Draft2 part 3

Post on 12-May-2015

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What is a documentary?

Documentaries focus on and question people and real life events by placing the audience in a position to create a point of view about what or who they are seeing.

Creates reality



This is real people in an unreal situation, reality television is now a combination of many different programme types as it's often referred to as "infotainment". Programmes such as; Emergency 999 and Police, Camera, Action.

Reality TV is a mix of raw and authentic material with the seriousness of an information programme and the commercial success of tabloid content.



"Talking head" interviews and "vox pop" interviews. Interviewee placed on the right/left of the camera looking off

camera (looking space). Cutaways. Images/footage relating to text/voice including archive material. Backing music to tell the audience what to feel and also matches

genre and audience. Narrator or presenter. All documentaries have a narrative structure and most are closed

narrative (conclusion). Straight cuts to the next shot to make it seem more believable. Graphics - names/charts/information. Documentary type suits the TV channel and audience. Handheld camera work for drama and involvement. Factual and informative.


Examples of


The Documentary Genre


This is defined by the "voice of God" narration which addresses the viewer and anchors the meaning of the images to make it seem more objective and honest.



popular combination of documentary series that follows a group of characters that are entertaining and quirky, like soaps.

• What sets Docusoaps apart from their predecessors is their prioritisation of entertainment over social commentary. E.g. Airport, Driving School.



Episode 1


• Stereotypes of females and males

• Style of clothing • Stereotyped

Subcultures • Rebellious behaviour

• Use 1. Black Gangs 2. Style of clothing

• Develop1. Statistics

• Challenge 1. Interviews2. Media positive


Episode 2


• Violence• Use of language• Male stream• Power• Woman are Inferior• Whores • Body language

• Use 1. Violence 2. Male stream

• Challenge1. Woman inferior 2. Interviewing how

different they are back stage

Episode 3


• Video games- influencing, hypo-reality

• Riots • Youth crime• Rebellious teens• News stories put into



Presenter will introduce talking the show and title – channel 4 you are now watching……

When that is done we’ll have a instrumental playing low in the background whilst presenter is talking about the topics that will be discussed

We will Show what is going to happened in this episode

Have music playing in the background whilst forward of the 5mins is being showed

•Put images of statistics of how negative view on youths in this modern society

•Voice over whilst this is happening

•We will have case studies on youth portrayal

•Begin our own experiment with having a youth with hoodie going into shop

Presenter talking about facts whilst showing up on screen

Talking about how youths are portrayed through music vids and news/t.v

Example of videos and shots

Interview people to see what they think and if they agree that this is how youths really are

Challenge the view that youths are rebellious

Have voice over of presenter talking whilst shots of positive things that youths do come up Statistics of how many gcse’s they get

After shool session they attend at school and helping of community

After break What will happened after break

Fast forward

Then slow down with youths saying

were not as bad as you think


#Voice over

Now coming up on channel 4 is a documentary about youths representation. You surely don’t want to miss this, so don’t move.


Presenter: Hi I'm…. Throughout this documentary we will be talking about the portrayal of youths through different media platforms we will be specifically talking about the negativity/ positivity of how people perceive youths through different media platforms which are music TV/films and news.



EPISODE 2 Riots – how it started ? – why gangs protect each other (brother

hood) – influence

Gun crime rates and knife crime rates

Stereotypes – mentality ? Education ? young girls getting pregnant ?

Video footage of gang members

Interviewing older gang members

( research, decide what to put in episode over weekend)

Episode 2

EPISODE 3 Positive

Information, footage, images of youths form ages 13 – 18 doing something positive, school grades, league tables, images of certificates, boys going to college. Girls going to uni. (graduating)

Why do the media continuously disregard positivity about the youth ? Is it deliberate ? Or are the majority of us bringing the small minority down ?

Good things youths do in society to challenge the negative stereotype that the media communicates to people

Episode 3