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Engagement Cloud for Magento

General 3

Getting started 3

Installation 5

API Credentials 9

Automation Studio 10

Data syncing 13

Getting started 13

Settings 13

Address book mapping 17

Data mapping 19

Abandoned cart 25

Getting started 25

Easy email capture 26

Link to cart 27

Automation 29

Getting started 29

Automation enrolment 29

Review request 31

Exclusion rules 32

Dynamic content 35

Getting started 35

Best sellers/most viewed 38

Coupon codes 39

Manual product push 41

Security settings 42

Styling options 44

Transactional email 47

Getting started 47

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Engagement Cloud for Magento


The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector is a powerful extension that enables you to integrate your email

marketing with your Magento store's customer and product data. Straightforward and speedy installation and

integration allows for swift synchronisation of all of your Engagement Cloud email data with your Magento ecommerce

customer data.

It is the most feature-rich integration for Magento 1 and Magento 2 in both B2C and B2B channels.

Making use of key Engagement Cloud features such as OrderInsight, external dynamic content, automation and page

and ROI tracking, the connector enables storage of all your customers' orders, carts and wishlists; segmentation on

purchase behaviour; automation of email triggers, such as a welcome series or post-purchase feedback; reporting on

page visits and ROI for each campaign; abandoned cart emails, including the cart contents; inclusion of dynamic

product recommendations in emails; sending of SMS order status notifications; and insertion of uniquely generated

voucher codes for each individual customers in your campaigns.

How the core data synchronisation process works

The core data synchronisation process works via the creation and population of database tables during the installation

process, and these are then updated and maintained via a handful of observers and cron services.

Creation of databases

Upon installation of the connector, we create nine new database tables. These are:

• email_contact - All contacts who will be synced to dotmailer

• email_order - All orders that will be synced

• email_wishlist - All wishlists that will be synced

• email_review - All reviews that will be synced

• email_quote - All quotes that will be synced

• email_catalog - All products that will be synced

• email_automation - All contacts due to be enrolled or that have been enrolled into a program that will be


The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector can be found on GitHub -

It is available for Community Edition (version 1.6.1 upwards), and Enterprise Edition (version 1.11.1


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Engagement Cloud for Magento

• email_campaign - All campaign sends sent or due to be sent (abandoned cart or review requests only) that

will be synced

• email_importer - All batches of data that have been imported or due to be imported that will be synced

During installation these tables become populated with your historical data, after which time they are updated

automatically by cron services.

Cron services

The following cron services batch data from these tables and add them to the importer table ready for import:

• ddg_automation_customer_subscriber_guest_sync - Batches data from email_contact table

• ddg_automation_order_and_quote_sync - Batches data from email_order and email_quote tables. Also

finds orders placed via guests and adds contacts to email_contact table (the frequency can be configured).

• ddg_automation_reviews_and_wishlist - Batches data from email_review and email_wishlist tables (the

frequency can be configured)

• ddg_automation_catalog_sync - Batches product data from email_catalog table (frequency can be


All of the above cron services can have their frequency configured.

All of this data gets batched and then added to the email_importer table, which involves the running of the following

cron service:

• ddg_automation_importer - Looks for the oldest non-imported import and kicks off an import. This runs

every 5 minutes (again, the frequency can be configured), checks the status of the last import and, if

complete, marks it as done and then starts the next one.

The importer also checks the import fault file for all contact imports and if it contains suppressed contacts, it updates

their status in both the email_contact table and the core Magento newsletter table.

The following cron services also perform the following tasks:

• ddg_automation_abandonedcarts - Detects abandoned carts based on the time settings you specify and

adds contacts that are due to receive an email to email_campaign table (this runs every 5 minutes)

• ddg_automation_campaign - Creates contacts and performs sends of all unsent campaigns (abandoned

cart and review requests only; this runs every 5 minutes)

• ddg_automation_status - Creates and enrols any contacts into the email_automation table that haven't been

added yet (this runs every 15 minutes)

• ddg_automation_cleaner - Archives files created from the batching process (this runs once a month)

Magento multisite implementation

If you have multiple Magento websites and stores, the connector will support this. All the data we send includes both

the website and the store the data originated from, so you can use this information for segmentation.

In addition to this, all settings can be configured on a per website basis, allowing different websites to sync to different

Engagement Cloud accounts.

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Engagement Cloud for Magento


The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector can be installed in various ways, and these are outlined further below.

Firstly though this article begins with guidelines for a pre-installation health check to ensure all goes as well as

possible before, during and after installation.

Pre-installation health check

Versions and compatibility

The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector is compatible with both Community and Enterprise platforms of


For Community, we’re compatible with:

1.6.1 +

For Enterprise, we’re compatible with:

1.11.1 +


While every site is different, the connector could potentially come into conflict with other extensions.

For instance, other extensions using namespace could conflict with front name 'connector' previously used to access

dynamic content, which is pulled from the site on a send.

Abandon cart extensions and other SMTP tools could also possibly come into conflict with the connector, and this

makes it important to state these during the installation process.

Please note that this extension is provided as is. Our recommendation is to always backup your installation prior

to use.

Please note: Core rewrite conflicts with Newsletter\Model\Subscriber.php, Customer\Model\Customer.php,


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Cron installation and Engagement Cloud tasks

The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector has several cron tasks attached with the install to ensure the

connector functions correctly.

Below are the current tasks and their timings:

• ddg_automation_abandonedcarts - at five minute intervals

• ddg_automation_campaign - at five minute intervals

• ddg_automation_catalog_sync - at 15 minute intervals

• ddg_automation_cleaner – on the 1st of every month

• ddg_automation_customer_subscriber_guest_sync - at 15 minute intervals

• ddg_automation_importer - at five minute intervals

• ddg_automation_order_and_quote_sync - at 15 minute intervals

• ddg_automation_reviews_and_wishlist - at 15 minute intervals

• ddg_automation_status - at 15 minute intervals

The cron heartbeat should be running every five minutes to action the required tasks and the synchronisation of data

into the Engagement Cloud account. The connector is unable to function correctly without it.

