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Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C...

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'l it sw sd, hevan Buren acdigyjealous of purose. Teywould thatte ealdstik1t the whig totht The present Cabi eset heave o A.s yet in rerard to - seudr veto:I Mr. Webster ha no doubt oppsd it. in conversation. and. ,afts declad ta0tthe rasa or was ie and alwurd. He does not. fr beieve tha-it would come. It will be . bowever, th at he, on the eve of thiseo ofthe-tank charter.'aerd to Mr ethosas. Mr. Tylerwill no go a. privae fistlligenco fr New York, may s yrpon, that the Hon. T. R beleve thatcky.uas challened. Col. tkesber edroe New York Corir.- oon -hv ofeese. ben calharthapassed in pub- whieo the bi. I rs qur arn Se this cmL Webba pdthe Invitation. ut that 'Iiie e iusnded. It maybe hin- ii* end as a reen t and promine t e1i re ejnde but I jdge no t iti too late e Ftemark to have any anuebenoe way r anothe, sait herfore. I can venture to may tat.ocobsm.see wakoldo thea patie pubd Ithei d poiion they wilL in y opinfoeght." 2WE i ebatd.We knvitaotn when liehve spent'dn evening witmbore phea. sure and sisfaciondthan on Tsday lst, ii itnesig.-Eshibition of the4 Male department of the Masonic School'of ibis eigy. The"Weather was very" tUnfavorable for tbe ladies to. bventure north, ist, not- ithsading, the room was eowded with t hr mour ciy,who san aentyto- t fioenm toi12 o'clnek. -,nd seemed hbtrpleaud an tamused, O b the. per hipoiprt..-some hittle ellows, frm Sito ight Years of age. kept the house in con vspt pausevwhinwl the larter bps . iand toi it t ion, h o Tiesda sand .pnke wibtheatspirit andnimatin nol S dea to b f w hssed in youthoftbeir thi. 'This .. bition1 rerewted vrea credit on oacbhear and his pupils, andwe have no t~~ 1kwar of o'"ctymho eambaertl or. .4 +ubi caused the heahrt of r erf "aneient siciety (underpt m h se care the oaslisflrunhing) 1 leap tihjy atthe prospect ber whel the givier light knowledge to th right eneration and ths Dtin a bright emplet our fellow soktizes, and givin them oular demon- stratio of the nad ina th done with iitedmeant, by united actcie.. W un- dertand the aternity have in their-nale and female secoolst.at the present tme, anbo eighty scholars. A por eton oftre Clinch Band volunteer- ed their services on the occasina, and eli- vned the scene with appropriate musih- This band is composed of youn. men of aendemle hol-at athe prdeent frim aheoateredt sappearefs. m forfr Aes pois fate Cliad bnd olabtyelon for thels seie or teh ocas.-aden our cit, who havp Pra11 Ie.; totr Je-ra. 1,Wi Ui, tr.f -The Brte a seour .-Bnre naerence bera greathat wilbeaste whic has p.rom dued tred pongstning ifm ficur betree Mer. holse fane d eentholerbl ongh Augthsthrigre;ghat dys.ereCta incoe o ths. roper whichnaidcas Twe r geu rae so-esiy ofern W. certain end octes. u olms fIt grelt cae peile seen hic hras pr'o.t dine thi lostandingr miadet bretwethe brdg fromt ar. thprsentopdersofrthae otag brige thatmis thed ercpon iad ainvaleuabthle proerand wbee sdcrue soe ferorre-sto-the fratestmno Wo hame, anoh ers.e yhisl, PIas were pdeved, tatre ga arie and teutsat w resmade ito wrestprhe inrienrompr.e ofuMr.-Stopin hsae bnothugt Hisnemites lookeupo wih ea- * nv luabi priac. en fere dtheere go laleit(itsin comdeidi aln, pisaband some, safouetused t aouhao toae althouh derete f hiserf Plan freised, matred azasfid Ware are~ itad possessin autl cIom- anuiis o ut tobesoeat the po- peo'Wm'ely aou-prs-o -Adswetefree tatgehi, the seeo othdiseirast seafar ofr Suad haee brogtuanto thse ileutanie withed whhvon an& ineshtaoe-for eyha wre- dagud hes melchlydcts and dpribed esitake airy hough uin latres of thier -i hoe wena who wod~uldhae done twme. det fede d'e onithe vesred Werun Wresa it truph th oe aro seal orn-b merunti es m F~ha ro inthOu opens alie, meely tatudes sptr or ~e~es. hey fa~anwit themutitdey and 'armlhroun. Tisccuautace~opld uGiititsiOOs did netrvide.i the mant tajustice shall prevail over the depravi j'fm ,we might despairof ever rusag ebove savage lire; bithis-grand provisinn is made.by the grest Law Giver, and -we are contented to trust ourselves upon Him. .we ae wel aware, that any thing ae attempt to say itn M.- Shuh$'s favor, will be used against si tie best advantage by his foes hare ani&sewbere. We care not fir all that ca.s he said against us, and let it go for hat it is worth, and if the whole world arrays itself aoainst us, we %ball speak"t&e truth without fear or favor. One ritigew know. Shubs has done as much. ifnot more, ror the two States than any matk-without money and friends. and for thisbe should receive a dIutq portion ol regard. Asacittzen of Hamburg. we give bi our portion of respect. Letthe innoceit citisens or Augusta 1ok to the accumnlating sum, which we ihave presented to them, and refieet that thisamount, with interest must be paid. ind it will at once cause them to search out, from whence and from whom origina ted all this. That Mr. Shultz's career hag been extraordinary its caosing the source from whence this has arisen, and thnt by him extraordinary exertions have been made to recover it. Death by Droaning.-lt becomes our melancholy duty' o report the death eol two yuths. the one, a son of Mr. Philip Crump. and the other, a son of M r. Alox ander McKenzie. while bathing in the riv- er at the lower end of the city. on Satur day afternoon. Not being expert swim mets, they became alarmed at stepping suddenly into deep water, and immediate- lp sunk.-An associate, a son of Mrm. Mc Murphy, was well nigh meeting the same fate, but was fortunately saved from a wa. tery grave by his brother. who happened to be on the bank, and who, we learn, etruggled manfully to ;sve all, in which he was near -perishing himself. The bodies of the two were found ye'terday evening. This melanaholy event shoedld he a mosi solemn and impressive warning. to the crowds of youths who are daily hathing it the river at the' peril of their lives,-Aug. Chron. Sf Sent. 20th inst. The next Presideny.-The 3.isippi Guard in stme very good remarks upun the next Presidencv. says the following, whieb breathes the right spirit-"We like a fair sopen field of battle. ail a congest for principle.. We have no fear for the re sult. But whoshall lead us on to victory? We have heretofore giveu expressions It our preference. John C. Calhoun, the eminent statesman of South Carolina,.he man eqally distinguished in private ind public life. is our choice, Wedo not hesi tate to make the avowal. We armproud to press hisclaims. The South never had a representative in the executive chair.- Ii is due to the South. due to his efficient ser, vices in the Democratic cause, due the '.*t ptereats of the whelp country.- .' ,wolveyaoob~ ra , fedserves a nlea road position in the history of his coun- try". lftbe-hould be the choice generally ~f theneocratse party, we will support hint mos- cordially. We~e feel confident of uccesw. We can beat the Whig, with an~ honest, able matn for our candidate." We can beat them with Calhoun anti Wright, with Van Buren and Polk, with L'ass, with Bnchanaan, with Bleuton and Johnsn, with auny of our numerous competen1 champions, cheering us on to triumph.- Our principles will sustain us if we adhere so them. WVe shall not abandon them - We will be united; we shall be victorious.' -N. Y. Era. Jaases Buchaan.