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Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C...

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ds, that best ma- end S110ES. 'Pottersville. n that he can give e, for their patronage rit,: o I'insure good and upon term to suit the times. 8TEVEN A. BROWN. R1parng done at the shortest notice. tnay 4 3t 14 W7t4111TSIOXI~ 110 USE. EOULFIELD C. H., S. C. T HE sUBSCRIBER having rented the eostablimmaent formerly ocCUpied fly 31r. A. IL Adda.-on. haq fitted it up for the accimin- tuodation of tranisietnt and pernmauent boarder'. The Hotel it, nar the Courthouse, into very pleasant situntion, and he fiatter. imi:ne!lf tia. is table will bear a comparison with any in this ection of the country. Good stablhar: and at- tentivo serva-nts are provided. nnd in fart every thing that can be done on his part to render travellers and boarders comfortable, will tIN. attended to. He is prepared to accoinmmodate two or more fuitiilies With hoard, und from the well k nown hesith and good society of this Viila:e. ftil- lies will find it a desiralble summet residn.re. is charge in nil instmees s ill he .iade ti correlpiond with the times. CHIIARLES CO3PTY. Mn: . 18 - _. Notice. jj.liNG puirvhztased of meers. Drvan & Minor, their entite -t''ck i'o tioil in th ilrrhaa Tailotring Business, ni iis ptare. Iwe would take this nethwl of mfinorning immur frietid., and the putlie genmerally. tiit they c:.nt h~e furniemed at the old stand "t lity .n & Mi- nor. with Clothin:, on as ai t-rmn.. anl out inirior itn qutaliti to anyt samhtidr e-tabhlihmeit in 'he Southern 'counitry. We intem to keep onl hand at all titnes. n U'.od stock of English & French Cloths, nudl CAsstuintns. selected in thc New Y-ark :- ad Philadelphia MIarkets, to;:ether n ith ill other articles tn out lie -, and too thoe wh., o.- vor ns with their patronage inl ti1 btt:-inens we wond say that every exertuion" onur part shall be used to give perfect satisfaction. GOODE & LYON. Jnanuary 1. 1Rlg. tf .50 Facturage & Commission Businuess .14 M HURG, S. C. A S I hivle declinel selling gomo., I beg leave to return my gratefd acknowledge- meats to mar friends, and the pubtlic generally. for their lil~eral patronagc while thin.< engaged. I now otTer ni services to) tie mublic a. an Agent.to receive and forward all kindi ofmner- channidize and produce. And. as I will not be enaged in any oithes buriine". I will pay xtrict attention to lhe inlerest of all thne consigimng their produce or merch.udize to meand while in t ho n the bestcare wil be taken. and for. warded with despatch, or orders promptly obeyed.. f row experience and ohmerratiion, I have long thought that a faithful agentzt could render coniiderable ervice to the planters. 'n selling their cotton and dolir. n nd laying their groce. ries; And, as I have been cegaged itn this moar het, for the Iast ten years. and acqnnnted with the getneral rutine iflinsinces I thereforeolfe: inr serv'ices to myr frietals andm thme plattr gen- crally;:mtd wail faithfully dervami my unidivaded ifitention ti tihe intert"l or all thm's-i whlo nmay coommit to mym chm;.ge thme ilinmg of their pm-. 'lace, and bunying such'l anrticlem ams they'' mayi 'ir- d~er. -- In all cases, myj~ eCmmnu.;on shaall ier moderate. Sept. 23. 188h1 f 35 P'. S. I aomnt imnerested in .any Wanrehoumm'e in the plare; therefore tall Comttomn .emnt to mymi care, will be etonred as dire'ted, atid it' nodirec-. tions, myv te.t jn"1tnmnt will be nmced tinr ithe planiters'imterc'at. II. 1.. j. vertli'er, Pendc.ton Mie..ii-engt and ii ghlnd Se'ntinei and lIighlandmu (N. C.) \tcme.nger n~il im-ert the above, twin mmunths,.and for ward nhl.. NIRLEY & DI'.IER, * -Wa rehouse anstd C'omis- I~IAlBURG. S. C;. T .\~KE pleasu~tre in annoaricig tn their Country friends and to the Public generamlly,. that their IJ'A REIIOUSL EIAND Ir'JI.A R hlavin2 raiseud the Wareu'l'ie abovne thne hiighest high-water ma~rk inf the' ;-.r'ar .Alay flood, wtithi suficient f'ouintiomn ton mank' it perf'ectly secuire from aim) Iise in th'- R ver. whnile our location in Point omf I-'1RE- tnot surpassed by any Ware lione in laiamurg, being %ituaIte on the Cornier ofC C'entr andi Malcrket Sterts. .and nren py- ing theo whole front Squnte to Cook S/rel. opposite 'lhe Banck & Post Offcc. convenn- 7:- ent to the Rail Road, unmredia'tely, on ihme River. and it, the very Centre of the Prin-1 eiple Cotnon Dealers and Shiompers, antd tihe great thoronchhfair to the Bridge. Grateful for the liberal sitpport we hv hitherto received, solicit from onr P'at roin and thne pubhlie gennerally, a colntitntnnfCe omf their confidec. From our lotng experi- * cacene ill the 3Jrarehuouse and Commrission buiness, feel etnnfideot, with our facilities, to be absle to give to all entire satisfactioni. Weo make libneral adlvaucest on Cotton int Store, and will nttend to the Sale or Ship- ':ping of Cotton on moderate terms. receive prompt atcention with our best ef- forts for the interest of' Customers. H s.SIBLEY-& USH ER. Hamburg S.C., Oct. 1, 1841, tfr36 'FIRE PROOP. amEincreased dennand for BRICK, we pmeas thmo bost materials for with an opporiunity of burn- rnmace, has induced tus to in- ouring a Machine, for aso asuperior quality of keep ogood stack ur enustomers. 8 & CO. 98 Head Quarterm, C.A.RKsNos, Feb. 26th. 184'2- Order Nd. - T II E resiguntin of3ajorGeneral Tlonia' F. Jones. having been accepted. Driga- dier James J. Caldwell will command the 5th Division unatil fhe vacancy is filled. By order of the Counander-in-Chic f. J W. CANTEY, Ad'". fni. Gen't. narch 23 I Head Quarters, CLtimsom. Feb. :!d. 1812. Order No. - T If lrigadier Geneils of the flt Diii- t.3n. will order their i-everal Colonsiss, in their rlspveciive Brigades. in open and hold a Pnll in their -Sipective legiient<. on Satiar- dar. the lst of 3lav iexl. lr a MU-JOR GEN- Et.L to till the V.14anc) ci.ented by t--i resig- natin of lajor Gieneral Thomal I. Joies. The lBrigadier Geierals will imnietiately af- ier the returns aire niaade to thet. reutler a -late- mnIt of the l'als or their re-epuretive Brigales, to tie Adjutant Genera olficeat (llumbiaiL. fly 4irder of the C vier-in- Chief. J. W. CANT F.Y, A-d't. & Ins. Geni'l. march 2.3 f S Head Quarters, 61.1as Mi aarch, 18411. Orders N -. if1: 'lh"wviig L i:nents r.nd Corps are T ordered to p'arade f'r re-iww and derill. at the tean 114 alce in :m-ntioned. vilz The comiiimone(Nicer- of the :rd .ri- g iad oi hilanitty willviwnasip lei:ar 1larnnell Ci:lr Iliono-e, o M nloday. 1he ....rd ' f uMay Ilest. In accordvilce with the arraigirmnis of V. i- hgaier utie'il J.imeion. the ctuimim--ionerd ,'- ticer-. of the 2.d jirigade of Cavailry are a.o ordeed t. enclIto;I.t the saue 11n 1111d plee. TI lit ami 43rd I1:h lent< of l..:antry n ti prar:se :it LS.,rin ell Co'iart louse on :!a- Inn1lall1t. he 2-th (4 .l -v. lir:zaltir ene'ral J.inh-son wlil order one olf the Tr.loljl4 oir .-pin..oi O-. hi, liri.ide it) pa. r-id. at the %aitte Isn- :tid pl:ire. T..ecmw -soe and nion-colnimsi-,otied I .t' tIl- It.- ;::en -ted (:l#rp! ordered ftor review. n iil jet.!llte the daipresi-e.., tor drIll a! in.trtinilat tii respective placees of Parile. nhe .ajor Gvom-erae ald Urigadier Gei-rnki will. with seer .tall, ittend the rei ieVs v.ithin their commandsitel . tlrigadier Gener1is lanni:. Siclhne-rb.. 1lam- Inold. I mia J.lainJio-lo. n.i Iarl:ee are charged hil tile lIxt..t:ll l ,I* t' -0 izech o' I~liii ord.- r nw rtlat.- its t.we r:-pective ' ri::ate-1. By order eli Ill. I 'ledl-l. -llr-in. n-'. J.. W. CA NI:Y. .\djt. I (n ' ii. match 23 Tan Bark Wanted. ho Subsenedr. iul near .\llillt \in- tage. respectflly i -nfrms the F ni-rme (if 'algefie.ld lh.etrict tha1t he Wllt- teo puwlrcine, bme- i wee. fifty and one hundred core. of Tnil iark. lIe ill pay in Cawh, I.eater. or lsooes. fur 4oo1d Red. Whj, or Spanish tIak iark.$: per Cord. at the Fl tet's pliantatioln. if n linle ee niles tof Edgeti'ld Villn:e; or $: per cord. if delivered it hi, Tan Yard, F rinreilles whonre. or isnay toe c'learin:: .linds. wonid tind at to their interest to save nll their Onk hark for 1him1. A good haand can get a cord ..I hArk per day. a id two cordi ce i, hu batiled .t a load. ila or.ne IS m11.1d1 to hol~d it. Thae hsurk -hmel.l be re'-r. ml 'e4'ery ev(in'Ilg with boeard, oer le.n'e:-, to 1-r,-- ient' the rainl Irom inljuri:.g et. larh 'b 9. 