前言 Foreword · 2019. 12. 18. · 1 前言 Foreword...

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前言 Foreword




The January issue of this year’s Cheng-chung Newsletter is finally out. Thanks to good collaboration

between all of us, the edition is rich and varied in content, covering all work, reports on activities

organized both in and out of school, etc. by the Academic Committee, Guidance Committee and the

Religious Studies, Ethics and Civic Education Committee. To foster a more thorough understanding of the

school, we welcome any comments and suggestions for improvement.


Editorial Board

學務委員會 Academic Committee

․ 非華語學生中國語文科學與教策略

Learning and Teaching Strategies for Chinese Language for Non-Chinese Speaking Students



With the strategy of using picture books to teach Chinese to non-Chinese

speaking students, their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills are

expected to progressively improve over time.



Our school is one of the seed schools in the programme:

Tradition and Innovation: Supporting the Learning and

Teaching of Chinese Language for Non-Chinese Speaking

Students in Secondary Schools offered by the University of


Hong Kong. In additional to teaching support, two after-school

Chinese tutorials are held every week.

․ 應用學習 Applied Learning

本年度開辦模式二應用學習課程「餐飲業運作」。6A 班嚴文齊、林采彤及陳雪莹同學於應用學習

課程表現優異,獲羅氏慈善基金與教育局合辦之「高中應用學習獎學金(2014-15 學年)」頒發


Food and Beverage Operation (Mode 2 APL course) is offered in our school this academic year. YIM

MAN-CHAI, LIN CAI-TONG and CHAN SUET-YING from 6A were each awarded the 2014-2015 Senior

Secondary Applied Learning Scholarship and the Special Award in recognition of their overall


․ 課後支援計畫 After-school Tutorial Programme


Our school has joined the EDB Community-based Programme and 9 after-school tutorials, respectively

on Chinese, English and Mathematics, are held every week.


Religious Studies, Ethics and Civic Education Committee

聖經告訴我們:「應愛你的近人,如愛你自己。」(瑪 19:19)由此可知,若要愛人,先要學




命。此外,學校希望學生能愛護環境,關心社會。本組聯同學生會響應 10 月 16 日世界糧食日,


的呼籲。同時,本組與校園管理委員會共同參加由港燈主辦的『智「惜」用電計劃 2015』,在校




「光盤行動」 ‘Empty Your Plates’ Campaign

做個負責任的寵物主人 Be a Responsible Pet Owner

‘You shall love your neighbors as yourself.’ (Mt 19:19) If we want our students to love themselves, we

need to guide them to understand the inner self first. Through the ‘One-minute Tranquil

Contemplation’, students may develop a calm and peaceful mind and have a better sense of

introspection. We have invited the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to give a talk

on ‘Be a Responsible Pet Owner’. We hope students learn to love not just themselves but also

animals. We worked with the Students’ Union to promote the ‘World Food Day’ on 16th October,

2015. We participated in ‘Empty Your Plates’ Campaign in order to raise their awareness of hunger

and food shortage problems in the world. We also partnered with the School Management Team and

joined the ‘HK Electric Smart Power Campaign 2015’. The school has installed ultra red light sensors

on different spots on campus to save energy. At the beginning of our school term, representatives

from the Department of International Organizations & Conferences Office of the Commissioner of the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative

Region were invited to give a talk about diplomatic affairs.

訓導委員會 Disciplinary Committee

․ 「學生大使-跳躍生命」計劃 “Student Ambassadors: Be Active, Bright and Caring” Scheme


To instill in students a positive attitude to, respect and care for life.

輔導委員會 Guidance Committee


․ 共融德育領袖培訓日營 Intercultural Moral Leadership Training Day Camp

為協助不同族裔的學生建立團隊精神、提升紀律及培養領袖材能,本校於 15 年 9 月 18 日為同學


與歷奇遊戲 和「洗、煮、 食、清潔」等活動,增強參加者的溝通、合作和解難能力,建立團隊


To assist students of various ethnicities to build team spirit, strengthen discipline and develop

leadership, our school organized an Intercultural Moral Leadership Training Day Camp on 18th

September, 2015. Through marching, students learned about the importance of obedience and

discipline. Adventure-based games and the “Wash, Cook, Eat, Clean” activities strengthened

participants’ communication and problem-solving skills, building their team spirit at the same time.

The activity thus achieved the key of leadership training—“Cooperation - Achieving with Hard Work”.

․ Spartans’ BBQ Community Fair

Spartans 為支援非華語學生而成立的一個學校組織。為提升非華語學生的校園社交網絡,小組透

過定期活動,讓他們多認識新朋友。本校於 15 年 11 月舉行非華語家庭燒烤晚會,從而提升同學


Spartans is a group set up to assist non-Chinese speaking students. To strengthen the social network

among non-Chinese speaking students, group activities are organized regularly in the hope of assisting

them with meeting new friends. Spartans held a Non-Chinese Family Barbecue Night in November to

enhance students’ understanding of multiculturalism and ethnic diversity.

