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Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C.) 1857-03 .......l0l[N LF.IGIl, I. TUCKE[lt...

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Religious Notice. The Rev. Dr. MANLY will preach in the E field Village Baptist Church on Thursday and day nights the 26th and 27th inst., and also at tie Stevens' Creek Church on Saturday and E day following, being the 28th and 29th day 'March. Religious Notice. Tan next 5th Sabbath Union meeting will be I with the Mt. Zion Church on Friday before the Sunday in March, at 11 o'clock, A. M, orga thee meeting, and attend upoitthe introductory mon by J. S. MAsmzws. D. D BjusoN, altern S. P. GETZEN, Mon'i Gao. W. NIxoN, Clerk. NEW SPRING GOODS. WILLIAM SHEAR, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. B AS just received from New York. a is supply of Spring Goods, of new and bea ful styles. among which are Ladies' Printed BEREGE and GRENADI] ROBES, of splendid styles; French Printed Jaconet ROBES. and P1 White and Black CRAPE DE PARIS ; Paris Printed ORGANDIES and JACONE of new and elegant styles; Plain Crape MARETZ and BEREGES, of be tiful colors ; Lubin's Plain Colored CHALLIES, of very I quality ; Fancy SILKS, for Ladies' Spring and Sumn Dresses; Lupin's BEREGE, for Ladies' Travelling Dr sea ; P Printed JACONETS, and Jaconet ROBES, Mourning, of new styles : Plain Black BEREGE, Crape MARETZ,.1 French LAWNS, for full Mourning Dresses ; Plain Buft, Green, Pink and Blue FREN( LAWNS; Fancy GINGHAMS and English PRINTS, beautiful styles ; Ladies' Embroidered Muslin COLLARS, soi at very low prices; Ladies' Embroidered Muslin COLLARS a UNDERSLEEVES, in setts ; Ladies' plain Linen COLLARS and UNDE SLEEVES, in setts; -Ladies' Mourning COLLARS and UNDE SLEEVES,.in setts; Alexander's Ladies' Kid GLOVES, a compi assortment; Ladie's Kid and Buck Gauntlet GLOV ES ; A full assortment of Ladies' English and Gerr' HOSE, of the best make; A full assortment of Misses' and Childre HOSE; Gentlemen's and Youth's Cotton Half HOS of the best make ; Superior 4-4 Irish LINENS and LAWNS; Superior 8.4 and 10.4 Table and Damask DI PERS; Sup. rior Damask Table CLOTIIS and Dam: NAPKINS; Fringed n'nd Plain Iluekaback TOWELS, wv Cold Borders; White Marseilles QUILTS, some of extra e and quality ; Lupin's heavy Black BOMBAZINES, for G, tlemen's Summer wear; Lupin's French DRAP DE'ETE fur Geni men's Sumintr wear; A large assortment of Fancy DRILLINGS:1 other articles suitable fur Gentlemen's and Yout Summer wear; Plain French NANKINETTS, warranted f coldrs, for Boy's Clothing: Checked and Plain COATING, for Geutleir and Youths; .White BPlJLLIANTES, for Ladies' Morn: Dresses, at very low prices ; Ladies' Corunationa and Cruvelli Stet 1 Spril and Whalebone SKIRTS, of the most approi styles t With a great vatiety of other articles, suitable the present season, and to all of which the att< tion of the public is respectfully invited. Augusta, March 24 1857 tf 41 Ladies Spring Mantillas, William Shear, Acous-rA, GA. H AS just received from New York, a hre 11ply of Ladies' Spring and Sunmmer MAd TILLAS, embracing a great variety or new a elegant stylks, &ud which will be so:d at very prices. The public arc respectfully requested to exam the assortment. Augusta, March 24 1857 tf 11 Mgasonic Female Collegial INSTITUTE, AT COKESUU.RY. T11E Trustees of this INSTITUTION d s'r ofplacing it upon a permanent basis and extending its benefits, propose to sell SCiIOLA SH1PS upon the fo:lowing plan : Twenty Years in the Literary D)epartment, $ 15t) Fiteen" " 12 Ten a 44 " So, Six " " a 41 50,. Any person p.urchasing a Scholarship for a n ber of years less than twenty will be permitted use ifat any time during twenty years. D. WV. SicCA NTS, t'.sq., a worthy brother a a gentleman of the highest respectabihity, is< agent for the sale of the above, and is authori: to receive donations. Conlidently relying uponi liberality of our Order and an intelligent publ we comimend him and his mission to their cot dence and support. ~ .VNE .B Mar 24 tf 11 Exc to' Sale. WI LL be ,old on Monday the 13th day VTApril next, ini the T1own of 11amburg eleven 0'clock, A. M., the following named propi ty, to wit: Tke llriek House and Lot on Centre Street, ing a part of Lut No. 123, hatving 31 feet front running back 300 feect to Cook Street. One Ibource and Lot on Market Street No. having :32 feet on Market Street, and running b 200 feet to Mercer Street. Onie llouse and Let on Market Street, No. conaiting 47 feet on Market Street, and runtn back 200 feet to Mercer Street, Four v'acant Lots ktnown in the plan o' the Te of Hamburg ;as numbers 274, 275, 27tJ andI 2 SSold as the pr.operty of lienj:itnin F. Gowdy, dei for the beaitit of the heirs andt creditors. TKrMaS-Onie third cash, the balatice on a er' of six atid tw,-lve months, with interest from d to b. secured1 by nmortgage. Purchias rs t.. pay f.m papers. laul lEitT M~cL)ON .1., Acting Ex'or llamburg, Mai ch 24 i857 3t Administrator's Sale. BYan order from W. F. Durisise, Esqi ,.0 .I.nury ofr ydlgeli.tld I)istret, I shamll proce sel at the I'antationi of the laie P lreston S. liro' de'd , on Fridl.iy the 3d a pril imext. a p irt o. Perso~s I'.Etate of &iaids deee-1e', en'stmog sof 2,000 Buashels of Cornl, A large Stock~ of Cattle and [logs, &c., Ae- Trpays-For all s01ulpsovr 52I ,..h--i-ov~er amout opl a credit until thie 25th D, .ember 1l with ijuterest fromt day of stale. .J. P'. CA it01.L. A dm'o Mar 23. 1857. 2 ' Take Heed! LL Personis indebted to the S.ubscriber 4 A~ hi noteor--e.,t't fr--m Is -53 -r ms that thev must nmake art aingtnments to settle n prior to the first Monaday in A pril next A~ that time they will be inecessarily comipelkd to 5 with my Ait.rney. iH LE I Mar 25 NotiCe this, Also. SEPSONS indlebted to the late tirm of L~eigi Tuker, are required to make pr omptI mnent by the first Momnday in A pril nexct, other theirnsotes and amid accounts will be p!acd in hands of an Omieer for collection .l0l[N LF.IGIl, I. TUCKE[lt Mar 25 21 / Notice. T ~i E ereditors of R. P. Ilnrrisotn, are bei .3ntified tihat I will omeet them at Edgilieb II. on the first Monday (of April next, to tak exhibit of my transactions as Assignee. CHAS. M. FREEMAN, Assigne Maruft251857 -. f NEW SPRING & SUMME] Ige- E'ri- un- PENN, Agent, is daily receiving fro of E . New York and Charleston, his Stock Goods for the Spring and Summer trade. LADIES DRESS GOODS, Among his Dress Goods may be found a varied at teld magnificient assortment of- 5th Bareges, Challies, Rich Barege Robes, .ize Rich Plain and Figured Silks. Printed Organdie Printed Jaconets, Beautiful Brilliants, 'er- Manchester, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, ate. A fine stock of Stella Shawls, Scarfs, Mantillas, Hoop and Embroidered Skirts, &c., &c. English and American Prints. A large and unusually handsome assortment English and American Prints, of every style, pric and quality. White Goods. A very desirable Stock of all kinds of Whit rge Goods, consisting in part of- itt- Plain Checks and Striped Swiss, Jaconet and Nansook Muslins, R ESwiss and Jaconet Trimmings and Bands, Muslin and Lace Collars, Undersleeves and Sett An for Ladies, Misses and Children. r, Domestic Goods Of every description, and at very reasonable price. u- Bonnets, Ribbons and Trimmings. ine A superb assortment of the latest, neatest and mos fashionable Bonnets, together with a unique selec ter tion of the most bewitching Bonnet Ribbons ani Flowers that has ever been opened in this Town. es- Also, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, selected witl the greatesi care in regard to taste and quality. for Gloves and Hosiery. nd A very large and choice supply just received an opened for inspection. Parasols and Fans Of the most improved and convenient styles-some of of them rich and rare, and all beautiful. ne Shoes! Shoes! The attention of customers is invited to examin od my stock of Shoes, whieh will be found large ani desirable, and at prices that will give entire satis [R- faction. Also, R, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Crockery, YANKEE NOTIONS, !te And a great variety of useful and ornamental arti eles not necessary to enumerate. gg The public ate respectfully invited to cal an and examine my Stock. E. PENN, Agent. as' Mar 25 if 11 E, SPRING TRADE 1857. JAMES HENEY, ;- AUGUSTA, G RoforA. H AS received an entirely New and Fashionabl isk Stick of Spring Dry Goods, whiel he offers at the lowest possible prices. Among hi itStock are to be fount the followino articles, v'z: Colored and plain T ress SILKS; ize Fsulard ' " ' GRENADINES and CHALLIES; n- TAMARTINES, a new article for dresses; Plain and figured BAREGES; le- Fig'r'd Lawn, Jaconet and Organdie .1/USLINS .c " " Mouning " nd Jaconet and Organdi ROBES; Ii's Barege and T.saue " Grenadino " ast Mourning Barege LeLAINES; en Ginghats and CALICOES; White and Colored BRILLIANTS; n L "6 " Pique CLOTHS ; LdePiueBASQUES; g. " Et,'d- ed Boys' P'ique JA CKETS; I otted Swiss MUSLINS; or Cheeked anid Striped Jacouct MUSLIKS; a- Swiss and Naussook" Plaitn Jatconet, Swiss and Mull " Bishups' LAWN ; Striped andi Plain Indian Twilled LONGC£LOT'11 liair Corde Jucesnct MUSLINS; Uierlin Corded CA MBRIC'S; SSKIR TING ; Lace and Etmbr'd Collars and SLEE VES, sep P- erste and in. setts; a lournitng Collars and SLEEVES, sepatate an. *" Tape b..r'dl. 11emntiebed atnd Etmbr'd IIAND K ERC1IEFS ; ne Mo~u' nitng H, mist-ched and E ,.br'd HAND KE1RClI EFS ; Infants' Etnbr'd w assamd J)R ESSES; hlosp andl Embr'd SKIRTS, for Ladies attu Eug-niue Curd d SKIRTS ; Shirtings, wher titngs at.d Irish LINENS; Pianter' andts Fauscy LINENS, for ihsys am~ sus Gent's wear; A splendlid a-ssortment of IIOSIERY: R- Alexander's Kid and Silk (,!LO 'ES; M~arseille~s atnd Lancaster QilLTS; ou AlIso, a plenididl asaortttment uf Stella SHAW CS VV a " -" S(.A R F; go Btlack andl ('olored l iANTILLAS ; 00 14AR.SOLS, FANS, &e. m-| TJo which is added Mrs. lienety's beauti:ul s ply to of Mliilinery Goods. Augusta, March 24 1857 tf 11 er LEWIS KOTZOW, he WAX% 9.{.11. O 9272 IC, Ulpp'ste the Mtanision hlouse, UEdgefield S. C. AL inds lf W A TOCll ES, CLOCKS an .IE LYpromiptly repaired and warrantei -for twelve months. g" Watches gaulvanized. -March 16 1me 10 WARLICK'S PATENT PLOW rJMIE Subscriber respectfully calls the attentio1 whi-c. o Planters to the W ARICOK PLOW. d wihhe has the A gency for this District. The; are so simtple in their construetitn that any neagro 4 Eordinary capacity can be easily taiught to stoel kthem. it is so arratnged that the depth of furroi eand elevation of handles is entirely under the con 58 trolof the plowman: and the ease with whte: every variety Eof poitnt (Er share can be attachedt the Stock, adds greatly to its value.- L. S. JOllNSON, AGEN.tr Edgefield C. II., Mar 18 tf 10 ; TAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE tw, W ILL attentd at the. ttimes and places hereill I.afier speciuied to collect the State atnd lIitstri< Tax fur the year cottencintg the first day of Oc .ber, 1856. lRichardsonl's Mondaty, 30th Marel erlssng's Store, Tuesday, 31st 4 \lr-. Norris' Wecdnesday, 1st A pril. . .