File permissions on var/export

File permissions on your site are an important part of the connector being able to write imports to be sent over to


The connector will require full access (0777) to the var/export directory or full access to the CRON user running on the


UAT and sandbox environments

Engagement Cloud always recommends testing any new deploys/extensions within sandbox/UAT environments,

enabling you to check the compatibility with your site and other extensions you may have installed.

For UAT and sandbox environments, you should check the types of your contact data fields in Engagement Cloud

plus any possible firewall restrictions for API calls, i.e. when connecting an API user between Engagement Cloud and


You can do this by creating a separate trial account of Engagement Cloud (

Reset tables

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Engagement Cloud for Magento

If you happen to want to, or need to, completely reset all of your Engagement Cloud tables after install, you can do so.

It will have the same effect as performing a fresh install.

Click Run Now and all tables will be removed, recreated and all data in them will be refilled anew.

This is found by going to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Developer and clicking on 'Sync Settings'.

Steps to install the Magento connector via Magento Connect

Before you can enjoy all of these benefits, however, you must first successfully install the connector. To do this, follow

the steps below:

1. Login to your Magento account and locate the Magento Connect store within their site; this is Magento's extensions

marketplace. Search for 'dotmailer' in the extensions search box in the top right corner of this page. This will find the

Engagement Cloud connector for you (alternatively, use the link provided at the top of the 'General - Getting started'

section on page 3). Clicking on the title will take you through to the connector's details page.

Click on Install Now, accept the terms and conditions, and then click on Get Extension Key. Copy the extension key

to your clipboard.

2. Return to your Magento admin panel and go to System (along the top navigation bar) > Magento Connect >

Magento Connect Manager.

You will be asked to login again with your Magento Administration Credentials.


Resetting tables is an extremely critical operation and should only be done when your site is in maintenance


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Engagement Cloud for Magento

You'll then go through to the 'Extensions' page. Look under 'Settings' and untick the appropriate box to put your store

into maintenance mode, then paste the extension key into the appropriate field under 'Install New Extensions',

followed by clicking Install.

3. At this point, information will appear allowing you to check whether you're installing the latest version of the

connector. If this is correct, click Proceed and the installation will begin.

4. The panel at the foot of the page will indicate when the process is complete by confirming that the cache has been

cleaned successfully. After this has been confirmed, click Refresh to refresh the cache and then return to the

Magento admin panel. You will be required to logout of the admin panel and then log back in to complete the


5. Confirm the installation has completed correctly by visiting System > Configuration and then locating your new

DOTMAILER configuration section in the left-hand menu.

Steps to install the Magento 1.0 connector via FTP

1. Go to our official Magento 1.0 public repository -

2. Download it as a ZIP.

3. Unzip the file.

4. Drop/move all of the source folder content inside the unzipped file into the corresponding destination folders -

5. Clear cache or disable the cache before installing the extension.

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6. Log out for the ACL to update.

7. Log in again.


To enable the Engagement Cloud for Magento connector to communicate with your Engagement Cloud account and allow data

synchronisation, you will need to enter valid Engagement Cloud API credentials.

Steps to entering your API credentials

To do this successfully, follow these steps:

1. Login to your Engagement Cloud account and mouse over the person-and-cog icon located in the top right corner. A settings

menu will appear; select Users and then select the API users tab to create a new API user


2. Return to your Magento admin panel and select API Credentials in the left-hand menu, under DOTMAILER.

3. Enter the credentials (username and password) of the API user you just created.

Ensure you enter these correctly.

Once happy, click Save Config in the top right. A confirmation message will tell you that the credentials are valid and

that the configuration has been saved.

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Why are my API credentials showing as red and not working?

There are a couple of reasons why this could be happening:

1. You may not be entering the correct API credentials. Double-check the API credentials you're using are correct,

and that you've entered them without a mistake. If, after double-checking, the problem persists despite the fact

that you think you're using the correct details, we'd recommend deleting the API user and creating a new one just

to make absolutely sure.

2. The API user may not be enabled within dotmailer. Ensure that the user is enabled before continuing.

After saving the API credentials, the 'Enabled' dropdown then displays as 'No' and the

details aren't saved. Why is this?

Sometimes the Magento admin panel caches previous details and is unable to save new ones. It which case, it is

worth opening the Magento admin panel in a new session/browser and trying again.


The Automation Studio is access to your Engagement Cloud account and the Engagement Cloud application in its

entirety from within the connector (by clicking on Marketing Automation along the top navigation bar).

By providing OAuth/single sign on credentials, you can link your Magento account with your Engagement Cloud

account, meaning there's no need to log into Engagement Cloud or keep switching between windows to create

campaigns, automation programs, manage contacts or use any other of its functionality.

Once linked and accessed, you just click on Full screen positioned along the far right of the Engagement Cloud

navigation bar to open Engagement Cloud in full screen mode in a new browser window.

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How to set up access to Automation Studio

In order to set up access to Automation Studio, you will need OAuth credentials. These are obtained by

emailing, who will provide you with a client ID and a client secret key.

There are also a couple of other requirements:

• The email address associated to your Magento user must be a user of the Engagement Cloud account you

are trying to link to

• Your website must have an SSL certificate

Provided you have your OAuth credentials and the above requirements are in place, you're ready to set up your


OAuth credentials are managed by going to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Developer and then clicking

on OAUTH Credentials.

The following section will display:

You are required to fill this in as follows:

• 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret Key' - Enter these as provided to you.

• 'Connection' - Only click Connect once the above details are entered and you have clicked Save Config.

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• 'Custom OAUTH domain' - If your Engagement Cloud account is running on a custom domain instead of the

default Engagement Cloud one, you need to specify it here.

