DPN 5000 Desktop NanoFabrication System What is Dip Pen ... · systems and substrates designed to...

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  • DPN 5000 Desktop NanoFabrication System

    LOT-Oriel Group Europe. For your local contact click at: www.lot-oriel.comeMail: nano@lot-oriel.com

    What is Dip Pen Nanolithography®

    The Technology

    Dip Pen Nanolithography (DPN®) is an established method of nanofabrication based on atomic force microscopy (AFM). It enables the precise control of materials transferred from a tip to a substrate. Custom-designed nanoscale features are easily fabricated using “inks” comprised of a wide range of materials from nanoparticles and thiols to DNA and proteins. The development of new ink formulations, optimized deposition protocols and ink delivery devices has ad-vanced DPN from a fundamental research tool to an easy-to-use nanofabrication system.

    The DPN 5000 System

    The DPN 5000 is the latest member of the NSCRIPTOR™ family of nanofabrication products. It combines versatile nanopatterning capabilities with high-performance AFM imaging. Together with a com-plete suite of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMs) based ink delivery devices, users may begin creating their own nanostructures hours after installation.

    A new, ultra-low noise scanner with closed loop flexure technology allows for accurate and repeatable na-noscale patterning in x, y and z. A low coherence laser with small spot size ensures high quality lateral force (LFM) imaging for the improved detection of chemically patterned substrates.

    Operating on an industry standard Linux® controller and with input from over one hundred users worldwide, NanoInk has developed new InkCAD™ 4.0 software for improved control of tip-based patterning. Customer partnerships have led to the development of innova-tive probe technologies tailored to user applications. NanoInk’s MEMs facility manufactures single probes, 1D or 2D passive and active probe arrays, ink delivery systems and substrates designed to maximize the capa-bilities of the NSCRIPTOR product family.

    Schematic of the DPN Process

    Ink Coated DPN PenIndividual Ink Molecule

    Water Meniscus

    SubstrateNanopatterned Ink

    Writing Direction

  • DPN 5000 Desktop NanoFabrication System

    LOT-Oriel Group Europe. For your local contact click at: www.lot-oriel.comeMail: nano@lot-oriel.com

    InkCAD™ Software Features

    Demonstrating Top-down and Bottom-up Nanofabrication

    The DPN 5000 is the only scanning probe system that is designed and optimized specifically for DPN®. At the core of this system is the InkCAD software package. With its user-friendly interface, it is possible to easily design complex patterns while also precisely control-ling the tip movements during the writing process. Most important is the ability of InkCAD to register nanoscale patterns, making them available for subsequent di-rect write steps and greatly simplifying the alignment process.

    Step 1: Design and Deposit

    Use InkCAD to design and execute the deposition of a nanoscale array of etch resist material to a gold coated silicon substrate.

    Step 2: Etch and Image

    Remove the substrate and place it into a wet-etch solu-tion, removing any exposed gold. Return the substrate to the DPN 5000 and use MicroMap and NanoMap to quickly and easily locate and image the nanoscale array.

    Step 3: Register and Deposit Second Ink

    Use NanoFind to map the AFM image onto the system coordinates, making it possible to directly write another material to the previously fabricated structure.

    Navigating the Nanoscale


    Mapping the current optical view of the substrate is as simple as clicking the capture button. The software auto-matically saves the image, maps it to the system coordinates and overlays it on the current video screen.


    When features are beyond the resolution of the optics, NanoMap can take any atomic force microscope image and map it to the system coordinates. Once saved, the nanoscale image can be merged with existing microscale images, making navigation about the substrate easy.


    This software feature uses automated alignment and calibration routines that allow for the patterning of existing structures while maintaining nanoscale precision. Without NanoFind, it would be virtually impossible to use multiple pens and multiple inks.

  • DPN 5000 Desktop NanoFabrication System

    LOT-Oriel Group Europe. For your local contact click at: www.lot-oriel.comeMail: nano@lot-oriel.com

    NanoAffinity Templates

    Use DPN to pattern nanoscale features that direct the binding and orientation of other nanoscale objects.

    MHA nanoaffinity template controlling carbon nanotubes.


    Use DPN to create custom arrays of biomolecules.

    DPN Templated Surface

    1 2 31 µm

    Source: Wang, Y, et al, PNAS (2006) 103, 7.

