Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C ... › lccn › sn84026897 › 1837-03-02...

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i,- . . .4, ;

AlO41.30, wa

4' A."~w~1froh 9

~ ~wapwA EiuRwr.- a -a -Iv nifI u~f

'wil - * 9.

4~W to At ~4-Ira*~~

.ts -PULIs'D

IWI;atTIURLSpAY'MORNINO.ti T.lt8.-Thred Dollaru plir anmium if paid

U, ace,-T* $I r* and lfy CetAts if- puftwe theTfi konths froml

dte. fir d'Fonr Dollars ifp4within S . Subscribers outoe

-hoIAt. & ~ y Jin IMdrdcen...it rli tha meeear,

I.4~ Mwaiw-pedt. lle ai- respon", le r.th nanme, shaltl rue 'ire

x~~t~isk'wen EOv ~nsiuul itiCQted .ntet.,4 per square, for the first htisettion. andeenI fur each comnutame. Advertiaeme tnts

not ha:i.ng the ninber of ij-ert~imwt mn rked onqhoim, will be coutinihefd untit ordered oft"t.id

chtzarud acoordlngly.-

- I 'vertieemnoizt4 intunded ror publicntio minths y qter, wust be depositedin tie Otffco by.taedy erenuaIg. .. . "-'.All conuunication3 addreewPd to the F'Itors.

v(ra -e'o-) will be protnvtly apd strictly fattoniledi to.


IIEREAS, an Elertion was lield oil.time2nd Monday and Tuesdny in Octobr lust

for at menabor to'fill the vacaniey occasioned 5ythe resigniatiiii of the Hon. .Jaute 1 I Itnmond, nid to represent th' Congressioal Dis-tIect composid'of the Districts of Rtichihnd, Iont-in-lon, Orangebuirg and Da 1, in thie Con-jeaz of thd'Uuited States- sa , oura inm-ber to till the vacan.-v oce'sieonted Iv tihb deathoC. the !Ion Reha '. MaIo.sig,' repr.eet.

he Congressioal Distric.t coaiposed of the Did-triots ot' 'Korslhnjv. umter, Lnnenster, andCmi-w-'elit. in the £onress-of the U. States:

wheres,it (o couni the votes'eguiae to the Of craturv of tte

byt1) the amanagors .. t r'ankinai11.Itorel t tOrraqires,'-hedhen igtd.-tefumb I her:cr',pectiv'e

tia'ri-ts. NJow ti ~ P i-CE M.B BT-

LEMt Governor o tM Sy(o:of Soath Cnroling.do.hreby. deeipe r.tiait, flint die asnail

f* iil vhacaeny 1 1ed by the reig n4at-1tie said James II T mond. a11 that the cmidTtidin P. ichard fsf loeen -d1v elected tofill tie vacancy ocensioned-by the death oft'the- tad It. J. Maunlting.Given under imty.hinid ani the Real ofr lte

S t , thi/;'d30th day or Deceinher, 1-3fi. -PIEtCE M. BUTLP.R.

Itv ate Governor,1. 1r S.uov, Sevretary of State.

3aniuary 12, 1837. 49f

State of South Carnoliaa.Pweldamation by PLERCE Al. BUTLEREs, -Goternor a d Comm nder-in-Chiefin and o'er the State of Soih Carolina.'&7U1EIIEREAS, in puirsunnueof the Act ofthe

Legilatire of this $tate, the votes frorn embers of the twenty-fitIh Cqnigress have beencAutizd in the preseace ofthd Goyernor, by Conr-diusiner. nppinted fior that p vrpose; aid it ap.

jeerrs fihat W addy Thiogmn, Jr. hats been di v' for the conugressii districtcoui mo-ed i;f

o1idf tueton and Grenvilie; F. W-. Picke'ns. firthedistrict camposed of Abbeville amid Edgrmial;Joltk K. Gridfin, fror the district compnoed 4'oif L:i-

