Double Page Spread Analysis

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Double page spread analysis

As well as the colours, the actual message is grabbing, as the word murder is usually associated to intriguing articles. The way that the written part of the article is displayed is effective as it is a contrasting colour to the image, and sits at the edge were peoples eyes will finish after scanning the image. The pull quote used, is to effective as the name of the celebrity shown is in a different colour. This is effective as it helps the reader to see who they are reading about if they do not recognise the photo. Also the way that the name is shown is effective as it is the first words that your eyes are attracted to when scanning the pages, this helps the reader to settle down if they like the celebrity, or skip if they do not. And finally is the use of the Q logo with “the Q interview”, this shows that the interview is one of the main articles within the magazine and that it would probably be good.

This is a double page spread

from the magazine Q. the page is mainly laid out by the picture. The image itself takes a full page, plus about 3 quarters of the second page, the other quarter being text. This is effective, as people tend to flick through a magazine to find what relates to them; the large pictures helps in this as it pulls in the attention of what readers think is a poster. The headline of the double page spread is large and in a contrasting colour, this also is eye grabbing to someone who will just be flicking through page spread is large and in a contrasting colour, this also is eye grabbing to someone who will just be flicking through.

It is also hiding a picture which will make the readers not only read the article, but look beyond to see what is barley visible, making this page a main focus. The main heading is also effective as it is red, which contrasts blue, and has effective writing “too future for you?”. This is effective as teenagers and young adults have a fashion for being futuristic, and this will appeal to the readers as they will find it aggravating and wanting to know why they aren’t up to date enough for it. Mixing this with the image below it is also effective as it shows a geographical picture of Japan, which is ironic and funny for non-Japanese people, as the Japanese are referred to as more technologically advanced than any other country. Also, the font used is a retro futuristic style, something that would have been popular in the 80’s, this also give us an impression of irony and how the younger age feel they are beyond it.

This double page spread is quite

attractive, this would mainly be because of the blue background and frequent use of pictures. The reason that the use of the pictures is effective is because they frequently appear with captions that give us a slight glimpse of what is said about in the written part. This makes the reader of the magazine feel urged on to reading the article. Also the background of the article as I mentioned earlier, is effective, this is because it is a vibrant, electric blue, which is a modern colour that attracts the attention of teens and young adults.

After looking at the picture, your attention is then grabbed by the small image of the page opposite the larger image, the image shows the band from their younger days. This is effective as it shows us that the article will feature something from their past. It is also made more effective by the way that it is displayed, it is similar to that of a scrapbook or pin board, which associates highly to younger and older generations. The scrap book being the older generation and the pin board being the younger. However, when you look at the opposite page to the picture, the article seems to be longwinded, which most young people don’t want to sit and read. However, for those who love the band, they will find this to be “brilliant”, as it is more information on their favourite famous people. As well as this, the use of the two pull quotes are effectively used, this is because they are of a contrasting colour to the background, and stand out making us feel as though we have to read them. Finally, the font of the M is effective, as it is the size of one paragraph and is also the first letter of the bands name, showing that they are the importance of the page. And the font for the pull quote is also effective as the italics compliment the bold.

This is a double page spread

from a Q magazine featuring the world wide known band Muse. The first thing you notice when you look at this spread is the image of the band, this is effective as it is large and eye grabbing. It will also help the magazine to sell as it can be used as a poster, as it is large and not disorientated by tons of writing, kind of making this a two, for one article. Seeing this band in large, will make almost anyone stop to read the article, as anyone would be proud to say, “ I read an article about Muse”.