142 ai f .'n r .11: 1 'en:e:2. Mount Willing Academi~. a' - IHE1X'stri-a .,sa:,-Ia:-.. .I' 41t1n, wh)o4 i''ne esp. li-ne' inlI T-:4 io.. rorelct deportinent. t-- I e-t n' El4!el76- lie I .tittilon t a lar..' 'lsee.. I ;.Ibe con'msid.ene. TI . es, 411 gri'o hicadeeiI. \Vrai leo:l:.lan \ ehli.. per ';pI:artr eaf 12 we.k-. .i:.t l.alh-h t,1ranonel r.', r;ra*by. 14 ut1 I'il.ph.l. ~i'hun.ry latin a4t1l Ijreek I .c4a..'5. 4G 00I IInrceinI l. i0 00j I ed e ttoeni may14 be obtaned fmom i to I$-1 .1. It. $MtITil. (/wcirwan. r: .'.-.- ftai lii:.d.I an k.' owni I \l\ :-I' Iat TEL.j Th'l.- hle- b-a15 bateen k ept:j. 'b. eiu'e fear -everal vi..r<. a41.11*t n I:. s hirl -- dt'iubee :fl .iial.', the' irae:1' au hee . l If thre "lse I a ll te e nr 'lrlt tehli l.ge. kitchen-'. no re biees!! and1 -tabllineg fer itnd buer-a<. alt the~ iard ise an1 e.xclhlent uell of ni ater. Terms. oneo third en-b, the banlace on~ a creelht o~f 11ne1 and1 twol yeals. A'o- 'orty o~r flfty 11n1improv'edl Lol. hand-141 omely6! ,iltated. ithia the corpornt'lIe litis of AiL'en. Aply teo JOlhN 1A\t($t. .hiken. Dec. 9 if 4.' St1mte Of' 'O0 II.| ( ':ir'l i 1111. IN E(~L'iTV. Annla Maria TFerry. ? fill far s.perifir vs. ddlrry 'f .Mares Danmi Brnsotn. and1 othere. I k I T leppeaorinlg to my11 'l..aifrtlon thant ltephen' Te'rry anld Jlae is wile Ihe cha ilrenl ee 101n Pa'rkanei by~ his lalte ife El:izab~eh. for- merly Ehliet 'iurkhiter.t-Fuitt andl l'allatei wie.. SOmlel of alhe )efndants inthis' easn' arc withoullt tile limite of' tis S'ate. Oin motion by 1tI1 \ardlawI 21 Cgmlainan its so4- lcitor. Orndereed that said ab'senat elefinedant. do apper in thi, lnlrablle Cnart, ate! p eada. an.' ,wer andt demullr toI til!he omtninant- lidi 1 withm hree motitie irom thn elllbbrationl oftis certer. ar the said Bill! will be, taken proconfesso1 algainist them. .- T E RR'Y. c. a:. ::. r>1. Comisioner's Ofrie, March 5. IM1 march 9 h3m 6 8. 8..TOYIPIII, - ATTOlRNEY AT lAW. WUJ IU.L attend punctully to any profession-. VTat business entfruasteed to his charge. Oflilce at Edgefleki Court Ihouse, over .3tr. E. B. Pestey'. brick store. umty 4t 14 For sale. DID new PIANO FORTE, on it thetimes, opply toMr. E. B3. A Clarke. at Edid C .1I State of' south (ar*I uina. ABBEVILLE DISTRIO . IN TiE co.11UUI PLEAS. W illiam bh ct.ari-y,) Tramme J&~ Jones. T li E Plaintilt inl ile case, Iavtng filed li .Udeclaraiol ini myI oflice. and teDefen dant litaving neither wives, not attareys oi whon a coply to th said declaraiou'ith a rule to plead thetio. mi;:ht he servedi-Ordered. that the suid Defendants do appetaud plead to the said d-claratiin. within a vejand a day from the date of tis older. or fimil atnZabsolute judgmtwl will be awardeii n;:ainstthew. JN). F. LIVINGSTON.'c. P. Clerk's Offe Dec. 16. 1641. ge 47 ! tate Of'So)uth arg iua.- BSARNWELL DIST IRIC T IN TiE COM.\1ON PL AS. J N. Turley. William It. Fowler. N illE plaintit'in the abore case,liiving thi, day tiled his lechautioin in m fce, an titi defend:ant hav ing stheiter wife uattorey. k nown to be in tihis state. on whom a&copy canl lie served: on imotion-Ordered. that the de- etdanit do plenol. witii a ryear and gny front hi.4 date. or final nad aholute judgment will ie awarded ani:.st him. - ORASlUS 1). ALLEN."c.c. P. Offire of Common Plels, . aqe Barinwell Dioriet, Sepitr. 24.4.- :1 statt' ()I' Soutth I'arcilina. Ei~;E I~,DDISTRICT. IN TfE (O.11MON PLE4S. Ihitbert W. .\athis. Wilev M i on Foreign' ALteetment. I II 1E Piziatii hav ing this day fGlWd his de ela.'ir.itsn in my oifice. and the defeodaut haVIng no %%ife or atiaritry, know' tobe with in thae 8t-te. flt whom a copy of theame. with n rule to plead.ciutld le ierved. It.IIordered. that the defendait pl#end to th said sclaration withtin a year anil adar. or final -and absolute judgment will he given nainst him ';Elo. POPE.*c.c.r. Clerk's Ofier. Dec. 15. 1441. c. aqe 47 State (A .'outhli Iardila. EDG I-ri.l) DISTRICT. IN TIlE COM.ON PLEAS. Anson Mole-v' Declaratioi' in A 1- luchnalni. " 711 It A .Ml the i'lniniffiu the above st'aed case. has this day -filed his Declaratiotait gni-tit the Defendant. who is alisent froto and without :he limits of tIsid .ite.:: s it ii said. having neither wife nor attrney. kunan ithin lie sarme,on whom a copy of the Declaration with a rule in Plead thereto, might lie servedi Ordered that the Defendant Plead to the said Dec larataon, within a year and a day, from the date there-if, otherwise final and absolute jultyl-nent will be ainrderl ugainst him. GEORG E POPE; c. c. r Clerk', Oicr aqe 44 Nov. 27. I 11. Statle o 1 South Caroli a. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN EQUITY. Vood. Johnsun & Butt. .g Giddin;:s & Buhilell. & others. for rdirf. I rppeariing to my satisfacion. that Lorain tiaiti-ngs. llenjamin Giddinp. Albe-t W. Smit. :4anl W illiam, G. Galtmnan, defendanits in ::.' en.-e. ..te withmout thie limits of this.tte. I ' '' i. t the defenatn aboiva nanedu ap I.. 'i- linrmable Court. and ple:ad. an - r - e.,, to the li-i. ini this ca, se. within - nu--It 'li et putb'ientioni of thi. airdar, , t .- ,. ii.' dl ic tala...pro ronfcss againin .J. TIE R IW, c. .. r.. o. o, a r5 ,sf re 2. ... ',:hi .t42. IV 30m a NSiuIe of' Soti I Caarolinai. IN Tl'lh (0.\l.\lON I'LEAS. ieerl~ lel tn .Attachment. ' 11 EI~ lPinitiiV hiavint: this day3 fileda hi Dechir:itiaon as mtt .llice.und, the D)efe-nd nt hei i:: . Wi1- or .\ttorney known tao he witlii het -:i. in Al:.t a copy of the~ sameii a ite rh.a b- a -. s .. ni to-. ser'ed I i ai r d.-r-d u.a o . l. aht patd to theasid. ne . anons'i n : a ,.:at :at a df ay, or lins::I a ablin~te jii. t.. . si: e~ta~vn ilhmntt noni ti:U POPE. c. c. r ies I'-: .~ r o & $7 50 *7 ''1itto 'Nottih Carolina. Ilol:I'IE I.' ills'rIlICTl. I \ T! it: o':di lION PL.EA S. .\ t at, j aed arn'iona con lttare-ent. on Athtachmuent. Jut Ssi. ~* SDebt r Il! l:inhtt it i : ethisda, fitled their de-t eatr::tia'r, tm my ..iliee and the de.feiid:tast havin:: ii' wife, or itt -rtug knoiwn to hea within the State. art wo-n:ni a copy of tIhe samte. with: I nthe to pl~l caonId h,- searvedl. It is ordew'd, tht thle de.-ttndant phiead to ilhse-aid dlecl.irnin, withain is uar and1 a dav, o.r final ands absoluote jiidgmenatt wrill be giveni uaaintst him. G EQ. POPE. c. c. r. :krd.'d C. II. (ers Ofrie age 10 SI:lle 4)1 NOllthI Caroluna. IN TilE COiI.\1N PLEAS. .AlhliVI L L4E I)ls l'RICT'. Mlourinitg S Pttersotn, Drejaralion l:xen*:trux, vs. by elaimsant in .\. V Cox., Attachmrnt. 73 g111 ll:ainiff havingthiisday tiled his de- U latrationt in my otlce.qad the iiefend.int hasng no5 wife or attornoy known to be with. in the State upao whomt a copy could be served with a rule to plead. On motion,. orde'red ithat thei lierfendanttdo plead to the said declar ation withina a ye-ar and a day frotm this date, or inl anad ablsoluate juidgmentt salil be awarded again..at hitm. J. I'. LIVINGJSTON, c. c. r. Clerk's Ollice, Sep t :W. 1V4l. j a ar aqc 36 State of Soutth Carolina. EDGEFIEL.D DISTRICT. BE~NNETF NOll.ES, living san Rock) creek, ntear Jame.s Sheppard's x Rtoads. talls before me. oneo bay lARE eleve" years id bise face, in foal, both hitnd feet and hlt fore foot white around tho lootlieck, some white spekson lier back, mane hanjs oothe left side, log~ tail. shod all around, no brand. Ap pprais esl by Ale'xanider Htamblpton. Hiram Smith anti lephiet, Langley, to thirty dolliars. Miarch 7th, l-4 J. HIARRIdON. J. P march1 4e tm 7 The Wonderful Cures 1'EKrFoM1St ) UT DR. SWAYNE'S Co . POUND SY- RUPOF PiUNUS VIRGINIANA, Olt WILD CILRItY. CtINcINr-r:. Februtary 15, 18410. D R. SWAY NE-Dear Sir:-Permit iie tio take the liberty of writing to you at this time to express my appro!batiin, and torecon-imend tc the attetition of heau, offasilici nid others your invaluable medi. cine-the Comitui Syrtpi ol Prunus Vir- giniana. or Wild Cherrv Bark. In my travels of late I have seen il nany istan- ces the wvonderful e'lfecs of your mevdicine in relieving children of very obstinate 07coma- plaints, such as Conuing. Wheezing Cionking of Phlegin. A,thinitic attack-.. &c. &c. I should not harp written tic, letter, however. at present, altliough I have fclt it my duty to add my testimony tef it fir some timer, had it not been for n late in- stance mhere the medficine above allided to was instrumental. in res-,oring to perfect health the "nuly child." whose case n a, almtiaeil hopeless, in a failiity of nequain tance. -1 thank liven," isaid the doatin noither. "my% child is saved frormt the jnw, of death! 