Domo Birthday

Post on 12-Dec-2015

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Tuesday, 8 September 2015


2:46 PM - CORL!: :)

2:52 PM - CORL!: because i dont want to be in too many groups

2:52 PM - lyricists: hmmm

2:52 PM - lyricists: but im your wife

2:52 PM - lyricists: o_o

2:54 PM - CORL!: but still

2:56 PM - CORL!: juun

2:57 PM - lyricists: LAPTOP DROP

2:58 PM - lyricists: battery went flying

2:58 PM - lyricists: it was not a pretty sight

2:58 PM - CORL!: LOL

2:58 PM - CORL!: you clumsy

2:58 PM - lyricists: you love ittt

2:58 PM - lyricists: careful

2:58 PM - lyricists: might fall on your dick next time


2:59 PM - CORL!: is that how you fell for me by slipping on a banana peel

3:00 PM - lyricists: hmmm

3:00 PM - lyricists: do you want to listen to a story

3:00 PM - lyricists: of how i fell for you?

3:00 PM - lyricists: GATHER AROUND KIDS


3:00 PM - CORL!: LOL



3:01 PM - CORL!: GO


3:02 PM - CORL!: Ok

3:10 PM - lyricists: OK

3:10 PM - lyricists: well

3:11 PM - lyricists: once upon a time, there was a girl who would play a heist game

3:12 PM - lyricists: like most players, she started alone but soon in time, she began playing enough to run into familiar faces

3:13 PM - lyricists: one of them was an indian man, who to her amazement, was 28

3:13 PM - lyricists: having failed to obtain his undergraduate degree for ten years (plus), the indian was still striving to obtain it

3:14 PM - lyricists: doing studies on a part time basis, he had a lot of free time on his hand, which the princess took to her advantage

3:14 PM - lyricists: soon, the indian named pocico became somewhat of a dog to princess jen, coming at her beck and call

3:14 PM - lyricists: but

3:15 PM - lyricists: it wasnt long before princess jen noticed that the filthy and perverted pocico was highly disturbed and severely paranoid. he would comment on conspiracy theories and frequently express his concerns of the federal government spying on him, waiting to exploit him and feed off his data

3:17 PM - CORL!: wait wut

3:17 PM - lyricists: you never knew?!

3:19 PM - CORL!: the spying thing

3:19 PM - CORL!: anyway go on

3:20 PM - lyricists: yeah, he was that crazy

3:20 PM - lyricists: anyway

3:22 PM - lyricists: debates soon became a common factor in the partnership, with pocico never failing to stomp on the princess' opinions and personality. soon the indian began to dwell deeper in his pit of insanity, frequently commenting on nsa waiting to profit off his data. yet despite his constant criticisms of the princess, there was no denying that she too, became on of his many obsessions

3:25 PM - lyricists: princess jen would, on a daily basis, obtain dozens of offline steam messages wondering why she hasnt been online. poems would be delivered to her, fantasies of them meeting would be expressed by the hopeful indian. he claimed to have wanted to move across the globe, just to marry her - promising at least eight orgasms a day (lololol)

3:28 PM - lyricists: whilst jen had no interest in the indian whatsoever, it was interesting to her how crazily obsessed he was with her. she then began to wonder why it so happened that everyone in her life always seemed to develop such a strong attachment for her, and if it really was she who had a problem at the end of the day. nevertheless, she kept the indian by her side as his antics humored him, she had concluded that he was severely mentally ill and his opinions had no weight; as long as she had someone to run with, she had no qualms about dealing with his romantic professions

3:30 PM - CORL! is now Away.

3:31 PM - lyricists: as time went on, she began to run into more familiar faces. one of them being piyo, a girl slightly older than jen who was studying a whole load of random languages at college. though jen found her rather dry and dull, it didnt matter to her as long as she had someone to run with, and not just ANYONE, but someone who wasnt a douchebag, someone who could complement her selfishness during heists

3:31 PM - lyricists: domo, dont fall asleep during my story

3:31 PM - lyricists: :(

3:31 PM - lyricists: *prod

3:35 PM - CORL! is now Online.

3:36 PM - CORL!: im watching last ep of breaking bad again

3:36 PM - CORL!: also wtf pocico said he'd move to marry you and get you off 8 times? lol

3:37 PM - lyricists: oh

3:37 PM - lyricists: good

3:37 PM - lyricists: thought you fell asleep

3:37 PM - lyricists: keep watching

3:37 PM - lyricists: going to be a long story

3:37 PM - lyricists: and yeah, he was insane. i only wish i saved his convos

3:37 PM - lyricists: and poems

3:41 PM - lyricists: soon pocico, jen and piyo began a partnership of some sorts, spending hours pulling off heists.

3:44 PM - lyricists: after an entire month of spending her winter break playing monaco, it suddenly occurred to jen that she found no joy in blowing up civilians and robbing people anymore

3:44 PM - lyricists: like most things in life, she had gotten bored and felt like focusing on some of her friends in the 'real world'

3:45 PM - lyricists: conincidently, pocico then and there decided to confess his feelings for her officially for the first time

3:45 PM - lyricists: even though it was pretty much an open secret

3:46 PM - lyricists: jen was not fazed by pocico's confession and promptly rejected him. pocico, though disappointed, decided that it was fine as long as he got to stay by her side

3:47 PM - lyricists: it was this time that he started getting acquainted with corl

3:48 PM - lyricists: at this point, jen's running days were decreasing. and during one heisting session, pocico dropped mentions of his encounters with corl and dubbed him as the fastest runner in all of monaco

3:49 PM - lyricists: jen scoffed, she had no interest but politely listened to the indian's adoration.