--n e are now fulls convinced that this ju~uly honored, and highly distinguished gentleman, will bc nominated lor the Presiency, by the unan imous voice of the Keystune, his os n n. ivo state. Overwhelming mteetings are being held ins every directions. Altssst ev- ery paper genoes with the pacsintg itntelli gence that Pennsylvania is determinted to assert her right'. and sanintain her ground. Our sister states concedes the rigtht, and we believe, are chseerfully and heartil~ ready. so soon as the Voice of Petnn-y lva. nit ~is ascertained. to utnite hatrmoniousih with us for the promotion of M r. Buchan at; than whsumt. it Is our canduid opinion, no'sste itn the lUnion can boast oh a mtasi tunre etuinetntly qsulified s that station.- Milton, Pat. Ledger. Fra the Seanaakl Republicau.. 23 ist. By the steam packet General Clinch, apeain Brnak-. we received tt.e Saevan- sh Repulicas of yesterday morning, fromr arbich we copy the following : FRlOMb P LOR IDA. Wehad two arrvals .esterday fro-n Flo~ia, the steamers Wmta. Gaston, Capt. Henry, and General Taylor, Cespt. Peck, Dr. Alfred W. Elwes. late of the U. S. Medical Department. died at Palatka, E. F. o the 12th inst. of congestive fever, aler an illness of four days. We learn from Capt. I'eck, tha.t no tnew Ind,.en signs had been seen and there was no news. Extracts from the St. Augustine papers, received by the above boats wil be found below : . Pueste Newn. CAur.P East Florida, June 13,183. To the Editor or the News: It is eurrently reposrted that the Trenton Etcamuptent Is in contemplationu for thei ensuing summer, and that the 4th Infantry are to he ordered out of Florida, and to tale up their sumtmier quatters in that de-* lightulspot. Can it be possible that alter occupying the South and South-West fot siomany years. they are once mnore to have aaagreeahbe posiioni The inipressiots hereoore seems to b::ve been, that they qso well acclimated, that it twould he a pyto allow them to etnjoy the benefit. of orhrestatior. It is for this reason 1an.ildisposed to doubt the truth of i'tOs MrEditor, can you throw t1ce1sstiJi mong the missing ~9~h~v~eatein Ottn the 4th itnst. us Pest No. 3. I thik tohold to his protm- afavorab y~ is Me&-We are unable to enlighten OUT Correspondent on the subject of the 4tb Infantry being ordered outofFlorid. We hope.the commanding'of'icer will see 1t9 impropriety of sending any more troaps out of Florida until every Indian has be- captured and shipped.-Ed. Nem. THE SANTA FE EXPEDITION. List of those seho were ked or died up-. on the road.-For the information of those who had friends upon the Texan Santaf. Expedition. we publish the following-IstW Ibelieving it to be nearly correct: A. J. Davis, accidentally shot on the Brushy. Lockridge, accidentally shot on Little River. Flint. died of cholie on the imarch. Dr. Brasbear, died of consumption on the masrh.. Johnson. sergeant. died at Puebla, in Mexico. Major Sturgess, died of liver complaint on the Palo Duro. Ernest, died of fatigue. wan; of food, and exposure in New Mexico. Gates, died near Paso del Norte, of in- Samation of the lungs. cunotacted by ex- posure. , J. Walker. died of small pox at Guna- junto. Harris, also died of small pox at Guna- juato. Dozherty, died of small pox at Ganaju- ato. It is supposed that others left behind at San Luis Potosi and Guouajuato, with the small pox. died, but their names we have been unable to learn. Larrabee, died in a wagon between Pa.. so del Norte and Chihuahua, Lient. G. It. lIull. killed by Indiads on the Palo Duro. S. W. Howland, shot by order of Gov- ernor Arnijo at Sar. alig.el. Wi. iM1 .ybce or .layby. killed by Iis- dian.. on the Palo Duro. a river on which theexpedition encamped sume three weekb. John M1'Allister, sbot by order of Sale- zar o the march froni San Miguel to Paso. James Dunn, killed by Indians on the Palo Dzrq, Francis D. Woodson, killed at same time by Indians. Capt. Baker, shot by orderof Armijo at SatlMiguel. Roseloury. shot by Mexicans in enden- voring to make his e-cape. Dr. Bell, killed by Indians on the Grand Prai.-ie. Manuel, a Mexirnn servant, shot by a drummer ins New Mexico. Washington %% ilkin... killed by the In- dians on the Grand Prairie. Griffin, .brain kpoorkcd out by order of Salezar, on the road from San Miguel to Paso. Ramon,a Mexican servant, killed by the ludians, near the Palo Druro. Mercer, died in camp from a wound re- ceived by.Indians Glenn, killed b) Indians on-tie route. Snow killed by Indians on the route&' Golphinshoe on the roa m Sea Mi. aind Praiie. Glasse. killed by the Indians in the vi- cinity of the Palo Duro. SRobr. D. Todd, killed by the Indians on the Grande Praeire, Fletcher. killed also by the Indians. Samuel Flenuer, killed by the Indians in the vicinity or the Palo Duro. F. Keenman, killed by Indians on the route. The above is as complete a list as we can gather. and is believed to be nearly correct. It will be seent that no less that. 35 were lost in all. Editors throughout the conautr. , might contfer a ftavor by publish. inag thec abuve.-Picayune. From. the National Iateligencer. C~ol. .llonror Edwairds C'onriced.-Tbhe trial of.41tanroe Edward,, on a charge of forgery, which hat occupied the time of the Court of Oyer and Terminer in the cit3 of New' Y-rk since the morning of Tuesday oaf last n'eck, has resulted in his conviction The case was given to the Ja~ry at half past four 'clock on .iluuday afteroont. and they returned mio1 C urt i ten o'clock ott the following tmornintg t it a verdict ofloutL.Tr. The New York papers generrally. which have had opportunity to become acqaainated with thme nature of the evidence submitted durinag the triatl, pronounce the verdlict to be a nmost righteous one. The American -*We hear it stated when the jurors first made their apperarantce, no onte in Court was aware of teir hamvintg agreed upon a verdict. In fact. it was conafidenmtly repor- ted that they had been unable to agree; and the prisoner, impressed perhaps with this bielief, presented his equtanimity un- disturbed until. itn answer to the whether they had found a verdict, the Foremau re- plied that the~y hadl. "When the verdict was annnneed he tiarned a lttle pale, asked for snuff, which hue us d fre-ely, endeavoring thme while to tipp.ear ent irely uncontcernd. "TFhe puniashment is itmplrisonment for not less than. two nor more than five years." Hard Times.-A correspondent of the Zasnesvitlte (Ohtto)Republica~n gives a state- mnut from the schedule of property sold by the sheriffor Muskingutm conty, within a few dlays past, atnd fur which sp~ecie was regeured, that shows a pressure scarcely credible. A gnod four horse wagon was sold at $.5 50. laogs at 6j cents each, hors- es att $3, e-Its at $d to$3J, cons at $1 50 to Se! Bewides these, the writer says, " there was a store of goods, said to have cost sev- eral buntred douars, sold for, I think, less thntu twenty dollars; amongst which I re- collect a barret of Orleans sugar, about 260 lbs., sold for one dollar andffy rens the barrel. I should, perhaps, state that the above sales were made at three differ- eat days, and in two or three different townships, aud the result in each. nearly the same. The horse were auch as have heretofore soldl for $50 to P70 each. It is curiousrto observe how totally un- qualified persons frequently are for the de- lte' and professions they undertake. Many a mani runs hits head against a pttlpt, who might have done his country exc'ellent ser- vice at the plough-tail. And many a lawyer 'who makes but a sorry figure at the bar, nilhba h ea ev ec'ellent water- mans bMiaableatl' teem- p he can ge'litte business Equity sit at this e on - last, his lDor Ch arw Pr ing. The busi- potti, with the exception T :lCase,-which altbo' the amount of -olved was smal, was ge- ver d-atrated very general at- tent elicited quite an interedting a eon General Whitner, for the t, and Henry A. Young. Esq ighland Sentinel. e have had agreatabundance of ' eighborhood, and generally th District so far ns.we have lea 4g the past week. The grow- ing Sesavery much revived, and the p Oran abundant harvest is flat. Tbe n this section of the country. so ar we been able to learn. are in a. isigcondition. The entire seamn , hs been most favorable for Cotton is growing finely. na th any of those insects usu- ally ive to this plan, and every meet with beautiful corn field." osilked 'awl tasselled."