E strategy framework assignment 1

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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eStrategy Framework



About the framework

The framework enables the identification, implementation and evaluation

of strategies to ensure effective use of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning programs to improve outcomes

for learners.

Why to use this framework (1)

Technologies play an important role in improving learning outcomes for children, and in

making school management more efficient and effective. The eStrategy Framework is

designed to assist schools review, plan and advance their use of technologies, in a way that

is strategic and manageable. The framework helps schools to map themselves against a

series of statements that describe a range of practices, from Undeveloped to Embedded.

This mapping generates a profile that schools can use to prioritise areas for development.

How to use this framework (2)

The framework allows schools to identify:

• where their current practices are in the continuum

• priorities for realistic short and longer term improvement goals

• processes for achieving their goals

• evaluation strategies to refine goals and actions.

It is important to involve as many of the school

community as possible; staff, students, families, and

the wider community. This will enable them to gain a

common understanding of what is working well,

what areas need improvement and how to focus on



Vision and Leadership Aspect


The Vision and Leadership Aspect reflects the importance of having a comprehensive vision for ICT that is not static and needs to be reviewed and updated. It stresses the importance of careful financial planning which takes into account all related costs and the impact on implementation and learning outcomes.


The Strands in the Vision and Leadership Aspect help leaders to consider the following questions:

■ Vision: Is there an innovative and inclusive vision for ICT that is regularly reviewed and updated in light of developments in technology and knowledge of effective practices?

■ Strategy: Are there strategies in place that support the vision?

■ Evaluation: Is the effectiveness of the vision monitored and its impact across the site evaluated?

Teaching and Learning Aspect


The Teaching and Learning Aspect is concerned with the way that leaders at different levels promote a strong culture of teaching and learning with ICT.

It is important for several reasons: effective planning and use of ICT by teachers, explored from the learners’ perspective, looks at learners’ expectations, informs and influences future decision making, and improves learners’ attitudes towards learning in general, as well as motivation and behaviour.


The Strands in the Teaching and Learning Aspect help leaders to consider the following questions:

■ Leadership and planning: Does the leadership team support a culture of innovative curriculum practice that leads to quality planning and use of ICT?

■ Capabilities and experiences: Are children and students supported to develop skills and aptitudes for 21st century learning?

■ Assessment and evaluation: How is ICT impacting on learners and their achievement? Is data collected and used in a range of ways to inform both assessment and future planning?

Professional Learning Aspect


The Professional Learning Aspect is concerned with the processes used to identify and plan for individual and whole professional learning with ICT. This aspect is concerned with the overall management and evaluation of professional learning with ICT, and how outcomes are used for future planning.


The Strands in the Professional Learning Aspect help leaders to consider the following questions:

■ Planning: Are individual staff capabilities and whole site ICT professional learning needs identified?

■ Implementation: Is a range of quality ICT professional learning opportunities that lead to innovative teaching and learning practices provided?

■ Evaluation: Is the impact of professional learning with ICT monitored and evaluated?

Administration Aspect


The Administration Aspect is concerned with the effective use of management information systems, performance data and ICT to improve communications. It focuses on the secure, safe and legal use of ICT, and how ICT are used to improve work practices.


The Strands in the Administration Aspect help leaders to consider the following questions:

■ Connections: Do the administrative systems support all members of the community to implement the site’s vision, policies and practices? Are they easily accessible, secure, integrated and flexible to meet changing needs?

■ Systems: Are there strategies and systems in place to enable long-term sustainability of resources, security and safety, effective and optimal communication, teacher planning, assessment and reporting, and effective storage of learners’ work?

■ Data: Are ICT used effectively to record and analyse performance data? Does the site regularly review and update its procedures relating to data protection?

Resources Aspect


The Resources Aspect is concerned with the provision, management and support of ICT resources used within and beyond the policy. It concerns with Learning Culture, physical environment, environment underpins a positive teaching and learning experience, flexible access , monitoring the use and evaluation of the effectiveness of ICT resources, community.


The Strands in the Resources Aspect help leaders to consider the following questions:

■ Environments: Are teaching and learning spaces, both physical and virtual, meeting the site’s vision for 21st century education?

■ Provision: Are decisions about the procurement and management of ICT resources well planned? Do these resources provide reliable, integrated, personalised access for all users across the site?

■ Support: Is technical support provided that allows for minimal disruption to teaching and learning programs? Are ICT resources and technical support monitored and evaluated to inform ongoing procurement?

Discussion Questions:

1- Where do you think is your school in “vision and mission” aspect? What you should it do to make more progress?

2- Where do you think is your school in “teaching and learning” aspect? What you should it do to make more progress?

3- Where do you think is your school in “administration” aspect? What you should it do to make more progress?

Or/ Where do you think is your school in (free choice) aspect? What you should it do to make more progress?


This reading is a valuable tool for evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of

any ICT program policy in any educational organization. It provide important

actions that are required by teachers, school leaders and policy makers to support

the development of digital age learning. The stakeholders’ actions are needed to

insure students are prepared for life-long learning beyond their schools.

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow” John Dewey.