Dr. Daniel Nyamai: The Government of Kenya's Green economy strategy #BeatingFamine

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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D. Nyamai1, B.E.N. Chikamai1 and Janet Oyuke2

1 Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)2 Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)

Key words

10% tree cover Environmental resilience IncomeFood securityAgriculture sector-wide ministries & stakeholders

Introduction• Kenya’s land mass is 587,000 km2 with a population of around 40 million people which is growing at a relatively high rate of 2.7%.

• Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for majority of the population.

• Agricultural potential of the land however varies and only 17% of the land is of high potential for rain fed farming

• Irrigation is practiced in about 100,000 hectares and the rest of the low potential land is under dry land farming and pastoralism.

• The country is facing severe environmental problems. Greatest of these problems is land and forest degradation mainly from removal of vegetation, unsustainable land management practices and overstocking

•Growth in agricultural production has over the last few decades been based on extensification rather than intensification, which has pushed the agricultural frontier to the extent that forest cover is barely 5.9% of the land

Area of Forest types in Kenya

Source: FAO Report on State of Forest in Kenya, 2010

Name of variable Area (‘000Ha)

1990 2000 2005 2010

Indigenous closed Canopy 1 240 1 190 1 165 1140Indigenous Mangroves 80 80 80 80Open woodlands 2 150 2 100 2 075 2050Public Plantation Forests (1) 170 134 119 107Private Plantation forests (1) 68 78 83 90Bush-land 24 800 24 635 24 570 24510Grasslands 10 730 10 485 10 350 10350Settlements 8256 8 192 8 152 8202Farms with Trees 9 420 10 020 10 320 10385Inland water Bodies 1 123 1 123 1 123 1123Total Area for country 58 037 58 037 58 037 58037

Forest degradation trend in Kenya 1988-2012

Source: World Bank Report 2011

Charcoal burning in the Mau Forest Complex

Logging of indigenous trees on the Maasai Mau Forest

Effects of the cleared forests in Kenya

Changing Paradigm……. • The Country has embarked on agriculture sector-wide

implementation strategy to comply with the 10% rule for forest cover.

• Engaging in sustainable agriculture (agroforestry best practices) – conservation agriculture with trees

. Policies and legislation enacted to guide sustainable development and management of trees in farming systems - Ministry of Agriculture Farm Forestry Rule, 2009 under Agriculture Act Cap 318 ; Forest Act 2005

. Institutional Innovations – Multi-sector and Public participation and Partnerships

Agric Sector-Wide Implementation Strategy

Implementation underpinned by an integrated and holistic agro-ecosystem approach targeting livelihood, food security and environmental resilience

Thematic focus:1. Demonstration, validation and packaging best practices2. Strengthen capacity and institutional framework for up-take and

scaling up best practices and innovations3. Policy , legal and institutional framework4. Investment and Trade in tree-based enterprises5. Up scaling sustainable agro-ecosystems, natural resource

management (NRM) for Climate Change adaptation and mitigation strategies

Agroforestry practices in Kenya - Cowpeas intercropped with Melia Volkensii tree Kibwezi – KEFRI project

Melia volkensii tree grown to provide Timber and earn income to the farmers

Implementat ion strategy &Coordinat ion

•Mechanisms that reinforce synergy, complimentarity and coordination

•Partnerships & Networkingeco-regionally-coordinated activities - consortia of national teams in collaboration with regional and international institutionsCoordination

Process driven by science and practice of agroforestry/ farm forestry (putting in place best practices/ technologies & innovations);incorporate incentive packages – promote tree farming as a business;

Mainstream Agric & Forestry sector reform agenda targeting 10% forest cover.

Way forward•Fast-tracking stakeholders collaboration & partnerships

•Information generation and packaging for scaling up implementation of 10% forest cover

• Enhance technical assistance for best practices, protocols, standards and guidelines

•Build capacity of stakeholders and relevant institutions create enabling environment for private investments in farm forestry;

•Enhance awareness and understanding of social and economic factors

•Promote enterprises and marketing channels for tree products;

•Promote effective policies and programmes related to conservation of biological diversity, rehabilitation of forest and tree resources

•Articulate role of farm forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation

•Provide a platform for information & experience sharing

Thank you