--- R are now- a common article upon of o'4 eitizens.-Selma (AL. T , June 18, &RE OF RASCAL. The are bereby eationed to be- ware an calling himself Wiiam Hj. Tay receonly made an attempt to murde 1W6indgethorperounty. and has d 'to parts unkown. where lie had remain, to avoid a merited sit- un Penitentiary of this State for his . -This fellow caine to reside in Ah about eight years ago, nod by b- I aoifypocritical manners. be- ing a lug man, noon ingratinted hi toudsociemy Heunfurtunate- ly ta -daughter, and they have fonic Taylor told his wife just be a .that be left a wife and four. .oh Carol'na. andi when be Ii went by the name ofJameirs Het%6 ,, but when he caie to this couoa1ledhimselfWimien 11. Tay- lir, h6ik " himef 11'4d afnfY young man Witbo y - To prevent this ellham's furt . I will now give his de- scrii or is a spare buiit man. of nde, about five feei six incihes high, ~.and hair, lark complex- ion,.a # Ifndof liquor. :,d when driu talk plain: he is a goodl fiddle -rate boot and shoe inn- Let b ' generally very lively and ful -elt ealculated to de- ceive?, am thus particular. that the known, and preveated fro similar rascality elms- The pa ii orth and South Carnli- as will. fbe renderiu2 a kindnese, ..*...-# utwe-ptunr minty M'irguard against thi,, accum- plished reseal. MANIEIJ CARRBINGTON. Wilkescaunsy. U..Julne 1842. "Der '~n&. £efll M'.ondJ rhing of a fellow who wdet info a glteery store, and called foreartioftmolase. The nmolas sea was benu h, and th- purchaser de- mended to Jiit poured in his hat. The grocer's el <id'ered to lend him a mancs- ute, but n~ apairchaser itnsiste'd upou having it guWipto his hat. at the same timte layitg downapet-et of amoney which re- quired changse The shoapman much won- dering at such-auwhim, besitated no longer, but doused Ctbe..molasses into the custo- mer's old batf and then pulled out he mon ey-drawer to make change. In a I wink- ling. the rascally purchaser dropped the hat on the young groeer's headh, grabbed all the money'wuthin his reach, coolly put the grocer's .ta hat on his own heaut, and walked of uhjling. while the shaop-kee- per was blieding,echoking, and smothering in ai bath ofqiblasses. "Dem''e."-A pious old negro, while saying gane at the table, oit only usedl to ask a blessing on all he had upon his hoard. hut would also jpetition to have somie deli eient dish supplied. One day it was ktnown that Cato was ont of potatoes, and suipee- ting he would pray for the samne at dinner a wag prnvided himnself with a sinall mea- mare of the aegLLo~es, and stole under the window, near which stood the table of our colored christiatV Sput Cato drew up a chair and conienced: "O), massa Lord! wilt dots in dy pr'ovidhent kindness coade- scend to bress ehery ting before us; and tbe please to show upon us jist a few taters -and allde prise"-[-{Iere the pota- toes were dashed upon the table, breaking plates and upsetting the mustard poat.] "Dem's 'em, masa Lord!" said Cato, looking up with sorprise, "only jist luf'em down leesle easieirnezj time !" TOTAL ABS'CINENCE MEETING. The friends of tbe Total Abstinence cause. and the citizens generaly, are lnviied to meet at the Bap~tist Meeting House in this town. on Monday evening Dnt, the 4th of July. at eauly candle light. It iu~peted there will be annme addresses delivered. june 29 22 IETTHIE E.DGEFIELD.VILLAGE FE- MALE ACADEME-The exercises of thin Institution will be diseontinaued. Ikom Friday the 17th inst. to the *fstMonday inJuly, whent theywill be resmumdT W. 3. JOHNSON, &ecror. June 15 2t 20 E HE fRabscrbuvhasbeen, hythe ude of .K the District Ceart for South Caeina District iappirted Cmisioefor, geed Distrct. pnadanUt te16. previstitns of heAct fonrsmade, afstaw infohrce, oncern- oing nrs. rie.~ any n wish- in o vi himmiefersid Act, wall please call upon then Rat~mbarg,8-.C.,who will prepare all .j5 stneswaryto a nal discbarge, on as mteea asy other pr so.4aynproeqre t. RulssandWals ofsaid.Ceart regatiwLh .ROBERT ANDERSN. Hasmbtrg. one 97th'8&~ Uf2 LondoE?4~'ten. ASUPEIOR AWRTICL~jasreeifrad SRATON& NEIGS - yune22 4 T HE U. 8. DISTit!CT COURT. DISTsicT Oil SOOTS CAROU.XA. IN BANKRUPTCY. W-HEREAS, Jame L Andersono. Me - ek=& residing in Abbeville Districi :tate of South Carohina, hath Aed a poetitoi praying that be may be declared a bakrupi pursuant to the Act of Congres of the Unite States, made, and now in force, eoneumrn* Bankrupts, and that he may have the benet a he said Act; this is to give notice of the sal tition, and that a hearng thereof will be ha eforetho Honorable Robert B.Gilcbrist.Jud- of the said Court, at a Court to be holdena he Federal Court House, in Charleston, 0 fonday the eighteenth dalof July next. at e0: ren o'clock. A. M.. at which place and time a persons interested may appear and shew can if any they have, why the prayerortho said pe oner should not be granted. Charleston, 23rd day of June, 1842. H. Y. GRAY, Cferk. june 29 3t 22 THE U. S. DISTRICT COURT, DiSTICT or SOUTI CAROLINA. IN BANKRUPTCY. HEREAS. Lewis B. Cobb. Mechania W residing in Abbeville District. Soutl Carolina. hath tiled a petition praying that h may be declared a Bankrupt. pursuant to thi Act of Congress of the United States, tane and now in force, concerning Bankrupts, an that he may hnveq the benefit of the said Act this is to give notica of the said Petition, an that a hearing thereof will be had befoare th Ionotable Robert B. Cilchrist. Judge of th said Court, at a Court to be holdeu at the Fed eral Court House. in Charleston, on 3tona; the eighteeith day of July next, at eleve o'clock. A. M., at which place nd time all pe sons interested may arppear and shew cause. m they have. b hy the ptavrr of the said p titi'omer should nor lhe iranted Charleston, 23rd day of June. 1842. I. Y. (MtAY. Clerk. Jun9 29 3t 22 Notice. TR AYED fruen the anbacriber on tIe272 S Manc, a ensall light bay II LES ColJU two years old, unaltered, n ith white feet. blaze in his face. with a very heavy nmnne.a tail. When la-t heard Irom. he wrus near Can ,tidge, in enmpany with a stray Mule. Ar >eroneeeing moch a Colt will pelea-e take hit up, and drop a linme to the suh-criber at Silee Creek, Edgeimld Disitrict. S C., and they sha be well paid for their trouble. JA.1ES DORN. J tnn- 32* 21 State of 1ou1th ( alofilia. EDGEFIE L) DISTRICT. .VTWK IIE-'FI'.tMAN living ne. -_ Capt. Popes' Milla. mn Wiloa's creel tolie before ine one small roan HoliSE. bla, mane. tail. and legs, Ihirteen anl a half han. igh. cix vears old Apph raised at $35, Jun 14th 1842. THOS. NICHOLLS, Magistrats June 22 4n 21 Medical Notice, Dr. JOWn G. WILLIAN OFFERS his professionat service, to A -_citizens of Edgefield villatge and adja~cel -.untry, and has taken ant O0ice next doorI Gei. l. Bonh'n's near the. Conrt Hous where he ei"Ae found at all tim during ti %r nr-Mryrni~t -f P. Go-ode dwelling, except when absent oi -proteimiou duties. may25 tf 17 state or South Carolinla. EDG.EFIELDi DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. Thomas Walton, Guardian, of Elvey E. Jay, es. imeon Jay. John inlow. Joseph Jay. I and Jesc~e Jay. ce'rs. and adm'rs. of Je-se Jay. deceased. T npepearilg let amy ,atinflaction, that Simeo EJay, onme tfthet defendanats, resides out- his State. it ise ordered, that the said Simneon J~sm o appear in nmy eniice~ on Monday the 26i day ot Septeimbeor next, to rendher an nccoumnte is acts as late guardian of the said Elvey I Ja.OLIVER TOWLE.S. o r. . n SEdgefield C. HI 20htiJun~e, 1642. 