.Newherry and Fairfield; Franklini1 I. .hanoreditrict composed of Richlanid. Le ington,

rghand Warnwel: im. K. Clownv,distfrict co11mowd. of tiaan. York. ('hest'-r

andJ Spt~ti.nburtig Johnmi amt.paael for thu- dlrrtr,'omnpisedl-of Geor:.taown. 'ai n, li*y, Ma~rl-jhaerangh :alal I)amrlintaon .Joh ~P. t itefrdsdn,.- Dttnnastcr, ;umdu Chu~~aatelad ; litbert I. Sitmmi,0for the dist rict comnposedl of Bleanformt 'o ulhatoaSand HufaAtSeleare, foar the distric't of l~itriz-ston .tbo~r fure. I do i.nuie thie' my Prmchai~Wtia~f, ndl fgand fter' m : nam'n-rw ata"-proisinaot osaid Aet, thmat Waudd' y Thomaipson,.jr, P. W. Pslemans,John-.K. prihin, I-' I!I Eihuoi

Wm.- K. Clowneay, Johnm 'C~ta;ill, John P . ich,.ardsn,.it. B: Smith, and Jingle S. Legacre, haad tamajority of the votes ini thgir respv-etive' distrhietsaiforesud.:mud are dluIloa Re ipe'fematfves in.~fiho C~ngr'ee of' thle J. ti.' fromn this State.(gCenm undmer mym hnind and the. Sant of tihe Smtat,thdLth ay of limcceamber, 1'..~ dai -. P .M. BUTLE.

liv'the Go'ornmor.- . ii. S.uosaa. -Seretary of .%ae.t Jsmiary 12, l837 ' '40 *-

ebl9'is $O'dersa, al'' c .- .-I-. HAt>. Quantrn.s.-

-Colnmbin, ISuh Jan. 18:r/. ~.-

ahd Ge. F.'ownecs, are appoinltd Aidsde"Camnp-to -the etnniader iaChie~f,itt

t he tranik of' Lieutenant Colonel. They~will eghip.s themsielves witthin .thirty daiys- frm-thec recaiptionm of' this oerder, nnd report

- t. Renal Qarters, .for duty, naiier 'wih-thety will lie.com'miisioted'and obe'yed andres teaeeordingly'. -I -hef

JAMEimJONIEAdjuthnt and Inaptcior General.

Feb. '2, 18M7. '- .

~X.aIkinds Sept constantly roy tdie

~MJ~1~FER- 7JLLStaa 'the .nsniing Sest tiVV. y lah 6te Seson, Twvnt3IWlars tU n or taeFi di la

insurane hit q dhu it

.e rti fieetoge road lemf(lg.to Au: ' Ampo: Jepurtion io

en rp In Itdn., - 60 .lcae

wtl he,

rk-M the otioe,' i nieba every ant tioi6t1l be aid to preveit them).

DESCRIPTIV'F'N'UI LIFIER. is a leint'ifi Bav, han1

sronmely marked. wii- a dilitlli 'coat -nhair, wh~it i liews-.bi-, sipuperior stock. -liip ipara is (nr 11 i omanii-Ie is of tho

dretes poer.sustatinit . mi ktrengthIle will Ibe sevea years i 'dthi4 Spring--full SiNt n.hands lhigh having sIperiosize, -lrge bones, and is na well nuiscled mainy oilier hnorse. .in tis or any) countury, no~

ts tsinuch dtiraiility.N. B.-A ny person who will mnko il

n conpiany of- fEve -mares, aitl hecoine re-sponsible file the -paymient-- will Itave Ilprivilege of putting itini ut 25 dollars iseaso~n. --.- ic seasn will comtrnence the, 15th olFebriary. nid eid th6 10th of .11nnc.Fifty cents to the yroom inl every in

Feb. 2, 1837. -52trFLORIDA..CLALUiSi.Ix 83EN .AT' Det-, 20, -183G.