\lts. Rin..heart's, Thursday, 2d " -d Prty's X Roads, Friday, 3d " Csslem:mi & Smith's S. Saturday, 4th " k--',ospers'ville, Nomlay, 6th " the c I. MI. Seurry 's, Tluesday, 7th " D .rn's \lills, Same evening, 3 o'clock. stevetn' Stosre, Wedtesda.y, 8th " Shatterliehel. Thturssday, 9th " L.. iberty 1!ill, Friday, 1 0th " i StruomsStomre, Si4turd:ty, IItlit "t Pleasant Lane, Same evenuitg, :3 o'clock. I.Cet hsam'st Store, Moniday, 13th "' Ilowmd E's. Tuesday, 14'th" __White H ouse, Wednessday, 15th" Red 1 lill, T'hursdIay, 10th "~ Collier's. Friday, 17th" trIs-kv Ponds, Saturday, 18th " h.-r Mlrt.'Midd-etoni's, $ame eventitng, 3 o'clock. Wi gh~ttman S. 1 lou'e, Monaday, 20th" ' e A. Mosrgatn's, Tuesday, 21st" i er Cherokee Pond.s, Wedneaslay, d2d ": til llmbugThursday, 23d lcach bdanttd, Fridasy, 24th "' -Granite ilb-, Saturday, 25th 4 I hatcher's, Mondalty, 27th " yirantd's, Tiuesdaty, 2'1th 4 Ih & Rdge, Wed nesday. 29th" ay- IIr. .IEchu .bb 'a, Thttrsday, 30th "L eise Dr. .1.1C. Ready's 'Friday, 1st May. the Mrs. A llens, Saturdhay 2nd 4 gdsh~fieldh C. 11 , Monday antd Tuesday, 4th and 51 lohn S. Smyly's Stare, Wednesda.y. 6th May. A fter which time my Books will close fur the pre eut year. .- g Tax Payers will bear in mind that they a required by law to nmake a return of each whti mat'e oEr female born, married or died, in thi eyrespective famiil'es during the year ending 1st .in C. uary 1 857, andl the unumbr of blnieks who ha an beeni born or died dluring the same period-and cor prpred to furntish Die theecorriet return. e Mare THlEOPIllLUS DEAN, 'r co.a.. GROCERIES---GROCERIES; IIE Subscriber has just received and opened s LARGE and FRESH Stock of m Groceries, Confectionary, &c., Which have been ordered with care, and will be sold as low as can be afforded. His Stock consists in part of- d Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Rice, COLEMAN'S BEST FLOUR, Mackerel, Cheese, Macaroni, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, FINE BRANDS, Together with a full supply of every article in the Grocery line. In the Candy and Confectionary Department, May be found an excellent assortment of Candies, f Fruits, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Citron, Nuts of all kinds, Brandied and Preserved Fruits, Pickles in abundance, Spices of all description, Soda, Starch, Soap, Candles, &c., &c. e Sugar, Wine, Soda and Butter Buiscuits & Crackers, Fresh Salmon, Sardines. Clams and Lobsters, Cod Fish, Dried Beef, Beer Tongue, &c. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. Always on hand a splendid assorttnent, which, in regard to quality and .flavor, cannot be excelled in the two States. CHAMPAIGNE WINES, OF ALL KINDS, Byass' best Porter. Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, Rum, &c., Of every price and quality. But the Subscriber deems it unnecessary to enu- merate further, as he flatters himself that he has in t Store as complete a Stock of Goods as is usually found in a well conducted Grocery Store. ' Give me a trial and be convinced. WM. LEGG. Mar4 3t 8 To the Public, 1H E Subscriber takt s ttisopportunity to express his sincere thanks to his friends for the very liberal patronage he has received at their hands during the past year. And -i'tending to keep his Stock CONSTANT- LI' REPLENISHED with a Full Supply -of the- VERY BEST ARTICLES, He will always be found ready and willing to serve his customers, and will use every efTort to give en- tire satisfaction. He wishes it to be distinctly understood that he will expect and require all accounts to be punctually paid when due, as the nature of his business will require prompt payment. IT To these who wish to buy for cash liberal discount will be made. E. PENN, ANT. Jan 14 tf Sale of Property in Aiken. N the first and secon i days of A pril ne.xt, at ONJAiken, S. C., will he sold the property as- signed by W. II. Wise, for the benefit of his credi- tors, vi.: ONE LOT on Chesterfield Street, in a retired and very desirable part of the Town. and conveni- tnt for the attendance of the Biaptist and Methodi-t Churches with a hatnasome and commodious Dwel- ling upon it. A LOT and a Stone House thereon, fronting Lawrence Street, iii the heart of the business of the place. The Stoie 1louse is a large one and well adapted to the purposes tfor which it has been used. -ALso- A large and wel-assorted Stock of Goods, con- si.ting of- Dry Goods, Crockery Ware, Shoes, &c., &ce., &c. f' All pesn indebted ton the Estate of' W. H. Wise, either by Note o.r .\ee, unt, will confer a favor by settling immediately, and save th~em,.elves somei lees that m,,ight be. profitable to tem, and render comufortable the'ir fihmik a and homess. WM3. lIICKSON, Assignee's Agent. Aiken, Starch 3 9 ICE NOTICE, D ERSONS wishting ICE can be servedl (Sunt- 1days excepted.i by npll inig at I rs. Tentgue's Drug Store, or at tmy liarness Shop., It is a amall business. antd ggNONE WILL he )EIyVIR RI) UNLESS the mom-y IS SE NT. Egl'rice, five Cenuts. Contraets will be tmde by the season. M. FiR \ZI ER. March 4 tf tf I TO PRINTERS. WE have on hand and for sale cheap-less V than m hall' t! en ri-ainatl cot-n first tate Iloit of CllASES, of all sizecs, and as good as new. Twentty liar ot CASE-:, with a few JOB CASES, all itn good in -ndition. Also, r, lot of iratss G.\LLEYS. Slice antd Plaint woodi G ALLEYS, C'tompjosingi 5'lt'XS, STlANI)S. a No. 1 ROLLEII M310I'Ll), &c.. all cit whtich ate for s'ale remtarkable chteap. Apply at this ollie. Cotton Gins and Thrashers. ILi. P:autersv -Iho wish to proenre COTTON SGINS andi TIllt.\ShIELtSs of the best per- frimnce, and. muade of the best materi:als, can be supplied by applyi:.:g to the subscriber, either per- sonatlly or bty letter. Alt who tauor mue withm their ettstom are pileased~i, nntd host.' wito ntP~y tin tme he'rret', simil have't no cause tot comtplaint if I shall be as successful im ty effo.rts os I have been h~eretsofore'. Adhdress, TIlOS. E. CilAP.\AN, I Coleman's X Roatds, Edgefield Dist., S. C. Mlarcht 1 If 9* Sheriff's Snle. BI)Y Virtue or sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me I1.dimeeted, I will proceed to sell at Edlgelield Court 1llouse. otn the first Monuday itn A pril next, the folowintg pr'oper'ty int the follnowingt cases, to wit: ,W. IP. Butle'r atd others vs. A. Perrin. One lo.t of Lnd in thte Village ofr Edgefield, conttaining two acres, momnre or' lesS, bounudedi by lanids of .\lrs. Ale- Clintoek. .Jatmes Shtetpatr.l anti thme Cambridge lload, leveid uponW as thexpoerty of A. Perri.Paiti' vs. TIhe Sttnu, Onte Tract of Lt t'l conttaintingtw hundred amnd thirty-one acre's, mtore or' less, adjisi- ig lands of Wim. Uioukighit, J . W. Shumnpet't antd oters. Stecdman & Mims vs. Malachi Coghurn ;Othter Plintittl' vs. The Sitme, One Tract of Land, conmtain- ig two ltu ndred acres, mortte ttr less, ad~jo~iintg lattds of Derick hiolseubake, .lohn .\yers aitd atther's. Te'rmts Cash .J.M EdS EIDSON, s.E D. - Aar'eb 0 1657 4t~e 9 Shcriff'% Sale. Y iteof sundr'y writs of Fi i Facias to me C. 1I., on the first Mondlay int A prit next, the fol- lowing propeu ty in thte fodowing eases, to wit: Wyatt I lohnes vs. P. P'. jDeolittle, P. 1.. Thur- mntd and Robert .Jennrimtgs; Othter Plaitntifi's vs Te' Satme, One Negro womanu Li'z and onec htorse. Also, on 'Tur'sday, thte 9tht A pril, at the rt sidence f P. P. D~oulirtle. a Stock of Cattle, Ilstgs, an-d oter articles, levied upon as the property of' the liefendant, P. P. Doolittle. Termus Cashi. J1 AS. EIDSONi, S E.D. March fI, 2t 10 Administrator's Bale, B3Yan order from W'. F. IDui isoe, Esq1., Ordina- ryof Egefiel District, we wtill proceed to sell at thme late residenice of Jlohn A: Colemant, de- eensedl, on lTursdaty thet. 2nd A ptril ne.xt, aill thte Persna~l Estate of said deceased, consisting in pmnt uf- 16 or 17 Likely Young Negroes, lions. thld and Ki'ehesn Furniture, Corn, Fodder, Snetks, Peas, ();ts, Cotton Seed, Horses, Mules, Cows, logs, It'lantation, andi Blacksmith Tools &e. TV.Rats.-For all sumns of and under $10, cash-- alsums over thatt mount on a credit until thte 25th Decembt.er next. Purchasers to give Note and two or more personal sureties. LEWIS SAMPLE, Ad'ors h Mar 18 2te 10 Admninist rator's Sale. ~ Y an order from thte Ordinary of Edgefleld eDesticte will proceed to sell at the late reui- edneof Johno Irwin, deceased, on Thursday thec 26th inst., all thte P'ersonal Estiate of said deceased, r ~ ssigin part of- SEVEN LIKELY NEOROES, ae Corn, Hogs,lHorses, Plantation Tools, &e. Terms made known on the day of sale. .SAMUEL PERRIN, Adun'r. March. 11 1urT ste 10 CLOTHING---CLOTHING! AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Are now receiving an unusually large Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing! They will keep a good supply for the trade. Also a fine and varied assortment for BOYS and CHIL- DREN, at their Store under the Augusta Hotel, Broad Street, A ugusta, Ga. Feb 24 2m 7 NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! BROOM & NORRELL, Augusta. Ga., are now opening their Stock of NEW GOODS for- SPRING AND SUMMER, Comprising the usual varieties in DOMESTIC and FANCY ARTICLES, together with the latest and most fashionable styles of DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &c., &c., &c., To which they would invite attention. Augusta, Ga., March 4 tf 8 WINDOW SHADES, Paper Hangings & Mlattrasses. HJ W. KINSM AN, CornEr of King and H" Berresford, Charleston, S. C., has just re- ceived and opened a LARGE ASSORTMENT of the above Goods, which will be sold at a LARGE DISCOUNT, For the next three months, in order to reduce the Stock, on account of the expiration of the lease and being obliged to move into another Store.- The following is in part of this large Stock : . FRENCH AND AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS, French, Swviss and American Window Shades, Mattrasses & Pillows of every description. CORNICES, LACE and MUSLIN CURTAINS, Sattin DeLaines and Damask for Curtains, Cords and Tassels, &c. Those who are in want of the above Goods will fid it to their ad vanta-te to exarine them when in the City, or instruct their factors or agents to purchase here. Charleston, March 2 4t 8 :3A.CON :I'EA.CON : T I OS. P. S T OVA LL & C O. AUGUSTA, GA., SEEPi constantly on hand a full supply of BA- A CON, FLOUR, &c., which they sill .ell at the Market price-in large quantties only. Augusta, Feb 24. 3m DAW SON & SKINNER, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Dealers in FINE TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS, &C. -Importeis of- H-A VA NA SEGARS, -Every description of- Constantly on hand. and all for sale on good terms. Augusta, Feb IS 3m 6 HENRY DALY, BO0TS, SHOES AND'BROGANS, AT WHOLESAI.E AND RETAIL. rPHIE Stulieribser, thainkful for the libernl patron- Lage which lie has receivedl from, his Edlgefielid frinids, wi~ss gaini to annmmeine that he is now opening at VERY sUPF.RIlOlt Stock of LADIES AND GENTS' BOOTS AND SHOES Of every description, wt hich will be sold at a smnaI advnce oin Cosr. The nood~is are' alt FR ESh and C'ARE.&ULLY SELECTED, by imyself' pe nal ;mind I ii're to be able to' satisty every one, fur the trouble of The G.,.,1m iut be sold by the 1st .uly ait Whole- sae or Retaiil. ll-"Tmunis.-Retail, Ca'h. W~holesale, time with approvel papier.- II One price system strictly adhered to. IIENRY1 DA LY, Linder thme U. S. I Iotel. A t,.usta, Cat , \Mr 2. tf 8 Turkey Orcek L~fnd for Sale. 