3m tI h:DGEFIELD) IHISTRICT. -3Y OLIVER TIOnLES, Esquit I. liredinary of Edlgefield Distriem. Whmerea. James R. Foshee, hath ny lied 10 mme for Letters of Audminiismraior c honu- a en, onm all anid singmlr the good and chattels. ight.sunmd credmIit' of Bead L Mlaihism, late of the District aforcaaid, di eenmed. These are. therefore, to cime and aidmor. sh all tind aingulzar, the kindred and cred ormi' of the ,.aid) deceased, 1mo be undi a.ppe:: wfore moe, at our t'ext Ordinary's C'oui for the said District to b~e holdeno at Eedgc ieled Court blouse on 'lie 4th day of Jul 12. to show cause if any,, w hmy the sai dministration should not bae granted. Given undher my had and seal this 20t1 av of Jtue, one ihousamnd eight hundre: nii forty-t wo, andI in the sixtysixth yea ofAmerican Inadependence. 0. TOWLES, 0. E. D. June22, 1842. ($2 124] b 21 State of South Clarolinla. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. BY OLI VERt TOWLES, Esquiri Ordinary of Edgefield District. Whereas, Luke Hlavird, bath appli 4d to me for Letters of Administration o bonus nona, on all and singular the good~ nd chattels, rights and credits of Jobi lavird, late of the District aforeaid, di eased. These are, therefore, to cite and admoni sh all and singular, the kindred and credi orn ofthe said deceased, to be antd appeu efore me, at our next Ordinary's UCout 2r the said District to be holden at Edge eld Court House on the 4th day c uly 1842, to show cause it any, why ti tid Adminismration should not be grantee Given under my hand and seal this 20t| ay of June one thousand eight hundrc: mndtforty-two, and in the sixty-sixth yea (fAmerncan Independence. 0. TOWLES, o.r.. Ju e 22, 1842. [82 124] 2a 21 LDGEFIELD DIMTRE0" SPRING T ERM, 1842. is Ordered that a Court of Common Ple= Kand General Sessions, for the Trial of di ~ases no dispoued ofatthis Term, be held i Age~cld Court House on the firit Monday i! ~td7 z. 8. RICHARDSON ;oesPooa,o. c. c. dro. s April20 -it1 1 2 20E& 3 P2RTDE G F' Every descrtption execut.s auI Oneatnessand despateb,at hM the@ CugmesyssAlTIs THE U. S. DISTRICT CO DISTINCT OF 8OUTE CA8j4tW 1N BANKRUPTCZV. HEREAS Henry H.uaysoriin J any, and as a copartner n lw rM Bacon &,3.ason, forwerly Merchant now Far mar. residing in Edgefeld istrict, in the - State of South Caroh'na, bath fledapeition r praying that he may be declared a Bankrupt pursuant to the Act of Congress of the United- States, made, and now in; force, concenn Bankrupts, and that he may have the e Softhe aid act, this is to give notice oftbe a4l Petition. an that a hearing thereo win be had before the Honorable Robert B. Gilaris,J ofeth said Court, at a Court to be holdeat t Federal Court House, in Chrarl , an Mon- day the eleventh day of July next, at eleven o'clock, A. fil., at which place and time all persons interested may appear and shew cause, ir any they have, why the p Terofthe said pe- titioneruhould not be gran . Charleston 16th day of June.184. H. Y- (RAY, Ck&r- June22 3t 21 THE U. S. DISTRICT COURT DIsTaCT Or SoUTH CAAJOr.aa. IN BANKRUPTCy. HEREAS Albert M. Ware. Planter. W of Abbeville Disurict, and dtate ofSooth j Carolina, hath filed a petition praying that he may be declated a Bankrupt. puisuant to the dMact of Congress of the United States, mde, and ow in frce, concernin Bankrupts, and that he may have the henebt of the said act; this 's to give notice of1 the said petition, and that a heariug theseof will be had before the H I onorable Robert B. Gilchrist, Judge of the said Couit, at a Court to be holder, at the Fed. cral Court House, in Charleston, on Tuesda- the ifth day or July nest, at eleven o'cloc A. 31 . at which place and time all persons in- terested may appear and shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition. er should not be granted. Charleston, ft day ofJune, 1842. H. Y GRAY. Clerk d June 15 3t 0 TilE .S. - DISTRICT COURT, d DiSTRICT OF SouTH CAROUVA. IN BANKRLPTCY. SHEREAS Thomas J. Foster, Teacher. u W of Aiit'eville District, and State of SStouth Carolina, hath filed a petition praying i that he uiy be declared a Bankrupt, ursant toi the Act of Congreas of the Unite tates. made, and now it, force. concerning Banks upts, aind that lie may have the benefit of the said act; this isto give notice ofrthe said Petition, and that a hearng thereofwill be had before the lHonorable Robert B. Gilchrist. Judge of the - r nid Court, ut a Court to be holden at the Fed- eral Court House. in Charleston, on Tuesday k the filih day of July next, at eleven o'clock. I, A. M., at which ildace and time ad persons in- e terested Way appear and shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition. er hnield not he gianted. Charlceton, 8th day of June, 1842. -ue. Y. GRAY. Clerk. June a 3t 20 LUMBER 1 LUMBER: 9 13IHE Sut,.criber. residing 5 miles firom t Chappell's Bridge, in Edgeeld Drict respectfuly Infolrms the Citizena of this- 1neghboring Districts, that he has, and'esgd- -okeep .e,,111Lftmiy On vowm onIa orasmentbu ou d PLVE LLeIUE of every description. ALut--anRST RATE - SAWED SUINGLES, which are well approved of by all who have seen them; all of which he o--r- for sale a low prica., viz: Lumwber azt ?S 7per thousand, and Shinigtes at $3 50 per thonsand.* ile also keeps on hand warranted COTTON MfACHIIN ES, 10 inch cast steel Saws, at re- duced prices. Letiens addressed to him at Clema's Cross Roads P. ). S. C.,willbe propl nne o Mouni RKaon Strm Mitts, SEdefjlid Dist. Jumie 10.3t2 Prices Reduced. United States Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA. Hj EW undlersigned respectfully informs his N.frienmds and pastrons, that in accoidance 5with the pressure ,f the times, he will, on and -after the first day ifiJune next, reduce his rates -as follows: Tr-ansient B~oarderw, per day, 81 50 . Day Boairders. per imnth. 15 00 . Other Boarders ini propoartion. rThrank.ml for p-tst encouragement he respect- r fully solici~s a continunnce. WM. 31. FRAZER. - Augusta, Mfay 31. l84:3. P- s. rT1, Omnibus and Genera!BStage Of- Ifice, are kept atthishousec. jun 8 t 19 SeIling ofr'at Cost for Casha. r lIfE subscriber ofl'ers fur sale whulesale and retail a bange and extencive stock o Ready umade Clotinag and si Fanis fATS, aFrniH.Cooke's ol stand. Those in want of either, will do well to call and examine the stock before purchasing, as the goods will be sold lower than they can be bought in the city or elsewhere. P. WV. AUJTEN. .P 8. Those indebted to F. HI. Cooke by note or book account, will call on the subscriber sat the store and make pa nt. nAugusta, Ga,, April Siny14 6t 1 TO BRIDGE DUILDERS. - ILL BELET to the lowest bidder, at defield Court Hlouse, on the first r SMonday in Jnly next, a Bridge to be built ac- cross Rocky Crewer the road leading .from Edgehield Court ilonse to Cambridge crosses said creek, and to be warrnted to be Skept in good repair for five years, from the time it is received, and to be completed by the * Grst Monday in October next. yorder of the Board, this the 13th afJune, 184.. LEWIS HIOLMES~, Clerk. r June 15 3: 20 ~ State of South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. - lOHN B. HOLMES, tolls before aes * a Spanis rcan IA RE, boyinclined to be white, some nars of ger, 4fee9jhe Shigh, supposed to be fourteen years old3 D- praised by D. White. -B. Heward, and J. C. Thomas, at fifleen dollars, and can he seen at .ilaj. Hohnes'. nearDelan~thter's Mill,onsTar key Creek. Before me thm25ebor Ma, *B. JfARTIN2 juneS
Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1842-06-29/ed-1/seq-3.pdf'l it sw sd, hevan Buren acdigyjealous of purose. Teywould

