorber/SCR double layer con-figuration (31). Figure 7 shows the concept. Thesystem exhibits excellent low-temperature NOxconversion in the 200ºC range, but poor high-temperature conversion over 350ºC. Anotherfeature is that desulfation occurs at 500ºC, ascompared with 700 to 750ºC for conventionalLNT systems.

Particulate Matter ControlTechnologies

Platinum-based diesel particulate filters(DPFs) are now as integral to the diesel engineas fuel injectors. Within a couple of years, virtu-ally all new diesel cars in Europe, the U.S. andJapan will deploy DPFs. They have a high pene-tration in new Japanese trucks, and all new U.S.truck engines have used them since January2007.

Peugeot opened up this field with theannouncement of their system in April 1999, anda subsequent literature report (32). The systemcomprised a flexible common rail fuel injectionsystem, enabling late or post injections of hydro-carbons into a platinum-based diesel oxidationcatalyst (DOC) for burning to start DPF regen-eration, a cerium-based fuel-borne catalyst(FBC) to help burn the soot, and an uncatalysedsilicon carbide (SiC) DPF. In subsequent devel-opment, other automotive manufacturers chose

to catalyse the filter instead of using FBC, and inthe latest variant the DOC function is incorpo-rated into the filter (33). For medium-dutyapplications, approaches are similar to those forlight duty, but for the larger engines in the U.S.,auxiliary injectors or burners are deployed in theexhaust to impart DPF regeneration. Concernsin this regard are oil dilution by fuel from lateinjections, and the desire to decouple DPFinjection events from engine managementrequirements.

DPF management is becoming quite sophisti-cated. A platinum-catalysed filter system will‘passively’ regenerate from the reaction of NO2

with carbon under medium- and high-load con-ditions (34). Passive regeneration is limited bytemperature and by NOx:C ratios. Successfullong-term passive operation of filter systems(35) has been achieved with exhaust gas temper-ature profiles of 40% > 210ºC and NOx:sootratios less than 15. In extended operating condi-tions under which passive regeneration is notenough to keep the filter clean, ‘active’ regener-ation is needed. Zink et al. (36) reviewed theapproaches in the European light-duty sector,and identified common features:– Estimation of DPF soot loading using engine

and back pressure models, and fuel consump-tion;

– Preheating the system to ensure that injected

Lean (NOx adsorption) Rich (NH3 production& adsorption)

Lean (NH3-SCR, NOxadsorption)

4NH3(ad.)+2NOx+(3–x)O2→ 3N2 +6H2O

NO→NO(ad.)2NO+O2 →2NO2(ad.)


NOx, O2

NH3 → NH3(ad.)

Reductant (CO, H2)


CO+H2O→ H2 +CO2

3H2 +2NOx(ad.)→2NH3 +xO2

NOx, O2

Solid acid




Fig. 7 In the NOx adsorber/selective catalytic reduction (SCR) combination double layer system, lean NOx is adsorbedon a ceria material. During rich operation some of the NOx is converted to ammonia which is stored and used duringlean operation on an upper platinum SCR catalyst (31) (Courtesy of ika and VKA Aachen Kolloquium; and Honda);OSC = oxygen storage capacity; ad. = adsorbed

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 31

hydrocarbons can ignite and heat up thefilter;

– Increase of exhaust hydrocarbon levels via in-cylinder or supplemental fuel injection, forburning on a catalyst;

– Control and monitoring of the regenerationas a function of operating point and con-ditions;

– Recalculation of pertinent models to takeaccount of ash build-up.Soot loading models have been in develop-

ment for many years. Although contemporarypressure-drop models take account of filter andcatalyst architecture, ash loading, PM character-istics, and completeness and nature ofregeneration, they still generally serve as supple-mentary algorithms to soot loadingdeterminations based on engine operatingconditions.