․ Hand-in-hand Group 親子晚會暨幹事就職禮

Hand-in-hand Group Parent-Child Gathering and Committee Inauguration Ceremony

本校 Hand-In-Hand Group 為支援新來港學童來港後的適應而成立的


量,本校於 15 年 11 月舉行一年一度的親子晚會暨幹事就職禮。是





The Hand-in-hand Group aims to help newly arrived students to adapt to campus life. To foster the

relationship between members, our school organized the yearly Parent-Child Gathering and

Committee Inauguration Ceremony in November. It was a wonderful night with interactive games, an

introduction to the committee, sharing from committee members and a dinner buffet. Through taking

part in the activities, participants set the foundation for building a helpful campus network.

․ 「模擬人生」體驗活動 Soci Game Day

為了加強學生對人生規劃的概念,本校於 15年 12 月 18 日為高中



To introduce to students the concept of life planning, our school

organized a Soci Game Day for senior-form students on 18th December,

2015. Through experiencing various stages of life, students learned to

make choices, reflect on life planning and attitudes when facing


升學及就業輔導委員會 Career Guidance Committee

․ 參觀明愛專上學院及明愛白英奇專業學校

Visits to Caritas Institute of Higher Education and Caritas Bianchi College of Careers

本校中六級同學於 2015年 12月 14日參觀位於將軍澳調景嶺的明愛專上學院及明愛白英奇專業




S.6 students visited Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE) and Caritas Bianchi College of Careers

(CBCC), located in Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O on 14th December, 2015. Professional staff of CIHE

and CBCC introduced the programmes and admission requirements to the students. They also

arranged tours for students to visit the campus and various facilities. In addition, the students had the

opportunity to try different workshops. They were all excited that with the experience, they gained a

better understanding of the design, digital entertainment and health care programmes.


健康護理工作坊 Health Care Workshop

數碼娛樂工作坊 Digital Entertainment Workshop

設計工作坊 Design Workshop

課外活動委員會 Extra-curricular Activity Committee

校內活動 Activities on Campus

․ 課外活動招募 Recruitment of Members of Extra-curricular Activity Units

15 年 9 月 4 日為課外活動招募日,本學期舉辦的課外活動小組共四十個,包括各學科學會、制



4th December, 2015 was the recruitment day for extra-curricular activities. There were 40 groups of

extra-curricular activities, including academics groups, uniform and service groups, music and arts

groups and sports training groups. Our school implements the "One Student, One Art and Sport" and

"One Student, One Service Program” schemes. Through a wide range of sports and arts education

activities, students can develop their personal potential and build up their self-confidence.

․ 學生會選舉日 Student Union Election Day

學生會於 15 年 9 月 16日由全校學生一人一票選出, 本年度「CWCC10」內閣獲取大多數信任票

當選。主席 5A 班何俊豪感謝同學的信任及愛戴,承諾用心務服同學及向校方反映學生意見。

The Student Union was elected by students on 15th September, 2015. CWCC10 got the majority of

votes and won. Chairman Ho Chun-ho from 5A expressed thanks to the students for their support and

promised to be committed to serving the student population and to reflecting to the school students’


․ 領袖生就職禮 Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony

15 年 9 月 22 日為本校領袖生就職禮,由校長頒發委任狀予各單位領袖生包括學生會、風紀及四


The Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony was held on 22nd September, 2015. Student leaders units,

including the Student Union, House Committees, Perfect Body and School Service Groups were

presented with certificates of appointment by the Principal.

․ 陸運會及啦啦隊比賽 The Annual School Sports Day

15 年 10 月 20 日是本校一年一度的運動會。男子高級組個人全場

冠軍由 6B班黃杰彬同學奪取,男子初級組的個人全場冠軍則由 1B

班 NISHAN 同學奪得。而女子高級組個人全場冠軍由 5A 班邱雅妍

同學獲取,女子初級組個人全場冠軍則屬 4B 班吳秀珍同學。至於



The Annual School Sports Day was held on 20th October, 2015. The overall championship and cheering

team championship went to the Red House.

․ 『胡振中盃』全港小學籃球邀請賽 ‘Wu Cheng-chung Cup’ Primary Basketball Tournament

第四屆『胡振中盃』全港小學籃球邀請賽已於 15 年 11 月 27 日圓滿舉行。當天有 13 間小學到本



The ‘Wu Cheng-chung Cup’ Primary Basketball Tournament was successfully held on 27th November,

2015. 13 primary schools came to compete for the title. Alliance Primary School was the champion for

boys, while the championship for girls went to Hong Kong Canossa Primary School.