3:51 PM - lyricists: the only thing jen knew about corl was that he was a record breaker, a major influence in the monaco community, his name frequently made an appearance on the leaderboards, a monaco bigshot. though she hadnt met him, she already felt like she knew a little too much about him than she wouldve liked - pocico's constant fawning wasn't helping either



3:54 PM - lyricists: okay

3:55 PM - CORL!: k

3:55 PM - lyricists: jen's first official meeting came as a surprise. pocico was hosting one of his games as usual and in came corl and some other dude (totally cannot remember, memory is blurry enough as it is)

4:01 PM - lyricists: so here he was, the guy that pocico worshipped and everyone seemed to admire. it felt unusual to jen, like she had gotten so deep in some weird indie game to meet the actual creme of the crop...such a feeling gave her an unusual unsettling feeling. The first level was Musee Oceanographique, and after failing to hack an atm properly, jen noticed that corl seemed very disapleased. after running a few more levels before deciding she had enough, jen had concluded that she could understand why people seemed to follow Corl like lambs - he seemed demanding, egotistical, a perfectionist and had little trouble ordering people around. Definitely not a weak individual she could control, and not someone she was interested in mingling with as it involved further ties with the Monaco community

4:03 PM - lyricists: Promptly afterwards, Corl added her. Though she accepted due to diplomatic reasons, she had already decided that she had enough of Monaco and in particular, Pocico. Whilst it was fun leading him around like the wild puppy he was, Jen had gotten soft and felt guilty for torturing a mentally disabled individual. So without a word, she disappeared for two months

4:03 PM - CORL!: you disappeared that long?

4:03 PM - lyricists: yeah

4:03 PM - CORL!: i dont think i noticed back then

4:04 PM - lyricists: LOL

4:04 PM - lyricists: we didnt even speak

4:05 PM - lyricists: Upon her return, Pocico welcomed her back but she noticed a great deal of change about him. He no longer worshipped her, and immediately, he decided to introduce her to his new group of friends, as if implying - 'Ha! You abandoned me but I still survived without you. Now I hang out with even 'cooler kids' of Monaco'.

4:07 PM - lyricists: Pocico thought he had 'won' , but she felt nothing. If Jen had even the slightest bias for the 'elite players' of Monaco, it didnt matter to her anymore, all of it was gone. Monaco people were just people to her now - the absence had done her good, to pull her out of a weirdly close-knit community

4:09 PM - lyricists: Invited to Lack's Monaco group, Jen had no intentions of joining whatsoever. Her only aim was to satisfy her curiosity as to whom Pocico had been spending his newfound time with, after a prolonged period of mourning her absence

4:10 PM - lyricists: Joining the group chat, she enabled her microphone and began blasting people in the chat on mic.

4:10 PM - lyricists: (I cannot remember what was said but I think I was quite bitchy)

4:11 PM - lyricists: After having her fun, Jen left the group and refused Pocico's invitation to join the group. She had no interest in socialising with Monaco people anymore, Dota was in her sights again

4:12 PM - lyricists: To her surprise, she had gotten a friend request from some guy called AWP

4:13 PM - lyricists: Jen vaguely remembered him in the chat, he seemed to be the only intelligent one - though he had a weirdly squeaky and homosexual voice, he seemed to be the only one who noticed that she was in fact trolling the hell out of a group of Monaco addicts

4:13 PM - lyricists: He introduced himself to her as 'Hong', and complimented her on her sense of humor and wit

4:14 PM - lyricists: One day, bored, Jen invited Hong to a solo L4D match

4:15 PM - CORL! is now Online.

4:16 PM - lyricists: Whilst blasting zombies, Hong had started speaking about himself, and she was in awe of his accomplishments. Perhaps it was the fact that she had always lacked a role model in her life, but Jen began to look up to him and so, she began to admire him

4:20 PM - lyricists: There were never any complications in her feelings for Hong, Jen felt like it was a safe bubble of infatuation that was impenetrable - he was almost a decade older than her,

accomplished, successful and moderately wealthy. And she was probably a scrawny college kid to him, there was no way he would see her in that way. It was a safe bet that she could continue admiring him from afar and have nothing result from it, as she had no interest in developing a relationship with anyone, especially one with someone she had never met before

4:22 PM - lyricists: As time went on, Jen had noticed that she was growing self-conscious around Hong, a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. Normally outgoing, talkative and flirtateous, she found herself quiet and shy around him, to the point where she could not even maintain a civilised conversation with him

4:23 PM - lyricists: Though she had no interest in sparking a relationship with Hong, she still wanted to be around him occasionally. Scrolling through her friendlist, she began to seek players who played Left for Dead

4:24 PM - lyricists: Marking Steven Jnr off, she stopped at Corl. Ah-ha!

4:25 PM - lyricists: Steven was easy enough to invite, that guy would probably fetch a space rock all the way from the moon for her if she wanted

4:25 PM - lyricists: Corl was probably going to be a lot harder to win over

4:26 PM - lyricists: It was worth a try anyway, and to her surprise, Corl had accepted to play

4:27 PM - lyricists: During those games, Princess Jen would find herself hang near Hong in-game and ignoring the other two players

4:27 PM - lyricists: And it made her smile when he would advise her how to improve her shooting techniques :)

4:27 PM - lyricists: Then there were times when Corl would ignore her and proceed to do his own business

4:28 PM - lyricists: !!

4:28 PM - lyricists: One time

4:28 PM - lyricists: Instead of accepting her request to play Left for Dead

4:28 PM - lyricists: He invited her to some lame group-chat instead

4:28 PM - lyricists: Which she found rather pointless and bland

4:29 PM - lyricists: And she questioned,' Really? You would rather send me to this lame quiet chat full of dull people when you can actually be playing L4D with me and helping me spend time with HONG?!'