• 'Custom Authorization URI' - If your admin site is running on a different domain to your website, you need to

specify your website's homepage domain here.

Upon success, you should get redirected back to this page and the 'Connect' button should be displaying 'Disconnect'



I receive an error when trying to connect to dotmailer. Why am I unable to connect?

There could be a few reasons causing this, so double-check the following:

1. Ensure the email address of your Magento user is the same email address of a user of the Engagement Cloud

account that you're connecting to.

2. Visit https://[]/connector/email/callback and ensure SSL is working.

3. Log into your Engagement Cloud account and ensure the domain of your account is https://r[x]

If it's not, you need to specify the domain you do see in the 'Custom OAUTH domain' field.

4. Ensure that your website's homepage is on the same domain as the one you're accessing the admin site from. If it's

not, you need to specify this different domain in the 'Custom Authorization URI' field.

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Engagement Cloud for Magento


The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector synchronises your contact data to three different address books for

three different types of users of your site - customers, subscribers and guests.

How data syncing works

As explained in the 'General - Getting started' section (page 3), this process works by contacts being batched from the

Engagement Cloud email_contact tables and inserted into the email_importer. From there, the importer cron

processes all batched data from the importer and sends it to your Engagement Cloud account.

Before any synchronisation can begin, however, you'll need to create these address books in your Engagement Cloud

account so they can be selected and mapped to from within the connector.

In addition to setting up address books, you will want to create and map contact data fields too. This is simply the

mapping process enabling us to sync Magento data to contact data fields you have created in dotmailer. The articles

in this section explain how.


With the Engagement Cloud for Magento connector, you have additional data syncing configuration options within

'Configuration' and 'Developer'. For instance, you can select which order status types are used in order calculations.

To access these data field configuration options, click

on System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Configuration > Data Fields.


Everyone gets synchronised, which includes contacts who decide to unsubscribe from your store. Therefore, to

be clear, such unsubscribed contacts will be removed from your Magento subscribers address book only; their

status will remain as subscribed in your dotmailer account.

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To access advanced settings, click on System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Developer.

'Data Fields' configuration

Data fields calculations from status

You can select which order status type or types are used when calculating contact data field values such as total

spend, average order value or number of orders, for instance. This means you can exclude those that you don't want

to impact upon the calculation at all.

To choose multiple statuses, hold Ctrl whilst selecting.

Select Save Config in the top right. Magento will confirm that the settings have been saved.

Brand attribute

Depending on how your Magento site has been set up, it could be that you don't use the default manufacturer attribute

to define a product's brand. This option allows you to select an alternative attribute for the brand related values which

are synced.

Select Save Config in the top right. Magento will confirm that the settings have been saved.

'Developer' advanced settings

You also have the ability to set some advanced settings, as well as manually running and resetting synchronisations,

under 'Developer'. If you're not a developer, then it's probably more likely that you'll want your developer to deal with

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this section. For instance, you can adjust your import settings, automap your customers' details to Engagement Cloud

contact data fields, manually run synchronisations, as well as reset/refresh synchronisations. This includes the ability

to delete all contact IDs when wanting to synchronise with a different Engagement Cloud account and API credentials.

Sync memory limit (under 'Import Settings')

Click on the dropdown list to select No to use the system default memory or Yes to use the customer sync memory


Depending on your site's configuration you may not have either enough memory set in the PHP memory or too low a

PHP timeout setting for our sync to work. As a default we use your site's default setting but selecting 'Yes' will set the

timeout as 7200 and the memory as 512MB.

Select Save Config in the top right. Magento will confirm that the settings have been saved.

Contact sync size

You can set the batch size limit you require for the amount of contacts loaded for every sync. Just type this number

into the box and then click Save Config.

Settling upon the ideal number will best be arrived at via your own cut-and-try process, dependent upon your

particular server specifications.

It is important to note this batch size is per website, as we sync details at a website level. A batch size of 1000 would

be 4000 if your Magento site has four websites running on the same instance and linked to dotmailer.

Automap data fields (under 'Admin Tasks' in 'Sync Settings')

If you do not wish to manually map the key information that you store on customers from your Magento website to

Engagement Cloud contact data fields, then you can use this option to do it automatically.

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Click Run Now and the relevant contact data fields will immediately be created in your Engagement Cloud account to

match your customer, address and sales information fields.

Delete all contact IDs

You may decide at a later date to synchronise your Magento site with a different Engagement Cloud account, or even

synchronise a different store front to a new Engagement Cloud account. To ensure this works correctly you will need

to delete all the customer contact IDs that have been stored against the customers, as these are unique to the

Engagement Cloud account.

Manually run sync

Click on Run Now to manually run synchronisation on contacts, subscribers, orders, wishlists, reviews, quotes and


Refresh customers (under 'Reset Sync Options')

Clicking Run Now will refresh all of the customer data stored in Engagement Cloud that you've already imported from

Magento, marking it all for import again and ensuring it's up to date.

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Refresh subscribers

Clicking Run Now will ensure your subscribers to your Magento site are refreshed and added to your contacts,

ensuring they are marked for import and will be included in the next scheduled sync.


When I manually run a contact sync it's fine but when the cron runs nothing happens. Why is this?

The server user you use when manually running a sync is typically different to the user cron uses. If this is happening

it is likely the cron user doesn't have the correct permissions on the /var/email/export folder.

When I manually run a contact sync I get an error about permissions. How come?

This normally happens when the var/export/email folder does not have the correct permissions to write and read the

files the connector produces. To test whether this is the case, set the folder and subfolders as 0777 and run the sync

again. You should see a sync success message.

Steps for mapping to your address books

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Firstly, create the new address books required. There are two ways to do this:

• Access your Engagement Cloud account and create the new address books

( required - one for

customers, one for subscribers and one for guests


Changing the address books you want your contacts to sync to after you've already synced contacts to dotmailer

will reset all the contacts in Magento to re-sync to those new address books.