'l 'IE Stbibierr wihei tio %ell hisi tract of land .on 'Turkey ('ree'k, (kmtnin atul's Qtuarter,) cotiningt SEVENTEEN HIC NDRtED ACRES. Iwill ride over. the pinie with anly pers~on dlesi- ros of purichasinig, so that they tmay judige of its qualitv. T'I're ii a sumll niew louse tuon the place, with all uiecessary smnt butildinmgs, goodi well of water, &.c. Termis accommaodatiing. ELUEltT BLAND. Feb. 18 1%5 tt' 6 ot ice. S TRAYEl) friom the subsicribecr's Plantation n Savaiminh River, several head of CATTLE of d itrent, dolorts. Amoi't them is an Ox, color white and redl. white face,nuohorned and bob-triledi; the er mnarks, erop in the right and uppe~r-bit in the left ear.- Any iniformuation of said cattle, addlressed to tue or 1my3 Overseer at Edgelkeld C. HI., will be thank- futly received, and a lilberal compensationi givent for -ny trotuble ineurred. F. W. P'ICKENS. Feb 25 if7 Land for Sale, r lH E subse' ither otl'ers for sale a Truet oif Land ini i Edge.tiseld District, lyinig inCn'eTw Creek, in the vicinity oif Liberty II11ll, and conitaniiing Six Hlundared (000) Acres. IIt is of Oak and iiekorv Urowthi, and as tine farm- ing lanmd aus any in the' lIistrict. Inderid it is exira fne for Cotton, as all who know it must and will ad- mit. Near FOUlR IIUNJ)Rum ACl!Eri of tihe Tract is in woods. The lan~d in eitivattioni is in good heart. The pla1ce is wtell watered, having uponi it a lasting spring. The buddings upon, the place are ony tolerable, but the hand ma~ikes amends for all. These desiring to purchase the place, hail better deide quick, as the subscriber is just now anxious to sll. J U LUS BANKS. Dee. 9, 1856, if 48 MILL NOTICE ! OlIN DORN, Sr.. re.spectfully gives notice to h'I s nistiimers that ott and alter the first dlay of A pril niext, lie cannsot grindm tor any ene for less than the EltiltTil, instead of the Tenth as heretofore. All piersolns due jn, eithter by note or account, are notinied to make payment by the 1st A pirilntext, otherwise their nostes :tind aecounts will be placed in the lands of an Otlicer Ibr collection. Mar 4 4t' 8 Notice IS hereby given that a fimaisettlement w'ill be made in th e Ordinary's Office at Edgetield C. H., on Mondty the 30th March ntext, on thte Estate of Wecsley Mlerchatnt, dee'd. All creditors arc there- fire notiled to present their claims on or before that day, otherwise they will he precludled from pairtici- pating in the assets-andl those indebted mnust make iaet by the abhove speitied timle if they wish to save costs. CH ARLOT M ERCHlANT, Ad'x. Feb28 4t S Notice. I WILL not fill any order after this date, to Town or Country, without the Cash enclosed, as I sell Goods for a south pronit, mind I am not authorized to sell Goods on the shortest time. ..S. E. BOWERS, Agent. Uamburg, Feb. 10 1857 if 5 Palmetto Fire Company, ATTENTION! YOU mre hereby commanded to be and appeam Lat your Kniuine Station, on Saturday the 28th ist at 5e i,'clock. P. M., for drill and instruction. By order of the President. W. W. GOODMAN, Seo'ry & Tress. M..18 2t 10 GREAT BARGHINS -IN- rflfHE Subscriber is now CLOSING the old bu- siness of J. F. BUaCIIARD & Co, and offers Great Inducements to Cash Buyers, To make their purchases from him. The Stock is LARGE and WILL be sold. SAMUEL J. BOYCE. Augusta, March 16, 1857. M A. RANSOM would be happy to see " his Friends at the old Stand of J. F. BUa- CHARD & Co., now S. S. BOYCE, and assures them that he can save them Twenty-Five per Cent., On their Spring and Summer purchases. The Stock is equal to any in Augusta, and is to be SOLO REGARDLESS OF FRICES, to wind up the old business. Augusta, March 16, 3m* 10 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! W E WO UIl ) inform the citizens of Edgefield and the adjoining I )istricts that our con- stantly increasing business has compelled our re-. moval from " 3 BROAD STREET," to the mag- ficent and spacious BROWNSTONE BUILDING, 9 3RO." STR'ET. The necmmodations and arrangements of this "NEW DEPOT," are unsurpassed by any similar establishment in the United States; and whilst it will afford facilities for keeping our usual LARGE Stock of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, M{AAZJ CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, &C., We also propose nidding large largely to our present STOCK ofSTATION ERY :Ai those in want of LEDGERSTOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, LETTER, NOTE AND CAP PA PER, &c., &c. will find it to their adIvantaee to visit us. S. G. COUJRTENAY & CO., Booksellers anmd Stationers, " Sign of the News Boy." Chiarlestotn, Dec 16 m 49 Octagon Burial Cases! r PH E Sublscriber keelp constantly on hand a good variety of thbis new style of METALIOtBIU- RAL~ CASES, of beautiful form, and fluishied in perfect resetmblance of highty polishedl ROSE- WOOD. These CAS ES ate now extetsively used andi possess mianty v'altuable advantages over all Collins now before thme public. JOlIN M. WITT. Edgeliel. Feb 9 flmn 5 CARiRIAGE MANUFACTORY. NOTICE 0O" CO-PARTNERSIIIP. '5[ 1l1 t'ndersignedl hnve as- Isociated theimseives to- gether, untder thi einmte of SM.\ll~l & JIONElS, for thme. purpo'e of carrying 6on the Coach flaking and Repairing Business In ali its variau s hInatnhes. 'I hey exJ''et to keep costasntly ''n b-imid a genod assortmet o'' CA~IRIA GES, BUGGIES, ROCCK AWA YS, &C, --Of the late'.t styles.- J- All sorts of RI'A RI.\t done~in the best tmaner, nndi with th.- ureatest dispatch. A l;beral shtnre of patrotage is resprilfully soli- ited. F. L. SMITFi, LEWIS JONES. Edge'ield, la b 20,1E57. tf 7 Boot and Shoe JVanufactory. T Il E Subsca'riber hta'ing ..pem-d a B 0 OFT AND) 5 110 E MIANUJFACTOR1Y opp~Osite the Potst O.flice, respectfully antnounces to tmecitiz ijs of Edgethield Vidlage and Distriet, that is lie pre redl to make to re.er any3 article in the Boot and Shoe Business ! lnvig the best workmen in the D)istrict in his emt- p.yment antd beingt a practien1 workman hiimstlf heI'eds warranated in saying that his work will be une in the tneatest and latest st~s les, Ire has also on hatnd a lamre Stock of fine PUM P SOED and tine W ELT ED and D)O~L'LE Soled OOTS. A lso, a sttck( of genatlemnutu and hidi s' si 10Es-nll of his own rmanufature-whieba he will sell for cash. NICilOLAS McEVOY. N. B.-A Neuro boy wanted to learn the Boot and Shoe trade. Feb 4 t f 4 STiATIE OF SOUTHl CA ROLINA, EDGEFIELDt DISTRICT, IN COMMON PLEAS. Joel Curry, FriaAlcret T. M. flrindley.- gillIIE Plaintily in the above stated case huaving Sth:s lay liled his Ilieelaration iinamy O0lice, and the Defendant havinig neither wife nor Attorney knont to reside withitn the limits of this State, on whom oopies of said declaration with rules to plentd can bie served, On motion of Messrs. CAanOL. d& BACoN, Plaiintiflfs A ttorney, Ordered that said .De- fendant appetar nnd pead to said Dee~aranion within a ear nad a day fronm the date hereof, or fmnal and aibsolute judgment will be given against hinm. TI10S. LI. BACON, c.C.E D. Sept 22, 1956. 1y' 37_ Estray Notice. TOLLED before me ats an Estray by A. J. Mo- E.Carty, living two miles from Perry's Cross Roads, otne large BA Y IIORSE, about fifteen hands high, bellowsed, wvitht a smiall white star in the fore- hed, wvhite speck in the right eye, right four knee enlarged, supposed to be about fifteen years old. Appraised at Thirty-five Dollars. JAMES PERRY, M. B. D. January 24 1837 4tm 4_ Pot sh. L.PNN, Agent, has just received a sup. (. ply oPTASH, put rup in tin cans, with full directions for makitng soft and htard soap. Jan 21 tf 2 5dmljfiitratoris Notice. ALL persotns havintg demands against the Es- Atate of Sarah Gregory. deecd. arte requested to reder itn their accounts properly attested withtout delay, atnd those indebted must ntake payment at n eatrly date. I am deternmined to make a final set- tlement in a shout time. RICHARD GREGORY. Fe. 18i57 3m 4 CANDIDATES! For Congress. Q? We are authorized by the friends of Gen. M L. BONHAM, to announce him as a Candidati for the U. S. House of Representatives, to ill tht vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. P. 8 Brooks. ITTlie Friends of H. R. SPANN, Esq., re spectfully announce him as a Candidate for a seal in the U. S. House of Representatives to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. PRESTOS S. BRooKs. !' We are authorized by the friends of Co!. A. 0. SUMMER, of Newberry, to announce him as a Candidate for a seat in the U. S. House of Representatives to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. P. S. BRoors. The friends of Co. WM. QUATTLEBUM res- pectfully announce him as a Candidate -for Sherifi of Edgefield at the ensuing election. 1 We are authorized to announce LEWIS JONES, Esq., as a candidate for re-election for Slieriff of Edgefield District. 97 Tun' Friends of Capt. H. BOULWARE respectfully announce him as a Candidate for Sheriff of Edgefield District at the next election. THE friends of Capt. LEWIS COVAR, res- pectfully announce him as a candidate for Sherif, of Edgefield District, at the ensuing election. The many friends of W. W. SALE, Esq., of Hamburg, in the upper part of the District, respect- fully announce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Edgefield District at the next election. 0Q Tna Friends of Mr. ROBERT D. BRYAN respectfully announce him as a Candidate for Clerk of Edgefield District at the next election. (- Tus Friends of Maj. JOHN C. LOVE- LESS respectfully announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector of Edgefield District at the ensuing election. lOThe friends of STARLING TURNER, an- nounce him a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. Er The Friends of Mr. M. W. LYLES respect- fully announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collec- tor of Edgefield at the next election. gW The lriends of Capt. E. W. HORN, re- spectfully announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector of Edgefield District, at the ensuing elec- tion. 0' The Friends of Mr. CHARLES CARTER respectfully announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collector of Edgefield District, at the next election 03 The Friends of Mr. CHAS. M. MAY, res- pectfully announce him as a Candidate for Tax Col- ector of Edgefield District at the next election. D e n t i s t r y. T HE Subscriber has opened an Office immediately in rear of the Court IHouie, where he will at- tend to any business pertaining to his Profession. Allen's Patent Teeth, Curvilinear Gum and Block Teeth, from Single Teeth to Entire Setts, Put up in a style to please the most fastidious. Dentists wishing teeth put up on Allen's Patent, can have it done by sending in their Plates at very modeate prices. Dentists' Gold and Silver Plate, Gold Silver and Platina Wire, round, half round and eilinudrical made to order. H. PARKER. N. B.-A settlemient always at the completion of the work. July 30 tf 29 TO THE AFFLICTED. DRu. TIIAYER, Homwopathic P/zyeiciun, Bar- igeon, and Accoucheur, late of Philadelphia. now located No 217, Droad Street. Augusta, Ga. Particular attention paid to the treatment of Chronic diseases. Visits made at a distance on the most reasonable terms. Please address,- 11. R. THAYER, M. D. Augusta Ga. Ail12 tf ___12 Clocks, Watches and Jewelry REPAIRED ! 