4:29 PM - lyricists: Jen was starting to get displeased with Corl's lack of avaliability, and she needed a replacement for him quick

4:30 PM - lyricists: (she questioned inwardly, as she didnt want to risk losing corl as he was a link to hong)

4:30 PM - CORL!: LOL

4:31 PM - lyricists: One day, while browsing through Terraria streams

4:32 PM - lyricists: She stumbled upon a rather obese fellow with barely any viewers

4:32 PM - lyricists: Feeling bored, she decided to hang about and see how he completed the game so she could compare it to her own gameplay

4:33 PM - lyricists: They started talking and soon his viewership went up

4:33 PM - lyricists: At his peak, he was getting 30 viewers per stream

4:33 PM - lyricists: And in a short space of time, Jen was promoted to Moderator

4:34 PM - lyricists: Of course, she barely did any moderating. Jen felt that people on Twitch should be free to discuss whatever they feel like, even if it means insulting the streamer

4:34 PM - lyricists: Instead, she spent her time flirting with the viewers and keeping the chat lively

4:34 PM - lyricists: And she had another purpose for helping Jeff

4:35 PM - lyricists: She had found out that he was a Left for Dead player as well

4:35 PM - lyricists: Hoping to dispose Corl and bring in Jeff, she thought it was geniusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

4:36 PM - lyricists: As her plan was set in motion, something entirely unexpected happened that Jen had never anticipated

4:36 PM - lyricists: It was another day of L4D and Hong, Piyo and Jen were looking for a fourth player

4:37 PM - lyricists: Jeff was offline

4:37 PM - lyricists: brb getting glass of water

4:37 PM - lyricists: FIVE MIN BREAK

4:38 PM - CORL!: ok

4:46 PM - lyricists: So Jen promptly spammed the hell out of out Corl, hoping he would join

4:46 PM - lyricists: Suddenly, Hong had to go for some reason ( I think, memory is foggy here)

4:47 PM - lyricists: As a result, Jen obviously had no reason to continue playing L4D. But what to do with Corl and Piyo? She couldn't just leave them...

4:48 PM - lyricists: Scanning through her list, she decided to invite a fourth, let the three of them carry the match while she sat back and listened to documentaries

4:48 PM - lyricists: Then after a match or two, she would log off and hopefully catch Hong another time

4:50 PM - lyricists: She settled on Vellaroque...she seemed to be a friend's of Corl's. Maybe he would be pleased that he would have a friend around for once

4:50 PM - lyricists: So Jen invited her and her reply was quite puzzling

4:50 PM - lyricists: 'Are you sure? Did you ask Corl?'

4:51 PM - lyricists: Jen, being rather selfish and oblivious, caring only to the needs of her own and muddling over Hong's sudden departure, failed to piece two and two together

4:51 PM - lyricists: So she responded rather half-heatedly, 'Uh, why would Corl care? Just come'

4:52 PM - lyricists: The only thing Jen cared about was playing her rather obligated two games and getting the hell out

4:52 PM - lyricists: So in walks Vellaroque and Corl, seeing her witch-face, leaves

4:53 PM - lyricists: Failing to find a fourth player, the trio carried on with a game before Jen announced she was done

4:53 PM - lyricists: Just before she logged off, Vellaroque messaged Jen

4:53 PM - lyricists: Asking why she had invited her to the game, knowing full well that Corl and her aren't friends anymore

4:54 PM - lyricists: So Jen responded to the likes of, 'uh what?'

4:55 PM - lyricists: Vellaroque then proceeds to lament on Corl's hatred of her, and explains that she was suddenly deleted without any good reason or closure

4:56 PM - lyricists: Not in the mood to hear any of her emotional tantrums, Jen logs on

4:56 PM - lyricists: *off

4:58 PM - CORL!: lol good job

4:58 PM - lyricists: A few days later, Jen discovers that Corl had not only deleted Vellaroque, but HER too. Frustrated, she wonders who can replace his shoes at linking her with Hong. Jeff? Though he was a L4D player, she wondered if he would easily be manipulated into spending time with her whenever she pleased

4:59 PM - lyricists: As if a dog on alert, Vellaroque approaches Jen and comments on the fact that she noticed Corl's deletion of her too

5:00 PM - lyricists: Jen grudgingly responds, 'Yeah, now I've lost a l4d player'

5:00 PM - lyricists: WILL NEVER FORGET THIS

5:00 PM - lyricists: Vellaroque: 'Well...sorry :\"

5:00 PM - lyricists: LOL

5:00 PM - lyricists: IM SO INSENSITIVE

5:01 PM - CORL!: wat

5:01 PM - lyricists: Hm?

5:01 PM - lyricists: You dont follow/

5:01 PM - lyricists: ?

5:01 PM - CORL!: lol nothing

5:01 PM - CORL!: just found that funny

5:01 PM - CORL!: go on

5:01 PM - lyricists: Months pass, and over time, Jen notices that Hong does not go by a day without speaking to her

5:02 PM - lyricists: Whether its just to say hi, the conversation usually does not proceed beyond a few lines

5:02 PM - lyricists: But this is enough to make Jen's day

5:02 PM - CORL!: SO CUTE

5:03 PM - lyricists: Soon she begins to incorporate Piyo into her routine on Steam. Jen liked Piyo, she was quick-witted, no-nonsense, apathetic and effective sort of person

5:03 PM - lyricists: She cared about nothing on the surface and had a passion for video games and perfectionism

5:04 PM - lyricists: Jen liked the fact that they could work both independently and together and so she started to see Piyo, as a robotic-like tool to play video games with

5:05 PM - lyricists: Whatever time it was, Piyo always seemed to be avaliable and free to spend money on whatever game Jen wished

5:05 PM - lyricists: For what reason, Jen had no concerns over, as long as they got to play together

5:06 PM - lyricists: With the months coming and going, Jen continues her robotic-like partnership with Piyo, even incorporating her into a DoTA team comrpised of her brother and two close friends from college. Many hours were spent together on vc, and Jen was impressed at how Piyo seemed to gel well with the group, one of the finest supports she had ever worked with. Piyo had not disappointed her high expectations

5:08 PM - lyricists: During one of the DoTA vc sessions, Jen announced happily that her crush had spoken to her. Everyone was happy for her, as they knew Jen wasn''t the type of person who had an actual head on her shoulders, knowing full well that it was never intending to go anywhere, that it was just a fun-crush sort of thing.

5:08 PM - lyricists: Piyo, feeling rather left out, asked who Jen's crush was

5:09 PM - lyricists: A college friend of Jen's responded, 'Hong' ; with Frank adding, 'Yeah, the one with the girlish voice' and everyone laughed

5:11 PM - lyricists: It was another day of endless video gaming with Jen and Piyo. This time, they decided to play Don't Starve Together, and were diligently collecting resources for their farm

5:11 PM - lyricists: Jen, catching butterflies (:D) , suddenly got a message from her beloved prince

5:11 PM - CORL!: :3


5:12 PM - CORL!: OMG

5:13 PM - lyricists: So in comes Hong, and him being an absolute noob, set Jen and piyo's farm on fire

5:13 PM - CORL!: !