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• Create new address books directly via System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Sync

Settings and clicking on Create Address Book. It will expand to display a field in which you enter the new

address book's name. You can also select the visibility of the address book by choosing whether it's publicly

viewable or private; making it 'public' will mean contacts will be able to join or unsubscribe from it. Once

happy, click Create New Address Book and a confirmation message will appear at the top of the screen

confirming the creation of the address book in your Engagement Cloud account.

2. If you have followed the first option in the first step above, return to your Magento admin panel and go to System >

Configuration > DOTMAILER > Sync Settings. Otherwise, if you followed the second option, you'll already be in the

right place to move onto the third step.

3. At the top of the screen, under 'Address Book Mapping', you can use the dropdown lists to select the appropriate

address book to map your customers, subscribers and guests to. The lists will include any new address book that

you've created, either via Engagement Cloud or the connector.

Before any synchronisation can begin, however, you'll need to create these address books in your Engagement Cloud

account and then select them within the connector for your Magento data to map to and synchronise with.

4. When satisfied with your mapping, select Save Config in the top right. Magento will then confirm that the settings

have been saved and you will have successfully mapped to your Engagement Cloud address books.


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Contacts synced to your customer address book will all be registered customers of your Magento site that have a

customer account. All contacts within this address book will have the additional contact data field information

populated against them that you map in data mapping.


Contacts synced to your subscribers address book will all be subscribed contacts found in the default Magento

Newsletter Subscribers table/report. We only sync the email address for these contacts. However, if you have

subscribers who are also registered customers then they will have the additional contact data fields populated. When

a subscriber on your website unsubscribes on your Magento site, then we remove them from this address book.


If you have the order sync enabled, it means that we will add the email address from an order placed by a guest who

isn't a customer or a subscriber to your guests address book. We only sync the email address for these contacts.

However, if you have guests who are also registered customers then they will have the additional contact data fields

populated here.


Why don't I have any address books to select from in the dropdown?

You need to make sure you have saved and valid API credentials.


As standard, the normal synchronisation process will only synchronise your customers' and subscribers' email

addresses. However, the connector provides you with the ability to map other key retail information that you store on

contacts from your Magento website to your Engagement Cloud account.


Editing any of your data mapping settings after you already have contacts synced to dotmailer will reset all of

your contacts in Magento to re-sync with the new corresponding contact data fields.

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This can be general customer information, which includes title, customer ID, first name, last name, etc., including the

total number of reviews a customer has left and the date they last left a review.

Subscriber status can also be mapped, enabling you to send relevant dynamic content based on whether a customer

is subscribed or not.

Furthermore, you can map address and sales information, including a customer's last quote ID, enabling you to send

relevant product recommendations as dynamic content based on a customer's last abandoned basket/cart. In addition

to this, customer trend data can be synced and mapped, such as most frequent day/month of purchase and most

purchased category/brand.

Custom Magento attributes can also be added and then mapped to Engagement Cloud contact data fields.

If you integrate with Sweet Tooth, then you can also map a customer's Sweet Tooth rewards information to your

Engagement Cloud contact data fields.

Steps for mapping to contact data fields

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Create the relevant contact data fields (

deleting-contact-data-fields) you require in your Engagement Cloud account.

2. From System > DOTMAILER, select Data Mapping.

3. From the available dropdown list next to each of your Magento fields, select the Engagement Cloud contact data

field you want to map to.

Note: the full contact data field information outlined below will only sync for your registered customers. Contacts

who are subscribers or guests will be limited to having just an email address, website and store name synced to


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4. Click Save Config in the top right when satisfied with your mappings. Magento will then confirm that the settings

have been saved. The next time your scheduled synchronisation runs, these contact data fields will be included and

mapped to.

Adding new custom attributes

You can also add any custom attributes that you've created in Magento for capturing customer information and map

this to your Engagement Cloud contact data fields.

To do this, click on Add New Attribute under 'Custom Attributes'. Dropdowns will then become available to select

your custom 'Attribute' and accompanying 'DataField' to map to.

Choose these as appropriate. After adding one, you can add further new custom attributes, as well as delete any, with

the buttons provided.

Once happy with your new custom attributes and mappings, click Save Config in the top right.

Creating a new contact data field

It could be that you don't have an appropriate existing contact data field to map an attribute to in your Engagement

Cloud account. In which case, you have the ability to create a new Engagement Cloud contact data field within the

connector, which saves you from having to go off to Engagement Cloud to create it.

Click on Create Data Field at the foot of the page. It will expand so you can enter your new contact data field name,

select a contact data field value type from the dropdown list, enter a default value if you wish to (useful for campaign

personalisation purposes), and choose the visibility of the field.

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Remember - make sure you select the appropriate data field type to match the sort of data that is going to be stored in

the new data field: string, numeric, date or Boolean (true/false or yes/no).

When happy, click Create New Data Field. The new data field will be created in your Engagement Cloud account and

will subsequently be available to map to your Magento fields from the dropdown list.

Data field definitions

The definitions for the data fields are as follows:

Customer Information

• Title - The customer's title.

• Customer ID - The Magento database ID for a customer.

• First Name - The customer's first name.

• Last Name - The customer's last name.

• D.O.B - The customer's date of birth.

• Gender - The customer's gender.

• Account Created Date - The date/time the customer's account was created.

• Last Logged In Date - The date/time the customer last logged into their account.

• Customer Group - The customer group the customer is currently assigned to.

• Customer Review Count - The number of approved reviews the customer has left.

• Last Review Date - The date of the customer's last approved review.

• Subscriber status - The customer's subscriber status as taken from 'Newsletter Subscribers'.