T IE' Sfieciii Covitdtiiee to- whoi wmrefeirried the Claints for lossts in tih

itle .ilorida Cai.pinign report fin-.adittiorthe lidilowitig Resoluii'tn:Re.edleed; Thit ltis Exnflenev tile Cov-

enor ie requested to eaise die i'oi;1tiCe to .Ingiven for nlf' Citizens ofthi nate .wli-hnvstiirred .loss or injury in. contieliience illeirc'iinpiueie With tie requisitini of ill(U. Staties Ihr trIoops dtring fte lte rain.pnign in Floritda, to preent tlir respee.live clhiims,<luly nutbititiented, ut thel Exe-cutive Ofirenat Col'imbin, in order hint thevmay. be. Initd before Congtress for remuner-

ntion, or he contmitted to 'II( proper fillthries at Widiington, should Congress al.rendy have passed an Act for the indem.ni'leaiton of such iosses..-

Resobed, That th -enato.1o agree.,-

conentrrcencodBy 6rdr .of the Snnte..

JACOB WAlILY, C. S.In tA, If. of Iepresefntatirps, Der. -11, ls'U.Re-solved, Thait he Ilis' do Concur.-

Ordeied to-bo ri urIiled to the Senate.Ilyorler of' tid H ouie.

'T.. W. I.jOVE R, C.-11. It.

EXECUTIVE DEVA RiMENI;CojUmutA, S. C. .lns. 10, 183 - *-

In obedianice to lie alove Resltti ioni, allpersons hinving claim-, fhr losses imuredin the Campaiii ilf i3i inl Florida*, are diireeled to prtfer theim. proiperly nuthiteniae-ted, to the Captains of heir si'veral Com-panies or, in case of the decense or absen*eof the C.aptainl,'o the seior oflicer of the

-Coimpniiy present. 'The olficers are re--quested to. lorwitril titese claims wi: t lieitast delay -possible to the Exective .tC3olumbia. . -

P...BUTLE.R.Feb. .,1:. -- -. 42 e.

The Saturlay News,AND II'IEtA1iY GAZi-iTE-FAMIY Paplo, co4ining itimrE rend.

.&:. ingmatter- t:nii y oither in tie Unitedtate, ptiblishd it $-1)t00pr anoin. pnyr

ble. in advance. EUied by rim.1 .McMji eltnd Jor-eph C.' Neal; the ih-rpr,; late ediitor Ofthe atitirdar Ctourrier, aiel the latter, of theGentluieme'n'; Ynde Me.-is.

The Lady'si Book,OR. PIIL.AuJ MONTiI MA1GAZINE,D l( '1t)01). tlie imet lppnhar wtork 4l

. . the elns in this Cinty--coa1inini'g(Ori-fi .h t ies-. !i Er- t I-. n.ti rI n.i

Ilf a ~ t e d 1m : ,.,r a . .m ii b u.. . l ,.. .i.. v t-n . ., vIi M - : .i n. ' e s - - - - - m ib e i, h a~ti n ' .4liti - a ri s r '/

l'ue iisu it -'. P" rai:--' .Ar. " c 'Pi iec p. r

Celebra'ted '~Trin Is ii'n15i counxtr'ies

hugtainigm.'- o athes Twimn.e Iobr.Ih

Sleia M ainy. .\ordf \Vtea.mat,' ,gPirnev,'jF'r.;ery.I e.4uc & c.\rut'.,

Pubiii-.ed in I",ie Numbetrs. -'oiituing 601

bary p-OmeDo-la for the copletec n ok.-

lketch El tok of C araterrtuou un Atentuir .i rater

.ig dina N ii:ni trieadi ' inPuiled ini Fiiie -i Numb'r, ef' hin atingi60Tage-:-n Dolfla forthecmte work~ililfh.-

farryntr's Noves. '- ..(Gity's Fane 'Ediio) -

.Consiting of P'efeiampltsed, corithx.Paht

Taia, and Jbnp'hti Sarch ofigis otitofTtiree* Doltasfrh andFt coente.A41 .I 'iifoi Iguge eham astn~Davs of

ed. to aniy pefrson, onn ttpplicttion to L:A.doDF.V,

publeiber,.nt -Philadeslpia, hr to--

-IPdgefibidC-IL Jntttn~ 167-


It ii. ;&..& A %k'V.il to ''recosMorgau ihibiri .: Mortgage.Tp oppeang to ia~ntief t

gan-Mc~orie d'erenmStated a eides rm a o10%limits of (1thSti~fl I

oft. 1Dill' will b6 h't prircon esto. 1IM C. BLACK; .. A. ,.