5:13 PM - lyricists: Killing all the animals, burning all the crops, destroying all of their hard work and killing Piyo and himself in the process

5:13 PM - lyricists: Jen, being smart enough to avoid the fire

5:14 PM - lyricists: Saves herself and goes on a venture to find tools to revive them

5:14 PM - lyricists: Once reviving the both of them, she loses half of her HP as sarcrifice

5:14 PM - lyricists: Only to have Hong set things on fire again, killing them all

5:14 PM - lyricists: GG

5:14 PM - CORL!: LOL

5:14 PM - CORL!: so sad

5:15 PM - lyricists: Piyo is furious, Jen is furious and they vow never to invite Hong to Dont Starve again D:

5:15 PM - lyricists: Hong then calls Jen, apologising for being so noob and commenting on how much he appreciates my patience and calmness in dealing with him burning everything down


5:15 PM - lyricists: =_=

5:16 PM - lyricists: But Jen is too head over heels to act like a lunatic, so she puts on a sweet face and mutters that it's okay and its fine as long as he had fun

5:16 PM - lyricists: From this encounter, Hong soon begins actively calling Jen

5:17 PM - lyricists: But each time he wants to spend some time with her, she invites her friend Piyo

5:17 PM - lyricists: As she cannot handle the prospect of them being alone together

5:18 PM - CORL!: !

5:18 PM - lyricists: The three of them soon begin to develop a close bond, spending hours every day voice chatting while Jen looks fondly at Hong from afar

5:19 PM - CORL!: read "fondles hong"

5:19 PM - CORL!: and laughed

5:19 PM - lyricists: EW

5:19 PM - lyricists: LOl

5:19 PM - CORL!: cont.

5:19 PM - lyricists: hun

5:19 PM - lyricists: do you have class tmr?

5:19 PM - CORL!: nop

5:19 PM - lyricists: really?!

5:20 PM - CORL!: mhm

5:20 PM - lyricists: okay, good

5:20 PM - lyricists: i dont feel pressured to speed type

5:20 PM - lyricists: and rush finish

5:20 PM - lyricists: just keep awake okay

5:20 PM - lyricists: okay, so

5:21 PM - lyricists: Whilst managing Hong, Jen has many side projects going on as usual

5:22 PM - lyricists: Grooming people to be manipulated and bend at her whim is a typical occurance, Jen often got bored of people and was quick in finding their replacements

5:22 PM - lyricists: People on Steam to her were always a commodity

5:22 PM - lyricists: And if they were stupid enough to be manipulated, that was their own problem

5:23 PM - lyricists: Even if she adored Hong, she knew that feelings were fleeting, especially on the internet. That there would be a time where she would have to dump him and find a replacement for him, just like everyone else, like some never-ending cycle

5:25 PM - lyricists: One of her 'side-projects' were David and Sam. A duo from London, who Jen had met through Dota. Though rather dry, she could sense their admiration in her and felt they would be good tools

5:25 PM - lyricists: Soon Sam joined the group, as did Jeff and David (on a part-time basis)

5:27 PM - lyricists: LOL BLANK PERIOD

5:27 PM - lyricists: TRYING TO REMEMBER

5:27 PM - CORL!: np

5:28 PM - lyricists: Okay

5:28 PM - lyricists: So

5:29 PM - lyricists: The six of them would talk on a daily basis, hanging out, playing video games, voice chatting, listening to Hong's music streams

5:29 PM - lyricists: This went on for a month before cracks started to show

5:29 PM - lyricists: For one

5:30 PM - lyricists: Piyo started to see Jen as something more than Jen would've liked

5:30 PM - lyricists: And no, not as a lover you sicko

5:30 PM - lyricists: Piyo was starting to see Jen as a friend

5:30 PM - lyricists: When Hong and co would all fall asleep and it was only Jen and Piyo awake on VC

5:30 PM - lyricists: Piyo would go on her drunken rants and emotional breakdowns

5:31 PM - lyricists: Claiming that I was one of her few friends in the world, that she appreciated me

5:31 PM - lyricists: It seemed like a daily occurance that Piyo would unload all her problems on Jen

5:31 PM - lyricists: Jen, to her displeasure, felt nothing for Piyo

5:32 PM - lyricists: Perhaps she said that she was her best friend on Steam, out of a sense of obligation, but that was all she could really do for such a broken human being. That and perhaps pretend to listen to her many hours of ranting on vc...Jen purely felt sorry for her

5:32 PM - lyricists: CJ

5:33 PM - lyricists: *Jeff would one day notice Piyo's increasing closeness and sense of attachment to Jen and expressed his feelings of jealousy

5:33 PM - lyricists: To which Jen responded that she cared little about Piyo's and her problems, whatever feelings of attachment she had for her was not mutual

5:34 PM - lyricists: Perhaps this was the point where Jeff realised that there was something emotionally wrong with Jen, but he continued to pursue her nonetheless, idealising her as a goddess and hoping that she would one day step aside and see he had always treated her well and had always been waiting for her

5:35 PM - lyricists: Though he felt threatened by Piyo, Cs

5:35 PM - lyricists: urgh

5:35 PM - lyricists: stupid touchpad

5:36 PM - lyricists: *Though he felt threatened by Piyo, Jeff still felt (second to Jen) most comfortable around her. Something he rarely felt with people on a whole - due to his severe social anxieties, he always had issues formulating friendships, especially with girls. To have two actually paying attention to him and playing games with him was something he had never dreamed of

5:37 PM - lyricists: He began to enjoy the days spent on Tabletop, playing various board games with the two of them