    1. Charge Attraction2. Encoded Hybridization3. Specific Ligand Binding

    Selected DPN® Applications

    Solid-State NanoPatterning

    Directly deposit etch resists to create nanoscale pat-terns of any material on any substrate.

    Both positive and negative features are possible using DPN delivered etch resists. MHA nanoaffinity template controlling carbon nanotubes.

    6.0 4.04.0 2.02.0 0.0

    Y[µm] 0.0 Y[µm] -2.0-2.0 -4.0

    -4.0 -6.0

    -4.0 -4.0-2.0 -2.02.0 2.04.0 4.06.0 6.0 8.00.0 0.00.0 0.050.0 50.0

    Z[nm] Z[nm]

    X[µm] X[µm]

    -6.0 -8.0


    Positive Etch Negative Etch

    Klarite®: a commercially available surface en-hanced Raman substrate.

    Use the DPN 5000 to inspect, image, map and selectively deposit in microwells.

    4 µm

    Source: Demers, LM, et al, Science (2002) 296.

    Lysozyme nanoarray made using DPN.

    25 µm

    Source: Lee, KB, et al, Science (2002) 295, 5560.

    Directed PlacementDecorate existing micro/nano structures using DPN

    2 µm 2 µm

    Image courtesy of D3 Technologies Ltd, Glasgow UK.

    Create true nanoscale DNA arrays using DPN.

    Use DPN to directly de-posit fibronectin arrays for cell adhesion studies.

    20 µm

    7 µm

    Source: Lenhert, S, et al, Small (2008) 4, 10.

    Image courtesy of Dr. Milan Mrksich Group, University of Chicago.

    Directly write model phospholipid mem-branes to a surface.

    For more applications visit www.nanoink.net

  • DPN 5000 Desktop NanoFabrication System

    LOT-Oriel Group Europe. For your local contact click at: www.lot-oriel.comeMail: nano@lot-oriel.com

    The Next Generation DPN® System

    Nanoscale PrecisionA closed-loop scanner with superior linearity ensures that nanoscale precision and accuracy are maintained.

    Multi inks (ODT and MHA) coat a multi probe array

    LFM after secondary ODT deposition

    5 µm MHA


    Resultant LFM Image without tip lift

    1 µm

    Lithography Calibration Patternwith tip lift

    1 µm

    Lithography Calibration Pattern

    Resultant LFM Image

    1 µm


    3 µm 3 µm

    The Complete Desktop NanoFabrication System The DPN 5000 includes everything you need for tip-based nanofabrication.

    1 Complete AFM Imaging for Nanoscale Pattern Analysis.

    2 InkCAD™ (Computer Aided Design) for DPN PatternsNext generation of advanced lithography control and analysis.

    3 Custom DPN ScannerClosed loop 90 µm x, y, z flexure scanner for accurate and re-peatable patterning. Low coherence laser for improved imaging.

    4 Multiple Sample Stagesfor substrate handling, ink delivery and advanced environmental control of temperature and humidity.

    5 Custom MEMs for DPNPassive and active probe arrays, custom designed cantilevers, inkwells and substrates complement a variety of inks.

    The Importance of MEMs for DPN®

    Quality and consistency of DPN tips are the most impor-tant variables in determining the accuracy and reproduc-ibility of the resulting DPN patterns. NanoInk manufac-tures customized pens at its MEMs fabrication facility. This allows the monitoring and control of pen quality as well as optimization for specific applications. Our silicon nitride pens differ from standard AFM probes with spring constants designed for writing with specific molecules.

    NanoInk is leading the development and application of active and passive multi-pen arrays to improve speed of deposition and enable large area patterning.

    Fully compatible ink delivery systems (Inkwells) have con trolled surface reactivity. The hydrophobic and hy-drophilic nature of the wells and the surrounding areas ensures no cross-contamination of inks.

    1D Passive Probe Array

    Active PenTM Array 2D Nano PrintArrayTM

    Guaranteed tip radii (10 – 15 nm) through SEM validation.

    10,56 nm

    Features of the DPN 5000

    Controlled Feature SizeUse InkCal™ to execute and measure calibration pattern, then use calcu-lated ink diffusion rates to control feature sizes.

    Multiple Layer AlignmentUsing the DPN 5000 alignment wizards, write multiple layers, with mul-tiple inks, using multiple pens.

    Full Tip ControlThe DPN 5000 provides easy access and control of all tip movements preventing unwanted deposition.