6 how I feared [lte relentless ravager! Bumt mly child is safe ! i, sile! 1e ond all dobt )r. Swnvne's ro- p1ond1 Si ty of Wihl Cherry is tile nn,t valuablr medi' itie in this ior any ether rco i- try. I am certain I lave witnesed nore than tne hutidred eases where it has in-en) attended %ith cotnplete success. I ant usitit it mycelf in ati otinntie nttack of Brotchi:is. to n hieb it proved efTertual in an exceetlingly .hort tist e, considering thr- severity of tlie ense. I cana recniomend it itn he fullest confiteance ofits superior vir- tues; I % ould advi-te that no fatmily ..hotld be wit hoit it; if is very pleasant and al- nays benefcial-ivorth doible and oftetn fen timies its price. Th'e Public are an;,u- red there is r-, quackery abouit it. Rt. .JACKSON. D). D. Fortmerly Pstor if te First Presbyteri in i t'reh Net York. For sih. Dr. .ivnyne at 51 North sixth st. Philalelpf ia. ianud iy S D. CLA R K 1. & Co. Druer-isls. Corner Centre and .lcrcer streets, II am- lirg S. C. tuinrrh 9 if 6 Brought to lite. Jail .4 th istrict. is ntearev man wio tys hiS? nine Is Joselih. and that lie bio-inn.. to John Prriignn. of .iacki-e, I.Ian. S C.. of lighit cnmph-xion, large whiskers tiom ear to i ear.5 feiet ( incihe% h.. 'i'ie owner is reute--tel to romte. 1irwiard. proroperty pay char;:es a tal take hii anny. C. II. GOOD.AN. j. : 1 Jan. 5. 1 ?. ti 49 Stile of Souith al'O1lliii. I',DGFFIEL D DIS'itUCT. IV TIIE CO UI610. PL!EAS. C. J. (;iaver. vs. Draraion in ittaduinent. A. Ilaliiible'k. Ilt i WAS the Plin:itiIin theaove <ta- ted case. h-t, this day filed his declaration aghinst thae tin.lait. wha is iae nt from. and wititout the limttite' of thia State. as it is ai. iav- iaag aeciticr n ire nor attortnae y. kitow itwithinl the same. on whom a copy ofthe drelaration with ia rale tia plcaid thae'reto. miiglt be served: Order- ed that the Defendant plead to the sail declara. tion, within a year and a day. arm the date thereof. othertwise final and absolute judgment will ho awarded against him. er Or,, G POPE, c. c. c. Oct 18ir. EU. e - S'~T.B E OF S. (Y.-1 /L IXJ. IX THlE COUIT OF" 0I:DI.1'.il in the maater of t Josiul ahiow'Iel' eat~e. 5 J (ti N CONFK iit. Adinistrtoer oif Je)oiah ilowell. decea-ed. havinog departeda thi~s itle. withiatt he aig ;accouantedi fotr hi- Iranta- lions upon said estatle. leasin~ no laeetlitoer or Adie-nc~liatir . I rde~red.i Theu I sn I hz . llentry liivce.:;eil Jeehe .ilorrz-ea. lihe -c e'twe. int the .eAhinti2tra:ion lIod orseaidi Jiehna I'oke'r. anid I)a'ni' . a ui~s. Adetmi'a-Irntoer acf Johni .\orri-oti, do apepeer lwe- e':.'. Curthouaawe. at ini c'cl ci. * en '- 'H-n . Sthll eel .U1ia ext. leo remieier ai eecaccou ii thei ihuaiiniltamf -ail Johnac Ceker) nponel -aid e..lc t..ef Ja-.ihah I loewell. :ane fu~rther leo doi ande alui-le whiat shalil tieaa le' adei~eigcei :ied dit ree'd. O)rhinari, ee IEIurjird I)hstrirt. Ordinary;'s (Hjirr . i-e'htn avya . . I --1% ya b-':; :hem .1 Stile of 'hA'lIill II( lOlil E ll-'|-.lll1) iil.'T litt -I. IN' Tlit; C'O1.1lO.\ ji'j .. Dritt't en .imsc. s--. lelcvaratewn ei mttach I li .!1'..\ S tier Ph cliii telnh. - ed iicl.lie. has thci- d:av tiled in, drie',r.e- liona againi~- l'il'eliiat. wh~o are i.ab'iit ii ttl. andl n iiihouti the limhitse eof this Stat.'. :c, it ise -an.11 thec !'amie. ont whomel a copyi aif the dlelarationi wnhil a rule tea l-.de ther.eituniht ie' se'ted: Ordneede. that lhe lief'a:~end.n ph-ad~ tee tha.e eeld elee.h-carai.n wthie a year aind a dcy. treom the' datl' thecraeef. etherwvi~e imal~i ande ahieudo~'e ,eb:- iii-'t 'n ill tie awae d a v'i .iinest theera. (1, rI.'ee 'kflre. a~( G c. i('ilPl'. c. c. r' I.V EQU'ITI''. {Jaimes 11. King. lillfore' art. z n- vs.)jnrtwen. Id~d Benrj. hi. Jenlkin-'.& others. :2.le Janu. I 4i . N re':admat lhe alida'an iia leda lii, ease it ise ordered. thait tiihe defendans lienpunein iR Jenikini', and the legat! repre'sentanc.cte of Il this State dla anisweer. lhae icr dh~oe toe the above ietaat haili waithii hare.. mth,ali. or itulge-. tiont wvilthe takena again-t tht'rem p lir'u.ces. A. P. ALI)it|il. c. & c. r. a. ic. Commissioners Opelrt. liar'urel August 19 ac 29 %tt of' s0ulh ( i ltl'Oniat IN TIlE COMM1ONT PLEh.%s. LB. J.Ranv. Det . Db.Foreign .-lhl:r!anen 1ilE' laniff hiaving this dlay ftledi hii'. de- olrtio in mcy Olic, anid the de'fenddua.t havaing tao wife or attornecy. knawtn tat hce n ith-' ins the State, on whoacm a copy of the samze. waitha a rttle to plead. ecutd be s'aeuve: It is eerdieri'c. that tite defencdat plead to the said de'lar.tian withint a year anid a day, or final amid absolutte udgmentt waill be given aginst hint. GE. PopE, c c. . Clerk's Offie,. Dec. 16,1841 c. aqe' 47 30. & JOB PRINTDliG ~OFI Every desertiption executed with neattnessattd despatch, atthe natlto nnOEFJInAnDVZR-ISZ= Termas-$3 per ans WO venra cus n.rly e JstittIAL tit Isade- its ap the puiciw.. and asked only i 'mai trn1.tgel frWills !0 rsIsende. noni she tIme arrve whein cotitdelnc. co)uld ie plara-' ccsucce-1. Tito edtor ltae now lite idleautre 0 anniotcng wa this des-ird ie-rilod hna' arriv ed ; ind e nlow eat ne.tily woslis a liberal 'slp [)()It from tile readinl; colntusnslitv, nie:d the Il etICS portion ef thseIg,! %li na favtr him with, thei nutcpirt. The firset nsbet'r oaf tie, isird voisnne will lm- osued ose for lweore he1 lit-it da- oof April niext. Whei'nl the JoCaI.AL wa' albout fobee inn two leafs ;Igo,. prot.sws Were cimede by the pub, is-,'. tes itse puibbe'. that th-y would erci the-twIelve us5 sn-y anrid employ lhe iII-, efrs of ties-ir iItbIle ilitie, to rnake tie prper en-vtaiti --, n-etil and instnctive.- ee thingi hate leen- tofhil-d: our tines itand noestI spiet to -,.ain (for pr, mese ani brin. ont a piapeer evtsv wav worthy ao'the ftrowing pro-w-rsty of Iamour. Amed. now thiat Ie p5 11e1111- hasow t,-en acremsesjeph1lse-1. andi she 011li nal p ' .I ll. -:til :Utwh Wilekic fsuch entes- pr*-s. esthter ClO.. or ro,. s. rni iopt a full share of ciueplort w- expicected bo ue3 froIt" tlosce wit rihouldf givo a h:-3m:: had1 .iaany behemie m;a tlhe Jlurcal a.44 eftilt bh..bled'Iir certln pri'e ..rty impuro.and we hav- cintel d1 11r ies tee lt thessreina ise ise iles'.ing thi:st 'FTl will work V4 1t1 asld tiown d wn every tin11 tat 'eans to errer. Unti. iv tha' we 't s etve urwnted evcry dtileii an sen frr--ad s pettat to tite teveze. we 6t-arlc!y 1111r1: isih. that thel gooId of flabtsrg AbleLe it ury ni ayi case. le n mir ear. e-t -11csign. (Ier ilt, re-t dettanids public paper. anid '-e htie s upplied he-r wait. Sllere ihail tie l're< tiel People's rights iawei ly :tlisence untribed iy ain: lire- 5trir Trith it's Clorliose p'rrets drav Pledged te Religin. Lihecrt . : si- Iia j'reoi..-es " eic tsen.. I-#- Ileade by site p1slish-1a ct-, th.at their colil.tn- -hld toet be tirtit-ed with the art zn cain - icd zp tioienlan ta it dit% Te-w prinne, hne heeni adthieredel ie, aiintithomiul we- h:s.e lc -rearde-ire to I.:iehl et eens tihe tret:hh-l .e --;%i f bi* e, we .Iall peak that whtih we :1:1 teelbettd tee do-c6e1. sdeie flte wreena. and hiihl nt ill i;it to tilper. ple let clr wordc oienid what pairt it may. if i the- ity of Ihe p -o. to, wa-ch Im% er tiw libet. tiese se ilur cieittmmi ense.try. ai w-un til io. jle w' he.ever d:etii-r I< . ie. We ndhere ite the i)etnle cracyv oel 'iic countrv oiet ifthii parti ::ee-. e-triy. w-e ethall eIfd'eiavr te britng it bark hsV timely atid virtm s recproof. rse itst of atn edi or i. -.sI dcet inct indllofi profean&.c. s.exe.ictg reat qniece over rsi. cietv. It 1i jpeor tlit is- ncever beet itien- ,ired. and we shasll endeavor te nsmooiti anid cher-Ishthe morai agenit ce which ite fiunict. f--dstorisip hold., among lite world. and ent sl.