1OBERT LISENBEE, takes this ocea- adin to infurm. the citizetns of Edgefield Village ad. the surroundint vicinity, that he is now pro. pard1 to accommodate all who may entrust theit work to him, on the most reasosnable terms. *Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., Left with him will be' properly and neatly repaired. ad warranted to work well. gr lie may be found at the resdence of Mrs. Golig. adjo'ining~ the A dvertiser Office, where he repettully solicts at sharie of public patron:ige. .n21 11* 2 LINEN SHIRT BOSOMS. WILLIAY SHEAR, H AS received fromt New York, a supply of GENTLE.\EN'S and YOUTil'S LIN EN S IIItT BOSO.\S, beautifully stuitced, and of su- ,erior style and quiality, which lie will sell at very w prices. A ugusta, Jan. 27 1857 tf 3 Cass County Lands FOR SALE. &MOST valuable p'antation lying on the Wes- tern & Atlantic Rauil Roadi, embracing the lands upon which the Casville Wooid-Station is loca- ted and only two and a half miles from Cassville, ad withaun two miles of :he Cherokee Baptist Col- lege and the Methodist Female College. Tfhis tract contains 700 Acres, of which only l190aeres are in euh~ivaution, the rest being heavi:) timbered and so convenient to the Wood-Station. that every stick of timber can be readily converted nt)nmoney. The impro~vementsu consists of a com- fortable lI)welling, a good Gin lluuse and all other out houses, &c. Thlere are on this tract about 40 acres of very fine meadow hand, half~of wich is set in Herds Gras. This land is calpable of producing about 1000 lbs. f Cotton, 201 bushels of Wheat or 40 bushiels of Cm. The surplus timber (ln the tract when sold, w~ill mtore than repay the purchase money. Any peronmu wishing to puurchase the above tract are re- feted to J. II. MIMS. Feb. 11 1857 3m 4 Notice. A Lf, Persons indebted to the Estate of James S. Shadraek, dee'dl., are earnestly requested to mke immediate payment, and those having de- mands against the said Estate will render them in properly attested. H. BURN ETT, Aud'ors T. M. FIS1E'R.5 Mar 11 if 9 Money---Money---Yoney.. A LL those indebted to me by Note or Account. are earneedy requested to call at once, ttnd settle up, as I have left thte D~istrict. and cannot possibly give longer indulirence. My notes and accounts may be found in the hands of Capt. Jau. MCreless, at my former residence. Those under a .agistrate's jurisdiction will now very soon be handed over for collection. Come up, gentlemen, one and all, and settle, and do not force me to run y. to cost. JAMES DORN. Mar 4 4t* 8 Final Notice. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of William Vance, deed., arc earnestly requested to settle by ,the 19th March next, as longer indulgence will not be given. -Those having demands against said Estate are notified to render in their accounts, properly attested, by that time, as I intend making a final settlement in the Ordinary's Officee on that day. S. BROAD WATER, Adinr. Feb 18 5 t 6 A Great Medicine. B LISS' celebrated DYSPEPTIC REMEDY. Read that long advertisement on another col- umn. For sale by DRiS. A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE. N ov4tf 43 Notice. A LL Persons having claims againsb lhe Estt of Benj. Corley, dec'd., will render thypm in without, delay, and thtose indebted must tanki payent fortwI. B. CORLEY, Adm'r. su a ama8 THE PRINCETON PRESS. THE design of the inventor was t 'get ups- Press which would answer every requirement of the offer made by George Bruce, of New York, i1 1851, viz: CHEAP, LIGHT, EASILY MAN- AGED, and capable of throwing off at least 600 sheets per hour. This PRESS will throw off from 500 to 800 sheets per hour, doing the work equal to any Cylin- der Press. The bed stands about thirty inches from the floor, and is the most convenient of all Presses to make ready the form on. It 'is adapted to jobbing or book work, as well as newspaper, and will register as well as any other Cylinder Press. It requires to work it, a man to turn the By wheel, and a, boy to feed the sheets. The Inking Apparatus is very- complete, and differs from the apparatus used in Cylinder Presses generally, being more like that used in the Power Platen Presses. Two rollers pass over the form twice to each impression, taking ink for each sheet. A Press of this description for newspaper and jobbing, bed 44 by 281 inches, with roller mould, roller stocks, blanket, flying and registering appa- ratus, &c., complete, will be furnished for $500. If intended for book work chiefly, an extra ink foun- tain will be furnished for $20. The Press, By wheel, &o., will weigh about 2000 pounds. The sides, &c., are iron. Lengh of frame, seven feet; height to front edge of feed board, three feet six inches. Any size made to order. The following is a list of the sizes and prices, as far as stablished: Bed 28 by 20 ...................$400 " 36 " 24 .................. 450 " 44" 28 ............ ..600 " 46 " 30 ................... 540 " 48 " 31 ................... 580 " 50 " 32 ................... 600 " 52 " 32 ................... 625 " 56 " 36 ................... 800 Boxing and Carthage, $13. The beds will take chases their full breath, and within two inches or the length. TERMS.-One half cash; one half note, four months, with approved security ; or 2} per cent. discount for cash. For more than four years the inventor of the above Press has been improving it, working it all the while, and ascertaining with great care and expense, the best mode of carrying out all the de- tails, and he.now flatters himself he has sueceeded in perfecting it. Within the past year important improvements have been made. No Press will leave his premises without being thoroughly tested, and without it performs to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser. JOHN T. ROBINSON. Princeton, N. J., Feb. 1857. 9 GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND, oR DENNIS' ALTERATIVE, raEraaED Iv .. DENNIS, I. D., AUGUSTA, GA. FOR DISEASES OF THE LIVER AND TO PURIFY THE BLOOD. IT contains, in addition to Sarsaparilla, the hydro- L alcoholic extract or Queen's Delight, (Stillingia) White Ash, Grey Beard or Fringe Tree, (Chionan- thus) Tincture of May Apple or Mandrake, (Podo- phylium) and Blood Root, (Sanguinaria.) In small doses it acts as an alterative or laxative, in larger doses as a mild purgative-with some as an active purgative. As an alterative or laxative, it has been found useful in gonstipation of the Bowels, Jaundice, Billious Fever, Fever and Ague, Sick Headache, Dizziness, various Female Complaints, Chronic Af- rections of the Liver, secondary Syphilis and Syphi- loid Diseases, Serofulous Affections, Sores, Ulcers, Blotches, Cutaneous Eruptions, or Diseases of the Skin, and all other diseases in which Sarsaparilla or alternative medicines are indicated. That it acts upon the Liver, may be known from the fact, that in Jaundice, or cases of Billiousness, it causes free billions evacuations, readily removes unnatural yellow tinge about the eyes and upon the skin, and improves the health and spirits. *In Cutaneous Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, and other diseases of the skin, it causes the disappear- ance of the Blotches, Pimples, &c., and greatly im- proves the complexion. As a diet drink, -it keepis the bowels free, the liver healhy, and the blood pure. Its ..healthy action on the liver, and purifying eftet upon the blood, make it a great -safeguard against disease; foir children a safeguard against worms-it causes an increased secretion and pas. sage of 4he bile, which acts as an irritant to worms and prevents their nccumulation. Physicians, who have made extensive use of the different ingredients of this preparation of Sarsa- imrilla regard them as the best and most efficient agents in ihe Materia Medica. It is put in pint bottles. OJ7 Price $1 per bottle. ILT Sold in this Village by Drs. A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE~, Agents. 3t1 March 183t1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFlELD) DISTRICT,- IN ORDINARY. A NDREW G. LA TASTE and wife Mary, and Felina Nappier, vs. Tilhnuan D. Nappier, Ma- tilda Radford and others. It appearing to my satisfaction that Elizabeth Williams, Lucinida Radford, Martha Nappier, Eliza Nappier, Johin Nappier, Absalomi Nappier and John Naplier, Defendants, reside without this State, it is therefore ordered, that they do appear and ob- ject to division or sale of the real Estate of Na- than Nappier, deceased, on or before the 9th day of May next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. W. F. DURISOE, o.E.D. Ordinary's Office, Feb. 10th 1867, 12t. 6 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. William White and wife, Applicants, vs. George W. Thomas and others. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Andromeda Thomas, Atticus T. Thomas, Sarah C. Thomas and Landon T. Thomas, children of George W. Thomas-Thomeau U. Oden, Martha Oden, Elias Oen, George WV. Oden, Esther Oden, Mary Oden, Sarah Oden, Nancy Oden, John Oden and Patience Oden, children of Mlary Ann Oden, wife of John H. Oden-Sarah Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Mary Thomas, Martha Thomas, Emeline Thomas, John Thomas and Catherine Thomas, children of Jane T. Thomas, Defendants in the above case, reside without the limits of this' State, it is therefore Ordered that they do appear and object to the di- vision or sale of the Real Estate of Sarah Thomas, d'd., on or before the 23d day of May next or their concert to thesame will be entered of record. W. F. DURI80E, O.B.D. Feb 24, 1856. 12t 7 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT IN ORDINARY. Sarah E. Cunningham, Applicant, PLi~fr George C. Cunningham and others Partition. Defendants. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Nancy Cnn- .ningham, Sr., Samuel Warson and wife LouIsa, Lawon Cunningham, Henry Cunningham, Rebec- ca Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, Stella Cun- ningham, Draton Cunningham, Anna Cunningham, Nancy Cunningham, Tillman Brown and wife Flo- rilla, tIobert Parris, Margaret H. Parris, William S. Parris and Sally Parris, minors, Defendants in the above stated ease, reside beyond the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the Real Es- tate of Robert F. Cunningham, deo'd., on or before the 8th day of June next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. W. F. DURISOE, o. a. n. Mar 16, 1957. 3m 10 State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN ORDINARY. BY W. F. DURISOE, Eaqure, Ordinary of Edge- Wheeas LeisSample and J. B. Floyd hath ap- plied to me for Leiiers of Administrain, en all and sigular the goods and chattles, rights and credits of John A. Coleman, late of the Diutriet aforesaid, de- esed. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and esadkors of said deceased, to be amid appear before -me, as ear nezn Ordinary's Court for the said Distses holden at Edgefeld C. I. on this Rth day of afh inst, toeshow eas, if any, why the sad Adminisation should not he Given under my hand and seal, this 16th day.of March, in the yerof our Lord one thonseab*1 hundred and fift-si and in ths Eighth-first jearof Ameuea lndependenc. W. F. DU1ISOB, O.. M.a sa e . 10.
  • Religious Notice.The Rev. Dr. MANLY will preach in the E