5:37 PM - lyricists: unfortunately, good things do not last

5:39 PM - lyricists: As one day, during one of many latenight conversations Piyo shared with Jen on vc, she had commented on Jeff's apparent attraction to Jen. Jen, either oblivious or simply uncaring, mentioned that she had realised it was a possibility a long time ago but did not care to ponder about it as she did not feel the same. Merely seeing Jeff as somewhat of a slave to do her bidding

5:40 PM - lyricists: The next day, remembering Piyo's words, Jen decided to satisfy her curiosity when in a game of truth or dare, asked Jeff whether Piyo's claims were true

5:40 PM - lyricists: Jeff, was silent for a long time

5:41 PM - lyricists: Before responding that he had in fact, been infatuated with Jen the moment he had met her z_z

5:42 PM - lyricists: And claimed to have suspected that it was all a charade, that she was using Hong as an excuse to make him jealous

5:42 PM - lyricists: (double z_z)

5:42 PM - lyricists: Jen was dumbfounded, astonished at the fact that Jeff could actually believe that he could even think there was a possibility that her feelings were mutual

5:43 PM - lyricists: Though she wasnt beautiful by any means, there was no chance in hell she would ever date someone like him

5:44 PM - lyricists: Jeff was everything Jen wasn't. Shy, hesistant, anxious, upsetting, sensitive, cautious and terrible with people

5:44 PM - lyricists: (wait actually, i think i can be sensitive at times, nvm)

5:45 PM - lyricists: In addition, she felt a huge sense of intellectual superiority to him. How could he possibly think he could deserve someone like her when he actually thought that Shakespeare wrote, 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'?!

5:45 PM - lyricists: Dating Jeff would be like dating a giant rock

5:46 PM - lyricists: From then on, Jen made it a point to highlight a strict friendzone line

5:46 PM - lyricists: Even using words such as 'handsome' and emoticons that include ';)' were a danger zone

5:47 PM - lyricists: Knowing that Piyo had spilt his secret, Jeff began to resent her

5:48 PM - lyricists: Also noticing how observant she is, any progress of whatever friendship they had were made redundant

5:48 PM - lyricists: Unable to deal with Jeff''s awkwardness around her, Piyo deleted him

5:49 PM - lyricists: Meanwhile, Hong was having issues with Jeff himself

5:49 PM - lyricists: Hong was a very practical person, also very unforgiving at times. Yet he was a walking contradiction, as Jen would soon find out.

5:50 PM - lyricists: Hong disliked Jeff and questioned why a person could be so broken and pathetic, how he could have no sense of respect for himself to be that way

5:50 PM - CORL!: :o

5:51 PM - lyricists: To Hong, Jeff was a failure. Not because Jeff attended community college, but because he didin't believe in himself and could no communicate with anybody

5:51 PM - lyricists: Piyo, noticing Hong's displeasure when Jeff was around, made a note of it to Hong

5:51 PM - lyricists: Hong did little to deny claims

5:51 PM - lyricists: Quoting Piyo, Hong saw Jeff as an 'eyesore'

5:52 PM - lyricists: Give me two minute break

5:52 PM - lyricists: need to stretch

5:52 PM - CORL!: ok

5:58 PM - CORL!: urgh i need more mk versus handcannon, scar vs fal test later

5:59 PM - CORL! is now playing Killing Floor. Click here to join.

6:00 PM - CORL!: but speccing for now

6:01 PM - lyricists: okay back

6:01 PM - lyricists: let me know when you play a game so i dont spam you with story

6:02 PM - CORL!: its fine

6:03 PM - CORL!: juun

6:04 PM - lyricists: EATING WALNUTS

6:04 PM - CORL!: LOL



6:04 PM - lyricists: LOL

6:04 PM - lyricists: COS IM HUNGRY

6:04 PM - lyricists: I CANT BITE YOUR NUTS CAN I



6:05 PM - lyricists: LOL

6:05 PM - lyricists: okay back to story

6:05 PM - lyricists: put your pants back on pls hun

6:05 PM - lyricists: sex after

6:05 PM - lyricists: <3

6:06 PM - lyricists: Jeff was then pseudo-banned in our group with only Piyo and Hong tolerating him because of me

6:06 PM - CORL!: ok

6:06 PM - lyricists: Hong would even ask me why I was friends with someone like him

6:06 PM - lyricists: Sam and David obviously did not care

6:07 PM - lyricists: As Jen got disillusioned with Piyo, she found that she was starting to grow disillusioned with Hong as well

6:07 PM - lyricists: Unlike her idea of the charming prince who feared nothing and was amazing...Hong fell face down into a steaming pile of crap

6:08 PM - lyricists: But we'll get back to that in a second because

6:08 PM - lyricists: During this time

6:08 PM - lyricists: TA-DAH

6:08 PM - lyricists: GUESS WHO ADDS ME

6:09 PM - lyricists: AFTER HOW MANY MONTHS?

6:09 PM - CORL!: WHO?

6:09 PM - lyricists: PUPPEY FROM DOTA 2

6:09 PM - lyricists: JOKING

6:09 PM - lyricists: To kids: YOUR DADDY

6:09 PM - lyricists: Kids : D: !!

6:10 PM - CORL! is now playing Killing Floor. Click here to join.

6:10 PM - lyricists: Browsing through her activity feed, Jen notices that Angela (getoutt) is playing Always Sometimes Monsters

6:10 PM - lyricists: Hong makes a note of it and comments that it's Jen's favourite game

6:10 PM - lyricists: z_z

6:10 PM - CORL!: lol no kids are like :D

6:10 PM - lyricists: WHICH IT IS NOT

6:10 PM - CORL!: LOL

6:11 PM - lyricists: After breaking into a long rant about how terrible the Brother's game was

6:11 PM - lyricists: 9 hours of polishing every nook and cranny

6:11 PM - lyricists: Completing it 100% just for my love

6:12 PM - lyricists: When Hong asked the princess what she felt of the game

6:12 PM - lyricists: Her love for him was not enough to cover her intense hatred for it

6:12 PM - lyricists: She could not believe such a terrible game could exist, and how OVERHYPED IT WAS

6:12 PM - lyricists: It was so bad, the game had given her an intense headache

6:12 PM - CORL!: LOL

6:13 PM - lyricists: And never had she celebrated so hard when she had completed it