-avosr ti per.-nade lster co-t-itmporaric; to il pioive the- character of tle Pr .*. if, recnbe i coils itoey teo it-.f and from Ot itliT.r ic.cec 31 ci.nteitpi of thse pulict-: aavert it. e!aiti-5. vindictlc 7-1 divnity nad e ho' irt it top i sdit'. iy a trai:;ht t''rwardl viri: nte courer Th. e-t'd noni-i '. we. h1:1v ci.arn-d fr.l ni - ., andtI experiencId ie1d. i and we will pr fit bi thentl The crie'nn,' of the Jirtnl are d--vovted ii Forciasutn I)mrstic .Yeers. the .Iar!.rtc. I.itr raturr. eirne. ( s. Oar traderas wVill ie Iir nished- with corr i oil lfnation is re-latisn t paes:in ' Ciiti; lit *i e-ry qusartecr of tihe globse- the ,.t..e of tie atnarcts at home aid ablrotad tid every deI-criptii of huoesee.A inte1ligence besides a great variety f micelhnuseouis in:trI Tice great increade of trade to lnthrg. ie ntitiral advatagecs for health aid buitiecs. .1ti iser hlessising sc~ondtitiont. rendeicrc a Iipper iln di~ciwn-tttil ntecs--arn here-. i.-- welsl to thceciti zecic atc thse pcl:'iter~cs and sttheris n. ho trade ts tii coi icorect i~friien-te Tiwerefer. tic'hje e ofthe .eesec ll kcess'' tihat iiw ranscs sendiot: w.cekly ..et a- '.elcl weerth.i of patrnagce ae anyc octer scs'w' be~tctec eibbe. lii e...pecc Csulv =olbeit.<e frstst it hhesrai antd iehihtere crittttt55nity. theat intcresei or paitrna;;2.e hrl hiei ec his wn ~ek dlcesre's. JEIlIN W. V\ BiORc OFJitt(;. I i:ecehcs. Fceb. i-c f E IG lIT Ir.VlID FRI..\lli Et'cT ii. .S Ic~ s. \ r il - Ish iri--r I. -- ja~cti-re cii frt ee 't ,e.'. Lo toc -hiep I Phlyct t. it ebiiret reelser inoatIl:\f ..\ ''llS I'lJ'\lS. i'l'.A5'il i-s. t-ti'.:::.\ Ait's iTs .\l.Ai(Niid ncer --de e itt1er . ser iby ihe~ bu-~i!!C. ea:rl bundiclc escntin-c ine iear-. . '\pphe. 'S iece. 5 .\pr icoe. 5 Phitens. :. '.rre- 2 \hitntee and 'c \lde-irs Walti tL, .in5ei a re bec:iitttiii' parstked. FTee i nc. ac t'ar a. '. 5itliedy. an :coe t hic titest ever- iteeperteel intto ti, city. and arei5'..ci w 'ewrthy of thes attetionc ofi tieos iwIshtiz tee tinis tieo lrtt. The '.aritte \i.cc-.\c 9. w choeice ic !Osr.S antd CA.!Ili 1.1 \id. .ss cc cl. i. '.F s!t'.e 91 tinc Ba; .icUMT4 .EE I STOREI .-l i'~i is. G l 'iiu N ci lu- V ilF creeprietetr cit ilhs. e sitib-hnwalt ha .j es.:l 5 ee.cci a i.srL- snppi.ly ofi .N i IN1.L1. '.I)$. the cp ii . i lie ci'-th tee t c resmetnd55 thecmic ivess. n' ineeh lhe hact' 5~ie don eTe sicec htetc- hsicalt int thteits. 'I lhakes'c tacden iee ee itttgh leer he' ecvesr per..c -set hett iire thte'. ms:ty t:ls it Lc~estee che i-a-id s'' slleace matt-i(erontry dieab -rs. Ierdi tesd. t~rn.isca Clicve.r. .\ iuntel Wu zcc , Frentcht ssur tiet. liye I *ta5sc is. litd isrd'.. els . liopte, t'iifeerctcsn Wc ent. A.pjani gnac lieistct. iTurnije ied Acs e'. &c ~C. A bs-.w. elegasnt taheitsatistnd lee r, -\ei-e-c Febh. 24 'ic ALi, tereceos are fog and of mnin. . tat-c itn thei VT A produc'ing ' imns; andii Io a hle ikiriite-. inc-re From il'e combination upn 1e yilenm, ihe7 are 1 grea the blostd, and equahizer of the circulation4 The elleci of the Pille, made from these wAater.,. are In all respiret., similar to the warter itselfand 111-1p1 i, egnaul so a com mn glas,- of w ater. For te cure of the arntfad diras,--. and sill other chronie (or slow ) dih#e.I e-. preneverance in the use of th~ ileo 111%. cc-irdinig t.. the dirrections. giv- en) in) the su -all bill.-, asccomnpanying ilhe pill...,! a ll0 imiporiantf; umi if they are per- veriogly n'%. d its dlirected,1 a cure- may be 1unne e- rtainrly expected, than under any othler treatment herciA-f'oredliscovered. ex- repit fruai the use of the w;;aer, front which, they are- prepared cittier b7 ion attendance ist the Sprmt.-e or otb-irwise. They very spet dily cure diarrherais attended with at ily of the tomnen, i..d what is com- Mostly called hie:rt-hurn; two or three pille may be taken at any tirr. n len the stom- ach I, troubled with aidty. with ilr hap- pties, e~ffec(t. Thiese Pilus have an excel- lenb elnect in preieting the attacks of' 'fitrvous tir sick-headahi, e: from three to . pills dhond be aken at once, n hen the- ...mlproms are fell. These nYieo r, ar .n effectual remcdy ,., all hemo.rrna:-e; aand asthe Pille have slesaIme eft:4s in thercases. it ishelieved they t ill -ltso have the same effect in cases o)1 hernorrhage. The'y cure dropsies in m abe cae u ari nor slt itnfalible remne- iv ii all cas ih, trdisn i tash. Froim the eficacy of these waters and pill.in pur sitn the blood. they are in- valuable in the cure of all diseansce of the tkin, aid all indolent re, nit di,posed to a healtithv . sn In theaoe f them for Stch diseases, if :he dieae of itie skin ap- pear to he ricti-d at farsi. or if the ulecrs becoetl more ilateid and di..charge more freely, lei not histuncimt.ance alarm any one, orldeter him furon persevering in their U-c. These re evidences of the gosd e- eet of the Pill in expellig the vitiated eniors from ile blood to the surftace, nd until theblod ispurified such disease cat- not be cured. In scroft lous ulcers, the uw -of these watein and pills, invaria bly catuse them to discharge more freely, andl in a :-ort time, of a nrorc healthy appear- Tice. Ther, are a .ry useful rencedy in Cholera infanitum or the summer bovcl cmtispi-iiat in children: asas.o for ex pelling wormi froto children. Thev inmediae- ly gi ;I cgood appeite. prodiedigestion, anId will riftutally correct and cure ncidi- .mty 'he tenach. From their cleasing .1:11 purifyin: etT e'. upon the bWood: and bfrom lhe toine. vrctiC and cergy, which ttheir operanimptt. ri: thetwhole mytem tihey will be ', ind a recat preventative of ,n.r t hr;:ons r i llse d it r at y te ther r advantae toe ftte pi l-.rg oret rel let no i commecee taver slarmn any ual. ese n re etaetie n fuil le- cofsthitlas brn downllti tby preious' Thse PriN the alo toluthe sistandt unhilute nn sd isriicti. spos sasd cas- line mineea waters, and pillee ioriaburlo ethue taens toc dla, mot fi~reeny aimed nich ~tttedanc at otoherh minera- in;. wl'da aad gry utou thercratv :lera ofastm thea esu isr oc Th~ ts anp it. promtnre wthy ofin :henticeil o-ftctrdl ., istect Fadcorev aid i- thrter hand, wt uncs Frhe t hirleansilein ft tete.t o nan dee. cohern hich tut-ilsiaithIt. In t.iteto te whol dystnem- rhea ilb : utsdhrahgrat thevwate of litler-n, e.h*'ilspr;'i nin o anctli- aire- enis srnia:si l : to w l behe eatt the ir d fro lese to ue th, pilnh. borv th Isnme rct the tr'ment of thser dpi..eased .al r cor-t'etia a ri eftriiv. nt in rlutild- -t1 tvirthottettetel. bheti ills barevions - ls inken, havin no naab--ons iste.t tre -tperfeiy tiesai :dayn, awhitern aties.c .on~ se hi usr'tin c atuthrem.tira reor,- i~uded 'al o te by .i D :kTi h ili. -e waer.::edSheSr. Wate r- P roh Wiluarchose.o li ttie nfilt . septuembercul~- an inI h riandi 'an tuhIhe public thathe ;tchtine rr.\ESt iat h isteme~rui. - stantow as the aters- ~ w'in Wrh.,e.r it-1i md caut itredei. e arly n< i -ectllhre frt te. ae i-1~t ittere tnre tit-ta Th uie thiil lwo ing thate a'- si; lt ri -li soe te . hwt r markl .r egati~i~ ti:-eilt of .\ its. l0: nnde each of theseit dtutis tht-ee h:Ili:: wills atre cart- I.'e tko Ii.NMtt hn-o CttonL5fhOth ta'shce arc dr..::e to br iehi tl set wher artite fCo- --to - tite,i adndtsnotity omrcn perwil tho n Ite.ed tiam they .-:ito n 11 Itate hE 19.; a-Ifraeli .D I b asnt ha~tic :t~eldesn Soecso toc renn~ II1, lh:Jk tob.ifedsadptos 1or theiahhr -nPotdrl, t1hniteon~.- lisart- .ritsn them.an thtetc pui general- 7s a~ lconhetn'une- lfnsti eae t nfdr a iue I fri.ensa .tirn tfor jther thatrn he wl Ne bE. .. fomietfr ta, ti prmo andh Waterctr 'sit art e-somittdtw.sca it abtbon t. tI.tr i -ian ''tm e r stldns.ht n rthutt rth ,-w d i no rh ca s r. is-rtstra itotnW( tiret- o 'i 'I~ 'ioisttistvi'ig l ie- a-.: w i s. -!:!is.Stel~ts itrtsr iCot .ts a-. S*[%lst:io as t, .- thsuor ssrft s s~lis.sslIsoe fcn
Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1842-05-25/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · otherarticles tn out lie-, and too thoe wh., o.-vor