    field Village Baptist Church on Thursday andday nights the 26th and 27th inst., and also attie Stevens' Creek Church on Saturday and Eday following, being the 28th and 29th day'March.

    Religious Notice.Tan next 5th Sabbath Union meeting will be I

    with the Mt. Zion Church on Friday before theSunday in March, at 11 o'clock, A. M, orgathee meeting, and attend upoitthe introductorymon by J. S. MAsmzws. D. D BjusoN, altern

    S. P. GETZEN, Mon'iGao. W. NIxoN, Clerk.



    BAS just received from New York. a issupply of Spring Goods, of new and beaful styles. among which are

    Ladies' Printed BEREGE and GRENADI]ROBES, of splendid styles;French Printed Jaconet ROBES. and P1

    White and Black CRAPE DE PARIS ;Paris Printed ORGANDIES and JACONE

    of new and elegant styles;Plain CrapeMARETZ and BEREGES, of be

    tiful colors ;Lubin's Plain Colored CHALLIES, of very I

    quality ;Fancy SILKS, for Ladies' Spring and Sumn

    Dresses;Lupin's BEREGE, for Ladies' Travelling Dr

    sea ;PPrinted JACONETS, and Jaconet ROBES,

    Mourning, of new styles :Plain Black BEREGE, Crape MARETZ,.1

    French LAWNS, for full Mourning Dresses ;Plain Buft, Green, Pink and Blue FREN(

    LAWNS;Fancy GINGHAMS and English PRINTS,

    beautiful styles ;Ladies' Embroidered Muslin COLLARS, soi

    at very low prices;Ladies' Embroidered Muslin COLLARS a

    UNDERSLEEVES, in setts ;Ladies' plain Linen COLLARS and UNDE

    SLEEVES, in setts;-Ladies' Mourning COLLARS and UNDESLEEVES,.in setts;

    Alexander's Ladies' Kid GLOVES, a compiassortment;

    Ladie's Kid and Buck Gauntlet GLOV ES ;A full assortment of Ladies' English and Gerr'

    HOSE, of the best make;A full assortment of Misses' and Childre

    HOSE;Gentlemen's and Youth's Cotton Half HOS

    of the best make ;Superior 4-4 Irish LINENS and LAWNS;Superior 8.4 and 10.4 Table and Damask DI

    PERS;Sup. rior Damask Table CLOTIIS and Dam:

    NAPKINS;Fringed n'nd Plain Iluekaback TOWELS, wv

    Cold Borders;White Marseilles QUILTS, some of extra e

    and quality ;Lupin's heavy Black BOMBAZINES, for G,

    tlemen's Summer wear;Lupin's French DRAP DE'ETE fur Geni

    men's Sumintr wear;A large assortment of Fancy DRILLINGS:1

    other articles suitable fur Gentlemen's and YoutSummer wear;

    Plain French NANKINETTS, warranted fcoldrs, for Boy's Clothing:Checked and Plain COATING, for Geutleir

    and Youths;.White BPlJLLIANTES, for Ladies' Morn:

    Dresses, at very low prices ;Ladies' Corunationa and Cruvelli Stet 1 Spril

    and Whalebone SKIRTS, of the most approistyles t

    With a great vatiety of other articles, suitablethe present season, and to all of which the att<tion of the public is respectfully invited.

    Augusta, March 24 1857 tf 41

    Ladies Spring Mantillas,William Shear,

    Acous-rA, GA.

    HAS just received from New York,a hre

    11ply of Ladies' Spring and Sunmmer MAdTILLAS, embracing a great variety or new aelegant stylks, &ud which will be so:d at veryprices.The public arc respectfully requested to exam

    the assortment.Augusta, March 24 1857 tf 11

    Mgasonic Female Collegial


    T11E Trustees of this INSTITUTION d s'rofplacing it upon a permanent basis andextending its benefits, propose to sell SCiIOLASH1PS upon the fo:lowing plan :Twenty Years in the Literary D)epartment, $ 15t)Fiteen" " 12Ten a 44

    " So,Six " " a 41 50,.Any person p.urchasing a Scholarship for a n

    ber of years less than twenty will be permitteduse ifat any time during twenty years.D. WV. SicCANTS, t'.sq., a worthy brother a

    a gentleman of the highest respectabihity, is<agent for the sale of the above, and is authori:to receive donations. Conlidently relying uponiliberality of our Order and an intelligent publwe comimend him and his mission to their cotdence and support. ~ .VNE .B

    Mar 24 tf 11

    Exc to' Sale.

    WI LL be ,old on Monday the 13th dayVTApril next, ini the T1own of 11amburgeleven 0'clock, A. M., the following named propity, to wit:Tke llriek House and Lot on Centre Street,

    ing a part of Lut No. 123, hatving 31 feet frontrunning back 300 feect to Cook Street.One Ibource and Lot on Market Street No.

    having :32 feet on Market Street, and running b200 feet to Mercer Street.Onie llouse and Let on Market Street, No.

    conaiting 47 feet on Market Street, and runtnback 200 feet to Mercer Street,

    Four v'acant Lots ktnown in the plan o' the Teof Hamburg ;as numbers 274, 275, 27tJ andI 2SSold as the pr.operty of lienj:itnin F. Gowdy, deifor the beaitit of the heirs andt creditors.TKrMaS-Onie third cash, the balatice on a er'

    of six atid tw,-lve months, with interest from dto b. secured1 by nmortgage.Purchias rs t.. pay f.m papers.

    laul lEitT M~cL)ON .1., Acting Ex'orllamburg, Mai ch 24 i857 3t

    Administrator's Sale.BYan order from

    W. F. Durisise, Esqi ,.0.I.nury ofr ydlgeli.tld I)istret, I shamll proce

    selat the I'antationi of the laie Plreston S. liro'de'd , on Fridl.iy the 3d a pril imext. a p irt o.Perso~s I'.Etate of &iaids deee-1e', en'stmog sof

    2,000 Buashels of Cornl,A large Stock~ of Cattle and [logs, &c., Ae-

    Trpays-For all s01ulpsovr 52I ,..h--i-ov~eramout opl a credit until thie 25th D, .ember 1lwith ijuterest fromt day of stale.

    .J. P'. CA it01.L. Adm'oMar 23. 1857. 2

    ' Take Heed!LL Personis indebted to the S.ubscriber 4A~hi noteor--e.,t't fr--m Is-53-rms

    that thev must nmake art aingtnments to settlenprior to the first Monaday in A pril next A~

    that time they will be inecessarily comipelkd to 5with my Ait.rney. iH LE IMar 25

    NotiCe this, Also.SEPSONS indlebted to the late tirm of L~eigiTuker, are required to make promptI

    mnentby the first Momnday in April nexct, othertheirnsotes and amid accounts will be p!acd inhands of an Omieer for collection

    .l0l[N LF.IGIl,I. TUCKE[lt

    Mar 25 21

    / Notice.T ~i E ereditors of R. P. Ilnrrisotn, are bei

    .3ntified tihat I will omeet them at EdgiliebII.on the first Monday (of April next, to tak

    exhibit of my transactions as Assignee.CHAS. M. FREEMAN, Assigne

    Maruft251857 -. f


    E'ri-un- PENN, Agent, is daily receiving froof E. New York and Charleston, his Stock

    Goods for the Spring and Summer trade.LADIES DRESS GOODS,

    Among his Dress Goods may be found a varied atteld magnificient assortment of-5th Bareges, Challies, Rich Barege Robes,.ize Rich Plain and Figured Silks. Printed OrgandiePrinted Jaconets, Beautiful Brilliants,'er- Manchester, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams,ate. A fine stock of Stella Shawls, Scarfs, Mantillas,

    Hoop and Embroidered Skirts, &c., &c.English and American Prints.

    A large and unusually handsome assortmentEnglish and American Prints, of every style, pricand quality.

    White Goods.A very desirable Stock of all kinds of Whitrge Goods, consisting in part of-itt-Plain Checks and Striped Swiss,

    Jaconet and Nansook Muslins,R ESwiss and Jaconet Trimmings and Bands,Muslin and Lace Collars, Undersleeves and Sett

    An for Ladies, Misses and Children.r, Domestic Goods

    Of every description, and at very reasonable price.u- Bonnets, Ribbons and Trimmings.ine A superb assortment of the latest, neatest and mos

    fashionable Bonnets, together with a unique selecter tion of the most bewitching Bonnet Ribbons ani

    Flowers that has ever been opened in this Town.es- Also, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, selected witl

    the greatesi care in regard to taste and quality.for Gloves and Hosiery.

    nd A very large and choice supply just received anopened for inspection.

    Parasols and FansOf the most improved and convenient styles-someof of them rich and rare, and all beautiful.

    ne Shoes! Shoes!The attention of customers is invited to examin

    odmy stock of Shoes, whieh will be found large anidesirable, and at prices that will give entire satis

    [R-faction. Also,R,

    Hats, Caps, Groceries, Crockery,YANKEE NOTIONS,

    !teAnd a great variety of useful and ornamental artieles not necessary to enumerate.gg The public ate respectfully invited to cal

    an and examine my Stock.E. PENN, Agent.

    as' Mar 25 if 11E, SPRING TRADE 1857.

    JAMES HENEY,;- AUGUSTA, G RoforA.HAS received an entirely New and Fashionablisk Stick of Spring Dry Goods, whielhe offers at the lowest possible prices. Among hi

    itStock are to be fount the followino articles, v'z:Colored and plain T ress SILKS;

    ize Fsulard'

    " '

    GRENADINES and CHALLIES;n- TAMARTINES, a new article for dresses;

    Plain and figured BAREGES;le- Fig'r'd Lawn, Jaconet and Organdie .1/USLINS.c " " Mouning "

    nd Jaconet and Organdi ROBES;Ii's Barege and T.saue "

    Grenadino "ast MourningBarege LeLAINES;

    en Ginghats and CALICOES;White and Colored BRILLIANTS;

    n L "6 " Pique CLOTHS ;LdePiueBASQUES;

    g. " Et,'d-ed Boys' P'ique JACKETS;

    I otted Swiss MUSLINS;or Cheeked anid Striped Jacouct MUSLIKS;a- Swiss and Naussook"

    Plaitn Jatconet, Swiss and Mull "Bishups' LAWN ;Striped andi Plain Indian Twilled LONGC£LOT'11liair Corde Jucesnct MUSLINS;Uierlin Corded CAMBRIC'S;

    SSKIRTING ;Lace and Etmbr'd Collars and SLEE VES, sep

    P- erste and in. setts;a lournitng Collars and SLEEVES, sepatate an.

    *" Tape b..r'dl. 11emntiebed atnd Etmbr'd IIANDKERC1IEFS ;

    ne Mo~u' nitng H, mist-ched and E ,.br'd HANDKE1RClI EFS ;

    Infants' Etnbr'd w assamd J)RESSES;hlosp andl Embr'd SKIRTS, for Ladies attuEug-niue Curd d SKIRTS ;Shirtings, wher titngs at.d Irish LINENS;Pianter' andts Fauscy LINENS, for ihsys am~

    sus Gent's wear;A splendlid a-ssortment of IIOSIERY:

    R- Alexander's Kid and Silk (,!LO 'ES;M~arseille~s atnd Lancaster QilLTS;

    ou AlIso,a plenididl asaortttment uf Stella SHAWCSVV

    a" -" S(.ARF;go Btlack andl ('olored l iANTILLAS;

    00 14AR.SOLS, FANS, &e.m-|TJo which is added Mrs. lienety's beauti:ul s ply

    toof Mliilinery Goods.Augusta, March 24 1857 tf 11

    er LEWIS KOTZOW,he WAX% 9.{.11. O 9272

    IC, Ulpp'ste the Mtanision hlouse,UEdgefield S. C.AL inds lfW A TOCll ES, CLOCKS an.IELYpromiptly repaired and warrantei-for twelve months. g" Watches gaulvanized.

