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Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C...

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famcs f' rtmd mESSS. COLTER & S OTER, dtors. "" t idle Aabition her.beubles rat.- While Wisdom looks down Wi disdain, The home of the farmer has oharms ever new, Where hesih, peace and competence reign." -..OURlSELVES. Wa will- be crowded out of the old ship "Advertiaer" for the next month. There are so many less important matters to be attended to, (which pay better though) that we are admonlihed to be patient for a month at leaits After which time, for a season,,we will make oar monthly visits to our readers. However it is well enough, as -ae have but little'to do at'this season in agriculture, save the. gathering of crops. As we have -worked e's-readers all out of the grass, and have irade for them better crops than they ever had before our department was introduced hNo'the paper, we cannot but congratulate them on the progress they have made in sclentiic; agriculture,-nor shond this re, mark remind them of the speech made by a o Lain By when -riding on the axle of the stag coah. WORE FOR' OCTOBER. Corroy of course is the all-absorbing f ase on.the docket. i.Pick it out as fas1 as possibW so as to have- it free. from trast aid to prevent stain from storms,&c. Han. die-add gin carefully, and pack neatly, and hapltoanarket while the roads are good, and .lie sure and sell it as fast as you can get 1( or 12 cents,-and don't forget the printer. Corn should now be gathered and stored as-ay in the shuck. ~Turnips must be kept clean from grass by hoeing or hand weeding. Sow barley, rye or wheat, or mixture ol these freely, to keep the colts and calves in geod order during the winter. Prepare to sow large crops of oats and wheat,-one acre of either well put in is better than two half done. Gather all the peas you possibly can, for they will be scarce as ever next spring. Potatoes should be dug the day before the 4zrs killing frost. Cut some of the vine! and bank them as soon as cut, as-you would tliepota'toes, for early transplanaing the nexi season. Save seed also from the blooms, which are in small podse, to sow early in the spring. Also remember to make hay of the vines-by curing them wvell.- for stock ini winter. Save also your pinder ines for the mileb cows-and dont forget -to make choice but- Ler and cheese. Of course every good farmer will not fbrget to fatten well, enough of hjis stoci hog tQ fili bis own smoke-house and have some to spare for market. -, Corres-pondence of the Carotinian. THE GREAT GEORGIA FAIR. *- ATLANTA, GA. Sept. 15, '855. We have spent a hot, disagreeable, dusty weelt here, in the midst of the immens4 crowd which havei thronged every habitabhl glace about ths great Southern thoroughfare during the Georgia State Fair, which has closed to-day. Mingling.- with the people there is much to bo seen and more to hi heard. -Georgia is now in a hubbub of po. litical heat. Every thing is boiling in the politic~al cauldron, and the material is likely fe make no savory mess. Maine Liquor Law, .Know Nothing,. Union-loving -Republicar Democracy, represented by Overby, An drews and Johnson, the Gubernatorial can- didates, are all throwing out their over-exci. ted-attractions, and the very atmosphere is redolent with the follies of a contest whieli has no principle at stake. 'The Knowv Noth- ings makue a hard fight, but privately give up the contest, as the faction is nearer its gas; in Georgia-than the papers would lead us tc beliewe.' But enough of this kind of news, for we -N$ down to scrawl you a line enneernina other- industry than that which is bestowec on political machinery here. The Jubilee ol the Georgia Agriculturists has been well at- tended, but in most departments has taller far short of the fairs of other years.- This has been the result of the inauspicious time selected, and the intense heat, which resului from a drought prevailing here, which pre iented much fine stockifrom being presented Tiue showv of Devons urats contributed alto, gether by Mur.' Peters, and draughts muude fr his celebrated stock, as well as thr .swe,-which consisted of the Berkshire and Essex breeds. Our old friends, Cols. J. W Watts and J. .M4. Young. (formerly of Lau rens, but now -of Cass county, Georgia, contributed Durhams from stock from Col Wade Hampton's and Col.1. D. Williams her'ds, -which were a decided improvemen upon this class of former years. Col. Watt was strong in Merino, Cotswold and broad tailed sheep; whilst Mr. -Peters showed a pn of superb South-Downs. In the animal way, nothing attracted one ttihe attention of the celebrated Cash mere goats, and their grades. All sorts o remarkable pricess were offered and refuse4 by the proprietors of -this great woolhet stock. Specimens of useful- fabrics of do mestic make, manufactured from their wool - were .on exhibition, conclusively showin1 that they are likely to become a standar< aniiml in the South.- In the fruit department there was a mos soperb show. Fine apples, pears, plums, an gespes, shedding a, luscious -tint over th fruit Ihall,,made it the place of general at traction. We observed splendid specimen of grapesegrown under glass; from the grape -of your generous townsman, Capt..Lyons which caused beautifel liii. to long for etl-in this modern garden of Hesperides They were complisneadW with two premi .ums. The Catawba grapes of Mr. Charle kit, of Washington, Georgia, coualusivel' fotohadow that the whole of the middle an< pper sountry of Georgia and South Caroil u.will become great wine-bearing Gleld& Rr, it received an extraordinary premium in the shape of a large silver wine pitcher ss testkn'onial of his energy and remarks fie suce We never drieamed tlhhY tbh Cumatab rape could he bronght to suol perfection.- Several new apples of rarw merit and beauty were presented by ama- tears, and we observed a superb native ap- ple from Old Lexington, called the "Hloo- sier," which received the highest ensdainma of the fruit committee. - In the field crops and grain 'department the show was meagre, sa.it is too early for much display in that line.- The ladies' department -ws to them the centre of attraction. Mrs. Rowland, a fine specimen of the up country Carolina house- wife, received a large number of premiums for domestic fabrics of general utility. She is the lady of Maj. Rowland, the whole. souled proprietor of the Rowland Springs, and in Georgia sets a good example of what Carolina mothers can do. The great achieve. ment of the ladies' hall,,was a silk quilt,.con- tributed by Mrs. Dr. Fair, of Colombia, S. C. For richness of material, elegance of design, and beautiful execution in- needle- work, nothing can excel this quilt, which seems only made to be .the drapery for the couch of a fairy, or any of the lovely daugh; ters of the .ioutb who shed the radiance of their beauty over this fair Southern land. In our bachelor's state, of solitary exiEtendd, itwill not do to dwell further upon this deli- cate fairy land. A gentleman from Mont- gemery laid violent hands upon it, promising to retura It with a premium from the Ala- bama State Fair, .next month. It received the highest premium given here for its class of work.- We could tell you of other mar- vels, which met our eyes in industry and art, but our pen is wearied of its tastk. - * We observed Col. Summer and Capt. Dantzler in attendance, on' behalf of 'the Executive Committee of our State Agricul. tural Society, as well as Col. W. H. Robert- son, Gen. Aiken, Messrs. Rabb and Robert- son, who were delegates from the Fairfield District Society. Dr. Bachman, the veteean in science and natural history, was also here, and seerned entirely interested in this great industrial exhibition. EDGEFIELD. From the Plough, the Loom, and the Atbril. THE IMPORTANCE OF FARM REGISTER AND FARR ACCOUNTS. Massas. EDTOUS :--Perhaps there is nothing of so much importance, that is so much neglected by the fanmer, as the prac. tice of keeping a diary, or farm register, and a strict account of all his receipts and ex- penditures. How many farmers are there within the circle of yobr acquaintance, who can tell how much money they have receiv- ed during the year, and for what; whether the profits, if any, have been derived from their corn, hay, or wheat, from their horses, cattle, or hogs, and upon which they sus- tamed a loss; whether their crops have been worked in due season, and with a judicious economy in every particular; how much corn, or its equivalent, it.will take to pro. duce a pound of beef or. pork, and what method or feeding will give the greatest re- turn. I fear that,.upon examination, the number- found who could answer there ques- tions correctly would we few indeed. And why is it so? One .reason is, the careless and shifdless manner in which farmers gene. rally maanage every thing connected with farm work. What would you say of the merchant who followed his business in such a mnanner; some branches or his business beiing attended with a certain loss, and unknown to him, solely because he neglected to keep a strict accouiit upon each branch t You would say, that he would be obliged to sell out, sooner or later, to save the eherifF the tro~uble. But the merchant, even in our small county towns deems it indispensable to success in business to keep an accurate account of every transaction. Then let the farmer adopt sucht a course. Let him keep an accurate account of his receipts and ex- peiiditures, profit and loss, upon each iteni, and every branch of his business, or with every field. Lot him carry a small book in his pocket, and daily note down the various items of work for each day, together with such practical suggestions as may occur to his miind ; anid, my word for it, lhe will find himself much the gainer in a pecuiuiary point of view, while he secures, alo, much gratifi- cation and pleasure in a review of his labor fromn year to year. The -farmer would then kntow at a glance from what crops, what class of animals, and what course of manage. menat, he receives the greatest profits, and on what he sustains loss. Would not this he a knowledge of the greatest benefit determin. ing his course for the futurei Let this prac. tiee become general, and the b~enefits arisin" from it would soon be mnanifest in the im- proved condition of the farmting community. Trhey would be seen in the greater interest which would be awakened in those who now follow in the same old, beaten paths Iwhich their fathers trod, and who keep no accounts except such as they record with chalk. We should then see a desire on the part of farmers to possess a "little farm, well tilled," rather thani to add acres to their al- ready large estate, which has been rendered unproductive by shailow plowving, scanty manuring, and a hurried cultivation. We should then see agriculture taking that stand which its merits demand. J. W. A. MEASUREMRNT OF CORN IN TIlE CRIB.- After levelling the co'ln, multiply the length and breadth of the house together, and the product by the de'pth, which will give the cutbic feet of the biulk of corn; then divide this first product by 12, and the quotient will be the number of barrels of shelled corn contained in the house or crib. If there be a remainder after the division, it will be so many twelfths of a barrel of shelled corn over. Ej.xample-12 feet long 11 feet broad .132 6 feet deep 12)792 66 barrels of shelled' corn 5 bushels in -a barrel 330 bushels of shelled corn. NEW CARPETSTORE! SJA MEOG. BAILIE, -(LATE 01 TUKR FiRM or BAILIS a LANIaST.) DIRNEO T IMP OR T ER OP ALLI KINDa OF CARPETING, RUGS, FLOOR OIL OLOTE8, &c,, ko, L IN EN G OO DS, Curtaina lmaterlals and TrImmIngs, 234 EIGBEBoATRO,8 C. gP. S.