ds, thatbest ma-

end S110ES.'Pottersville.

n that he can givee, for their patronage

rit,: oI'insure good andupon term to suit the times.8TEVEN A. BROWN.

R1parng done at the shortest notice.tnay 4 3t 14

W7t4111TSIOXI~ 110 USE.

EOULFIELD C. H., S. C.THE sUBSCRIBER having rented the

eostablimmaent formerly ocCUpied fly 31r.A. IL Adda.-on. haq fitted it up for the accimin-tuodation of tranisietnt and pernmauent boarder'.The Hotel it, nar the Courthouse, into very

pleasant situntion, and he fiatter. imi:ne!lf tia.is table will bear a comparison with any in thisection of the country. Good stablhar: and at-tentivo serva-nts are provided. nnd in fart every

thing that can be done on his part to rendertravellers and boarders comfortable, will tIN.attended to.He is prepared to accoinmmodate two or more

fuitiilies With hoard, und from the well k nownhesith and good society of this Viila:e. ftil-lies will find it a desiralble summet residn.re.

is charge in nil instmees s ill he .iadeticorrelpiond with the times.

CHIIARLES CO3PTY.Mn: . 18 - _.

Notice.jj.liNG puirvhztased of meers. Drvan &

Minor, their entite -t''ck i'o tioil in thilrrhaa Tailotring Business, ni iis ptare.Iwe would take this nethwl of mfinorning immurfrietid., and the putlie genmerally. tiit they c:.nth~e furniemed at the old stand "t lity.n & Mi-nor. with Clothin:, on as ai t-rmn.. anl out

inirior itn qutaliti to anyt samhtidr e-tabhlihmeitin 'he Southern 'counitry. We intem to keeponl hand at all titnes. n U'.od stock of

English & French Cloths,nudl CAsstuintns. selected in thc New Y-ark:- ad Philadelphia MIarkets, to;:ether n ith illother articles tn out lie -, and too thoe wh., o.-

vor ns with their patronage inl ti1 btt:-inens we

wond say that every exertuion" onur part shallbe used to give perfect satisfaction.

GOODE & LYON.Jnanuary 1. 1Rlg. tf .50

Facturage & CommissionBusinuess

.14 MHURG, S. C.A S I hivle declinel selling gomo., I beg

leave to return my gratefd acknowledge-meats to mar friends, and the pubtlic generally.for their lil~eral patronagc while thin.< engaged.

I now otTer ni services to) tie mublic a. an

Agent.to receive and forward all kindi ofmner-channidize and produce. And. as I will not beenaged in any oithes buriine". I will pay xtrictattention to lhe inlerest of all thne consigimngtheir produce or merch.udize to meand whilein t ho n the bestcare wil be taken. and for.warded with despatch, or orders promptlyobeyed..

f row experience and ohmerratiion, I havelong thought that a faithful agentzt could renderconiiderable ervice to the planters. 'n sellingtheir cotton and dolir. n nd laying their groce.ries; And, as I have been cegaged itn this moarhet, for the Iast ten years. and acqnnnted withthe getneral rutine iflinsinces I thereforeolfe:inr serv'ices to myr frietals andm thme plattr gen-crally;:mtd wail faithfully dervami my unidivadedifitention ti tihe intert"l or all thm's-i whlo nmaycoommit to mym chm;.ge thme ilinmg of their pm-.'lace, and bunying such'l anrticlem ams they'' mayi 'ir-d~er.

-- In all cases, myj~ eCmmnu.;on shaall ier moderate.

Sept. 23. 188h1 f 35P'. S. I aomnt imnerested in .any Wanrehoumm'e

in the plare; therefore tall Comttomn .emnt to mymicare, will be etonred as dire'ted, atid it' nodirec-.tions, myv te.t jn"1tnmnt will be nmced tinr itheplaniters'imterc'at. II. 1.. j.

vertli'er, Pendc.ton Mie..ii-engt and ii ghlndSe'ntinei and lIighlandmu (N. C.) \tcme.nger n~ilim-ert the above, twin mmunths,.and forward nhl..

NIRLEY & DI'.IER,* -Warehouse anstd C'omis-


T .\~KE pleasu~tre in annoaricig tn theirCountry friends and to the Public

generamlly,. that theirIJ'AREIIOUSLEIAND Ir'JI.A R

hlavin2 raiseud the Wareu'l'ie abovne thnehiighest high-water ma~rk inf the' ;-.r'ar .Alayflood, wtithi suficient f'ouintiomn ton mank' it

perf'ectly secuire from aim) Iise in th'- R ver.whnile our location in Point omf I-'1RE-tnot surpassed by any Ware lione inlaiamurg, being %ituaIte on the Cornier ofCC'entr andi Malcrket Sterts. .and nren py-ing theo whole front Squnte to Cook S/rel.opposite 'lhe Banck & Post Offcc.convenn-

7:- ent to the Rail Road, unmredia'tely, on ihmeRiver. and it, the very Centre of the Prin-1eiple Cotnon Dealers and Shiompers, antd tihegreat thoronchhfair to the Bridge.

Grateful for the liberal sitpport we hvhitherto received, solicit from onr P'at roinand thne pubhlie gennerally, a colntitntnnfCe omftheir confidec. From our lotng experi-

* cacene ill the 3Jrarehuouse and Commrissionbuiness, feel etnnfideot, with our facilities,to be absle to give to all entire satisfactioni.Weo make libneral adlvaucest on Cotton intStore, and will nttend to the Sale or Ship-

':ping of Cotton on moderate terms.

receive prompt atcention with our best ef-forts for the interest of' Customers.

H s.SIBLEY-& USHER.Hamburg S.C., Oct. 1, 1841, tfr36'FIRE PROOP.

amEincreased dennand for BRICK,we pmeas thmo bost materials for

with an opporiunity of burn-rnmace, has induced tus to in-

ouring a Machine, forasoasuperior quality of

keep ogood stackur enustomers.8 & CO.


Head Quarterm,C.A.RKsNos, Feb. 26th. 184'2-

Order Nd. -T II E resiguntin of3ajorGeneral Tlonia'

F. Jones. having been accepted. Driga-dier James J. Caldwell will command the 5th

Division unatil fhe vacancy is filled.By order of the Counander-in-Chicf.

J W. CANTEY,Ad'". fni. Gen't.narch 23 I

Head Quarters,CLtimsom. Feb. :!d. 1812.

Order No. -T If lrigadier Geneils of the flt Diii-

t.3n. will order their i-everal Colonsiss, intheir rlspveciive Brigades. in open and hold a

Pnll in their -Sipective legiient<. on Satiar-dar. the lst of 3lav iexl. lr a MU-JOR GEN-

Et.L to till the V.14anc) ci.ented by t--i resig-natin of lajor Gieneral Thomal I. Joies.The lBrigadier Geierals will imnietiately af-

ier the returns aire niaade to thet. reutler a -late-

mnIt of the l'als or their re-epuretive Brigales,to tie Adjutant Genera olficeat (llumbiaiL.

fly 4irder of the C vier-in- Chief.J. W. CANT F.Y, A-d't. & Ins. Geni'l.

march 2.3 f S

Head Quarters,61.1as Mi aarch, 18411.

Orders N -.

if1: 'lh"wviig L i:nents r.nd Corps areT ordered to p'arade f'r re-iww and derill.

at the tean 114 alce in :m-ntioned. vilzThe comiiimone(Nicer- of the :rd .ri-

g iad oi hilanitty willviwnasip lei:ar 1larnnellCi:lr Iliono-e, o M nloday. 1he ....rd ' fuMayIlest.

In accordvilce with the arraigirmnis of V. i-hgaier utie'il J.imeion. the ctuimim--ionerd,'-

ticer-. of the 2.d jirigade of Cavailry are a.oordeed t. enclIto;I.t the saue 11n 1111d plee.

TI lit ami 43rd I1:h lent< of l..:antryn ti prar:se :it LS.,rin ell Co'iart louse on :!a-

Inn1lall1t. he 2-th (4 .l -v.

lir:zaltir ene'ral J.inh-son wlil order one olfthe Tr.loljl4 oir.-pin..oi O-. hi, liri.ide it)pa.r-id. at the %aitte Isn- :tid pl:ire.

T..ecmw -soe and nion-colnimsi-,otiedI .t' tIl- It.- ;::en -ted (:l#rp! ordered

ftor review. n iil jet.!llte the daipresi-e.., tordrIll a! in.trtinilat tii respective placees of

Parile.nhe .ajor Gvom-erae ald Urigadier Gei-rnki

will. with seer .tall, ittend the rei ieVs v.ithintheir commandsitel.

tlrigadier Gener1is lanni:. Siclhne-rb.. 1lam-Inold. I mia J.lainJio-lo. n.i Iarl:eeare

charged hil tile lIxt..t:ll l ,I* t' -0 izech o' I~liiiord.- r nw rtlat.- its t.we r:-pective ' ri::ate-1.

By order eli Ill. I 'ledl-l. -llr-in.n-'.J.. W. CA NI:Y. .\djt. I (n 'ii.

match 23

Tan Bark Wanted.ho Subsenedr. iul near .\llillt \in-tage. respectflly i -nfrms the F ni-rme (if

'algefie.ld lh.etrict tha1t he Wllt- teo puwlrcine, bme-i wee. fifty and one hundred core. of Tnil iark.

lIe ill pay in Cawh, I.eater. or lsooes. fur4oo1d Red. Whj, or Spanish tIak iark.$: perCord. at the Fl tet's pliantatioln. if n linle ee

niles tof Edgeti'ld Villn:e; or $: per cord. ifdelivered it hi, Tan Yard, F rinreilles whonre.or isnay toe c'learin:: .linds. wonid tind at totheirinterest to save nll their Onk hark for 1him1. Agood haand can get a cord ..I hArk per day. a idtwo cordi ce i, hu batiled .t a load. ila or.ne IS

m11.1d1 to hol~d it. Thae hsurk -hmel.l be re'-r. ml

'e4'ery ev(in'Ilg with boeard, oer le.n'e:-, to 1-r,--ient' the rainl Irom inljuri:.g et.

larh 'b 9. 142 ai f .'n r .11: 1 'en:e:2.

Mount Willing Academi~.a' - IHE1X'stri-a .,sa:,-Ia:-.. .I'

41t1n, wh)o4 i''ne esp. li-ne' inlI T-:4 io..

rorelct deportinent. t-- I e-t n' El4!el76- lie I.tittilon t a lar..' 'lsee.. I ;.Ibe con'msid.ene.