Tuinflissioner',s Omee,-.Abbeville, Jati 27,.1837 - 'e1

r OricE.E Trige.s of' the Ale nand FemaleI

-Aedemie' of tie VilIage or A ndersonihnvetiiployed M1essrs. i-tInt's ! .e:u-

vr & Wi:sar .isI.:v-R.TT0 to-so iperinttndios inisi itttions 1or Ihe succeeding -vear,

the latter of iIotn is capabe of prepirbig.vountgmen ihr Colejge, nnd ean teachl the1 ''trench hinguingn. lIv liaenkitiies of theflCn'titi..tlie morality ofihie neighimrhoidl,the cbeninss orbordin and'tuilion. (noiceCedoiling.tngetler one.hbundred and filtecnor twelnty dollars) and the decided gunlift-ct ion- of these Gentlemen,-render this a

destirable situantion fbr chil4ren.-The follovinr Gent lemen are Trustees to

nither of whon the public is referred: J. N.I3hitnCr, D. B,wn, E. Webb, J. P. Benson,C. -Orr.

.A. EV-ANS, Sec. Board.Feb. 2, 1837. 5c

* NOTiIE.H fE .Trustees *of the F.dg--tiei 'Male Acil-my ha7lnve the plentire ofrutmnnicing to

the IIblic, that they have slceeled in obtaininigthe serv'ice of' Mr.' Fickling. a gentanlnin of hiighcharacter in his prof'esion, nnd .that the Sehool

will go into operaition'. itninetintel-. The'r feelns4trured that this Acndeiv now -oads th'iities-for ednention. not ainrpmassed bv av in the St::to,naid they confidently rceceoiiunenii it tothesup-port of the.community.Tlwre will'-ho a vate'tion dnriiag the monthof

Aligus"t. ifd two weekm in th'le tionith ofQecembar.'Termseu of ''ttition fiir.the 'ngliih depnrt-- ment per quarter. - - -. f,40For the Claien fiprttiment, - 1) 00Good Bo:rding ein he obtained in the ieigh-

bomit'ood at O10 per onil- W-- WHIT. D' OOKS, ;

A. P. bpiai.Lt,J. TrIR I: Y.

Wanount E on Acadet'y.1- I1W. le conincttced on the IstMon-dy il Jan. iext, undier the direction

of Mir. 1'.3I CAM Il'E l.L, it grnduate oftie South Carolina Colleye, recommendedio he a gentlenan of high mori worth,and a sc-holar well cnleulated to prepareymmt1ig mnitn for College.

December~~~ 0.1'i-re -N~OTIO E,.E TP it the Subscrlier's house in thi

A year 1893,.a.Leather Trunk ofClothes.It also contained two lettere, one f-om asonto his lather, dircetel it)Mr. Johtn Chmle-

iD1arlingoin,.S.-C., and headed A unvan..luy,28 133. Thei other famou a friend

respefiting his son, diirclted to the ame, antdheaded 'Aitta, Atust 3, 163'J; %igned."A friend ii thd iuinfortienat.. .

ESilER-GAR'ETrT.- Near Edgefirld C. iouer. S. C.

.Jan,S.18:37/. -. ,I ti

NOTICE. .LL .prsont i'ulebled to the Estte of'

.- nrtin -Everett, ud 'e-Isd, of Bikach-dn'nd. tire regneosted io- taisue iniedimiepaymi1i-t(, and ihtost' h1n1% itm delaInids to pre-

(iein thnc ithin ilui timiio hrecrjVlib vhia~ w-.JOlN. U Lftt ..