    -March 16 1me 10

    WARLICK'S PATENT PLOWrJMIE Subscriber respectfully calls the attentio1whi-c.o Planters to the WARICOK PLOW.

    d wihhe has the Agency for this District. The;are so simtple in their construetitn that any neagro

    4 Eordinary capacity can be easily taiught to stoelkthem. it is so arratnged that the depth of furroi

    eand elevation of handles is entirely under the con58trolof the plowman: and the ease with whte:every variety Eof poitnt (Er share can be attachedtthe Stock, adds greatly to its value.-

    L. S. JOllNSON, AGEN.trEdgefield C. II., Mar 18 tf 10


    tw,W ILL attentd at the. ttimes and places hereillI.afier speciuied to collect the State atnd lIitstri<

    Tax fur the year cottencintg the first day of Oc.ber, 1856.

    lRichardsonl's Mondaty, 30th Marelerlssng's Store, Tuesday, 31st 4

    \lr-. Norris' Wecdnesday, 1st A pril.. .\lts. Rin..heart's, Thursday, 2d "

    -d Prty's X Roads, Friday, 3d "Csslem:mi & Smith's S. Saturday, 4th "k--',ospers'ville, Nomlay, 6th "thecI. MI. Seurry 's, Tluesday, 7th "D .rn's \lills, Same evening, 3 o'clock.stevetn' Stosre, Wedtesda.y, 8th "Shatterliehel. Thturssday, 9th "L.. iberty 1!ill, Friday, 1 0th "i StruomsStomre, Si4turd:ty, IItlit "tPleasant Lane, Same evenuitg, :3 o'clock.I.Cet hsam'st Store, Moniday, 13th "'IlowmdE's. Tuesday, 14'th"__White House, Wednessday, 15th"Red 1 lill, T'hursdIay, 10th "~Collier's. Friday, 17th"trIs-kv Ponds, Saturday, 18th


    h.-rMlrt.'Midd-etoni's, $ame eventitng, 3 o'clock.Wigh~ttman S. 1 lou'e, Monaday, 20th"


    eA. Mosrgatn's, Tuesday, 21st"ierCherokee Pond.s, Wedneaslay, d2d ":tilllmbugThursday, 23dlcach bdanttd, Fridasy, 24th "'-Granite ilb-, Saturday, 25th 4Ihatcher's, Mondalty, 27th "yirantd's, Tiuesdaty, 2'1th 4Ih &Rdge, Wed nesday. 29th"

    ay- IIr. .IEchu .bb 'a, Thttrsday, 30th "LeiseDr..1.1C. Ready's 'Friday, 1st May.

    the Mrs. A llens, Saturdhay 2nd 4gdsh~fieldh C. 11 , Monday antd Tuesday, 4th and 51lohn S. Smyly's Stare, Wednesda.y. 6th May.A fter which time my Books will close fur the preeut year..-g Tax Payers will bear in mind that they arequired by law to nmake a return of each whtimat'e oEr female born, married or died, in thieyrespective famiil'es during the year ending 1st .inC.uary1 857, andl the unumbr of blnieks who haanbeeniborn or died dluring the same period-and corprpred to furntish Die theecorriet return.

    eMare THlEOPIllLUS DEAN, 'r co.a..

    GROCERIES---GROCERIES;IIE Subscriber has just received and opened sLARGE and FRESH Stock of

    m Groceries, Confectionary, &c.,Which have been ordered with care, and will besold as low as can be afforded. His Stock consistsin part of-

    d Sugar, Coffee, Tea,Molasses, Rice,

    COLEMAN'S BEST FLOUR,Mackerel, Cheese, Macaroni,

    TOBACCO AND SEGARS, FINE BRANDS,Together with a full supply of every article in theGrocery line. In the

    Candy and Confectionary Department,May be found an excellent assortment of Candies,

    f Fruits, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Citron,Nuts of all kinds, Brandied and Preserved

    Fruits, Pickles in abundance, Spicesof all description, Soda, Starch,

    Soap, Candles, &c., &c.eSugar, Wine, Soda and Butter Buiscuits& Crackers,

    Fresh Salmon, Sardines. Clams and Lobsters,Cod Fish, Dried Beef, Beer Tongue, &c.

    FINE WINES AND LIQUORS.Always on hand a splendid assorttnent, which, in

    regard to quality and .flavor, cannot be excelled inthe two States.

    CHAMPAIGNE WINES, OF ALL KINDS,Byass' best Porter.

    Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, Rum, &c.,Of every price and quality.

    But the Subscriber deems it unnecessary to enu-merate further, as he flatters himself that he has in

    tStore as complete a Stock of Goods as is usuallyfound in a well conducted Grocery Store.

    ' Give me a trial and be convinced.WM. LEGG.

    Mar4 3t 8

    To the Public,1HE Subscriber takt s ttisopportunity to express

    his sincere thanks to his friends for the veryliberal patronage he has received at their handsduring the past year.And -i'tending to keep his Stock CONSTANT-

    LI' REPLENISHED with a Full Supply-of the-

    VERY BEST ARTICLES,He will always be found ready and willing to servehis customers, and will use every efTort to give en-tire satisfaction.He wishes it to be distinctly understood that he

    will expect and require all accounts to be punctuallypaid when due, as the nature of his business willrequire prompt payment.IT To these who wish to buy for cash liberal

    discount will be made.E. PENN, ANT.

    Jan 14 tf

    Sale of Property in Aiken.N the first and secon i days of A pril ne.xt, at

    ONJAiken, S. C., will he sold the property as-signed by W. II. Wise, for the benefit of his credi-tors, vi.:ONE LOT on Chesterfield Street, in a retired

    and very desirable part of the Town. and conveni-tnt for the attendance of the Biaptist and Methodi-tChurches with a hatnasome and commodious Dwel-ling upon it.A LOT and a Stone House thereon, fronting

    Lawrence Street, iii the heart of the business of theplace. The Stoie 1louse is a large one and welladapted to the purposes tfor which it has been used.


    A large and wel-assorted Stock of Goods, con-si.ting of-Dry Goods, Crockery Ware, Shoes,

    &c., &ce., &c.f' All pesn indebted ton the Estate of' W.

    H. Wise, either by Note o.r .\ee, unt, will confer afavor by settling immediately, and save th~em,.elvessomei lees that m,,ight be. profitable to tem, andrender comufortable the'ir fihmik a and homess.

    WM3. lIICKSON, Assignee's Agent.Aiken, Starch 3 9

    ICE NOTICE,D ERSONS wishting ICE can be servedl (Sunt-1days excepted.i by npll inig at I rs. Tentgue's

    Drug Store, or at tmy liarness Shop.,It is a amall business. antd ggNONE WILL

    he )EIyVIRRI) UNLESS the mom-y IS SENT.Egl'rice, five Cenuts.Contraets will be tmde by the season.

    M. FiR \ZI ER.March 4 tftf

    I TO PRINTERS.WE have on hand and for sale cheap-lessV thanm hall' t! en ri-ainatl cot-n first tate Iloit

    of CllASES, of all sizecs, and as good as new.Twentty liar ot CASE-:, with a few JOB CASES,

    all itn good in -ndition.Also, r, lot of iratss G.\LLEYS. Slice antd Plaint

    woodi GALLEYS, C'tompjosingi 5'lt'XS, STlANI)S.a No. 1 ROLLEII M310I'Ll), &c.. all cit whtich atefor s'ale remtarkable chteap. Apply at this ollie.

    Cotton Gins and Thrashers.ILi. P:autersv-Iho wish to proenre COTTONSGINS andi TIllt.\ShIELtSs of the best per-

    frimnce, and. muade of the best materi:als, can besupplied by applyi:.:g to the subscriber, either per-sonatlly or bty letter.Alt who tauor mue withm their ettstom are pileased~i,

    nntd host.' wito ntP~y tin tme he'rret', simil have'tno cause tot comtplaint if I shall be as successful imty effo.rts os I have been h~eretsofore'. Adhdress,

    TIlOS. E. CilAP.\AN,I Coleman's X Roatds, Edgefield Dist., S. C.

    Mlarcht 1 If 9*

    Sheriff's Snle.

    BI)Y Virtue or sundry writs of Fieri Facias to meI1.dimeeted, I will proceed to sell at EdlgelieldCourt 1llouse. otn the first Monuday itn A pril next, thefolowintg pr'oper'ty int the follnowingt cases, to wit:,W. IP. Butle'r atd others vs. A. Perrin. One lo.t ofLnd in thte Village ofr Edgefield, conttaining twoacres, momnre or' lesS, bounudedi by lanids of .\lrs. Ale-Clintoek. .Jatmes Shtetpatr.l anti thme Cambridge lload,leveid uponW as thexpoerty of A. Perri.Paiti'vs. TIhe Sttnu, Onte Tract of Lt t'l conttaintingtwhundred amnd thirty-one acre's, mtore or' less, adjisi-ig lands of Wim. Uioukighit, J . W. Shumnpet't antdoters.Stecdman & Mims vs. Malachi Coghurn ;Othter

    Plintittl' vs. The Sitme, One Tract of Land, conmtain-ig two ltu ndred acres, mortte ttr less, ad~jo~iintg lattdsof Derick hiolseubake, .lohn .\yers aitd atther's.Te'rmts Cash .J.M EdS EIDSON, s.E D.

    - Aar'eb 0 1657 4t~e 9

    Shcriff'% Sale.Yiteof sundr'y writs of Fi i Facias to me

    C. 1I., on the first Mondlay int Aprit next, the fol-lowing propeu ty in thte fodowing eases, to wit:Wyatt I lohnes vs. P. P'. jDeolittle, P. 1.. Thur-

    mntd and Robert .Jennrimtgs; Othter Plaitntifi's vsTe' Satme, One Negro womanu Li'z and onec htorse.Also, on 'Tur'sday, thte 9tht A pril, at the rt sidence

    f P. P. D~oulirtle. a Stock of Cattle, Ilstgs, an-doter articles, levied upon as the property of' theliefendant, P. P. Doolittle.Termus Cashi.

    J1 AS. EIDSONi, S E.D.March fI, 2t 10

    Administrator's Bale,B3Yanorder from W'. F. IDui isoe, Esq1., Ordina-ryof Egefiel District, we wtill proceed tosell at thme late residenice of Jlohn A: Colemant, de-eensedl, on lTursdaty thet. 2nd A ptril ne.xt, aill thtePersna~l Estate of said deceased, consisting inpmnt uf-16 or 17 Likely Young Negroes,

    lions. thld and Ki'ehesn Furniture, Corn, Fodder,Snetks, Peas, ();ts, Cotton Seed, Horses, Mules,Cows, logs, It'lantation, andi Blacksmith Tools &e.TV.Rats.-For all sumns of and under $10, cash--

    alsums over thatt mount on a credit until thte 25thDecembt.er next. Purchasers to give Note and two

    or more personal sureties.LEWIS SAMPLE, Ad'ors

    h Mar 18 2te 10Admninist rator's Sale.

    ~Y an order from thte Ordinary of EdgefleldeDesticte will proceed to sell at the late reui-edneof Johno Irwin, deceased, on Thursday thec26th inst., all thte P'ersonal Estiate of said deceased,

    r ~ssigin part of-SEVEN LIKELY NEOROES,

    aeCorn, Hogs,lHorses, Plantation Tools, &e.Terms made known on the day of sale.

    .SAMUEL PERRIN, Adun'r.March. 11 1urT ste 10


    AUGUSTA, GEORGIA,Are now receiving an unusually large Stock of

    Spring and Summer Clothing!They will keep a good supply for the trade. Alsoa fine and varied assortment for BOYS and CHIL-DREN, at their Store under the Augusta Hotel,Broad Street, A ugusta, Ga.Feb 24 2m 7


    are now opening their Stock ofNEW GOODSfor-SPRING AND SUMMER,

    Comprising the usual varieties in DOMESTIC andFANCY ARTICLES, together with the latest andmost fashionable styles ofDRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES,

    &c., &c., &c.,To which they would invite attention.

    Augusta, Ga., March 4 tf 8WINDOW SHADES,

    Paper Hangings & Mlattrasses.HJ W. KINSM AN, CornEr of King andH" Berresford, Charleston, S. C., has just re-ceived and opened a LARGE ASSORTMENT ofthe above Goods, which will be sold at aLARGE DISCOUNT,

    For the next three months, in order to reduce theStock, on account of the expiration of the lease andbeing obliged to move into another Store.- Thefollowing is in part of this large Stock : .

    FRENCH AND AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS,French, Swviss and American

    Window Shades, Mattrasses & Pillowsof every description.

    CORNICES, LACE and MUSLIN CURTAINS,Sattin DeLaines and Damask for Curtains,

    Cords and Tassels, &c.Those who are in want of the above Goods will

    fid it to their ad vanta-te to exarine them when in theCity, or instruct their factors or agents to purchasehere.

    Charleston, March 2 4t 8:3A.CON :I'EA.CON :T I OS. P. STOVALL& CO.

    AUGUSTA, GA.,SEEPiconstantly on hand a full supply of BA-A CON, FLOUR, &c., which they sill .ell at

    the Market price-in large quantties only.Augusta, Feb 24. 3m


    Dealers inFINE TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS, &C.