TI . es, 411 gri'ohicadeeiI. \Vrai leo:l:.lan \ ehli..per

';pI:artr eaf 12 we.k-. .i:.tl.alh-h t,1ranonel r.', r;ra*by. 14 ut1I'il.ph.l. ~i'hun.ry latin a4t1l Ijreek

I .c4a..'5. 4G 00I

IInrceinI l. i0 00j

I ed e ttoeni may14 be obtaned fmom i to I$-1.1. It. $MtITil. (/wcirwan.

r: .'.-.-

ftai lii:.d.I an k.' owni I \ l \ :-I'IatTEL.j Th'l.- hle- b-a15 bateen k ept:j. 'b.

eiu'e fear -everal vi..r<. a41.11*t n I:. s hirl --

dt'iubee :fl .iial.', the' irae:1' au hee . l If thre

"lse I a ll te e nr 'lrlt tehli l.ge. kitchen-'. no

re biees!! and1 -tabllineg fer itnd buer-a<. alt the~iard ise an1 e.xclhlent uell of ni ater.

Terms. oneo third en-b, the banlace on~ a creelhto~f 11ne1 and1 twolyeals.A'o- 'orty o~r flfty 11n1improv'edl Lol. hand-141omely6! ,iltated. ithia the corpornt'lIe litisofAiL'en. Aply teo

JOlhN 1A\t($t. .hiken.Dec. 9 if 4.'

St1mte Of' 'O0 II.| ( ':ir'l i 1111.

IN E(~L'iTV.Annla Maria TFerry. ? fill far s.perifir

vs. ddlrry 'f .MaresDanmi Brnsotn. and1 othere. I kI T leppeaorinlg to my11'l..aifrtlon thant ltephen'

Te'rry anld Jlae is wile Ihe cha ilrenl ee

101n Pa'rkanei by~ his lalte ife El:izab~eh. for-merly Ehliet 'iurkhiter.t-Fuitt andl

l'allatei wie.. SOmlel of alhe )efndants inthis'easn' arc withoullt tile limite of' tis S'ate. Oin

motion by 1tI1 \ardlawI 21 Cgmlainan its so4-

lcitor. Orndereed that said ab'senat elefinedant. do

apper in thi, lnlrablle Cnart, ate! p eada. an.',wer andt demullr toI til!he omtninant- lidi 1 withmhree motitie irom thn elllbbrationl oftis certer.ar the said Bill! will be, taken proconfesso1 algainistthem.

.- T E RR'Y. c. a:. ::. r>1.Comisioner's Ofrie, March 5. IM1march 9 h3m 6


WUJ IU.L attend punctully to any profession-.VTat business entfruasteed to his charge.

Oflilce at EdgeflekiCourt Ihouse, over .3tr. E.B. Pestey'. brick store.

umty 4t 14

For sale.DID new PIANO FORTE, onit thetimes, opply toMr. E. B3.

A Clarke.atEdid C .1I

State of' south (ar*I uina.ABBEVILLE DISTRIO .IN TiE co.11UUI PLEAS.

W illiam bh ct.ari-y,)Tramme J&~ Jones.T li E Plaintilt inl ile case, Iavtng filed li

.Udeclaraiol ini myI oflice. and teDefendant litaving neither wives, not attareys oi

whon a coply to th said declaraiou'ith a ruleto plead thetio. mi;:ht he servedi-Ordered.that the suid Defendants do appetaud pleadto the said d-claratiin. within a vejand a dayfrom the date of tis older. or fimil atnZabsolutejudgmtwl will be awardeii n;:ainstthew.

JN). F. LIVINGSTON.'c. P.Clerk's Offe Dec. 16. 1641. ge 47

! tate Of'So)uth arg iua.-BSARNWELL DIST IRIC T

IN TiE COM.\1ON PL AS.J N. Turley.

William It. Fowler.N illE plaintit'in the abore case,liiving thi,day tiled his lechautioin in m fce, an

titi defend:ant hav ing stheiter wife uattorey.k nown tobe in tihis state. on whom a&copy canllie served: on imotion-Ordered. that the de-

etdanit do plenol. witii aryear and gny fronthi.4 date. or final nad aholute judgment willie awarded ani:.st him. -

ORASlUS 1). ALLEN."c.c. P.

Offire of Common Plels, . aqeBarinwell Dioriet, Sepitr. 24.4.-:1

statt' ()I' Soutth I'arcilina.Ei~;E I~,DDISTRICT.

IN TfE (O.11MON PLE4S.Ihitbert W. .\athis.

Wilev M i on Foreign' ALteetment.I II 1E Piziatii hav ing this day fGlWd his deela.'ir.itsn in my oifice.and the defeodaut

haVIng no %%ife or atiaritry, know' tobe within thae 8t-te. flt whom a copy of theame. withn rule to plead.ciutld le ierved. It.IIordered.that the defendait pl#end to th said sclarationwithtin a year anil adar. or final -and absolutejudgment will he given nainst him

';Elo. POPE.*c.c.r.Clerk's Ofier. Dec. 15. 1441. c. aqe 47

State (A .'outhli Iardila.EDG I-ri.l) DISTRICT.IN TIlE COM.ON PLEAS.

Anson Mole-v' Declaratioi' in A1-luchnalni.

" 711 It A .Ml the i'lniniffiu the abovest'aed case. has this day -filed his

Declaratiotait gni-tit the Defendant. who isalisent froto and without :he limits of tIsid

.ite.:: s it ii said. having neither wife nor

attrney. kunan ithin lie sarme,on whoma copy of the Declaration with a rule inPlead thereto, might lie servedi Ordered

that the Defendant Plead to the said Declarataon, within a year and a day,from thedate there-if, otherwise final and absolutejultyl-nent will be ainrderl ugainst him.

GEORG E POPE; c. c. rClerk', Oicr aqe 44Nov. 27. I 11.

Statle o 1 South Caroli a.EDGEFIELD DISTRICT,

IN EQUITY.Vood. Johnsun & Butt. .g

Giddin;:s & Buhilell. & others. for rdirf.I rppeariing to my satisfacion. that Loraintiaiti-ngs. llenjamin Giddinp. Albe-t W.

Smit. :4anl W illiam, G. Galtmnan, defendanits in::.' en.-e. ..te withmout thie limits of this.tte.

I ' '' i. t the defenatn aboiva nanedu apI.. 'i- linrmable Court. and ple:ad. an- r - e.,, to the li-i. ini this ca, se. within

- nu--It 'li et putb'ientioni of thi. airdar,, t .- ,. ii.' dl ic tala...pro ronfcss againin

.J. TIE R IW, c. .. r.. o.

o, a r5,sf re

2. ... ',:hi .t42. IV 30m a

NSiuIe of' Soti I Caarolinai.IN Tl'lh (0.\l.\lON I'LEAS.

ieerl~ lel tn .Attachment.

' 11 EI~ lPinitiiV hiavint: this day3 fileda hiDechir:itiaon as mtt .llice.und, the D)efe-nd

nt hei i:: . Wi1- or .\ttorney known tao hewitlii het -:i. in Al:.t a copy of the~ sameiia ite rh.a b- a -. s .. ni to-. ser'ed I i air

d.-r-d u.a o . l. aht patd to theasid.ne. anons'i n : a ,.:at :at a df ay, or lins::I a

ablin~te jii. t.. . si: e~ta~vn ilhmntt noniti:U POPE. c. c. r

ies I'-: .~ r o & $7 50 *7

''1itto 'Nottih Carolina.Ilol:I'IE I.' ills'rIlICTl.

I \T! it: o':di lION PL.EA S..\ t at, j aed arn'iona

con lttare-ent.

on Athtachmuent.Jut Ssi. ~* SDebt

r Il! l:inhtt it i : ethisda, fitled their de-teatr::tia'r, tm my ..iliee and the de.feiid:tast

havin:: ii' wife, or itt -rtug knoiwn to hea withinthe State. art wo-n:ni a copy of tIhe samte. with:I nthe to pl~l caonId h,- searvedl. It is ordew'd,tht thle de.-ttndant phiead to ilhse-aid dlecl.irnin,withain is uar and1 a dav, o.r final ands absoluotejiidgmenatt wrill be giveni uaaintst him.

G EQ. POPE. c. c. r.:krd.'d C. II.(ers Ofrie age 10

SI:lle 4)1 NOllthI Caroluna.IN TilE COiI.\1N PLEAS..AlhliVI L L4E I)ls l'RICT'.

Mlourinitg S Pttersotn, Drejaralionl:xen*:trux, vs. by elaimsant in

.\. V Cox., Attachmrnt.73 g111 ll:ainiffhavingthiisday tiled his de-U latrationt in my otlce.qad the iiefend.int

hasng no5 wife or attornoy known to be with.in the State upao whomt a copy could be servedwith a rule to plead. On motion,. orde'redithat thei lierfendanttdo plead to the said declar

ation withina a ye-ar anda day frotm this date, orinl anad ablsoluate juidgmentt salil be awardedagain..at hitm.

J. I'. LIVINGJSTON, c. c. r.Clerk's Ollice,Sep t :W. 1V4l. j a ar aqc 36

State of Soutth Carolina.EDGEFIEL.D DISTRICT.

BE~NNETF NOll.ES, living san Rock)creek, ntear Jame.s Sheppard's x Rtoads.

talls before me. oneo bay lARE eleve" yearsid bise face, in foal, both hitnd feet and hltfore foot white around tho lootlieck, some whitespekson lier back, mane hanjs oothe left side,log~ tail. shod all around, no brand. Ap pprais

esl by Ale'xanider Htamblpton. Hiram Smith antilephiet, Langley, to thirty dolliars. Miarch 7th,

l-4 J. HIARRIdON. J. Pmarch14e tm 7

The Wonderful Cures1'EKrFoM1St ) UT


Olt WILD CILRItY.CtINcINr-r:. Februtary 15, 18410.

D R. SWAY NE-Dear Sir:-Permitiie tio take the liberty of writing to

you at this time to express my appro!batiin,and torecon-imend tc the attetition of heau,offasilici nid others your invaluable medi.cine-the Comitui Syrtpi ol Prunus Vir-giniana. or Wild Cherrv Bark. In mytravels of late I have seen il nany istan-ces the wvonderful e'lfecs of your mevdicinein relieving children of very obstinate 07coma-plaints, such as Conuing. WheezingCionking of Phlegin. A,thinitic attack-..&c. &c. I should not harp written tic,letter, however. at present, altliough I havefclt it my duty to add my testimony tef itfir some timer, had it not been for n late in-stance mhere the medficine above allidedto was instrumental. in res-,oring to perfecthealth the "nuly child." whose case n a,almtiaeil hopeless, in a failiity of nequaintance. -1 thank liven," isaid the doatinnoither. "my% child is saved frormt the jnw,

of death! 6 how I feared [lte relentlessravager! Bumt mly child is safe ! i, sile!