Jal NOT I2 5.


nI:p 444 hi pi ne i h t ! : 4 ,u444. 4) t4

-I tithwith. d1]hv4 the -lnne ia I., j.e.lLd. I) 'ilt the C/tr/.'s trej4a

I:f dC. Ii. XotrtmL4 r 9. IsI . t: 40

.FOU 64,

f~in ret o -spoIenIo tni, 1(I ~h4l, Lt4 de.-erh(.-4 g 44h payin Ilar ) th. e ::d jert I-ement. :6. 1 dM ri, .

October27,,196i tt':*3

Brought 10' the JhR .Fi -ts District, a ne ro..an hy then name~Fof ISAAC, about thuriy-five yesrs of n e.5 feet 8 or 10 inches hii~ h H e'uays that hte $-

longs to Mr. Borini, of ohitmbuis, Gn.Tho -owfl.r iai reiptosted to0come foirward,

prove property, .pnty. eliar-ei. and h'ae. himaway. C. J. Gf.OV Elt, J.-E, D.

.Novgther25, 1)3X , 4:4 tr'

-BACON.50,000fl LB.M of o BAON,

M.'ItAZIER. ..d~efibld C. iUnhtse; Inn. 2 1041 '.a r.

I'e throv' I 10i

For. me co more sha..ll flowv-Iddyff 4reami or farkling ide,Iow hr-lht soe'er it-g!ow:

Its dleNI n1stntingr %'wany,Itens.i Vield its pow cr to guide--

I've east he bowl away!o ne'er tenilt!ine agnTo drain thu cupl of-sin ;

For ruin diro,.disease nod pnin, -

T'.iitwall t~ fuamsWitlin ;Neglected datics ri.ie -

In. fenrful,'SuId nrray,Up to its brim. It will he wis,-

I've east tie bowl away!

-I'ye seen- ti pride of all-The wise, je good, the gre-at-

Like sImeileaves, all timeless.fall,- And veil :ieir high ltie ;I've seen faii woman give

1Her every charm away,-Etitruee tho denotvile, .nd live!

I've cast die bowj awayMy days.of revelry -

. ) glndly I giie tip;They're hit he t masks cif misnery,- Which btill lurks iii the cup;While inl6lence and wantAnd Pverty display

Themiseli's in ever'y dru-aikard's hauntI'- - cst the bowl awa!

A drutinard's gloony gnreShlil Ie'er ie maide fur ime;

1f In l e:

!e 'uenath liensonl's ray

R'iitmiaured by) my frietids or not'vc east the bowl away!

iMly p':th henceforti is plain,In honesty to.live-

To .1:.ln lillemperaice and its train,By Ildustry to thrive;

No duty to forget,And live to bless the day

When I was led withtour regret,P enst the bowl AafV!

i is4ce11aneu13s.


Fron 1S14 to 181N, duzring the' l:i:ak ma-nia in thei* "G;reu Wt-st," wlen evtry villag e.and honet boasteud itS litlm I none t Ihese pilaic acroia n it i sprnovIp in ,-lomit Vernon, Ohio, under the nani-of' "()Owl Creek- Bank," taking its minefromli a -,mml buit beauii'ul strens p anthron:i .ihe village, clled "Owl Crcek.!. The apair--of the hank went on swim-minghi for short time.onl-P, like all tie

stIig ring -! *-ist-tituitions of Inone-yrcyiresept-ution, it wus ddelatred insolvent. A mor-

ting or two Itfter. this impirinnnt Ilwt hadcomietI tolht, a mysternnid-w ..:-r',

j i m bi: -,:.."Ti- w e a hai- thr Obn

'ollign stir l ' 0.ir '' iahiri. von*niid -om Ciia t- Ino irigt in~a -vot

iny~ hoen ri. A he!ii,-e ofu te -. iC at

am ?" g "V -<.L --ir." b "I hnvy i.-rs ro-

erye o te iu--osy om- -ibrtn h-~mihe eou Pr---,tiri- th-t lowiny bomenr rm n--r heen.?nionk tn w.eooij ad