-Orderv promiptly attended to. 3 FOR THE LADIES? E have ohand grtvty of Colegues, VHandkerchief Extacts Toilet Powders and an assortment of Fancy and Toilet Soap,; Pomiades. Pure Bears Oil, Hair Tonies, Restora- tives, and Hair Dye; Preston Bialts and Aromatic Vinegar; Cream of Beay, Carnation Rouge,, Hair Do- "ltr~etoalof which the attention of the dies s-ve 11yinvited. For sale by - A. G. & T. J. TEAGUJE, Druggist. Maw 23 tf 19 MEDICAL go E OF GEORGIA. AvGUA, GA. - HE TWENTY-FOURTH Course of Lectures in this Institution will commene the first Monday ii November next. Faculty: Anate'y-G. M. NEWTON, M. D. Surgery-L. A. DUGAS, M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy-A. MEANS, M. D. Materia Medics, Therapeutics and Med. Juris- arudenoe:-I. P. GARVIN, M. D. 'Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants- I. A. EVE. M. D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy--H. V.M. MILLER, M. D. Institutes and Praotice of Medicine--L. D. FORD, M. D. Surgical, Comparative and Miceosoopical Anato- my-I. F. CAMPBItLL, M. D. Demonstrator of Andtomy-. CAMPBELL, Kf. D.. . Assistant Deionstrator-. D.SIMMONS, M. D. Prosector to Professor of Surgery-JURIAK -fARRIS, M. Da - Clinical Lectures wjll be delvered regularly at the City Hospital, qpd ample opportunities will be affrded for the s of Practical Anatomy. Fees for the entire Course............$105 00 Matriculation Ticket.(to be taken once).. 5 00 For foi ther particulars, apply to - G. M.. NEWTON, DEAx. ,Augusia, July 23 - 2 ' 28 Sheriifs Sale. B Y Virtutef Sundry writs of Fl. Fa., to me di- rected, I shall riroeed- to sell on the irst Monday in October .eext, at Edgefield C. H., the following property, in the following cases, viz: Pleasant Johnson, .dm'or.,.vs William Quarles, David Quarles and William Strom, Ohe Tract of Land, containing One hundred and nheteeu (119) acres, more or less, adjoining lands M .. Briggs, Lee Holston .and' others-the property of David Quarles.. J. B. Talley, Adm'or, vs. James Wood, David Quarles and William StrombSr.y The same Tract of Land described above. Robert W. Adams,for another, vsPlekens Adams and John Quattlebum, One Tract of Land contain- ing One hundred (100) acres, more or less; adjoin- ing lands of Jobn B. Hamilton and others, the pro- pety of ille Defendant Pibkens Adams. latrick Moore is Washington Freeman; Various other Plaintiffs vs. The-Same; One Lot of Land at Liberty Hill, containiug Sixteen acres, more or less, adjoining J. C. Coursey, Dr. Wm. T. West and others. John zHuiet vs. Richard Berry, One Tract of Land containing One hundred (100) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Luke Culbreath, Richard HardIy and others. A. 1. Rambo and D. J. Walker vs Oliver Simp- son,' M. O. Kimbrel and William- Kimbrel, One Tract of Land containing One hundred and sixty- six (166) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the S. C. Paper Manufacturing Company. R. J. liankinson vs. John S..Randall ; Robert J. Butler vs The Same. One Tract of Land contain- ingTwo Hundred and ifty two (252) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Joseph Coenahan, David Powell and others. Hickman, Westcot & Co. vs Rich. T. Parks, One Negro man Lewis. Thomas Swearengin. vs. Susan Cloud, Ex'ix, One Tract of Land containing One hundred (100) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Samuel Po- sey, Wm. Toney and others. the property of the Estate or William Cloud, dee'd. lary Moyer vs John Autry and Mary Autry ; The Same vs The Same; Elijah Watson, bearer, vs John Autry ; Other Plaintiffs vs The Same, One Tract of Land containing Two hundred and fifty (25U) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of B. T. Boatwright, Jackson Holmes and the Estate of Wm Bush, dec'd. Term. Cash. LEWIS JONES,.. a. u. Sept 5 4 te 35 Shaerifis Sale. STATE OF SOUTHI CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. Harriet Banks, Applicat,1 Julius Banks, Guardian tum ainPr adlitem, fur minor ehil- dren of sam. Banks, de'd J. BY Virtue of an order from UI. T. Wright, Esq., LIOrdinary of Edgefield District, in the above stated case, I shall proceed to sell on the first Morn- day in October next, at Edgefleld C. H1. the real estte of Samuel Banks, dee'd.. consisting of TWO TRACTS OF LAND, One containing Sixty (60) acres, more or less, where the said Samuel Banks lived at the time of his death, adjoining lands of John C. Simkins, Dred Warren and others. The other Tract, known as the " Piney -Woods Tract," contains One hundred (100) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Josiah Padgett, Dred Warren and others. TERMS -A credit of twelve months. Purchasers will be required to give bond with ample security, and a mortgage of the premises to thme Ordinary, tin secure the purchase inolwy. Custs to be paid in ash. LEWIS JONES, s. a. D. Sept 5 4te 35 Sheriffs Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CA ROLINA, - EDGEFJELD DISTRICT. K.sI. JnigSum. in Partition. M. E. Jennings anid others. BYVirtue of an order from H. T. Wright, Esq., Ordnary of Edgefleld D~istrict. in the abovc stated case, I shall proceed to sell on the first Mon- day in October next, at Edgefleld C. 1I., the real estate of Sampson Jenninirs, dee'd.,consisting of ONE TRACT OF LAND, containing Two hundred (200) acres, more or l.ess, situated in Edgefield District, on the waters of Dailey Creek, bounded by lands of the etate of Jsse Jennings. Nathaniel Corley and others. Tsus.-A eredit of twelve months with interest from date. Purchasers will be required to give bond with ample saourity, and a mortgage of the premises to the Ordinary to secure the purchase money. Coats to be paid in cash. LEWIS JONES, s. a. D. Sept 5 4to 35 Clock Repairing I T HE Subscriber would respectfully infrorm the citizeits of Edgefield Village and vicinity, that he has taken the House formerly occupied by M~rs. R. Gray, opposite the Planters Hotel, for the pur- pose of car rying oni the - CLOCK REPAIRING BUSINESS. All work enatrusted to hi. care will be attended to with neatness and despatch. ie will alsmo give his attention to the REPAIRING OF FURNITURE. Hic warrants satisfaction to all, and solicits a liberal patronage. WM. LEWIS. Jan10o tf '52 STATE OF SOUTH CA ROLINA, EDGEF'IELD DISTRICT. IN O)RDINARY. - D. P. Self and J. P. Setf, ,vs Jeff'erson Sturkey and wife LucyI and others. IT apeaingto my satisfaction that Levi Fulmore adhsto minor children, Ers and Pressley, reside beyond the limits of this State, It is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the divi- sion or sale of the Real Estate of M~ary Self, dee'd., on or before the lst day of December next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. Given under my hand at my Office, this 10th Sept 1855. HI. T. W RIGHT, o. s. a. Ordinary's Office, Edgefield C. 11. Sept 12 3m 35 Notice. A LL~Persons having demands againstthe Estat. of B. R. Addison, drc'd., are requested to present themi properly attested to the undersigned, to whoin also those Indebtid to the Estate are re- quired to make prompt payment. G. L. PENN, Adin'or with the Will annexed. May 9 tf 17 Notice IS.Hereby given that application will be made te Lthe next Legislature for the Charter for a Publie Road from the Aiken Rload, at or near Posey's Bridge. to intersect thme Ridge Road at or near Mar- tin McCarty's. Aug 8 - 3m . 30 Notice, ALLJ Persons having any just demaniids against the-estate of G. W. Reams, deo'd., will pre- met them to the Subscriber, in the Ordinary's cole. at Edgefleld C. H., on the 25th day of November next, to receive payment. Those failing to do so will be bared out.. .IC. HOLLO VAY, Adm'r. Aug- 3-mn 2 *l FOREMAN'S IRO] T HE attention of the Planters of Edge JUSTLY CELEBRATED and VER PLOWIS I have.purchased the right for Edgefield Dist Edgefield C. H., -and also of RoBINso & JI From Certificates in my possession, I am RIOR FOR ALL PURPOSES.- Its durabi soiling our old worn out lands, makes it the OST DESIRABLE P 07 Any perhon wishing to'try them can d may returnthem without,charge& EDGEFIELD C. H., Sept. 12, -1855. LEAVIT'S PREMIUM PORTABLE CORN MILLS, FOR CRUSHIN..CORN AND.CU .TOGETHER, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. AVING receied .the Sole Agency for the State of South-Carolina, for the.above cele- brated Mills, conceded on all hauds.to be the great- eat economisers and labor-saving articles of the day, the Subscriber is desirous of establishing -Sub-Agen- ies for their sale in every District of the State. Prices within the reach of every farme- inathe land: ranging- from fifty to one hundred dollars, according to power, size and quality. No better investment can be made by the Planters of this or any other State, either for profit or convenience and no far- mer should be without them, nor would they be, if they were aware of their value and utility. A. 8.-LANGLEY, General Agent for the State. July 2, 6m 25 Carpenter's Sheet System OF Cutting Lsdies'. Dresses and Gentlemen's Coats and Sacks,-also, Vests Pantaloons and Gaiters,. together with Youths, boys and Girls Garments of all kinds and styles, will be taught to Ladies and Gentlemen by a Few Plain, Easy and Simple Rules, Sosas to learn them to cut with EASE and SKILL an fthe above mentioned Garments. TeCopyright of this State lhns been assigned to Gao. S. McN KIL. & Co., of ,this place. Persons wishing to ai all themselves of this Sys- tem or wanting informatIon willeall or leave thieir" orders at Mrs. McNan.'s Milliner Establishment. GEO. S. McNEIL & CO. Edgefield C. II., May 30J.y 20 Lightning Conductors, T~IlOSE of our citizens, who desire to protect Itheir houses, barns, &c., from lightning, would do well to try OTIS' IMPROVED) PA-TENT LIG11TNING CONDUCTORS. By application to the subscriber, Agent at this plnce, they can pro- cure these rods and all ,necessary fixturea, anad, what js more, have them well put up, all at moder- ate charges. These Conductors have been placed over the Court House and Jail by the Commission- era of Public Buildings. They are the best, decided- ly, yet invented. S. S. BOYCE, AGENT. April 4 .tf 12. Hardware and Cutlery. 3 '30 ALlL our old friends, we would say, see are I thankul for past favors, and to all oth...a who may wish Goods in our line ;-call and see us also, or send your orders. We will make every effort (and it is notorious of the Goods we keep) to give "general satisfaction." Our prices SHALL be in accordance with the times ; always assuring our~ customers to s'ell them at the LOWEST MAR. EKT PRICES. We have now in Store a fine Stoek and are re- eiving weekly. Amongst which may be round, 50 Tons Band and Iloop IRON, 250 " Sweed " assorted, 150 " English " " 200 Smith BELLOWS, all qualities, 500 Kegs " Peru" NAILS, 50 Tuna CASTINGS,- 100 Dozen Door LOCKS, 100 " Ifad " .500 " TII,thest, Draw and Trunk Locks, 100 " AXES, Collins, Levette's and other makes, 10 " Superior BROAD AXES, 500 " HOES, all qualities. To enumerate is too tedious. We have the Goods and want to sell them. We keep all things necessary -for Mills of- every style, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Vices, Anvils, Smith Tongs, Circular, Hand, and all other kind of Saws, Screw and Bales, Knives and Forks, PocketKnives, Scissors, Shears, Screws, Bolts, Spirit Levels, Guages, Candlesticks, Planes, Horse Shoes and Nails, Brushes, Coffee Mills, Halter, Tratce.Stretch, Log, Breast. Cbntinnedl and Fifth Chains, Rope, Fileq of all kinds, a beautiful Lot of Guns, of all qualities, Pistols, Percussion Caps, Curry Combes, Game and Shot.Bags, Powder Flasks, Dram Flasks, Sand and Waflle I rons, Braces and Bitts, Augers, Chisels, Hammers, Drawing Knives, Mortars, Kettles, Stew Pans, &c., &o. ROBINSON & JACKSON. Hamburg, Dec 4 if 47 HOSPITAL FOR NEGROES, AT AUGUSTA, GA. T H E Undersigned would cull the attention of the citizens if Edgefield and Abbeville Districts to their INI1RM ARY for SICK NEGROES and those requiring SUJRG1CAL OPERATIONS. While the completeness of our arrangements afiords to the patient every comfort, it also enables as to render mere efficient treatment to Chronic Cases, than can genieraily be secured in ordinary private practice. Our special accommodations for the management of Chronic diseases of females, so common In Negroes, arc ample and complete. Terms. For Nursing, Boarding and Lodging, pr mon. $10 For Treatmen,-The ordinary rates of praclice. 