1e ond all dobt )r. Swnvne's ro-

p1ond1 Si ty of Wihl Cherry is tile nn,tvaluablr medi' itie in this ior any ether rco i-

try. I am certain I lave witnesed norethan tne hutidred eases where it has in-en)attended %ith cotnplete success. I antusitit it mycelf in ati otinntie nttack of

Brotchi:is. to n hieb it proved efTertual inan exceetlingly .hort tist e, considering thr-severity of tlie ense. I cana recniomend ititn he fullest confiteance ofits superior vir-tues; I % ould advi-te that no fatmily ..hotldbe wit hoit it; if is very pleasant and al-nays benefcial-ivorth doible and oftetnfen timies its price. Th'e Public are an;,u-red there is r-, quackery abouit it.

Rt. .JACKSON. D). D.Fortmerly Pstor if te First Presbyteri

in i t'reh Net York.For sih. Dr. .ivnyne at 51 North sixth

st. Philalelpf ia. ianud iyS D. CLA R K 1.& Co. Druer-isls.Corner Centre and .lcrcer streets, II am-

lirg S. C.

tuinrrh 9 if 6

Brought to lite. Jail.4 th istrict. is ntearev man wio tys hiS?

nine Is Joselih. and that lie bio-inn.. toJohn Prriignn. of .iacki-e, I.Ian. S C.. of

lighit cnmph-xion, large whiskers tiom ear to iear.5 feiet ( incihe% h..

'i'ie owner is reute--tel to romte. 1irwiard.proroperty pay char;:es a tal take hii anny.

C. II. GOOD.AN. j. : 1Jan. 5. 1 ?. ti 49Stile of Souith al'O1lliii.


C. J. (;iaver. vs. Draraion in ittaduinent.A. Ilaliiible'k.

Ilt i WAS the Plin:itiIin theaove <ta-ted case. h-t, this day filed his declaration

aghinst thae tin.lait. wha is iaent from. andwititout the limttite' of thia State. as it is ai.iav-iaag aeciticr n ire nor attortnaey. kitow itwithinl thesame. on whom a copy ofthe drelaration with ia

rale tia plcaid thae'reto. miiglt be served: Order-ed that the Defendant plead to the sail declara.tion, within a year and a day. arm the datethereof. othertwise final and absolute judgmentwill ho awarded against him.

er Or,, G POPE, c. c. c.

Oct 18ir. EU. e -

S'~T.B E OF S. (Y.-1 /LIXJ.

IX THlE COUIT OF" 0I:DI.1'.ilin the maater of t

Josiul ahiow'Iel' eat~e.5J (ti N CONFK iit. Adinistrtoer oif Je)oiah

ilowell. decea-ed. havinog departeda thi~sitle. withiatt he aig ;accouantedi fotr hi- Iranta-lions upon said estatle. leasin~ no laeetlitoer or

Adie-nc~liatir . I rde~red.i Theu I sn I hz.llentry liivce.:;eil Jeehe .ilorrz-ea. lihe -c e'twe.

int the .eAhinti2tra:ion lIod orseaidi Jiehna I'oke'r.anid I)a'ni' . a ui~s. Adetmi'a-Irntoer acfJohni.\orri-oti, do apepeer lwe- e':.'.Curthouaawe. at ini c'cl ci. * en '- 'H-n.

Sthll eel .U1ia ext. leo remieier ai eecaccou ii theiihuaiiniltamf -ail Johnac Ceker) nponel -aid

e..lc t..ef Ja-.ihah I loewell. :ane fu~rther leo doi andealui-le whiat shalil tieaa le' adei~eigcei :ied dit ree'd.

O)rhinari, ee IEIurjird I)hstrirt.Ordinary;'s (Hjirr . i-e'htn avya . . I --1%ya b-':; :hem .1

Stile of 'hA'lIill II( lOlilE ll-'|-.lll1) iil.'T litt -I.

IN' Tlit; C'O1.1lO.\ ji'j ..

Dritt't en.imsc. s--. lelcvaratewn ei mttachI li .!1'..\ S tier Ph cliii telnh.-

ed iicl.lie. has thci- d:av tiled in, drie',r.e-

liona againi~- l'il'eliiat. wh~o are i.ab'iit iittl.

andl n iiihouti the limhitse eof this Stat.'. :c, it ise -an.11

thec !'amie. ont whomel a copyi aif the dlelarationiwnhil a rule tea l-.de ther.eituniht ie' se'ted:Ordneede. that lhe lief'a:~end.n ph-ad~ tee tha.e eeldelee.h-carai.n wthie a year aind a dcy. treom the'datl' thecraeef. etherwvi~e imal~i ande ahieudo~'e ,eb:-

iii-'t 'n ill tie awae d a v'i .iinest theera.(1, rI.'ee 'kflre. a~( G c. i('ilPl'. c. c. r'

I.V EQU'ITI''.{Jaimes 11. King. lillfore' art. z n-

vs.)jnrtwen. Id~dBenrj. hi. Jenlkin-'.& others. :2.le Janu. I 4i .

N re':admat lhe alida'an iia leda lii, ease itise ordered. thait tiihe defendans lienpunein

iR Jenikini', and the legat! repre'sentanc.cte of Il

this State dla anisweer. lhae icr dh~oe toe theabove ietaat haili waithii hare.. mth,ali. or itulge-.tiont wvilthe takena again-t tht'rem p lir'u.ces.

A. P. ALI)it|il. c. & c. r. a. ic.Commissioners Opelrt. liar'urel

August 19 ac 29

%tt of' s0ulh ( i ltl'Oniat

IN TIlE COMM1ONT PLEh.%s.LB. J.Ranv. Det

. Db.Foreign .-lhl:r!anen1ilE' laniff hiaving this dlay ftledi hii'. de-olrtio in mcy Olic, anid the de'fenddua.t

havaing tao wife or attornecy. knawtn tat hce n ith-'ins the State, on whoacm a copy of the samze. waithaa rttle to plead. ecutd be s'aeuve: It is eerdieri'c.that tite defencdat plead to the said de'lar.tianwithint a year anid a day, or final amid absolutteudgmentt waill be given aginst hint.

GE. PopE, c c. .Clerk's Offie,. Dec. 16,1841 c. aqe' 47

30. & JOB PRINTDliG~OFI Every desertiption executed with

neattnessattd despatch,atthenatlto nnOEFJInAnDVZR-ISZ=

Termas-$3 per ans

WO venra cusn.rly e

JstittIAL tit Isade- its apthe puiciw.. and asked only i 'maitrn1.tgel frWills !0 rsIsende. noni she tImearrve whein cotitdelnc. co)uld ie plara-'

ccsucce-1. Tito edtor ltae now lite idleautre 0

anniotcng wa this des-ird ie-rilod hna' arrived ; ind e nlow eat ne.tily woslis a liberal 'slp

[)()It from tile readinl; colntusnslitv, nie:d the IletICS portion ef thseIg,! %li na favtr him

with, thei nutcpirt. The firset nsbet'r oaf tie,isird voisnne will lm- osued ose for lweore he1

lit-it da- oof April niext.Whei'nl the JoCaI.AL wa' albout fobee inn

two leafs ;Igo,. prot.sws Were cimede by the pub,is-,'. tes itse puibbe'. that th-y would erci

the-twIelve us5 sn-y anrid employ lhe iII-,

efrs of ties-ir iItbIle ilitie, to rnake tieprper en-vtaiti --, n-etil and instnctive.-

eethingi hate leen- tofhil-d: our tines itandnoestI spiet to -,.ain (for pr, mese ani brin.

ont a piapeer evtsv wav worthy ao'the ftrowingpro-w-rsty of Iamour. Amed. now thiatIe

p5 11e1111- hasow t,-en acremsesjeph1lse-1. andishe011li nal p ' .I ll. -:til :Utwh Wilekic fsuch entes-

pr*-s. esthter ClO.. or ro,. s. rni iopt a full shareof ciueplort w- expicected bo ue3 froIt" tlosce witrihouldf givo a h:-3m:: had1

.iaany behemie m;a tlhe Jlurcal a.44 eftiltbh..bled'Iir certln pri'e ..rty impuro.andwe hav- cintel d1 11r ies tee lt thessreina

iseise iles'.ing thi:st 'FTlwillworkV4 1t1 asld tiown d wn every tin11 tat 'eans

to errer. Unti. iv tha' we 't s etve urwnted

evcry dtileii an sen frr--ad s pettat to titeteveze. we 6t-arlc!y 1111r1: isih. that thel gooId of

flabtsrg AbleLe it ury ni ayi case. lenmir ear. e-t -11csign. (Ier ilt, re-t dettanidspublic paper. anid '-e htie s upplied he-r wait.