If active regeneration is required, a catalysttemperature in the range of 220 to 250ºC is nec-essary to burn injected hydrocarbons,sometimes calling for active system heat-upstrategies. Common approaches are air intakeand/or exhaust throttling, as well as appropriatelate injection of fuel (37). These measures enableheat-up at ambient temperatures of –10ºC with,in a medium-duty vehicle application, an averagespeed of 14 km h–1. The use of increasedelectrical loads on the engine has also beendescribed (38).

Once hot, fuel injection strategies will

depend on operating conditions (34, 38); seeFigure 8. To prevent lubricating oil ash fromsintering to itself, and to protect the DPF cata-lyst, soot burning exotherms need to becontrolled within suitable maxima. Some para-meters required for achieving this are filterthermal mass and catalyst loading, exhaust tem-perature and flow rate, and soot loading andcharacteristics. Craig et al. (39) provide an excel-lent example of how, under worst-case‘drop-to-idle’ (DTI) conditions (start soot com-bustion at high temperature and flow, and thendrop to idle), maximum exothermic tempera-tures vary with soot load, and gas temperatureand flow rate using cordierite filters. Karkkainenet al. (40) show how this information can beincorporated into a safe regeneration strategy, inwhich exhaust temperature is graduallyincreased from 550 to 600ºC as soot burns, andif the engine drops to idle, engine speed isincreased to remove heat from the filter.Additionally, managing oxygen through EGRcontrol is being proposed (1).

An example of the level of sophistication ofDPF soot loading models is offered byMuramatsu et al. (41). They found that the pri-mary soot combustion characteristics, namelyignition temperature and oxidation rate, dependon how the soot was generated. They quantifiedthese parameters and incorporated them intotheir control and monitoring model, part ofwhich is illustrated in Figure 9.







ue, N


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000Engine speed, RPM

Fig. 8 Different fuel injectionand throttling strategies areused to initiate and controldiesel particulate filter (DPF)regeneration (38) (The insetboxes show the general fuelinjection pattern (fuel quantityas a function of crank angle.)The colours represent theregimes on the engine mapwhere these injection patternsare operative. The dotted linedbox represents the operatingregime within which intakethrottling is used to increaseexhaust temperature.)

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 32

Advances in material science are likewisefacilitating developments in filter materials. Forlight-duty applications, SiC filters have been thestandard. However, aluminium titanate (AT) (33)filters are now in series production, and, aidedby better engine controls, the industry is begin-ning to move to the deployment of advancedcordierite (42) filters. Cordierite is the preferredfilter material for heavy-duty applications.

The properties of the new AT filters areimpressive in comparison with SiC materials.

The low thermal expansion and high strength ofAT mean that filter integrity is maintained with-out pasting smaller segments together to relievethermal shock in a larger filter. No cracks in thefilter material were observed even after a longrun of severe regeneration cycles (withexotherms to 1150ºC) (33). Further, tight con-trol of pore size reduces back pressure forcatalysed AT filters with soot, as shown inFigure 10.

Filter designers are also using cell geometry


k pr


re, Δ

p, m

bar a

t 200







0 100 200 300 400 500Exhaust flow rate, m3 h–1

SiC 42% 200/14

SiC 42% 200/14

SiC 59% 300/12

SiC 59% 300/12

AT 300/13


AT 300/136 g l–1

0 g l–1

1 g l–1 min–1


Same PMcombustion rate


2 g–1 l–1









g l–1

Normal combustionAbnormal combustion

500 550 600 650 700 750 800Inlet temperature, ºC

Fig. 10 Soot-loaded catalysed advanced aluminium titanate (AT) filters have 30% lower back pressure thancomparable SiC filters (33) (Courtesy of Technical University Dresden and Volkswagen AG)

Fig. 9 Relationship betweenfilter soot load and exhausttemperature to impart a normalregeneration event. Theboundary changes depend onsoot characteristics (41)(Courtesy of SAE)

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 33

creatively to increase ash storage capacity. Byincreasing the size of the inlet cell relative tothat of the exit cell, ash loading can increase by50% while maintaining the same back pressurefor soot-loaded filters; this is illustrated inFigure 11 (43).