n i.--o Y. Lettrpass.l pmls~ch rr

Wr thn Mr. Aindubn,i arheiv liin N. Yh,.Irmi4ern onthlot , ai1'ndan-! ihtrote ukd b ahu l ionta. inbr'r;,.-

way li: e etal moibed" ihsk tinrmo rbinsad i 9ther Engliny brscnown cini~ea cim he Iated Sotateos.t hymy-bcm

fulnoe. ~q tte 'rcnl pu'lie ~d

the m e ed: but ane iet nmbrr'-

C *'lihawt S. Carolinau.aily were animig tho-first settlers of

that part of tei, ae. AA he was raiedfill the reitiers of :t iewy ttled coum..try,Ie wa.;s neccc1a;:irily d.pi'§veI of the advani-

tio4tt I ,good Itq'.( ~'ll!~ Sliut hisyomth mt) hm41tintin :I'cuIture,- Lhe usual

Occuplations oksneh ai couintry. .Aut endow-ed as lhe was by nati V'ithlncomni

ag.nity mid grcat d1ecision' of character,lie soon attracted tie confidence of all svh'oknew him. lie was rather above the mid-dle height, very active, with a nislidar

frRtne, enipabl (if enitiring great fatitin ;and thcre wa;fis no hardy eiterprise of those

dIys too <laring to eilist his Zeal aid hearyco-lopCration.Like 1na1y of our most distinguisied

o'hcers of the Revolution. lie comnimenicedhk mdhitary services ih the French wiar,which terr;iintated 17 d13. It ivas durting

this "var that he beganl to.(evelope thosequahtieR (or W hichI h. was afterwards soOminently distinguiihed. In the year 1762,

herved as a voluitiecr in a bliody hutsnecesul4 expedition Il nder "Lieurtenailt

Colonel Grati, a Uriisi olflie'r- seit byGenelIral .ihetrst to Conmmand atgainst theC hI oken In dian s. 5 ,In 17t1 the settlemenIlt mnadC oi Long-

Cante, in the western part oif Carolina, wasnearly esterminated by the Indiai, andiany of the iIha;;!t:nts fled to the 'Wax-haws for Irote'-tionii, taId amiuongsq them

Was Czekiel 'al anid his faimtily. Itwas.iichmeca. the danltihter of this tr'ntle-muan, with whoi youlin:; Pikents. then ho-eaiie ac<uarinted, .1:d mafterwards married.She. was Ilie sister of John E.. Calhonn,Who died while a senator in ongress.E:triv in 17G 1. tlie l i:heet of this bill-

ra:phsical sketch remoe-d to tile Lonl:'Cae settlement, mw-rr where Ahhe-iteC. II. now siirated.

mutiuh~qllIrorr ofi-if o a

:e. -.&ta ver e -ry peiod, he toill ai!eeiied and tr~ive s-.nild a-:i te ..


ici withti.;ua their cotn-:ent. the scetion ofcounmtry inlwhieb1 he liv was un1fori-tunae-IV mn4-h I dlivid-2d. Awl it %%-n. moregiial .him, im the sj*'itni bietwee. 8.enSauda t:mUroadh 11iiveri, whee the iajo rity wretries.These ci stances made the strute'le

im the tipper pmarts of t'ouhi Carolina. farmore paiinful and dhestrutctivo than it w-aiu almost any other p-irt of the confederacey.The bloody and midnitight contests that:r ose between ieitzhhors ;nd acquainimtees,eveii over their hearth striti ant in thehosot of their flaimilies, were fhir ot-reterrible than the. conflagrations of a foreir-nfue : aid nothing but .tle sternost patt ::..

izmtt an1d most utidanitel courage couildhave liorne ill thie Whig cause againast atmturderous civ ;i war att home, and tho in-vasion. of a reletiless enemiy fron ihroad.At the very coimencement of the Rev-

Aiution, Atidrew Picken raised a militin7omptnly, and vas appointed the ciptain.

