Dusk legacy Uni-3 The New Place

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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The New Place

The Dusk Legacy- Generation 2 Uni.Part 3


Welcome back! With another day over, There’s only one day left of the vacation.


Hem: “What?”

You’re on vacation for goodness sakes. Stop getting those wants.

Truth be told, the last day was uneventful. Log rolling was done.

And then they were headed home.

To this sight.

May: “What happened here?”

Hem: “My guess? Dark Fairies.”

Cheerleader Valencia: “Hey! Love the new look!”

Ugg. Get her out. I’ll fix the place.

And much digging for treasure and a final exam later, here it is!Welcome to the Annya Oresha Nargard Greek House!

Nix: “Oh! Hemlock! Are you all alright?”

Hem: “Yes, yes. Hi Mom.”

Hem: “We came home to find our house destroyed, but we’re all good. We even have a giant house now.”May: “Shouldn’t we be worried about them coming back?”Wisty: “Nah.”


Hem: “Yes Mom, we’re fine, but if you don’t mind me asking, why exactly were you exiled?”

Nix: “…It’s difficult to explain.”

Hem: “I don’t really care.”

Nix: “I was too nice.”

Hem: “What?”

Nix: “Hem… These fairies aren’t the kind of fairies in the fairy tales. They… let’s just say that they hate everything but themselves.”

Nix: “So much so that simply being nice too often will get you exiled.”

Hem: “This isn’t going to just stop, is it? They’re not going to go away until we’re dead. Why are they trying to kill us?”

Nix: “Yes, you’re right. But I don’t want to talk about it.”

Hem: “…we’ve got problems.”

Wisty: “Hem! We’re almost out of college! Ignore it for now!”

So Hem works on skilling for school.

Term papers get written.

Buttercup earns her bronze sewing badge.

And Foxie learns to paint.

Mainly because Hemlock was busy making snapdragons for the main house.

Foxie: “Hey Hemlock!”

Hem: “Hello little minion.”

Buttercup is taught self-defense while Hemlock writes yet another novel.

This makes me happy. Sure, it was bringing their grade up before final exams, but I finally have a nice dining room.

Which brings us to this. Another final exam over! Woot woot! Seniors in the house!

MayApple plays epic piano.

Hem: “May, You’re wearing your PJ’s.”

May: “Well, my armor is heavy.”

May: “Oh…”

Yes! It’s not another flat face!

So, while May pulls up wants to talk to him, Hemlock plays the piano.

They belong together.

Yikes! That’s got to be uncomfortable!

Buttercup: “Yes!”

Silver sewing badge.

Because of their trip to the community lot, Hem and May had their final exam a few hours early.

So here are the other three.

This cow mascot has become a second cow trophy. She just stood there for the entire semester.

Blonde: “This guy is pretty annoying.”

May: “Yeah, he is.”

This is Harry Lear. He’s either this generation’s placeholder, or May’s future husband. Or both.

This family has quite the taste in noses.

He has a nose! Why don’t you marry him?

May: “No.”

But Llama babies…

Wisty: “Ohh…”

Another novel finished. Way to go, Hem!

Alright, I’ve had enough of you.

Kelsey the Cow Mascot: “Moo…?”


----Many thanks to whomever made the “Stuck Object Remover”.

May: “Pizza.”

You don’t eat in this house. Snapdragons, remember?

May: “Pizza.”

Works off that pizza.

Hem: “First this piano song then-.”

Foxie: “Quiet.”

Hem: “Influence…”

He’s a pledge by the way.

Yeah, he’s going to be both placeholder and spouse.

Caitlin Martin
Both what? I think what you are refering to is too far away to just say this. Tell us what he is.

And he’s done pledging and moved in. Now everyone can leave!

Because of graduation!

I’m terrible at parties. So they just get to leave.

Welcome to the founder’s hall! Which is extremely hard to get a decent picture of them all (Which is why the picture is bigger)!

Buttercup and MayApple tied for heir-ship. I considered my options, and I’m going with Buttercup. Thus the gold frame.

See you all next time, when I finally get back to the main house!

Harry: “Well. What now?”