6:13 PM - lyricists: You know a game is bad when it becomes a chore

6:13 PM - lyricists: Hong was stunned...and speechless, for he had never seen the Princess so mad

6:13 PM - lyricists: Timidly, he recommended another game - Always Sometimes Monsters

6:14 PM - lyricists: Which, was another bad game, horribly written but not terrible enough for Jen to break into a 30 minute rant explaining its poor mechanics

6:14 PM - lyricists: This time, she was able to bite her tongue and withold her opinion, something she rarely does for a person

6:15 PM - lyricists: Believing that Jen was in love with the game, he decided to recommend it to Angela as a way of bonding the girls closer and dragging Jen into his inner circle

6:16 PM - lyricists: Which comprised of Tigerfag, Vellaroque and all the other Monaco usuals loafing about in HPG

6:17 PM - lyricists: It was there, in one of Angela's posts on Always Sometimes Monsters that she realised Corl had posted a comment

6:17 PM - lyricists: 'Interesting', Jen thought. She hadnt thought of Corl for a long time, and wished bad karma on him for obstructing her plots in the pursuit of Hong time and time again

6:18 PM - lyricists: Soon Jen was mixing in with Vellaroque, Kayla (some friend of Hong's) and Getoutt on Tabletop, hoping to add them to the group

6:19 PM - lyricists: Vellaroque, whom Jen suspected of harvesting feelings for Hong

6:19 PM - lyricists: Started talking to Jen more, expressing her depression and issues with suicide. Hoping for attention and love

6:19 PM - lyricists: Jen, concerned and not wanting to be held responsible for refusing to listen to her, decided to pass her case onto Hong

6:20 PM - lyricists: To which he cooly responded, 'She's fine, just ignore her'.

6:20 PM - lyricists: Implying that this case had happened frequently and he had grown tired of her too

6:21 PM - lyricists: OH BTW CORL

6:21 PM - CORL!: hm?


6:21 PM - CORL!: way back

6:21 PM - CORL!: had like group/network of monaco n things

6:21 PM - CORL!: found her when she was all noob

6:21 PM - CORL!: and lost homeless pet type

6:22 PM - CORL!: got her into monaco community

6:22 PM - CORL!: leftover garbage

6:22 PM - lyricists: lol

6:22 PM - lyricists: you raised her, in a sense?

6:22 PM - CORL!: yep

6:22 PM - CORL!: she crossed me

6:22 PM - lyricists: oh btw, when i said ' hoping to add them to the group', i meant that was hong's doing, not mine. i never had any intentions of doing so

6:22 PM - CORL!: ik

6:22 PM - lyricists: she crossed you for vellaroque?

6:23 PM - CORL!: nop

6:23 PM - CORL!: records

6:24 PM - CORL!: its another story

6:24 PM - CORL!: you continue with yours

6:24 PM - lyricists: okay :D

6:24 PM - lyricists: /kiss

6:24 PM - lyricists: hmm

6:24 PM - lyricists: HongC

6:25 PM - lyricists: *Hong had also implied various other things, how he was unhappy in his life, his concerns of not finding a girlfriend, his dissatisfaction with his voice and facial features but Jen chose to ignore such signs - She only wanted to hear what she wanted to hear, and who she wanted Hong to be

6:26 PM - lyricists: In her mind, Hong was fine and happy and helpful with everyone, he was kind and open and accepting. Which was unusual, as Jen was different, she wasnt any of those things, so she wondered why she valued such things in Hong

6:26 PM - lyricists: Slowly, she realised that perhaps Hong was a lot more similar to her than she had realised

6:28 PM - lyricists: Hong had no concerns of crossing his friends, abandoning them and using them as he saw fit. He had no issues with manipulating people and openly guilt tripping them or using passive agressive tactics to sucker you in

6:30 PM - CORL!: hmm

6:31 PM - lyricists: Jen had no trouble admitting she was a manipulator as well, but to resort to such tactics, she felt - was like a violation of some unknown honour code she had deep inside her. Part of manipulating people and getting to do your bidding, knowing you've done a good job is when someone offers or openly does it for you without hassle; the genius is making them think this is what they want. Hong, in her mind, did it all wrong, he never gave people a chance to believe theyre willing to do things for him, they knew he was upset and they did it not because they wanted to, but because they felt bad for him

6:31 PM - lyricists: When Corl came into the picture, he was already entering a group that Jen was already making plans on leaving

6:35 PM - lyricists: When Corl started speaking to Jen, she was instantly suspicious. This was some guy who abandoned all his friends, wiped out the Monaco community from his mind and now he

was coming back, for what reason? 'Is he only speaking to me because he abandoned all his friends and are too prideful to go back to them?' were amongst her thoughts. But Jen chose to keep them in the back of her mind, whatever purpose Corl had for her didnt matter, because there was no real chance he could outsmart and play her

6:36 PM - lyricists: Instead, Jen started to turn the tables and thought that maybe she could use him. Like a skydiver jumping out of some exploding plane, he could be her parachute and connect her to various other people

6:36 PM - lyricists: FRESH BLOOD

6:36 PM - lyricists: For now, she decided to let him stay in her world, her group and see what would happen

6:38 PM - lyricists: At first he settled in well, but the issues Jen was secretly having with Hong, Piyo and Jeff grew too much for the group to remain together

6:39 PM - lyricists: Whatever happened, Jen realised, she could lay the blame on Corl and imply that she had left them for him

6:39 PM - lyricists: She didnt feel like she owed them an explaintation, this was the internet

6:39 PM - lyricists: But if the time came, then there it was

6:39 PM - lyricists: KIDS

6:40 PM - lyricists: One of my first positive memories I had of your Father was when

6:40 PM - lyricists: Piyo the witch was sad because we had tricked her into letting Corl hear her sing

6:40 PM - lyricists: And then

6:40 PM - lyricists: he broke into song and sang gangnam style

6:40 PM - lyricists: LOL

6:42 PM - lyricists: Perhaps that was the beginning of our relationship, right there at that moment, who knows

6:42 PM - lyricists: So

6:44 PM - lyricists: The group was accepting of Corl and he seemed to gel well with everyone. Jen felt important, like she mattered and she was in control of the situation, everyone was there in that group because of her, she made it happen. But she slowly realised that alongisde her previous issues with everyone, new problems were arising

6:45 PM - lyricists: BREAK TIME

6:45 PM - lyricists: GIVE ME FIVE MINS

6:45 PM - CORL!: k

6:52 PM - CORL!: jennifurr

6:53 PM - CORL!: jennifuuuurrr

6:53 PM - CORL!: fuzzy!