Ihie distirmgised part whieh lie actedthrouighoti the struggle for ideenenc1.Ibs h't. in i general terms recorded by tilehistoriani, atid the princIIi evetis can oldy.)e alrlude! to inl the I scnt sketll. Iis

ncl silmd emlirag90. wer-e rewarded byhis coi.titrry. in his ieig-rapidly pro'gotelo thle respective commands1141 of- m"'O- -

M.ioni ait. I SarIer in dii rent part of~

lit-te vh.- .. ir-:aa i'ivtr.,e a ;rurilmia-

I i; n d'it . e'n*- rad,*iybe riedadttitn."'. I" 'tier,tha ilt for t he thiree- veairs immei~-

* ur prere::dm' thte hattle itf.the Coii.

n-ii e i m set ithii a5 succe-i of defeat5tid <hete.irs everywvhere. th'ie three State-trat lfnghtr, with few ior ito re-,anlree<

i-il.Piekoins haid to enriioigmter teI ud iarnsli, h a ommandri ;ayi intli the per andu w e I

2i . - n t.it of the ritate. I cieesri-ed

skees in 1782. As amu.ttnition. was scarce

tnd rim to lbe had, he invented a new modeof fightinag savages, lie had :.-' sabrernade most of themn by thje commoniblack-

imiths of-the country,- and mopnted .hinon, armed with these ensses,.oni horsec-rle~k. -They~ penaetrated rthe'iteriorof thenation w..iutuini-h irapidiry and holduess, thratt sruck uamversal terror amnongsi them.-W ithi fire and 'tw'ortihe destrroyed-in a fewiJays their p~rmeslhe tow.ins; and Atch wtns

ints snecetss that i hl a force of five huen-

Ired mnet lie subidued..th6 sirit of that10o'verfut- peop'e,:anud laid'thie founaation ofi..pohtce 't petiirmanet ha.t .it has not beenine.dtsiuried.-~A t 1: .tin-ft'nticemellt of the Novo-lutioin,

th0C tiet of stifetv thoughtprnhe ta rur...v


be plan O'pei-atiois -

Wrk by the British comandiSaimah alen, Cof. Ga *l-

vancechte gtista. Jtord,Mbo hlid jptreturned frOsi ew York, vas to notify tWu

dlisa1Teete:ijaC fr e~ the tories in the~ west-ern pastr, rth- nud South Caroliui,itld force li toJoin Col. (ambltse toAugusta. 91. qmbke immsegiately nov--ed up -Savannth.river with several hiundrednouted men, and after mitnoeuvering-inthe neighbo.irhood of* where Potershurginow statls, aind Kerr's Port, in order. toellect a junction "with Doyd, he wt eon-pelled by the whigs to return. Cen. Pick-ens,'. who was -then; a Colonel, 'I ih onlythree huindted and twenty men, after driv-imlg back Gumble, pursued Boyd!, and forc-edl hin to cross the river Ciellichel Tmlileslove the jnnction of Savannah nud Brasd

r'vers. He then crossed. at their junetion,and was joined I Col. Dooly an Lient.Clc Clarke, with about one hundred C1.-- -

giana. Col. Dooly, with great patriotisim,gave the command of all t110 forcOs to hins.They then pursued Boyd rapidly, who hltaken a cirenitous route through the Ciher-okee nation, until they .overtook him in afew days, ori the east bank of Kettle creekim Georgia, just as his men had shot downsome becves, an([ were preparing 'heir)reakfas!t. Col. .Pickens had divided! hi-forces iot three divisiotis, Col. Doolv con-manding tle right, and Clarke tle left,with directions to flansk them, while iecommnanded the attack from the -entrewith strict orders not to fire until wiithin '5