92' Communiqations addressed to us at this place will mest with prompt attention. H.F. CAMIPBELL, Surgeon, R. CAMPBELL, Attending PhysIclan, Augusta, April 30 tf 16 LLCaution to all, LL Persona in anywise indebted to the Subseri. tbers, eIther individually or collectIvely.nare hereby forewarned to settle up at an early date, otherwise they will certainly have to settle wIth an Attorney. We have a large amount of money to raise in a trivetn time, and ave necesearrily compelled to pursue this course. Take heed, therefore, all ye who are interested. J. HI. JtENNINGS, W. D. JENNINGS. SeptO 6 i 34 Shoes, Shoua, Shoes I J UST opened this day a fine selection of Ladles' Black and Colored Gaiter., Kid Slippers and Wlking Shoes-also, Misss' Colored Slippers, by Rt. II. SULLIVAN. June 377 f 24 Mortars, Jroni and Wedgewood, PILL TILES, Graduate #Ioasures, Spatulars and Putta Knive,-for sule by A. G. A T. J. TERAGUB, Druggist. May 23 'if 19 (PLOW'JSTOOl!. i.i VOR-N'.-Ot. -- VORNOUT ANDSI I Feld District is respectfully called to this Y VALUABIJ . TOCK! rit, and they can be had at my SHQP at KxsoN, Hamburg,$. C., at $5,50 per Stock. warranted in. saying that it has NO SUeP- ity, together with its peculiar 'itness for sub. LOW NOW IN USE, . so, and if they do not answer the purpose, S. F. GOODE. f -- 35 REMOVAL! TIE Subscriber takes this opportunity of inform- ing his friends, that he has removed to the NEW BRICK STORE adjoining the Store of B. C. Bryan, where he has just opened a LARGE VARIETY of new articles in his various branches of Trade. HIe intends keeping in the Drug and Medicine Department, A full supply of every article that is in common use by the Profession, which will be constantly un der the inspection of Dr.. Bland, Abney, Mims and Burt; and if an article-is-reported to be impure it will not be offered for sale. Dr. M. W. Abney has taken an Offiee in the second Story of the building, and winl give nye the benefit of his experience in Compounding Medicines and preparing prescrip- tions, and having been six years engaged in the bu- siness, I flatter myself, with these ample arrange. menis. I shall receive a liberal share of the patron- age of Physicians, families, and the public generally In the Grocery Department EVERY TUI'NG will be kept that is usually found. in a Fancy Family Grocery Store. In the Department of Books, Stationary, &c., Will be found a full supply of Standard School Books, Bibles, Hymn Books, Fools Cap, Letter and Note Paper, with almost every article in this line will be kept constantly for sale. In the Confectionary Department, May always be found a much larger assortment of Candies, Fruits, Pickles. Ketchupa, Sauces, &c., than has aver been offered for sale in this place. In truth, this is to be ii Store of good things, and it is loped will be considered a great convenience, and therfore be largely patronized. G. L. PENN, Agent. Dec 20 . tf. 49 Look at This! Carriages, Carriages, Buggies, .Buggies, &c., &c. &c., &e. T IIE Subscriber still carries on the Carringe bu- siness at the old stand of A. BusnaaL, and wold say to tho people of the D strict that they may at all times find a good assortnment of CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES n hand, of his own mnanufacture, that will be sold to good punctual customer. on as reasonnble ternms as they can he bought in any Southern market. I have secured the services of Mir. A. l~sHXNELL, fr the present year, and from his long exp~ericnce in the Carriagu business,. I think that purchasers may expect satiernoetion itn their work. JOhIN LEIGII.. N.. .-i am also prepared at all times to furnish COFFINS and hIlEARSE for any portioni of the District att the shortest notice. THE THOROUG~H BRED HORSE GAMBLE! W ILL stn the ensuing seasona TVat MY STAB3ILE about one mile from Edgefield C. II., at 815 the season and $25 insurance. All lares sent will be considered by the seadon, unless some instructions to the contrary shall accompany them. Se~ason to end 10th November. Gaanble was bred by Col. 1naa, of Galantin, Tennessee, and was six years old last Spring. He wassired by Imp. Sovereign, his dam was Celerity by Imp. Leviathan. Celerity's darn was Patty Pull' by Paeolet; Patty Puff's dam was Rosa Clack. For Pedigree and pierfornmucees GAM1BLE will compare with the best horses of his riay. lie com- bines strength and action with fleetness and enda- rance. lie ran in ('hatrleston in February 1853 the best race of two nmile heats ever run over the course, and but for an unavoidable aocident would have distinguished -himself as a four miler. gJ" I will feed and pasture Mlares at forty-five cents a day, but will not take upon myself any re- sponsibility fornecidenta or escapes. .TlIOS. G. LBACON. Au88t 30 IS IAreg ivnt lcnend that a fnal Ieteetwil emdeo h 4Monlay in Deember next, in the Ordinary's Office, at Edge- field C.11I., on. the Estate of William Dobe'y, dee'd. All persons indebted will pl-ase make paymlent by that time, and those having demands- will present them by the same time.- W. E. DOPDEY, Ad'or. Sept 5 3m 34 Notice tlemnent will be made on thte estate of .John Crawford, dee'd., in the Ordinary's Office, at Edge- leld C. I1., on thme 2d Mlonday in December next. All personsinadebted will make pnyme~nt by the ahov'e tie, and thoswe having demands will present thenm by the same time.- FR EMAN H. ROPER, Adm'or. Sept 5 3m 34 Look Out, A-.LL those that are indebted to the Subscriber on small notes or accounts. Money must come - . W. CLARY. Sept 5 4t 34- BOOTS ANDB8ROE8. Tp HIE Subscribor having lonted permanently in Jthe Store next door to Mr. R. H1. SULLIVAx, is prepared to make to order fine BOOT S A ND S HOES, At the shortest notice, and of the very BEST MA- TERlA L. He hopes by faithful work .and close attentiont to business to be able to please all who may fsvor him with their patron age. I will refer to Mr. S. F. Goons, who is my guar- dian, in all amatters of business. BERRYMAN KEMIP. July 18 tf 27 ON th Roadbetween Edgefield Village and my house on Salada River, on Tuesday last, a small POCKET DIA RY, with a nemorantdum of weator, 4o., and oontaining 'about One Hundred Dollars in Bank Bil. A liberal reward will be pid for the delivesyof the same to me, or to Mr. W.P. Butler, at l~g- field Village. A. L. DEARING. ,uly 10 --.tf 26 Flavoring Extracts. A . LARGEvariety-for sale by - A tA G. &. T. J. TE AGUE, Druggists. May.3 onf 19 GREAT -SOU'THER .E Y I JACOB'S CORDIAL., oW L.MsEASEs, CEOLERA, &YSENTERY,' DIARRHOEA,.CHOLERA MORBUS, nIOUS OHLI0, EOLBE. NFANITUM, tdmirably adapted to many diseases of Females, most especially painful menstruation. the virtues of Jacob's Cordial are too well known to require encomiums, 1st. IT ovss-rus wesT Cam or DraanA. 2d. Is curn -its woasT roats or DIWeIT. Sd. IT Ceun CAutoaxiA.o MEsWoAx DzAasuma. 4th. IT zasvas TIa sEzEmsvT Co. bth.IT Crama CHOLERA MoaBse. 6th. I3~ scat CnoL uu.A XIFANIX 7th. ITv crass PauL M ('STsLAioN. 8th. IT aUstZY PAIN IN BACK AXD Loes. 9th. IT oowT3aA0e NaavoWrZ5as ANa DaamwoflCoT. 10th. IT INTOnSr IaiEoULABITiN. 11th. IT DNsr.s GLOOMY AN EvsTzsIca. Fnuiixoe. 12th. It's ax AnxisAiS Toi. FEW8H0ET ETRATS FROM TESTINONIAis, "I-have used Jacob's Cordial in my .family, and have bnd It a most eiclent, and in my judgment, a valuable emedy"-lion. HriaA WAaza , Judge ofSupreme Court, leorgia. '- It ves me pleasureip .being able to recommend I- b's Cordlsj-my own personal experience, and the expe- lence of mneighbor and friends aroundne, Isa snfleeni parante fome to believe it to be all that it purports to be, is: A boyzams s airi."-W H.UnDUWoODFormer. iy Judge of Super Court, Cheroke Circnit. "I take great pleasure in recommending this iavasable medicine to all alhited with bowel diseases, for which I be. leve it to be a sovereign remedy-decidedly superior to any- hing.else ever tried by me."-A. A. Gauidixno, DeputyG. id of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. -' I have used Jacob's Cordial In my family, and tibs, with ill I hear aboht iWas a remedy by those who hale tried it, nduces me to believe that it stands at the head of every preparationof the kind, and would recommend its use in he disease for which it Is compounded."-Mn. mG. Don- ass, Cashier of the Bank of the State of Georgia, Griflin. " If there is any credibility in human testimony, Jacob's Cordial, must stand pre-eminent above all other preparations ror theeure of Bowel Disease. From the mw of testimony n its favor coming infrom all quarters, it inust be very far n advance, as a curative agent, of most if not all other ratettprep ios-A I *,.Cashier Marine and Fire Bance k, erifik. "This efficient rem y is travelling into celebrity as fast ms Donapartapushed his columns Into Russia, and ning ommendtlon wherever used."-Georpta J/dr For sale by G. L. PENN, Edgefield C. H., E. II. ADDY, Perry'rX Roads, Wellingham & Means, Beech Branch; JAs. P. RlcuaaDson, Richardson. Ville; B. WATSON Ridge-P. 0.: Joux M.,CLAaR, old Springs; T i. MaasnALr.& SON, Graniteville June6 6m 21 mportant to the Citizens ofEdgefleld! DR. DENNS' GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA! A.PJIIE & UNADULTERATED ARTICLE, FOR DISEASES-OF THE LIVER, 4201) NUN 2l!hZ U8hD. IlS SARSAPARILLA is made of-the Sara- .Lparilla which grows in the Southern States and nothing else. It has the natural Sarsaparilla taste. Its effect upon the system in All cases in which Sar- saparilla is indicated is wonderful. It is a great afeguard against diseases arising from a torpid state )f the Liver,-or impure state of the Blood. Generally, it acts upon the Bowels as a mild pur- rative or laxative. It not only mildly moves the Bowels, but gives tone to the system by restoring a henithy action in the Liver,and by freeing the blood rom its impurities.. For children it is a great preventive of worms and -supercedes the necessity of giving them so much worm medicine; at the same time it improves heir general health. A better and more useful medicine esanot be in- troduced into Edgefield District, either for profes- ional or fam.ily use, than the Georgia Sarsapar la. This Saruaparillo is not to bie sold ona commis- sion. Price, per bottle, S1-Six bottles $5. For sale by [ruggists generally. IC? Those ordering this article from Druggists or Commissions Merchants,.shmould express in their or- ers, Dennis' Georgia Sarsaparilla.- May 30, 1855.- 5mn______ 12 ROGERS? LIVERWPRT & TAR, Full TiHE COMPLETE CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS. INFLUENZA, ASTHalA, BRONCHflTIS,. SPITTING OF BLOOD, & ALL OTHER LUNG COMPLAINTS TENDING TO r IIIS reparaisl getting into use all over our country. Th numerous letters we receive from our varIous agents. Informing us of cures erfected in their immediste neighborhoods, warrant us in saying ila one of the beet, If not the cery beet Cough Mediclnes now before the public. It inont invariably reieree anmd ntot u -fequenmtly cures th.e ery wcorst cases. When all other Coug pearations have ailed, thIs hsa relieved the patIent, as druggss dealers in edicines, anmd physlcians can testify.