Alternatively, an automapping function for contact data fields is available in System > Configuration >

DOTMAILER > Developer (covered in ‘Automap data fields (under 'Admin Tasks' in 'Sync Settings')’ on page


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• Billing Address Line 1 - The customer's default billing address line 1.

• Billing Address Line 2 - The customer's default billing address line 2.

• Billing State/Region - The customer's default billing state/region.

• Billing City - The customer's default billing city.

• Billing Country - The customer's default billing country.

• Billing Zip/Postcode - The customer's default billing zip/postcode.

• Billing Telephone - The customer's default billing telephone.

• Delivery Address Line 1 - The customer's default delivery address line 1.

• Delivery Address Line 2 - The customer's default delivery address line 2.

• Delivery State/Region - The customer's default delivery state/region.

• Delivery City - The customer's default delivery city.

• Delivery Country - The customer's default delivery country.

• Delivery Zip/Postcode - The customer's default delivery zip/postcode.

• Delivery Telephone - The customer's default delivery telephone.


• Total Number of Orders - The number of orders the customer has placed as a customer. The orders used in

the calculation can be configured in the 'Data Fields' section in 'Configuration'.

• Average Order Value - The average order value of the customer's orders. The orders used in calculation can

be configured in the 'Data Fields' section in 'Configuration'.

• Total Spend - The total value of the customer's orders. The orders used in calculation can be configured in

the 'Data Fields' section in 'Configuration'.

• Last Purchase Date - The date of the last order the customer placed as a customer.

• Last Increment ID - The friendly order number of the customer's last order.

• Total Refund - The total amount the customer has had refunded via Magento.

• Most Purchased Category - The category a customer has most frequently purchased from based on their

history. If there's no clear winner then the category with the highest spend wins.

• Most Purchased Brand - The brand a customer has most frequently purchased from based on their history. If

there's no clear winner then the brand with the highest spend wins. The attribute used to define brand can be

altered in the 'Data Fields' section in 'Configuration'.

• Most Frequent Day of Purchase - The most frequent day of the week the customer makes an order on. If

there's no clear winner then the day with the highest spend wins.

• Most Frequent Month of Purchase - The most frequent month of the year the customer makes orders in. If

there's no clear winner then the month with the highest spend wins.

• First Category Purchased - The first category the customer purchased from. If the order contained multiple

categories then the highest value category wins.

• Last Category Purchased - The last category the customer purchased from. If the order contained multiple

categories then the highest value category wins.

• First Brand Purchased - The first brand the customer purchased from. If the order contained multiple brands

then the highest value brand wins. The attribute used to define brand can be can be altered in the 'Data

Fields' section in 'Configuration'.

• Last Brand Purchased - The last brand the customer purchased from. If the order contained multiple brands

then the highest value brand wins. The attribute used to define brand can be altered in in the 'Data Fields'

section in 'Configuration'.

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System Values

These values need to be mapped for all of the URLs within the 'Dynamic Content' section to work. These data fields

only get updated via the connector as and when an email is triggered that requires the values to be populated with the

corresponding data for the email.

• Website name - The website the contact originated from.

• Store name - The store name the contact originated from.

• Last Order ID - The database ID of the last order the customer placed.

• Last Quote ID - The database ID of the last quote the customer had.

• Abandoned Product Name - The most expensive product's name for the current abandoned cart.


The dropdowns to map to Engagement Cloud contact data fields is empty. Why is that?

You need to ensure you have valid and saved Engagement Cloud API credentials (

Why do I only have a couple of contact data fields to pick from?

You need to create corresponding contact data fields in your Engagement Cloud account.

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Engagement Cloud for Magento


The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector allows you to send abandoned cart emails to both your customers and

guests of your website. Each type of site visitor can receive three different emails scheduled for different times, each

with different email content. Using dotmailer's external dynamic content function (

gb/articles/212212948-Working-with-external-dynamic-content), you have the ability to include the contents of their

cart within the emails you send.

Our abandoned carts functionality works via an analysis every five minutes of quotes in the core Magento quotes

table. In this table, your visitor's last modified date is within the time settings you have set and contains an email

address or one associated to a registered customer. It is important to note that this functionality will not work if you are

not using the default Magento quote functionality.

We allow you to set up to three emails to be triggered when a cart is abandoned, and you are also allowed to set up

different emails for customers and guests. In addition to this, as per all of our features, you can configure different

settings per website.

Steps to enable abandoned cart emails

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Create the campaigns you wish to send as abandoned cart emails within your Engagement Cloud account.

2. In System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Abandoned Carts, select whether you are setting these up

for Customers or Guests.

3. Enable the amount of abandoned cart emails you require, set the time delay for the sending of the emails after the

cart is abandoned, and then select the relevant campaign you created in step 1 from the 'Campaign To Send'

dropdown list.

Please note that the external dynamic content URL for abandoned carts can be found under 'Abandoned Carts'

in the 'Dynamic Content' section of the connector (read more in ‘Dynamic content – Getting started’ on page 35).

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4. Click Save Config in the top right. Magento will then confirm that the settings have been saved. Your abandoned

cart emails will send accordingly.

Adjusting abandoned carts email limit

The ability to adjust abandoned carts email limit is found in the 'Abandoned carts' section

in System> Configuration > DOTMAILER > Configuration.

You can restrict the sending of an abandoned cart email to a contact if they've already received a previous one within

a set amount of hours. This avoids overloading contacts' inboxes if they do tend to have a habit of regularly

abandoning their carts. Select from options between 1 to 240 hours and click Save Config once happy with the



Enabling the easy email capture functionality will allow you to capture your site's user's email addresses when they

haven't fully completed your checkout process or newsletter sign up process. This will mean you'll still be able to send

them an email, re-engage, and potentially get them to complete their order or newsletter subscription.

It is accessed by going to System> Configuration > DOTMAILER > Configuration > Abandoned Carts.

