Earth Science Review - Wikispaces · PDF fileEarth Science Categories Resources Earth Clues...

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Earth Science Review

Earth Science Categories

Resources Earth Clues

W-E-D 1

W-E-D 2

Misc. Grab Bag

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Resources $100

What is the main requirement for a resource

to be considered renewable?

List examples of renewable resources.

Resources $100

Renewable resources can be replaced in a SHORT amount

of time Examples: Soil, animals, water, oxygen, CO2, plants, wind, sun, ocean tides

Resources $200 What is the main requirement for a

resource to be considered nonrenwable?

List examples of nonrenewable resources.

Resources $200 Nonrenewable resources take

a LONG time to be replaced (more than a lifetime to millions of years)

Examples: rocks, minerals, fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), gold, diamonds, gems

Resources $300

Name & describe all 5 renewable/alternative

resources that generate energy.

Resources $300 1.  Geothermal (geo=Earth; thermal=heat) –

energy generated from heat preserved within the Earth’s crust (remember – we only dig into the crust – we can not dig as far as the mantle)

2.  Hydroelectric (hydro=water) – energy generated from the force of water in rivers, dams, & ocean tides

3.  Wind – energy generated from windmills on wind farms

4.  Biofuel (bio=life) – energy generated from decayed plants & animals

5.  Solar – collecting the sun’s energy in solar panels

Resources $400

What are some of the pros/cons for using

renewable resources to generate energy?

Resources $400 Pros: can be replenished in a short amount

of time & keeps us from using all of Earth’s fossil fuels

Cons: not all of them are clean for Earth

(burning biofuels can cause pollution); most need special equipment to change the resource into energy we can use (can be very expensive)

Resources for $500

How are all fossil fuels formed? List


Resources for $500 Fossil fuels come from buried dead/decayed organisms changed by increased heat & pressure from rock layers (takes longer than a lifetime to MILLIONS of years to form) **If FF don’t have enough heat, pressure, & time then they won’t form**

Examples: Coal Petroleum/Oil Natural Gas

Earth’s Clues $100

How are sedimentary rocks formed?

Earth’s Clues for $100

Sedimentary rocks are formed in LAYERS of sand, minerals, and


The pictures show a method used to collect data in an investigation. Different kinds of materials were mixed with 100 grams of garden soil. An equal amount of water was added to each mixture. Which of these was this investigation designed to answer? A How well each material mixes with garden soil B How well each mixture holds water C How well each material supports plants D How well each mixture keeps its texture when wet


The pictures show a method used to collect data in an investigation. Different kinds of materials were mixed with 100 grams of garden soil. An equal amount of water was added to each mixture. Which of these was this investigation designed to answer? A How well each material mixes with garden soil B How well each mixture holds water C How well each material supports plants D How well each mixture keeps its texture when wet


Earth’s Clues for $300

Four soil samples of equal volume were put in funnels with filter paper. 200 mL of water was added to each sample and the water that flowed out the bottom of the funnel was collected and measured. What can you determine about the soil samples from the data? A Soil sample R retained the most water. B Soil sample T was the driest soil. C Soil sample Q has more organic matter. D Soil sample S was about half sand.

Four soil samples of equal volume were put in funnels with filter paper. 200 mL of water was added to each sample and the water that flowed out the bottom of the funnel was collected and measured. What can you determine about the soil samples from the data? A Soil sample R retained the most water. (Retained = kept water in soil – it has the smallest # so Soil R kept in the most water) B Soil sample T was the driest soil. C Soil sample Q has more organic matter. D Soil sample S was about half sand.

Earth’s Clues for $300

Earth’s Clues for $400

Why would these layers settle like this?

Layers settle in water based on the density of the material. Silt would be the least dense & the small rocks would be the

most dense according to this picture.

Earth’s Clues for $400

What information can be learned from looking at the illustration above? A Rings that are closer proves when the tree had

very little rain B Rings that are farther apart proves when the

tree received a lot of rain C This tree is over 15 years old D All of the above

What information can be learned from looking at the illustration above? A Rings that are closer proves when the tree had very little rain B Rings that are farther apart proves when the tree received a lot of rain C This tree is over 15 years old D All of the above

W-E-D 1 for $100

Define weathering & how long does it

usually take?

W-E-D 1 for $100

Weathering is the BREAKDOWN of the materials in Earth’s crust into smaller pieces (weathering leads to formation of new soil).