Sllere ihail tie l're< tiel People's rightsiawei ly :tlisence untribed iy ain:lire- 5trir Trith it's Clorliose p'rrets dravPledged te Religin. Lihecrt . : si- Iia

j'reoi..-es " eic tsen.. I-#- Ileade by site p1slish-1act-, th.at their colil.tn- -hld toet be tirtit-edwith the artzn cain - icd zp tioienlan ta itdit% Te-w prinne, hne heeni adthieredel ie,

aiintithomiul we- h:s.e lc -rearde-ire to I.:iehlet eens tihe tret:hh-l.e --;%i f bi* e, we .Iall

peak that whtih we :1:1 teelbettd tee do-c6e1.sdeie flte wreena. and hiihl nt ill i;it to tilper.

ple let clr wordc oienid what pairt it may. ifi the- ity of Ihe p -o. to, wa-ch Im% er tiw libet.

tiese se ilur cieittmmi ense.try. ai w-un til io.

jle w' he.ever d:etii-r I< . ie. We ndhereite the i)etnle cracyv oel 'iic countrv oiet ifthiiparti ::ee-. e-triy. w-e ethall eIfd'eiavr te britngit bark hsV timely atid virtm s recproof.

rse itst of atn edi or i. -.sI dcet inct indllofiprofean&.c. s.exe.ictg reat qniece over rsi.cietv. It 1i jpeor tlit is- ncever beet itien-

,ired.and we shasll endeavor te nsmooiti anidcher-Ishthe morai agenit ce which ite fiunict.f--dstorisip hold.,among lite world. and ent

sl.-avosr ti per.-nade lster co-t-itmporaric; to ilpioive the- character of tle Pr .*. if, recnbe i

coils itoey teo it-.f and from Ot itliT.ric.cec 31 ci.nteitpi of thse pulict-: aavert it.

e!aiti-5. vindictlc 7-1 divnity nad e ho' irt ittopisdit'. iy a trai:;ht t''rwardl viri: nte courerTh. e-t'd noni-i '. we. h1:1v ci.arn-d fr.l ni - .,

andtI experiencId ie1d. i and we will pr fit bithentl

The crie'nn,' of the Jirtnl are d--vovted iiForciasutn I)mrstic .Yeers. the .Iar!.rtc. I.itr

raturr. eirne. ( s. Oar traderas wVill ie Iirnished- with corr i oil lfnation is re-latisntpaes:in ' Ciiti; lit *i e-ry qusartecr of tihe globse-the ,.t..e of tie atnarcts at home aid ablrotadtid every deI-criptii of huoesee.A inte1ligence

besides a great variety f micelhnuseouis in:trITice great increade of trade to lnthrg. ientitiral advatagecs for health aid buitiecs. .1tiiser hlessising sc~ondtitiont. rendeicrc a Iipper ilndi~ciwn-tttil ntecs--arn here-. i.-- welsl to thceciti

zecic atc thse pcl:'iter~cs and sttheris n. ho trade ts tii

coi icorect i~friien-te Tiwerefer. tic'hje e

ofthe .eesec ll kcess'' tihat iiw ranscs sendiot:w.cekly ..et a- '.elcl weerth.i of patrnagce aeanyc octer scs'w' be~tctec eibbe. lii e...pecc

Csulv =olbeit.<e frstst it hhesrai antd iehihterecrittttt55nity. theat intcresei or paitrna;;2.e hrlhiei ec his wn ~ek dlcesre's.

JEIlIN W. V\ BiORc OFJitt(;.I i:ecehcs. Fceb. i-c f

E IG lIT Ir.VlIDFRI..\lli Et'cT ii. .S Ic~ s.\

r il - Ish iri--r I. -- ja~cti-re cii frt ee 't,e.'. Lo toc -hiep I Phlyct t. it ebiiret reelser

inoatIl:\f ..\ ''llS I'lJ'\lS. i'l'.A5'ili-s. t-ti'.:::.\ Ait's iTs .\l.Ai(Niid

ncer --de e itt1er . ser iby ihe~ bu-~i!!C. ea:rlbundiclc escntin-c ine iear-. . '\pphe. 'S iece.

5 .\pr icoe. 5 Phitens. :. '.rre- 2 \hitnteeand 'c \lde-irs Walti tL, .in5ei a re bec:iitttiii'

parstked. FTee i nc. ac t'ar a. '. 5itliedy. an

:coe t hic titest ever- iteeperteel intto ti,city.and arei5'..ci w 'ewrthy of thes attetionc ofitieos

iwIshtiztee tinis tieo lrtt. The '.aritte

\i.cc-.\c 9. w choeice ic !Osr.S antd CA.!Ili1.1 \id.

.ss cc cl. i. '.F s!t'.e 91 tincBa;

.icUMT4 .EE I STOREI.-l i'~i is. G l 'iiu N ci lu-

V ilF creeprietetr cit ilhs. e sitib-hnwaltha.j es.:l 5 ee.cci a i.srL- snppi.lyofi .N i

IN1.L1. '.I)$. the cp ii . i lie ci'-thtee t c resmetnd55 thecmic ivess. n' ineehlhe

hact' 5~ie don eTe sicec htetc- hsicalt int thteits. 'Ilhakes'c tacden iee ee itttgh leer he' ecvesr

per..c -set hett iire thte'. ms:ty t:ls it Lc~esteeche i-a-id s'' slleace matt-i(erontry dieab -rs.

Ierdi tesd. t~rn.isca Clicve.r. .\ iuntelWuzcc , Frentcht ssur tiet. liye I *ta5sc is. litdisrd'.. els . liopte, t'iifeerctcsn Wc ent. A.pjani

gnac lieistct. iTurnije ied Acs e'. &c~C.A bs-.w. elegasnt taheitsatistnd lee r,-\ei-e-c Febh. 24

'icALi, tereceos are fog

and of mnin. . tat-c

itn thei



produc'ing' imns; andiiIo a hle ikiriite-. inc-reFrom il'e combinationupn 1eyilenm,ihe7 are 1 greathe blostd, and equahizer of the circulation4The elleci of the Pille, made from thesewAater.,. are In all respiret., similar to the

warter itselfand 111-1p1 i, egnaul so a commn glas,- of w ater. For te cure of thearntfad diras,--. and sillother chronie (orslow ) dih#e.I e-. preneverance in the use ofth~ ileo 111%. cc-irdinig t.. the dirrections.giv-en) in) the su -all bill.-, asccomnpanying ilhepill...,! a ll0 imiporiantf; umi if they are per-veriogly n'%. d its dlirected,1 a cure- may be1unne e- rtainrly expected, than under anyothler treatment herciA-f'oredliscovered. ex-repit fruai the use of the w;;aer, front which,they are- prepared cittier b7 ion attendanceist the Sprmt.-e or otb-irwise. They veryspet dily cure diarrherais attended withat ily of the tomnen, i..d what is com-Mostly called hie:rt-hurn; two or three pille

may be taken at any tirr. n len the stom-ach I, troubled with aidty. with ilr hap-pties, e~ffec(t. Thiese Pilus have an excel-lenb elnect in preieting the attacks of''fitrvous tir sick-headahi, e: from three to. pills dhond be aken at once, n hen the-

...mlproms are fell.These nYieo r, ar .n effectual remcdy

,., all hemo.rrna:-e; aand asthe Pille haveslesaIme eft:4sin thercases. it ishelieved

they t ill -ltso have the same effect in caseso)1 hernorrhage. The'y cure dropsies in

m abe cae u ari nor slt itnfalible remne-iv ii all cas ih, trdisni tash.

Froim the eficacy of these waters andpill.in pur sitn the blood. they are in-valuable in the cure of all diseansce of thetkin, aid all indolent re, nit di,posed toa healtithv. sn In theaoe f them forStch diseases, if :he dieae of itie skin ap-pear to he ricti-d at farsi. or if the ulecrsbecoetl more ilateid and di..charge morefreely, lei not histuncimt.ance alarm anyone, orldeter himfuron persevering in theirU-c. These re evidences of the gosd e-

eet of the Pill in expellig the vitiatedeniors from ile blood to the surftace, nd

until theblod ispurified such disease cat-not be cured. In scroft lous ulcers, theuw -of these watein and pills, invaria blycatuse them to discharge more freely, andl

in a :-ort time, of a nrorc healthy appear-Tice. Ther, are a .ry useful rencedy inCholera infanitum or the summer bovcl

cmtispi-iiat in children: asas.o for ex pellingwormi froto children. Thev inmediae-ly gi ;I cgood appeite. prodiedigestion,anId will riftutally correct and cure ncidi-

.mty 'he tenach. From their cleasing

.1:11 purifyin: etT e'. upon the bWood: andbfrom lhe toine. vrctiC and cergy, which

ttheir operanimptt. ri: thetwhole mytemtihey will be ', ind a recat preventative of

,n.r t hr;:ons r i llse d it r at y te therr advantae toe ftte pi l-.rg oretrel let no i commecee taver slarmn any

ual. ese n re etaetie n fuille- cofsthitlas brn downllti tby preious'

Thse PriN the alo toluthe sistandtunhilute nn sd isriicti. spos sasd cas-line mineea waters, and pillee ioriaburloethue taens toc dla, mot fi~reeny aimednich ~tttedanc at otoherh minera-

in;. wl'da aad gry utou thercratv:lera ofastm thea esu isr oc

Th~ ts anp it. promtnre wthy ofin:henticeil o-ftctrdl ., istect Fadcorev aid i-thrter hand, wt uncs Frhe t hirleansileinfttete.t o nan dee. cohern hichtut-ilsiaithIt. In t.iteto te whol dystnem-rhea ilb : utsdhrahgrat thevwate of

litler-n, e.h*'ilspr;'i nin o anctli- aire-

enis srnia:si l : to w l behe eatt the irdfro lese to ue th, pilnh. borv thIsnme

rct the tr'ment of thser dpi..eased

.al r cor-t'etia a ri eftriiv. nt in rlutild--t1 tvirthottettetel. bheti ills barevions

- ls inken, havinno naab--ons iste.t tre

-tperfeiy tiesai :dayn, awhitern aties.c.on~ sehi usr'tin c atuthrem.tirareor,- i~uded 'al o te by .i D

:kTi h ili. -e waer.::edSheSr.

Wate r- P roh Wiluarchose.olittie nfilt .septuembercul~- an inI

h riandi 'an tuhIhe public thathe ;tchtine

rr.\ESt iat h isteme~rui. - stantow as theaters- ~ w'in Wrh.,e.r it-1i md

caut itredei. e arly n< i -ectllhre frt te.aei-1~t ittere tnre tit-ta Th uie thiil lwo ingthate a'- si; lt ri -li soe te . hwt r marklt.r egati~i~ ti:-eilt of .\ its. l0: nnde eachof

theseit dtutis tht-ee h:Ili:: wills atre cart-I.'e tko Ii.NMtt hn-o CttonL5fhOth ta'shce arc

dr..::e to br iehi tl set wher artite fCo---to - tite,i adndtsnotity omrcnperwiltho n Ite.ed tiam they .-:ito n

11 Itate hE 19.; a-Ifraeli .DI b asnt ha~tic :t~eldesn Soecso tocrenn~ II1, lh:Jk tob.ifedsadptos1ortheiahhr -nPotdrl, t1hniteon~.-

lisart- .ritsn them.an thtetc pui general-7s a~ lconhetn'une- lfnsti eae t nfdr a iueI fri.ensa .tirn tfor jther thatrn he wlNe bE. .. fomietfr ta, ti prmo andhWaterctr 'sit art e-somittdtw.sca

it abtbon t. tI.tr i -ian ''tm e r stldns.htnrthutt rth ,-w d i no rh ca s r. is-rtstra

itotnW( tiret- o 'i 'I~ 'ioisttistvi'igl ie- a-.: w i s. -!:!is.Stel~ts itrtsriCot .ts a-. S*[%lst:io as

t, .-thsuor ssrft s s~lis.sslIsoe fcn