'l it sw

sd, hevan Burenacdigyjealous of

purose. Teywouldthatte ealdstik1t thewhig

totht The present Cabi eset heaveo A.s yet in rerard to -seudr veto:I Mr. Webster ha no doubt

oppsd it. in conversation. and.,afts declad ta0tthe rasa or

was ie and alwurd. He does not. frbeieve tha-it would come. It will be

. bowever, th at he, on the eve ofthiseo ofthe-tank charter.'aerd to Mr

ethosas. Mr. Tylerwill no go a.

privae fistlligenco fr New York,may s yrpon, that the Hon. T.

R beleve thatcky.uas challened. Col.tkesber edroe New York Corir.- oon-hv ofeese. ben calharthapassed in pub-

whieo the bi. I rs qur arnSe this cmL Webba pdthe Invitation. ut that

'Iiie e iusnded. It maybe hin-ii* end as a reen t and promine t

e1i re ejnde but I jdge no t iti too latee Ftemark to have any anuebenoe way

r anothe, sait herfore. I can venture to may

tat.ocobsm.see wakoldo thea patie pubd

Ithei d poiion they wilL in y opinfoeght."2WE i ebatd.We knvitaotn when

liehve spent'dnevening witmbore phea.sure and sisfaciondthan on Tsday lst,

ii itnesig.-Eshibition of the4 Maledepartment of the Masonic School'of ibiseigy. The"Weather was very"tUnfavorablefor tbe ladies to. bventure north, ist, not-ithsading, the room was eowded witht hr mour ciy,who san aentyto-t fioenm toi12 o'clnek. -,nd seemedhbtrpleaud an tamused, O b the. per

hipoiprt..-some hittle ellows, frmSito ight Years of age. kept the house in

con vspt pausevwhinwl the larter bps. iand toi it t ion, h o Tiesda sand.pnke wibtheatspirit andnimatin nol

S dea to b f w hssed in youthoftbeir thi.

'This .. bition1 rerewted vrea credit on

oacbhear and his pupils, andwe have no

t~~ 1kwar of o'"ctymho eambaertl or.

.4 +ubi caused theheahrt of r erf"aneient siciety (underpt m h se care theoaslisflrunhing)1 leap tihjy atthe

prospect ber whelthe givier lightknowledge to th right eneration and

ths Dtin a brightemplet our fellowsoktizes, and givin them oular demon-stratio of the nad ina th done withiitedmeant, by united actcie.. W un-dertand the aternity have in their-naleand female secoolst.at the present tme,

anbo eighty scholars.A por eton oftre Clinch Band volunteer-

ed their services on the occasina, and eli-vned the scene with appropriate musih-This band is composed of youn. men of

aendemle hol-at athe prdeent frimaheoateredt sappearefs. m forfrAes pois fate Cliad bnd olabtyelon

for thels seie or tehocas.-aden

our cit, who havp

Pra11 Ie.; totrJe-ra.


-The Brte a seour .-Bnre naerence

bera greathat wilbeaste whic has p.romdued tred pongstning ifm ficur betree

Mer. holse fane d eentholerbl onghAugthsthrigre;ghat dys.ereCta

incoe o ths. roper whichnaidcasTwe r geu rae so-esiy ofernW. certain end octes. u olmsfIt grelt cae peile seen hic hras pr'o.t

dine thi lostandingr miadet bretwethebrdg fromt ar. thprsentopdersofrthaeotag brige thatmis thed ercpon iad

ainvaleuabthle proerand wbee sdcruesoe ferorre-sto-the fratestmnoWo hame, anoh ers.e yhisl,PIas were pdeved, tatre ga arie

and teutsat w resmade ito wrestprhe

inrienrompr.e ofuMr.-Stopin hsaebnothugt Hisnemites lookeupo wih ea-

* nv luabi priac. en fere dtheerego laleit(itsin comdeidi aln, pisabandsome, safouetused t aouhaotoae althouh derete f hiserf

Plan freised, matred azasfid Wareare~ itad possessin autl cIom-anuiis o ut tobesoeat the po-

peo'Wm'ely aou-prs-o-Adswetefree tatgehi, the seeoothdiseirast seafar ofr Suad haee

brogtuanto thse ileutanie withedwhhvon an& ineshtaoe-for eyha wre-

dagud hes melchlydcts and dpribed

esitake airy hough uin latres of thier-i hoe wena who wod~uldhae done twme.det fede d'e onithe vesred Werun

Wresa it truph th oe aro seal orn-bmerunti es m F~ha ro inthOu opens

alie, meely tatudes sptr or

~e~es. hey fa~anwit themutitdey and'armlhroun. Tisccuautace~opld

uGiititsiOOs did netrvide.i the manttajustice shall prevail over the depravi

j'fm ,we might despairof ever rusagebove savage lire; bithis-grand provisinnis made.by the grest Law Giver, and -weare contented to trust ourselves upon Him.

.we ae wel aware, that any thing ae

attempt to say itn M.- Shuh$'s favor, willbe used against sitie best advantageby his foes hare ani&sewbere. We carenot fir all that ca.s he said against us, andlet it go for hat it is worth, and if thewhole world arrays itself aoainst us, we

%ball speak"t&e truth without fear or favor.One ritigew know. Shubs has done as

much. ifnot more, ror the two States thanany matk-without money and friends. andfor thisbe should receive a dIutq portion olregard. Asacittzen of Hamburg. we givebi our portion of respect.

Letthe innoceit citisens or Augusta1ok to the accumnlating sum, which we

ihave presented to them, and refieet thatthisamount, with interest must be paid.ind it will at once cause them to searchout, from whence and from whom originated all this. That Mr. Shultz's career hagbeen extraordinary its caosing the source

from whence this has arisen, and thnt byhim extraordinary exertions have beenmade to recover it.

Death by Droaning.-lt becomes our

melancholy duty' o report the death eoltwo yuths. the one, a son of Mr. PhilipCrump. and the other, a son of M r. Aloxander McKenzie. while bathing in the riv-er at the lower end of the city. on Saturday afternoon. Not being expert swimmets, they became alarmed at steppingsuddenly into deep water, and immediate-lp sunk.-An associate, a son of Mrm. McMurphy, was well nigh meeting the samefate, but was fortunately saved from a wa.

tery grave by his brother. who happenedto be on the bank, and who, we learn,etruggled manfully to ;sve all, in which hewas near -perishing himself. The bodiesof the two were found ye'terday evening.

This melanaholy event shoedld he a mosisolemn and impressive warning. to thecrowds of youths who are daily hathing itthe river at the' peril of their lives,-Aug.Chron. Sf Sent. 20th inst.

The next Presideny.-The 3.isippiGuard in stme very good remarks upunthe next Presidencv. says the following,whieb breathes the right spirit-"We likea fair sopen field of battle. ail a congest forprinciple.. We have no fear for the re

sult. But whoshall lead us on to victory?We have heretofore giveu expressions Itour preference. John C. Calhoun, theeminent statesman of South Carolina,.heman eqally distinguished in private indpublic life. is our choice, Wedo not hesitate to make the avowal. We armproudto press hisclaims. The South never hada representative in the executive chair.- Iiis due to the South. due to his efficient ser,

vices in the Democratic cause, due the'.*t ptereats of the whelp country.-

.' ,wolveyaoob~

ra , fedserves a nlearoad position in the history of his coun-

try". lftbe-hould be the choice generally~f theneocratse party, we will supporthint mos- cordially. We~e feel confident ofuccesw. We can beat the Whig, with an~

honest, able matn for our candidate." Wecan beat them with Calhoun anti Wright,with Van Buren and Polk, with L'ass,with Bnchanaan, with Bleuton and Johnsn,with auny of our numerous competen1champions, cheering us on to triumph.-Our principles will sustain us ifwe adhereso them. WVe shall not abandon them -We will be united; we shall be victorious.'-N. Y. Era.

Jaases Buchaan.--n e are now fullsconvinced that this ju~uly honored, andhighly distinguished gentleman, will bcnominated lor the Presiency, by the unanimous voice of the Keystune, his os n n.ivo state. Overwhelming mteetings arebeing held ins every directions. Altssst ev-ery paper genoes with the pacsintg itntelligence that Pennsylvania is determinted toassert her right'. and sanintain her ground.Our sister states concedes the rigtht, andwe believe, are chseerfully and heartil~ready. so soon as the Voice of Petnn-y lva.nit ~is ascertained. to utnite hatrmoniousihwith us for the promotion of M r. Buchanat; than whsumt. it Is our canduid opinion,no'sste itn the lUnion can boast oh a mtasitunre etuinetntly qsulified s that station.-Milton, Pat. Ledger.