**Weathering down of landforms usually takes a very LONG time (hundreds to millions of years)

W-E-D 1 for $200

Define erosion & list the 4 causes of


W-E-D 1 for $200

Erosion is the process by which water, ice,

wind, or gravity MOVES fragments of

rock and soil

W-E-D 1 for $300

Define deposition & list examples.

W-E-D 1 for $300

Deposition is the process by which sediments (small particles of rock) are laid down in NEW locations.

Ex: deltas & sand dunes

W-E-D 1 for $400

What would probably be the cause of change for

this beach?

W-E-D 1 for $400

The waves erode (move) sand/dirt little by little back into the ocean

W-E-D 1 for $500

What could be the best way to

document changes to Earth over time


W-E-D 1 for $500 Take lots of pictures over MANY,

MANY years!

W-E-D 2 for $100

These rocks keep on getting smoother with time. Why?

W-E-D 2 for $100

The river the rocks are in is smoothing out the

rocks (river is weathering down the


W-E-D 2 for $200

What probably caused this

arch found in a desert to be

shaped like this?

W-E-D 2 for $200

The weathering & erosion of wind

W-E-D 2 for $300 Where a river meets an ocean –

sediments are deposited. What is this landform called?

W-E-D 2 for $300 DELTA – remember…deltas are due

to the deposition (building up) of sediments in a new location

W-E-D 2 for $400

What is this glacier creating?

W-E-D 2 for $400

The glacier is carving out a glacial valley between


W-E-D 2 for $500 How can this sand dune

continue to grow?

W-E-D 2 for $500

Sand dunes grow by wind depositing/settling sand particles

Misc. for $100 What would most likely cause

this cliff to change like this?

Misc. for $100 The weathering down of rock by wind, water, ice, plant roots, and/or gravity.

Misc. for $200

Are all glaciers only white? Why or why not?

Misc. for $200 NO, most glaciers are actually

brownish/white because as they’re moving they are picking up tiny

sediments from the ground underneath. Those sediments get

stuck in the glaciers so glaciers become less white with time.

Misc. for $300 How do canyons continue

to get deeper?

Misc. for $300

Canyons get deeper due to the river flowing through it. The river breaks/weathers down rock and then carries/

erodes the sediments away.

Misc. for $400

The diagram shows layers of sedimentary rocks and examples of their fossils. Which layer contains the oldest fossils? A Layer 2 B Layer 4 C Layer 1 D Layer 3 •   

Misc. for $400

The diagram shows layers of sedimentary rocks and examples of their fossils. Which layer contains the oldest fossils? A Layer 2 B Layer 4 C Layer 1 D Layer 3 •   

Misc. for $500 A river delta is an area where sediments are deposited. The sediments in the river delta shown most likely come from the— A mountain range B desert C ocean floor D coastline

Misc. for $500 A river delta is an area where sediments are deposited. The sediments in the river delta shown most likely come from the— A mountain range B desert C ocean floor D coastline

Grab Bag for $100

What are some of the clues that fossils can provide for

us about the past?

Grab Bag for $100

Fossil clues: -what kind of environment used to be there

(desert, ocean, or forest) -what kind of animals used to live there -the climate in that area (based on the kinds of

animal fossils there) -what kind of food animals ate in that area

(based on the shape of their teeth)

Grab Bag for $200

List some of Earth’s events that may

change Earth very FAST.

Grab Bag for $200

Can change Earth fast: -volcanoes

-earthquakes -rock slides -landslides

Grab Bag for $300

Burning coal, oil, or natural gas to make

energy is an example of what kind of resource?

Grab Bag for $300

Burning coal, oil, or natural is an example of using Earth’s

nonrenewable resources – remember we want to conserve

them. Once they’re gone – it will take hundreds to millions of years

to get them back!

Grab Bag for $400

Why do earthquakes and volcanoes

eruptions most likely occur?

Grab Bag for $400

From the plate

movements in the crust. This occurs due to the unstable mantle.

Grab Bag for $500

Which of the following destructive forces is a SLOW process that could have helped shape the canyon?

A An earthquake B Erosion C Deposition D A volcano

Grab Bag for $500 Which of the following destructive forces is a SLOW process that could have helped shape the canyon?

A An earthquake B Erosion C Deposition D A volcano **Erosion of the river shapes the canyon**