    -Importeis of-H-AVA NA SEGARS,

    -Every description of-

    Constantly on hand. and all for sale on good terms.Augusta, Feb IS 3m 6



    rPHIE Stulieribser, thainkful for the libernl patron-Lage which lie has receivedl from, his Edlgefielid

    frinids, wi~ss gaini to annmmeine that he is nowopening at VERY sUPF.RIlOlt Stock ofLADIES AND GENTS' BOOTS AND SHOESOf every description, wt hich will be sold at a smnaIadvnce oin Cosr.The nood~is are' alt FRESh and C'ARE.&ULLYSELECTED, by imyself' pe nal ;mind I ii'reto be able to' satisty every one, fur the trouble of

    The G.,.,1m iut be sold by the 1st .uly ait Whole-sae or Retaiil.ll-"Tmunis.-Retail, Ca'h. W~holesale, time with

    approvel papier.-II One price system strictly adhered to.

    IIENRY1 DALY,Linder thme U. S. I Iotel.

    A t,.usta, Cat , \Mr 2. tf 8Turkey Orcek L~fnd for Sale.'l'IE Stbibierr wihei tio %ell hisitract of land

    .on 'Turkey ('ree'k, (kmtnin atul's Qtuarter,)cotiningt SEVENTEEN HIC NDRtED ACRES.

    Iwill ride over. the pinie with anly pers~on dlesi-ros of purichasinig, so that they tmay judige of itsqualitv.T'I're ii a sumll niew louse tuon the place, with

    all uiecessary smnt butildinmgs, goodi well of water, &.c.Termis accommaodatiing. ELUEltT BLAND.Feb. 18 1%5 tt' 6

    otice.STRAYEl) friom the subsicribecr's Plantation nSavaiminh River, several head of CATTLE ofd itrent, dolorts. Amoi't them is an Ox, color whiteand redl. white face,nuohorned and bob-triledi; theer mnarks, erop in the right and uppe~r-bit in theleft ear.-Any iniformuation of said cattle, addlressed to tue

    or1my3 Overseer at Edgelkeld C. HI., will be thank-futly received, and a lilberal compensationi giventfor -ny trotuble ineurred. F. W. P'ICKENS.Feb 25 if7

    Land for Sale,r lHE subse' ither otl'ers for sale a Truet oif Land inii Edge.tiseld District, lyinig inCn'eTw

    Creek, in the vicinity oif Liberty II11ll, and conitaniiingSix Hlundared (000) Acres.

    IItis of Oak and iiekorv Urowthi, and as tine farm-ing lanmd aus any in the' lIistrict. Inderid it is exirafnefor Cotton, as all who know it must and will ad-mit. Near FOUlR IIUNJ)Rum ACl!Eri of tiheTract is in woods. The lan~d in eitivattioni is in goodheart. The pla1ce is wtell watered, having uponi it alasting spring. The buddings upon, the place areony tolerable, but the hand ma~ikes amends for all.

    These desiring to purchase the place, hail betterdeide quick, as the subscriber is just now anxiousto sll. JULUS BANKS.Dee. 9, 1856, if 48

    MILL NOTICE !OlIN DORN, Sr.. re.spectfully gives notice toh'Is nistiimers that ott and alter the first dlay of

    A pril niext, lie cannsot grindm tor any ene for less thanthe EltiltTil, instead of the Tenth as heretofore.All piersolns due jn, eithter by note or account,

    are notinied to make payment by the 1st A pirilntext,otherwise their nostes :tind aecounts will be placedin the lands of an Otlicer Ibr collection.Mar 4 4t' 8


    IS hereby given that a fimaisettlement w'ill be madein th e Ordinary's Office at Edgetield C. H., onMondty the 30th March ntext, on thte Estate ofWecsley Mlerchatnt, dee'd. All creditors arc there-firenotiled to present their claims on or before thatday, otherwise they will he precludled from pairtici-pating in the assets-andl those indebted mnust makeiaet by the abhove speitied timle if they wish to

    save costs. CH ARLOT MERCHlANT,Ad'x.Feb28 4t S

    Notice.I WILL not fill any order after this date, to Town

    or Country, without the Cash enclosed, as I sellGoods for a south pronit, mind I am not authorized tosell Goods on the shortest time.

    ..S. E. BOWERS, Agent.Uamburg, Feb. 10 1857 if 5Palmetto Fire Company,


    YOU mre hereby commanded to be and appeamLat your Kniuine Station, on Saturday the 28thist at 5e i,'clock. P. M., for drill and instruction.By order of the President.

    W. W. GOODMAN, Seo'ry & Tress.M..18 2t 10


    rflfHE Subscriber is now CLOSING the old bu-siness of J. F. BUaCIIARD & Co, and offers

    Great Inducements to Cash Buyers,To make their purchases from him.The Stock is LARGE and WILL be sold.

    SAMUEL J. BOYCE.Augusta, March 16, 1857.

    M A. RANSOM would be happy to see" his Friends at the old Stand of J. F. BUa-CHARD & Co., now S. S. BOYCE, and assuresthem that he can save them

    Twenty-Five per Cent.,On their Spring and Summer purchases. TheStock is equal to any in Augusta, and is to beSOLO REGARDLESS OF FRICES, to wind up the oldbusiness.

    Augusta, March 16, 3m* 10


    WE WO UIl ) inform the citizens of Edgefieldand the adjoining I )istricts that our con-stantly increasing business has compelled our re-.moval from " 3 BROAD STREET," to the mag-ficent and spacious BROWNSTONE BUILDING,9 3RO." STR'ET.

    The necmmodations and arrangements of this"NEW DEPOT," are unsurpassed by any similar

    establishment in the United States; and whilst itwill afford facilities for keeping our usual LARGEStock of


    CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, &C.,We also propose nidding large largely to our presentSTOCK ofSTATIONERY :Ai those in want ofLEDGERSTOURNALS, CASH BOOKS,LETTER, NOTE AND CAP PAPER, &c., &c.will find it to their adIvantaee to visit us.

    S. G. COUJRTENAY & CO.,Booksellers anmd Stationers,"Sign of the News Boy."

    Chiarlestotn, Dec 16 m 49Octagon Burial Cases!

    rPH E Sublscriber keelp constantly on hand a good.± variety of thbis new style of METALIOtBIU-RAL~ CASES, of beautiful form, and fluishied inperfect resetmblance of highty polishedl ROSE-WOOD. These CAS ES ate now extetsively usedandi possess mianty v'altuable advantages over allCollins now before thme public.

    JOlIN M. WITT.Edgeliel. Feb 9 flmn 5

    CARiRIAGE MANUFACTORY.NOTICE 0O" CO-PARTNERSIIIP.'5[1l1 t'ndersignedl hnve as-Isociated theimseives to-

    gether, untder thi einmte ofSM.\ll~l & JIONElS, for thme.purpo'e of carrying 6on theCoach flaking and Repairing BusinessIn ali its variau s hInatnhes. 'I hey exJ''et to keepcostasntly ''n b-imid a genod assortmet o''CA~IRIAGES, BUGGIES, ROCCKAWAYS, &C,

    --Of the late'.t styles.-J- All sorts of RI'A RI.\t done~in the best

    tmaner, nndi with th.- ureatest dispatch.A l;beral shtnre of patrotage is resprilfully soli-ited. F. L. SMITFi,

    LEWIS JONES.Edge'ield, la b 20,1E57. tf 7

    Boot and Shoe JVanufactory.T IlE Subsca'riber hta'ing ..pem-d a B 0 OFTAND) 5 110 E MIANUJFACTOR1Yopp~Osite the Potst O.flice, respectfully antnounces totmecitiz ijs of Edgethield Vidlage and Distriet, thatis lie pre redl to make to re.er any3 article in the

    Boot and Shoe Business !lnvig the best workmen in the D)istrict in his emt-p.yment antd beingt a practien1 workman hiimstlfheI'eds warranated in saying that his work will be

    une in the tneatest and latest st~s les,Ire has also on hatnd a lamre Stock of fine PUMP

    SOED and tine WELTED and D)O~L'LE SoledOOTS. A lso, a sttck( of genatlemnutu and hidi s'

    si 10Es-nll of his own rmanufature-whieba hewill sell for cash.

    NICilOLAS McEVOY.N. B.-A Neuro boy wanted to learn the Boot

    and Shoe trade.Feb4 t f 4


    IN COMMON PLEAS.Joel Curry, FriaAlcret

    T. M. flrindley.-gillIIE Plaintily in the above stated case huavingSth:s lay liled his Ilieelaration iinamy O0lice, and

    the Defendant havinig neither wife nor Attorneyknont to reside withitn the limits of this State, onwhom oopies of said declaration with rules to plentdcan bie served, On motion of Messrs. CAanOL. d&BACoN, Plaiintiflfs Attorney, Ordered that said .De-fendant appetar nnd pead to said Dee~aranion withina ear nad a day fronm the date hereof, or fmnal andaibsolute judgment will be given against hinm.

    TI10S. LI. BACON, c.C.E D.Sept 22, 1956. 1y' 37_

    Estray Notice.

    TOLLED before me ats an Estray by A. J. Mo-E.Carty, living two miles from Perry's CrossRoads, otne large BAY IIORSE, about fifteen handshigh, bellowsed, wvitht a smiall white star in the fore-hed, wvhite speck in the right eye, right four kneeenlarged, supposed to be about fifteen years old.Appraised at Thirty-five Dollars.JAMES PERRY, M. B. D.January 24 1837 4tm 4_

    Pot sh.L.PNN, Agent, has just received a sup.

    (. ply oPTASH, put rup in tin cans, withfull directions for makitng soft and htard soap.Jan 21 tf2

    5dmljfiitratoris Notice.ALL persotns havintg demands against the Es-Atate of Sarah Gregory. deecd. arte requested toreder itn their accounts properly attested withtoutdelay, atnd those indebted must ntake payment atn eatrly date. I am deternmined to make a final set-tlement in a shout time.

    RICHARD GREGORY.Fe. 18i57 3m 4


    For Congress.Q? We are authorized by the friends of Gen. M

    L. BONHAM, to announce him as a Candidatifor the U. S. House of Representatives, to ill thtvacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. P. 8Brooks.ITTlie Friends of H. R. SPANN, Esq., re

    spectfully announce him as a Candidate for a sealin the U. S. House of Representatives to fill thevacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. PRESTOSS. BRooKs.

    !' We are authorized by the friends of Co!.A. 0. SUMMER, of Newberry, to announce himas a Candidate for a seat in the U. S. House ofRepresentatives to fill the vacancy occasioned bythe death of Hon. P. S. BRoors.

    The friends of Co. WM. QUATTLEBUM res-pectfully announce him as a Candidate -for Sherifiof Edgefield at the ensuing election.

    1 We are authorized to announce LEWISJONES, Esq., as a candidate for re-election forSlieriff of Edgefield District.97 Tun' Friends of Capt. H. BOULWARE

    respectfully announce him as a Candidate for Sheriffof Edgefield District at the next election.THE friends of Capt. LEWIS COVAR, res-

    pectfully announce him as a candidate for Sherif,of Edgefield District, at the ensuing election.The many friends of W. W. SALE, Esq., of

    Hamburg, in the upper part of the District, respect-fully announce him as a candidate for Sheriff ofEdgefield District at the next election.0Q Tna Friends of Mr. ROBERT D. BRYAN

    respectfully announce him as a Candidate for Clerkof Edgefield District at the next election.(- Tus Friends of Maj. JOHN C. LOVE-

    LESS respectfully announce him as a Candidate forTax Collector of Edgefield District at the ensuingelection.lOThe friends of STARLING TURNER, an-

    nounce him a candidate for Tax Collector at theensuing election.Er The Friends of Mr. M. W. LYLES respect-

    fully announce him as a Candidate for Tax Collec-tor of Edgefield at the next election.gW The lriends of Capt. E. W. HORN, re-

    spectfully announce him as a Candidate for TaxCollector of Edgefield District, at the ensuing elec-tion.0' The Friends of Mr. CHARLES CARTER

    respectfully announce him as a Candidate for TaxCollector of Edgefield District, at the next election03 The Friends of Mr. CHAS. M. MAY, res-

    pectfully announce him as a Candidate for Tax Col-ector of Edgefield District at the next election.