6:53 PM - lyricists: YES DOMO?

6:53 PM - CORL!: storytime

6:54 PM - lyricists: ill start

6:54 PM - lyricists: when song is over

6:54 PM - CORL!: ok

6:59 PM - lyricists: LOL my bad, fell asleep

6:59 PM - lyricists: storytimreee

6:59 PM - CORL!: D:

6:59 PM - CORL!: juuun

7:02 PM - lyricists: In addition to her growing disillusions with Hong and Piyo, Jen noticed the growing bond between the two. It puzzled her how someone like her could suddenly be the centre of attention...this made Jen feel uneasy as she was usually so sure of her impact on people on a whole. How dare Piyo make her doubt herself. But the closeness between the two of them was undeniable, even Corl seemed to have taken a liking to her, Sam too. The only person she was sure to have on her side was Jeff...

7:04 PM - lyricists: Jen's concerns were cooled though, as on the night of a drinking game, all that were left awake was Hong, Piyo and Jen.

7:05 PM - CORL!: :D

7:05 PM - lyricists: Over the coming weeks, Jen had gotten bored of the conversations at hand, and would usually play Dota or browse tumblr whilst pretending to listen to the two of them chatter. It had become routine for Hong to call Jen and have her invite Piyo, and Jen was starting to feel nothing but a sense of duty and boredom

7:05 PM - lyricists: on the night of the drinking game

7:06 PM - lyricists: Piyo, hearing her phone ring, went to have a lengthy conversation with her Mother

7:07 PM - lyricists: All that was left was silence as Jen was clicking away, looking at posts on the internet

7:07 PM - lyricists: Suddenly, Hong started to speak

7:07 PM - lyricists: And he confessed how much he needed Jen and that if given the chance, this could progress to something more, that we could make it real

7:08 PM - lyricists: This wasn't the first time Hong had confessed, but it had been rather cryptic

7:08 PM - lyricists: This wasn't the same as before, it was clear, out in the open - I WANT YOU

7:10 PM - lyricists: Jen was stunned, and felt a sickening feeling. Hong wasn't meant to turn out this way, he was the hero, the unobtainable guy who was out of her league, how could he just return her feelings like that? She felt disappointed and at a sense of loss, in a way, she felt as if Hong was immune to her

7:10 PM - lyricists: C

7:10 PM - lyricists: oops

7:10 PM - lyricists: touchpad

7:10 PM - lyricists: And it was right there, at that moment, that all the times he displayed flaws or imperfections and all the things he said that Jen chose to ignore, that all flooded back to her

7:11 PM - lyricists: She didn't like Hong, she liked the IMAGE of Hong

7:12 PM - lyricists: She was silent, and like in the freaking movies, every second seemed to feel like an hour

7:12 PM - lyricists: Struggling to find something to say, she decided to squash whatever remaining feelings she had for Hong and turn him down

7:12 PM - lyricists: Stating she had no interest whatsoever in turning whatever they had into reality

7:13 PM - lyricists: Hong proceeded to argue until Piyo announced her return

7:13 PM - lyricists: At this, Hong announced he was going to sleep and promptly left the conversation

7:14 PM - lyricists: Noticing that he was gone, Piyo confessed that she actually had been listening the whole time and commented that she was suprised at how cold of a person Jen could be, how much she crushed Hong's feelings and how hurt he sounded

7:15 PM - lyricists: Jen feeling rather surprised, still seemed to refuse to believe that Hong actually confessed...

7:15 PM - lyricists: From that moment on, Jen's relationship with Hong only went into a decline

7:16 PM - lyricists: Jen's newfound friendship with Corl didn't seem to help matters either

7:17 PM - CORL!: Lol

7:17 PM - CORL!: Swapped to mobile

7:18 PM - lyricists: Going to bed? :o

7:18 PM - CORL!: Nope

7:18 PM - lyricists: Are you following the story hun?

7:19 PM - CORL!: Yep

7:19 PM - lyricists: Hmm Ill save to word when Im done and send you a copy

7:19 PM - lyricists: Anyway

7:20 PM - lyricists: It was Steven's birthday, and the birthday boy was asking for donations

7:20 PM - lyricists: Everyone chipped in, except for the ever frugal Hong

7:21 PM - CORL!: Can't remember if I did

7:21 PM - lyricists: You did

7:21 PM - lyricists: You gave him castle crashers

7:21 PM - CORL!: Oh OK

7:22 PM - lyricists: Afterwards, Hong pulled Jen to the side and asked why she didnt push Corl to shut up after pressuring her to purchase an expensive game for the birthday begger

7:22 PM - lyricists: Used to Jen agreeing with him, Hong was taken aback when Jen responsded calmly that she did all that she could and it was none of her business

7:23 PM - lyricists: Hong, perhaps motivated by an underlying resentment at Corl for taking his Jen away, decided to go on a ten minute rant

7:23 PM - CORL!: Double sent hmm

7:23 PM - lyricists: eek

7:24 PM - lyricists: hun,maybe i should continue when youre on laptop again?

7:24 PM - CORL!: 10 minute rant right?