- As ti e Agent In your nearest towun, what has been his experience of the ef- ects of this medleine. If ho has been sellIng It 'for any length of time he wilt tell you IT IS TiIE BEST MEDICINE EXTANT. Below we gIve a few extracts from letters we have receiv- ed laely regardinzg the virtues of this medicine. Dr. S. S. Unlin, of Knoxville, Ga.,says :-IhawbeestQn yor Li erarrt tlnd Tar veryj entensael in my pnaettee, orhree years paat, anud, it is with pleuSard I state myb.- licJfIa isa tUP*EalolTtY OVEa ALL O~lIEn AiTteLEs twith wchifA [ am aegiuainted,for ehicha it is recommended." Messrs. Fitzgerald & Benners, writing from Waynesville, N. C.. say :-"* The Licerscort and Tse is becomning daiiy mrepnopulakr in thie couty, anD wE TmK JuSTI.Y so. Alclteo haetried it speak In comrnaendable termS q{ it, andl say It is ee,-y bnftdil in alleetling the complaints f'or tchich it fe reommended."- Otr Agent in Pickene, S. C., Mr. S. E. McFall.-assnres us "that he use if qcith greatS benefit In htis own famIly, and re- o.r.nands It to his neighabors." H~e gives an instance of a negro woman, In his vieinity, who had been suffering wIth disease of the lungs for yea, attended with severe cough, who was relieved tby the Liverwort and Tar. Such are time good reports wc liear of this medicine from all parts of thme noumth. For a report of the surprising cures it hasp. rformed In the Western and Northern and Eastern Statee. we would In-vite the suafering patient to read the aplet which occomnpanies each bottle. To all, we say, TRY THE MEICINE! BE W A RNED IN SEASONI!! And neglect not that cough which is daily weaking your constituton, lrriating your throat and lungs, and iniviting . that dread disease, donsummption, when so soothing and Healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rodgers'8Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. - Beware of Counterfelts and Base Imitations. The genine article is signed Amnasw RoDGE~s, on the egraved' wrapper around each bottle. Price *1 per botle, or six bottles for $5. Sold wholesale andreailbySCOVIL & MEAD, 1-11. Charlres St. bet. Coni and St. Louis, N. 0. Bo.: Aozrsos vioa SotrrEERN Svarvs, to whom all or- ders and applications for Agencies must be addressed.' Sold also by G. L PENN, Edgeiteld C. It; WVARDLAW& LYON. Abbeville C. II.; T. C. R ISLEY. Laurenville. F. PRATT & C0., Newberry: HALYILAND. RlISLEY & Co., Augusta, Ga., and HASYLLAND, IIARRiALL & CO.,. Ch ars toni. April 1 y 12 To the Ladies, R~S. E. T. H A MILTON, take this meitod of informning the Ladies of E~dgeield Village and vicinity, that site has com- m'nced the .-. illinery and Dress-Making Business, at the Store formerly oeenpied by Mrs. Blaowrs.- No 6if . .44 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIEL.D DiSTRICT, IN COMMlON PLEAS. TOUN H. Ti~hi iY, who is now in the custody r)of the Sheriff of Edgefield flistrict, by virtue of a Writ of Capia. ad Satisfaciendum, at the suit of It. M. Fuller, having flied in my Office, together with a Schedule on oath of his estate and efets, his petition to the Court of Common Plens, praying that he may be admnitted to the benefit of the' Acts of the General -Assenibly made for the relief of insolvent debtors, It is ordered, that the said -R. M. Fuller and-all other creditors to whorn-the said John H. Terry is in anywise indebted, and they are hereby summoned and have notice to appear1I>eforie time said Court at Edgefleld C. H., on the first Mont- day in October next, or on some other convenient day to be set apart and appointed, duringtheeetting of thu said Court, to'show oswae, if any they cnn, why the prayer of the -petitioner aforesaid should utbgrne.THIOS. G. BACON, cc. '. p. Cerk's Office, Jline 18, 1855. 16t 23 'Notcees A Tat Persons itndebted to the Estate of Jacob B. 1Smith, are regne~sted to make payment, and all having demands againatthe same wIll hand them in propetly attested. BENJAMIN WALDO,- xos AuS GEO. A. ADDISON- Aug8 -tf*s 3 Flne TobacCO JUST reeived and opehed a-ine supply of ex- Uellent Tobacco. Try It.NN Juno 13 i 22 Notie Sli'ef'laibl~~ apglientin'will be made at thetbee **ioif h Legislature, for a e to incorporate the Edge6eid Village Baptist Chdrch. Aug15 3m 31. IMPORTfR~R OF" . FRENNCM BETISM .&,ERSAN DRY ES U 8E UUUU@V A 209 & 911 KING, .rOR.NER IATKETST. OA LaSTON, $.0. w EEP constantly on hand, and offer to their 11friends and the pubic -generally, .the largest assortment of.-- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods In the Southern States. Their Stock is coastsatl supplied with fullessortmeot er - Of-il the newest varieties of Style and Iabtle.. iSilks, Tissues, Bareges, Grenadines,. - Muslips, -Bombasian .Alpacas, and. eaing Goods of all kindsg Embreleriesand Lace Goods, of every variety.. Evening Dress Goods of-every desriptJoa. Gentlemens and Boys' Weaa:.. Cloths, Cassimeres, ' I nen Drio and Coatings; of best French .e- Satlnets, Tweeds, Jeans, &c. FOR FAMILY USE Rose, Whitney, and Bath BLANKETS, .. Red-and White Flannels, English and Ameriean Cotton Flannels,- French, English and American Printsemd Case ' bries, -elbrt- Linens, of -Richardson's celebrated ma, fi' Sheeting., Shirtings, Pillow Cases, Table Dnnsm; Doylies, Napkins, Todellings, B. L. adHuueka. back .Diapers, Fruit Cloths, Glas Cloths, Apran Linens, &o. . . , C A R P E T IN G . Ingrain, three Ply, Brussels, Tapestry and Velvet, British and Ameriean Floor Oil Cloths, Wilton Velvet and Auinster Rugs, White and Colored Mattings,of all widths, Stair Rods and Stair Carpeting., of al kinds.- Of every variety in SILK. SATIN and WORSTED. Curtain Cambrics and Muslin., Embroidered Lace and Muslin Curtains, - OiltCornioes, Curtain Gimps,*Holder*r,~ Tassels, Drapery Cords, Bel Ropes, e. - PLANTATION GOODS. - Blankets, Phiins, Keruefs, Caps, Ike. Cotton Osnaburgs,of all the bestSouthern makes.. ' All the above, with every other line of-DRY GOODS which can be 'demanded are of OU OWN DIRECT IMPORTATION, and an -offered at-the Lowest Market Prices for Cash, City acceptance. W The ONE PRICE SYSTEM is strictly ad- hered to. All Goods are warranted, and all-oind.s. filled with promptness'and the most erfiletten--- tion. BROWNING & ;LMAN.- Charleston, Jan. 25, 3ff 3 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFJEWDIWRICT 1N COMMON PLEAS. A BSALOMT. HODGdi, who Is now la.the eustody of.the Sheilof ' dgk6eId Distriet by virtue of a Writ of Capfus adSatisfacienddm, at the suit of John Colgan.having fided inmy Offieo together with a Schedule on. oa'of.is estate and ef'eots1 his petition to the Court . tmmonu Pleas, praying that he may be admitted to-?t eti of tl. General Assembly made fokih i'elif-iesbolveit debtors, It is ordered, that .the sid-John l an and all other creditors to whom the said Abs1ei T. Hodges, is in anywise indebted, are hereby summoned and have notice to' appear before the said Court at Edgefield Court House, on the 6E0t 4 Monday in October next, or on some other con?. - nient day to be set apart and appointed, during ihe - sitting of the said Court,:t9 show eause, If any they can..why theprayer ofthe.ptitioncrpforesaid kohnd I not b4 granted. THOS. G. BACON, c. c.. zn. Cle~tk's Office, June -18,1855. l6t I8 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN COMMON PLEAS. H ENRY I1. IA YSON, i'ho is In the custody. of the Sheriff of Edgefield Diatriet, by virtuew- of a Writ of Capias ad Satisfacicadum, at the sulimi of R. L. Wash, having filed in my Office, together r with a schedule on oath of his estate and efreetsr his- petition to the Court of Common Ples,. praying thaH- he my be admitte~d to'the benefit or the Acets of Iys General Assemzbly, made for the relief of inuolvent t debtors, It ls ordered, That the said R., L. Washa, and all other creditors to whom the said'HenrylH.. Mayson, is in anywise indebted, and they are herby,. summuoned and have notice to appear before lhe. said Court at Edge-feld C. H.,- on the first Monday- in October next, or on some other convenient day to be set apart atnd appointed during the situing-of' the said Court, to show cause, if any they -ean,.why.- the pray-er of the petitioner aforesaid should not-be-- granted. TiJOS. G. 3A CON, c. e.z. a. Clerk's Office, Jane 23,.1855. 15t 54 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, IN COMMON PLEAS.- 1WfOSES 11ARRIS, w~ho is now in the custly- of tho Sherifl'of Edgerild Distriet..,y virtue- of a Writ of Capias ad Satisfacieudum..at the' suit of Sydney S. Boyee, haiving filed in myo oce,. together'with a Schedule on oath of his estate and ereets, his petition to the Court of tommon PIiiss, praying that he may be admitted the'besiefit of the'Acets of the General lAsitably, made for- the~ relief of insolvent debtors, It is ordeed, thst't'b. said Sydney S. lkoyce and all cather creditors t6 whota the a-aid Moses flarris is inanjwise indebted, and they are hereby summh~ned and have 'notice40t appear before the said Court at Edge~eld C.'ILea the first Mlonday in October nezt, oo some-ethet. convenient day to be set apart ant appointed durig' the sitting of the said Court, to show cause, If any they can, why the prayer of the said petition afote- aisodnot.be granted. TiIOS. G. BACON, c. c.:,D. Clerk's0Ofice, June 18,1855. l6t '23 ST'ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELI) DISTRICT, IN COMMON PLEAS. BENJAMbIN L. RA BRN who i in tie cus-- LPtody -of the tiheiftof -~gfil District by virue of a Writ of Capies ad Saisfaieiuduusi at. the soit of John Hill, Administrator of Caleb Mit- obell, having filed -in m3~ Officee, together witra- Schedule on oath of his estate and effects, his peti-- tion to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he. may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the- General Asemably, made for the relief of insolvent debtors, It is ordered, that the said John Hill, Adm'or of Caleb Mitehell, and all other creditors to whom the said Benj. L. Raborn is anywise -In-- debted, and they are hereby summoned and have notice to appear before the said Court at Edgelgd C. II.; on the first Mfonday in Octobernext~4r some other convenient day to be set apart and appointed during the sitting of the said Court, to shoWr cause,, if any they'enn, whty the prayer ofth'o aid~p titiio- er aforesaid should not be granted. THOS. G. BACON, cuci. .. 'CeksOffice, .1n 18, 1855. .36- 13 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA; -EDGEFIELD DISTRIt1f, iN COMMON PLEAS. W ILLIAMl I1. CRAWFOtWi who is now ls tla- custody of the Sheriff of Edg- eld'Dils- rict, by virtue of a Writ of Crapiaze .d atisfaei- endum at the suit of John L. D~oby, having litta hI nly bffi5c, together with a Schedule on oath''o his estate and effects, his, petition to the Court 4f Common Pleas, praying that he bmaybe admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General Assembly, made for the relief of insolvent debtors, It is or- dred, that the said John L.DIoby ad all other creditors, to whom the saId 'Willis. CI!Wibd . is in anywise indebted, and they-are , yh smn- moned! and have notice to appear befote te mid Court at Edgefield C. HI. 00 the. flst Monday in October next,- or on some otherconvelet day to be set apart and appointed'durimig the sitting of the Court, to show edesse f any thy.ean why the raned BACON, c. o. 3.. graerk's ffOeJune18, 1855. let6 23 Nogr~OOIthfad Blankets, -UST peceived by the Undersigme4a-largtettouk tof NEGRO CLOTHS and Whit. and Grey Negro BLANKETS, to whieh the-sttentlonet-the Planters is respectfully invited. Thme above -Goods will be sold at very low prices. SE~ Augusta-, Aug 13 tf-. : St' -LL.Persons havingdemands uginitthepState of Win. H. Adams, deo'd.,aeluistnI~ed to present thie same, proely attested, tar pqments and those who jaeded to the Estate, are res enestea to ma'kle.pagnienit to E. PENNi, Adator. Ja..4 om - ' 's