Fra the Seanaakl Republicau.. 23 ist.By the steam packet General Clinch,apeain Brnak-. we received tt.e Saevan-sh Repulicas ofyesterday morning, fromr

arbich we copy the following :FRlOMb PLORIDA.

Wehad two arrvals .esterday fro-nFlo~ia, the steamers Wmta. Gaston, Capt.Henry, and General Taylor, Cespt. Peck,Dr. Alfred W. Elwes. late of the U. S.

Medical Department. died at Palatka, E.F. o the 12th inst. of congestive fever,aler an illness of four days.We learn from Capt. I'eck, tha.t no tnew

Ind,.en signs had been seen and there wasno news. Extracts from the St. Augustinepapers, received by the above boats wilbe found below :

. Pueste Newn.CAur.P East Florida, June 13,183.

To the Editor or the News:It is eurrently reposrted that the Trenton

Etcamuptent Is in contemplationu for theiensuing summer, and that the 4th Infantryare to he ordered out of Florida, and totale up their sumtmier quatters in that de-*lightulspot. Can it be possible thatalteroccupying the South and South-West fotsiomany years. they are once mnore to haveaaagreeahbe posiioni The inipressiotshereoore seems to b::ve been, that theyqso well acclimated, that it twould he apytoallow them to etnjoy the benefit. of

orhrestatior. It is for this reason1an.ildisposed to doubt the truth of

i'tOs MrEditor, can you throw

t1ce1sstiJi mong the missing~9~h~v~eatein Ottn the 4th itnst.

us Pest No. 3. Ithiktohold to his protm-

afavorab y~ is

Me&-We are unable to enlighten OUTCorrespondent on the subject of the 4tbInfantry being ordered outofFlorid. Wehope.the commanding'of'icer will see 1t9impropriety of sending any more troapsout of Florida until every Indian hasbe-captured and shipped.-Ed. Nem.

THE SANTA FE EXPEDITION.List ofthose seho wereked or died up-.

on the road.-For the information of thosewho had friends upon the Texan Santaf.Expedition. we publish the following-IstWIbelieving it to be nearly correct:

A. J. Davis, accidentally shot on theBrushy.

Lockridge, accidentally shot on LittleRiver.

Flint. died of cholie on the imarch.Dr. Brasbear, died of consumption on

the masrh..Johnson. sergeant. died at Puebla, in

Mexico.Major Sturgess, died of liver complaint

on the Palo Duro.Ernest, died of fatigue. wan; of food, and

exposure in New Mexico.Gates, died near Paso del Norte, of in-

Samation of the lungs. cunotacted by ex-posure., J. Walker. died of small pox at Guna-junto.

Harris, also died ofsmall pox at Guna-juato.

Dozherty, died ofsmall pox at Ganaju-ato. It is supposed that others left behindat San Luis Potosi and Guouajuato, withthe small pox. died, but their names wehave been unable to learn.

Larrabee, died in a wagon between Pa..so del Norte and Chihuahua,

Lient. G. It. lIull. killed by Indiads onthe Palo Duro.

S. W. Howland, shot by order of Gov-ernor Arnijo at Sar. alig.el.Wi. iM1 .ybce or .layby. killed by Iis-

dian.. on the Palo Duro. a river on whichtheexpedition encamped sume three weekb.John M1'Allister, sbot by order of Sale-

zar o the march froni San Miguel to Paso.James Dunn, killed by Indians on the

Palo Dzrq,Francis D. Woodson, killed at same

time by Indians.Capt. Baker, shot by orderof Armijo at

SatlMiguel.Roseloury. shot by Mexicans in enden-

voring to make his e-cape.Dr. Bell, killed by Indians on the Grand

Prai.-ie.Manuel, a Mexirnn servant, shot by a

drummer ins New Mexico.Washington %% ilkin... killed by the In-

dians on the Grand Prairie.Griffin, .brain kpoorkcd out by order of

Salezar, on the road from San Miguel toPaso.Ramon,a Mexican servant, killed by the

ludians, near the Palo Druro.Mercer, died in camp from a wound re-

ceived by.IndiansGlenn, killed b) Indians on-tie route.Snow killed by Indians on the route&'Golphinshoe on the roa m Sea Mi.

aind Praiie.Glasse. killed by the Indians in the vi-

cinity of the Palo Duro.SRobr. D. Todd, killed by the Indians onthe Grande Praeire,

Fletcher. killed also by the Indians.Samuel Flenuer, killed by the Indians

in the vicinity or the Palo Duro.F. Keenman, killed by Indians on the

route.The above is as complete a list as we

can gather. and is believed to be nearlycorrect. It will be seent that no less that.35 were lost in all. Editors throughout theconautr. ,might contfer a ftavor by publish.inag thec abuve.-Picayune.

From. the National Iateligencer.C~ol. .llonror Edwairds C'onriced.-Tbhe

trial of.41tanroe Edward,, on a charge offorgery, which hat occupied the time ofthe Court of Oyer and Terminer in thecit3 of New' Y-rk since the morning ofTuesday oaf last n'eck, has resulted inhis conviction The case was givento the Ja~ry at half past four 'clock on.iluuday afteroont. and they returnedmio1 C urt i ten o'clock ott the followingtmornintg t it a verdict ofloutL.Tr. TheNew York papers generrally. which havehad opportunity to become acqaainatedwith thme nature of the evidence submitteddurinag the triatl, pronounce the verdlict tobe a nmost righteous one. The American

-*We hear it stated when the jurors firstmade their apperarantce, no onte in Courtwas awareof teir hamvintg agreed upon averdict. In fact. it was conafidenmtly repor-ted that they had been unable to agree;and the prisoner, impressed perhaps withthis bielief, presented his equtanimity un-disturbed until. itn answer to the whetherthey had found a verdict, the Foremau re-plied that the~y hadl."When the verdict was annnneed he

tiarned a lttle pale, asked for snuff, whichhue us d fre-ely, endeavoring thme while totipp.ear ent irely uncontcernd.

"TFhe puniashment is itmplrisonment fornot less than. two nor more than five years."Hard Times.-A correspondent of the

Zasnesvitlte (Ohtto)Republica~n gives a state-mnut from the schedule ofproperty sold bythe sheriffor Muskingutm conty, within afew dlays past, atnd fur which sp~ecie wasregeured, that shows a pressure scarcelycredible. A gnod four horse wagon wassold at $.5 50. laogs at 6j cents each, hors-es att $3, e-Its at $d to$3J, cons at $1 50to Se!

Bewides these, the writer says, " therewas a store of goods, said to have cost sev-eral buntred douars, sold for, I think, lessthntu twenty dollars; amongst which I re-collect a barret of Orleans sugar, about260 lbs., sold for one dollar andffy rensthe barrel. I should, perhaps, state thatthe above sales were made at three differ-eat days, and in two or three differenttownships, aud the result in each. nearlythe same. The horse were auch as haveheretofore soldl for $50 to P70 each.

It is curiousrto observe how totally un-qualified persons frequently are for the de-lte' and professions they undertake. Manya mani runs hits head against a pttlpt, whomight have done his country exc'ellentser-vice at the plough-tail. And many a lawyer'who makes but a sorry figure at the bar,nilhbah ea ev ec'ellent water-

mans bMiaableatl'teem-p he can ge'litte business

Equity sit at this eon - last, his lDorCh arw Pr ing. The busi-

potti, with the exceptionT :lCase,-which altbo' the amountof -olved was smal, was ge-ver d-atrated very general at-tent elicited quite an interedtinga eon General Whitner, forthe t, and Henry A. Young.Esq ighland Sentinel.

e have had agreatabundanceof ' eighborhood, and generallyth District so far ns.we havelea 4g the past week. The grow-ing Sesavery much revived, andthe p Oran abundant harvest is flat.