7:24 PM - CORL!: I mean I can get on laptop but mobile is easier

7:25 PM - lyricists: ok np, i hope your connection is good enough and it doesnt miss any lines

7:25 PM - CORL!: I don't think I did

7:25 PM - CORL!: Just duplicated once

7:25 PM - lyricists: Proclaiming Corl's distaste, his brashness and inconsideration of other people, Hong proceeded to make a big shitfest over nothing

7:26 PM - lyricists: Sensing Hong's jealousy, this immediately turned the Princess off even more. Cooly she responded that she felt that Corl meant no ill intentions and that he (Hong) needed to calm down

7:27 PM - lyricists: The next part is a blur so I'll sum it up before I go to the love part for you

7:28 PM - CORL!: OK

7:30 PM - lyricists: Hong's relationship with Jen, as a result, began to steadily decline. Feeling abandonned, he set his sights on Piyo. Unlike Jen, Piyo wasn't complicated, she wasn't openly outgoing so there was little threat of her running off with someone else, Piyo was avaliable and they both had something in common - they were both cast aside by Jen. She also had a lot more patience, understanding, empathy and emotional capability in dealing with someone as emotionally unstable as Hong

7:31 PM - lyricists: The end came when Hong had asked Jen to play League. When she refused, bitterly he responded, 'So you'd rather play with a 16 (lol) year old kid?'

7:32 PM - lyricists: From then on, Jen saw Hong pull Sam and Piyo into League and she was fine with that, because she had Corl

7:34 PM - lyricists: Piyo's downfall was slightly more complex. The only regret Jen ever had in getting rid of her was the fact that she lost not a friend, but a great comrade - one of the best partners in gaming of all time. But she was sick of listening to her emotional issues, her lifestyles and her obsession with her insanity...Jen felt as if she had stuck around any longer, she would've been pulled down into the abyss as well

7:35 PM - lyricists: Piyo never did anything majorly wrong per say, but she was never true about her intentions. She lied about her fondness for Hong, calling tasks such as 'hanging' with the guys as 'babysitting' and throwing a shitstorm when Jen suggested that they probably wanted to spend more time with her

7:37 PM - lyricists: Moreover, Jen felt as if she was the princess, not some filthy commoner like Piyo. If Piyo had stayed around, would she have became the queen? Lumping Piyo and Hong together were perfect, they deserved each other. Without Piyo, Jen didn't have to feel threatened anymore

7:39 PM - lyricists: Like Piyo and Hong, both Sam and Jeff never accepted Jen's friendship with Corl

7:39 PM - lyricists: Sam, out of resentment, lashed out at Jen when she asked why she had to be constantly compared to Piyo

7:40 PM - lyricists: To which Sam responded, 'Well, it's a bit hard when you don't allow people into your circle Jen'

7:40 PM - lyricists: And throughout all of this, the Princess remained puzzled; especially at the fact that people could actually develop such intense feelings for her

7:41 PM - lyricists: Why did people have to attach themselves so easily when they meant nothing to her

7:41 PM - lyricists: To her, what made her happy was hanging with Corl. She never thought about it being romantic, it was just something that made her happy

7:43 PM - lyricists: Sometimes Corl

7:43 PM - lyricists: I dont think I realise how close we can be, and that freaks me out you know

7:43 PM - lyricists: Like

7:43 PM - CORL!: Hm?

7:43 PM - lyricists: I know youre a friend, but I don't realise that in a sense, it's hard to explain

7:44 PM - lyricists: Like , everyone (including Aaron) would always comment on how close we are and how much chemistry we have

7:44 PM - lyricists: but I don't seem to notice it you know

7:44 PM - lyricists: I just see it as having fun with yo

7:44 PM - lyricists: *you

7:44 PM - lyricists: So maybe my interpretation of feelings is a bit weird

7:44 PM - lyricists: I dont seem to process feelings very well


7:45 PM - lyricists: Maybe that's what sets me aside from everyone else

7:45 PM - lyricists: UHH I GUESS ITS BOTH


7:45 PM - lyricists: yeah, i broke out of the story to talk to you

7:45 PM - lyricists: LOL

7:46 PM - lyricists: i just feel like there's someting really really wrong with me lol, thats all

7:46 PM - lyricists: or maybe im the normal one

7:46 PM - lyricists: LOL

7:46 PM - lyricists: anyway



7:47 PM - CORL! is now Online.


7:48 PM - lyricists: U TOO

7:48 PM - lyricists: hmm

7:48 PM - lyricists: back to story

7:50 PM - CORL! is now Online.

7:50 PM - CORL!: OK

7:50 PM - lyricists: Even if Princess Jen had casted aside many people, she didn't seem to have an ounce of remorse. To her, this was the internet, she gets to choose who to be with, she should have the freedom to do whatever she wants to, even if it was at the expense of hurting so many people. But she also, whether it was a subconscious method to protect herself or just a general lack of empathy on a whole, she remained unable to comprehend how people could love her so much

7:50 PM - lyricists: especially on the internet

7:51 PM - CORL! is now Away.

7:51 PM - lyricists: She just knew that from the moment Corl added her again, it was just fun talking to him. There was never any pressure, she never had to worry about intimacy because in some senses, Corl was a realist too, he never thought about running away together and having 100 children on a farm or whatever

7:52 PM - lyricists: She knew he wouldn't have the time or energy to be developing all these weird thoughts and feelings or be like one of the many people to suddenly blow up at her, dissing her character and leave her

7:52 PM - lyricists: Corl seemed like a good fit for Jen, she thought, as he was just as apathetic as he was

7:54 PM - lyricists: Additionally, she found it hard to describe but she just liked being with him, even during times when he was playing KF and she was busy yelling at her team mates on Dota, it was just fun being with him

7:56 PM - lyricists: They never had alarmingly mind blowing conversations, but Jen just liked the feeling of simplicity and happiness she felt.

7:58 PM - lyricists: Just like playing a video game with a good friend, the minutes turn to hours and suddenly, its daylight and you've both stayed up all night - is a decent analogy to Jen's feelings for Corl. You're not aware of it happening, you aren't really aware when and how or really exactly how much time had progressed, it just goes BAM, and one day, you just feel the way you do

7:58 PM - lyricists: THE END

7:58 PM - lyricists: FIVE HOURS OF TYPING

7:58 PM - lyricists: MY FINGERS

8:02 PM - lyricists: omg curl did u fall asleep

8:02 PM - lyricists: =_=

8:51 PM - CORL! is now Offline.