    D e n t i s t r y.THE Subscriber has opened anOffice immediately in rear ofthe Court IHouie, where he will at-tend to any business pertaining to his Profession.Allen's Patent Teeth, Curvilinear Gum and BlockTeeth, from

    Single Teeth to Entire Setts,Put up in a style to please the most fastidious.

    Dentists wishing teeth put up on Allen's Patent,can have it done by sending in their Plates at verymodeate prices.Dentists' Gold and Silver Plate, Gold Silver and

    Platina Wire, round, half round and eilinudricalmade to order. H. PARKER.N. B.-A settlemient always at the completion of

    the work.July30 tf 29

    TO THE AFFLICTED.DRu. TIIAYER, Homwopathic P/zyeiciun, Bar-igeon, and Accoucheur, late of Philadelphia.now located No 217, Droad Street. Augusta, Ga.Particular attention paid to the treatment of

    Chronic diseases. Visits made at a distance on themost reasonable terms. Pleaseaddress,-

    11. R. THAYER, M. D.Augusta Ga.

    Ail12 tf ___12

    Clocks, Watches and JewelryREPAIRED !

    1OBERT LISENBEE, takes this ocea-adin to infurm. the citizetns of Edgefield Village

    ad. the surroundint vicinity, that he is now pro.pard1 to accommodate all who may entrust theitwork to him, on the most reasosnable terms.*Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c.,

    Left with him will be' properly and neatly repaired.ad warranted to work well.gr lie may be found at the resdence of Mrs.Golig. adjo'ining~the Advertiser Office, where herepettully solicts at sharie of public patron:ige..n21 11* 2


    H AS received fromt New York, a supply ofGENTLE.\EN'S and YOUTil'S LINENSIIItT BOSO.\S, beautifully stuitced, and of su-

    ,erior style and quiality, which lie will sell at veryw prices.Augusta, Jan. 27 1857 tf 3

    Cass County LandsFOR SALE.

    &MOST valuable p'antation lying on the Wes-tern & Atlantic Rauil Roadi, embracing the

    lands upon which the Casville Wooid-Station is loca-tedand only two and a half miles from Cassville,ad withaun two miles of :he Cherokee Baptist Col-lege and the Methodist Female College.Tfhis tract contains 700 Acres, of which only

    l190aeres are in euh~ivaution, the rest being heavi:)timbered and so convenient to the Wood-Station.that every stick of timber can be readily convertednt)nmoney. The impro~vementsu consists of a com-fortable lI)welling, a good Gin lluuse and all otherouthouses, &c.Thlere are on this tract about 40 acres of very fine

    meadow hand, half~of wich is set in Herds Gras.This land is calpable of producing about 1000 lbs.

    f Cotton, 201 bushels of Wheat or 40 bushiels ofCm. The surplus timber (ln the tract when sold,w~illmtore than repay the purchase money. Anyperonmu wishing to puurchase the above tract are re-feted to J. II. MIMS.Feb. 11 1857 3m 4

    Notice.ALf, Persons indebted to the Estate of JamesS. Shadraek, dee'dl., are earnestly requestedto mke immediate payment, and those having de-mands against the said Estate will render them inproperly attested. H. BURN ETT, Aud'orsT. M. FIS1E'R.5Mar 11 if 9

    Money---Money---Yoney..ALL those indebted to me by Note or Account.are earneedy requested to call at once, ttndsettle up, as I have left thte D~istrict. and cannotpossibly give longer indulirence. My notes andaccounts may be found in the hands of Capt. Jau.MCreless, at my former residence. Those undera .agistrate's jurisdiction will now very soon behanded over for collection. Come up, gentlemen,one and all, and settle, and do not force me to runy.to cost. JAMES DORN.Mar 4 4t* 8

    Final Notice.ALL persons indebted to the Estate of WilliamVance, deed., arc earnestly requested to settleby ,the 19th March next, as longer indulgencewill not be given. -Those having demands againstsaid Estate are notified to render in their accounts,properly attested, by that time, as I intend makinga final settlement in the Ordinary's Officee on thatday. S. BROADWATER, Adinr.Feb18 5 t 6

    A Great Medicine.BLISS' celebrated DYSPEPTIC REMEDY.Read that long advertisement on another col-umn. For sale by

    DRiS. A. G. & T. J. TEAGUE.Nov4tf 43

    Notice.ALL Persons having claims againsb lhe Esttof Benj. Corley, dec'd., will render thypm inwithout, delay, and thtose indebted must tankipayent fortwI. B. CORLEY, Adm'r.

    su a ama8

    THE PRINCETON PRESS.THE design of the inventor was t 'get ups-Press which would answer every requirementof the offer made by George Bruce, ofNew York,i1 1851, viz: CHEAP, LIGHT, EASILY MAN-AGED, and capable of throwing off at least 600sheets per hour.

    This PRESS will throw off from 500 to 800sheets per hour, doing the work equal to any Cylin-der Press. The bed stands about thirty inchesfrom the floor, and is the most convenient of allPresses to make ready the form on. It 'is adaptedto jobbing or book work, as well as newspaper, andwill register as well as any other Cylinder Press.It requires to work it, a man to turn the By wheel,and a, boy to feed the sheets.The Inking Apparatus is very- complete, and

    differs from the apparatus used in Cylinder Pressesgenerally, being more like that used in the PowerPlaten Presses. Two rollers pass over the formtwice to each impression, taking ink for each sheet.A Press of this description for newspaper and

    jobbing, bed 44 by 281 inches, with roller mould,roller stocks, blanket, flying and registering appa-ratus, &c., complete, will be furnished for $500. Ifintended for book work chiefly, an extra ink foun-tain will be furnished for $20.The Press, By wheel, &o., will weigh about 2000

    pounds. The sides, &c., are iron. Lengh of frame,seven feet; height to front edge of feed board, threefeet six inches. Any size made to order.The following is a list of the sizes and prices, as

    far as stablished:Bed 28 by 20 ...................$400" 36 " 24 .................. 450" 44" 28 ............ ..600" 46 " 30 ................... 540" 48 " 31 ................... 580" 50 " 32 ................... 600" 52 " 32 ................... 625" 56 " 36 ................... 800

    Boxing and Carthage, $13.The beds will take chases their full breath, and

    within two inches or the length.TERMS.-One half cash; one half note, four

    months, with approved security ; or 2} per cent.discount for cash.For more than four years the inventor of the

    above Press has been improving it, working it allthe while, and ascertaining with great care andexpense, the best mode of carrying out all the de-tails, and he.now flatters himself he has sueceededin perfecting it. Within the past year importantimprovements have been made.No Press will leave his premises without being

    thoroughly tested, and without it performs to theentire satisfaction of the purchaser.

    JOHN T. ROBINSON.Princeton, N. J., Feb. 1857. 9






    IT contains, in addition to Sarsaparilla, the hydro-L alcoholic extract or Queen's Delight, (Stillingia)White Ash, Grey Beard or Fringe Tree, (Chionan-thus) Tincture of May Apple or Mandrake, (Podo-phylium) and Blood Root, (Sanguinaria.)

    In small doses it acts as an alterative or laxative,in larger doses as a mild purgative-with some asan active purgative.As an alterative or laxative, it has been found

    useful in gonstipation of the Bowels, Jaundice,Billious Fever, Fever and Ague, Sick Headache,Dizziness, various Female Complaints, Chronic Af-rections of the Liver, secondary Syphilis and Syphi-loid Diseases, Serofulous Affections, Sores, Ulcers,Blotches, Cutaneous Eruptions, or Diseases of theSkin, and all other diseases in which Sarsaparilla oralternative medicines are indicated.That it acts upon the Liver, may be known from

    the fact, that in Jaundice, or cases of Billiousness,it causes free billions evacuations, readily removesunnatural yellow tinge about the eyes and upon theskin, and improves the health and spirits.*In Cutaneous Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, andother diseases of the skin, it causes the disappear-ance of the Blotches, Pimples, &c., and greatly im-proves the complexion.As a diet drink, -it keepis the bowels free, the

    liver healhy, and the blood pure.Its ..healthy action on the liver, and purifying

    eftet upon the blood, make it a great -safeguardagainst disease; foir children a safeguard againstworms-it causes an increased secretion and pas.sage of 4he bile, which acts as an irritant to wormsand prevents their nccumulation.

    Physicians, who have made extensive use of thedifferent ingredients of this preparation of Sarsa-imrilla regard them as the best and most efficientagents in ihe Materia Medica.

    It is put in pint bottles. OJ7 Price $1 per bottle.ILT Sold in this Village by Drs. A. G. & T. J.

    TEAGUE~, Agents. 3t1March183t1


    IN ORDINARY.ANDREW G. LA TASTE and wife Mary, andFelina Nappier, vs. Tilhnuan D. Nappier, Ma-tilda Radford and others.It appearing to my satisfaction that Elizabeth

    Williams, Lucinida Radford, Martha Nappier, ElizaNappier,Johin Nappier, Absalomi Nappier and JohnNaplier, Defendants, reside without this State, itis therefore ordered, that they do appear and ob-ject to division or sale of the real Estate of Na-than Nappier, deceased, on or before the 9th dayof May next, or their consent to the same will beentered of record.

    W. F. DURISOE, o.E.D.Ordinary's Office, Feb. 10th 1867, 12t. 6State of South Carolina,


    William White and wife, Applicants,vs.

    George W. Thomas and others.

    IT appearing to my satisfaction that AndromedaThomas, Atticus T. Thomas, Sarah C. Thomasand Landon T. Thomas, children of George W.Thomas-Thomeau U. Oden, Martha Oden, EliasOen, George WV. Oden, Esther Oden, Mary Oden,Sarah Oden, Nancy Oden, John Oden and PatienceOden, children of Mlary Ann Oden, wife of JohnH. Oden-Sarah Thomas, Joseph Thomas, MaryThomas, Martha Thomas, Emeline Thomas, JohnThomas and Catherine Thomas, children of JaneT. Thomas, Defendants in the above case, residewithout the limits of this' State, it is thereforeOrdered that they do appear and object to the di-vision or sale of the Real Estate of Sarah Thomas,d'd., on or before the 23d day of May next ortheir concert to thesame will be entered of record.

    W. F. DURI80E, O.B.D.Feb 24, 1856. 12t 7


    IN ORDINARY.Sarah E. Cunningham, Applicant, PLi~fr

    George C. Cunningham and others Partition.Defendants.

    IT appearing to my satisfaction that Nancy Cnn-.ningham, Sr., Samuel Warson and wife LouIsa,Lawon Cunningham, Henry Cunningham, Rebec-caCunningham, Mary Cunningham, Stella Cun-ningham, Draton Cunningham, Anna Cunningham,Nancy Cunningham, Tillman Brown and wife Flo-rilla, tIobert Parris, Margaret H. Parris, William S.Parris and Sally Parris, minors, Defendants in theabove stated ease, reside beyond the limits of thisState. It is therefore ordered that they do appearand object to the division or sale of the Real Es-tate of Robert F. Cunningham, deo'd., on or beforethe 8th day of June next, or their consent to thesame will be entered of record.

    W. F. DURISOE, o. a. n.Mar 16, 1957. 3m 10

    State of South Carolina,EDGEFIELD DISTRICT,

    IN ORDINARY.BY W. F. DURISOE, Eaqure, Ordinary of Edge-

    Wheeas LeisSample and J. B. Floyd hath ap-plied to me for Leiiers of Administrain, en all andsigular the goods and chattles, rights and credits ofJohn A. Coleman, late of the Diutriet aforesaid, de-esed.These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all andsingular, the kindred and esadkors of said deceased,

    to be amid appear before -me, as ear nezn Ordinary'sCourt for the said Distses holden at EdgefeldC. I. on this Rth day of afh inst, toeshoweas,if any, why the sad Adminisation should not heGiven under my hand and seal, this 16th day.of

    March, in the yerof our Lord one thonseab*1hundred and fift-si and in ths Eighth-first jearofAmeuea lndependenc.

    W. F. DU1ISOB, O..M.asa e . 10.