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Easy email capture (checkout)

Enabling this updates Magento with a user's email address at the point of them leaving the email address field of your

checkout process. This is particularly useful if you have a single page checkout process (meaning you don't have the

ability to capture an email address via submission on a previously completed page). If a single page checkout is

abandoned, then you're still able to send an abandoned cart email thanks to the easy email capture functionality.

Easy email capture (newsletter)

Enabling this updates Magento with a user's email address at the point of them leaving the email address field of your

newsletter sign up process. This is particularly useful if you have a single page newsletter sign up process (meaning

you don't have the ability to capture an email address via submission on a previously completed page). If a single

page sign up process is abandoned, then you're still able to send an email thanks to this easy email capture



The 'link to cart' functionality adds an additional link to the external dynamic content block used in abandoned cart

emails to display an abandoned cart's contents. Where possible, the link will take the recipient right back to where

they left off on your website - but this isn’t always the case.

The different behaviours when the link is clicked are as follows:

• Registered customers who are logged in will be taken straight back to their cart. In doing so, we evaluate

the contents of the customer's current quote and any missing items from the abandoned cart that are no

longer in the customer's current cart (if they have one on the go) will be re-added.

• Registered customers who aren’t logged in will be taken to the customer login page and, once logged in,

they will be taken to their cart – but their cart doesn’t get completed with missing items from their current


• Guests with a session that’s still active will be taken straight back to their cart.

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• Guests who no longer have an active session will be taken straight back to an emptycart.

Enabling link to abandoned cart

You can enable a link to an abandoned cart using the 'Link To Cart Enabled' dropdown

in System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Configuration > Abandoned Carts.

In addition to enabling the feature, we also allow you to customise the wording of the link that shows with the external

dynamic content block. The default wording is 'Take me to my basket'.

It is also assumed that your site's cart URL is using the default cart URL - /checkout/cart. However you may have

needed to edit this for some reason, so you can also specify the new path if this is the case.

Another assumption is that your site's login URL is using the default login URL - /customer/account/login. However,

you may have needed to edit this too, so you can also specify the new path if this is the case.

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Engagement Cloud for Magento


The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector allows you to automate messaging to visitors to your online store.

Program enrolment actions

You can enrol contacts into a specific automation program, as created in dotmailer's program builder

(, based upon the

following actions:

• Becoming a new customer

• Becoming a new subscriber

• Creating a first order as a customer or guest

• Creating an order as a customer

• Creating an order as a guest

• Submitting an approved review

• Creating a new wishlist

This means all of these types of contacts can become instantly engaged with tailored programs and will receive your

targeted campaigns, offers and promotions automatically and seamlessly.

In addition, you can choose to enrol contacts into programs based upon a change in order status.

Other types of automation

You can also enable and configure the automated sending of review emails (see ‘Review request’ section on page

31), integrate with Feefo (if you have an account), and send SMS order status notifications.


You can choose to enrol contacts into automation programs that you have set up in your Engagement Cloud account.

These enrolments could happen, for instance, when certain visitor actions take place on your site or when a contact's

order status changes.

Access automation settings by going to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Automation.

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Engagement Cloud for Magento

Steps to add contacts to a program

Via a visitor action

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Create the program or programs you wish to enrol a various type of contact into within your Engagement Cloud


2. Select Visitor action automation enrolment.

3. From the associated dropdown lists, select the appropriate program into which you wish to enrol the various types

of contacts.

4. Click Save Config in the top right. Magento will then confirm that the settings have been saved. From now on,

these types of contacts will be enrolled into the program or programs you've selected and will receive campaigns


If you have decided to enable the new customer and/or new subscriber program enrolment then you're more than

likely wanting to disable the default Magento emails that get sent when these actions happen. Magento as default

does not allow this functionality. However, within our extension

under System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Configuration > Admin we provide an option to disable them.

Via an order status change

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Again, create the program or programs you wish to enrol a various type of contact into within your Engagement

Cloud account.

2. Select Order status automation enrolment.

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3. Select the order status type from which you'd like to enrol upon.

4. Choose the automation program you'd like to enrol contacts into for this order status type.

5. Click Save Config in the top right. Magento will then confirm that the settings have been saved. From now on,

contacts with this order status type will be enrolled into the program selected and will receive campaigns accordingly.

6. Click on Add New Enrolment to create more order status type enrolments.


I don't seem to have any programs to select from. Why is that?

This could either be because your API credentials are invalid or you have not yet set up a program in your

Engagement Cloud account. Find out about setting up programs over on dotmailer’s knowledge base -

How frequently do you enrol contacts into automation programs?

The feature works by batching and enrolling contacts into programs every 15 minutes.


The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector allows you to send review trigger emails based on a selected amount

of days' delay after an order reaches a certain status type. Additionally you can configure settings such as the option

to include an anchor on external dynamic content links, which will take customers directly to your review form for filling


You can also integrate with Feefo - the global feedback engine.

Please note that the external dynamic content URL for reviews can be found under 'Reviews' in the 'Dynamic

Content' section of the connector (read more in ‘Dynamic content – Getting started’ on page 35).

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Steps to enable and configure review email settings

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Create the campaigns you wish to send as review emails within your Engagement Cloud account.

2. Go to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Automation > Review Reminder Settings.

3. Enable review emails from the 'Enabled' dropdown.

4. Select the order status type upon which you'd like to base the trigger of a review email to customers.

5. Set a delay period (in days, ranging from one to a maximum of 90); the review email will then be sent that number

of days after the selected order status type occurs.

6. Select the relevant campaign you created in step 1 from the 'Campaign To Send' dropdown list.

7. In the field 'Reviews Anchor', you can provide the anchor used on your product pages for reviews; this allows

customers clicking on the external dynamic content links of purchased products in your review email to be taken

directly to your review form.

8. Click Save Config in the top right. Magento will then confirm that the settings have been saved. Your review emails

will send accordingly.