famcsf' rtmd

mESSS. COLTER & S OTER, dtors.

"" t idle Aabition her.beubles rat.-While Wisdom looks down Wi disdain,

The home of the farmer has oharms ever new,Where hesih, peace and competence reign."

-..OURlSELVES.Wa will- be crowded out of the old ship

"Advertiaer" for the next month. There are

so many less important matters to be attendedto, (which pay better though) that we are

admonlihed to be patient for a month atleaits After which time, for a season,,wewill make oar monthly visits to our readers.However it is well enough, as -ae have butlittle'to do at'this season in agriculture, save

the. gathering of crops. As we have -workede's-readers all out of the grass, and haveirade for them better crops than they ever

had before our department was introducedhNo'the paper, we cannot but congratulatethem on the progress they have made insclentiic; agriculture,-nor shond this re,

mark remind them of the speech made by a

o Lain By when -riding on the axle of thestag coah.

WORE FOR' OCTOBER.Corroy of course is the all-absorbing

f ase on.the docket. i.Pick it out as fas1as possibW so as to have-it free. from trastaid to prevent stain from storms,&c. Han.die-add gin carefully, and pack neatly, andhapltoanarket while the roads are good, and.lie sure and sell it as fast as you can get 1(or 12 cents,-and don't forget the printer.Corn should now be gathered and stored

as-ay in the shuck.~Turnips must be kept clean from grass by

hoeing or hand weeding.Sow barley, rye or wheat, or mixture ol

these freely, to keep the colts and calves ingeod order during the winter.

Prepare to sow large crops of oats andwheat,-one acre of either well put in isbetter than two half done.

Gather all the peas you possibly can, forthey will be scarce as ever next spring.

Potatoes should be dug the day before the4zrs killing frost. Cut some of the vine!and bank them as soon as cut, as-you wouldtliepota'toes, for early transplanaing the nexiseason. Save seed also from the blooms,which are in small podse, to sow early in thespring. Also remember to make hay of thevines-by curing them wvell.- for stock iniwinter.Save also your pinder ines for the mileb

cows-and dont forget -to make choice but-Ler and cheese.Of course every good farmer will not

fbrget to fatten well, enough of hjis stocihog tQ fili bis own smoke-house and havesome to spare for market.

-, Corres-pondence of the Carotinian.THE GREAT GEORGIA FAIR.

*- ATLANTA, GA. Sept. 15, '855.We have spent a hot, disagreeable, dusty

weelt here, in the midst of the immens4crowd which havei thronged every habitabhlglace about ths great Southern thoroughfareduring the Georgia State Fair, which hasclosed to-day. Mingling.- with the peoplethere is much to bo seen and more to hiheard. -Georgia is now in a hubbub of po.litical heat. Every thing is boiling in thepolitic~al cauldron, and the material is likelyfemake no savory mess. Maine Liquor Law,.Know Nothing,. Union-loving -RepublicarDemocracy, represented by Overby, Andrews and Johnson, the Gubernatorial can-didates, are all throwing out their over-exci.ted-attractions, and the very atmosphere isredolent with the follies of a contest whielihas no principle at stake. 'The Knowv Noth-ings makue a hard fight, but privately give upthe contest, as the faction is nearer its gas;in Georgia-than the papers would lead us tcbeliewe.'But enough of this kind of news, for we

-N$ down to scrawl you a line enneerninaother- industry than that which is bestowecon political machinery here. The Jubilee olthe Georgia Agriculturists has been well at-tended, but in most departments has tallerfar short of the fairs of other years.- Thishas been the result of the inauspicious timeselected, and the intense heat, which resuluifrom a drought prevailing here, which preiented much fine stockifrom being presentedTiue showv of Devons urats contributed alto,gether by Mur.' Peters, and draughts muudefr his celebrated stock, as well as thr.swe,-which consisted of the Berkshire andEssex breeds. Our old friends, Cols. J. WWatts and J. .M4. Young. (formerly of Laurens, but now -of Cass county, Georgia,contributed Durhams from stock from ColWade Hampton's and Col.1. D. Williamsher'ds, -which were a decided improvemenupon this class of former years. Col. Wattwas strong in Merino, Cotswold and broadtailed sheep; whilst Mr. -Peters showeda pn of superb South-Downs.

In the animal way, nothing attracted one

ttihe attention of the celebrated Cashmere goats, and their grades. All sorts o

remarkable pricess were offered and refuse4by the proprietors of -this great woolhetstock. Specimens of useful- fabrics of domestic make, manufactured from their wool-were .on exhibition, conclusively showin1that they are likely to become a standar<aniiml in the South.-

In the fruit department there was a mos

soperb show. Fine apples, pears, plums, an

gespes, shedding a, luscious -tint over thfruit Ihall,,made it the place of general attraction. We observed splendid specimenof grapesegrown under glass; from the grape-of your generous townsman, Capt..Lyons

which caused beautifel liii. to long foretl-in this modern garden of Hesperides

They were complisneadW with two premi.ums. The Catawba grapes of Mr. Charlekit, of Washington, Georgia, coualusivel'fotohadow that the whole of the middle an<

pper sountry of Georgia and South Caroilu.will become great wine-bearing Gleld&

Rr, it received an extraordinary premiumin the shapeof a large silver wine pitcherss testkn'onial of his energy and remarksfie suce We never drieamed tlhhY tbhCumatab rape could he bronght to suol

perfection.- Several new apples of rarwmerit and beauty were presented by ama-

tears, and we observed a superb native ap-ple from Old Lexington, called the "Hloo-sier," which received the highest ensdainmaof the fruit committee.- In the field crops and grain 'departmentthe show was meagre, sa.it is too early formuch display in that line.-The ladies' department -ws to them the

centre of attraction. Mrs. Rowland, a finespecimen of the up country Carolina house-wife, received a large number of premiumsfor domestic fabrics of general utility. Sheis the lady of Maj. Rowland, the whole.souled proprietor of the Rowland Springs,and in Georgia sets a good example of whatCarolina mothers can do. Thegreat achieve.ment of the ladies' hall,,was a silk quilt,.con-tributed by Mrs. Dr. Fair, of Colombia, S.C. For richness of material, elegance ofdesign, and beautiful execution in- needle-work, nothing can excel this quilt, whichseems only made to be .the drapery for thecouch of a fairy, or any of the lovely daugh;ters of the .ioutb who shed the radiance oftheir beauty over this fair Southern land.In our bachelor's state, of solitary exiEtendd,itwill not do to dwell further upon this deli-cate fairy land. A gentleman from Mont-gemery laid violent hands upon it, promisingto retura It with a premium from the Ala-bama State Fair, .next month. It receivedthe highest premium given here for its classof work.- We could tell you of other mar-vels, which met our eyes in industry and art,but our pen is wearied of its tastk. -

* We observed Col. Summer and Capt.Dantzler in attendance, on' behalf of 'theExecutive Committee of our State Agricul.tural Society, as well as Col. W. H. Robert-son, Gen. Aiken, Messrs. Rabb and Robert-son, who were delegates from the FairfieldDistrict Society. Dr. Bachman, the veteeanin science and natural history, was alsohere, and seerned entirely interested in thisgreat industrial exhibition.

EDGEFIELD.From the Plough, the Loom, and the Atbril.


Massas. EDTOUS :--Perhaps there isnothing of so much importance, that is somuch neglected by the fanmer, as the prac.tice of keeping a diary, or farm register, anda strict account of all his receipts and ex-

penditures. How many farmers are therewithin the circle of yobr acquaintance, whocan tell how much money they have receiv-ed during the year, and for what; whetherthe profits, if any, have been derived fromtheir corn, hay, or wheat, from their horses,cattle, or hogs, and upon which they sus-tamed a loss; whether their crops have beenworked in due season, and with a judiciouseconomy in every particular; how muchcorn, or its equivalent, it.will take to pro.duce a pound of beef or. pork, and whatmethod or feeding will give the greatest re-turn. I fear that,.upon examination, thenumber- found who could answer there ques-tions correctly would we few indeed. Andwhy is it so? One .reason is, the carelessand shifdless manner in which farmers gene.rally maanage every thing connected withfarm work. What would you say of themerchant who followed his business in such amnanner; some branches or his business beiingattended with a certain loss, and unknownto him, solely because he neglected to keepa strict accouiit upon each branch t Youwould say, that he would be obliged to sellout, sooner or later, to save the eherifF thetro~uble. But the merchant, even in oursmall county towns deems it indispensableto success in business to keep an accurateaccount of every transaction. Then let thefarmer adopt sucht a course. Let him keepan accurate account of his receipts and ex-peiiditures, profit and loss, upon each iteni,and every branch of his business, or withevery field. Lot him carry a small book inhis pocket, and daily note down the variousitems of work for each day, together withsuch practical suggestions as may occur tohis miind ; anid, my word for it, lhe will findhimself much the gainer in a pecuiuiary pointof view, while he secures, alo, much gratifi-cation and pleasure in a review of his laborfromn year to year. The -farmer would thenkntow at a glance from what crops, whatclass of animals, and what course of manage.menat, he receives the greatest profits, and onwhat he sustains loss. Would not this he aknowledge of the greatest benefit determin.ing his course for the futurei Let this prac.tiee become general, and the b~enefits arisin"from it would soon be mnanifest in the im-proved condition of the farmting community.Trhey would be seen in the greater interestwhich would be awakened in those whonow follow in the same old, beaten pathsIwhich their fathers trod, and who keep noaccounts except such as they record withchalk. We should then see a desire on thepart of farmers to possess a "little farm, welltilled," rather thani to add acres to their al-ready large estate, which has been renderedunproductive by shailow plowving, scantymanuring, and a hurried cultivation. Weshould then see agriculture taking that standwhich its merits demand. J. W. A.

MEASUREMRNT OF CORN IN TIlE CRIB.-After levelling the co'ln, multiply the lengthand breadth of the house together, and theproduct by the de'pth, which will give thecutbic feet of the biulk of corn; then dividethis first product by 12, and the quotientwill be the number of barrels of shelled corncontained in the house or crib. If there bea remainder after the division, it will be somany twelfths of a barrel of shelled cornover.Ej.xample-12 feet long

11 feet broad

.1326 feet deep

12)79266 barrels of shelled' corn5 bushels in -a barrel

330 bushels of shelled corn.




Curtaina lmaterlals and TrImmIngs,234 EIGBEBoATRO,8 C.gP. S.-Orderv promiptly attended to. 3

FOR THE LADIES?E haveohand grtvty of Colegues,

VHandkerchief Extacts Toilet Powders andan assortment of Fancy and Toilet Soap,;Pomiades. Pure Bears Oil, Hair Tonies, Restora-

tives, and Hair Dye;Preston Bialts and Aromatic Vinegar;Cream of Beay, Carnation Rouge,, Hair Do-

"ltr~etoalof which the attention of thediess-ve 11yinvited. For sale by -

A. G. & T. J. TEAGUJE, Druggist.Maw 23 tf 19


HE TWENTY-FOURTH Course of Lecturesin this Institution will commene the first

Monday ii November next.