․ 班際球類比賽日 The inter-class Ball Game Competition Day

15 年 12 月 7 日下午為本校首屆球類比賽日,項目包括籃球、足球、羽毛球及乒兵球。各班積極

參與作賽之餘,為同學打氣,氣氛十分熱鬧,經過多輪激戰,總冠軍由 5A 班勇奪。

The Inter-class Ball Game Competition Day fell on 7th December, 2015. The events included basketball,

soccer, badminton and table tennis. Students were actively involved in the competitions. After many

heats and finals, 5A eventually won the championship.

․ 戶外活動日 Outdoor Activities Day and Inter-class Photography Contest

15 年 12 月 22 日為本校一年一度的戶外活動日。師生都渡過了充實而愉悅的一天。是日亦是班

際攝影比賽,相片將於 16 年 1 月展出及評選。

The Outdoor Activities Day was on 21st December this year. Students and teachers spent an enjoyable

day in the countryside. Their photos will be on display on 16th January, 2016. Winning pieces will then

be selected.


․ 班際才藝比賽 Inter-class Talent Show

班際歌唱比賽於 15年 12月 22日舉行,各班同學皆施展渾身解數,


同學們都拍案叫絕,最終由 6A 班奪取冠軍。

The inter-class talent show was held on 22nd December, 2015. All

classes tried their best to perform creatively, including singing,

dancing and drama. All students performed well. 6A won the overall

championship ultimately.

․ 聖誕聯歡會 Christmas Party

聖誕聯歡會於 15 年 12月 23 日舉行。當天學生會悉心籌劃了不同的遊戲及準備了豐富的禮品,


A Christmas party was held on 23rd December, 2015. All students and teachers enjoyed the games and

performances prepared mainly by the Students’ Union.

校外活動 Inter-school Activities

․ 學界乒乓球賽/羽毛球賽/籃球比賽/足球賽

Inter-school Basketball / Table Tennis / Badminton Tournament

學界各球類比賽於 15年 10 - 12 月舉行,學生積極參與,互相切磋球技。男子籃球隊於學界籃球

賽男子甲組(第三組) 勇奪冠軍, 並於全港學界精英籃球賽中進身 12強。

Inter-school ball games were held from October to December. Students participated actively and

performed well. Our Grade A Boys Basketball Team won the championship in the Inter-school

basketball competition (Hong Kong Island Division Three). And our team ranked among the Top 12

teams in the Hong Kong Nike-lite Inter-school Basketball Competition.


學生成就 Student Achievements

․ 香港島校長聯會主辦 2015 年「香港島傑出學生選舉」2015 Hong Kong Island Outstanding

Student Award organized by Hong Kong Island School Heads Association 目的 Introduction

肯定區內學生的傑出表現 ;



The Award aims to give recognition and appreciation to

those secondary school students who have demonstrated

outstanding contributions to the school and the

community. It also aims to encourage the awardees to

better equip themselves to face the challenges ahead.

評選準則 Adjudicating Criteria

․ 學術成績及成就

․ 領導才能

․ 社區服務

․ 課外活動

Academic Achievements


Community Services

Extra-curricular Activities

恭賀本校 Congratulations 6A 林晗同學 LIN Han

榮獲 2015「香港島優秀學生(高中組)」

was awarded the Hong Kong Island Highly

Commendable Student (Senior Secondary)

2B 甘俊豪同學 KAM Chun-ho

榮獲 2015「香港島優秀學生(初中組)」

was awarded the Hong Kong Island Highly

Commendable Student (Junior Secondary)


學校資料 School Information

校監 Supervisor:郭偉祥先生 Mr. Kwok Wai Cheung

校長 Principal:陳新亨先生 Mr. Chan Sun Hang

辦學團體 Sponsoring Body:香港明愛 Caritas – Hong Kong

創校年份 Year of Commencement of Operation:1967

校訓 School Motto:忠誠勤樸 敬主愛人

Be Faithful, Diligent and Stay Simple; Love God and One Another

地址 Address:香港薄扶林羅富國徑 8號 8 Northcote Close, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong

電話 Phone: 28172318 電郵地址 Email: cwcc@cwcc.edu.hk

傳真 Fax: 28172320 互聯網址 Website: http://www.cwcc.edu.hk

直達校舍的公共交通 Direct public transportation to School

巴士 Buses 乘搭以下路線可於瑪麗醫院站下車後步行前往 Stop at Queen Mary Hospital ․ 4、4X、7、30X、37A、37B、37X、40、40M、40P、43A、71、71P、90B、


乘搭以下路線可於域多利道下車後步行前往 Stop at Victoria Road ․ 43M、47P、971、A10

小巴 Minibuses 乘搭以下路線可於瑪麗醫院站下車後步行前往 Stop at Queen Mary Hospital ․ 10、22、22S、23、23M、31、54、55

乘搭以下路線可於沙宣道下車後步行前往 Stop at Sassoon Road ․ 8、8X、28、28S

乘搭以下路線可於域多利道下車後步行前往 Stop at Victoria Road ․ 58、58A、59