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Exclusion rules can be created to exclude abandoned cart and review emails being sent under certain conditions. A

rule is made up of a condition (e.g. subtotal) followed by a condition (e.g. 'is less than) and ending with a value (e.g.

like a numerical one such as 10). Conditions are attributes and rules are made up with a condition followed by a value.

Your created rules are listed under the 'Email Exclusion Rule(s)' page, where the ID is given, the rule's name, the

rule's type, it status, when it was created, when it was last updated, and the website the rule applies to.

How to create an exclusion rule

Go to Marketing Automation > Exclusion Rules and click on Add New in the top right to create a new rule.

Firstly, you need to add the rule information. This consists of a rule name, so you know what the rule is or does, what

type of rule it is - abandoned cart or review email exclusion rule, the status of the rule - active or inactive,and which

website the rule applies to.

Lastly, click on Conditions in the side panel to add your conditions, and then click Add New Condition. You can add

a single condition or multiple conditions, of which 'all' can be set as needing to match,, or just 'any' of the multiple

conditions need to be matched.

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In the example below, the subtotal attribute must be less than a value of 10 in order to exclude the contact from being

sent an abandoned cart email.

Click Save and your rule will appear under 'Email Exclusion Rule(s)'. Click on it to edit it.

Click on the Delete button to delete a rule.

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Engagement Cloud for Magento


The Engagement Cloud for Magento connector allows you to take full advantage of dotmailer's external dynamic

content feature (,

enabling you to send emails full of relevant content to your customers, keeping them engaged, informed and

interested, and helping you to vastly improve your ROI.

You can send all sorts of various external dynamic content, including abandoned carts, review requests, unique

coupon codes and product recommendations. These recommendations can be based on a contact's most recent

order, or their most recently abandoned cart, or their wishlist.

Access dynamic content settings by going to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Dynamic content.

External dynamic content URLs

Listed under the 'Passcode' section are all of the external dynamic content URLs you can use within your campaigns,

pulling through the relevant content for the customer or guest from your Magento store into their email. These break

down into seven sections:

• Abandoned carts - includes the abandoned cart content of a customer or guest of your site.

• Reviews - includes the content of a customer or guest's last order, requesting a review for it

• Coupon codes - integrating with Magento's promotional rule builder, this allows you to insert uniquely

generated coupon/voucher codes for each individual customer

• Order recommendations - provides dynamic product recommendation content based on a customer or

guest's most recent order

Using external dynamic content URLs

Please remember - using any of the external dynamic content URLs effectively creates a normal page request to

your site. When these URLs are dynamic (e.g. they contain an email address variable) and you send a bulk

email to 50,000 contacts, dotmailer will be making 50,000 web requests to your site during the send. Depending

upon your infrastructure, you may want to either throttle the send or use a non-dynamic URL.

Please note: As of the v4.0.0 release, the external dynamic content link uses the last quote ID rather than email

address, ensuring better performance and increasing reliability for Magento stores with a multi-website setup.

You will need to ensure you've updated this external dynamic link within any existing campaigns using this.

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• Cart recommendations - provides dynamic product recommendation content based on a customer or guest's

most recently abandoned cart

• Product recommendations - provides general dynamic product recommendation content based on best

sellers, most viewed, products you're pushing and those recently viewed by the customer or guest. You can

optionally add a category ID or category name to the end of the 'Best Sellers' and 'Most Viewed' URLs so that

these products are taken from a specific category of your site, as opposed to being site-wide.

• Wishlists - includes the content based on a customer's wishlist, whilst related, upsell and cross-sell product

content based on the wishlist can also be pulled in

All external dynamic content URLs are also responsive when used within a responsive campaign, meaning they will

look good on any device.

Furthermore, all external dynamic content URLs will return a 204 response code if no data is found for a contact.

These are then recorded for a campaign in the 'Email skipped' report (

gb/articles/212211738-Using-the-Emails-skipped-report), which is available in the reporting overview screen in


Dynamic products

This area enables you to set the display configuration for 'Wishlist', 'Reviews', 'Related Products', 'Up Sell Products',

'Cross Sell Products', 'Best Sellers', 'Most Viewed' and 'Recently Viewed' dynamically pulled into your associated

product recommendation emails.

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The display type can be altered via a dropdown between a grid or list view, whilst the amount of items to display can

also be altered too.

However, in terms of 'Reviews', there is simply the choice between a grid or list view of the products making up the

contact's last order.

'Best Sellers' and 'Most Viewed' contain an extra option to alter the time period from which these product

recommendations are taken against - daily, weekly or monthly.


How are products selected/ordered in external dynamic content blocks when they're

associated with multiple products?

If an order or quote has more than one product in it then one recommendation per product is pulled in, beginning with

the most expensive and looping through the products until the recommendation block is complete.

What if a recommendation is a product already within the order/quote?

We ensure we never show duplicate products.

What if a recommendation is out of stock?

We ensure we never show out-of-stock products or products with the display settings as hidden or disabled.

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In addition to the dynamic recommendations that can be pulled into emails based on what a customer has previously

purchased, or is about to purchase, you can also pull in your website's best sellers and most viewed products.

You can find the URLs for this dynamic content in System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Dynamic

Content > External Dynamic Content URL's.

How to set up best sellers/most viewed

The products displayed within these dynamic content blocks makes use of the default Magento 'Bestsellers' and 'Most

viewed' products reports, which can both be found in Reports > Products.

You also have the option to configure what time period we select these products over. This is done with the following


It's important that you've viewed the products and best sellers reports to ensure any products that could be returned

over the selected time period remain enabled and in stock.

Remember to click Save Config after making any changes.

Filter by category

In addition to pulling in content based on the selected time period, you are also able to filter these reports by adding a

category ID to the end of the URLs we provide. This means, for example, you can ensure you only send the best

sellers of your men's catgeory to your male contacts.