Faculty:Anate'y-G. M. NEWTON, M. D.Surgery-L. A. DUGAS, M. D.Chemistry and Pharmacy-A. MEANS, M. D.Materia Medics, Therapeutics and Med. Juris-

arudenoe:-I. P. GARVIN, M. D.'Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Infants-

I. A. EVE. M. D.Physiology and Pathological Anatomy--H. V.M.MILLER, M. D.Institutesand Praotice of Medicine--L. D. FORD,M. D.Surgical, Comparative and Miceosoopical Anato-my-I. F. CAMPBItLL, M. D.Demonstrator of Andtomy-. CAMPBELL,Kf. D.. .

Assistant Deionstrator-. D.SIMMONS, M. D.Prosector to Professor of Surgery-JURIAK

-fARRIS, M. Da -

Clinical Lectures wjll be delvered regularly atthe City Hospital, qpd ample opportunities will be

affrded for the s ofPracticalAnatomy.Fees for the entire Course............$105 00Matriculation Ticket.(to be taken once).. 5 00For foither particulars, apply to -

G. M.. NEWTON, DEAx.,Augusia, July 23 - 2 ' 28

Sheriifs Sale.BY Virtutef Sundry writs of Fl. Fa., to me di-rected, I shall riroeed- to sell on the irst

Monday in October .eext, at Edgefield C. H., thefollowing property, in the following cases, viz:Pleasant Johnson, .dm'or.,.vs William Quarles,

David Quarles and William Strom, Ohe Tract ofLand, containing One hundred and nheteeu (119)acres, more or less, adjoining lands M .. Briggs,Lee Holston .and' others-the property of DavidQuarles..J. B. Talley, Adm'or, vs. James Wood, David

Quarles and William StrombSr.y The same TractofLand described above.Robert W. Adams,for another, vsPlekens Adamsand John Quattlebum, One Tract of Land contain-

ing One hundred (100) acres, more or less; adjoin-ing lands of Jobn B. Hamilton and others, the pro-

pety of ille Defendant Pibkens Adams.latrick Moore is Washington Freeman; Various

other Plaintiffs vs. The-Same; One Lot of Land atLiberty Hill, containiug Sixteen acres, more or less,adjoining J. C. Coursey, Dr. Wm. T. West and

others.John zHuiet vs. Richard Berry, One Tract of

Land containing One hundred (100) acres, more or

less, adjoining lands of Luke Culbreath, RichardHardIy and others.

A. 1. Rambo and D. J. Walker vs Oliver Simp-son,' M. O. Kimbrel and William- Kimbrel, OneTract of Land containing One hundred and sixty-six (166) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of theS. C. Paper Manufacturing Company.

R. J. liankinson vs. John S..Randall ; Robert J.Butler vs The Same. One Tract of Land contain-

ingTwo Hundred and ifty two (252) acres, more or

less, adjoining lands of Joseph Coenahan, DavidPowell and others.Hickman, Westcot & Co. vs Rich. T. Parks, One

Negro man Lewis.Thomas Swearengin. vs. Susan Cloud, Ex'ix,

One Tract of Land containing One hundred (100)acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Samuel Po-sey, Wm. Toney and others. the property of theEstate or William Cloud, dee'd.

lary Moyer vs John Autry and Mary Autry ;The Same vs The Same; Elijah Watson, bearer, vs

John Autry ; Other Plaintiffs vs The Same, OneTract of Land containing Two hundred and fifty(25U) acres, more or less, adjoining lands of B. T.Boatwright, Jackson Holmes and the Estate of WmBush, dec'd.Term. Cash. LEWIS JONES,.. a. u.Sept 5 4 te 35


EDGEFIELD DISTRICT.Harriet Banks, Applicat,1Julius Banks, Guardian tum ainPr

adlitem, fur minor ehil-dren ofsam. Banks, de'dJ.

BY Virtue of an order from UI. T. Wright, Esq.,LIOrdinary of Edgefield District, in the above

stated case, I shall proceed to sell on the first Morn-day in October next, at Edgefleld C. H1. the realestte of Samuel Banks, dee'd.. consisting of

TWO TRACTS OF LAND,One containing Sixty(60) acres, more or less, wherethe said Samuel Banks lived at the time of hisdeath, adjoining lands of John C. Simkins, DredWarren and others.The other Tract, known as the " Piney -Woods

Tract," contains One hundred (100) acres, more orless, bounded by lands of Josiah Padgett, DredWarren and others.TERMS-A credit of twelve months. Purchasers

will be required to give bond with ample security,and a mortgage of the premises to thme Ordinary, tinsecure the purchase inolwy. Custs to be paid in

ash.LEWIS JONES, s. a. D.Sept 5 4te 35



K.sI.JnigSum. in Partition.M. E. Jennings anid others.

BYVirtue of an order from H. T. Wright, Esq.,Ordnary of Edgefleld D~istrict. in the abovc

stated case, I shall proceed to sell on the first Mon-day in October next, at Edgefleld C. 1I., the realestate of Sampson Jenninirs, dee'd.,consisting of

ONE TRACT OF LAND,containing Two hundred (200) acres, more or l.ess,situated in Edgefield District, on the waters ofDailey Creek, bounded by lands of the etate ofJsse Jennings. Nathaniel Corley and others.Tsus.-A eredit of twelve months with interest

from date. Purchasers will be required to give bondwith ample saourity, and a mortgage of the premisesto the Ordinary to secure the purchase money. Coatsto be paid in cash.


Sept 5 4to 35

Clock Repairing ITHE Subscriber would respectfully infrorm the

citizeits of Edgefield Village and vicinity, thathe has taken the House formerly occupied by M~rs.R. Gray, opposite the Planters Hotel, for the pur-pose of car rying oni the -

CLOCK REPAIRING BUSINESS.All work enatrusted to hi. care will be attended towith neatness and despatch. ie will alsmo give hisattention to the REPAIRING OF FURNITURE.Hic warrants satisfaction to all, and solicits a liberalpatronage. WM. LEWIS.Jan10o tf '52



D. P. Self and J. P. Setf,,vs

Jeff'erson Sturkey and wifeLucyIand others.

ITapeaingto my satisfaction that Levi Fulmoreadhsto minor children, Ers and Pressley,

reside beyond the limits of this State, It is thereforeordered that they do appear and object to the divi-sion or sale of the Real Estate of M~ary Self, dee'd.,on or before the lst day of December next, or theirconsent to the same will be entered of record.Given under my hand at my Office, this 10th

Sept 1855. HI. T. WRIGHT, o. s. a.Ordinary's Office, Edgefield C. 11.Sept 12 3m 35

Notice.ALL~Persons having demands againstthe Estat.

of B. R. Addison, drc'd., are requested topresent themi properly attested to the undersigned,to whoin also those Indebtid to the Estate are re-quired to make prompt payment.

G. L. PENN,Adin'or with the Will annexed.

May 9 tf 17

NoticeIS.Hereby given that application will be made te

Lthe next Legislature for the Charter for a PublieRoad from the Aiken Rload, at or near Posey'sBridge. to intersect thme Ridge Road at or near Mar-tin McCarty's.Aug8 - 3m .



ALLJ Persons having any just demaniids againstthe-estate of G. W. Reams, deo'd., will pre-met them to the Subscriber, in the Ordinary's cole.

at Edgefleld C. H., on the 25th day of Novembernext, to receive payment. Those failing to do sowill be bared out.. .IC. HOLLO VAY, Adm'r.Aug- 3-mn 2



T HE attention of the Planters of EdgeJUSTLY CELEBRATED and VER

PLOWISI have.purchased the right for Edgefield DistEdgefield C. H., -and also of RoBINso & JI

From Certificates in my possession, I amRIOR FOR ALL PURPOSES.- Its durabisoiling our old worn out lands, makes it the

OST DESIRABLE P07 Any perhon wishing to'try them can d

may returnthem without,charge&EDGEFIELD C. H., Sept. 12, -1855.LEAVIT'S PREMIUM PORTABLE


AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.AVING receied .the Sole Agency for theState of South-Carolina, for the.above cele-

brated Mills, conceded on all hauds.to be the great-eat economisersand labor-saving articles of the day,the Subscriber is desirous of establishing -Sub-Agen-ies for their sale in every District of the State.Prices within the reach of every farme- inathe land:ranging- from fifty to one hundred dollars, accordingto power, size and quality. No better investmentcan be made by the Planters of this or any otherState, either for profit or convenience and no far-mer should be without them, nor would they be, ifthey were aware of their value and utility.

A. 8.-LANGLEY,General Agent for the State.

July 2, 6m 25

Carpenter's Sheet SystemOF Cutting Lsdies'. Dresses and Gentlemen's

Coats and Sacks,-also, Vests Pantaloons andGaiters,. together with Youths, boys and GirlsGarments of all kinds and styles, will be taught toLadies and Gentlemen by a

Few Plain, Easy and Simple Rules,Sosas to learn them to cut with EASE and SKILL

anfthe above mentioned Garments.TeCopyright of this State lhns been assigned to

Gao. S. McN KIL. & Co., of ,this place.Persons wishing to ai all themselves of this Sys-

tem or wanting informatIon willeall or leave thieir"orders at Mrs. McNan.'s Milliner Establishment.

GEO. S. McNEIL & CO.Edgefield C. II., May30J.y20

Lightning Conductors,T~IlOSE of our citizens, who desire to protect

Itheir houses, barns, &c., from lightning, woulddo well to try OTIS' IMPROVED) PA-TENTLIG11TNING CONDUCTORS. By applicationto the subscriber, Agent at this plnce, they can pro-cure these rods and all ,necessary fixturea, anad,what js more, have them well put up, all at moder-ate charges. These Conductors have been placedover the Court House and Jail by the Commission-era of Public Buildings. They are the best, decided-ly, yet invented.

S. S. BOYCE, AGENT.April 4 .tf 12.

Hardware and Cutlery.3 '30 ALlL our old friends, we would say, see areI thankul for past favors, and to all oth...a whomay wish Goods in our line ;-call and see us also,or send your orders. We will make every effort(and it is notorious of the Goods we keep) to give"general satisfaction." Our prices SHALL bein accordance with the times ; always assuring our~customers to s'ell them at the LOWEST MAR.EKT PRICES.We have now in Store a fine Stoek and are re-

eiving weekly. Amongst which may be round,50 Tons Band and Iloop IRON,

250 " Sweed " assorted,150 " English " "

200 Smith BELLOWS, all qualities,500 Kegs" Peru" NAILS,50 Tuna CASTINGS,-100 Dozen Door LOCKS,100 " Ifad "

.500 " TII,thest, Draw and Trunk Locks,100 " AXES, Collins, Levette's and other

makes,10 " Superior BROAD AXES,

500 " HOES, all qualities.To enumerate is too tedious. We have the Goods

and want to sell them.We keep all things necessary -for Mills of- every

style, Corn Shellers, Straw Cutters, Vices,Anvils, Smith Tongs, Circular, Hand,and all other kind of Saws, Screwand Bales, Knives and Forks,PocketKnives, Scissors,

Shears, Screws,Bolts, Spirit Levels,

Guages, Candlesticks, Planes,HorseShoes and Nails, Brushes,

Coffee Mills, Halter, Tratce.Stretch,Log, Breast. Cbntinnedl and Fifth Chains,

Rope, Fileq of all kinds, a beautiful Lot ofGuns, of all qualities, Pistols, Percussion Caps,Curry Combes, Game and Shot.Bags, PowderFlasks, Dram Flasks, Sand and Waflle Irons, Bracesand Bitts, Augers, Chisels, Hammers, DrawingKnives, Mortars, Kettles, Stew Pans, &c., &o.

ROBINSON & JACKSON.Hamburg, Dec 4 if 47


THE Undersigned would cull the attention of thecitizens if Edgefieldand Abbeville Districts

to their INI1RM ARY for SICK NEGROES andthose requiring SUJRG1CAL OPERATIONS.While the completeness of our arrangements

afiords to the patient every comfort, it also enablesas to render mere efficient treatment to ChronicCases, than can genieraily be secured in ordinaryprivate practice. Our special accommodations forthe management of Chronic diseases of females, socommon In Negroes, arc ample and complete.