Tbe n this section of the country.so ar we been able to learn. arein a. isigcondition. The entireseamn ,hs been most favorablefor Cotton is growing finely.na th any of those insects usu-

ally ive to this plan, and everymeet with beautiful corn

field." osilked 'awl tasselled."---R are now- a common articleupon of o'4 eitizens.-Selma(AL. T , June 18,

&REOF RASCAL.The are bereby eationed to be-

ware an calling himselfWiiam Hj.Tay receonly made an attempt tomurde 1W6indgethorperounty. andhas d 'to parts unkown. where liehad remain, to avoid a merited sit-un Penitentiary of this State forhis . -This fellow caine to residein Ah about eight years ago, nodby b- I aoifypocritical manners. be-ing a lug man, noon ingratintedhi toudsociemy Heunfurtunate-ly ta -daughter, and they havefonic Taylor told his wife justbe a .that be left a wife andfour. .oh Carol'na. andi whenbe Ii went by the name ofJameirsHet%6,, but when he caie to thiscouoa1ledhimselfWimien 11. Tay-lir, h6ik " himef11'4dafnfY young manWitbo y - To prevent this ellham'sfurt . I will now give his de-scrii or is a spare buiit man. of

nde, about five feei six inciheshigh, ~.and hair, lark complex-ion,.a # Ifndof liquor. :,d whendriu talk plain: he is a goodlfiddle -rate boot and shoe inn-Let b ' generally very livelyand ful -elt ealculated to de-ceive?, am thus particular. thatthe known, and preveatedfro similar rascality elms-

The pa ii orth and South Carnli-as will. fbe renderiu2 a kindnese,

..*...-#utwe-ptunrminty M'irguard against thi,, accum-plished reseal.

MANIEIJ CARRBINGTON.Wilkescaunsy. U..Julne 1842.

"Der '~n&. £efll M'.ondJ rhing of afellow whowdet info a glteery store, andcalled foreartioftmolase. The nmolassea was benu h, and th- purchaser de-mended to Jiit poured in his hat. Thegrocer's el <id'ered to lend him a mancs-ute, but n~ apairchaser itnsiste'd upouhaving it guWipto his hat. at the same timtelayitgdownapet-et of amoney which re-quired changse The shoapman much won-deringat such-auwhim, besitated no longer,but doused Ctbe..molasses into the custo-mer's old batfand then pulled out he money-drawer to make change. In a I wink-ling. the rascally purchaser dropped thehat on the young groeer's headh, grabbedall the money'wuthin his reach, coolly putthe grocer's .ta hat on his own heaut, andwalked of uhjling. while the shaop-kee-per was blieding,echoking, and smotheringin ai bath ofqiblasses.

"Dem''e."-A pious old negro, whilesaying gane at the table, oit only usedl to

ask a blessing on all he had upon his hoard.hut would also jpetition to have somie delieient dish supplied. One day it was ktnownthat Cato was ont of potatoes, and suipee-ting he would pray for the samne at dinnera wag prnvided himnself with a sinall mea-mare of the aegLLo~es, and stole under thewindow, near which stood the table of ourcolored christiatV Sput Cato drew up achair and conienced: "O), massa Lord!wilt dots in dy pr'ovidhent kindness coade-scend to bress ehery ting before us; andtbe please to show upon us jist a few taters-and allde prise"-[-{Iere the pota-toes were dashed upon the table, breakingplates and upsetting the mustard poat.]"Dem's 'em, masa Lord!" said Cato,looking up with sorprise, "onlyjist luf'emdown leesle easieirnezj time !"

TOTAL ABS'CINENCE MEETING.The friends of tbe Total Abstinence cause.

and the citizens generaly, are lnviied to meetat the Bap~tist Meeting House in this town. onMonday evening Dnt, the 4th ofJuly. at eaulycandle light. Itiu~peted there will be annmeaddresses delivered. june29 22

IETTHIE E.DGEFIELD.VILLAGE FE-MALE ACADEME-The exercises of thinInstitution will be diseontinaued. Ikom Fridaythe 17th inst. to the *fstMonday inJuly,whenttheywill be resmumdT

W. 3. JOHNSON, &ecror.June15 2t 20

E HE fRabscrbuvhasbeen, hythe ude of.K the District Ceart for South Caeina

District iappirtedCmisioefor, geedDistrct. pnadanUt te16. previstitns of heAct

fonrsmade,afstaw infohrce, oncern-oing nrs. rie.~ any n wish-in o vi himmiefersid Act, wall please callupon then Rat~mbarg,8-.C.,whowill prepare all .j5 stneswaryto a naldiscbarge, on as mteea asy other pr

so.4aynproeqre t. RulssandWals

ofsaid.Ceart regatiwLh.ROBERT ANDERSN.Hasmbtrg. one97th'8&~ Uf2

LondoE?4~'ten.ASUPEIOR AWRTICL~jasreeifradSRATON& NEIGS -

yune22 4



W-HEREAS, Jame L Andersono. Me- ek=& residing in Abbeville Districi:tate of South Carohina, hathAed apoetitoipraying that be may be declared a bakrupipursuant to the Act ofCongres ofthe UniteStates, made, and now in force, eoneumrn*Bankrupts, and that he may have the benet ahe said Act; this is to give notice of the sal

tition, and that a hearng thereof will be haeforetho Honorable Robert B.Gilcbrist.Jud-of the said Court, at a Court to be holdenahe Federal Court House, in Charleston, 0

fonday the eighteenth dalofJuly next. at e0:ren o'clock. A. M.. at which place and time a

persons interested may appear and shew canif any they have, why the prayerortho saidpeoner should not be granted.Charleston, 23rd day of June, 1842.

H. Y. GRAY, Cferk.june 29 3t 22


IN BANKRUPTCY.HEREAS. Lewis B. Cobb. Mechania

W residing in Abbeville District. SoutlCarolina. hath tiled a petition praying that hmay be declared a Bankrupt. pursuant to thiAct of Congress of the United States, taneand now in force, concerning Bankrupts, an

that he may hnveq the benefit of the said Actthis is to give notica of the said Petition, anthat a hearing thereof will be had befoare thIonotable Robert B. Cilchrist. Judge of thsaid Court, at a Court to be holdeu at the Federal Court House. in Charleston, on 3tona;the eighteeith day of July next, at eleveo'clock. A. M., at which place nd time all pesons interested may arppear and shew cause.

m they have. bhy the ptavrr of the said ptiti'omer should nor lhe irantedCharleston, 23rd day ofJune. 1842.

I. Y. (MtAY. Clerk.Jun9 29 3t 22

Notice.TRAYED fruen the anbacriber on tIe272

S Manc, a ensall light bay II LES ColJUtwo years old, unaltered, n ith white feet.blaze in his face. with a very heavy nmnne.atail. When la-t heard Irom. he wrus near Can,tidge, in enmpany with a stray Mule. Ar>eroneeeing moch a Colt will pelea-e take hitup, and drop a linme to the suh-criber at SileeCreek, Edgeimld Disitrict. S C., and they shabe well paid for their trouble.

JA.1ES DORN.J tnn- 32* 21

State of 1ou1th ( alofilia.EDGEFIEL) DISTRICT..VTWK IIE-'FI'.tMAN living ne.

-_ Capt. Popes' Milla. mn Wiloa's creeltolie before ine one small roan HoliSE. bla,mane. tail. and legs, Ihirteen anl a half han.igh. cix vears old Apphraised at $35, Jun

14th 1842.THOS. NICHOLLS, Magistrats

June 22 4n 21Medical Notice,

Dr. JOWn G. WILLIANOFFERS his professionat service, to A

-_citizens of Edgefield villatge and adja~cel-.untry, and has taken ant O0ice next doorIGei. l. Bonh'n's near the. Conrt Houswhere he ei"Ae found at all tim during ti%r nr-Mryrni~t -f P. Go-odedwelling, except when absent oi -proteimiouduties.may25 tf 17

state or South Carolinla.EDG.EFIELDi DISTRICT.

IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY.Thomas Walton, Guardian, of Elvey

E. Jay,es.

imeon Jay. John inlow. Joseph Jay. Iand Jesc~e Jay. ce'rs. and adm'rs. ofJe-se Jay. deceased.T npepearilg let amy ,atinflaction, that Simeo

EJay, onme tfthet defendanats, resides out-his State. it ise ordered, that the said Simneon J~smo appear in nmy eniice~ on Monday the 26iday ot Septeimbeor next, to rendher an nccoumnteis acts as late guardian of the said Elvey I

Ja.OLIVER TOWLE.S. o r. .n

SEdgefield C. HI 20htiJun~e, 1642. 3m tI

h:DGEFIELD) IHISTRICT.-3Y OLIVER TIOnLES, EsquitI. liredinary of Edlgefield Distriem.Whmerea. James R. Foshee, hath nylied 10 mme for Letters of Audminiismraiorc honu- a en, onm all anid singmlr the goodand chattels. ight.sunmd credmIit' of Bead LMlaihism, late of the District aforcaaid, dieenmed.These are. therefore, to cime and aidmor.

sh all tind aingulzar, the kindred and credormi' of the ,.aid) deceased, 1mo be undi a.ppe::wfore moe, at our t'ext Ordinary's C'ouifor the said District to b~e holdeno at Eedgcieled Court blouse on 'lie 4th day of Jul12. to show cause if any,, w hmy the saidministration should not bae granted.Given undher my had and seal this 20t1av ofJtue, one ihousamnd eight hundre:nii forty-two, andI in the sixtysixth yeaofAmerican Inadependence.

0. TOWLES, 0. E. D.June22, 1842. ($2 124] b 21

State of South Clarolinla.EDGEFIELD DISTRICT.BY OLIVERt TOWLES, EsquiriOrdinary of Edgefield District.

Whereas, Luke Hlavird, bath appli4d to me for Letters of Administrationo bonus nona, on all and singular the good~nd chattels, rights and credits of Jobilavird, late of the District aforeaid, dieased.These are, therefore, to cite and admoni

sh all and singular, the kindred and crediorn ofthe said deceased, to be antd appeuefore me, at our next Ordinary's UCout

2r the said District to be holden at Edgeeld Court House on the 4th day culy 1842, to show cause it any, why titid Adminismration should not be granteeGiven under my hand and seal this 20t|ay of June one thousand eight hundrc:mndtforty-two, and in the sixty-sixth yea(fAmerncan Independence.

0. TOWLES, o.r..Ju e 22, 1842. [82 124] 2a 21


is Ordered that a CourtofCommon Ple=Kand General Sessions, for the Trial of di

~asesno dispoued ofatthisTerm, be held iAge~cld Court House on the firit Monday i!


;oesPooa,o. c.c.dro. sApril20 -it1 1 2

20E& 3 P2RTDE GF' Every descrtption execut.sauIOneatnessand despateb,at hM

the@ CugmesyssAlTIs


HEREAS Henry H.uaysoriin Jany, and as a copartner n lw rMBacon &,3.ason, forwerly Merchant now Farmar. residing in Edgefeld istrict, in the -

State of South Caroh'na, bath fledapeitionr praying that he may be declared a Bankruptpursuant to the Act of Congress of the United-States, made, and now in; force, concennBankrupts, and that he may have the e

Softhe aid act, this is to give notice oftbe a4lPetition. an that a hearing thereowin be hadbefore the Honorable Robert B. Gilaris,Jofeth said Court, at a Court to be holdeattFederal Court House, in Chrarl , an Mon-day the eleventh day of July next, at eleveno'clock, A. fil., at which place and time allpersons interested may appear and shew cause,ir any they have, why the p Terofthe said pe-titioneruhould not be gran .

Charleston 16th day ofJune.184.H. Y- (RAY, Ck&r-June22 3t 21

THE U. S. DISTRICT COURTDIsTaCT Or SoUTH CAAJOr.aa.IN BANKRUPTCy.HEREAS Albert M. Ware. Planter.W ofAbbeville Disurict, and dtate ofSoothj Carolina, hath filed a petition praying that hemay be declated a Bankrupt. puisuant to thedMactofCongress of the United States, mde,and ow in frce, concernin Bankrupts, andthat he may have the henebt of the said act;this 's to give notice of1 the said petition, andthat a heariug theseof will be had before theHIonorable Robert B. Gilchrist, Judge of thesaid Couit, at a Court to be holder, at the Fed.cral Court House, in Charleston, on Tuesda-the ifth day or July nest, at eleven o'clocA. 31 . at which place and time all persons in-terested may appear and shew cause, if anythey have, why the prayer of the said petition.er should not be granted.Charleston, ft day ofJune, 1842.

H. Y GRAY. Clerkd June 15 3t 0

TilE .S.- DISTRICT COURT,d DiSTRICT OF SouTH CAROUVA.IN BANKRLPTCY.SHEREAS Thomas J. Foster, Teacher.u W of Aiit'eville District, and State ofSStouth Carolina, hath filed a petition prayingi that he uiy be declared a Bankrupt, ursanttoithe Act of Congreas of the Unite tates.made, and now it, force. concerning Banks upts,aind that lie may have the benefit of the said

act; this isto give notice ofrthe said Petition,and that a hearng thereofwill be had before thelHonorable Robert B. Gilchrist. Judge of the -

r nid Court, ut a Court to be holden at the Fed-eral Court House. in Charleston, on Tuesdayk the filih day of July next, at eleven o'clock.I,A. M., at which ildace and time ad persons in-

e terested Way appear and shew cause, if anythey have, why the prayer of the said petition.er hnield not he gianted.

Charlceton, 8th day ofJune, 1842.-ue. Y. GRAY. Clerk.June a 3t 20

LUMBER 1 LUMBER:9 13IHE Sut,.criber. residing 5 miles firomt

Chappell's Bridge, in Edgeeld Drictrespectfuly Infolrms the Citizena of this-1neghboring Districts, that he has, and'esgd--okeep .e,,111Lftmiy On vowmonIa orasmentbu oud PLVE LLeIUE

ofevery description.ALut--anRST RATE

- SAWED SUINGLES,which are well approved of by all who haveseen them; all of which he o--r- for sale alow prica., viz: Lumwberazt ?S7per thousand,and Shinigtes at $3 50 per thonsand.*ile also keeps on hand warranted COTTONMfACHIINES, 10 inch cast steel Saws, at re-duced prices.Letiens addressed to him at Clema's CrossRoads P. ). S. C.,willbepropl nne o

Mouni RKaon Strm Mitts,SEdefjlid Dist. Jumie 10.3t2

Prices Reduced.

United States Hotel,AUGUSTA, GA.

HjEW undlersigned respectfully informs hisN.frienmds and pastrons, that in accoidance5with the pressure ,f the times, he will, on and-after the first day ifiJune next, reduce his rates-as follows:

Tr-ansient B~oarderw, per day, 81 50. Day Boairders. per imnth. 15 00.

Other Boarders ini propoartion.rThrank.ml for p-tst encouragement he respect-r fully solici~sa continunnce.

WM. 31. FRAZER.- Augusta, Mfay 31. l84:3.

P- s. rT1, Omnibus and Genera!BStage Of-Ifice,are kept atthishousec.jun8 t19

SeIling ofr'at Cost for Casha.r lIfE subscriber ofl'ers fur sale whulesaleand retail a bange and extencive stock o

Ready umade Clotinag andsiFanis fATS,

aFrniH.Cooke's ol stand. Those in wantof either, will do well to call and examine thestock before purchasing, as the goods will besold lower than they can be bought in the cityor elsewhere. P. WV. AUJTEN..P 8. Those indebted to F. HI. Cooke bynote or book account, will call on the subscribersat the store and make pa nt.nAugusta, Ga,, April Siny14 6t 1

TO BRIDGE DUILDERS.- ILL BELET to the lowest bidder, at

defield Court Hlouse, on the firstr SMonday in Jnly next, a Bridge to be built ac-cross Rocky Crewer the road leading.from Edgehield Court ilonse to Cambridgecrosses said creek, and to be warrnted to beSkept in good repair for five years, from thetime itis received, and to be completed by the* Grst Monday in October next.

yorder of the Board, this the 13th afJune,184.. LEWIS HIOLMES~, Clerk.r June 15 3: 20 ~State of South Carolina,EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. -

lOHN B. HOLMES, tolls before aes* aSpanis rcan IARE, boyinclined tobe white, some nars of ger, 4fee9jheShigh, supposed to be fourteen years old3 D-praised by D. White. -B. Heward, and J. C.Thomas, at fifleen dollars, and can he seen at.ilaj. Hohnes'. nearDelan~thter's Mill,onsTarkey Creek. Before me thm25ebor Ma,*B. JfARTIN2juneS