paees of the enemy. 1:oyd was a hravv,active man, but was shot down eaiv'the action. After close fighting for 'a-hour, the whigs drove the enespb.ro, 1-tle cane, over the creel.- ehoy'fangs.h-with desperation, and let a*,reat manydead and14 willded upona the field, The -

thens rallied min a ri.,i!4 groiud og the w.hmiok, ald r - 1im1 fight, the wh -

ents l e., "e r the victor'Viwas.co -

plete. 'lhe wn:. 'd four hundredt wenty, :md the 'rie sevenhuIndred and out of that e1isnml'er, not-moore than three hundred ever reachel Col.(6:nble in Augusta. This sce'ess was (i

far snore inporstance than .the nuimbers en-g-edl wouldi, snivute. It broke ip the

tories throtioit Norhi Carolina, whonever afterwards assemilel except in smlailjpartie", or uider the immediuate plrotection

of a foreign force. Althotigh' they wverodrended Ior their desperate and j'mliigintltoutrages upon the cotolry,.yet they nted -mnore for the plnder and murder of indi-viduals than for concerted and inanly war-farse. This hattle of Kettle crock, in 1779,was decaiive of their fate.- Col. Pickenswith hany other whsig officers of this s---tion, hal inaV desperate rencosuteis withdetaeled parties of the disa'fiected, which,though developih ag much bravery and hertonal courage, are too numerous to be.menl-tioned in this. short sketch.

ie was with Gens. Lincoln at ile battloof Stono, and had. his horse killed tiilerhimt while lie was covering- the -retreat ur-dered Is that generni. ~lie co*1n1nandcoledthe.auiitia forces at t!ie.twaous hattle ofthe Cowgens- When all the ircti staines-nre co:'adered,. itis nrst he proinounnecono of the msost xaillat .Indt laring batlesof the revolution. Two-thirds. of tlieAmericin fort.s were militia. undar his

commt'11:md1. Ph Votnn ir. undt

1!L coniom t!a .J. 4-11 WinA'wir',i. ansdlldi drca d 6I ihe ii ando bravery ofI

'di';:.... 1 i at the hseadl 'or his

iii~*:sia~ i-i ( sral Morsgan hadlbiesen-pa:t td bio thIs umsa army~ uander -

(;~n :s*,,. i .sto ru it him- 's df. -

(. aroun~ta -:~ -a i'y over-mu, a ssihts

atndl sthser pslace. Corsn-s ~hsa~snd Tnrletun-sa cer pres.smg. v. a'h superior forces, Greenemir aam ina:o N. Ca.rolinir. Tho Ce155n51 is mi uhe spper sdge of Spatrtanhuirghi

.1 ai m'-t, and very- nearjj the .N. Carohiintline.- i as of v-i~:ast porttince thma: tise -unsdear lens. Moirgani sonli not be-p event--ed, im their retreast hromt *effecting ajunictioniwvitha (reenie. whos 'as aho pt5lressedhby theSupror fore of (>,run allis. - Under tli-i-carensinstasnees, fGens. NIorman',;opinion i4sasgaist fs~hiing. 't the CoV.7enis. Col.-ben thouhst that somethinig muat hedone, or the spiritof the country would bebrtoken down, and S.Carolidia beocm a-per-manent and easy ecnust; . A fter n conn-cil of officers wis held, the light was deter-maiued on. 'lIhe enenmy were superior innumibcrs by' two .hnnired. Coil. Pickensfornied his line abiout two beindre'd 'ard~cs in,ndvance of the. tecond line, cnstin~ _or-the lighi infantry an'd- a corps-'o Vira nia -

uaiflomen. The third line wais formnedifrotathe enary-withs about A ftj' moljted mnilitiamen. Col. Pickoiens isued strict order's not.--to fire until the enemv were .within forlfyards, and -when forced totiethe'0 to foruit-on the right:of theo second line.. They were- --

ebeyed, anid thce ewnss-nadeustructiveas. - ..it.wais uniexpecte~d. It clkol the iwpetui-uaity~of Tuirleton for afes tnooietswliek. -