Terms.For Nursing, Boarding and Lodging, pr mon. $10For Treatmen,-The ordinary rates of praclice.92' Communiqations addressed to us at this place

will mest with prompt attention.H.F. CAMIPBELL, Surgeon,R. CAMPBELL, Attending PhysIclan,

Augusta, A pril 30 tf 16

LLCaution to all,LL Persona in anywise indebted to the Subseri.tbers, eIther individually or collectIvely.nare

hereby forewarned to settle up at an early date,otherwise they will certainly have to settle wIth anAttorney. We have a large amount of money toraise in a trivetn time, and ave necesearrily compelledto pursue this course. Take heed, therefore, all yewho are interested. J. HI. JtENNINGS,

W. D. JENNINGS.SeptO6 i 34

Shoes, Shoua, Shoes IJ UST opened this day a fine selection of Ladles'

Black and Colored Gaiter., Kid Slippers andWlking Shoes-also, Misss' Colored Slippers, by

Rt. II. SULLIVAN.June377 f 24

Mortars, Jroni and Wedgewood,PILL TILES, Graduate #Ioasures, Spatulars and

Putta Knive,-for sule byA. G. AT. J. TERAGUB, Druggist.

May 23 'if 19




Feld District is respectfully called to thisY VALUABIJ .

TOCK!rit, and they can be had at my SHQP atKxsoN, Hamburg,$. C., at $5,50 per Stock.warranted in. saying that it has NO SUeP-ity, together with its peculiar 'itness for sub.


so, and if they do not answer the purpose,S. F. GOODE.

f -- 35

REMOVAL!TIE Subscriber takes this opportunity of inform-ing his friends, that he has removed to the

NEW BRICK STORE adjoining the Store of B.C. Bryan, where he has just opened a LARGEVARIETY of new articles in his various branchesof Trade. HIe intends keeping in the

Drug and Medicine Department,A full supply of every article that is in commonuse by the Profession, which will be constantly under the inspection of Dr.. Bland, Abney, Mims andBurt; and if an article-is-reported to be impure itwill not be offered for sale. Dr. M. W. Abney hastaken an Offiee in the second Story of the building,and winl give nye the benefit of his experience inCompounding Medicines and preparing prescrip-tions, and having been six years engaged in the bu-siness, I flatter myself, with these ample arrange.menis. I shall receive a liberal share of the patron-age of Physicians, families, and the public generally

In the Grocery DepartmentEVERY TUI'NG will be kept that is usually found.in a Fancy Family Grocery Store. In the

Department of Books, Stationary, &c.,Will be found a full supply of Standard SchoolBooks, Bibles, Hymn Books, Fools Cap, Letter andNote Paper, with almost every article in this linewill be kept constantly for sale.In the Confectionary Department,May always be found a much larger assortment of

Candies, Fruits, Pickles. Ketchupa, Sauces, &c.,than has aver been offered for sale in this place. Intruth, this is to be ii Store of good things, and it isloped will be considered a great convenience, andtherfore be largely patronized.

G. L. PENN, Agent.Dec20 . tf. 49

Look at This!Carriages, Carriages,Buggies, .Buggies,&c., &c. &c., &e.

TIIE Subscriber still carries on the Carringe bu-siness at the old stand of A. BusnaaL, and

wold say to tho people of the D strict that theymay at all times find a good assortnment ofCARRIAGES AND BUGGIES

n hand, of his own mnanufacture, that will be soldto good punctual customer. on as reasonnble ternmsas they can he bought in any Southern market.I have secured the services of Mir. A. l~sHXNELL,

fr the present year, and from his long exp~ericncein the Carriagu business,. I think that purchasersmay expect satiernoetion itn their work.

JOhIN LEIGII..N.. .-i am also prepared at all times to furnishCOFFINS and hIlEARSE for any portioni of theDistrict att the shortest notice.


W ILL stn the ensuing seasonaTVat MY STAB3ILE about one

mile from Edgefield C. II., at 815the season and $25 insurance. Alllares sent will be considered by the seadon, unless

some instructions to the contrary shall accompanythem. Se~ason to end 10th November.Gaanble was bred by Col. 1naa, of Galantin,

Tennessee, and was six years old last Spring. Hewassired by Imp. Sovereign, his dam was Celerityby Imp. Leviathan. Celerity's darn was Patty Pull'by Paeolet; Patty Puff's dam was Rosa Clack.For Pedigree and pierfornmucees GAM1BLE will

compare with the best horses of his riay. lie com-bines strength and action with fleetness and enda-rance. lie ran in ('hatrleston in February 1853 thebest race of two nmile heats ever run over the course,and but for an unavoidable aocident would havedistinguished -himself as a four miler.gJ" I will feed and pasture Mlares at forty-five

cents a day, but will not take upon myself any re-sponsibility fornecidenta or escapes.

.TlIOS. G. LBACON.Au88t 30

IS IAreg ivnt lcnend that a fnalIeteetwil emdeo h 4Monlay inDeember next, in the Ordinary's Office, at Edge-field C.11I., on. the Estate of William Dobe'y, dee'd.

All persons indebted will pl-ase make paymlent bythat time, and those having demands- will presentthem by the same time.-

W. E. DOPDEY, Ad'or.Sept 5 3m 34

Noticetlemnent will be made on thte estate of .John

Crawford, dee'd., in the Ordinary's Office, at Edge-leld C. I1., on thme 2d Mlonday in December next.All personsinadebted will make pnyme~nt by the ahov'etie, and thoswe having demands will present thenmby the same time.-

FR EMAN H. ROPER, Adm'or.Sept 5 3m 34

Look Out,A-.LL those that are indebted to the Subscriber

on small notes or accounts. Money must come- . W. CLARY.

Sept 5 4t 34-

BOOTS ANDB8ROE8.TpHIE Subscribor having lonted permanently in

Jthe Store next door to Mr. R. H1. SULLIVAx, isprepared to make to order fine

BOOTS AND SHOES,At the shortest notice, and of the very BEST MA-TERlA L.He hopes by faithful work .and close attentiont to

business to be able to please all who may fsvor himwith their patron age.

I will refer to Mr. S. F. Goons, who is my guar-dian, in all amatters of business.

BERRYMAN KEMIP.July 18 tf 27

ON th Roadbetween Edgefield Village and myhouse on Salada River, on Tuesday last, a

small POCKET DIARY, with a nemorantdum ofweator, 4o., and oontaining 'about One HundredDollars in Bank Bil.A liberal reward will be pid for the delivesyof

thesame to me, or to Mr. W.P. Butler, at l~g-field Village. A. L. DEARING.,uly 10 --.tf 26

Flavoring Extracts.A. LARGEvariety-for sale by -AtA G. &. T. J. TEAGUE, Druggists.May.3onf 19



tdmirably adapted to many diseases of Females,most especially painful menstruation.

the virtues of Jacob's Cordial are too well knownto require encomiums,

1st. IT ovss-rus wesT Cam or DraanA.2d. Is curn -its woasT roats or DIWeIT.Sd. IT Ceun CAutoaxiA.o MEsWoAx DzAasuma.4th. IT zasvas TIa sEzEmsvT Co.bth.IT Crama CHOLERA MoaBse.6th. I3~ scat CnoLuu.A XIFANIX7th. ITvcrass PauLM ('STsLAioN.8th. IT aUstZY PAIN IN BACK AXD Loes.9th. IT oowT3aA0e NaavoWrZ5as ANa DaamwoflCoT.

10th. IT INTOnSr IaiEoULABITiN.11th. IT DNsr.s GLOOMY AN EvsTzsIca. Fnuiixoe.12th. It's ax AnxisAiS Toi.

FEW8H0ET ETRATS FROM TESTINONIAis,"I-have used Jacob's Cordial in my .family, and havebnd It a most eiclent, and in my judgment, a valuableemedy"-lion. HriaA WAaza , Judge ofSupreme Court,leorgia.'- It vesme pleasureip .being able to recommend I-b's Cordlsj-my own personal experience, and the expe-lence of mneighbor and friends aroundne, Isa snfleeniparante fome to believe it to be all that it purports to be,is: A boyzams sairi."-W H.UnDUWoODFormer.iyJudge of Super Court, Cheroke Circnit."I take great pleasure in recommending this iavasablemedicine to all alhited with bowel diseases, for which I be.leve it to be a sovereign remedy-decidedly superior to any-hing.else ever tried by me."-A. A. Gauidixno, DeputyG.idof the Grand Lodge of Georgia.-' I have used Jacob's Cordial In my family, and tibs, with

ill I hear aboht iWas a remedy by those who hale tried it,nduces me to believe that it stands at the head of everypreparationof the kind,and would recommend its use in

he disease for which it Is compounded."-Mn.mG. Don-ass, Cashier of the Bank of the State of Georgia, Griflin." If there is any credibility in human testimony, Jacob'sCordial, must stand pre-eminentabove all other preparationsrortheeure of Bowel Disease. From themw of testimonyn its favor coming infrom all quarters, it inust be very farn advance, as a curative agent, of most if not all other

ratettprep ios-A I *,.Cashier Marine and FireBance k, erifik."This efficient rem y is travelling into celebrity as fastmsDonapartapushed his columns Into Russia, and ningommendtlon wherever used."-Georpta J/drFor sale by G. L. PENN, Edgefield C. H., E.II.ADDY, Perry'rX Roads, Wellingham& Means,Beech Branch; JAs. P. RlcuaaDson, Richardson.

Ville; B. WATSON Ridge-P. 0.: Joux M.,CLAaR,old Springs; T i. MaasnALr.& SON, GranitevilleJune6 6m 21

mportant to the Citizens ofEdgefleld!DR. DENNS'



IlS SARSAPARILLA is made of-the Sara-.Lparilla which grows in the Southern States andnothing else. It has the natural Sarsaparilla taste.Itseffect upon the system in All cases in which Sar-

saparilla is indicated is wonderful. It is a greatafeguard against diseases arising from a torpid state)fthe Liver,-or impure state of the Blood.Generally, it acts upon the Bowels as a mild pur-rative or laxative. It not only mildly moves theBowels, but gives tone to the system by restoring a

henithy action in the Liver,and by freeing the bloodrom its impurities..For children it is a great preventive of wormsand -supercedes the necessity of giving them somuch worm medicine; at the same time it improves

heir general health.A better and more useful medicine esanot be in-troduced into Edgefield District, either for profes-ional or fam.ily use, than the Georgia Sarsapar la.This Saruaparillo is not to bie sold ona commis-

sion.Price, per bottle, S1-Six bottles $5. For sale by[ruggists generally.IC? Those ordering this article from Druggists orCommissions Merchants,.shmould express in their or-ers, Dennis' Georgia Sarsaparilla.-May 30, 1855.- 5mn______ 12





rIIISreparaisl getting into use all over our country.Th numerous letters we receive from our varIousagents. Informing us of cures erfected in their immedisteneighborhoods, warrant us in saying ila one of the beet, If

notthe cery beet Cough Mediclnes now before the public. Itinont invariably reieree anmd ntot u -fequenmtly cures th.eery wcorst cases. When all other Coug pearations have

ailed, thIs hsa relieved the patIent, as druggss dealers inedicines, anmd physlcians can testify.- As ti e Agent In

your nearest towun, what has been his experience of the ef-ects of this medleine. If ho has been sellIng It 'for anylength of time he wilt tell you

IT IS TiIE BEST MEDICINE EXTANT.Below we gIve a few extracts from letters we have receiv-ed laely regardinzg the virtues of this medicine.Dr. S. S. Unlin, of Knoxville, Ga.,says :-IhawbeestQnyor Li erarrt tlnd Tar veryj entensael in my pnaettee,orhree years paat, anud, it is with pleuSard I state myb.-

licJfIa isa tUP*EalolTtY OVEa ALL O~lIEn AiTteLEs twith wchifA[am aegiuainted,for ehicha it is recommended."Messrs. Fitzgerald & Benners, writing from Waynesville,

N. C.. say :-"* The Licerscort and Tse is becomning daiiymrepnopulakr in thie couty, anD wE TmK JuSTI.Y so.Alclteohaetried it speak In comrnaendable termS q{ it,andlsay It is ee,-y bnftdil in alleetling the complaintsf'ortchich it fe reommended."-Otr Agent in Pickene, S. C., Mr. S. E. McFall.-assnres us

"that he use if qcith greatS benefit In htis own famIly, and re-o.r.nands It to his neighabors." H~e gives an instance of anegro woman, In his vieinity, who had been suffering wIth

disease of the lungs for yea, attended with severe cough,who was relieved tby the Liverwort and Tar.Such are time good reports wc liear of this medicine fromallparts of thme noumth. For a report of the surprising cures

it hasp. rformed In the Western and Northern and EasternStatee. we would In-vite the suafering patient to read the

aplet which occomnpanies each bottle. To all, we say,


And neglect not that cough which is daily weaking yourconstituton, lrriating your throat and lungs, and iniviting. that dread disease, donsummption, when so soothing andHealing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rodgers'8Syrup ofLiverwort and Tar. -

Beware of Counterfelts and Base Imitations.The genine article is signed Amnasw RoDGE~s, on the

egraved' wrapper around each bottle.Price *1 per botle, or six bottles for $5. Sold wholesale

andreailbySCOVIL & MEAD,1-11. Charlres St. bet. Coni and St. Louis, N. 0.