Filter catalyst technology is advancingimpressively. Recent reports show that pgmloadings may be reduced and performanceimproved if the DOC function is incorporatedinto the filter via new coating methods. Filterregeneration is more complete as comparedwith systems with a separate DOC or FBC(44). In addition, hydrocarbon and CO reduc-tions are comparable to those with DOCsystems, and NO2 emissions are reduced (45).

As filter technology evolves and expands,more attention is being paid to secondaryemissions. In some European cities, ambientNO2 levels are increasing despite reduced orconstant total NOx levels. Much of thisincrease is attributable to the large numbers oflight-duty diesels that utilise DOCs (46), butsome evidence suggests that catalysed filtersystems are also contributors (47). Indeed, by2009 California will require that diesel retrofit

systems emit no more than 25% of the NOx asNO2. In that regard, Goersmann et al. (48)demonstrated a new system (Figure 12) thatabates more than 95% of the NO2 emissionscoming from catalysed DPFs.

Aerosol nanoparticles are another formof secondary emission under discussion.Epidemiological studies have correlated ad-verse health effects to particulate mass, andsome physiological evidence suggests thatsolid ultrafines can cause biological effects. Inthis regard, filter systems remove over 90% ofPM mass and over 99.9% of carbon and othersolid ultrafine particles. Some operating condi-tions (mainly high load and/or low ambienttemperature) may increase the emission ofaerosol nanoparticles in the < 30 nm sizerange from catalysed filter systems (49).Although the nanoparticles are almost all sul-fates, the use of ultra-low sulfur fuel and lowsulfur lubricating oil has only a minimal effect.However, when a sulfur trap is applied afterthe catalysed DPF system (50), the concentra-tion of aerosol ultrafine particles drops belowambient levels (49). Figure 13 shows someresults.







k pr


re, Δ

p, k


at ro




re a

nd 2

5 m


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Ash load, g l–1




10 g l–1 soot

5 g l–1 soot

0 g l–1 soot




Fig. 11 Asymmetric cell technology (ACT), wherein inlet diesel particulate filter (DPF) cells are largerthan exit cells, can give 50% more ash capacity while maintaining back pressure (43) (Courtesy of ikaand VKA Aachen Kolloquium; and Corning Incorporated)

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 34

Integrated NOx/ParticulateMatter Systems

The first integrated NOx and PM systems areexpected to enter service in 2008 in the U.S.

light-duty market and in 2009 in the Japaneseheavy-duty market, formally three months aheadof the U.S. 2010 heavy-duty market.

It is greatly preferable to position the NOx

2 Particulate filterPM (C) trapped[C] + 2NO2 → CO2 + 2NO

1 Oxidation catalystCO + ½O2 → CO2

[HC] + O2 → CO2 + H2ONO + ½O2 → NO2

3 NO2 decomposition catalyst[HC] + xNO2 → CO2 + H2O + xNO

Diesel fuel








Fig. 12 A new NO2 remediation system reduces 95% of the NO2 emissions from catalysed filtersystems (48) (Courtesy of Technical University Dresden and Johnson Matthey)













s cm


200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380Average exhaust temperature, ºC

Average daily backgroundconcentration

CR-DPFNo sulfur trap

CR-DPFWith sulfur trap

Fig. 13 Sulfur-based aerosol ultrafine particulates can be generated in catalysedfilter systems. Sulfur traps reduce these emissions to below ambient levels (49). (CR-DPF = continuously regenerating diesel particulate filter) (Courtesy of SAE andUniversity of Minnesota)

Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 35

system after the filter system to allow as muchpassive NO2-based regeneration of the filter aspossible. Using only active regenerations for thefilter can result in a net fuel penalty of up to 3%,depending on the drive cycle. However, forchassis-certified light-duty applications, fastlight-off of the NOx system is critical, so locat-ing the NOx system in front is being consideredfor those applications (51). For most heavy-dutyapplications, in which passive filter regenera-tions dominate and low fuel consumption iscritical, NOx systems are located behind thefilter.