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Using our coupon codes external dynamic content URL allows you to include unique, single-use coupon codes within

any email you want to.

This will allow you to incentivise your contacts with coupon codes without the risk of the codes being shared and


Setting up coupon codes

Firstly you need to create a valid shopping cart price rule in Magento. This can be found in Promotions > Shopping

Cart Price Rules.

When creating a new rule, you need to ensure you select that a specific coupon must be used and you want to use

auto generation.

Once this is done and you have set up the rule, including the conditions and actions if required, you need to save the

rule and then copy its ID. This can be found here:

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You can then insert the coupon code URL we provide (which is found by going

to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Dynamic Content) into your Engagement Cloud campaign and replace

the part of the URL that says [INSERT ID HERE] with the ID you copied.

You can also set an expiry for the coupon in the URL. This is done by replacing the part of the URL that says [INSERT

NUMBER OF DAYS HERE] with a number. Therefore, if you insert the number 30 there, then the coupon code will

expire after 30 days and will no longer work if used during a checkout after that time.

The expiry countdown begins when the contact first clicks on the coupon code URL to generate their coupon code.

Entering 0 will result in setting no expiry time at all.


What does the format of the coupon codes look like and can it be changed?

The coupon codes we generate are always in the format of AAA-AAA-AAA and can't be changed.

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Can I alter the font and style of the coupon codes you generate?

You certainly can - find out more in the ‘Styling options’ section on page 44.


You can set the configuration for dynamic content to display manual product recommendations that you decide upon

and that aren't generated by any other category or parameters.

Access manual product recommendation settings by going to System > Configuration> DOTMAILER > Dynamic


Setting up manual product recommendations

The products that you wish to manually push need to be entered as comma separated product IDs under 'Products'.

Use the product picker to easily find, select and enter product IDs. Firstly, click on Choose Products to open the


Upon selecting the products you want, their IDs will automatically populate within the 'Products' field.

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Fallback products

It's useful to have fallback products ready should any products due to go into your emails be unusable, thus they can

be replaced. Once again, these fallbacks need to be entered as comma separated product IDs under 'Products'. The

product picker is available here for your convenience.

Remember to click Save Config after making any changes.


You can set set up and adjust security for your dynamic content, such as a passcode to be sent with dynamic content

requests (recommended) and the ability to restrict the IP addresses for which dynamic content URLs will display.

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Implementing and adjusting security settings


Go to System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Dynamic Content and click on External Dynamic Content URL's,

where it is firstly recommended to set a passcode. This will ensure basket contents and coupon codes can only be

viewed if that passcode is sent with the external dynamic content request, adding security.

Dynamic pages IP restriction

In addition to all our URLs requiring the above passcode included, you can also manage the list of requesting IP

addresses that these URLs will display for when requested from them. The 'Dynamic Pages IP Restriction' section is

found in System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Developer.

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As a default, we include the three IP addresses (,, that Engagement

Cloud sends requests from when sending emails to pull in this content, but for testing purposes you may want to add

your office IP so you can view these URLs directly in your browser.

Removing all IPs from this box and clicking Save Config will completely disable the IP verification on these pages (for

v5.3.0 and above). This is not recommended, however.


You can apply the styling of your choice to all of the dynamic content pulled out of your Magento site. This section can

be found in System > Configuration > DOTMAILER > Configuration > Dynamic Content Styling.

Applying dynamic content styling

Simply enter your styling (example below) in the box provided.

Additionally you can edit the product link text by entering it in the 'Product Link Text' field provided. Default text will be

used if nothing is entered here.


When adding an IP address to this list, you need to leave a space after the comma that separates it from the last

IP address in the list. Without it, your external dynamic content won't work.

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Furthermore, you can set the font colour, font size and style for the product name, product price and product link.

You can also set the font and background colour which will apply to the whole document containing your dynamic

content, as well as being able to choose the font colour, font size and style for any other text that is in the document.

Coupon codes can have their font colour, font size, style, font and background colour applied.

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Once happy, click on Save Config to apply the dynamic content styles.


I would like to style the dynamic content beyond what is provided by these options - is this


Yes - but your developer will be required to create new template files and override our theme with them.

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Engagement Cloud for Magento


With the Engagement Cloud for Magento connector, you can make use of dotmailer's transactional email service to

send, manage and track all of your transactional emails. By doing this, you'll be benefiting from dotmailer's high

deliverability rates and reporting and analytic tools.

For more information and guidance about dotmailer's transactional email service, read ‘Using transactional email’ over

on dotmailer’s knowledge base -

Using dotmailer's transactional email

The Magento integration uses the simple sending method of SMTP and is purely a delivery mechanism for all the

transactional emails you already have set up in Magento under System > Transactional Emails. Engagement Cloud

doesn't provide any ability to edit, manipulate or design any of your transactional emails.

By using dotmailer's transactional email service, you benefit from not only improved deliverability of your transactional

emails but also greater visibility and insight into the sends, opens and clicks for these communications.

Setting up

After creating a transactional email user in Engagement Cloud (

gb/articles/212214408-Using-transactional-email#create), you'll need to add the email address ('Username' in the

connector) and password to the connector's 'Transactional Emails' section.

Transactional email needs to be enabled

To be able to use transactional emails in the connector, you'll firstly need to ask your dotmailer account manager

to enable dotmailer's transactional email service within your account.

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Once happy, click Save Config and, provided all the details are correct, you'll be set up in the connector.

Before you start sending your transactional email, there are two more points to consider:

• All transactional emails sent from Engagement Cloud must use a custom from address


that's already been set up in your Engagement Cloud account. If the from address set up in Magento doesn't

exist in Engagement Cloud then we'll alter the transactional email's from address to your account's default

from address.

• It's also important to have set the 'unknown mail forward' on the from addresses you use in Engagement

Cloud (

campaigns#replyaddress) to ensure that any replies to your transactional emails are forwarded on.