Bo.: Aozrsosvioa SotrrEERN Svarvs, to whom all or-ders and applications for Agencies must be addressed.'Sold also by G. L PENN, Edgeiteld C. It; WVARDLAW&LYON. Abbeville C. II.; T. C. RISLEY. Laurenville. F.PRATT & C0., Newberry: HALYILAND. RlISLEY & Co.,Augusta, Ga., and HASYLLAND, IIARRiALL & CO.,.

Ch ars toni.April 1 y 12

To the Ladies,R~S. E. T. HAMILTON, takethis meitod of informning the Ladies of

E~dgeield Village and vicinity, that site has com-m'nced the .-.

illinery and Dress-Making Business,atthe Store formerly oeenpied by Mrs. Blaowrs.-

No 6if . .44


TOUN H. Ti~hiiY, who is now in the custodyr)of the Sheriff of Edgefield flistrict, by virtueof a Writ of Capia. ad Satisfaciendum, at the suitof It. M. Fuller, having flied in my Office, togetherwith a Schedule on oath of his estate and efets,his petition to the Court of Common Plens, prayingthat he may be admnitted to the benefit of the' Actsofthe General -Assenibly made for the relief ofinsolvent debtors, It is ordered, that the said -R.M. Fuller and-all other creditors to whorn-the saidJohn H. Terry is in anywise indebted, and they arehereby summoned and have notice to appear1I>eforietimesaid Court at Edgefleld C. H., on the first Mont-dayin October next, or on some other convenientday to be set apart and appointed, duringtheeettingof thu said Court, to'show oswae, if any they cnn,why the prayer of the -petitioner aforesaid should

utbgrne.THIOS. G. BACON, cc. '. p.

Cerk's Office, Jline 18, 1855. 16t 23

'NotceesA Tat Persons itndebted to the Estate of Jacob B.

1Smith, are regne~sted to make payment, andall having demands againatthe same wIll hand themin propetly attested.


Aug8 -tf*s 3

Flne TobacCOJUST reeived and opehed a-ine supply of ex-

Uellent Tobacco. Try It.NNJuno 13 i 22

NotieSli'ef'laibl~~ apglientin'will be made atthetbee **ioif h Legislature, for a e

toincorporate the Edge6eid Village Baptist Chdrch.Aug15 3m 31.



209 & 911 KING, .rOR.NER IATKETST.OA LaSTON, $.0. w

EEP constantly on hand, and offer to their11friends and the pubic -generally, .the largest

assortment of.--

Foreign and Domestic Dry GoodsIn the Southern States. Their Stock is coastsatlsupplied with fullessortmeot er -

Of-il the newest varieties of Style and Iabtle..iSilks, Tissues, Bareges, Grenadines,. -

Muslips, -Bombasian .Alpacas, and. eaingGoods of all kindsgEmbreleriesand Lace Goods, of every variety..Evening Dress Goods of-every desriptJoa.Gentlemens and Boys' Weaa:..

Cloths, Cassimeres, ' I nen Drio andCoatings; of best French .e-

Satlnets, Tweeds, Jeans, &c.FOR FAMILY USE

Rose, Whitney, and Bath BLANKETS, ..

Red-and White Flannels,English and Ameriean Cotton Flannels,-French, English and American Printsemd Case '

bries, -elbrt-Linens, of -Richardson's celebrated ma, fi'

Sheeting., Shirtings, Pillow Cases, Table Dnnsm;Doylies, Napkins, Todellings, B. L. adHuueka.back .Diapers, Fruit Cloths, Glas Cloths, ApranLinens, &o. . .

,C A R P E T IN G .

Ingrain, three Ply, Brussels, Tapestry and Velvet,British and Ameriean Floor Oil Cloths,Wilton Velvet and Auinster Rugs,White and Colored Mattings,of all widths,Stair Rods and Stair Carpeting., of al kinds.-

Of every variety in SILK. SATIN and WORSTED.Curtain Cambrics and Muslin.,Embroidered Lace and Muslin Curtains,

-OiltCornioes, Curtain Gimps,*Holder*r,~Tassels, Drapery Cords, Bel Ropes, e. -


Blankets, Phiins, Keruefs, Caps, Ike.Cotton Osnaburgs,of all the bestSouthern makes..

' All the above, with every other line of-DRYGOODS which can be 'demanded are of OUOWN DIRECT IMPORTATION, and an-offered at-the Lowest Market Prices for Cash,City acceptance.W The ONE PRICE SYSTEM is strictly ad-

hered to. All Goods are warranted, and all-oind.s.filled with promptness'and the most erfiletten---tion. BROWNING &;LMAN.-

Charleston, Jan. 25, 3ff 3STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,


ABSALOMT. HODGdi, who Is now la.theeustody of.the Sheilof' dgk6eId Distrietby virtue of a Writ of Capfus adSatisfacienddm,at the suit of John Colgan.having fided inmy Offieotogether with a Schedule on.oa'of.is estate andef'eots1 his petition to the Court . tmmonu Pleas,praying that he may be admitted to-?t eti of tl.General Assembly made fokih i'elif-iesbolveitdebtors, It is ordered, that .the sid-John l anand all other creditors to whom the said Abs1eiT. Hodges, is in anywise indebted, are herebysummoned and have notice to' appear before thesaid Court at Edgefield Court House, on the 6E0t 4

Monday in October next, or on some other con?. -

nient day to be set apart and appointed, during ihe -

sitting of the said Court,:t9 show eause, If any theycan..why theprayerofthe.ptitioncrpforesaid kohnd Inot b4 granted.

THOS. G. BACON, c. c..zn.Cle~tk's Office, June -18,1855. l6t I8


IN COMMON PLEAS.HENRY I1. IAYSON, i'ho is In the custody.of the Sheriff of Edgefield Diatriet, by virtuew-

of a Writ of Capias ad Satisfacicadum, at the sulimiof R. L. Wash, having filed in my Office, together rwith a schedule on oath of his estate and efreetsr his-petition to the Court of Common Ples,. praying thaH-he my be admitte~d to'the benefit or the Acets of IysGeneral Assemzbly, made for the relief of inuolvent tdebtors, It ls ordered, That the said R., L. Washa,and all other creditors to whom the said'HenrylH..Mayson, is in anywise indebted, and they are herby,.summuoned and have notice to appear before lhe.said Court at Edge-feld C. H.,- on the first Monday-in October next, or on some other convenient dayto be set apart atnd appointed during the situing-of'the said Court, to show cause, if any they -ean,.why.-the pray-er of the petitioner aforesaid should not-be--granted. TiJOS. G. 3ACON, c. e.z. a.Clerk's Office, Jane 23,.1855. 15t 54


1WfOSES 11ARRIS, w~ho is now in the custly-of tho Sherifl'of Edgerild Distriet..,y virtue-

of a Writ of Capias ad Satisfacieudum..at the'suit of Sydney S. Boyee, haiving filed in myooce,.together'with a Schedule on oath of his estate andereets, his petition to the Court of tommon PIiiss,praying that he may be admitted the'besiefit ofthe'Acets of the General lAsitably, made for- the~relief of insolvent debtors, It is ordeed, thst't'b.said Sydney S. lkoyce and all cather creditors t6whota the a-aid Moses flarris is inanjwise indebted,and they are hereby summh~ned and have 'notice40tappear before the said Court at Edge~eld C.'ILeathe first Mlonday in October nezt, oo some-ethet.convenient day to be set apart ant appointeddurig'the sitting of the said Court, to show cause, If anythey can, why the prayer of the said petition afote-aisodnot.be granted.

TiIOS. G. BACON, c. c.:,D.Clerk's0Ofice, June 18,1855. l6t '23ST'ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,


BENJAMbIN L. RABRN who i in tie cus--LPtody -of the tiheiftof -~gfil District by

virue of a Writ of Capies ad Saisfaieiuduusi at.the soit of John Hill, Administrator of Caleb Mit-obell, having filed -in m3~ Officee, together witra-Schedule on oath of his estate and effects, his peti--tion to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he.may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the-General Asemably, made for the relief of insolventdebtors, It is ordered, that the said John Hill,Adm'or of Caleb Mitehell, and all other creditorsto whom the said Benj. L. Raborn is anywise -In--debted, and they are hereby summoned and havenotice to appear before the said Court at EdgelgdC. II.; on the first Mfonday in Octobernext~4r someother convenient day to be set apart and appointedduring the sitting of the said Court, to shoWr cause,,if any they'enn, whty the prayer ofth'o aid~p titiio-er aforesaid should not be granted.

THOS. G. BACON, cuci. ..'CeksOffice, .1n 18, 1855. .36- 13



tla- custody of the Sheriff of Edg- eld'Dils-rict, by virtue of a Writ of Crapiaze .d atisfaei-endum at the suit of John L. D~oby, having littahI nly bffi5c, together with a Schedule on oath''ohis estate and effects, his, petition to the Court 4fCommon Pleas, praying that he bmaybe admittedto the benefit of the Acts of the General Assembly,made for the relief of insolvent debtors, It is or-dred, that the said John L.DIoby ad all othercreditors, to whom the saId 'Willis. CI!Wibd .

is in anywise indebted, and they-are , yh smn-moned! and have notice to appear befote te midCourt at Edgefield C. HI. 00 the. flst Monday inOctober next,- or on some otherconvelet day tobe set apart and appointed'durimig the sitting of theCourt, to show edesse f any thy.ean why the

raned BACON, c.o.3..graerk's ffOeJune18, 1855. let6 23

Nogr~OOIthfad Blankets,-UST peceived by the Undersigme4a-largtettouktof NEGRO CLOTHS and Whit. and Grey

Negro BLANKETS, towhieh the-sttentlonet-thePlanters is respectfully invited. Thme above -Goodswill be sold at very low prices. SE~

Augusta-, Aug 13 tf-. : St'

-LL.Persons havingdemands uginitthepStateof Win. H. Adams, deo'd.,aeluistnI~ed

to present thie same, proely attested, tar pqmentsand those who jaeded tothe Estate, are resenestea to ma'kle.pagnienit to

E. PENNi, Adator.Ja..4om -

' 's