Management of integrated NOx/PM systemspresents a unique set of challenges and syner-gies. For LNT-based systems, there aresynergies, such as coordinating desulfation withactive DPF regenerations, and utilising the peri-odic rich LNT regenerations to burn soot oncatalysed DPFs that contain oxygen storagewashcoats. For both SCR and LNT systems, theupstream DPF may provide NO2 to facilitate thedeNOx reactions. On the liability side, activeDPF regeneration could send hot gas into theNOx system, raising durability concerns. Also,management of the fuel injection for DPF orLNT management and urea injection steps ismore difficult.

Moving into the future, we expect to seeinnovative component and system integration,with plenty of choice between engine, DOC, fil-ter and deNOx options.

Recommendations for FutureWork

As the automotive industry progresses withadvanced combustion mixed-mode engines,especially in the light-duty sector, cold-starthydrocarbon and CO emissions in advancedmode, and/or NOx emissions in traditionalcombustion mode will become critical. Light-offshould be at temperatures lower than 175ºC.Further development is needed in the LNT andSCR systems, especially on the mechanisms ofammonia formation on LNT materials when runin the rich mode. Zeolite SCR catalysts also needimprovement to their performance in the low-temperature regimes, and better models areneeded to understand ammonia storage dynam-ics. Low-temperature (< 200ºC) urea decom-position is a limiting factor for many systems,and advanced hydrolysis catalysts might helphere. Lean NOx catalysts, using fuel instead ofammonia for the SCR reaction, show promisefor providing effective, low-cost NOx reduction.Much more work is needed on these catalystsystems.

For PM control, limiting NO2 emissions iscritical; here mathematical modelling, better cat-alysts and improved management methods areall needed. A better understanding of the cata-lyst-support-soot-gas interaction might lead tomore effective DPF catalysts.

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Platinum Metals Rev., 2008, 52, (1) 37

The AuthorTim Johnson is Director – Emerging Regulations and Technologies for Corning EnvironmentalTechnologies, Corning Incorporated. Dr Johnson is responsible for tracking emerging mobile emissionsregulations and technologies, and helps develop strategic positioning via new products. He has been withCorning for twenty years, with ten years in the current position. He frequently speaks on diesel emissioncontrol technology and trends. In that regard, he received the 2007 Lloyd L. Withrow DistinguishedSpeaker Award from the SAE. Dr Johnson is a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, and the EPA Mobile Sources Technical Review Subcommittee. He is alsoa member of the Northeast States Center for a Clean Air Future (NESCCAF/NESCAUM) board of directors,and he is on the Board of Advisors for the Center of Environmental Research and Technology at theUniversity of California, Riverside. He is also Co-Chairman of the Diesel Emission Control Committee at the

Manufacturers of Emission Controls Association (MECA). He was most recently the co-chair for the U.S. EPA’s Advisory Working Groupon Clean Diesel and Retrofit. He also served on the U.S. EPA Clean Diesel Independent Review Panel, and California Air ResourcesBoard International Diesel Retrofit Advisory Committee. Finally, he recently edited the book, “Diesel Particulate Filter Technology”,published by the SAE. Dr Johnson earned his BS and MS Engineering Degrees from the University of Minnesota in 1978 and 1979respectively, and his Doctor of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1987.

2006”, Technical University, Dresden, Germany,18th–19th May, 2006

34 G. Boretto et al., ‘Serial Application of a CatalyzedParticulate Filter on Common Rail DI Diesel Enginesfor Passenger Cars’, Paper no. F2004V068, FISITA2004 World Automotive Congress, Barcelona, Spain,23rd–27th May, 2004

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